Newspaper Page Text
1 » Njvv 3 Item. TIIUitSDAY. FEB. :s, lS'.iS- J NO FEATURE J \ ®F | |cbc fievvs \ ITtcm \ ? Is more $ d Prominent # than its j| t Absolute ! £ FiJelity * £ to the # I IFlews £ That is one £ 4 Reason for its 4 112 Superb Value j| J as an | advertising j * ilfoebium. J County Seat Indices. —Februnn b boved. Mas er Herman Vender is cm the sick list. —Ally. lill -11 .1 Thompson wns in lowii Tuesday. Any. NltilK-ii wis a business vision in Dusliore on Monday. —.liulge Krnii- made im official trip to tlie county seat Mon uiy. —C. F. So IK'S ol Williaiusport was in town Momlay ami lue-day. A U.S. 15 Kaii.s was attending to legal business al EUIIIIOII* on Moud i\\ —'l'lii' i icrense i llie visible sn|>|.l\ oi dil\light is becoming unite noticeable. Enough wiinl went 10 waste Tmsdav to run several Democratic campaigns. —Fi binary came in like a lion. I'll ere mu-t be some mistake in tlie —ls. F. Cross lev accompanied by Mi.-s Jen II ii- Cook, ol Dusliore, spent Sunday in town. 'J'lios. li. Keimeily and Dan Me''any :o ''•* Bernicc IroinjJili, place. \ / —Il February loMN"' 8 'ho jWffiniple ol lannurv our reputatioW " s il'vinter resor will be established. Dr. Jones nlid M. I£. Black ol' Forks villi- bad business tiaiisaclions in town Tuesday. A slei<ili load of young people from Soncstow ti enjoyed a ride lo Laporle Widnesiluy evening. Editor Newell of Dnsliore was a County seat visitor I tiesday. and while in tow II luade ibis office a formal call. —M. E. Church, Sunday School 10 a. ni. Epwiuth League (5:30 p. m. Preuclitiig 7:30 pin by the pas or Rev. Win. S. Skinner. —Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Crossley lefi lap: Saturday for \\ ilkesbui re w hers tln\ spent lour days visiting m'oihcr and sister. —"The wil d bloweth where it listeth." bill there is no occassion lor it being in such a hu ry when it strikes onr tow . The weal her Tuesday would have been grcaily improved by air brakes. —Services HI the Bapti-I church IICXI Sunday as follows Preaching at Ida. in. Sunday heboid at II a. m. Chiisiiuii En deuvor al 0: ."50 p. in. Prayer meeting even W ediiefd iv evening —As a Spanish war.-hip is he.idi g llii way, ii behooves " I'OIII" Heed to keep a sharp lookout thai some of the wan oi.- in Congress do not blow it up Hon. and >1 rs. Uusse Kirns went in Plymouth on last Saimdav lo alleinl tin t'lirly filth ininivcrsiiy of i lie wedding o Mr and Mrs. Kline ol Plymouth. Thev relurirtd Tuvsday night. I - 1 "in IRe records in the Coitulx Conimis-ioiieJj! ..Ilice w r find I lint Sullivan County has J-frix children between the nges of six in, d sixteen and.i i74 resident taxables. —The County Statement here appears this week show ing the Condition ot'Sulli van County's finances, h w ii| | 1( , that the Lbl lias slightly increased hnt it will be nl.Hervid that the new bridges erected and of ihe modern in- proveiueiii« alio it the County buildings have mater iall.v increased the debt. 'lhe c j„| condiiion for the \enr considering cir cumstances is highly satisfactory. A fine large bell ('„• the new Baptist Church al this place has been presented by .Miss Martha Aiiibruster of Camden X..1 Miss A libruster who is a member of the Baptist Cburcli j* „ i ea , her in Canidon. She iuis spent ,„„ii (lhfl ~112 her vacations at ihe Mountain House lor several years and has many friends j„ 1 p"rte. This is 11 most substantial "ill 's greatly appreciated by the church A very pleasant surprise parly wa j | "iven to iii-s Maine Fries on Saturil. | evening by her many friends in honor ol her birthday. A large party of young people assembled and all went togethei to her home, giving the lady a genuii.i surprise. The evening was most enjoy ably spent by the well entertained guesit pr.-sent. l'lie Slate School Directors' Associa -1 ion meets in Harrisburg February 9 aid I I ill The delegates freui Sullivan County are lion. M.J. Phillips, Clias. I I.awfence, \V C. Mason. B. Kline ain IAIII.IU B Speaker. —A load of pleasure seekers Mrs. Co:n Sim iiiont, Mi.-scs Etta Chase, Mb. Coidey, and Delia Upmaii; Messrs Arthur Winer, Frank D. Coo ley, 11. ' . Upniai . Delroy Ileim, and II A. Karns made 11 1 crowd id voting people who took a sleig ride to Muncy Valley last Thursd ivevei. ing where a pleasant evening was spei. until a late hour. They were joined a 1 lie Vallev House by Misses Ha tlie Mini ier Slelln and Oiive Keed, Manila Feii-ii maker ami Clara Taylor Messrs, Tho K email, aid M. D. Sweeney. IV,r 8 ile, a good square body cut 11- in good condition new shoes, cheap fo ] c isli. Address box 170, Laporte Pa. —Forsab'i a good top buggy, cost. $7 | new tlie last ol October. Address box 17 j I.aporte Pa. I _ _ Pupils adinilled a .v day .11 ihe Music 1 'idlege, Frecburg, Snyder county Pa., none but Ihe best .method* are used. $3 will pay for a term of six weeks, iusirm lion and board. Spring Term will begii Mm 3. For catalogues address, 1IKXI;V 15. MOYUR, Director. Public Notice. Tlie public is hereby notified that « have ibis il,iv purchased at sherill's sal lie following personal property of.l. Ii Slack house an I have lei the same lo bin iliumy our pleasure a nil creditors of tli -lid .1. 11. Stack house are warned not t< piiichase or in any way interfere with tli •aid personal pioperiy under any penult, bai may ensue: DIM\» HOOII— -Tables, chairs, 1 a 111 J stoves ai d all Coiiienls ol dining room. B.uc lOIO.M -Stoxe, glasses, boitle cliaiis and general furnishing for bai room. ONE ORGAN. PA It i.oit Ali contents ol parlor, con -isiing of chairs, table, carpels, stove J.l cttires, stands, curtains, etc BI;D KOO.MS NOS. 7, 1, li, -, 3 and bai room: all con cuts ol said rooms cou.-isi in. •■I bnls, bedding, carpets, shades, bureaus bedsteads eic. KtTcitiiN — Stoves, tables, carpets, and all contents ol kiichcii. • —oieitts, uttimit ?ooiis and all contents ol cellar. All rolies a .d lilauKets. ti pigs, 1 team ot brown horse*, 1 team ol gray horses. 1 heavy harnesses, I double light liatiies -1 light single harness, one single ligli liarness il, eluding nets and sleigh bells I spoiled cow, I black cow, I top buggy wiili pole complete, I road wagon, I pan ot nglii FIUBS tongue and ueeksoke com plete. Ail of hay in south mow of barn ami .lie si raw and hay in north mow of barn, all grain and feed in granary al barn. I wo pairs ol heavy bobsleds with ton gues, neekyokes and bark racks, 1 heav< wagon witti bark rack, I low lumber wagon, I spring wagon with pole and I roller. The above property is all located at the residence of .J. 11. Slackfiouse i: inrcwslimy twp. Also al ihe mill 111 Hock Run the fol lowing property of.l, 11. Stack house, several Cinthooks more or less, pip. wrenches, monkey wrenches,etc , one ll' Inch bell, I S inch belt, 7 latli saws unit I new j ick chain. Also all the interest of.i. 11. Stnck iionse in one sieain saw mill au I t|ie ti.\ lures connected therewith. All tin- interest of.l 11. Stack house in 40,000 leei of hard-wood 111111 be• more 01 ess, piled at the Muiicv Vallev siaiioii o 1 lie \V A: X. 15. It. I!. " Any one interfering with the abovi i -peciiied piopcrlt will be iilneiiduble to J 1 lie law r.M I.IIA.Mt Sii SOM s. | 11. T DOWNS, Any. February I. IM'.TS. IJ, cense Notices. Notice is hereby given that ihe follow- j ing App ications tin* Licenses have tie, u t liny tiled in ihe Office of the Clerk 01. Quarter l.essions of -Mil Ii van County ami lie s.nut- »ill be preseiiicd to ihe .fudges a tlie said Conn on Holiday, iliel'l.-i liy 01 Feliruary, A. D., I8 ( J8, ut 2 o'clock p. 111. ,'ati .ek I'' MtOee, Hotel Suttcifield, Cherry Twp ; .I. tin autiaud, " M.tdreJ, Distillers, " " olm I)aie>, Hunt, " *• A in annus ■■ " •• lames Coiiilnr " • j FT ibert. Brewers " " 101111 Un K-, ItoU ), Cnei 1 y MLTIS, " has K .lueksnn. ftoiei, Mtldr.d, " .1 tin II Vllilk.ll. lestaiiiiiut, Lopez, Cotley Twp | T INIIIIIIS. L I'OLNIL. flotet " " ; tfaim.ili IVrivii. " " " in in v w MeK.nbins " " 1' K ttun- nger, " Colley " Frank i. Haketts, " UEIIOGA T.nke " tiuwaru Meul'aliier, Iloteil, iJUatioie Rnrough j 1 homas Malioft'ey, " " Uttun S Ke> fe, " " " 111 111) ULOIt, " •' W .1 ij.llley, " " Miridendcrfit Cook " " Maigaut Connor, Uestaurant, " 1 Hotn 11 Metiee, " ! l'atriek Haie.v. " ; Aiuln iiy House, " •• Win One ]. Wholesale ; LN.w renee II Finnn. " " • "'KE MXEIS A 1 11H8 E Crawfev, Hotel, Muncv ! > aiiey. liaviilson I wp L'linelie Mngaigei, lfote), Sonestown David ! *<>n_T\V|l •J M KI "E. Hotel, Hiiuni Town, Davidson Twp 1 . '-"'OLI SVIM stow 11 I I'N ,- C II L OML ' Restaurant. Muncy Vaney, " sm IHJ Hotel I'M K-V lie. I'niksviue Horn Keck'4 ck ' Jl «Jei-H;il*rovo.HinsKniveT. ;, Laporte. Laporte B | Tlios i; Kennedy " •• .i Win' II V'.NLH.LR-, ".V"' 1 Laporte Twp Imiv Twp 1 TEJ EUGLEI .VJure Hhrews- J ll»taeklious« Hotel KagiasMere Shrewsbury T I Cierk'»ofll<w uJ c VjS F £. Clerk Q 3 Sheriff"s Sale. 1U virtue :i wrii ot Fi. F:i. issufl out <>t .o ijuuli «* I Cuiiiinuti I'nii- »»l .SiilU V..1 Jountv mid to me directed uml delivered here will be exposed to |>ul>!ie sale ai tin 'ourt House in I.H porte L'N. on Fridux lie 25tli. day ot February 189iSat 10 a. in. lie tbllowinsr described viz: All illume certain lois> ol lain! lying and ■eing in the township ol .Shrewsbury, .'ouiiiy of Sullivan and.State ot iniii, liounde'l and ilesCrilieil as lullow.- lieinjr INIS NUM. FT, 7 and '.I in lininbler billion on llie plot or pbin ol l'.agU iere niade and wurvi-yed by \\ in. A i.ismi beginning at a point l. r >U teel Iron •ntliue-l rumor ol Laporie and Alle lianey avenue lliense one hundred am ixivseveu I'eet and six inches Wesiirlv i« i nllev tliei'Se Noriberlv alniiir's:iid a lie; Iftfl I'eet in I.ots of Peale and Dickson .ense llii led u Indies E;n.leily !• ie place ol beginning. Reserving then tun Loi No. '.I, begiiuiig on u est side o .apone avenue, I!4U feet .S -ullierly lion tine' ol Allejrlinny avenue, i< being lh« nriiei between Lois Noa 7 mid 11, tliensi iloug lot 7 North o'Jl degrees U e-l llii. •ci io an alley, tliense along said alley ~uth liOi degrees Wer-l 07 feet lo lot No I, l-lieiiSt* along lot No. I I -until bit •jrrees Wesi 107 V feet to Lnpor.e iivenui ,d tliense along Laporie avenue Wes tl'i degrees K isi GO feel lo place ol begin nig, containing .'it<(lso square leet Laud all improved and suitable foi iiilding purposes Seized, taken into execution, and to Inns ns ibe properly ot C. Feale Jr. a lie suit ol F W l'e.ile. ELLIS SWANK Sheriff. IXCHAMS Aiiys. 4 leritl's Office, LaportePa. .lan. 31, 18l)f. Sheriffs Sale, By virtue ol an mius writ ol I.evar. .icias issued out ol tlie Court ol 1 ouiiiioi. leas ol fjiuiivaii Coumy uiid lo liieitueci I and delivered, itiere will tie exposed ti übiie s.ile at the ouil House in jUi|.oil>. .i. 0.. Frld.iv February S) bW ut i clock pin. tlie following deseiibeu •ropel'iy viz. Aii una certain lot of land situated in .ie tovvnslilp ol Olirewsbuiy, 1 oiling o il 11 iv 11 II ml ot I'eunsy i vania bounU »l ami described a.- lotions: Ucgliimiig al a post corner on tlie Soul b dc of public road leading l'l'oiii hiigles ■lere lo l"'uru.-ville, iliense ioUtli iiineanu • iu--liall degrees West, eigbt rods to a por-i lenre .Sunin eigiity-live degiees h.isi SIA to a post tliense .North nine and one ill'de"r-kd Ei t eigm to a sioiu lie on soUlli side ol aforesaid public load icn.-e along .Sonlli side ol Noiin iglliv-live degrees » est six lods to tlie nice ol beginning. Cuuiaiiiing for y eigln perclies of land loreoi less, on vvliicli is erectid a two niri dwelling liotise and oilur on bui d .igs, hand all improved. Seized, taken inlo execution and to In old as the property ol VV m S. Pariitiiici ,t tlie suit ol t". >V . .•sunders. ELLIS SW ANK, SiierilL BIIADI.KV, Atiy. lientl's, Laporte. Pa., Jan. 21, '9B. Caarter Notice. Notice is hereby given tlial an applica hurn u« Himw >o -i. »/'»•€. ( it in Preeideiit .ludyeol the I 'ouri ol Coin 11011 Pleas of Sullivan Co.mlv, i'a. oi. dotiday the 21st day of February, A. It 8 l .)8, at Hi roe o'clock p. in., under tin vet vil Assembly of the Commonwealth o. ,'etinsvlvii II in, entitled, "An ail to piovnb ~r ill.' incorporation and revulaiwn o. -v-rtn iu cor|ioralioiis. Approvtd Apri. .'.I 1574. and tlie suppleiiieins thereto, loi lie charier of an intended co. poratiou, to •e called Tit K WK.SI.KVA.N .vh;i ll■ >Ulsi ijllt'ltClt. of Mil view Sulliva Coumy, I'a i lie character and objvci vvheieut is tbt vor-hip of the Alinight v (>od according l« no tanh doctrine, discipline and nstiage.- .1 the Weslevau Aleilio list -11 ti rc 11) of America. And for those pur .o«es to have, po-se.-s and enjoy all tin. benefits and privileges ol the said Vet of Assembly and iis supplements. The proposed charter is now on tile in i lit • lice ol tiie Prothoiioiary ol .Sullivan oinity I'a. Rt>n .1. THOMSON Solicitor. I a nuary 27, i.S'.IS. Charter Notice. In the Court ot Common l'leas for tin ,'utility ol Sullivan Notice is hereby given that an npplic i ion Mill be mule io the said court on ifonday, the 28th duv ol February, A. I> I >!)8, at ill roe o clock p. in. under llie Ac |ol Assemble lo prov iile for the ineorpoi II ion II ml regulation ol Certain corpor 11ions, approved April 211, 1874. and n.- -nppleuieiiis. hv T. .1. Keeler, 11. A. C'oii xlill. .1. 11. W. Little. Air.-, .Mitia M i Chase, ami E. I!. Powell for tlie cliaru r o ; in intended corporation to be called tin Baptist Church ol EiglesMere, Sullivan j County I'a. I'lie character and object ol ; which is the support ol the pulnic vvoi , -hip ol Almighty God. according to tin : iu ii li, doctrine, discipline and u.-uages ol | the Bap i.-t Church, and fur these purpose.- I o have, possess and enjoy all tlie rights, benefits and privileges conferred by tin s .id Act and Us Httppleuie Is. The proposed charter is now on file in Ihe otlice ol the Prothouotary ol Sullivan | i.oiimy Pa. S. B. K.MiXs, Solicitor. L iporte Pa ,Febru iry 3, Charter Notice. In the ('ourt of Common Pleas for tie ! Cvin ty ol Sullivan. Niti e is hereby given that nil sippliea lion will be made to the said court on , Monday, the 28lh day of February, A. D . i 189', at three o'clock p. in , under the , 'Act of Assembly to provide for the incor i poration and regulation ot certain corpor ations approved April .9. 187-L a nil its I supplements, bv I'. .1. Keeler' If. A. Con klin. J. 11. \v. Little. E. li. Powell, and William Meyiert lor i lie charter ol an in | tended corporation to lie called the Baptisi (Jlnircli of Laporie, Sullivan County Pa. Ihe character and object of which is the support of t lu public worship of Almighty (tod, according to the faith, doctrine, d:s cipline and usuagesof the Baptist Church and lor these purposes to have possess ami enjov all ihe riirhts, benefits and piivi lejfes conferred by the said Act and its I suppleniciits. Tin- proposed charter is now on file in the office of the Prothouotary ul Sullivan | County Pa. S. B. KARVS, Solicitor. 1 Laporte Pa., February li, 1898. Williamsport & North Branch R.l< TIME TABLE. In Effect Wpt»day -Sept. O, 1807. •• No! thward. South \\ qrd. P m. .1. ffl, I- • ") I■} 10 -10 Halls 9 1">1 A |V» Jo flu 1 i I ViiiiMlnle ... 9 41 fl: •"> :U | lo . r »S c 'J I I' *) 10 11(7 Picture Hocks 92V 1 I r> II 111 11 L\ons Mills i'«Jfll r> 47 111 i-i ciinmoiini ii J."» fit • 11 J1 <;'1« I1 Mn u r !» W 1 < o»«H I'll :io stmwbr«!ge fUOT fs-l fll :?«i' I'ereli (Jk'n 100.' 112.» i 12 11 40 Miiiu-y Valley s; io : 'ils 11 Hi SiiueMow ii 8 Vj : <« ".l 1 01 N'onlnioiit S :17 :t 1 <> r >l U LaTorte n '2\ '2 : I_' Js LnlV»rtr Ttijuiciy 19 '2 • 7 I ; fu If. Uinpl.'tlc ; ISO, I'/: 7 'JTj HO Batteliield 7 .V, 2 i ■ in. p. in. 1 |n in. |> v All Tai..B daiily except Sundny; "1"' stuti. ns. ection:* h he Ph l;nlel) bin <t nen*l i» ; Il SI- I<M nil j»oi t- n -r h ai.d suutl , and tl- IJ r« »• k n» I *t" • h ' tce'\ i'n»a A •tit Tlic.d for I' p\> ts on t e Vallr •• i 11«»:««t .-\t So .taton'a wi.h the .wei tilroad. il. K. LAVi NSt'N, (Je«», M nn^or. llnghcsv .iK , p„ QOURT PROCLAMATION, WHEREAS, IION. E. M. DUNHAM, Presiden iioiinnil>lc.- Joint Line and Coina \iall.- A>M cinlc .Indies nl' the Courts ul' Over nif .eiiiiiner and Ociieral Jail Deliverer, tin/: tv ew tui? ol tlie Peace. Oiplian- (Joint anu ion nun Weas for tin* Comity ol Sullivan, have issue tlieij'-pieccpt, bearing date the *27 day of ]Je< isV7. in me ilireiied lor holding tlie >eveii 'oiut» in tile lloiouuh ol' Lapoite.on Monday tli atli day of Feb. 1.598, at o'clock p. m. i heiefoic. notice i> heieb\ g.veii io theCoroin lu>t»ce> ol ihe Peace and Coii.-table.- within lit -ouiitx, that the> In- then and theie in theii puij •i pei.Miu at lo eUnrk p. ni. ol sun «la\. with llie oils, leconis. exaininatioiis an. Miiei to tho>c tlnngs id wind the.r otlice.- apj ci tain to l,e done. And to tho.-. Aho are bnuiio b\ their i rognization to prosccun • gainst prisoners w ho are or shall be in the jaij > ihe said county of jjulli van. aie lieicby notiiied t. e then :ind there lo pioaccute agaiiifet them a •v ill lie just. KLLIB SWANK. SherilT. -heriirs Olllce, Lnporte. I'a...Jan. 17. l.sys. Go lo J. W, Buck, Jonestown, fV» übliers, blank'cts, c irpefs, clothing :m< ii essgoods nt Decern tier low prices, lligi -i juices pa ill fur butter and eggs. Administratrix Notice. Kstate of.l. c. Robbins, deceased. Letters r idministration on the ;ii ove estate having beei granted to the undersigned, all persons indebic <» tlie .-aid estate aie ic<|we.-ted t«» make payuien nid those havnig claims, present tiie sann without delav. to M'k.-. MAKY W. IIOBBINS. Adinrx. )r to her attorney Nordinout, I'a .•s. li. KARN>, Laporte. Trial List February Term 1808. UEri'UN DAV, MONOAV. MARCH 7. 189S, AT2i».M. 1 Henry McDesmott vs Thomas Mahafley, N« . Mi; leiui. 15.."), liespa?.-. - Ml. lien Vo ng tSi< a. \s A. J. Ilacklev, Nt. j I'd Sept. tcilll. Is'J.i. >c.ic I'ftc as. •J Mis. A mini- vs John K. Bird; No. 7. Deeenil ei leiin. im'., Tits| ass. ; l Mcpiien Mm| by v- .mseph Thall; X«.. j i cbruan teim. I S 'J7. PUT.-appeal. Jtuae-Mel-at nine \s. c. Mason; No. 9. j .'cbruar> lerm, 7. D!ts. appeal. ii K tie QuigleN vs Lilis ftwunk; No. 1, Mav 1 I 1597. Oils, appeal. I Ku-.-ei k.niis tiustee vs Holmes tV Pas.-ag- No.;'.. Ma\ term, 1897. Dl'ts. appeal, s A. (. Ilaveily \- Benjamin KnykendallJi I 71. May lei in, 1897. liespo-s. 9 \. I. smith v- liobeit McLwen; No. P»9 Ma i ei m, 1897. lifts, a pi eal. 10 Martm Mai k.c \ s li V. Ingliam; No. l : * -«eiT>fN ' r. j Wm.j. LAWKENCE. Prothv. ; I'rothy's office, Laporte. Pa., Jan. 22, ls9B. Foreign Attachment, i .1.1"). Rhode- vs Robert.l. Mcrcur.—ln the Court ' .1 (,:«>mmon Pleas of Sullivan ( ountv. No. ;):} l'el . uaiy i i iin .•sninvaii i 'ountv, The Commonwealth < | eniisx Ivaliiu, to llie bheritf of >.«ni Couutx uueting— \u eomiiiam'you, that you attach P.<»bert .1 Aleiciu late oi join county, by all and singulai n»s gtxids and cliattels. lands and telielilei.ts. u A'iio.-e i:and> «»r jMi.—c.-sioiir soever the s tine ma •H, MI that he Le ainl appeal be lore our Court oi Common 1 leas to be hoineu at Laporte in and fu. •on i ount.\ mi llie louith Monday oil ebruaix tieM, these lo answer J. I>. iihodes a pka ei Vssinnpsit. bail to nissolve >Tao.lo, and also tin i • 'v'U alt.ic.i aii and .-iligul.d lheg« oils and chattel iiniiiey.- i iglits. eied t? and eOects lands and ten j eiiients o) the defendant in whose hands socvei i iiiey ma> lie louud and sininuou as gain .-hei tiie pel.-on oi | e:.-mis who hold or po.-.-e.-s sucl j piopeity and e-peeially sher.lY to attach tlie un ; i.v.uc'i ( iie had' iuteresi in aii iho.-e two ceit in j piece.- i a coimm t: acts of land m tiie wariant«i u aae-oi Henry liurlcv tiudGcoige liiuley am duaied 'ii lite lowndupof loik-. C-iunt> • -uii»\an and >taleof Peinisy Ivania. bcuiuler.l IIIH de.-e.ii e i as iollows, viz: on ihe North by lain a ine v.aiiantce nallie- «.! lieliry Mlsbcc inn .10.-i pli >il.-bee.on Un l.a-t Iv laud in tiie wairan »i-c name I.i Anit'ew U'irley. o-i the soi.tii i.. a*id in tlie warianiee names ci' Samuel I ivnn "" 1 Aii'iieu l'lynn. on the West by land in'il a a rial dee nam. - ol' Wm si adman and Jeremiah J.»ck-oii, being the two tracts of laini known a Hie uicu. aad l.i| | Coal Laiuis." tlnu ie be and appt ar I efoie our Couit on the sai« .ouith Monday of February . to answer v. »*at shai. • e oi j'-eteM . gainst mm and abide thejudgimm j .1 ihe • nun iheiein. And have ynu tlan an* ihere this v. r.t, o.u.c>> llie Hon. !•:. M. Dunham, Presldeni l udge ol our -aid ('ouit, at Lapoi te the Ist dav o; ■January, A. I». iv9s. M J. l-AWKKM i:, Pioth'y. Seal of tin* i'ourt of ( i miiitiii ) Pleas of Mill: villi ( nunl \ . Pa.) lnblishcd by uiciei ol the said Court. I'l.ll- >WANK. sheritT. Shenfl s oliice. Lapnite, Pa., Jan, 11, Kmjs. Administratrix Notice. Estate of Pal rod us Kline late of Fox town -hip. deceased. is hereby given that letter* of Adminis tration i,|.ou ihe estate ol -aid decedent hav» o«.en planted to the d. All peison luKLnu to said e.-tale aie lequesled to makt ,-a\liient, and those having elauu- or deina. e llie same w ill make tliem known withoc t delay io , MAKY E. KLINE, Admrx. Piatt, Pa., January 10, k9.\ Announcement. I licrchv announce myself as camlidau •or road supcrvi>ur ol t v\nshi| Subject to tne (lecisiun ol tli'e tax-pnui.- or t?anl towiibhip. t •>t- George P. Karge. Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM. ' IF SOME IN Til I.S .SPACE IT WOULD PAY! Because it would be READ ; just the same as you are read ' ing this. Give it a trial. Dealer in and flanufacturer of c nt . m CARRIAGES A.ND WAGONS. ' Vi\rr» Your J J !iti oiin^ie AND ~ . ] 1 - fol l"lli il cm llie Im-IK Ol luw priocf. I ei, iit!|! IS 1,-.,; i v M :I j "1 v '<> iirp gi*itii>ir r'il i«l < >ll r 1«r U«• I" ><"'• OI'IHIIKI II.IIIIP WIUOIIH. Wagons, vVe a| B o deal in lautory made |>l::tfrom spiing wagons. Blacksmithing and Repairing. West Main Street or TE. CAMPBELL The Merchant, SIIUNK, PE.WA To My Friends and Customers:—Why lias m\ trade inorciis •il 50 per cent.? while my competitors are complaining of Lard times I can tell you. There are three reasons: 7irst Class Goods, Lowest Prices, ivery thing as Represented. i hat is tlie secret of my success. I save you money and at the ame time make some myself. lam now opening up my new line of Holiday (Joods. Present.* hat will please the old and young, the great and small. Don't fail to 0 see them. Call and inspect my new line of. Fall and \\ inter goods >f every diseription. My stoek of Groceries ami Provisions arc: r.iwajs 1 esh. No trouble to show you my goods; call and examine them, for J annot save money for you unless you give me an opportunity Yours very respectfully, A. E. CAMPBELL. ' 11 ] John W. Buck, I DEALEH IN SONESTOWN, I-A jENERAL MERCHANDISE. An endless line of canned goods, l'ancv and staf ie grocerii-s, .is well as high-gaule I tit reasoti;;ble-jiriced table delicacies, may always be fo ind atous store \ Sensible Wife will Always Watch the advertisements of responsible merclmiits especially Grocers. ~, • , 1 J i»v this uienn.o she w!I lie en.■ 1»!o«f to aave in die ci iin-c of a year enough fit•-»;<«v !o pjiv lor H £oo«i many other household necessities. OTTIR, O-EITER/AL STOBE Is well stocked with seasonable joods and we intend to dispose of ihem in a hurry it' low prices will carry them of.. All kinds of country produce handled. J\ *W. ZBTTCIEC, SOX EST OWN PA $2,000 to $2,500 Will Build and Equip a BUTTER and CHEESE FACTORY Large enough for the product of 600 to 1000 Cows With Latest and Most Improved Machinery Hundreds of the most successful Creameries cgst less than above amounts Plans and specifications furnished without cost. Send for full information before signing any contracts. Vermont Farm Machine Company, BELLOWS VERMONT 800 flen's. Boys' and Children's Suits, 200 Overcoats and Ulsters 600 Pair Trousers for Men, Boys and Children Not sold before Jan. 1, '9B together with cotton and woolen underwear, over shirts, sweaters, hats, caps, trunks, valices gloves and mittens- EVERY ARTICLE IS NEW, * not a weakness in them, nor a limp in the styles. Not a piece gathered for the occasion or marked up just to tie marked down. They simply haven't moved as I'd like and now they must. I have narked them at prices that will make you buy ' 1 ' ' J". "W. u kCarroll DUSHOUE, ?