Newspaper Page Text
Republican News Item. CHAS. L. WING, Editor and Manager. THURSDAY APRIL 7, "FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS.' The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Seat of Sullivan County. IiAPOBTE. PA. Entered n< the Pnut Olfioe at l.«|M>rle, Becond class until mutter. SI'BSORII'TIOX—#I.SO per annum.* If paid in advance #1 00 Sample copies free. All communicHtioiif* should lie ail dressed to REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM, Laporte Pa., _ 4 ffc J l "** li(T Sflhrtd ' TO THE CHILD JESUS. 1 The Nativity. Could every tlme-v/orn heart but see Thee once again, A happy human child, among the homes of men, The age of "doubt would pass—the vis ion of Thy face Would silently restore the childhood of the race. 11. The Fltiht lato Egypt. Thou wayfaring JCHUB, a pilgrim, a stranger, Exiled from heaven by love at Thy birth, Exiled again from thy nest in the manger, A fugitive child 'mid the perils of earth, — Cheer with Thy fellowship all who are weary, Wandering far ficm the land that they love; Guide every heart tilt t is homeless and dreary, Safe to its home In thy presence above. —The Rev. Dr. Hetry Van Dyke In "The Builders, and Other Poems." The inconsistency Home newspaper talking on the Cuban question is vei< noticeable In one column we rend of 111■ United Slates appropriating lur<;e sums o money, and sending shiploads of provis ions 10 relieve the sttlleriiig of starvin Cubans, and in the next column we rein abouth the methods that may be adoplei by the United States (or the capture <■ Iliivanna, viz: blockading the pop cuiting oH'all supplies and "starving lb popu ation." Verily theie is somethin: wrong in the eihics of war and humanin when thus mixed up. Sonestown Mrs. E. .1. Lock wood and daugbt' Edna visited friends in Picture Roils Saturday. J. B. Magargel transacted business ii Laporte Monday. Miss Sadie Crist has returned from i visit with her sister who recently tuovu to Tivoli. .7 W ilttck was in <» business la-t Monday. A. T. Armsirotig drove to Muncy las week on business connecied with mill. Thin industry will be resumed oi Monday with Mr. Trump ns miller. Mrs. T. S. Laird of Kordmout spei> Friday in town in consequence oi lb R. R. wreck between Jonestown ni>< Kordmout. Mrs. Wilson Starr and daughter Mist Valid report a very pleasant visit torch lives in E'lkiu 11 ill last Sniuiday ain Sunday. Andrew Edgar took a spin on his whe« t<> Htighesville and returtied llie first i> the week. 11. P. Hall has moved into the buildin. lormerly used as post otlice from its sii on Main his own grounds where ii will be attached to the house and ustd tir a kitchen. Mr. Kase of Philadelphia was lieri last week in the interest ot the wash boiiti factory at this place. The factory is now under supervision of the Eastern Wash bard Co. and the employe* anticipate steadier work than they formerly bad. Be sure to come to the eniertainiiiem given by the Literary Society in ilieschoo house on the eveuingofthe Isih. A smal admission tee will be charged- An ex cedent program will lie rendered by tin best local talent. You can't at'.oid !■ miss it. W. B. Hazen and E. W. Warner killtd nine ducks while at Biaver I'oiwl on u hunting expidition. These days Charlie Hazen is dividing his attention between the new wagon am the new boy. When the baby cries h« goes out to look at the wagon. The Marshal'received a great many h Is in llie '"Astouisher" at the Lilerary all about one occurence. The E. M. R. R train tusptn ed work lor a few days. J, I' tlazuu spent W .Jnesduy it Hugbesville. I Treasurer's Sale OF UNSEATED LANDS. Agreeable to the provisions of an Act of Assm bly entitled, "An Act directing the mode of sell ing I 11-I ill d Lands for tuxes, i»assed the 12th day of March, 1815, and the supplements thereto, 1, UANSU.II IIIKASHKII, Tieasuier of the County of sullnan, hereby g.\e notice to all peisons con cerned Hl. loss Iht! County .State, Road, School and Poor Taxes due on the following tracts of I n.-cated Latum situated in said county and paid before the day if sale, the « hole or such pal t of eacli tract as will pay the taxes and such cost chargnble thereon will be sold at the Court House in Lul'Oitv.suid vouniy i.f Sullivan, on the 18th day of June. lst>B, being the second Monday of June. The sale to be continued by adjournment fiom day loony if (Reined necessary for arrear ages of uixesoue, and assessed and cost aeeured on each tinet respectively. Unseated Lands. ACRES. WAKKAXTEE. TAX, 011EUKY TWP. 41754 linker, John $ 9894 K| pie, Helliy 167 63 3'.U Epple, IK 111 y II" * ■ 50 Liuuji, William 31 .5 lit l ox. sainuel 27 68 382% I ox, George 221 li. luj Fox, saniuel 22 '•«> Km liiay, William 22'i0 li\m% Gray, William 3i>2.i •27 Helling. Christian Is no 158 Getting, Giover 106 88 178 Jiicoby, Leonaid 40 .»• 76 Jackson, Jeiemiah 16 8s 100 Kiyser, John 22 fin 12 Laskey, Edward 2 82 1:1 Liikciis. Daniel 2 82 40 Giav, William 914) 3:t2 Noiil» Jrseph P 221 li l."> 0 Quit k, John 33 i5 12 Heed, Collinson < ; ;1 lisi heed, Colbnsou 41 li.. 21a Roberts, Hugh 16.i:> 60 Robot.-. Hugh 40 fti 236 Roberts. .Ins. F 1-1' 19 1( 0 Kobeits George 6; ■* 255 stein, William Ml 2 200 Stein, I'hllip 4.1 u 111 stein, I'hllip Ml*' 110 Vanl'hull. William 2175 ins Wager, Philip 21 on 227 W entzel, John 41100 COLLEY TWP. 120 Anderson, John 12 Of. 915-4 Bro» n. George fto Compton, Adam James 16 2' 325 Clark, John 35 10 307 Chase, Hiber »»4< 3sß Cluise, Dudley 12'' • 1 lilt Cm l enter, Samuel 51 200 Crispin, James 2160 290 Culbeitson, John 3132 SitsK Ciiri enter,easier J 3-'». 400 ' Campbell, Gustavua 43 J' 224 Carpenter, Charles 2:t'.i; 400 Car| enter, Elisha 43 2i' 356 Cottlnger, Garret SKja 418 Ltailv, Jeremiah 46 21 418 Daily, Mary 4.t21 418 Daily, John 4.i2t 17,"> Kltz.-inimoiis, Thomas 42 un 2no Gin d heart, Elisha 61 W 1 13:1 Gillett, lilijilißlet 43 20 350 Gin dlieart, James F. 37 si 4.14 llousewcart, John 2U(it 3:18 Honey. Geoige' 200 Heister, I'etel 10 H) 30 Hcier, Cha.-e 3 21 317 Kester, Jacob 34 24 300 Kerr, Geo. Adolphus 82 I' • 2(2 Li gaii. Sheldon 23tx• j 3:10 McMullan, Michael 35 61 I ndivlded . , | '2 of lis McMullan, John 27 8( 417 McMu.lan, Alexander 4514 j ;4) Moi>e, William lt'2( 13 Nicholas, William 432 4(Ki Nicholas, Heniy 43 2f' 151 Odion, Thomas 3132 50 Parley, Naihanlel 2i 190 Plnco, Hezet.el 15(i' 50 I'ailey, Natlianicl in2o U2 43-IHO Richard, E. G '''2l( it ti-iu ltitzcr, Jacob 1"4 7i s<i sjaiabawk, Thomas 40(0 31 Stifliviin, James l"Ut j 04 Shaw, David 20 73' 1(8 TOWHHMII, Richard 183( | 12 Ta'.em, J'seph 37M 21 Tatem. J( se| h iO2 150 Ti mlii son. Richard 14 ('■< , 310 Tatem. Jiseph :+t(2 207 Toniliiisoii, lteiijamlu 22 il , ii;l Wood ward, Ebenzer 30 21 1,-iU WordwaVd, He/a 48 ia ;HX) Wliilfoid. Wilsou 97 2 : 111 Zeigler, Da\ Id 1188. 50 Zeigler, David 5l( j DAVIUSON TWP. 392 Balliott, John l r '2 25 j 3.9 Kelt ley, Johnson lWi'.ti 401Ji Mainly, I'aul 87 t;t 207 Colt, William 38(1 300 Cope, Israel ■ I'l H 50 Coaies, Jacob 1" 436 Oust aid, Mary H'" 8:1 Coaies, Mary J2 41 92 E\ans, Eliial eth 15 its 98 Evans. John and James li;3i< 150 Evans, Joel 325.' 2"1 Ewillg, Jasper 43 H 127 Ewlng, R( liert "2 C( 2J9J-100 llcss and Crcveling 9 2; 3(iß Harvey, I'ctcr >s- 7:i r,o Hess, samuel and Wesley 2n 2' 450 Harvey, Nicholas 314( 21 Hess, Samuel and Wesley 311 436 Jaines. Grace lfl 2i 10 Janus, Thomas 4 »• s(i paschall, Joseph 3t in 2 0 Mlley, Martin IC2 -1 378 McMuila'i Alexander 68C4 187 Moutgomciy, William 27 37 SainplC. Ciitiici lie 52 2' 75 stiawbi idge, James H".' 4;7 Wi* d.-i(le, E.i annr I'-'l 2 18 WoiMlsldc, Aicliil aid 219 4Ti Woodsiile, John jr, ftl' Yailiell, llcl iccu 43H j ELK LAND TOWNSHIP 12 Brvson, Samuel 91' i 180 call eiiier, John 2s m ; 250 OwK, Met hl'li 40 (' | It 0 Conly, Holert 1" 1 1 j 30 Cocley, Henry 4 M fits Hunslnger, Aaron 13 s, 250 Prr dor iV 11.11 401' i 13,'i Rogers, C. S. 2 n I 43 I'roctor.V Hill 6N KOKKS TOWNSHIP. 432 Doi>cy. J( hu "1 53 Eilily, Gei ige 33 H 477 Kox, Geoige 2Hii 12 50 Hants, Je.-se 217. 425 Hut ley, lieiiry 1191 252 Hui ley, Chfi*. 121.1' 50 Harrison, Jacob 217. 125 Hurley, Geoige 61 >+ 100 Lloyd, I del Jr. 514. 122 Li eke, lleiuy ill' lhii MiiSfd, John 912 o0 I'lcasaius, Israel 81 u b7 I'eleis Richaid 48 n 55 Rolens, Hugh 2"'2/ 55 Hot cits, .las. H. 21'2- 4(2 Rol erts, Oe< )ge 188 2' 90 Rush, Beojanitii 118,' KIX To*'XS»IP. 100 Epple, llenry 13 fit 30 Epple, llenry 3 407% Hughes, Gunge 61 330 Hull, John 125 31 817% Hull, Mahlcn 119 71 300 Hilton, James 75 is 807 Jones Isruel 8s H 810 Join.son, James lfti 4t 50 Kulin, l eier 680 29 J'enrrse, Thomas 1740 llllt-uROVE lAVP rn» Albcijs, Geiiice 30 2! 80 Bingham William 10 in -290 Boyd. Ji hu 54 81 335 Boiiham, Ephratm I2iiir. 346% Beck, Henrv. 132 31 216 ltonham, \\ ililam M !H: 100 Carpenter, Samuel 121* 1 50 Corson, James 1891 257% Delaney, Tht mas 78 0s lib Hornkeith, Jeremiah 14 Is l'X Jackson, William 76« l:tt McKane, Thomas 8102 408 Keesc, Daniel 15185 405 lieekjer. Michael 15319 LAPOKIf. TWP. 100 Bachm. I'lulip 10 60 111 Bachm, j'hilip 24 t'O 39 Bachm, I'hllip 826 191 Baum, I'hilip 40 4' 126 Fox, Samuel M. 26,1 1 Fraukliu, I'hi mas 2t 86 Fox, Hannah 7 fit 55 Fox, Saiah 742 40 Fiaiikltn. Walter 6:l« 13 Gaidner, Richard 280 J8 G i ail, John 691 170 Gralf. Jihn ?6 0l 182 Oi aft, Andrew 37 10 56 Graf, Andrew 1127 10 Gai lagus, susan W. 212 45 Gaidner,RU.'h*r4 #sl 105 Gray. Bolert 25 2o 118 liarvcy. Jonailian 1< < 2 ft Herling, Joseph 1 06 140 Harvey, Jonathan 23 1 s 47% Harvey, Ji liathan 997 104 Hall: Charles 22 < 6 117 Harvey. Jonathan 21 W) 150 Levi, D.miil S6'9 113 i levl. Dan el JJ«! '2*4 Lavl, Daniel •» 08 Morris. Richard H. X142 71 Morris, Richard H. 1520 119 North, Richard 25 45 45 Norrig, Jnaeph I*. 9 54 63 North, Richard 63 75 43% rieajanta, Isiael St 6Q 95 Plea.-anta, Samuel 19 00 40 Parker, Thomas t>4 40 15 Parker, William 3 30 117 I'arker, William 35 40 SOU I'arker, William 640 401 . Rolieiis. Hugh 80 4fi 49 Reynolds, Thomas 1012 175 Reynolds, Thomas 35 51 64 Roberts, K. F. 5 Hackstruw, Joseph 1 Ofi 35 Ri bills, Tnliifuim 7 42 97 Smith, Daniel 1170 75% Smith Daniel 15 1» 130 Wright, Samuel It. 27 56 115 Wlialen, Robert 25 50 86 Weaver, William 10 32 SMREwsm nv TWF. 117 . Brodie, William 840 41# Benson, I'eter 6102 311% Brady, John . 14610 59 Boyd. .John 24 «4 101 Douglieity. John 44 21) UK) Dougherty, John 43 80 75 Kenno, John 10 95 355 Haines, Reutie i 155 in lUO Hrover, Jacob 43 80 401% Hunter. Job />* ,i 25 J i win, Robert 3 70 386 Oeden, Joseph 169 in, l'.K) Rlelnudsnn, Isaac 83 22 219 Swain, John 95 40 , Seated List. Also at the same time and place the following racisand i arcels of land duly assessed and le surned on the sealed will besold for arrear ages of taxes in lire names of the present or former wners, ill accordance with the pro\ tsioi.s of ai. Act of Assembly, passed April JU, A. D. 1844. ACRES. NAME. TAX. Cheicry Township. 40 Baker, Kiaticis sl3 3 Bentley, Hannah, hens 4( 2 Lots Barlch, (iotleib 1/0 52 Collins, Thomas I.' 3 50 I'umt, Jas. and F. I' 1 ss 60 1 inncgati, lduaul 270 50 Dunn. Anna.. 210 2H and L Davidgc, A. B 7 9. 100 tiallagner, .Martin laa' 50 Gallagher, M. I' 2 45 295 Holmes, John 0 35 72 113 Kaiei.Ceoige 32. Hand L Kiaus, William 1 Sf 67 Kester, Jesse < 8 65 67 Lavclle, Jolm 13 3 2J4 Lambert, John sf 50 Lucus, John 301 McHale, Michael 5 4( 65 Mooney. Patrick, heits 22 » 33 Mosier.O. 1) 1 ,V 98 Mercurjc Jackson 8 3 34 Slcsler, I'eter 875 I 1 l.ot Smith J. I' 113 | Hand I. Scoutcn, J. 0 113 Hand I. sin olin, James 42t Hand L Smith, W. F 9 7.' 135 Wright, Martin and Jas 27 0C 10 Head ek A Jackson 4 72 7 Jackson, Geo. 1). heirs 3 ft -130 Jackson. Geo. C 22 1C 14 Cjuinn, J. hn sr 2 .V 77 Middendorf, Fiank 214! C. LLKY TOWNSHIP. Hand L Bleusnlek, Catherine.. 3to 08 Daxidpe. s. B 11 2t 50 Daddow, Mrs. K. A 13« 150 Daddow, John 6C( 50 Harris, Mis. Mary 3 3' 50 Kinsley. Jacob 3CO ' .'idcr Pros-1 .Messersinlih, tieo. I ... and mill ) and Son j B J 48 Meyers, \V. F 4 1". 75 Paisois, Edwaid Is 9 II audi. I'aiish, T. J 297 II and I. Parish, A. I, 4 7! ; 11 and L both, John 7 48 Shul 7.. H. C 1 Ot mill Stroud. George 7<K 100 Thiesbouldl ack, J. H ♦.... 2fttf 11 and L Obphant.Cl as. helis 5' 50 DeKalb, Frank and Tobias 507 II.VVIIISON TWP. 84 Bradley, H. F 116.'. BHSi L1 Duiilmm and Collins 1 -v u. -93 | Tri.s.eis J ,h K 10% Haus, Jeremiah 10 21 81 Kcelcr, John F 21 OJ. 87 Utile,.l. 1' M\i .13(1200 Lotah, Jacob 24 2 6 Stcinbach, Lcroy 6n l Lot Rlnli.J. F »a 2 saw mills Sehug, Pierce 22 00 9 Herring, William 220 11 Malteis, William 2^'J ill slluKh lliUMl oil. Foundry .v Building Bigger Bros 28 f* II and L Call, E. A 7« 1 l/ t Join sou, W. L 2is 1 Lot Jordan, John M I.v. 1 I/it Joidan. Kdwaid 152 1 Lot Saxcr, Geotgc. heits 4 to KI.JiL. A.MITuWNMIIP. % Bild, Mis Lmmii 4 S.> Horton, Nathaniel 43; 54 King. Thomas 24; 11 M< iytieux, Maigaict 1 146 Mccarty, ti. 1.. Bit s 81( 275 Newman, Galen estate 41 41 207 Sullivan, Jaincs 41 4i 20 Wells, mis R 2 73 HILLsUKOVE TuW.vslllP. Davis, John, heii» Sli MillKs T.iWKxIIIK 1 Lot Birdsall. Filial atli 28) 24 Chilson, Harry 2 7. 21 Cititx li, C. F •< 86 Claik.John P 28-. pit Jordan, Henry 5m 80 Laml en, William cv ate 624 : KoX TuWNhllll'. »3 Carey, Joseph , 113 Canij lell Ji 1111 S 15 w 90 G gga, Henry 19 5t 50 Hi well, 1.. B 13 . s't 11 gi li < lit, I\. t 1.4 130 llilins, Mai ilia 29 56 Mcycis, John C 12 3 May, \tanen If 50 shalfct, O. J I.'; i ;18S Will ams, Henry ssl( 90 Waiter, Ada M 3 09 Vainer, lieiirv 1j 85 220 \\, Muny 1 2" I. Willi I K Ti.W.Nf |tl|*. 11l Brdhc.AC . 53 I'- ll aid L Botsfi id, M. W 59"3 2o Cook. Nclhmi D o 50 O llins, Thomas ; p.ii 31 Ckiiiiii, lliiam 15li i 05 Chei.ey. B. L. heirs •_'» ' • 2LitS I'Ulihnln K. M 9<< j .' {>'/, iV 85 i.( wet, Sat ah 10 4. 40 Hill. B. F 10 4- 25 Hi lilies, Heiuy 2o 58 Hurler, Auiai.d 19-.' 84 Little, Chailes 19 12 10 0 Mcl ailai e, .latins 105" 50 Ovctsieis i o< r, Cheity township 42 5> 0 A hotel King, 11. 11 4 1 ilit Tlnklelaigh, Clias 50' 59 sm.tli, Matk 21 11 100 White, leer lens 15n J8 Aslots W. 4; X. B. Kriln ad Colli) any 30 5t 50 Waisli, A 18 3'. 00 Coin an, Ueoige 12 li li)ast and South end hotel lot, Noidmoiit . l'eterman. Philip 50 LaPoKTK Bolliil (,H, 2 H 3% L Brewster, Mts. J. T 37 3i> 1 lot Beebt, Geoige J a 1 10l liaitin, Jetluo 24J |1 and I.Clark. Mts. Maty 22 .* 1 lot Elliott, O. W 39: 1 lot llill. W. li, Ustule 2 M llot Lee. Wallet 88! 1 lot Lawshe, Ji hn 359 1 lot Moiston, John, Jr 3 s«. llot Khuiii. J. H 3 s|i I lot SlevciiKOii, Willlum Isi llot Maddinw, C. W 389 11 ond%L Brewster, Virginia 4 U 1 lot Stvadmun. M 133 1 lot Stieeter. Harry 1 lluteher shop and ice house, Stioup Bios . 190 S'UREWSBI'KY TWP. 1 lot Allen, Hubert I* 407 300 Bigger. G. W. A 11. N 30 M llot Bin ill. G. W 88s 100 Clink. Mrs. Kosa 4 ill 150 Green. Ambrose I.VJi II A 2 A llnuiillon, Mis 225 II iiihl L Hiiglus, l iuini 3in I! & *% A I Vale, S. K 19 81 llot Kielmit, I. M. 0 095 llu Shatter, W. B 17 49 Hand 2L sarfariy, Moses D 7 •'•< llot 1 hot n, AI fi ed B 282 llot Wattous, Wat mi 504 2iio Winders, Mrs. Briton 7 2< 1 I. & 56 A Warner, William 3 no 2uu Wlu Bier, I Vlel 8 m 100 Mccarty 8i05...: H 400 llugan, Muliroe 970 The »um of fifty cents must also be |»ld on each tract, lot or |>arcel of land advertised in addition to the amount named opixwite each tiact. lot or parcel of laud for udveitisiug. Also in addition to the same. Interest will be charged U|inn the amount of taxct due upon each tract, lot or |>ar cel of laud for tach year fiom the first day of Jaituarv of the year following until paid, under Act of jBB7. N. ft.—No taxes wjlj be received on the day of gals. RANSOM THRASH PR. Treaf«rcr. Treasurer'! office, Laporte, Pa., March 24,18418. A Horrible Bailroad Accident is a ilaily chronicle in our papers; a'c, the ilenlli orsoine ilenr Irieinl. who liiiil .lied with Consuiiiptioti, whereae, il' he or she hail taken Oito's Cure for Throat ami Lung diseases in time, lil'e would have lieen rendered happier mid perhaps saved. Heed the warninp ! Ifvou have a cougl. or any allcciion nl'the 'l'hroat and Call on T. .J Keeler.Lafiorte; W. L lloHuiiin, Hillsgrove; B. S Lancaster, Forksville; C. B •letiniugs, Agt. Ksiella; .1 no. \V. Buck, Soucstowu, and get a trial package free,'e size 50c and ]lHc. Dandruff 'Disease The beginning of baldness is dandruff. Keep iki scalp clean ar.d promote tU growth of ihe hair by the use of jit/ersSSctirVigoi A Cut in Price is Giving Voice. And the facis can lie learned by call ing at the -hoe Shop of John V. Finkle, Laj orte. Forreigu price* as follows: Men's shoes, hall sole and heal. 60c. Won.en's sliors do MOp. Children's shoes do 25c. lenient patches, 05c. Fine fresh oranges, lemons and bananas it .).ill II W. Bucks, iSonesimvn. Kdnrnte Your llnwuli With CHMwet*. C:inily C'litliurlie, cine eonsi i pill lon Torever. 0c,25c. If O. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Call in and si-clhenew nickel nil sime. a good thing for use. .1. W.Btick. Tlllte i' iM'SIICtH C'.ilKi »• l llMi:it". IC. locofjnc 112 I'. O. C. f:iii lo r»<iitnl Catarrh Inhaler Free. Only one l ei>on in fifty rtiiert by "lil inri of ireiitiiiK < 'aiarrh imw ever* w here condemn ed. The new Ucientiflc Cftrtarrh Inhaler of I)r fieetuull iendei> of llie News Itkm. Is tin- latest and ln-st liii-to-iliit> metliiKl for eiuing riiiarih, ColdSj Bionehitis, Sine 1 Intuit, lleiidnclie etc. SPECIAL OFFER I will for nshort t me mail any reader the new Inhiiler with mid e lie fur one yem on ihrei- dn>> trial fiee. If it gives satUfaetion. m lid if not murii it. Send for it now. Addiess ' A. C. JENKINS. Laporte, Pa. Good News. No other Medicine was ever given such a lest as Olio's Cure Thousands of hut ties of this great German remedy are In-- iug distributed EuEK oK CHAIiiiG, to those ilHicied with Cousuinption, Astliinn, ''roup, severe Coughs, i'neuuioiiia and all I'hrnat and Lung the 'en pie prool thai Ottos Cure will ctire.lheiii For sale only liv T. J. Keeler. Laporie: \V.I,. llotlmaii.Hillsirrove: «<.S. I nn'rasiei Fwrksville: C. B. .leaning*. .Kslelln; .Ino. W. Buck. Si stow 11. Samples I'rei. I.arge hut tie* "iIV. and '2sc. New lot of timothy and clover seeds and union seis at I oil n W. Bucks, Sonestown. No-To-liac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tohaeeo hahlt cure, maltcs weak rnea Kiroiiif. Ii ikul imrp, ftik* *l. AII ilrtiyuisfs • *•••») bi.i..i.|iiiiiiiu i uiuirr. Tal<e tUseurcts Cauu.v Catliartic. luo or'iic •' V. C. C. fail lo cure. driiKK'Sts refund inuaei Spring and Summer Every corner of tlie store is -I,right, wiili tin' newest tiling: for A\'oiiu-n'.s wear and Men't wtar and Cliiltln n's wear. We are glad U» have 3011 come ii and see the new life «>t 1 lie oli. jtnr.' and look at it« excelleni line of goods. Vinler Weight Jnderware for Men, Women and Children. In conjunction with the inviting varities, all prices will be found more than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries have have just arrived. • Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove* Fa. IF SOME pUSIHE M* HAD AN iDVKUTisi M ;\T IN THIS SPACE 1 WOULD PAT! "V7" Because it would be READ just the same as you are read ing this, dive it a trial. W.L.Hoffman's . HILLSGROVE Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY, =========== PROCTOR, PA. OUR NEW LINE OF GOODS are fust in qimlity, lirst in style, and first fi<m a guuiirc ia\ii g point, of view, became they'll-lower in price tlian you can find elsewliere If you are looking for the bargains of the year go at once to any of the above named stores u here former values and prices are practically lost sight of in our determined efforts to dispose of the largest and best line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to this County. Extraordinary line of CORSETS The lady who wishes the latest styles combined with high grade and half ihe old price should call and select from the complete line of sizes. JENNINGS BROS. ' L • <r€. We keep in stock at our mills a complete line of dressed lumber in hemlock and hardwood. MANUFACTURERS OF Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber. LOPEZ. PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or $-8 stick. Hemlock Flooring any width desired, \ Hemlock Lath both $ and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in *-8 ceiling. ! COK RESIGN DEN CY SOLICITED. Buy Good Goods! An iljou will be surprised how eheap they are in the end. VV 1 nv• jn-t m |i:icl. eil *. rl> » rl <•* n-i.'i- »< il «• |'»*p 'o w lin li »e cll |. rH-pil 1.1 I < .111 H|.> en I ill .'I i- 11. \V. il> ii. I |.i ■ il 'i lm lil<*ll «. I |. M .•••111 II I . 11l ikfl ll' l "»'•!• M'l "I' Il 'V, 111 IU->T Mini li.'Klir' rt'Mi.j; iiriiif If 111 ile. (lm •iihii'ainl fn|i" me llin.le Li • riln, mill 11 11.. liiiirl hi c- w ill. | i li-. ► In -11 I ev. i\lkml> . IN Dlii:ssGOODS WE WEKE NEYEK liE'l'lliK I'UKI'AIJL.D TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT *IIIE PHEHENT, AS WE HAVE TIIE LAIIGEST AS SUHTMENT IN THAT LINE EYlilt DLSPLAY KD IN THE COUNTY. I. mi I M ii"l Men, >• n neeil not po I lilt (»• T.i li « u ».T I' ' «e i live |i •»111\ hi iii.,ler»eni tin ».111 ii I. I lli in ••..lion or woo . r<l m jmih Mini iln|ircc- Hri" vi-rv inw, >• • l-»v ill il iv'ie-i m> t «ee I lie >ou wil I !■•» M»lcr» 'xlieil i' mi we ure al'U- !•• (five ».-li »ncli Inn en inn. One word in regard to foot wear: Uiif »I|"| ili'|.Hfill.t'l.l VH. 11. ver HMire .•mnple e ini.l il you will lavi-r iw wit \ ••lit* hi * f'l IOI» lur ii iVw in itiii i. > win-., ii i..w H wt- will i»ui. in.e », u I HI w - .. li'ivc I fmi f<i .Hfi' li I. .eicrlt'il • iin- i'l lint* ii' »l h.'MV> li..* In himl hli.h'H r\ • mi1...1n ill | n lir. On . r.i' Ui n wrlmvp juci W'H'hl mhw ver> Ir. n v .|.nij:ii- ii Di-i-orMinl l»m-.-r Spm i wlmliw. yinir Ti.r I'll* injt ill .•■•iinir. firuilui'i libhm|.*h<» lierii » (h-i ihl Ir.-.lurr n} ON Himin -h*. H il wj »i ill run I mm. in p \ injc tlie Ii E. G. Sylvara dushq ßE, PA. Wright & Haight, SUCCESSORS TO M. R. BLACK, Forksville, F F "'"il" r ?.. Ufndarlafi MANUFACTURERS OF Ooars, Sash, Moulding, Flooring DRESSED LUMBER Full and complete seasoned stock alwa' A fine line of furniture etc. The Coffins and Casket to select The finest hears** the county, • sifety p