Newspaper Page Text
Republican News Item. THURSDAY, MAR. 31, I§9B - Ignorance is the mother of J J scepticism. Ignorance does \ J not abound to any great extent J € In Sullivan County, 112 <> So that there j> is But Little \\ Scepticism | ( about the Value off ifc be Iftews | | ITtem \ * As a Profitable # llHbvettising j; fl&ebtum. \ Read it, Your neighbor does, 112 oSubscribe, Don't borrow, 112 County Seat Indices. —Republican Primaries next Saturday. —lt was> hot time in the old town, all right. —Judge Dunham is holding court in Troy this week. Master. Saylor Lawrence drove to Dushore Monday. —The life of the house-keeper will eoon be one grand sweet scrub. —John W. Buck of Sonestown was a business visitor in town Tuesday. Atty- E. J. Mullen was a business visitor in Williamsport Wednesday. —Mr. Frank Shoemaker is visiting his brother at this place. Atty. H'm Shoemaker was transact ing business in Lewisburg Monday. —Theo. Heess of Elkland twp was transacting business in town Saturday. —Miss Stella Reede of Muncy Vallsy visited with Mrs. T. J. Keeler Saturday. —Hon. J. S Line of Bernice was a county seat visitor in town Monday. — F. P. Vincent was circulating femong his friends in town Saturday. ' —M. C. Miller of Ringdale was tran sacting business in town Wednesday. —Spain capitulated just in time to give local politics a fair starting chance. —Dr J. W. Murrelle of Athens will be at this place April 9th lor the practice of dentistry and will remain a few days only. —Judge Ingham returned home MOD day after a week's business trip to Wya lusing. —With the loss of the Laporte Hotel this town looks like the desolate island of Cuba. —County Commissiones Huffmaster Rogers and Secules were at their office on Saturday. —Ja». C. Deininger came up from Harricburi: Friday to see his friends at this place and Sonestown. —Mrs. Chae. Tinklepaugh returned from Williamsport Tuesday where she has been visiting for several days. —Mr. E. V. Ingham of Eagles Mere, was looking after business interests the early part of this week injtown. —A. A. Baker returned Friday from a two week's business trip through Columbia Co., traveling for a nursery company. Now, if this interminable rainy season can be inuced to back down as Spain has, life will be worth living again. Mrs. C. D. Voorhees and daughter left on Friday to visit with friends at >hunk before leaving for her future home t Elk County. —The liquor stock saved from the el was placed in Prothonotary Law n's office for temporary safety. Some jght'he was preparing for a>campaign. —Miss Rinehart of Williamsport is sisting her sister Mrs. C. F. Wacken uth in domestic affairs while locating in their new home. —Miss Grace Lawrence left Q£ Tues day for Bloomsburg where she wl) plete her course of study at the o. Normal. p —lt was an exterior cause that mad? all the trouble about the Maine, and an interior cause that made bad work of the hotel. It makes all the difference in the world.wliere a thing happens. —The singing school conducted dy Perry W. Parks closed Monday night. \ con cert was given in the M. E. church Tues day evening by the graduating class. —A gold watch chaim containing a photograph was found in the street at lis place Friday night. The owner cau ive same by calling at this office. —Thos. M. Stalford of Wyalusiug, for hy years a prominent teacher of Brad ford county, now a leading representative of the New York Mutual Life Insurance company, waa transacting business in town Monday- —The swords can be beaten into plow shares just in time to get ready for oats sowing. —E. P.. Webb o!' Muncy Valley vvn.t doing business in town Wednesday. —Fire Insurance adjusters will hold a meeting over the remains of the hotel on Friday to ascertain the amount of damage done. —An illustrated lecture will be given in the methodist church Saturday evening of this week, by Rev. W. S. Skinner. Subject "The curse of drink" a most thrilling and fearful story setting forth the evils of intoxication. Twenty-four touching pictures. Admission, 15 cents, children 10. —The M. E. church was almost a vic tim of conflagraiion Friday night. A quantity of wet wood was placed on the back of the stove to dry and left there while the parties went away thinking to return soon. The wood took fire from the heat of the stove and was discovered by Hattie Lawrence who gave the alarm in time 10 have it extinguised before doing any dumage. —The NEWS ITEM was about the only newspaper that told its readers there would be no war arising from the Maine affair. The avalanche of war papers | didn't scare the ITEM, the youngster is 100 well acquainted with them. It also had to much faith in McKinley who is going to give freedom to suffering Cuba and settle the Maine disaster honorably and do it all without shedding the blood , of a great and noble nation either. —Dr C. F. Wackenhuth last Friday entered upon his duties ns physician at this place, and is getting but little of the rest ihat he had lioped to enjoy after leaving a large field of practice about Jamison City. While our people much regretted the loss of a good neighbor and an excellent physician in the person of Dr. Voorhees, they now rejoice to learn that they have one who hopes to equal his successor and well able to do so. As Dr. Wiiclienhuth has achieved other success he is most certain at this place as well. —You can feel the hints of spring in the air these days. You can get a sug gestion of it in the advertising columns of the NEWS ITEM. YOU can observe it in city shop windows. You can see indica tions that Miss and Madam are getting ready to bedeck themselves a few days hence, in finery such as, soon, the birds and woods wi'l don. The ilrygood mer chants throwing out hints about tliq se ductive shirt-waists that has not yet burst iis elements of pine box in the important celbis to bloom in billow ing plumpness in the show window to he tnnouncen in advertisements. A few days of this weather a,id the door ytvrds will begin to iissume as much importance as the yards. And why shouldn'tthey? When natures swords thrust forth their tendril blades in defiance | Jack Frost to give beauty to Mother fartb and till human hearts with the jovoui conviction that the dead shall live. Muncy Valley. The people wonder why Mr. Tayloi Stroup wears such a broad smile just now but it'they should goto his home and see the big girl which will make her home i with him, thert I wonder if their wonder wouldn't cease to wonder. Mr. Wm. Sheets of Muncy Valley re received a message Wednesday of the i death of his brother John at Port Layden. P M. Taylor arrived .home Friday last Irom Potter Co. where he was delivering | pictures. M. .J. Phillips left Saturday last for | Williamsport. j J. 11. Stackhouse made a trip to Will ; iamsport and returned Saturday- John Welago of wiped U| .in a fight Saturday night lust and wai ' struck over the head with a club. ll* was taken to the Williamsport hospital i Monday. ! There was ice over the small pook ol water Wednesday morning. Ilyman Ilerr retrned Tuesday Irom a i trip 10 Lock Haven. i T. J. Scbug'is erecting a saw mill about | 2 miles from this place and will be in operation soon. Straw Bridge. Miss Laura Rine is on the sick list. Mr. J. J. Harding, wife and little daugh- | ter Rita made a three dav'a visit to Will iamsport over Sunday. We are very sorry to say to the many friends of MissjEtta Buck that she is not —"oUmceut as fast as her many friends ' «? £=3 © takecift.g. ILI o J g about one year. Wi ® >» u success. * ® Mr. P. Edkiu made a flying trip to Forksville Sunday last. He reports the roads in bud condition. Mr. A. C. Edkin came home to-day from Forksville. He will spend a few days with his parents at Cedar Grove and on April 4th will leave for Muncy where he will attend the first term of Muncy Normal School. Mr. George Houeeknecht will move on the Fiester Property near Strawbridge about April Ist. Mr. Wm. Shoemaker of Sirawbridge has purchased two fine teams of horses, a number of people called Sunday to see hem and report verv fine horse*. —The wreck of the Maine has employ ed the poets so generally that. Spring is i getting of!' easy this year, j —The geography class looks out of the i window and sees that the surface of the I earth is composed of land and water, with | the proportion about three-fourths water, I just as the book says. ; —The warriors can console themselves in the fact that, though the piping timefi of pence are going to continue, there is plenty of good business stirring to keep tliem employed. ~Kv«rvtio<iy Saye So. Casciirets Candy Cathartic, the most won det-f ul medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to too taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, clean sin* the entire system, dispel colds, cure heatlnolie, fevor, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, as, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure bv till druggists. Double* tho Pleasure of n Drive. A fine carriage doubles the pleasuro of driv ing. Intending buyers of carriages or har ness can save dollars by sending fot the large, f reo catalogue of tho Elkhart Carriage Ana Harness Mfg. Co., Elkhart, Ind. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cuscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. Don't Tobacco Spit uud Smuke tour IJI'o Ann*. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlc, full of lire, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or 91. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Goto J. W. Buck, Sonestown, for rubbers, blankets, carpets, clothing and dressgoods at December low prices. High est prices paid for butter and eggs. To l)ui'3 Constipation Forever- Take Cuscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Mercantile Appraisement. The venders of domestic and foreign merchan dise etc., in Sullivan County.Pa., will take notice that they are appraised and classed by the under signed appraiser of mercantile and other license tax for the year 1898, as follows, to wit: Class. CHERRY. Ami: 10 Blight, W. II 20.5 14 Hope, C. P JW 14 Hunsinger, P. W • «> 14 Sick, C. S 111 14 Vogel, Julius ?'j> 14 Sick, Wcndall COLLEY. 14 Dieflcnbach, D. D ? 7 Jennings Bros 4U^s 14 Johnson. C. A * 14 Finkle, T 775 14 Mussleman, Oeo.Agt.J.S. Harrington 7<5 14 Lopez Drug Co 7 ,s > DI'SHORE BORO. 14 Barth&Kester 7 1? 114 Carroll, J. W 7 -J> \l4 Carroll, D, ' jl3 Cunningham, James W'j> 14 Crimmins. J. H '«•> 14 Connor, Patrick "~J> |l3 cole, Samuel 14 Deegan, George 7 7.> !14 Harrington, J. 8 77a 14 Honnetter, G. H 770 13... Holla, J. 9. &Co - JO 75 1 Kline, Bernard 10/•> 1 McDermott, Henry ' 14 Morris Leverton & Co 1 Mingos & Molyneux - 10 <5 1 Pealer, Charles E 7 75 14 Pomeroy, F. B 775 12. .. Ree-er. John D 2-I 14 Rettenbury, J. V 7<5 1 sylvara, E. G 20 75 14 Tubach, Eniil I* 7/5 14 Yonkin, Jacob H 775 DAVIDSON TWP. 14 Armstrong, A. T 775 14 Buck. John W 7 75 14 Magargel, J. B 775 1 Honman, VV. L 15 >5 1 Herr Hayman 10 75 14 Mencer, Theo 7 75 14 Magargel, Frank 775 1 Penticost Lumber Co 10 75 ELKLAND TWP, 11 Hartung. August 775 1 Jennings, C.8., Agt 7 75 II Miller, D. L 7 75 14 llartt, Vm 775 FOX TWP. 1 Campbell. A. E 10 75 1 Brown. Charles ' 'o FORKS TWP. 14 Norton &. Hottenstcln 775 FORKSVILLE BORO. 14 Lancaster, B. S 7 75 1 Rogers M, A. & Son 15 75 13 Smith, A. C 10 75 lIILLSGROVE TWP. 1 Hoffman, W. L 10 75 1 Hull, Vernon 13 25 LAPORTE TWP. 1 Botsford, Z. E 7 75 LAPORTE BORO. 14 T.J.Keeler 7 75 12 McFarlane James 1325 14 Tripp, A. E.,Assignee 775 SHREWSBURY TWP. 14 Cheney. C. F 775 ( 13 Kehrer, D 10 75 BILLIARD TABLE 9. J tables, McGce, Robt. Dushore, Borough 40 75 I do Koe.Wm., Cherry twp 30 75 i do Maben, N.C., Laporte Boro 40 75 I do George, J. P., Colley twp 40 75 WHOLESALE LIQI'OR LICENSE. Finan, L. D., Dushore Borough O'Neal, Wm., do DISTILLERS LICENSE. Schaad, John, Cherry twp. BREWERS LICENSE. Hilbcrt, Leonard, Cherry twp. And that an appeal will be held in the office of ihe County Commissioners, Laporte, Pa., on the 18th day of April, beginning at 1 o'clock p.m.; when and where you can attend if you see proper 11. W. OSLER, Mercantile Appialser. Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM. Kilucnto Your ii»w«ls IVIIIi Casearets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM. Williamsport & North Branch R.R TIIMIE TABLE. In icefoot Monday Bept. 6, 1897. Northward. Southward" pm. a. m. | a,m.| pm ~l»O40i Halls 945 440 ..... 9 32! 424 KA 112 9 25 4 14 29- —• firfO 22' f4 Ofc fStV. . w W 9 20,f4 06 5 54' ■ irg-i 914 ! 400 f6 04 i m f9 07 f347 f6 09 fU36 Beech Glen- f9 02, f3 40 6 12 11 40 Muncy Valley 8 49,3 38 6 18'11 46! Rones town 8 52 832 634, 1201! Nordmont 837 3 15 654 12 25 LaPorte 8211257 657 12 28 LaPorte Tannery 819 254 f713 f1245! Rlngdale 1806 (283 7 27, 100| Satterfleld 7 5512 20 pm.ip. m.! am.|pm. All trains daily except Sunday; " 112" flag •tatinns. Connections with the Philadelphia A Reading at Halls, for all points north and south, and the Fall Brook and Beech Creek railroads. At SatUrQeld for nil pints on the Lehigh Valley railroad. At Sonestown with the Eagles Mere railroad. 11. E. EAVRNSON, Oen, Manager. Hughesville, Pa. Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM. W. L. HOFFMAN'S MUNOY VALLEY STORE. Specialties for our jgargain ©a? THURSDAY, MARCH,24, 98. Watch these store tidings closely, which are money saving opportunities of a most inviting character. Calicoes, 4c yard. Ginghams, 4c yard Table oil cloth, 12c yard Good loose coffee, 10c lb. Brooms, 10c each. Clothes pins, lc per dost. 41b. prunes, 25c. 41b. rasins, 25c. Good carpet, 25c yard. Ask to see our driving shoes sold for $2.20. THURSDAY'S SPECIAL SALE. I Wish to Arrest Public Attention, and declaim to the people of Sulli van county my willingness to serve any who wish the services of an experienced Auctioneer. ELLIS SWANK, Sheriff. Laporte, Pa. Beport of jLaporte Borough Auditors for the Year 1897. Walter Spencer, Treasurer, In account with Laporte Borough for the fiscal year 1897, made March 14,1898. Dr. Cr To balance In hand, audit 1897... '286 7S Amt.recd. from T.J.Keeler c 01.'96 47 06 do A.H. Buschhausen, col 347 92 do F.W. Gallagher, show 11c. 500 do W. T. Watrous side walk 22 88 do T.J.Keeler, sale 938 do Proceeds order No. 52 '9B P. Karge 400 00 do T. J. Keeler act A.E.Tripp 210 do Proportion license money 35100 By interest on Kurge's judgment 29 52 " Karge's Judgment redeemed 122 V9 " costs on same ,2 26 " Orders redeemed 870 56 Com 2% on 1025 33 2051 " Balance due borough 426 26 1147210 147210 A. H. Bauschbaused, Collector, in account with Laporte borough for year 1897. Dr Cr To amount of duplicate 418 92 By Treasurer's receipts 289 59 Rebate 5 per cent on 314 26... 15 71 Com 3 per cent on 298 56 896 Treas receipts 33 87 Com 5 per cent on 35 65 1 78 Treas receipt 24 50 Land returns 968 Balance due borough 34 83 $4lB 92 418 92 A. 11. Buschhausen, Collector, In account with Laporte borough poor funds, year 1897. To anit of duplicate 299 29 By Treasurer s receipt 206 63 Rebate 5 per cent on 224 23.. 11 21 Com 3 per cent on 213 02 6 39 Treas receipt 2413 Com 5 per cent on 25 39 1 26 Treas receipt 17 22 Lands returns 6 79 Balance due borough 25 66 $299 29 299 29 T. J. Heeler Collector 1896 in acct for year 1897 Borough funds. To bal due borough last audit 6185 By Treas receipts 47 46 Lands returned 14 39 61 85 61 85 Poor Fnnds. To balance due borough last audit 72 33 By Treas receipt 62 28 Lands returns 10 05 ■3 72 8a T. J. Keeler, Trustee, in account with borough ' year '97, Bond Fund. To proceed on bond sale 800 00 By amt paid Jas. Boyd A Bros.. For belting and freight 22 12 Freight for crusher 24 84 Good Koad Machine Co for stone crusher 425 16 C. L. Wing for printing bonds 800 Seerudue Bros, for inspecting boiler and engine 4 50 J.W.Ballard for water tank.. 6 00 do boiler and engine 300 01. Walter Spencer, Treas 9 8h 800 00 800 00 F. W. Gallagher overseer of poor In account with borough for year '97. To balance due borough last audt 54 81 Amt reed from T.J.Keeler col. 62 28 A.H.Buschhausen col. yr'97 247 98 By amt ixl Mary Gunski and fam. ily during year '97 65 00 Thos.W.Beahen for tramps' board 75 Ellis Swank, boarding tramp* 2 5t County Treas. for in sane bill at Danville, for U.Gunski .luue 1 'B7 177 59 F. W. Gallugeer and T.J.lngham trip to Danville, case of Gunski 1100 J.W.Bullaid assistance to tramps 2 00 F. fare for tramps 1 00 Dr. Herrmann, case of Gunski... 10 01 F. M. Crossiey aast given tramps 1 20 T.J.lngham car fare for tramp..... 50 A.K.Tripp, assistance giveu to Mrs. Jotin Purcell S 90 T. J. Ingham for tripto Danville and professional services 20 00 F. W, Gallagher services overseer 1000 do board for tramp* 150 Balauce in hands of overseer 62 9b 870 07 370 07 Statement of resources and liabilities of La porte borough of the fiscal year 1897, Boio.Funds, Liab. Rec. Outstanding orders 52513 Bond indebtedness of borough... 800 00 Amt due from A.H.Buschhausen 84 83 do Co. Treas land returns for years 1893—4—5 1105 do Walter Spencer Treas... 426 26 do Co. Treasurer '96. 1* 39 d do '97 9 68 do A.G.Neil, sidewalk muddle 16 00 do A. J. Hackley sidewalk 820 do C. E. Grimm " 981 do John V'erflin " 1017 do John Vercell act of Mrs. P |9O Liabilities in excess of resources 785 84 1325 13 1325 13 Poor Funds. Resources in excess of liabilities 117 98 Amt due from overseers '97 « ?8 do H. Mlnnier 55 00 117 08 117 08 Recapitulation of Boro expenses for year 1867. Orders redeemed Interest on P. Karge Judgment 295* P. Karge Judgment redeemed 12299 Costs on above judgments 2 26 Amt expended on acct of bond fund 790 62 1815 95 Made up as follows: _ Judgments paid Interest and cost 154 <7 Street Commissioner H. H. Ring. JI9 25 Work on streets °™92 Printing and stationery 12 35 Material and supplies J7 74 Legal Costs 00 Secretary to borough council 1000 Auditing borough account 4 00 Building for stone crusher 80 50 Stone crusher, engine, boiler etc <9O 62 181595 We the undersigned auditors of the borough of Laporte do hereby certify that we met in pursu ance of Act of Assembly at courthouse March 14, 1898 and did proceed to audit, adjust and settle the several accounts of the borough and found the same correct as shown and setforth hereinbefore. Witness our hands and seals this day J. HARRY SPENCER, H. A. KARNS, THOS. E. KENNEDY. Auditor*. Laporte, March 19.18M- L R. flumble, Dealer in and ilanufacturer of p-i _ CARRIAGES \N£ WAGONS. AND Your Patronage Lumber '* solicited on the banis of low prices. Don't let this I'aut escuj<«. u; are r of our ' ar B« stock of hand mode wagons. Wagons, We also deal in factory made pletfrom spring wagons. Blacksmithing and Repairing. West°l7ain Street LAPOETE. CAMPBELL The Merchant, &HUNK, PENNA. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MY NEW AD. NEXT WEEK. I will have something important to say to you regard to my new stock of Spring and Summer Good s Which I am opening up for your inspectio Yours very respectfully. A. E. CAMPBELL. '-7=l John W. Buck, li=L-« * GENERAL MERCHANDISE. An endless line of canned goods, fancy and staple groceries, as well as high-grade but reasonable-priced table delicacies, may always be found at ous store. A Sensible Wife will Always Watch the of responsible merchants especially Grocers. gy g jjj eans will be enabled in ;-ave in the course ol'a year enough money to pay lor a good many other household necessities. STORE" Is well stocked with seasonable goods and we intend to— dispose of them in a hurry if low prices will carry them off. All kinds of country produce handled, j". w. bttcik:, SONESTOWN .PA" CsWEEPSTAKES V? I ■ AWARDED PRODUCT OF THE fltt B improved United States Separator wt At the Wisconsin Dairymen's Association, & kjuSuS W Manitowoc, Feb. 9-11, iBpS. IP It leads everywhere where introduced. fly ■ 1 have received the sjs.oo sent me ns premium m on butter that scored the hienest at the Mum- ■ ■ towoc Convention of the Wisconsin State Dairy- ,■> men's Association. 1 got the Sweepstakes and three My/K other First Priies, amounting in value altogether A 1 to STI 5. n0, and all because my No. t Improved V. S. -j K Separator makes such smooth, perfect cream. It is *. TST.-ay K Oaf easv to make Cno butter out of such cream. R. M. BUSSARD, iaMulfißll Prop. Bussard's Creamery. . SEMD FOR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS. FREE. * VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Bellows Falls, Vt. nen's, Boys' and Childreti's Suits, 200 Overcoats and Ulsters 600 Pair Trousers for Men, Boys and Children Not sold before Jan. 1, '9B together with cotton and woolen underwear, over shirts, sweaters, hats, caps, trunks, valices gloves and mittens. EVERY ARTICLE IS NEW, not a weakness in them, nor a limp in the styles. Not a piece gathered for the occasion or marked up just to l>e marked down. moved as I'd like and now they musi I have marked them at prices that will make you buy. W". CLAJR/IR/OXjI-i- 112a 0 *" 01 ' Dushobb. 1' t Try The News Item Job Office Once. Fine Printing To Please.