Newspaper Page Text
Republican News Item. THURSDAY, MAR. -'4, |s;^' 5 Ignorance is the mother of J scepticism. Ignorance does 112 not abound to any greatextent W J in Sullivan County. r J So that there J J is But Little } t Scepticism £ J about the Value oft kbelfleWS I i ITtem | \\ As a Profitable # ilHbvertising $ < flDebium. i $ <>Read It, Your neighbor does.£ <> Subscribe, Don't borrow. i County Seat Indices. —The days are Marching right along. W. M. Cheney of Binghamton was in town Saturday. —Silas Henry of Ringdale spent Sun day in town. —The Borough Audit appears in this issue of the NEWS ITEM. —Hon. W. C. Rogers of Forksville was a county seat visitor on Saturday. —Most of our war stories are Havana fillers with Key West wrappers. Atty. Alphonsus Walsh of Dushore ivas transacting business in town Monday. Constable A. E. Tripp went to Blooms burg Tuesday on official business. —Otto Kemper, tailor of Bloomsburg was in town this week taking orders. —There is beginning to be a fear that somebody may blow up the Maine report. —Judge Ingham was transacting busi ness in Wyalusing the early part of this week. —These mild days are opening the doors to less imperative commands to shut it. Thos. W. Beahcfeleft on Wednesday on a business trip to Towanda. Miss Anna McDonald left for her home in Montrose Wednesday. —Atty. F. H. Ingham, was in Bernice the part of last week, organizing a P. O. S. of A. Lodge. Judge John S. Line was in town on business Wednesday. —Judge Kiaus was a business visitor at the seat of justice Tuesday. —Mr. Haight who will soon open an undertaking business in Forksville was in town doing business Saturday. —Mrs. Ed. Schrader received the sad news of the death of her father who died with consumption and was buried at Hornbrook Pa. on Saturday of last week. —A large number of this place attend ed the A. O. H. Ball at Dushore last Thursday, and report a good time and a big turn out. —lf Key West would try itsell on a snake story Sullivan County editors wouldn't be in it any longer. —Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Ingham return ed from Bufl'alo last week and spent a few days at this place before going to Eagles Mere, where they will mekc arrangements for the opening of Hotel Eagles Mere for the summer season. —Rohe Edkin of Muncy Valley and Jerome Laird of Sonestown made this office a call Tuesday while on their way to Celestia where they are stocking A. T. Armstrong's sawmill. —After next week the most popular question will be "Where do you live now?" Of course everybody will ask everybody the question in order to find out where everybody lives. —Too many men in this country are eager to save the honor of the nation who ought to be saving their wives from breaking their backs scraping the bottom tf an empty flour barrel. —Snow fell to the depth of three inches Sunday night but its beautiful name was changed to mud by noon Monday. An other storm came cavorting around Tues day morning when snow balls the size of silver dollars fell tor about twenty min utes. —Walter Wright of Elkiand and Cbas. Ilaight of Mainsburg, under the firm lameof Wright & Ilaight purchased the furniture and undertaking business of M. R Black at Forksville and will take barge at once. Mr. Haight last fall •ried a sister to his partner, and moved [ansfield where Mr. Haight's father been in the undertaking business for #. They are both enterprising young with years of experience in this line their success is assured. Misses Arna Kennedy and Ella Quinn visited friends in M incy Valley Monday. —Mr. Win. Cheney and mother left on Monday lor liis home in Ringhnmton. —Fay Cooley the NEWS ITKM typo I visited with friends at Xordmont Sun day. —Mrs. J. 1.. Farrell and children of 1 Dushore are visiting relatives at this place. —The Spaniards are not so much afraid of the report on the Maine as of >he re port of the guns which may come after ward. —We now have over $'70,0'0,000 in the gold reserve, with more comingall the time. There is as much safety in this as in a battery of 100-ton guns or a dozen cruisers. —As the Populists appear to be deter mined to flock by themselves this year, they might get out an injunction to re strain the Democrats trom further use of their doctrines. —Lady compositors in Karmas do not always show proper respect for the editor judging from the following advertisement which recently appeared in the Robinson (Kans.) Index: -'Wanted, at this office, a young lady who can set type without trying to run the editor. We know we are not pretty and sometimes go around with our suspenders down, and our shoe£ oft'if our corn hurts us, but that is our own aflair. We don't propose to be hee hawed at by any man, woman or child. This is a snap for some quiet, considerate girl who, ain't afraid of home made socks and red whiskers.' —One of the most remarkable feats ever performed in log drivi-M/ was done on Muncy Creek last Sunday afternoon about three miles below Nordmont at a place called the White Rocks. There was a jam at the head of the Rocks, and when the splash came Mr. Eli Dewitt better known as Bone Dewitt, wen on the jam to break it and rode a logaiOund the Rock, one of the most dangerous places on Muncy Creek, and arrived safe on the other shore. How is this for Bone? —Some people are not familiar with the cause of the beautiful Aurora Borea lias, which was lately seen by our scribe at Estelia. The nearest description that will make it clear to the most obtuce, is simply tliis: When the melofygistic temperature of the horizon is such as to caloricise the impurient indentation of the hemispheric analogy, the borax cur bistus becomessurehorged with inlinitessi mals, thereby producing a rapid change in the therambumpter of the hexagonal antipathies, which can only be seen when it is visible. Our correspondents should be careful about mentioning things people don't understand. —Atty. S. B, Kama has decided to lo cate in Benton Columbia Co. for'the practice of his profession. Mr. Karns since his short practice here has estab lished a goods reputation at the bar and a steadily growing practice. He leaves with the best wishes of this community, about April 13th. A Steamboat'* Whistle and ilell. Throe old steamboatmen stood against the news stand of the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, and watched the passengers come In from the late trains. Then they got remi niscent and talked river talk. "Get an old, musical whistle," said the leader of the trio, "and your steamboat will be a success. Oet a whistle that the darkies along the riv er banks know and like, and they will stay with you like hypnotized subjects. There is nothing like a low, musical rumble, that is deep and sweet to the ear, for catching the good will of the blacks. I stood around the auction block when the steamer Pargoud, which went down at the mouth of Red River a short time ago, was sold, and heard President Van Nostrand of the New Orleans and Western railroad pay nearly S2OO for her whistle. That whis tle was known by every roustabout on the lower river. It was deep and low like thunder, but pleasant withal. They liked it, and the whistle was largely re. sponsible for the success of the boat. In another minute I heard the auc- i tioneer knock down the bell of the : Pargoud to President Van Nostrand for the seemingly enormous sum of about S3OO. That sounds big, doesn't It, but next to the whistle comes the bell After a steamer once becomes known by her bell and whistle, it is death tc j the success of the steamboat to changt I them." Mrn Who llowcd Washington'* Boat When Washington crossed the Del aware on Christmas night, 1776, thi boats which carried the men to mee' the British were manned by twenty two brave men from lleverly, Mass. Ir remembrance of the event their de scendants have just held anniversarj exercises in their memory at the roomf of the Historical Society of thai place Trout Hint. Trust Him for a way when there is ; no way, for light when there is no light, for all things when you have nothing, for joy when there is only sorrow, for life when you are In the midst of death. Thus you will find ' at last that faith is not only righteous ness, but life and Joy an<« peace.—T. T. Munger, D. D Good Slews. No other Medicine was ever given such 1;i test as Otto'w Cure. Thousands of l>ot tlvs ol'this great fitrtmiti remedy are be ing distributed EKEK OK CHAKUK, IO those 'afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, ('rou)i, Hevere Coughs, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases,giving the peo ple proof that Otto's Cure will cure them ! For sale only by T. J. Keeler, Laportc; ! W.L. Hottinan,Hillsgrove; 'J.S. Lancaster Forksville; C. B. Jennings, Estella; .Tno. W. Buck, Sonestown. Samples free. Large bottles Mlc and 2.V. ijvui'Umiijr Says So. Cnscurets Com! v t 'atliartie, the most won derful medical discovery of tliu age, pltus ant, and refreshing to tbe taste, act, gently aud positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the ontlro system, dispel colds, euro headache, lever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy aud try a box of C. O. C. to-iiny; 10, 85, 50 cents. Sold and guarautoed to cure by all drupgists. Double* lb« Plc»»ur«i of n Drive. A tine carriage doubles the plcnsiiroof driv ing:. ! i:'' :ijiiw buyers of carriages or Imr lie? i iv dollars by soiiding for tho lorK". ii'f :'Mtnio juoof tho ElkimrtCarriaue ana 1'."..-'pTt ' Co., Klkhurt, lud. To Cure Couxtlpation Forever. Talte Cascarets Caudy Cathartic. 10c or 23a If C. C. C. fall tocuru, UrujsKistjj refund money. Don't Sjiit nnil SwuLo Your I.lfc Awnj. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlc, full of lite, nerve find vigor, take No-To- Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, COc or VI, Cureguaran teed. Booklet aud sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New Yorlt Goto .J. W. Buck, Sonestown, for rubbers, blankets, carpets, clothing and dressgoods at December low prices. High est prices paid for butter and eggs. Til Cure CumMiJaUon Forever. Take CuHcarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. It C. C. . fail to cure, druggists refund money. Mercantile Appraisement. The venders of domestic and foreign merchan dise etc., in Sullivan County.Pa., will take notice that they are appraised and classed by the under signed appraiser of mercantile and other license tax for the vear 1898, an follows, to wit: Class. CHERRY. Amt: 1 Blight, W. II -"0 75 14 Hope, C. I' 7 75 14.. Hunsinger, I'. W 775 14 Sick, C.S 7 75 14 Vogel, Julius 7 75 14 Sick, Wcndall 775 COLLEY. 14 Dieffcnbach, D. D 7 75 7 Jennings Bros 40 75 14 Johnson. C. A 7 75 14 Finkle, T 7 75 14 Mussleman, (ieo.Agt.J.S. Harrington 775 14 Lopez Drug Co 775 DUSHORE BORO. I I linrih Kester 7 75 14 Carroll..!. W 7 75 1 Carroll, I'. K 7 75 1 Cunningham. James 10 75 14 Crimmius. J. 11 7 75 14 Connor, llitriek 7 75 lit Cole, Samuel 10 75 14 Deegan, (ieorge 7 75 14 Harrington,.l. S 775 1 Honnetter, II 7 75 13... Holla. J. R* Co - 10 75 13 Kline. Bernard 10 75 I McDerinott, Henry. 775 1 I Morris Leverton .V Co 7 75 1 Mingos A Molyneux - 10 75 II Pcaler, Charles K 7 75 II Pomeroy, F. II 775 12... K .John I) 13 25 1 Kettenbury, .1. V 7 75 to Sylvara, K. <■ 2075 14 Tubach, Kmil F 7 75 14 Yon kin. Jacob II 775 DAVIDSON' TWP. 14 Armstrong. A. T 7 75 14 Buck, John \V 7 75 14 Magitrgel, J. It 7 75 11 Hoffman, W. i 1575 18 Hat llayiuan 10 75 14 Mencer, Theo 7 75 II Magargel, Frank 7 75 1 Pent!cost T,umber Co 1078 KLKLAND T\Vl>, 14 .....Hurtung, August 7 75 14 Jennings, C.8., Agt 7 75 14 Miller, 1). L 7 75 It Ilnrtt, Win 7 75 I OX TWP. I;'. Campbell. A. I". 10 75 14 Brown. Charles 775 FORKS TWI". II Norton J; llotlenstein 7 75 FORKSVILLE BOKO. II Lancaster, B. S 7 75 1 Rogers M, A. & Son 13 75 13 Smith, A. C 1075 HILLSGROVE TWP. 1 Hodman, W. 1 10 75 1 Hull, Vernon 13 25 LAPORTE TWP. 1 lioUfurd, Z. E " 75 LAPORTE BOHO. 14 T.J. Keeler 7 75 1 McFarlane James 1:125 14 Tripp, A. E.,Assignee 775 SHREWSBURY TWP. 14 Cheney, C. F 775 1 Kehrer, D 10 75 BILLIARD TABLES. 2 tables,McUee, Ilobt. Dushore, Borough 40 75 1 do Roe,Wm., Cherry twp 30 75 2 do Maben, N.C., Laporte lJoro 40 75 2 do George, J. P., Coiley twp 10 75 WHOLESALE LIQUOR LICENSE Finan, L. D., Dushore Borough O'Neal, Wm., do DISTILLERS LICENSE. Si'hnad, John, Cherry twp. BREWERS LICENSE, lliibcrt, Leonard, Cherry twp. And that an appeal will be held in the office 01 the County Commissioners, Laporte. Pa., on the 18th day of April, beginning at 1 o'clock p.m.; when and where you can attend if you see projier 11. W. OSLER, Mercantile Appraiser. Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM. K<!ucr«r<» Your Kowvlx With Casta re ta. Candy OnilmriU:, ruro conatipation forever. 10c, 25e. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. Subscribe I'm- the N l:\vs ITEM. Williauispori & North Branch R.R TIME TABLE. In Effect Monday Sept. 0, 1807. Northward. southward pm.ja.llt. a.m.: )>m 5 15! 10 40 Hulls 945 440 fs2o|flo 45 l'ennsdale 0 -4I f4 33 5 31 1 lOftS Hughejiville 9 32! 424 540 11 07 Picture Rocks :«25 4 14 (844 fll 11 Lyons Mills !f9 22 f4OB f")47 fll 14 Chamouni 'J2O flo 6 554 11 21 (ilen Mawr ; it 14; 4 00 ft!o-1 fll 30 Strawbridge f9 07 f3 47 fti 0!» fll 3G Beech tilen f9 02 f3 40 012 11 40 Muncy Valley | 849 3 38 ti IS 11 46 Sonestown I 8 52 3 32 834 12 04 Nordmont I 8 37,3 15 654 12 25 LaPorte 821 257 1157 12 28 LaPorte Tannery 8 19 251 1713 fl2 45 ltingdale fS(V> f283 727 100 Satterfleld 1 755 2 20 pin. p. m. am.'pm. AH trnins daily except Sunday; "1 12" flag stations. Connections with the Philndelpbia <1 Reading at Halls, for all points north and south, and tbe Fall Brook and Beech Creok railroads. At Satterlleld lor all points on the Lehigh Valley railroad. At Sonestowu with the Eagles .More railrnnd. 11. I'.. EAVKN'SON, lien. Manager. Hughcsville, l'a. 9ulnscribe for tho NEWS ITEM. W. L. HOFFMAN'S | MUNCY VALLEY STORE. Specialties for our JJargain Da*e THURSDAY, MARCH,24, 98. Watch these store tidings closely, which are money saving opportunities of a most inviting character. Caticoes, 4c yard. Ginghams, 4c yard Table oil cloth, 12c yard Good loose coffee, 10c lb. Brooms, 10c each. Clothes pins, lc per doz.. 41b. prunes, 25c. 41b. rasins, 25c. Good carpet, 25c yard. Ask to see our driving shoes sold for $2.20. THURSDAY'S SPECIAL SALE. I V, ish to Arrest Public Attention, and declaim to the people of Sulli van county my willingness to serve any who wish the services of an experienced Auctioneer. ELLIS SWANK, Sheriff. Laporte, Pa, Beport ol" Laporte Borough Auditors for the Year 1897. Walter Spencer, Treasurer, in account with Laporte Borough for the fiscal vear 1897, made March 14,1898. Dr. t:r To balance in hand, audit 1897... 280 73 Amt.recd. from T.J.Keeler c 01.'96 47 00 do A.II. Buschhausen, col 347 92 do F.W. Gallagher, show lie. 500 do W. T. Watrous sidewalk 22 88 do T.J.Keeler, aa. * 938 do Proceeds order No. 52 '9B P. Karge 400 00 do T. J. Keeler act A.E.Tripp 210 do Proportion license money 351 oo By interest on Karge's Judgment 29 52 " Karge's judgment redeemeil 122 99 costs on same 2 2r Orders redeemed 870 5t Com 214 °n 1025 33 2051 Balance due borough.... 426 2ti $1472 10 1472 111 A. 11. Bauichhaused, Collector, innoeoiuit with Lajiorte borough for year 1897. Dr Cr To amount of duplicate 118 92 By Treasurer's receipts -S9 59 Rebate 5 per cent on 314 20. 15 71 Com 3 per cent on 298 55... 8 9i Treas receipts •«! 87 Com 5 per cent on 35 05 1 '>• Treas receipt 24 51 Land returns »6f Balance due borough 34 8; $4lB 92 418 92 A. 11. Buschhausen, Collector, in account with Laixirtc borough poor funds, vear 1897. Dr Cr To amt of duplicate 299 29 By Treasurer s receipt 206 03 Kebate 5 per cent on 224 23. 1121 Com 3 per cent on 213 02 6 3^ Treas receipt 211: Com 5 per cent on 25 39 1 2' Treas receipt 17 22 Lands returns 079 Balance due borough 25 6t $299 29 299 29 T. J. Keeler Collector 1596 in acct for year 1597 Borough fund.-. To bal due borough last audit til 85 By Treas receipts 17 46 Lands returned It 39 61 85 61 85 Poor Fnnds. To balance due borough last audit 72 33 By Treas receipt 62 28 Lands returns 10 o.' 72 33 72 3: T. J. Keeler, Trustee, in account with lsiiough for year' 97, Bond Fund. To proceed on bond sale 800 on By amt paid Jas. Boyd A: Bros For netting and freight 12 Freight for crusher 2181 liood Koad Machine Co for stone crusher 125 16 C. L. Wing for printing bonds s 0i Seerwdue Bros, for inspecting boiler and engine 1 5< .I.W.Ballard for water tank. oOi do boiler and engine "H)ot Walter Spcneer. Treas 9 3f 800 00 800 Ol F. W. Gallagher overseer of jioor in account with borough for year '97. To balance due borough last audt 59 si Amt reed from T.J.Keeler col. 62 2* A.H.Buschhausen col. yr '97 247 9> By amt pd Mary Gunskl and fam. ilv during year '97 •'<"> <M Tlios.W.Beahen for tramps' board ~- Ellis Swank, boarding tramps.. 2 51 County Treas..for insane bill at Danville, for H.Cunskl .luue 1 '97 »'-• F. W. Galtagcer and T.J.lngham trip to Danville, case of Gunski 11 0< J.W.Ballaid assistance to trami>s 2 0< F, fare for tramps 11* Dr. Herrmann, case of Gunski. IOCH F. M. Crossley asst given tramp- I 21 T.J.lngbatn car fare for tramp.. 51 A.E.Tripp, assistance given to Mrs. John Purcell :: 90 T. J. Ingham for trip to Danville and professional services .'0 0< F. W, Gallagher services overseer 10 Oi do board for tramps 1 5t Balance In hands of overseer 62 9; 370 07 370 07 Statement of resources and liabilities ol La porte borough of the fiscal year 1897, Boro. Funds, Liab. Jtee. Outstanding orders 525 13 Bond indebtedness of borough... ,«0000 Amt due from A.H.Buschhausen -I 83 do Co. Treas land returns for years 1893—4—5... 11 05 do Walter Spencer Treas 126 26 do Co. Treasurer '96 11 39 <1 do '97 9 68 do A.G.Neil, sidewalk muddli- 16 00 do A. J. Hackley sidewalk 320 do C. E. Grimm " 81 do John Werflin " 1017 do John Percell act of Mrs. 1' 390 Liabilities in excess of resources 785 84 1325 IS 1325 13 Poor Funds. Resources in excess of liabilities 117 os Amt due from overseers' 97 62 98 do 11. Minnier 55 00 117 08 Jl7 08 Recapitulation of Boro expenses for y jar 1897. Orders redeemed 870 55 Interest on P. Karge judgment 29 52 P. Karge iudgment redeemed 12299 Costs on above judgments 2 26 Amt ex]>ended on acct of bond fund. 790 62 1815 95 Made up as follow.-: Judgments paid interest and cost 15177 street Commissioner H. 11. Ring 110 25 Work on streets 56092 Printing and stationer}- 12 35 Material and supplies . 77 74 Legal Costs 15 00 Secretary to borough council to 00 Auditing borough account 4 00 Building for stone crusher . <0 50 Stone crusher, engine, boiler etc. 790 62 1815 95 We the undersigned auditors of the borough of Laporte do hereby certify that wc mc* in pursu ance of Act of Assembly at court hou »e March 14. 1898 and did proceed to audit, adjust and settle the several account* of the borough officers and found the same correct as shown and setforth hereinbefore. Witness our hands aud seals thi day J. HARRY SPENCER, H. A . KARNS, THOB. E. KENNED V. Auditors Laportc. March 19. 1898 L R. 6umbk, Dealer in and rianufacturer ot c CARRIAGES \ND WAGONS. AND Your Patronage I iimhpr is solicited OD the bawis of low prices. Don't let ti.its ta«it eni-np-'. LUmDcr are g et tji,<r rid of our large stock of hand made wa^oim. Wagons, tVe O.'BO deal IRI Inciorj' made platfrotn spring wagons. Blacksmith ing and Repairing. "West ]\f ain Street LAPOI, TIE. CAMPBELL The Merchant SHUNK, PENN'A. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MY NEW AD. NEXT WEEK. I will liave somcthiuji important to say to you regard to my new stock of Spring and Summer Goods Which I am opening up for your inspection Your* very resjtecUulW. A. E. CAMPBELL. 9 T- i| John W. Buck, I * • DEALER IN — — -SONESTOWN, PA. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. An endless line oi' canned goods, fancy und staple irroceries, as well as high-grade but reasonable-priced table delicacies, may always be found at ous store. A Sensible Wife will Always Watch the advertisemi- its t;l responsible nierclionts. especially Grocers. By t!?id uieanß Hhe wili Ih . em(blei] U) -:;vf in (he course ot'ii year enough money to pay lor a good niany oilier hoiifehold necessities. OTJ&; STORJ" Is well stocked with seasonable goods and we intend to dispose of them in a hurry if low prices will carry them off. All kinds of country produce handled. J". "W BITOK. SON KSTOWN R.\. leads in the greatest dairy State of the West, KR. M. Bussard's (".reamcry, Poynette, Wis., scoring 984 | at the State Convention St. Albans, Jan. 4-7. IR9S. B Notwithstanding the Improved Unitel States is the list separator 011 the'market, it i . takin the lead in all sections U Send for pamphlets containing hundreds < 112 testimonials. BBL ■ VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Bellows Falls, Vermont ||j 800 Hen's. Boys' and Children's Suit^, 200 Overcoats and Ulsters 600 Pair Trousers for Men. Boys and Children Not sold before Jan* i, '9B together with cotton and woolen underwear, over shirts, sweaters, hats, caps, trunks, valkvs gloves and mittens. EVERY ARTICLE IS NEW, not a weakness in them, nor a limp in the styles. Not a piece gathered for the occasion or marked up just, to lc marked dour.. Tliey simply haven't moved likt* and now thev 11.11 1 have marked llieni at prices tint will make yon buy. J- "W". CARROLL, uouicrroll Dt7BfloßK p