Newspaper Page Text
Republican News Item. i ; ———— 1 THURSDAY, MAR. 17, 1898- 11 Ignorance is the mother of scepticism. Ignorance does J not abound to any great extent <r V In Sullivan County. J So that there # is But Little * I Scepticism £ about the Value oft jube IfleWS | ij ITtem | I I As a Profitable # jlHbvettteing I j; flfoebium. \ ! > Read it, Your neighbor does. J !> Subscribe, Don't borrow. * County Seat Indices. —Maple sap running. Mrs. Wm. Skinner is on the sick list. Thoughts of the housewife turn to house cleaning. —A. C. Haverly of Forks twp. was in town on Sunday. Chas. Lauer was transacting business at Dushore Tuesday. —Thos. W. Beahen is on the sick list with an attack of grip. —Michael Walls of Cherry twp. was in town on business Monday. —Dr. Voorhees was a business visitor in Hughesville Saturday. —Atty. John H. Cronin was in town transacting business Tuesday. —County Com. 11. G. Huffmastcr was in town on business Tuesday, —Mrs. Bert Cowell is on the sick list, suffering with rheumatism, —Do not be afraid to send us the news That is what a newspaper is for. —Editor Newell of Dudhore made the county seat a short visit Friady. —Frank Buck of Dushore was on busi ness at the county seat Monday. —Mr. Herman Ring will move liis family to Dushore in the near future. —Editor Streby of Dushore was at the county offices on business Thursday. —The facts may be learned later that April and March have traded shifts. —S. B. Karns, attorney, was on busi ness at Benton Monday and Tuesday. —The man who drinks is mortgaging his future, and the debt must be met sooner or later. —Mrs Cora Storniont lias gone to Pottsville where she will be employed in a millinery store. —Dr. Wackenhuth who is soon to locate at this place was in town Saturday tran sacting legal matters. —Judge Dunham left on Saturday for Philadelphia where he will attend Su preme Court this week. —Rev. W.S.Skinner left ou Wednesday for Danville where the M. E. Conference is being held this week. —Henry Kraus will in a few weeks open a uieat market in the building erected by Stroup Bros. —W. H. Townsend of Canton has been in town several days representing the New Orange Land Company. —Miss Hilich of Rochester, daughter of Fred Hilich formerly of th ; 3 place, is visiting at Mrs. Emily Anders. —Mm. Low, Geo.Kargc and Isaac Low were in town Wednesday looking after the interests of Laporte twp. —Mrs. Pitt of New York who has been the guest of Mrs. F. W. Mevlert, left for her home on Saturday. —Physical beauty doesn't hold a candle to the sort that stands up to the rack when moral force is necessary. —Love that does not grow weary in the prosaic every-day intimacy of married life is founded on the right p.i iciple. —The opening guns of the gubernatori al campaign are not being delayed by the throngs of orders in the gun mills. —Chas. Tinklepaugh moved from Fair- View Cottage to the M. E. parsonage vacated by Chas. Yeager this week. Hon. T. J. Ingham and Atty. E. J. Mullen are the lawyers from this place who are attending the Supreme Court at Philadelphia this week. —Sheriff Swank in impanv with l>n n Phillips left Monday morning with Mar tin who was sentenced to two years and six months in the Eastern Penitentiary it Philadelphia. —Prof Wandall and E. F.Schanbacher ot Forksville were in town Saturday. Mr. Schanbacher journeyed to Muncy Valley / on bucines and the Prof, visited "with his toany friends while here. —Miss Jennette Spencer who recently | graduated at the Williamsport Commer cial College secured a position last. wpek | with Burrow Bros, of Picture Rocks. Laporte twp. Auditors, Henry Karge, Wm, Lloyd and Joseph Traugh were in town Tuesday discharge<• fte duties of their office. * J —Spring must surely he nere, as it has been emphasized by an occasional reck less pioneer from birddom coming to this cold town. —Miss Grace Lawrence returned home Saturday after closing a very successful teriu of school in Davidsod fwp. near Nordmont. —Borough Auditors, J. li. Spencer, Thos. E. Kennedy and H. A. Karns ad justed the accounts of the borough ou Monday. —James Dieuinger while up from Harrisburg seeing friends dropped off be tween trains and shook hands -with our town's people Saturday. —Don't expand with indignatiou be cause we ask you to pay for the last two years subscription to the NEWS ITEM. AS soon as you can raise it we want it. —The weather man bad a hard time getting the rain machine to work, but managed to accomplish his task on Suu day. —l'ay in advance, then when you read a notice to delinquent supscribers you will have the satisfaction of saying, "1 hat doesu,t mean me anyhow." —An honest man will not buy what he known he can not pay for; he will not borrow money when lie can see no way to pay it back. —lf in choosing your friends you select those who love truth better than all else you will never be called upon to decide between honor and friendship. —A country newspaper is the official ! organ of the town, but occasionally an irate subscrider stops it, little realizing that it is these '-stops" that makes the or gan peal the louder, —Services at the Baptist church next Sunday as follow.-:. Sunday School at 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. in. Preaching 8:00. —Great Britain is going to spend «>IIO, 000.00 Jon her navy this year. At the rate of increase going on all over the world, peace will soon be more costly than war. —We'll bet anything that after the present experience some syndicate will go into the wholesale manufacture of war ships so as to have a big stock ot ready made goods for wnr scares. —The rich are miserable because they have discovered that money can not buy happiness, and the poor arc wretched be cause they have not money enough to make the experiment. —lt is the easiest tiling in the world for a woman to get herself talked about but it isn't halt'so easy to prove there is no real reason for it. —There is nothing on earth that does so much toward making a tyrannical dis position gentle and loveable as a chasten ing course of real sorrow. —By casual observation it is seen that a lawyer has to press his own suit when he goes courting,but a judge in conducting his courting exercises the equity allowing his claim too well settled to be shaken. —II. O. Place of Proctor has moved into the rooms occupied by Clias Tinkle paugh at Fairview Cottage, and will open a grocery store in the meat market bull ing built by Harry Spencer. —S. S. Prank of Spring Mills, PH. is serving as mail agent on the W. & N. B. this week, while Mr. Chas. Yeager is re pairing and renovating the Cheney resi dence and moving into same. —Constable A. R Tripp, on Friday arrested T- F. Pierce ol North Towanda on a charge of larceny, and had him bound over to next term of court. Pierce had leased a team of horses to Win. Craig of Miuicy Valley had been hauling hark for J.J. Wew'.ir. Some difficulty arose between the parties and Pieree went to the stable and took the team along with some harness that is alleged not to have belonged to him. —-Messrs. A. L. Armstrong and Geo. Kiess, of Sonestown, passed through town Friday evening on their return home after a hard day's work scaling logs at Celestia. ''Al" will soon commence the operation of his saw mill at Celestia where he lias lor many years kept the place booming with some kind of enter prise. Mr. Ivies.-, whose honesty has earned him the title of''official log scaler"' in all jobs where litigation has been involved,will do the scaling for Armstrong this season. i Xo Xo it injur what thy winter may have ! in store yet for a finish. Jlu: mild weather ! that has for several days has been enough to materially etTect the sum- | .Ter's trade. The frost is pretty well out! of the ground, and in many sections the fanner can get on with his spring work. Repairing fences, plowing, patching up, and that'ort of thing have been given attention. Even should dackward weath er come yet, the ground cannot de frozen to any dapth again. So under ordinary) circumstances, the work of the farm will | have a good start. —lf all our subscribers were women we | would have very few bills to send out.; As a rule, the women who subscribe for ; local newspapers they pay in advance, 1 and we have ofteu thought that the men who paid promptly were influenced by their wives, and they are bv all appear ance the best men. —Farming utensils are now being put in readiness to soon go into commission and the farmers will in a few weeks be tilling the soil that the wealth from its products will replenish the till of the armor plate manufacturer. After our uncle has paid for this war scare he should give $50,000,000 worth of armor plate made into farming implements to the farmers so that they can better fead the Nation. We need life as well as pro tection. —Good housekeeping has far more to do with domestic happiness than young people dream of. These times need wo men whose most beautiful work will be done inside their own doors. Without good housekeeping the romance will soon go out of marriage. Of course the man who prizes woman chiefly because she "looketh well to the ways of her house hold" does not deserve a good wile. lie should merely employ a housekeeper and pay her good wages. But there are social, moral and spiritual uses proceeding from the wise regulation of the household which bestow :i dignity on what would be trifl ing- !___ • Estella. Very fine and warm weather for March. Mr. Woodchuck made a bad mistake this time. Making maple sugar is now the order of the day. Mrs. Harriet Brown of this place is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sila Campbell of Benton Columbia Co. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Vargason received the sail news last evening of the death ot the lady's father Mr. Calvin Vargason of New Era Bradlord Co. They started this morning to attend the funeral which will be held at New Era to-morrow. Wednes day, at 10 o'clock a. in. Mrs. lloland Barlow is quite seriously ill, being unable to attend the funeral ot her father Mr. Calvin Vargason :ii New Era. | The log drive has started, but will have to hold over for more water. There has been several accidents already on the drive, i hie man had a leg broken and an other had an arm broken, besides many minor a vidents. The twp. Auditors met at Eldredsville Monday and being unable to nettle all the Accts.of the township on that day they adjourned for one week. Oh, did you see the grand display of the Aurrora Boreallis, or Northern lights Monday evening. It was a grand display jin North, North West and North East, lasting several hours. Our schools will close on Tuesday next. Mercantile Apprai»ement. The venders of domestic and foreign merchan dise etc., in Sullivan County.l'a., will take notice that they are appraised and classed by the under signed appraiser of mercantile and other license tax for the year lS'.kS, as follows, to wit: Class. CHERRY. Auit: 1 Blight, W. II -JO 75 14 liojje, C. 1' 7 75 14 .. Hunslnger, P. \V 775 14 Sick, C. 8 7 75 14 Vogel, Julius 7 75 14 Sick, Wendall 7 75 COLLEY. 1 Dteffenbaeh, D. D 7 75 7 Jennings Bros 40 75 14 Johnson, C. A 7 75 14 Finkle, T 7 75 14 Mussleman, Geo.Agt.J.S. Harrington 775 14... Lopez Drug Co 775 DUSHORE BOKO. 14 Barth ii Kester 7 75 14 Carroll, J. \Y 7 75 14 Carroll. D. E 7 75 1 Cunningham, James 10 75 1 Crimmius, J. H 7 75 1 Connor, Patrick 7 75 1 Cole, .Samuel 10 75 14 Deegan, George 7 75 14 Harrington. J. 8 7 75 14 Honnetter, G. H 775 13... IlofTa, J. 8. ACo - 10 75 1 Kline, Bernard 10 75 1 McDermott, Heury 7 75 14 Morrit Lcverton i Co 7 75 1 Mingos A Molyneux - 10 75 1 Pealer, Charles E 7 75 11 Pomeroy, F. B 7 75 12. .. Reeser, John 1) 13 25 14.. .Rettenbury, J. V 775 1 8)1 vara, E. (i 2075 14 ... .Tubach, Emil K 7 75 14 Yonkln, Jacob H 7 75 DAVIDSON TWP. 14 Armstrong, A. T 775 14... Buck, John W 775 14 Mugargel, J. B 7 75 1 Hoffman, W. L 1575 1 Herr Hayman 10 75 14 Mencer, Tlioo 7 75 14 Magargel, Frank 7 75 13 Penticost Lumber Co .... . 10 75 112 LLKLAND TWP, 1 Hartung, August 7 75 14 Jennings, C.8., Agt 7 75 14 Miller, D. L 775 14 Hartt, Wm 775 FOX TWP 1 Campbell. A. E 1075 14. Brown, Charles 775. FORKS TWP. 14 Norton <& Hottenstein 775 j FORKSVILLE BORO. 14 Lancaster, B. 8 7 75 1 Rogers M, A. it Son 15 75 13. Smith, A. C 1075 HILLBGROVE TWP. 1 lloffmau, W. L 1075 12. Hull, Vernon 13 25 I. A PORTE TWP. 14. Botsford, Z. E 775 LAPORTF. BORO. 1 T. J.Keeler 775 1 McFarlane James 1325 14. Tripp, A. E.,Assignee 775 SHREWSBURY TWP. 14 Cheney, C. F 775 ! 13. Kchrer, 1) 10 75 BILLIARD TABLES. I 2 tables,McGee, Robt. Dushore, Borough 10 75 1 do Roe.Wm., Cherry twp 30 75 2 do Mabcn, N.C., Laporte Boro 40 75 j 2 ito George, J. P., Colley twp to 75 WHOLESALE LIQUOR LICENSE l-'inan, L. D., Dushore Borough O'Neal, Wm., do DISTILLERS LICENSE schaad, John, Cherry twp. BREWERS LICENSE lillbert, Leonard, Cherry twp. And that an appeal will be held In theolllce of I the County Commissioners, Laporte, Pa., on the 18th day of April, beginning at 1 o'clock p.m.; I when and where you can attend if you see proper 11. W. 09LER Mercantile Appraiser. W. L. HOFFMAN'S ; MUNOY VALLEY STORE. Specialties for our S)a? THURSDAY, MARCH,24, '9B. Watch these store tidings closely, which are money saving opportunities of a most inviting character. Calicoes, 4c yard. Ginghams, 4c yard Table oil cloth, 12c yard Good loose coffee, 10c lb. Brooms, 10c each. Clothes pins, lc per do/.. 41b. prunes, 25c. 41b. rasins, 25c. Good carpet, 25c yard. Ask to see our driving shoes sold for $2.20. THURSDAY'S SPECIAL SALE. I Wish to Arrest Public Attention, and declaim to the people of Sulli van county my willingness to serve any who wish the services of an experienced Auctioneer. ELLIS SWANK. Sheriff. Laporte, Pa. To Cure CouHtkpatluii I'orever. Take Casearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25a. It C. < \ C. tail to cure, druwtists refund money. Everybody Says So. Casearets Candy Cathartic, the most, won derful medical discovery of tlio aire, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10,33, SO cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Good News. No oilier Medicine was ever given such a test as Otto's Cure. Thousands of hot ties of this great German remedy are be ing distributed EKKE OK CHARGE, to those siitlicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases,giving the peo ple proof that Otto's Cure will cure the." For sale only by T. J. Iveeler, Lajy W.L. lloflman,llillsgrove; U.S. Lau Forksville; C. B. Jennings, Ksteljf W. l!uck, Sonestown. .oe. Large bottles 50c and "~C>c Don't Tubnrco Spit an<l SiiioUe Vnur I.lfe Anay. To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo mag netic. full of life, nerve and viyor, take No-l'o- Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men Btrong. All druggists, COc or ft. Curegnaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Goto J. W. liuck, Sonestown, for rubbers, blankets, carpets, clothing and drcssgoods at December low prices. High ' est prices paid for butter and eggs. T« Curt. Constipation I ore%er. Take Casearets Candy Cathartic. Wo or C*. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM. CONDENSED REPORT of the condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Dushore. I'll., At close of business, Dec. 15, IS'JT. RESOURCES: . Loans and Discounts ? 112,1£> U. S- Bond* to Secure Circulation. If >OO (*) Premium on t'nitcd States Bonds.'* l Stock securities to-jjO 00 Furniture • ••■• Due from Banks Approved reserve Agt tl.Sii.r. Redemption Fund U, S. Treasurer.. oC2» i Specie and Tender Notes I<-HS OJ j $ 202,172 55 LIABILITIES. 5 Capital * «•«»« ? Surplus wjgoo ? Undivided Profits ? Due National Banks. 4.675W ? Circulation «.i>o 00 ? Dividens Unpaid ,S* 5 Deposits 3 202.172 5.1 i) 3 Stiite of Pennsylvania, County oi Sullivan ss: ? I. >l. D. Swarts, Cashier of the above named !* bank, do solemnly swear that the above state i ment is true to the best of my knowledge and be -3 lief 5 M. D. SWARTS, Cashier. 5 Subscribed ami sworn to before mutbis 2Sth ? day of Fob, 1898. . 5 JOHN 11. CRONIN. Notary Public. r, Correct—Attest: 1 ALPHONSUS WALSH. ) ? JNO. 1). REESER, >•Directors ? F. B. POMEROY ) J> Subscribe for the NEWC ITEM. 5 BLACKSMITH » AND WAGON SHOP » Just opened at the Laporte a Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work 5 guaranteed. 5 o. w. BENNETT, Prop. » Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM. 5 Williamsport & North Branch R.R I TIME TABLE. 5 j in Effect Monday Sept. G, 1897. Northward. Southward 5 pln", a. m. j a ' m, i 5 ftlii 10401 Ha 115...... 0 45! 440 £5 20.f1045! Pennsdalc v 41 *4 «*' I 5 311 10 58; HughesviUe. » ? ( 'f \ 9 540 11 07! Picture Rocka » £ * " f541 fll 11. Lyons Mills f«22 MOh - f;> 47 fll 14: Cnamouni 920 n <>♦, 0 554 11 21: Glen Mawr 914 4_ <xj f604 fliso! Straw bridge f907 (-4. •5 1609 fll 36 Beech Glen WO- f3 4<j !5 612 tl 40 Muney Valley s 'J 9 , U '5 fi 18 11 40 Sonestown Jsl 892 t> 81 12 011 Nordmont *J; •> J; . 651 12 25 LaPortc 821 25. o it 57 12 28 LaPorteTannery hltf 2,>l s nisf 12 45 Ringdale.. »® ' 2 3j ! 727 100 Satterfleid <•» * A | am. pm. 5 All trains daily except Sunday; "112" llnj 5 stations. , . , Connections with the Philadelphia A Reading at Halls, for all points north and south, and the Fall llrook and Beech Creek railroads. Al Sattarficld for all p dnts on the Lehigh Valley railroad. At Sonestown with tho Eagles Men railroad. R. E. KAVEN'SON, Gen. Manager. Hughesville, Pa. e I _____ Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM. L R. oumbk, Dealer in and rianufacturer of Fa CARRIAGES WAGONS. ANI) Youx 1 Patronage Lumber ' H BO '' c i tf, d on die ot low prices. Don't let this l'aut e«cup<>. We are getting rid of our large ttock ofliand made wagons. WagOHS, U e also deal in factory made pletfrom spring wagons. Blacksmithing and Repairing. Wost Main Street LAPOETE. CAMPBELL The Merchant, BHUNK, PENJVA To My Friends and Customers:— Why has my trade increas ed 50 per cent.? while my competitors are complaining of hard times I can tell you. There are three reasons: First Class Goods, Lowest Prices, Every thing as Represented. That is the secret of my success. Isa ve you money and at the same time make some myself. lam now opening up my new line jof Holiday Goods. Presents that will please the old and young, the great and small. Don't fail to to see thein. Call and inspect my new line of Fall and Winter goods of every discription. My stock of Groceries and Provisions are always fresh. No trouble to show you my'goods; call and examine them, for I cannot save money for you unless you give me an opportunity. Yours very respectfully, A. E. CAMPBELL. 9 I ill John W. Buck, I ;i- DEALER IN SONESTOWN, PA FUNERAL MERCHANDISE. An endless line ot canned goods, fancy and staple groceries, as well as high-grade but reasonable-priced table delicacies, may always be found at ous store. A Sensible Wife will Always Watch the advertisements oi responsible merchants especially Grocers. ~ ~ • , . 1 • l>v tins means she will be enabled U - ive in the course ot'a year enough money iii pay lor a good many other household necessities. iOTJIR> Gt-'EJISrJir&JLXj STORE_ Ts well stocked with seasonable goods and we intend to"--" dispose of them in a hurry if low prices will carrv them off. All kinds of country produce handled. J\ "W IBTXOIEC, SONESTOW^PA. J The Improved U. S. Separator 1 leads in the greatest dairy State of the West, K R. M. Bussard's Gcamerv, Poynette. Wis., scoring points and taking Notwithstanding the Improved United States is the last K separator on the market, it is taking the lead in all sections Si ■I where used. K Send for pamphlets containing hundreds of testimonials. M VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Bellows Falls, Vermont ■ 800 Hen's, Boys' and Children's Suits, 200 Overcoats and Ulsters 600 Pair Trousers for Men, Boys and Children Not sold before Jan. 1, '9B together with cotton and woolen underwear, over shirts, sweaters, hats, caps, trunks, valices gloves and mittens. EVERY ARTICLE IS NEW, not a weakness in them, nor a limp in the styles. Not a piece gathered for the occasion or marked up just to IK? marked down. They simply haven't moved as I'd like and now they must. I have marked litem at prices that will make yon buy. J" "W". B°ook. C * rrOU Ddshorjc, P