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ANNUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES Of Sullivan County for the Year 18p7. Expenditures of Sullivan County for the year 1597. Assessing anil Registering 8 '.HrJ <iy Insane Asylums j i Auditing Proth.'s,Reg.iJ: Recorder's Act. 15 00 Insurance on Public Building* :;uo no B x>ks and Stationery 378 93 Interest 1211 99 Burial of Soldiers 35 00 Jury Commissioners and Clerk 107 90 Bounties 25 Janitor ■■ w 10 Borrowed Money 5156 37 Jail Expenses 00 Court Crier 96 00 New Polling place at Klngdale 14 County Auditors, Clerk and Counsel 201 96 I'mth'y and Clerk of Courts 217 50 County Bridges - 3694 70 ; Penitentiary Bill 264 'JI ♦County Coat 80 33 Postage . 8 37 Commissioners' Clerk 295 30 . Public Building and Grounds sn6 06 County Commissioners' Salaries 895 85 Printing and Advertising 306 05 (bounty Commissioners' Counsel 90 00 Sheep Cluinis 379 35 Commissioners' Convention 65 00 Sheriff's Costs 97 Commonwealth's Costs 454 75 Traverse aud Petit Jurors '.'.Vi:', 99 County Institute 15s 33 Tipstaves . 130 no Constables' Returns 139 50 HllHfarove twp.(duo from) D. K.Davis... 95 99 Court Reporter 513 60 Sundries :i 48 Conveying Prisoners to Penitentiary 52 70 Refunding Account is 08 Court Interpreter 17 00 Taxes Paid on Co.l'roi'erty at Sonest'wn 7 50 Elections 1328 44 Former Commissioners (Extraßills 1890) 32 00 Total S II 71 Former Treasurer, due at last Audit 6996 05 Freight and Express 14 78 »Of this amount of County Costs, $04.40 has been Fuel and Lights 297 31 recovered anil paid to County Treasurer to be Grand Jurors 725 CO'I accounted for in audit for 1898. Financial Condition of Sullivan County for the Oltleial Ending January 1,1898. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. Amt. of County Orders at Interest 24389 3fi | , t . Refunded bv State viz; % Amt. of County Orders outstanding not , of State Personal ' 1'ux.......... * 003 75 7071 75 Indebtedness of _ Ex-Trcas. Lorah.... -> 11 j Amt.due from ex-Sheriff Tripp,Jury lee 24 00 Amount due State for, Tax oil County i Amt. due from Slieriit Swank, Jury fees 30 00 Indebtedness for 97 viz. So-,389.00 r -I Amt. of Balance due Countv on Judg't 4705 19 Amt. due County by Luporte Borough Poor District, acct. of H. Genoski ... Danville Insane Asylum less 815 already paid County Treasurer 92 00 Amt. due County b" Hillsgrove twp. for keep of I>. R. iJavis to Dec. 1, '97 in Danville Asylum 11 &o I Amt. due County by Hillsgrove twp. on i acct. of exp, of lunacy of D.K.Da vis 9569 I Amt. due County by Fox Twp. Poor District, account of Harvey McKay Warren Asylum balance for 1»96... 30 00 j Amt. due for same for year 1897.per bill 91 25 Amt. due Co, note of P. Murphy 25 47 " " T. Olmstead 600 " " R.S.Kimble 100 00 •'Lilian.tß.S.Kimble 15 00 J. P. Caison 17 90 " Cummings&Stone 57 no " ' same 34 77 255 80 " " From Wyoming Co. on acct. oi % share Judicial Contest costs 11 63 Sonestown property (in litigation) viz: Amount of Contracts 83305 00 Trustees have reed, on contract 2132 92 Amt. due County by J. H. Farrell. sur charged last audit 818 75; G.Lltzel man, 31010 28 85 | Amt. due County surcharged this audit lot 92 Liabilities in Excess of Resources (Ex j cess of Bonded Indebtedness) 16496 53 •29,813 59 ' $29813 59 " COUNTY ORDER ACCOUNT. To Amount of Orders Outstanding on By Amt of County Orders redeemed by December 31, 1899 20172 11 County Trcasuier during 1897 20C02 60 To Amount of County Orders Issued Amt of Orders outstanding at the end of during 1897 30341 71 the official year 1897, to wit: Jan.l '9B 21911 22 50513 82 £50513 82 J- " REDEMPTION FUND ACCOUNT. To Amountof Redemption Money in the By Amt. of Redemption Money |iii<l out hands of Co. Treasurer, as shown by by Couuty Treasurer, during 1897 last audit 12 27 By Balance In hands of County Treas- To Amount Received during 1897 49 19 urer 91 46 J 91 46 3 91 46 RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the Colecltors of Dog Tax, for the year 1897. BOROUGHS AND ii ~ 7 j7 An" Amt. Exotic- Rebate Collec's Due i n ~ TOWNSHIPS. COLLECTORS. chaig'd Paid in rations. Al, wed Com. FROM COL " al " ct Cherry Township R. LiUeiuian , ! 196 (Hi 72 7.i 380 231 117 11 19a 0T Colley " James P. Allen i 65 OOj 6-> 00 6-> 00 Dushore Borough J. H. Farrell | 42 00; , 42 W 4'- J* Davidson Township... 1 James Moran 194 00 191 00 1.<4 01 Elkland " ... A. Rightmire M 132 00 0 6.1 35 21 121 <9 13.00 FOl ksvillc"Borough John Pardoe j 19 00 19 01' 19 CO Forks Township Henry Richlin 109 00 57 no 3 oi> 189 4/ 20 109 « Fox " A. D. Dickerson 74 00 21 89 ■ 68 106 47 3/, <IOO Hillsgrove Twp M. \V. Lewis j 64 00 .. 04 Oo 64 (it Laporte Borough A. Buschhausen 26 00 11 1. 41 1. 11 --> -b t* Laporte Township PhillipKarge 31 00 19 00 100 00 10 40 :jl Ot Shrewsbury Twp Mathew Taylor .j 75 00 , 7j ou .0 o> Total I ! 1027 00 191 40, 1 924 618 820 12 1027 00 RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. !u account with the several Townships and Boroughs for Road Funds for taxes received 011 Unseated Lands for the year 1897. BOROUGHS AND Amt reed Due Twp. Due Tres. Total l'aid out Co. lies. Due 5u5 TOWNSHIPS. in 1897. last aud't last a U.'t Rrc'/i-'O7 t.y'lies-'97 Coin. 11'. Treasur t Cherry Twp. 53 051 oo 8->i lis 90 j# j® } ° 3 ® Colley 1 295 20 3GB 381. ' 663 5b 6/2 01 2182 .30 8.1 Dushore Borough .. 39 j , 5? Davidson Twp 1770 20. 8.5 91 1856 11 1313 O. J3 j»» 4.S 80 Elkland Ii 84 Forksville Bor II ' \ ! ••• •••"■:•„ ,;v Forks Twp 10'<9 19 79 11 11.8 30 29 58 00 115100 Fox ! 247 88; 22 35, 270 2:) ......... ....... 270 23 Hillsgrove 251 (M 141 40 392 49 132 90 332 ~>o 2/ Laporteßoro ] i 25 20 34' 1 20 59 19 Ki ./0 26 ......... Laporte Twp 809 331 20 38j 829 71 896 11 22 41 89 11 Shrewsbury ! t 925 19. 129 59| 1054 78 637 85 15 9 ' 400 y8 Total H 5536 251 954 42 1 6190 C7I 3997 77 . 99 95; 2712 91 319 96 RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the Collectors of County Tax for the year 1897 &OROCOHS ADD | '■ Amt. Amt. Lands Kxcu s. P.ebate Culli-c > Due i( a i' n ..., TOWNSHIPS. COLLECTORS. charg'd Paid in. Retur'ii Al' ued Al wed Com. i«o» COL " al nce Cherry KTLim-lmunlT. ZW M'" 1475 73 >2 11 Colley Jasmes P. Allen. 1113 63 618 80 •>-•;- 1• 0- 44J Dushore J. H. Farrell 1192 67 973 09 ol 21 20 49 11/ 28 1192 67 Davidson J. W. Moran 1702 55 800 (H) 42 11 H- 8l:i ls 1702.. . Elkland A. Rightmire 1272 35 B>4 81 41 01 2" .1 ; • ' Forksville Boro. John Pardoe 333 04 195 00 10 00 oon 1'.2 id .• .3 W Folks Twp :H. Richlin 1001 91 882 01 40 22 22 11 «. 9, IWI W Fox A. Dickerson 576 25 284 91 • 11 96 _/l 4.» j.u J.I Hillsgrove M. W. Lewis 773 37 608 4s 32 0. l'.t 22 II M </J o. Laporte Boro ! A. Buschausen.. 556 33 4/2 41 21 16 0.. 46 1. .>>6 . . LaporteTwp Phillip Karge. .. 4UI 23 217 5u ! 8,» . .v: 169 20 4i;l 2 . Shrewsbury Mathew Taylor..; 1220 00 809 20 j 43 62 16 92 290 80 12-0 00 RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the Collectors of Stntf Tax for the year 1897. BOKOUGHS AND I I Amt. Collec's Kfcbftie hxon'e Due p «. TOWNSHIPS. COLLECTORS. charg'd paid in Cora. ATwed AKwed moM COL NCT Cherry RTLitzelman ii 110 56; 75 6t'. 230 399 28 61 110 56 Colley James I'. Allen | 48 17 J,*} IT 1~! Dushore J. H. Farrell 234 75 ~>4 /a /•' Davidson James Moran 1 110 68 110 68 110 68 Elkland A. Rightmire 81 77 . 292 09 10; 78 60 81 7/ Forksville Jonh Pardoe 79 30 •? i® 80 Forks Harry Richlin 52 98 *sl 00 ITo 284 *;> 56 52 98 Fox A. D. Dickerson I 11 03 496 1H; 27 a6l 11 03 Hillsgrove M. W. Lewis I 72 03 72 03 /2 0! Laporteßoro A. Buschhausen ; 68 73 si'2B 178 26/ 58 /3 LaporteTwp PhillipKarge || 22 52 *33 08 114 : 2/ 5 -7 5- Shrewsbury !Mathew Taylor 14 27 : I 11 2/ 11 2/ ! Total I! 890 85 224 90' 7 17l 12 68 1 672 11 890 85 ♦Due to Collector of Forks S5 56. *Due to Collector of Laporte T. sll 45. RANSOM THRASIiEK. COUNTY TREASURER, qtntemonts showing amounts of State, County and Dog Tnxesduc from the various Collectors for the year 1897 and for previous years. BOROUGHS AND |, RrT o«g 11 Year - I State. Dog. Totals. TOWNSHIPS. i| COLLECTORS. I _ _____ m %«»C —i —l 1008 i l-x> 9o | 2/ 20 10l la Cherry Twp ! Michael Gallagher 1 Cherry " iF. J. McDonald 1 jgiy 855 I ......... ......... 855 Davidson Twp j .W. M. Robblns 18SW ,V) IM I<J 07 69 36 Colley " !'' A. Walsh.... 1 18 , J4 fAi 1)8 yo 56 52 157 40 Cherry " F. Mittendorf | .. 9 iK) a SKj Colley Twp O. Baumann. .. ! Bhrewsbury Twp... Mathew Taylor is9s I 21 37 21 37 Cherry Twp. F. Mittendorf .. I>l ot 68 93 1 622 97 Colley " IJ. P, Allen .. 46 75 46 75 Dushore Borough.. |C. J. Reitmeyer I .. 5377 1 M 243 57 73 Forks " Henry Richlin 1890 ■> fi7 7 so 10 17 Colley I J. P. Allen ./ ._s_>o 44 21 96 19 33 261 73 Davidson | James Moran .. 152 10 1 2 00 1 26 40 180 50 Dushore Boro liFrankßuck j ßtf s v>7l 61 7 78 16 20 295 59 Elkland I!Wheeler Plotts 18y6 ,10 00 ! 4 50 4 50 Elkland 1 " •• 9 64 Hillsgrove Twp 1 Charles Haas 10 61 % 10 01 Shurewshry I .Mathew Taylor iny 7 71 57 1 48 31 25- 104 30 Chen? Twp I K. Litzelman 790 (.15 28 61 117 11 935 77 Colley I iJ. P. Allen •• 419 29 48 17 65 00 562 46 Duihore Boro John H. Farrell /• 117 28 234 75 42 00 424 03 Davidson" James Moran •• 813 48 110 68 P. 4 00 1148 16 Elkland Alvln Rightmire. .. 855 99 78 60 124 79 5>9 38 Forks Henry Richlin •• 06 97 06 47 20 101 17 Fox A. Dickenmn •• 27143 5 64 47 37 321 41 Forksville John Pardoe •• 122 64 79 36 19 00 221 00 Hillsgrove M. W. Lewis 1897 113 64 72 03 MOII 249 67 LaporteTwp P. Karge •• I 169 20 *l4 45 10 40 179 60 Laporte Boro |A. Buschhausen •• 46 17 14 25 60 42 Shrewsbury IMathew Taylor •• 290 80 14 27 75 00 ; 380 07 Total j SIM 5) SMS 1 UH» 1 707175 RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREABUREB. lii account with various Collectors of |n>vious years for tax accounts paid up and settled | _ during the year 1807. BOBQUOJW A.m. mll , ~ For Due Co. I'd Tres" Lund's Exon's Coller's Due „ ! TOWNSHIPS COLI.I:CTOB». Year, lust«udin i»97. Retur'd AP wed Com. County hul ciwrrv K.J. .MeDonald. lS'.'l : 11 10 11 00 .„ 10 11 in Korksville 11. XV. Gilbert ' 00 12 00 12 00 Laporte Boro N'.C.Malien 36 19 19 1# 17 01 :;0 19 Davidson Will, ltubbins 1892. WOO 13 40. 805 ! 855 SOW) , Colley P. A. Walsh Unci 09 30 1 09 30 09 30 Cherry F. Mittendorf 1894 1 157 411 ! ] 167 40 157 40 1 Colley 'G. Baumanu 8138 59 23j I 12 25 j 990 81 :!8 Davidson James Moran 259 911 259 91: 1 259 91 Korks *F. P. Hcalilau 60 12j 00 12 OOP' Korksville 80r0...; jCharlrs Nye. 44 63! 44 03 ! 44(1-! Hillsgrove Charles Haas j| 5 69! 509 5 1:9 Shrewsbury Mathew Taylor... 21 37| ' 21 37 21 37 Clierrv K. Mittendorf 1895 522 97| ' 022 97 5.M 47 Colley I. P. Allen 324 #2 277 87 46 75 824 62 Davidson lames Moran :■ 125 6n 125 60 1 l\*r, Dushoiv C. rt ltlghtmire....: :«9 49, 208 11 13 65 !!!!!!!!! 67 *73 339 4'l Fox A. 1). Dickerson..; .. . . 121 61 113 91 150 6 20i . . 121 r.i Kork> Henry Hlchiln 113 93 103 76 10 17 113 91 Korksville Horo Charles Nyc 70 85; 70 85 70 85 Laporte bom T. J. Keelcr 10 49 16 49 ) it; 4. Cherry Koland Mai tin... 1v.16 1375 70 1212 90] 53 40! 30 96 48 50 I 1375 71 Colley I.P.Allen 598 01 322 13 j 114 18 161 7:i| 698 01 Davidson lames Moran 995 74 815 24 180 50 995 74 Dushore Frank I'.uek 581 35 257 88 1 27 88 ->95 6' 1 1 hio v Eikland Wheeler 1'10tU..., 560 61 614 47 28 10' 22 88 »4 8l 560 61 Kox A. D. Dickerson.! 193 51 141 27 37 89 14 351 . . i 193 61 Korks ;Henry Klehlin... :<uo 71 2T3 47 10 3l| 10 let . ' :m 71 Korksville Charles. Nye 113 86 112 031 4 S3! *3 00 143 81 Hillsgrove Charles Haas 210 87 168 26 | 28 60] 341 10 61> 210 87 Lajiorte Twp Phillip Karge 218 52 164 85j 38 06| 13 32, 229 1 21* 5' I.aporlc Roro T.J. Keeler 255 58 217 93! 13 80 19 37 448 1 255 5s Shrewsbury | Mathew Taylor... 614 43 367 83 9 65; 32 75 ... 1 101 3t> 514 43 1 1 i !' Total ! I 8373 59 6089 90. 192 61 363 Si' 58 68l 1649 09: 8373 69 * Due Collector. RANSOM THRABHER, COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the several Townships and Boroughs for School and Building Kunds, for _ taxes received for Unseated Lauds, for the year 1897. Bonot oHs AND | Arnt reed Due Twp Due TresTotal - |Pd out by Co. Treas | Due Due " Tuw.NaHti's jin 1897. ;last aud't last aud't Rec'd-'97 Tres in' 97 com. ! Twp. |Treasur'r Cherry ! " 39 20j 61 33 I 90 53 50 05 126 39 22 ~.~. Colley I 147 661 430 40 578 12 419 70 10 49! 117 931 Dusliore Boro i 42 42 1 42i Uavidsou 914 Otij 428 28' 1372 34 716 57 17 9li 637 80 Eikland 51 93 13 79, 65 72 G5 72 Koiksville I I I I folks 219 85' 28 91, 24k 76 ! 248 701 Kox 123 97 95 97 219 94 1 219 94i Hillsgrove 150 60! 62 08 212 68 103 50 2 59! 100 59 Lapoite 8010 501 42 901 43 46 41 83 1 07' 661 LaporteTwp 456 51 120 55! 607 00 417 54. 10 111 170 11 ahiewsbury 497 10| 200 7l| 697 81 195 69 | 5 Ooj 497 12! 2001 44! 1475 401 1 4136 841 1944 88> 48 73i 2143 2s! RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the several townships and boroughs for taxes receivod from unseated lauds for Poor Funds during the year 1897. BOKOUOHS AND ~ Amount Due Twp. Due Trcs Tot'l recdfPaid by l'reas. j Due i Due - TOWNSHIPS. rec'd '97 last audit last audt. in 1897. Co.Treai. Com. I Twps. Treas. i Cherry 7. |j 17 29 '42 «S»| ! 59 98 41 50 1*04! 17 3S ~ Colley 103 29 103 29 100 71 2 62 ! 0C ... Dushore |! I I ! i Davidson 372 «$ 385 24: 1 757 27 : 750 61 17 76 11 "in Eikland i ] 17 86: • 17 85 ! I 17 85 Korksville Boro...!; 11 ' Folks j I 1 ' I I Fox 247 88 45 001 • 292 88; 132 32, 3 12 157 36 Hillsgrove 125 64 49 18 174 72 1 45 04 ! 173 23 Lapoite Boro 1 1 11 1 LaporteTwp || 162 57! 28 221 1 190 79 90 50; 2 20; 98 031 .! Shrewsbury !| 309 17: j 309 17 86 33- 216 220 68 1 Total 1234 48' 671 47' i 1905 95' 1203 4 r i 28 99 681 5S TTu RANSOM THRABHER, COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the County of Sullivan for the year 1897, (officially ending Jan. 1,1898. Amount received from Collectors for '9O 1 By amount of County Orders redeemed and for previous years, during 1897 6089 90 by County Treasurer during 1897 26602 fir Amount of County tax received from By Treasurer's commission thereon frlO 00 Unseated Lands during 1897 3411 71 Bv amount paid State Treasurer, the Amount received from County's propor- State Personal tax for the year 1896... 040 or, tion of license money, for the year '97 731 25 Treasurer's commission thereon at 2 V.. Amount received fiom State, being the per cent 878 89 Refund of of 1596 tax 659 17 Treasurer's commission theieof .. .. 21 97 Amount received from Lni>orte Borough 1 By ami. paid State Treasurer the amt. of proportion of sewer expenses 11 00 tax on loans for 1896 217 4,. Amount XV. A.Kennedy, Fine In case | Co. Treasurer's commission thereon..... 6 11 of Comtli. vs Kennedy 60 00 ] By amt. of interest paid 011 bonds, viz: Amt. Proth'y Lawrence Fine 810 and i 011 1st series 1 jier cent 1320 00 Jury Fee SI; Comtli. vs G. E.Brown 14 00 on 2d series 5 " .'. 262 50 1582 50 Amt. of Jury Fees received from clerk Treasurer's commission on mine 39 61', XV. J. liiwrence in cases of Comth. vs Bahr and comth. vs Rosencrantz 8 00 Amt. received from State Dept. for ex tra Reports for 1897 35 00 Amt. received from Laportc Boro for suppoitof Genoski in Danvill Asylum 177 59 Amt. received from Fox twp. onacct. of 1 of McKay (Warren Asylum) 132 82 Amt. collected by Atty. Bradley on note of County vs E.T. Brown 93 39 Amt. received from SberiH Swank sur- Charged by Co. Auditors for 1896 1 00 Aint. collected by Atty. Bradley of C. E. Jackson oil acct 15 57 j Amt of money borlowed bv Co Corns. during 1897 of various parties 5156 37 ; Amount received from Collectors of '97 State tax. 224 90; County tax, 825;! 20; Dog tax, 191 46 £669 56 I Balance due County Treasurer 3732 67] 28i«S 50 | 8 28988 50 I .... _ - T R ANSOM THRASHER. COUNTY TREASURER. 111 account with the various tounships for Road, School and Poor Funds, at the end of the official year, 1897, to wit: January 1 1898. JROA~FUNDST7 SCHOOL" JFU N DST^POOOSNDS.T R.OLUHS AND TOWNSHIPS. Due Due Due Due Due Due Treasurer, township Treasurer, township Treasurer, townsliij Cherry Township 53 09 89 22 17 :ls Colley do 230 85 i ; 117 93 0< Dushore Borough ! 39; 42 Davidsdn Township 478 86 637 86 11 10 Korksville Boiuogh ; ' Eikland do 101 77] 65 72 17 8 Forks Township 115106! 218 76 Kox do 270 23 219 91 157 3.' Hillsgrove Township 256 27 106 59 173 2 Uipoite Boiough i 26 56 Luiiorte Township B'J 11 ; 179 11 98 03 Shiewsbury do 400 98 497 12 220 6> 319 96 2"li 91 2143 23 1110 68158 Road Fund due Twp 2712 91 School '• " 2113 2;. 85510 72 Less due Treas. Road f319 90 Poor 11 10 311 06 Net Amt Due Townships by Treasurer 521.9 W RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the year 1897. By amount returned to State as uueol- To Amount of Retailer's License for the lectuble 7 0( year 1897 $635 50 By costs of advertising 54 5< By State Treasurer's Receipt 447 57 By Treasurer's commission 26 4;. 536 00 536 5t WHOLESALE LIQUOR LICENSE. To Amt. of Wholesale Liquor License S4OO 00 By St3te Treasurer's Receipts S3BO of'0 f ' By Treasurer's Commission 20 or 8400 00 t 400 0 BREWERS AND DISTILLER'S LICENSE. To Amount of Brewers aud Distiller's By State Treasurer's Receipts 8190 0( License 8200 00 By Treasurer's Commission 10 00 8200 00 WOO 00 BILLIARD LICENSE. To Amt. assessed for the year 1897 8140 00 By uncollected license 8 30 00 By State Treasurers receipts 101 50 By Treasurer's commission 5 50 8140 00 8140 00 RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the County, and the several Boroughs and Townships, for their and each of their proportion of License Money, under the Act of J unc 9,1891, for the year 1897. ;i Total |Proport'n] Propor- 1 Treas I Paid to Due to aoBOVGHS AND Amt. of ; to tion to B Comm. . Paid to Boroughs Boros. : TOWNSHIPS. i|L. money! County land Twp. at 2 1-2; the and ; and Balauce. received 1-5 shares 4-5 shares per cent. County. I Twp*. ! Twps I Cherrv Township II 600 00l 120 00| 480 00: 15 oo| 117 00] 468 00; j «00 l* Colley 300 00l 60 00| 240 00 7 50; 68 ftO 2:16 00 * 2 00] 300 U Dushore Borough ]| 1500 00; 300 00! 1200 00! 37 00 292 50 1170 00 1500 00 Davidson Twp || 375 00; 75 00i 300 00| 938 , 73 12, 292 50 375 Or KOl ksville Boro ! 1.50 00: 30 00| 120 00, 375 29 25 117 00 150 0T Hillsgrove Twp 150 00 30 00 120 00! 3 76: 29 25, 114 00: 300 150 00 Laporte Boro ! 450 00 90 00i 360 00i 1125! 87 75 351 00; 450 00 Lapoite Twp ;l 75 00 15 00! 60 00' 188; 14 63] 58 50, 75 00 Shrewsbury 150 00 30 00; 120 00: 3 75j 29 25j 117 00| 150 00 |i 3750 00 750 001 3000 00: 93 76! 731 24 ! 2924 OOj 1 00, 3750 00 The County Commissisoers in account with the County of Sullivan, for the year 1896: S. S. ROGERS: To County Orders drawn during 1897 180 00 By 67 days service as per bill, aud't @ 350 199 50 To balance due S. 8. Rogers 311 :mi By expense account as presented 10 80 11. G. IIUFFMASTER: To County Order* drawn in 1897 335 CO Ry 107 days service as per bill @ 3 50 374 50 To balance due H. G. Huflmaster 49 50 By expense account as presented 10 00 PHILIP BECULEB: " To County Order* drawndnrlnfr 1*97 880 35 !By 117 days services as Com. at A 3 60... 409 50 To balance due Philip Beculea 41 93 : By expense account as presented. 12 78 ■ " ■ 43331 ! 4830 | I Public Building and Grounds. I Cost of sewer, including pipe, lalior height and hauling pi]*- 231 ,17 sidewalks in anil around public ground itei ;i;( L l-lnicand eeiuelit 15 47 1) Windmillrepairs, water supply 25 oi i) Necessaries for u>e ol janitor 7 70 j i:e|ialrs to and plastering public build -0 I ings, lumber for same etc 48 79 8 1 Paints, paint blushes, tools, nails, lad 0 ] derand two lawn mowers 77 21 Furniture and repairs <6 So Blacksmithltig 8 15 Teaming 19 60 Plumbing 10 05 New rooting and cave troughs and put ting on same 89 14 Painting public buildings and courthouse fence 51 21 HOC 06 Assessing and Registering. Cherry Township 184 28 V'olley do 143 4ti Dusliore Borough 67 35 Davidson Township 87 07 Klkland do 121 41, Forksville Borough 25 lt> Folks Township 45 59 tlo 14 tt Ilillsgrove 42 Laporte„Borough 60 79 Laporle Township 34 29 Shrewsbury do 45 12 County Bridges. NEW BRIDGES, New County bridge over Big Loyal Sock creek, near mouth of Mm Cleek : Paid Engineer for estimate 35 00 A. E. Tripp, contiaet for abutmeuts 618 00 , 'J '• tilling in 200 sundry persons for labor auu team hire for tilling into and building bridge ... n.iiuii IUU above Co. Bridge 131 17 lilacksmi thing 4 Engineer, W. C. Mason 10 00 Uorseheads Bridge Co. amt. of coutiact 1600 00 2750 y.) New county bridge over Big Loyal rock at Lopez : 1 u.u J. luieuiau for w 01k oil abutments 162 37 Sundry persons for labor 011 abuts. 2t> 39 roi teaming 27 00 ilorsehcads Bridge co on acet. of contract (83000) 330 00 517 76 Ur.dge \ lews : 1 aid Viewers oh Ist view, Lopez bridge 19 80 2d •' 13 32 view lor Mill Creek briuge 11 2u "attiuishof •• 14 00 •' county bridge in Dushoie 8.. 15 61 liear Deep Hollow 22 bo 96 76 Paid the A. R. 1 uiinion.- for | unit 18 42 I'epaiis, painting and lumlier viz: Painting Muitcy Valley bridge... 37 40 Wuriu a KIIU bridge Is no l'lank for Niiiutnont bridge 14 60 Forksville blidge 34 14 Eik Creek •• 2s io " hoiiestuwu " 5s 1.0 , Kip-rapping do •• 32 00 90 00 ' Kepans to .Millview " 6 75 Kiugdale •' 8 42 " liillsgrove " 6 00 | Plank and tepuirs to Wurburion I bridge 30 70 274 81 ; Total expenditures on count bridges $3'.91 70 ; i Burial 0/ Soldiers. Paid John lloughti.n A: Son for burial of ; I .Nutlianiel llarr.s. Shrewsbury tivp 35 00 1 ~ ELECTION EXPENSES. For township (Feb.) and general (Nov.) 1897. 1 llernice Township 36 85 General 30 56 67 41 Cherry " '29 38 •' 30 90 60 2a Colley " HI 26 " 31 80 63 lit Davidson " 36 46 " 29 60 66 Ub •i Dusliore 8.. " 35 31 " 31 40 66 74 Eiklalld " 33 50 " 25 20 58 70 ' Forksville K " 3-1 "0 " J9UO 63 70 j Folks " 39 78 " 30 60 70 38 to* " 36 22 " 27 00 63 22 I Hlllsgrove. .. " 26 30 " 30 80 57 lu ! Jamison Cty " 27 06 " 27 40 54 46 | Ui|mrte 8... " 30 10 " 22 00 52 10 I LapoiteTwp " 33 40 " 27'20 60 60 Lopex " 35 11 " 30 40 65 54 : .<lt Vernon " 33 22 " 29 40 62 62 ; Klcketts... " " 2910 29 10 Kingdale " " 23 80 23 80 Shrewsbury " 36 07 " 28 20 64 27 Paid Mt. Holly Co. Tw p. election blanks 13 10 C. L. Wing, printing tw pelection ballots 61 00 i Cleik of courts, hung uud recording re- I turus 21 40 I For fac similes for Co Corn's, signaluies 6 00 1 Geo. stieby, publishing Election Proc.. 10 Ou ■ i C. L. \\ ing, '• " " 40 00 11 Geo. Streby, printingGen'l Elect ballots 29 25 jMt Holl> Co, blanks 101 general election 10 80 Ass'ts for counting returns " 10 00 ! Proth'y Lawrence, tiling and recording : all returns 01 the general election 36 75 Total costs of elections in 1897 {1328 44 Grand Juror*. February Term 195 48 .May lei in 141 32 Septsmber Term 219 44 December Term 169 3t, 725 60 Traverse Jurors- February Term and Sessions 552 44 May " " 321 44 September " Is week 626 5i 2d week 403 32 December " 576 4s 2483 24 Board of Trial Jurors: At February Term 9 It May " 4 55 September " 2 weeks 37 10 | 2533 99 Borrowed Money Statement. Amount l>orlowed prior to 1897 viz: Philip Katge S 265 19 Hemy Kurge 115 00 Sarah Sjieaker 486 U0 \V. C. Mason 500 00 Elhlin Mason 500 00 K. M. Stoimont estate 2366 50 Kussel Karns 3500 50 Ernestinu Seamait 4UOO 00 ■lames Quinn 510 00 John 11. Fanell 250 00 Dusliore Bunk 2i*Jo 00 do 201*) 00 Robt. Stormnt 500 00 Ida L. Mormont 11* olio Anna Collins mm 00 Frances Breigir 350 00 19232 99 Amount of money borrow ed during 1597 N. N. Hells 1500 00 \V. L. Storniont 1000 00 Elizabeth C. Siek 900 00 1 Kthlin Mason 300 00 Hannah c. Yonkin 200 00 l eiceval Kinsley 100 00 E. E. Wrede 300 00 Phillip Kaige 600 00 1 John M. Kaige 200 00 S. S. ltogers 56 37 5156 37 24389 36 Statement showing the Bonded Indebted ness on January 1, 1898. To amount of Bonds outstanding bear ing intertst at 1 per cent ler annum... 33000 00 To amount 1 112 Bonds outstanding I ear ing Interest at Sjcr cent, per annum... 5000 00 38000 00 Statement showing the Total Actual In debtedness on January 1, 1898. Bonds outstanding 3RWO (> Libilitiis in Excess of Resources 16496 .1 54196 5 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Count?- of Sullivan. We the undersigned Auditors of Sullivan County do hereby certify: That iri pursuance of the vurioti* duties imposed upon us by the several nets of the general and the supplements thereto we did meet Ht the ottice ot the Count v Com missioners, in the Court House, in the Boroug'i of Ln|>orie, on Monday the 3d day of January, A D. 1898, (it being the first Mond.v of January) and did commence io audit, a.ljiist and settle the several accounts of the County reasurer, County C'lin niissioners and all such as are requested of us by law, tor the year 189i; and did continue so to audit,adjust and settle said various and several,acsts uhject to adjourn inents until this dale, when ,we Complete this our annual report; and we lnrtner certify that we found the saiil seveial accounts correct, to the best ot our knowh dye, information and belief, as tlie same appear audited and adjusted and fully set forth and itemized as shown in tliH fori going report. j In testimony whcreol, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 19th day of Januury • CBTRISTI AJ? CAHOIAN, ALBIBX X. HSSBB, DKLBKRIT. BBOWh', AudiUn AIM* & x. BOWMfltCtalk | Sheep Claims. 1 Ccsts. Damages, ■lames Gallagher, 2 killed 2 damaged $1 U to Royal Mil gent 1 " " 3 :( no Frank Ha til, I •' " 3 14 00 Ceo. L. Heniiett 1 " " ;i I io J. M. Breitmaier 2 " .. "38 ... do .. " ti " 3 lo .... , do * " ■■ " 3 4 ..." V'K ari i s Hu K° 1 " 3 "30 .... lneodore heess 1 " 2 "37 .... Joseph Yonkln 7 " 3 5 20 <• hV' 3 " 1 " 4 12 60 s - /'Wbuuon 2•• 3 " % li ... C.barle» Hugo 3-0 " 3 is .... Allies A.builis o " " 3 20 Heur/Kobtie 3 •• 3 lu J. A. Bennett 1 " "34 A. T. Ainistrong 4 •• 'i g i.» Jonathan .shatter 1 " ■» 'i > 7& Ed. Hot tells teiu 1•• .. 3 t John Moirisou 1 •• V » o «"" O. E. sheets 2•' I ? S"• U alter c. 'lay lor 1 •• s x vK Patnck JoiUati 1 " ;. .. .j ? a liaison law Lett 3 " 2 " in I■< ii'i J. B. Lambeitsou 1 " 1 .. 3 45^ Joseph l uitiii r 2 " - •• 3 J JuUKS 'iouipkilis 1 " 3 "37 J. L. Kan ell 4 '• .. " 3 1 B Emanuel stiuer 1 " 1 " 3 & Jacob 1 hiaslier 1 " "33 75 U.S. Phillips 4 " .. " 3 11 C.W. speary 2 " " 3 4 iio %'j'j 5o 277 Id Const. F.Buck, notifying owner to kill uog 2 70 102 20 102 20 .. , Total cost to County frr 1897: #379 i5 No. of Sheep killed, 71; damaged 30. Statement showing disposition of Soneslown rioj ei ty bought by'trustees for the loumy at the shei.u's >ale 01 the t.ial EsU4eol J aeon Lomli, Ex -'ll easu 1e 1. Coutiact* made by the'lrLstees - of this proieity to various peisous, and tlie amounts 1,1 \m. t us payments tece.ved by said 'iiuslees ou ttud contracts, up to Jan. 1, lf9B, viz: Ami. oi Cont. Payments Clara Starr ioo ... 4a ., m J. C. Bogait 275 ... 171 25 lua L. Loruii 210 ... 177 ti,\ ran Luiupccji ]25 ... lai 30 Jessie b\ Eudy 4LO ... 223 M JumcsC. Stun 300 ... ]o3 30 Ljdiu E. Luilu 395 ... 200 U) Geoige Hazeu 3oU ... yo Wm. E. Wilier 330 ... 317 00 beiij. t\ liess 330 ... 110 47 Auit. received for timber sold to A. X. Armstrong... 28 00 833U5 00 21-12 00 Amt. in hands of trustees, due to County 2132 to Amount Surcharged on Audit for 1897. Sheriff Swank 011 order No. 1203 10 00 •. yi 400 1400 County Commissioners (Jointly) Amt. teed, from Brown judgt..... 28 47 Oruer Nu.l222,diawu twice (1213) ti 45 1486, oveldrtiwu 100 35 92 I nillp Sec tiles, Co. Commissioner O nveiu.on, older No. 1-439 25 00 11. Co. Com. Loiiveii tion, order No. 1140 30 CO 8 lot 02 State Tax and Interest on Indebtedness. state lux 011 County indebtedness | u.d to stale Treasuier 217 48 , Interest paid on coontj orucisontsluud ll.g beaullg ilitclest 1214 99 Inteiest oil bonds at 5 per ct. 2d 21.2 50 I do at 4 do Ist " 1320 10 Annual cost oi Indebtedness 3014 97 i NOTE: The interest puid annually on county | i.rdeisut inteiest is by county niueis diu» 11 011 County Tieusurer by the Commissioners. 'I he 111- teiest 011 the bonds is i>aid diieet to bondholders i>> tile Co. iieusuieron presentation to 01 il.e seim-uniiual coU|«ilis. Ihe Stale 'lax 011 indel t edness is also paid by the Co, TreasUier. due to the Department ut llamsbuig. Sheriff's Cost and Jail Expanses. Serviceof sub. lor Co. Auditors,ami for'9o 1 162 Drawing and sub. Jurors Feb. Teim and ontercpoit to board of I'. C. and C 35 60 Boaid ol prisoners, commitments ete 17 30 Making reports to Bouid of I'. C. and C. 20 <0 Drawing and Sub. Juiors Mav Term 18 00 Sept. •• 32 40 Boarding prisoners.commituients etc (.8 55 • ■27 - 0 Dr. Voorhees, Jail I'hysician's bill 2 05 Cleaning out cells and jail 3 (0 Material for' bedding 3 H „ " . jail vo s Boarding prwoneis,washing (or same... ly W) Clothing for Thorp lx>ys 7 90 J25" 03 * Error in this bill of $lO which has been sur chaiged to Sheriff Swank. Expenses for Printing and Advertising, also for Books and Stationery for the jeur lsn7. NEWS ITEM, C. L. Wing, publisher: I'ub trial list, court proclamation calendars etc 23 50 Annual statement,trial list,blanks si 90 Fruiting blanks for county oltic.s 2525 Parchment naturalization cetitic't 33 80 i'ub trial list, eouit proclam.ition bridge letting, blanks eic 15 50 Trial list, couit proc. and calend'r 750 Envelopes for sheriff and 'I teas... 450 193 t# GAZETTE, Gto. Streby, publisher: I'ub annual statement eouit pioc.. 77 65 Sheriff's sale blanks court piocla malion and trial list 12 25 Trial list and couit proclamation ti DO stationeiy 1150 107 40 REVIEW. Fred Newell, publisher: Pub election pioelamation. court pioc. ' Subscription, envelopes, letter heads 78 00 1 Note: Tins bill is for woi k ete 111 1N«.) DEMOCRAT, Victor Hugo, publisher: Pubeouit proc. envelopes foi Treasuier and subscription 13 25 Mt llolley co.Legalcup and ballots m9 Insolvent docket 10 85 30 74 W.s. Ka>. Allen Tax blanks 14 00 L. S. Foster, 1 doz Arnolds' nuid ti 00 F. B. l'omeroy. stationery and 1 lamp 22 00 -nil I'lib. Co., transcript docket uiid luperfor Treasuier's office 30 60 Henry Hall, blanks 16 58 itiilgway Pub. Co.. blanks 24 V6 .ilouigomery, \\ aid Co., tailet paper and stationery 7 CO Win. Mann Co., legal cap, blotteis etc.. 11 20 J.\\ .Johnson P.and L.Digest 13 10 K. Barn & Son, new couit rules 35 to J. w, Kacdcr, tax duplicate and legislry books - 2»00 Kegistery and Ass't Uniks 39 15 68 45 i'a.d for Legal Cap, Spencer 125 ti73 78 CoMMUN WEALTH S COSTS PAID BY THE CoVSTV duimg tile year lhj7 False pretense. S L Mitchell 30 71 Larceny, 1 rank May 7 •>»> Larceny, Solan llunsinger 2198 Felonious assault, James Spelice 70 41 iielruuding b K Keeper, CuuiiuiUgs.... 4048 Kiaud, Scott sloner 15 47 14 15 Larceny, F Mittendorf 645 » •• 32 sO Desertion, Geo Remsnyder "< 15 burglary. John Gibsi 11 j Minder, Stunistuus Saitvbits 1,1 s8 Burglary, Millard and CThorpe 9 48 Habeas Corpus, Adum Kneler 8 78 4M 75 I'aTd~En--teni Penitentia ry and Stute As> lums during 1897 Paid Eastern Stale" Penitentinry77!7~.r. 26191 Dunvijie As) turn, to Dec UK_ .1M .1 " Mch 1. '97.1 4510 274 CO Warren Assy mm, II McKay. to Sept 1 '97 91 25 630 19 " Fuel and Dg'its. Paid F M Crossiey2l.lloston.- pea coal 7678 StJHcwt nutcoui@ 525 7 27 21.149 tins " " 1W 67 Fred Roeihie.lti.lOOO tons jßernice) S 20 52 80 .1 Metal lane. 4.1H411 hard coai @ 500 24 tO \V C Mason, hauling Bernlce com 7 38 W Spencer, 3 curreis oi), matches etc.... 14 84 297 34