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Published Every Friday. Volume I Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING «^_Company, Agents. SONESTOWN PA First national bank OF DU9HORE, PENNA. CAPITAL - - $60,000 auBPiiUS • - SIO,OOO Does a General Banking Bu«ine««. T. B. POMEROY. M. D. 3WARTB. President Caahier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL and RESTAURANT, X.APOBTS, PA. F. W. OALLAGHER, Prop. Warn meals and lunches at all hour*. Oysters and game in season. Bar supplied with choicest liquors, wine and cigars. Good stable room provided. LAPORTE HOTEL THOB. W. BEAHEN, Prop. My increased business at the Commercial Hote necessitated more eommodlous quarters, anil have likewise moved into the large and wel appointed Laporte Hotel. Thanking m.v triends for past patronage and re spectrully solicit a continuance of same, I am Truly yours, THOS. W. BEAHEN. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. WEoffi, PROPRIETORS A hotel of established reputation. Strictly first class in all of its ap|*>intments. ( " Bar well supplied with the I st of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KI3HTNEDY. J'ron LAPORTE PA. This Inrg• nnd v-e'l uppoiurcl linu-o tl.e ui si pn u irhi'atcny nt»s M-ctio- HOTEL PORTER. Canton Stroet. SHUNK, PA. E. Porter, Prop'r. >PLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. J'A. One of the Inrgrst unl bful "(joippfd hotel ill tbi- .He tio . ul tin st i*,«. Ta U o t e tt .tes i .Oi) .» pv r* ay Lu«Xf»i l*l«f. , Professional Cards. J.J. & F. H. INGHAMT ATTO «r< AT-LAW, Legal l>u- a.-ss iitten'ieil to in • nia ami ailjuming doi'.nties LAHORTE. 5 B. KARNS, Attorney-at-Law, Prompt and careful attention given to legal business. Will be at Emmons on Monday of each week. Olfire, over Keeler a s.ore, LAFOKTE, ... PA. i £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Offlce in Court House Building. w P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney-at-Law. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of •states and other legal business will receive prompt attention. ft\ J. BRADLEY^ ATTOKKBT AT-LAW, orrica ir courtv buildiko keak court housk. LAPORTE, PA Monday of each week at Forksville. Hilary P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM& NEWITT, ATTOH N »TS« AT«t A W, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BI'ILDING. 183 80. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States 1 Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney. ! will continue the general practice of law in the: United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, T. DOWNS, ATTORN EY*AT*L A W: ornct in public builvhno < C iOltT HOUBK SQUARK. li\PoltTK, PA j J. H. CRONIN, ATTo«»FT-AT -LAW, \ *OTAHT POBLIC. 'j orrica o* haib stbbbt. DTJBHORB, PA JLPHONSUS WALSH, ATmawar-AT-i, w . O«<W la Rank uildlng. / DU3HORE, PA. Republican News Item. J From the Keystone. ( > STOP YER KICKIN*. ? Stop yer kickin' 'bout the times— Stop yer I- ickin', git a-hold \ Git* a hustle 011 you ; Of the wheel and turn it. 112 } Skirmish'round itnd jrrab the dimes You kin never handle gold 2 Efthe dollars shun you. 'Less you try to earn it. r Oroakin'never bought a dress, Brush the col.webs Iroin your eyes 112 Orowlin' isn't in it. Slop your blain'd repinin' M j Fix your peepers on success, An'you'll notice that yer skies C Then go into win it. Ail us'll be shinin' r Times is gittin'good agin— Ifyouhwin't the nerve to try J Try 10 help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. C J Don't sit 'round with hangin' lip; %%%% 3 S That is sure to floor you Try to git a better grip VES, STOP YER KICKIN'. THIS ) Oil the work before you : EVEHLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TO [ \ Put some ginger in yer words BE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. V X When you greet a neighbor; GO TO THE OLD RELIABLE ! 112 Throw your troubles to the birds, JEWELRY STORE FOR WHAT 112 Git right down lo labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY, 112 An' you'll notice ev'rv day J Things is comin'rightyourway. \ BETTENBURY, ? r dushore, pa. THE JEWELER, r Direct from Mill to Wearer, ★ Which Saves you 4 Bin Profits, it |j> The Commisson House. The HWholesaler The Jobber and Stor§ Keeper. p E. ROSENBUKGER St CO. 202 204 E 102m St.. NEW YORK CUV. ' ntimto Qfi e[S2s« ,wii f yv.UUI 'T Krr -"Q Caraest Value tocr OTfmd. [' n X . _, On account of the failure ofoneo'f' J jvt. piy aiil 27ii-rft ih? largest Commission Houses here, repre I « I I BOYS ADONIS SUITSy wnung a Woolen Mill in Ireland, wrj> VtJ WITH IXI Its I'Ailt OF PANTO. bought last Spring the entire production of V TbflW Suit» are guaranty to bo tl fir gray at\d black lri*h Frieze of 6.0c0 iJUfm made from Imported Wool Cbev- n ,- cr s at a sacrifice Therefore *e are able ° ;h T.:,:i h ;^ ve s.v - 7. th "i h .; / |Br SBsß?n^ e - Made U P dvubit-breoeied. raw material price. b .V tSHME Bai.op Collar-Collar fancy before in the history of cl thing and / C9I Boßa HI embroidered - lined with fast DroDa hie never again will you have a * 29s H < hT - * W. H Ud VV orkminihip Uxt ytry best. money Abov» price '« '«» "" Cxtrai'.ot>. e9Va Shu r»r t—~ 10 » »»•"> nrw u iff duly on tlie miteiul. They irt . Bailor c.ilUr M.utloti «ic el I net birth die, And If lArv <*r Mn.IL made up double-breasted a* per cut below, V '• 1 ——■» W i,h raided »»am» lined Ihrougho I with 5 * J'IST OF IT! * I f tra heavy phid linings, pinked Ut A CUSTOM MAOK TO ORDER facings *ll pockets framed an J well stayed 112 HSI4.OO[ 3 "S^i7I F " $6.98 / ¥ l~i W V |3ACK SUIT § VVIV V# after these are closed out we will not be m ) What you can save by buying direct f| a « b,e / d lir ,iC .K t « »PVI« S ' from the rrwnufacturer. W \ tl em for double the Ttii j> ) Guaranteed to be made from All ZC. P u' Ce ° n .* .» Stvla& 1 <i Wool, Fancy Brown, Cray, Mck or J?" Qt ? 10 the new tariff duty. *t J Dlue Twee l , made in latest sty'e, *" »■ same as # lined with Imp ried Farmer Satin, f or a Sack Coat, giv- jg J trimmed and hnished i.» tlie be-l of - / |'wjr /\ ' n ß l«neth wanted. A Custom Tailor manner. Youcannot /j ( \ also night and »>, ) duplicate it in your town for sl4-00. / J j \ weicht. ™ CAwisd 1 Si«. 54 to 4 i. / I r Hi \ A u .tamp will c 2 The same goods made for L 'A I bring you samples, " nft jtjmHfaa V Youths, nto iS, in long Pants,pf) I JJ 112 1 catalogue, wlpj 112 J A Coat and Vest U.Uv r C" I measure and blanks. 112 l \ How to measure men's a youth s Suits: 1 / v7§ pay e*pre«s * 2 Meacure around ihe breast and * /\ "j charges ar.d should I jM » « waist over the Vest, and from crotch ' V SJr you not feel satisfied ' ato heel for Pants. t r 1 I we w i.l re und the q J When ordeiing. send Post-OfTice j A I I fTlonf y• ■ I Express money order or j Letters. Money cheerfully refunded if . /11l I buy direct from one ( V net saiisfacto y. Send ac. ctamp for A// XiM I J I of the I irfest c.loth- ? ) lamples, tape rocasure t measuring \\U £?IJ Jll I ing manufacturers in \r blanks, etc. Amerira li 11 111 a a , n.A.Rogers & son., )RICSVILLE, PA. Our Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, General Store, Hardware, Etc., is complete. Having Purchased at Lowest m \^ jmm riarket Rats, We are Selling * Accordingly, THE CELEBRATED UP-TO-DATE .... Red Cross Stoves RANGEb. EVERY STOVE GUARANTEED. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, MARCH, ID, 1898. j Diatruotive Flames in Duahore. | About 8:30 p. m. on Monday evening fire was discovered in the basement of L. S. Burcli & Go's, large steam flouring mill at Duahore. The flames had made but little progress when discovered but owinp to the Hre being in an almoat inaccessi ble part of the mill nothing could be done to save the property, which with the steam sawmill adjoining, also the proper ty of L. S. Burch & Co., was totally de stroyed, together with the contents, about one thousand bushela of corn, thirty barrels of flour, about two hundred bush els of grain, belonging to customers, and other smaller items, the large circulai saw and belts beiug saved, also the books, pa pere, and etc. from the ofliee, L. E. Wells having a very narrow escape whilt getting them. With hard work the foundry directly opposite was saved, also all the lurabei and house in the immediate vicinity, al though all were on fire at different times. The fire originated it is supposed from sparks from the smoke stack as this is the third time fire has broken out in nearly (lie same place. The loss will reach about ten thousand dollars, fully covered by insurance. Hon. Olarenoe F. Huth Talks. Tuesday evening a large gathering of eager listeners filled every available spase in ihe court room to hear the renouned ex-State and National President of the P. O. S. of A., Clarence F. Huth, give an able address on Patriotic America. Clar ence, although making a hard run for Dint. Atty. in his county had plenty ol lung lorce to fully sustain his reputation us un orator of force and language. Huth i-inn earnest patriot and an invaluable IIIHII to the order he has served with honor. May his teaching* l>« emulated j by ev erv one who is proud to be u citizen over which Old Glory floats. Index ol Prosperity. I bat the prosperity following the in- i Auction into offices of the present Repub- j lican National Administration was not 1 merely a temporary improvement mo mentarilv stimulated hy a change of poli cies is conclusively proven by the contin uous grow h of the corporation business transacted by the State Department. ' From month to month since McKinlevV ! inauguration and notably since the pas- | sage of the Dingley Tarift Law the cor ' Orations and idle capital has sought in- ! vestment in new enterprises, Comparison* i lave from time to lime been made and ' some of them are startling in result. The j business for February 18'J8 when contpar- j villi February 1*97 is no exception to th< ' :eneral rule. During the month of Feb ruary just passed the capital represented >ty new corporation chartered amounted o (5, 924,00(1,00) while for the samt period in 1897 the amount was only (2, 734,000, 00) an increase of ($3, 190,000. 00) or more than one hundred per cent. During February 1898 existing corpora tions increased their capital and bonds to he amount of ($32, 708, 000, 00) and for February 1397 the amount was ($3, '23, <>00,00) an increase of ($28, 9X5, 0C0,00) or nearly nine hundred per cent. The business for the first week in March was unusually heavy. Eagles Mare. The revival services closed last Wed nesday evening with the success of 16 converts. Many are suffering with bad colds woing to the changable weather. Mrs. John Hayman of Piclura Rocks was calling on friends last week. Miss Eathel Vaubuskirk with her sis ter Mary was visiting at Picture Rooks last week. Mrs. Brady Bennett viaited her sister Mrs. S. E. Worthington over Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. A. M. Chaney are glad to know tbat she is recoveriiig. Rumor has it that Floyd «ith his best girl were callersat the county seat one day of lsst week. Mrs. Van Fleet of Binghamtoa is visit ing her mother Mrs. A. M. Cheney, Walter has gone to Duahore to spend the rest of the winter, and May looks sad. Curtis Burkholder has been visiting his uncle's at Mt. Vernon for tbeput wask. Say Clarence why is it that you go hy the Mt. Lewis Hotel now: Mies May Menoer visited her borne in Sonestown Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dunham calked an Den tist Reedy of Hughceville Thursday. Misses Eltie Fulmer Iwy Bennett of Mt. Vernon visited friends in loen over Sunday. S. Burkholder is visiting.bis brother at Williamsport. A Butterfly Social will be held at A. Dunhams Friday evening, March Uib. Benefit of Baptist Church. FIRED WITH PATRIOTISM. The *60.000.000 Defense BIU Unani mously Passed. Party Lines Wiped Out. By a vote of 311 to 0 the House on Wednesday passed the Administration bill appropriating $50,000,000 for the national defense. Death's Sad Summons. Altera long illness Mrs. Louisa Little wife of J. B. Little, died Feb. 23. She was born on Sept. 15,1821, near Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa. On Dec. 31, 1839, she was married to J. B. Little. Twelve children were the fruits ot this union six boys and six girls. Three sons were sacrificed on the altar of their country in the late war, the eldest son dying in And ersonville prison. Those who survive are Mr*. Minerva Warburton, of Kansas, Mrs. Myra Hartrantt, of Muncy, Mrs. Philena Bryan, of Hillsgrove, Mrs. Arminta Eddy and Mrs. Laura Selmser, of Picture Rocks, and L. O. Little, of Millville. Thirtyt-wo grandchildren and fifteen great grand children had lived to know her before the thread of life was broken, Mrs. Little was a consistent member of the M. E. church for 56 years. She was beloved by all who were acquainted with her and was famil iarly known as "Aunt Louisa" Mr. Little and family have the sympathy of all. Bernioe Xehoes. Mrs. P. Cunnoskey and son Robert were called to Corning N. Y. Monday ot last week by the sudden death of her eld est daughter Mrs. Charles Counor of city. Miss Nellie McDeimot is reported sick 1 at this date. Rev. Fr. Green of Overton visited Rev. ! Fr. Euright one day last week. Vesper services are being held in the ! St. Francis Church at Mildred every , Wednesday and Friday evenings during j I lent. ; John Brogan of Say re visited friends | ■ and relatives here Tuesday of last week. | This is a poor month to harrow be ! cause its all lent. ' Mr. Kellogg of Ne* Albany visited : I friends at this place Wednesday! Joseph Fullmer ol Shinersville who has : been to the Sayre hospital for treatment j ' returned home last week ail right again. ! Mr. William Cook has been quite sick | but is able to be out again. Nelson Cox attended the Republican ' ' Committee meeting at l.aporte Monday ! ol" last week. Nelson is a Good Republi- j I can but not much of a fox hunter. Herman Popki and John Smallic were tt Laporte Monday to secure their first i naturalised papers from the court. We wonder what happened the Sullivan < Scribe, we have not heard from; him- v :n some time. If he does not appear j in print next week we will offer a reward, j tor we look in vain for his item ot late. Ood created the coquette as soon us he i had made the fool. We wonder which | knows the most. Hon. B. W. Jennings of Lopez wa.- in I town Sunday. Prof. E. L. Sweeney closed a successful term of school here Tuesday as also did ! Gordon Saxon Tues of last week. Both of those men have given good satisfsction j to one and all. The other two schools will close in a few days. Pay master H. Y. Lewis paid the em ployers here Friday evening. Mr. Gaylon Vanness ot Rummerfield was the guest of J. 8. Taylor Friday. Mrs. John Walters visited herdaughter Mrs. Edward Baumgartnerat Wilkesbarre last week. Sheriff Swank was transacting official business in town Wednesday. We wonder if the Item fly is bothering the Review of late, Perhaps it would be i a good idea for the Review to get some tangle foot fly paper and catch that bothes some fly, shoo. Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Wednesday, March 2nd, a son. Saturday evening the well known and j popular landlord, C. E. Jackson gave to j his brothsr red men of Katonka Tribe No. j 336 of this place one of the finest feasts . and banquets of the season at his Hotel | in Mildred which did great credit to the ; esteemed landlord and his esteemable j wife, and a very enjoyable evening was ; spent by the following: Danial Schun- i over, Nelson Cox, G. W. Bodie, David j Peacock, William Walters, Charles Mor-! ter, S- A. Deffenbach, James Waples,! Patrick Hainan, William Roberts, Ed ward Darby, Norman Potter, John Potter, William Brown, Frank Cooney, John Connor, Danial Hoffa, H. W. Taylor. Nelson Cox was toastman of the evening. He flllsd the position with perfection. Owing to the champion oyster eater being on the sick liet aa abundance of oysters war* left over. 1.50 Per. Year Number 43. llt is Only a Peace Measure and Doos Not Moan War. The object of the appropriation H to empower the President in an orderly to prepare for contingencies. He insisted that the appropriation must .not be con structed into a threat. It is to be placed in the hands of a wise and patriotic Ex ecutive to make proper preparations to maintain the national honor. nothing more. Court Proceeding* Continued from last itbue. In the matter of partition tor chartei for the Baptist church at. La porte and Eagles Mere, respectively. Charter in each case granted J. A. Homet use vs A. R. Bobbins On petition the present Sheriff is directed to make, execute and acknowledge a deed tor land of defendant sold by his prede seas in office. On petition of citizens the Court appomi Frank W. Buck as constable of Du&hor* to fill existing vacancy. On petition of citizens the court appoint Christian Snyder collector of taxes toi Elkland township, to fill vacancy. On petition the Court discharge C. K Hunsinger as guardian of Albretta Han singer, bonds cancelled and suritiea-,j» leased. In matter of a county bridge over Loyal Sock creek nt Shady Nook, in Col ley twp. Report ol viewers filed, find ing such bridge a necessity, and that it is j too expensive and burdensome on the i tax-payers of Colley township to build ■ same and that :t county bridge be erected ! at tbii- |K>iiit. ARGUMENT TiSKM ' And now, March 4. ISOS, the t out , met at !) a.m. pursuant to adjournment all the Judgeson the Bench. , Davidson Township Overseen- vs Jinn jcy Creek Overseer?. Appeal of defendant* : against removal of Geori:*.* Ktu/ ;i ) a a j-i j Argued and C. A. V. On petition and motion the Court ! transfers the license ofthe Dushorc House 'in Dtifhore Borough to Jnvcj.h Curpentej F. 11. Tomiineon vst David Mark; rule ito open judgment. Argued and C A.V ! Emma M. Boyd vs W. F. and Lizzie j lay lor; rule to set aside execution at cost of plaintiff, to open judgment and allow | defendant to come in and defend. Argued J and C. A. V. i The Court approved ot the bond filed | by A. D. Dickerson n* collector ol tsvtv | lor Fox twp. Wheeler vs Wheeler: subpoena in I divorce directed to ijsue. i Couit adjourned to meet Monda>. i March 7, nt 2 p. m. CIVIL TKR.M. i And now, Monday, March 7, ISUS, at | J p. m., Court convened lorjrial of civil ■ cases. Hon. E. M, Dunham President, with Hons. John Line and Conrad Krau* I Associates on the Bench, j A. L. Smith vs Robert McEwen. Jur\ j called and case tried. This was an actios j to recover balance of a account between ; these parties. Alter being out from 4 ! p.m. Monday, thejury came into court on ' Tuesday morning, unable to agree upon a verdict, and were discharged by the Court. | Alvis Andrus vs J. K. Bird. Jur\ called and sworn, case.tried; .verdict lor defendant. Sheriff Swank comes into open court and acknowledges deeds poll as follows To G. W. Sanders for land in Shrewsbury twp., sold as the property ot' Palmiter. F. W. I'ealer lor land in same township, sold as property of C. Peale, jr.; J. B Magargel for land in Davidson, sold a* property of John Morrison; J. A. Homet lor land sold by a predecessor iu office «»■ properly of E. Robbing, in Forks twp, i The following matters were presented to court and were confirmed Ni. Si: Wid ows' appraisements in estates ol Patroclus Kline, deed.; J. C. Robbing, deed.; C, S Hartzig, deed.; Richard Lisson, deed.; , Allen N. Brown, deed.; John N. Brown, j deed. Final accounts of George Wanck. j Admr. of John Wanck, deed.; Georgi i Fiester, guardian of Glen Peterman. i The Court appoint in open court, ol the ! bond filed by John Pardoe as collector ot I Forksville Boro. Thos. J. Ingham vs J. B. Walburn; rule on all parties concerned one upon P. W. Opp,claimant of property, to appear and maintain or relinquish their respee tive claims to the property levied upon Returnable next term. The Court on petition of citizens, ap point W. C. Mason a member of the council of Laporte, to fill vacancy. D. J. McCarty vs Dr. Wm. Mercur on petition and motion Court grant » rule to show cause why testament writ issued in this case be not set aside at cost of plaintiff, all proceedings on writ stayed. CONTINUED NEXT WEEK