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Republican News Item. CHAS. L. WING, Editor and Manager. ' ' ■ THURSDAY FEB. 10, 1898. "FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Seat of Sullivan County. LAPOBTE, PA. Entered at the Post Office at Laporte,* as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION —SI.SO per annum. If paid in advance $1 00- Sample copies tree. All communications should be ad- ILRPHFLPLL T O REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM, Laporte Pa., Bepublican Committee Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Republi can Standing Committee for Sullivan Co., held at Laporte Pa. on Monday Feby. 28th. at one p. the grand jury room for the purpose of arranging for the hold ing of the primaries and county conven tion and any other business that may properly come before said Committee. It is the desire of the Chairman that there be a full attendance at this meeting as it is of much importance to the organiza tion: following is a list of Committeemen and the precincts they represent; Bernice, Nelson Cox; Cherry, R. R. llunsinger; Colley, A. W. Barnes; Davidson, D. VV. Darling; Dushore, John Scher; Elkland, U. Bird; Forksville, S. W. Rogers; Forks Twp., J. L. Hattenstein; Fox, A. B. Kil mer; Hilisgrove, G. Edgar Darby; Jami son City, Norman Schuyler; Laporte Boro, VV. C. Mason; Laporte Twp. J. S. Newman; Lopez, C. 11. Jennings; Mt. Vernon, M. Edkins; Shrewsbury, R. W, Bennett; Ricketts John Miller. Sonestown. Sheriff Swank of Laporte passed through town Tuesday a. in. J. C. Deininger of Harrisburg, spent Sunday in town. Miss Mary Buck has returned to town. The infant son of T. R. Hous knecht is ill. The "Klondyke" and pie supper given by the Epworth League on Friday and Saturday evenings were well attended. Strawbridge and Muncy Valley were well represent ed. About 820 were cleared. Mrs. Wilson Starr is the guest of friends at Eagles Mere. The little daughter of E. J. Lock wood is very seriously ill. Her aunt, Miss Dunbar,of Watsontown is here to assist in nursing her. Mrs. Sarah Morrison spent Tues day night with her brother who is ill in Glen Mawr. Oliver Taylor of Shatnouni, call ed on relatives in town Saturday. Mr. and Mr 3. Ben Taylor and Miss Josie Strong enjoyed a sleigh ride from Strawbridge to Glen Sharon, Sunday. While at work in camp Henry Richard was so unfortunate as to have his leg broken. He was sent to Williamsporton Tuesda3''s after noon t.ain, where he will receive medical care at the hospital. Mrs. Vanßuskirk and step dau ghter, Ethel, were in town Sunday evening. A. Shoemaker of Potter county, shook hands with old friends in Sonestown last week. The sledding between here and Muncy Yaley has "played out." "More's the pity." A number of the residents of Laporte took a sleigh ride Sunday, making Sonestown their objective point. Siuce last Saturday evening B's smile is too broad to measure. The reason why is an open secret. An old Georgia negro, hearing that his former master had decided to enlist in the Cuban army, said to him: "Marse Tom, doan you do no sich tool thing ez dat —doan you do it?" "Why shouldn't I?" "Kase, Marse Tom —" and here the old man lowered his voice—"you'se got a touch er de rheumatism, en you can't run ez fast now ez you run en-durin' er de war!" A Jaundiced View. "I don't see why it should be deemed a disgrace," the youthful bachelor re marked in the course of the conversa tion, "for a woman to ask a man to marry her." "It isn't a disgrace," replied the el derly maiden. "Idiocy is a misfor tune." Patience Rewarded. His first love's age was just twenty five, When at twenty In marriage he sought her; He tailed; but again at forty did strive, And this time he married her daugh ter. Left by th« Wnyalde. "Is Miss Passay sinplo from choice?" "Yes; all the men »Ue knows have tiijgga eUter girls." Public Notice. The public is hereby notified thai we have this day purchased at sheriffs sale the following personal property of J. H. Stackhouse and have let the same to him during our pleasure and creditors of tlie said J. 11. Stackhouse are warned not to purchase or in any way interfere with the said personal property under any penalty that may ensue: DINING ROOM —Tables, chairs, lamp, stoves and all contents of dining room. BAIE KOOM— Stove, glasses, bottles, chairs and general furnishing for bar room. ONE ORGAN. PARLOR —AII contents of parlor, con sisting of chairs, table, carpets, stove, pictures, stands, curtains, etc. BED ROOMS- Nos. 7, I, 6, # 2, 3 and hall room;ull contents ot said rooms consisting ot beds, bedding, carpets, shades, bureaus bedsteads etc. KITCHEN —Stoves, tables, carpets, and all contents of kitchen. CELLAR —SaIted meats, canned goods, and all contents of eeitur. . All robes and blankets, 0 pigs, 1 team of brown horses, 1 team ol gray horses, 2 heavy harnesses, 1 double light harness I light single harness, one single light harness including nets and sleigh bells. 1 spotted cow, 1 black cow, 1 top buggy with pole complete, 1 road wagon, 1 pair of light bobs tongue and neckyoke com plete. All of hay in south mow of barn and the straw and hay in north mow of barn, all grain and feed in granary at barn. Two pairs of heavy bobsleds with ton gues, neckyokes and bark racks, I heavy wagon with bark rack, I low lumber wagon, 1 spring wagon with pole and ] land roller. The above property is all located at the residence of.l. 11. Stackhouse in Shrewsbury twp. Also at the mill at Rock Run the fol lowing property of J. 11. Stackhouse: Several canthooks more or less, pipe wrenches, monkey wrenches,etc., one 10 inch belt, I S inch belt, 7 lath saws and 1 new jack chain. Also all the interest of.l. 11. Stack house in one steam saw mill and the fix tures connected therewith. All the interest of J 11. Stackhouse in 40,U00 feel of hard wood lumber more or less, piled at the Muncv Vallev station of the W. & N. B. R. R, ' Any one interfering with the above specified property will be amenable to the law. l'.\ ULHAMTS & SONF.S. 11. T. DOWNS, Atty. February 1, 1898. | HOTEL PORTER. SWT, Canton Street, SHUNK, PA. W. E. POUTER, Prop'r. First-class in all ist appointments. Rates very reasonable. Good stabling. Special attention given (o transient trade. LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-elass Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. Fall g Winter Goods You are invited to come here and inspect our new stock of Fall and Winter Goods which is by far the choicest collection consid ering style and quality for the price, ever this store asked people to look at. 112 Winter Weight Underware for Men, Women and Children. In conjunction with the inviting varities, all prices will be found more than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries have| have just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove, Pa. I am now putting up EAVE TROUGHS that will not rust. Send me your order or write for prices. CUNNINGHAM'S HARDWARE STORE dushobe. February ' I I Reminds us of NEW HEATING STOVES. New Ranges, New Steve Pipe, New Stove Repairs, Coal Sieves, Coal Buckets, Horse I 111111l m Blankets, New Bedroom Suits Apple-butter Crocks, Yardan 'ers» Feed Cutters, Stone Jugs, Igjfell THIS SOLID OAK | j/* Cane seat, is the greatest to our customers. Jeremiah Kelly, HUGHESVILLE. I —— | | HAVING PURCHASED THE GRIST MILL Property Formerly Owned by O. W. Mathers at this place 1 am Now Prepared To Do All Kinds of Milling on Very Short Notice With W. E. Starr as Miller. # Please Give a Trial. FEED OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. W. E. MILLER, FORKSVILLE, PA. N. B. All parties knowing themselves indebted to me will confer a great favor by calling and paying the amount due, as I need money badly at once. Respectfully yours, W. E. MILL R. Study B Our Prices And compare our values, then if you have never purchased goods of us before, give us a trial. We guarantee our prices to l>e Lower Than the Lowest in our line, and if goods and prices do not come up to your ex pectations you are at liberty to retnrn them in the days. Could Anything be Fairer ? Men's suits at S3 25 and 5 00 are unmatchable. Men's overcoats at 84 50 in black or blue, are 00 and 800 values. Boy's suits at 2 75. Children's suits at 75 cents. Ladies' coats at SI.OO, are 3 00 value. Ladies' capes at 75 cents, 1.00 and 1.50, are LESS THAN HALF PRICE. All our high priced Ladies' coats and capes we are offering for less than half price. Bargains in SHOES. We have a good many odds and ends in ladies,' gents and children's shoes at a big inducement. PAIRS OP MEN'S PANTS, *2 00 and 3.00 value, *3 all go at SI.OO a pair. We have surely reduced ft*on 30 to 40 per cent, on every article we carry in stock. Come and see for yourself. It will pay you. i The Reliable Dealer in Clothing JaCOD Per Boots and Shoes. UWV HUGHESVILLE, PA. W.L.Hoff man's _ „ , - HILLSGROVE Three Big Stores-- MUNCY VALLEY, PROCTOR, PA. February Clearance Selling If you are looking for'the bargains of the year go at once to any of the above named stores where former values and prices are practically lost sight of in our determined efforts to dispose of the largest and best line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to this County. Extraordinary line of CORSETS The lady who wishes the latest styles combined with high grade and half the old price should call and select from the complete line of sizes. Unprecedented values given at these stores this a: onth. JENNINGS BROS. J We keep in stock at our mills a complete line of dressed lumber in hemlock and hardwood. MANUFACTURERS OF Gang Sawed and trimmed Lumber. LOPEZ. PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired. Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in 3-8 ceiling. CORRESPONDENCY SOLICITED. Buy Good Goods! And you will be surorised how cheap they are in the end. \V« have just unpacked *'ich 11 clock o' romp and enpea 10 which we are p'eai-ed to call voiir special Attention. We do not preie- d to handle the cl ea| est Coats in t'.e market, hut «e ill pay we have the BEST ami neatest tilting garments made. Our coats and cape* are made to order, and in the latest styles with prices to Pint even hod*. IN DRESS GOODS WE WERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT THE PRESENT. AS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY. F.adieu and Misses, Bovs and Men, you need not go half frozen this winter tor we have pl<Mitv of underwear for you all, both in cotton or woo l , >ed or gray and the pr ce* are very low, so low tliil when vou fee the will ha aston •shed that we arc ahle to give vou «-uch bargains. One word in regard to foot wear: Unr shoe department wan never more complete and if you will favor us with your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince yi.u tbai we have 11>e most caretu ly selected line ol fine and heavv ho- is and shoes ever brought before iln- puldic. On crockery we have just received some very prett v designs in Decorat»d Dinner Sets to which we invite your attention. The buying ol country produce has alwav* been a ► pecial fenture of ou Buein.-and wc still continue in paying the highest each pi ices tor Butter Eggo and Wool, E. G. SYLVARA, pushorb, PA. t RIGHT IN EVERY PARTICULAR. ryf The suit of clothes or ever-/ coa t you buy here tits you perfectly YSpr and looks well, 110 matter in what position you stand or sit. I TO Our clothing is made to lit men li l\ as the y are > not as they might be. II I|l If 11 \ If it doesn't lit at first, we alter it l|| ||J I] VJ until it does fit. Everything the Vrt vjH // latest in style, of the most worthy m 112 fabrics, and tailored in the most rtpr*.*-'- • perfect manner. and we have avery thing you could wish in Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, and MACKINTOSHES. We pay cash for ginseng root and wool. SHOES; ~ . We are selling better shoes than were ever sold in this section of the county before at half the usoa profits. Every price we quote is the lowest. HARRY HERR K CO., MUNCV VALLEY, PA.