Newspaper Page Text
News Item. THURSDAY, FEB. 10, IStIS. CNO FEATURE J OF J Iftews I I ITtem | # than its £ J Absolute £ £ Fidelity l to the # j IFlews I t That is one 112 Reason for its 0> # Superb Value J J as an J Hbvevtisino # iTDeMum. * Count}' Seat Indices. While a gallant big youth With ma'rten quite fair. Were supping life's sweetness. In u pinlor with only one chair. Sat Starv nt a table Who scribbled in haste. As from below came the sound Of an arm, about waist, And. oh. it was hard. In that moment to choose. Twixt amusing embrace And embracing a muse ! —The latter-day Cupid's greatest fault is his cupidity. —Dan Sheehnn made a dying trip to El mi (-a last week. —Mr. B. F. Crosslev made a business trip to this place Saturday. —Atty. 11. T. Downs was transacting legal business at Ilughesville Tuesday. —County Supt. F W. Meylert is busy visiting the various schools of the county. —Good health and no debts make this world a veritable paradise. —County seat lawyers are nil busy as bees as the two weeks term of court draws near. —Mrs. D. Kennedy ofMuncy Valley is visiting her Son Thos. E. Kennedy this —lt doesn'; require as much imagina tion as it did tf, realize our contiguity to gentle spring. —War is imminent enough again, as it hits been for the past twenty years Don't get scared. —lnsurance Agent M. A. Scuremnn of Dushore was in town Tuesday looking up new business. —Mr. arid Mrs. W. A. Coleman ofßen. ton are visiting their daughter Mrs T. E. Kennedy this week. —Large quantities of bark continues to come to the tannery. Last week brought lOS tons from the woods. —M. E. Clmrcli Sunday School 10 a. in Epworih League 6:30 p. m. Preching 7:30 p. m. by the pastor Rev. Win, S. Skinner Mrs. Russel Ivartis Mrs. Cora Stormont and Messrs S. B. Karnsand Harry Karns went to Benton Sunday to attend tin tuneral of Bent Cole, Mrs. Ivarns' brother —This is indeed the age of style. Tin ladies even have to wear their tempet ruffled to be in vogue with up-to-date fashion. John E. Gallagher and Jas. Moran of Muncy Valley, and Thos. Gallagher o. Sonestown were visitors at the cuunt_\ seat on Sunday. —Services at the Baptist church next Sunday as follows. Preaching at 10 a. til. Sunday School at 11 a. m. Christian En deavor at 6:30 p. ni., All are invited. —l ove at sight isn't of halt the value in the matrimonial market as love twelvi months alter date. Feminine atfection is more a matter of effect than of sentiment, horrid as this may sound, —There will be a social dance at the Kennedy Hall on Friday night. An oyster supper will be served at the Hotel, and all necessary arrangments made to make it pleasant f,r the several sleighing parties that expect to visit our town' —While at work for Kiess Bros, at Reeder and Ives mill last Tuesday after noon Ed. Richey met with a painful mis fortune by having his leg broken near the hip, by a log that rolled from the slei"h which he was preparing to unload. —Lew Mahafrey ot. Sayre made his friends at this place a sh'>rt call on Satur day last, and received their congratula tions to his recent matrimonial alliance with Miss Mame Ballard of this place who has been spending the past few months with friends at Savre. —Lottie Degan, a daughter of Joseph Degnn a former resident of this place,now of Limestone, who died about one yeai ago, has been exhumed and the bod) will be brought to this place on Frida) and interred in Mountain Ash cemetery." —The men who stated in 1596 Unit farm products could not advance without the free coinage of silver are saying noth ing about the fact that wheat cold a s'.lo in Chicago a few days ago. —The young people of town drove over to Eagles Mere on Tuesday night to attend the revival services held there by Rev. Powell. —A sleighing party from Bernice visit ed this place Wednesday night. —The old original ice plant haw been in lull operation for the past month, and down at Lake Mokoma Clias. Latter with several men including Embly < base of Eagles Mere with his celebrated ice plow are busily engaged in filling oars with huge cakes of the clear article for ship merit. —Conversations caught on the fly, are sometimes interesting and suggestive We overheard it stated lately that Chas Tinklepaugh was circulating with tin other Democrats on the political merry }£o round, for the nomination of Sheriff. It would be something outof the ordinary lor Laporte to furnish the county with a sheriff. All signs point to a large and vociferous time when the Democrats conn 10 name a candidate for sheriff. Muncy Valley having furnished an excellent sheriff' James Moran of that place if winking the other eve and says he can dt as well. —lt is to be expected that the Denw - crats will say that Senator Ilanna bribeu bis way through the legislature. Accor ding to Democratic testimony that is tin way Democratic Senators and aspirant luive done for years, and they desire to reduce the Republican Senators to t licit own level. It will take harder lying than they practiced against Mr. Ilanna through out the last two campaigns, in which they were ignominiously exposed. He has been the object of a vast amount o wholly unwarranted abuse and vilifica iion,but he has routed his enemies and will justify the conlidence of bis friends. —The snow banks piled upon the side walks about town are passing their divi dends this winter. In these days flu quality of a man's Christianity may In judged by the condition of his sidewalk. I'll ere are some of us who have piled up white monuments as testimonials for our selves in lleaven but the majority, even ihe borough officers are evidently destined to where they don't have ice. Why don'i that lazy Borough Ordinance get a shovel tnet goto work and clean the public walks, ilien individual property owners might have some encouraging pride to rid the walks of snow drills, and enable court quests to travel with some freedom, and manifest some respect for the town when peopled with strangers. We all do much better in lile.ason wheels, if there is sonn one to set the pace for us. What in the name of Heaven was an ordinance passed tor if not to be intorced. To our judg ment the public walks should cither be treed from its obstruction or the ordinance repealed at the next meeting of council. Kegister'a Notice. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing accounts have been filed in my office' First and Final Act of George Mancn, Administrator of John Manch deed. First and Final Act of George Fiester, Guardian of Glen Peterman, minor child of James Peterman deed. First and rinal account of Jasper Clark Admr. of Mary Clark deed. Also the following widows apprais inents have been filed. In the estate of John M. Brown, deed; Chas. S. llartzig, deed; Allen M. Brown, deed; Pntroclus Kline, deed; Richard Lisson, deed. And the same will be presented to the Orphans Court of Sullivan County on Monday, March 7,1898, at 3 o'clock p. in. tor conformation and allowance. WM. J. LAWRKNCK, Register. Reg. Office Laporte Pa. Feby. 5 1898. License Notices. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing Applications for Licenses have been lulv filed in the Office of the Clerk ot Quarter Lessions of Sullivan County and tie same uill he presented to the Judges "I the said Court on Monday, the 21st d iv of February, A. D., 1898, at 2 o'clock p.'in. I'utiick F McGee, Hotel f-atterfleid. Cherry Twj> John Sehaad, " Mildred, Distillers, " lolin Daiey, Hotel, " " >Vni Con us " " " .fames Connor Leonard Hubert. Brewers " John tiios>. Hotel, Clieny Mitis, < lias E Jackson, Hotel, Mildred, John 1! Youkin. restaurant, Lopez, Coney Twp I'lioinns L tioiiin, lfotei Haunuh Ferreii. " " " tleniy \V MeKlbbills " " C K llunsinger, " Co) Icy I' L Ricketts, " Genoga Lake " Edward Steafuther, Hoten, liusliore Borough i homas Mahallev, " " Dennis Keefe, ' " " tleniy Übert, W ,1 Bailey, Middeudoi 112 A Cook Margaret Connor. Restaurant Robert McGee, " „ I'atrick Da ley. Anthony Rouse, Win OIICM. Wholesale Lawrence D Finau. •' Gearge Myers chas E Crawlev, Hotel, Muncy Vaiiey. Davidson Twp Mrs Phoebe Magaige), Hotej, Sonestown David son Twp •' M■ Kilne. Hotel, Raum Town, Davidson Twp « It Lorith " Sonestown. " James Moran. Restaurant, Muncy Vanev, " Seeiey, Hotel Fniksvine, Korksvlne Bom Jame' 8 H Ke H "f®''HillSfrrovo,Hi»sgrove T. riiomns W Beahen, ' Laporte, Laporte B ' " Gaimgher T/l?* E Kennedy " Wm'it v" N'"vr. Hotel Riugdaie Laporte Twp fairv Tw* Hotej Eagies Mere Shrews- J H fetpekhouse Hotei Eagias Mere Shrewsbury T Cl« ki om«UporSyj^ E^ ClerkQ 6 Sheriff's Sale. By virtue n writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of! lie Court of Common Pleas ot Sullivan j County and to me directed and delivered j iliere will be exposed to public sale at the | Court House in Laporte l'a. on Friday i ihe 25th. day ot February 1898 at 10 a. ni. | the following described property viz: All those certain lots of land lying and being in the township ot Shrewsbury. County ofSullivan and State of Pennsyl vania," bounded and described as lollows: Being lots Nos. 5, 7 and 9 in Gambles addition on the plot or plan of Eagles Mere made and surveyed by Win. A. Jason beginning at a point 150 feet from Miutliwesc coruor of Laporte and Alle ;haney avenue thense one liundredjand ixtv-seven feet and si x inches Westerly lo tn m I lev thense Northerly along said alley 150 feet in Lots of Feale and Dickson, liense 107 feet and 0 inches Easterly to lie place of beginning. Reserving there rom Lot No. 9, begining on v\ est sjdeol Laporte avenue, 240 feet Southerly from iorner ot Alleghany avenue, it being the corner between Lots Nos .7 and 9, thense ilong lot 7 North 09} degrees West 107$ eet to an alley, thense along said alley •out li 20} degrees West 07 feet to lot No. 11, thense along lot No. II .-outli 09} legrees West 107} feet to Laporte avenue ind thense along Laporte avenue West ;0} degrees East 60 feet to place of begin ling, containing 5(1050 square feet. Land all improved and suitable for building purposes Seized, taken into execution, and to be old as tlie property of C. Peale Jr. at he suit of F W. Peale. ELLIS SWANK Sheriff. INGHAMS Attvs. Sheriff's Office, LaportePa. Jan. 31, IS9B. Sheriffs Sale, Bv virtue of an alias writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common t'leas of Sullivan County and tomedirect d and delivered, there will be exposed to ,iublic sale at the 1 ourt House in Laporte i'a. on Friday l ebruary 25 "898 at 1 .'clock p lit.the following described property viz. . i All that certain lot of land situated mi lie Towiiship of Shrewsbury, County oi ; iullivan and State of Pennsylvania bound •d and described as follows: i Beginning ut a post corner on the South | •side of public road leading from Eagles-1 \lere to Forksville, thense South nine and i .lie-half degrees West, eight rods to a post liense South eighty-five degrees East six I'ods to a post thense North nine and one uilf degrees Ea-t eight rods to a stone iile on south t ide of aforesaid public road liense along South side ot same Noiili jightv-five degrees est six rods to the place of beginning. Containing forty eight perches of land , iioreor less, on which is erected a two story dwelling house and oLlier out buinl ,ugs*. Land all improved. Seized, taken into execution and to In -,ol<l as the property of Wm S. L'armiiiei it the suit of G. W. Sanders. ELLIS SWANK, SherifL BRADI.F.Y, ATTV. Sheriffs oiliee. Laporte. Pa., Jan. 21, '9B. Charter Notice. Notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the Hon. E. Al. Dun nam President Judge of the Court of'Com uion Pleas of Sullivan county, Pa. on. Monday the 21st day of February, A. I>. 1898. at three o'clock p. in., under tin- Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth oi j Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act to provide tor the incorporation and regulation ol certain corporations." Approved April \ 29 1874, and the supplements thereto, loi j i lie charter of an intended Co. poration, to L>e called THE WESLKYA.N MKTHODISI , Cnunc ti, of Milview Sullivan County, Pa. fhe character and object whereof' is the wor-hip ol the Almighty God according to he faith doctrine, discipline and usuuges ofthe Weslevan Methodist connection (ot cliurch) of America. And for those pur poses lo have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges ofthe said Act of Assembly and its supplements. ! I'lie proposed charter i- now on file in l lie office ot the Prothonotary of Sullivan County Pa. RITSH J. THOMSON Solicitor. January 27, 1898. Charter Notice. In the Court ol Common Pleas lor the j County ot Sullivan Notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the said court on Monday, the 28th dav ol February, A. JJ. 1898, ut three o'clock p. in. under the Act ; ol Assembly to provide for the incor|>or ation and regulation ot certain corpor- ! ations," approved April 29, 1874. and its-! supplements, by T.J. Keeler, li. A. Cou k I in, J. 11. W. Little. Mrs. Minx M. Chase, and E. R. Powell tor the charter ot an intended corporation to be called the Baptist Church of Eagles Mere, Sullivan County Pa. The character and object of j which is the support of the public wor ship ol Almighty God. according to the faith, doctrine, discipline and usuages of the Baptist Church, and for these purposes io have, lessees and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred by the Slid Act and its supplements. The proposed charter is now on file in the office of the Prothonotary of Sullivan County Pa. S. B. KARNS, Solicitor. Laporte Pa., February 3, 1898. Charter Notice. In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Sullivan. Notice is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the said court on Monday, the 28th day of February, A. !>., IB9>, at three o'clock p. in , under the •'Act of Assembly to provide for the incor poration and regulation of certain coriior ations ." approved April 19. 1874, audits supplements, by T. J. Keeler' I{. A. Con klin,.J. H. W. Little, E. R. Powell, and William Meylert for the charter of an in tended corporation to be called the Baptist Church of Laporte, Sullivan County Pa. flie character and object of which "is the support ofthe public worshipof Almighty God, according to the faith, doctrine, dis cipline and usuages of the Raptist Church •ind for these purposes lo have possess and enjoy all the risrhts, benefits and privi leges conferred by the said Act and its supplements. The proposed charter is now on file in the office ofthe Prothonotary ofSullivan County Pa. S. B. KARVS,'Solicitor. Laports Pa.,Febrcarv 3, 1898. I YVilliamsport & North Branch R.R | | TIJULIB TABLE. I In Effect Monday Sept. U, 1897. | Northward. Southward pm. a. m.; a.m., pm • r )10 10 40 Halls 9 45 440 f5 20 flO 45 PennsUale ! 941 if 435 6 311 1008! Hughesville | 9 32 424 540 11 07 Picture Rocks i 9 25; 4 14 f544 fll 11 Lyons Mills if 9 22 MOS f547 fll 14 chamouni j920 f4 ofi 554 11 21 Glen Mawr 9 14' 4 Oil 1004 fll 30 Straw bridge f9o7if:t47 1009 fll 30 Beech Olen f902 f3 4( «12 ll 40 Muncy Valley 8 49 3 :» t"< 18 11 40 Souestown 852 332 6 34:12 01' Nordmont 8 37,3 l" 051 12 25 Lal'orte 8 2112 57 <>s7i 12 28' Lul'orteTannery 8 19 254 f713 f1245 Kingdale f805'f233 7 27) 100; Satterfleld 7 05:2 21 M.i ara.lpm. All irail.B daily except Sunday; " 112" flag stati. ns. omiections wi'h the Philadelphia 4 Heading il ll»lls. for uII points north and Suuth, and the Full llrouk iini Heech i leek railroa in. Al Sait ;rfield f0r..11 pints on the Lehigh Valley railroad. At Sonesiowo wiih the CTuglea Aler< railroad. R. K. EAVtNSON, Gen, M.nasrir. llughcsvillu, I'a. QOURT PROCLAMATION, WHEREAS, HON. E. M. DUNHAM, President Judge. Honorable.- John S. Line and Uonrai. Kmus Assuclate Jndges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliverer, Quartei sessions of the Peace, Oi plums Court ana Com moil Pleas for the County of Sullivan, have issue<. their precept, bearing date the 27 day of Dec. 1»97, to uie directed, for holding the several courts in the Borough of Laporte. on Monday tin •28th day of Feb. 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m. Theiefoie, notice is hereby given to the Coronei Justices of the Peace and Constables within thi county, that they be then and there in their prop er i>er.-on at 2 o'clock p. m.of said day, with theli lolls, iceords, inquisitions examinations alio other remeni be ranees to those things to which their offices appertain to be-done. And to thost who are bounu by their recognization to prosecuu against prisoners who are or shall be in the jail ol the said county of Sullivan, are hereby notified t<. ue then and there to prosecute against them as will be just. ELLIS SWANK, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oflice, Laporte, I'a...Jan. 17, 18<J8. Go lo J. W. Buck, Sonestown, foi rubbers, blankets, carpets, clothing and | • lressgoodd at December low prices. High \ est prices paid for butter and eggs. Administratrix Notice. Estate of J. 0. Robbins, deceased. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment .ma those having claims, to present the" sunn i without delav, to MKS. MARY W. ROBBINS, Admrx. Or to her attorney Nordmont, I'a. S. B. KAHNS, Laporte. Trial List February Term 1898. RETURN DAY, MONDAY, MARCH 7, IS9B, AT 2 P.M. 1 Henry McDermott vs Thomas Mahaliev, No. ! 50, May term, 18' JO. Trespass, 2 MiUhell Young A Co. vs A. J. Ilacklev, No. 101 Sept. teim. 1895. Scire I'iicms. 3 Mrs. Alice Andrus vs John K. Bird; No. 79 December term, 18'j(i. Tiesiiass. 4 Stephen Murphy vs Joseph Tliall; No. 59 February term. 1897. Pills appeal. 5 James McKarlane vs W. c. Mason- No 9° February term, I»j7. lifts, appeal. 0 Kate Quigley vs Ellis Swank: No. 1, May T 1897. lifts, appeal. 7 Ru.-sel Karus trustee vs Holmes i Passage No. 3, May term, 1897. Dfts. appeal. 8 A. C. Haverly vs Benjamin Knykendall Jr. No. 71, May term, 1897. Tiespass. 9 A. L. Smith vs Robert McEwen; No. 139 Mav term, 1897. Dfts. appeal. 10 Martin Maikie vs E- V. Ingham; No. 16'. Hept, term 1897. Dfts. appeal. : „ , „ WM. J. LAWRENCE, Protliy. Prothy s office, Laporte. Pa., Jan. 22, 1698 I Foreign Attachment, j J.D. Rhodes vs Robert J. Mercur.—ln the Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan Countv, No. 33 Feb . uary Term ls9B. Sullivan County, ss: The Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of said Countv Greeting— We command you, that you attach Robert J Mercur late of your county, by all and singulai Ills goods and chattels, lunds and tenements, ii. , wlioee hands or |iossessioiis soever the same ma> ue. so that he be and ap[>ear before our Court til Common Pleas to be liolden at La|>ortc in and foi j .-.aid county on the louith Monday of Februarv I next, theie to answer J. D. Rhodes a plea ol • Assumpsit, bail to dissolve 81600.00, and also that jou attach all and singular thegoods and chattel uioneys lights, credits and effects lands and ten ements ol the defendant ill whose hands soever ihey may be found and summon as garuishei the person or persons who hold or i*»sess such J property and especially sheriff to attach the un ■ tiviileil one-half interest in all those two eertau. pieces parcels or tracts of land in the warrantee names of Henry Hurley and George Hurley and -Hunted in the Township of Folks. County oi -ullivan ami state of Pennsylvania, bounded "and ' described as follows, viz: on the North by lam ; II the warrantee names of Henry Silsbee and Joseph silsliee, on the East by land in the warran i toe name ol Andrew Hurley, on the South In la'id ill the warrantee names of Samuel Flvnii and Andrew Flynii, on the West by land in'th warrantee names of Wm. Steadman and Jeremiah 1 Jackson, being the two tracts of land known a . Ihe Mercur and Lippincott Coal Lands." that i he be and amn-ar before our Court on the sulci tourth Monday of February, to answer w >'ut shall be objected against nlm anil abide the Judgment .uf the Court therein. And have vou then am. I there this writ. Witness the Hon. E. M. Dunltam. President Judge of our said Couit, at Laiiorte the Ist day oi January, A. D. lt>9B. , , , WM. J. LAWRENCE, rroth'v. (Seal of the Court of Common) I ; Pleas of Sullivan County. I'a.) Published by ordet ol the said Court. ELI.IS SWANK, Sheriff. | Sheriff's office, Laiiorte, Pa., Jan, 11, 1898. Administratrix Notice. Estate of Patroclus Kline late of Fox town-' : ship, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of Adminis i tration upon tile estate of said decedent hav« ! : been granted to the undersigned. All peison i indebted lo said estate aie lequested to niaki payment, and those having claims or dema-d.- ! against the same will make tliem known without : delay to MARY E. KLINE, Admrx. ; Piatt, Pa., January lu, l»9s, Announcement. ; I hereby announce myself as candidate I for road supervisor of Laporte t. unship. I Subject lo the decision ol the tax-payers 01 said township. ot George P. Karge. Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM. ' IP SOME ; MAN I " HAD AN ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS SPACE j IT WOULD PAY! 'jWHY? ' Because it would be READ just the same as you are read ing this. Give it a trial. 1 IC. R. Gumbc, Dealer in and rianufacturer of / P _ rm CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. AND Your Patronage Llimbcr on , ' le I'ai-i* o( low prices. Don't let faqi ■ JJ#. V.'e are getting rid of our larjie eticU of hand n-.aile wagons. Wagons, We also deal in lactory made platfrom spring wagons. Blacksmithing and Repairing. West l£»in Street TE. CAMPBELL The Merchant SIIUNK, PEN\A To My Friends and Customers:—Why has my trade increae ed 50 per cent.? while my competitors are complaining of hard times I can tell you. There are three reasons: First Class Goods, Lowest Prices, Every thing as Represented. That is the secret of my success. I save you money and at the same time make some myself. lam now opening up my new line of Holiday Goods. Present* that will please the old and young, the great and small. Don't fail to to see them. Call and inspect my new line of Fall and Winter goods >f every discription. My stock of Groceries and Provisions are always fresh. No trouble to show you my goods; call and examine them, for I cannot save money for you unless you give me an opportunity Yours very respectfully, A. E. CAMPBELL —£EI John W. Buck, I : DEALER IN PA GENERAL MERCHANDISE. An endless line of canned goods, fancy and staple groceries, as well as high-grade but reasonable-priced table delicacies, may always be found at ous store. A Sensible Wife will Always Watch the advertisements of responsible merchant* especial.y Grocers. Bv ll(i8 Ineane plie wj |j l)e enM i,| ed t „ save in the course ofa year enough money to pay lor a good many other household necessities. OUB STORE Is well stocked with seasonable poods and we intend to dispose of them in a hurry if low prices will carry them on. All kinds of country produce handled. J". W IBTTCIEC SONESTOWN PA. $2,000 to $2,500 Will Build and Equip a BUTTER and CHEESE FACTORY Large enough tor the product of 600 to 1000 Cows With Latest and Most Improved Machinery Hundreds of the most successful Creameries cost less than above amounts. Plans and specifications furnished without cost. Send for full information before signing any contracts. Vermont Farm Machine Company, BELLOWS Vermont - ! - - . .j.. . .'.J J J - ! 800 flen's, Boys' and Children's Suits, i 200 Overcoats and Ulsters 600 Pair Trousers for Men, Boys and Children Not sold before Jan. 1, '9B together with cotton and woolen underwear, over shirts, sweaters, hats, caps, trunks, valices gloves and mittens. EVERY ARTICLE IS NEW, not a weakness in them, nor a limp in the styles. Not a piece gathered for the occasion or marked up just to be marked down. They simply haven't moved as I'd like and now they must. I have marked them at prices that will make you buy. I J*. "W. fi°.oi c * rroU Dushobi, P