Newspaper Page Text
Ripjbllcan News Item, i TMJKSI'A Y. APRIL 7, >B9B. {lgnorance la the mother of aeepticlam. Ignorance doe« I 112 not abound to any groat extant I In Sullivan County. ' 0 So that there 0 ]> is Bat Little \i 5 Scepticism {» JI about the Value of *Zbe Iflews i; 1 ITtem | $ As a Profitable < J ! advertising j| | fl>e&tum. i| 5 Read it, Your neighbor does.J > t Subscribe, Don't borrow, jj County Seat Indices. The early bud wishes it hadn't. This weather is enow April tool joke —Tliob. W Bcahen is on the sick lis', j toi in (<>wn. —That cold wave was no Key-wester, it was real. —Miss Mnl>el Spencer was a Sunday visitor at Dushore. J„. |{. Gullible lias moved into the J | W. Ballard residence. Mrs. E •). Mullen returned hoin< j Friday from a f.-w days visit at Towatida. | —Save vour steam until the President i savs War! Then be patriots, we will all | join. Leo Wrede retuned last week Ironi M ilb r>ville where he bus been attending the State Normal. —J. P. Kennedy of Jamison City shaking bauds with Laporte friends on Monday. County Treasurer Ransom Thrashei was transactiug businei-s at his office on Saturday. —The bigger thejoke the larger tin tvpe seems to be the uiotto ol the yellow j urnalstuese days. With a statesman like McKinley in the chair this country could well dispOM with t>■ e two houses J, Harry Spencer has accepted « position as book keeper lor C. B. lhall A Co of Williamsport. —There will be a social dance at tin Kennedy llall, Monday evening.April 11. All are cordially invited. -It was learned after the goods saved ; from the tire had been eoned, that Hios W. I'ealieu's loss would aggregate $-51 1 | —Mr. I 'nit Grafius ol Hillagrove, wliiU j in town Wi-.liierday on the mission ol t installing officers in the 1.0.0. F., mad. | this otiice a pleasant call. —The plan to pay Spain $t!00.000.00i lor Cuba is not so milch because she lie j serves to receive it as because she need.- | the money. —March got her first wind on the liim I day, and Apiil came io us wi li her Inrs. Sunday gave every one the bicycle huui| t nit ventured cut. —Send your job work to the priniei that uses bis bead as well as his hands The N bwu Itk* leads them all in hijjli class job printing, and cheap 100. Laughter is the most contagii us thing in the world. As a key 10 succtSs remember that the world will laugh wi h the man who laughs, but you must weep alone. Don't always judge the angulal woman as being old maidenish ill her gciiiiiuenis. She may have a woi.d.rful wealth of love under the forbidding ex terior. —The Piesident might have cooled off the Congressional war strikers by an nouncing ilnit he would limit a regiment of them lor actual service as soon as hos tilities began —Geo. Coolev moved his family to the Lake Makonia boarding house on Weil* Alvin Hill of Muncy Valley * move into the house vacated by Mr. ev, and conduct the farm of Jauns 'nrlane. The man who did not move hasn't eh a pes.ceahle picnic before him as he thfyks. His wife will break into the housivcleaui g epidemic in a few days hence,' which is nearly as destructive and will iiece\ait te to eat hia meals from tlie kiteln\n sink. It .nav have been this event whicltv causes such a great amount of conversation in domest c circles that tAiakes so many men anxious lor war, who willingly go. —Servicea ai the Baptist church next Bunday as follows. Sunday School at II a.m. Christian Eudeavor at 7:00 p. m. PrtacUug 8:00. —Whatever meant of e»*»ioii Spain utilizes it can't well creep out of that hole in the aide of the Maine. —There in no European ruler who haa not enough homeknitting on hand to pra vent their having anytime to help Spain tight us. —lt was a little difficult to determine whether the proceeding* of the Democrat ic Coniniittt-e meeting should ba placed under the head ol sports or amusements. —The open ing of $50,000,000 lor naval and army supplies has theentfreapproval of the nation, not because anybody wants or ex|iecta war, but merely as a sort of safety valve to let off the prt.Mure of patriotic fervor. —Ohio pro|<oses to pass a law forbid* iling the marriage of crazy people. This is likely to lead to complications, sine* there are many good authorities who claim that marriage itself is an insane act. * —The superior court, in recent session at Harrisburg, handed down a decision 'hat fur executing a warrant and serving subpoenas a constable is entitled to charge mileage one way of the rate of .ten cents a mile, and is also entitled to charge fifty cents for each witness actually served. —Why should nations fight for their rights, any more than individuals shouldf The latter resort to the courts, and their ilifierences are adjusted by reason and justice. Why not settle international ilitterences in the same way, in au inter national court? The principal is pre i-icflv the same. Is it not as barbarous itiid illogical for a large number of men. is it would be for individuals, to setih ilieir differences by brute Ibrce? —The "finger of scorn" is being work (•d with old-time energy among those who ;laim a mono|ioly in directing the des tinies of the nation. I-ii both old party jumps the "finger of scorn" is pointed un :il everybody but the owners of the finger* s tired, if the efforts at reform took more definite lorni than pointing fingers « untitling might be done. —There is a fervent hope that Easter Sunday may dawn upon a settlement ol lie war trouble. Should it not, then if he professional war shouters will utilizi lie day to do a little praying for peaci tliey will do themselves and mankind a /enuine service. On this day when w« 3<>mineinorate the enterance of the Goo »112 Peace into Jerusalem the ministers ol •ence and good will will nave one mor« -liance to urge the people of two christiat mtioiis to retrain from killing each other. Mt n should be guided by reason and not iy popul ir clamor. —A Chicago woman has an opeta ><iwn valued at $150,000. And yet r»* narks an exchange, we warrant she loesn'i look half as fair as Maud Muller ivho on a summer day raked the meadow* <weet with hay, or Mag Murphy who, with smile delicious, toiled in the kitchen washing dishes, or. Mamie Reily with itiburn locks darning her brother Patrick's incks, or, Annie Rooney putting stitches n her little brother's breeche*. It isn't iue feathers that make fin* birds. A gingham apron and a calico sun-bonnet nuke some women appear radiantly leautiful. —The NEWS ITCH and Gazette wer< rtnd'il upon last week by the Review •vt-r the plan under consideration in con unction with a stand taken to protect lieir legal advertising prices that are b«- ig cut and fixed up by officeholders to suit themselves. As party papers the NEWS TKM and Gazette sought to ask only what was justly due them. Relying I|K>II the public confession of the Review, a stated, "Sheriff Swank and Treasure! I'hraxher are nien who have a careful •egaril for their word," and refused to d< Ise but patronize the Review, the matter •VHS laid aside. Now, why do Candida es make such promises to a "neutral" pa|<er? Why does the Review reach out ou both <iileg of the fence in a campaign, eager to jrasp all in sight, which rightly belonjs to the ones that have to face the storm ? Why has the Review heretofore fared so •inch better at the hands of officeholders th in did the other two party organ* T What is his dispo* tion towa d the officers that an- too stern to be build- sed by the »isiped organ? When these questions hive been brought to light tht awe stricken public might well stand aghast HI the transcend-nt genius of the Review editor, and the two party papers a means to properly adjust matters. Kunoy VaUar. A quiet wedding took place Thursday last at the home of Simon Dewald; his daughter Virgina and Henry Smith, of KaghsMere. being the contracting partiea. Kev. J. .t. Rush tied the knot. A. P. Starr, and wife left for Hughea* ville Saturday last. The snow flakes were flying hers Wed nesday. E. il. Crofl and family hav« moved to Towanda. TTyman Herr left on a business trip to Williamsport Monday. Geo. Me vers will now be sole proprietor of the Muiicy Valley hotel; Chas.CrawUy having sold his interest to Mr. Meyers. Mr*. Wm. Bav who enterad the hospital at Willinmsport last week, for traatmant, is improving; which ia very good nawa 10 all. C. J. Seculaa haa a cow that gave birth to twin aalvaa. Everybody Says S*. Caacareta Candy Cattwrtic, the most won- ' derfnl medical discovery or the an, pleas ant and refrcaliing to we taate, «ci gently ud positively on kidney*, liver ud bowels, oleanslntr the eutlre system, dispel colds, eim headaohe, fever, habitual constipation and Mllouanaaa. Pleaae buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, Bft, AO cents. Mold and guaranteed to ome by all druggist#. Chance of Location. Partite writing me will pleaae addresF. Instanter, Elk County, Pn. C. D. VOORHEES, M.D. Executors' Notice. Letters Testamentery have been granted to A. B. KUmer and C. N. Porter on the estate of Danlei Porter, late of Fox twp., deed. AH persons in debted to said estate are requested to make pay ment, and those having claims to prevent tin same duly authenticated to the undersigned without delay. A. B. KILMER, ahunk. Pa., April MB9B. C. N. I'uRTER. Notice is hereby given that the jpaitnershlj heretofore subsisting between 0. W. Meyers an< C. E. Crawley under the Arm name of Meyers A Crawley was dissolved on the 2nd day of Apri ihit, by mutual consent. All debts owing tosal<> partnership are receiveable by said O. W. Meyei to whom also all claims and demands against th< ■aid partnership are to be presented for payment Q. W. MEVERS, C. E. CRAWLEY. Muncy Valley, Pa., April 6,1W8. BseklM ska riMuar* sf m Drive. A fine carriage doublea the pleasure of drlv in« Inteudiug buyers of carriages or liar- Mas can save dollars by sending foi the IM't Tehaece apit saa tawlii leer IJA Away* . To quit tobaroo easily and forever, ba man aatie. Inn of Ufa, nerve and vigor, take No-To Baa. the wonder-worker, that makea weak met atroag. All druggists, Ma or 81. Cureguaran teed Booklet and aampla free. Address Sterllag Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Qo to J7~W! Buck, Sonetrtown, foi rubbers, blankets, carpets, clothing an< Jressgoods at December low pricee. Higl. eat price* paid for butter and eggs. Mercantile Appraiaamant. The venders of domestic and foreign mcrchan 11m etc., in ttullivau County.Pa., will take not.c ihat they ate appiaised and classed by the UIUK I .igned appraiser of mercauuie and other licen». .ax for the > ear 1(WB, as follows, to wit: jlais CHKRRI. Ami 10. Blight, W. H A Mope, t:. P 7 ; it Hunsinger, P. W 71 It Sick, C. 8 ': .t Vogel, Julius Ji lt Sick, Wendall 7 COLLEY. 14 DleScnbach, D. D '?• 7 Jennings Bros 14 Jobusun, C. A 7 'J 14 Pinkie, T ' ,4 Muttleman, Ueo.Agt.J.S. Marriugtou 7<• 14 Lopes Drug Co 7 " DI'SHORE BuRO. 14 BarthA Renter 77; .4 Carroll, J. W 7 112 14 Cartoll, D. E /'• 111 Cunningham, James ">«• i4 Cnmmiiu. J. 11 7 i It Connor, Patrick •>„ in Cole, Samuel 14 Dvegan, George ' •_ .4 Han ingtoti. i. a • 112 i4 Honnetter, <J. H 7 <. ,3... Holla, J. S. *Co - J"! 1 Kline. Bernard '0 1 McDermott. llenry 7 <• i4 Morris Leverton * Co 7 »■ .3 Mingo* dt Molyneux - «><■ 14 Pealer, charts* E 7 >„■ 14 Pomeroy, F. B 7 '• ■2 .. Kee»er, John D « 112 14 Keitcutury, J. V 7 1 Sylvarm, E. O 20; i4 Tubach, Kinil F 7 <■ 14 Yonkin, Jacob H 7 «! DAVIDSON TWP. 1 Armstrong. A. T 7 7 14 Buck, John W - 7 7. 14 Magargel, J. B 77. il Hoiluiaii. W. L 15 /• t 3 Herr May man - 10 7. i4 Mencer, Theo - 7 7. i4 Magaiyel, Prank 7<; 1 Penticost Lumber Co 10 7; ELKLAND TWP, it Martung, August 77f 1 Jennings, C.8.. Agt 7 7. 14 Miller, li. L 77? 14 Ham, Wm 7 « FOX TWP. 11 Campbell. A. E 10 7." 14 Brown. Charles 77; FORKS TWP. 1 Norton * Hottenstein 7 7 FORK3VILLE BORO. it Lancaster, B. 8 7 1 Rogers M, A. * Son - IS < is smith, A. C lo >• HILLBOKOVE TWP. 1 Hoffman, W. L 10 7 1 Hull, Vernon 13 £ LA PORT K TWP. it Botsford, Z. E 7 7- LAPOKTE BOKO. it T.J. Keeler 7 7 .2 McFariane James 131 14 Iripp, A. E,Assignee 7<• SHREWSBURY TWP. 14 Cheney. C. F 7 7 .3 Kehrer, l> 10 7- BILLIARD TABLES. i tobies,McOee. Kobt. Duahore, Borough 40 7< I do Roe,Wui., Cherry twp 30 7 i do Maben, N.C., Laporte Boio 40 7 J do George, J. P.. Coiley twp 40 7. WHOLESALE LIQI'OR LICENSE. Finan, L. D. Dushore Borough O'Neal. Wm., do DIBTILLERB LICENSE. Schaad. John. Chert)' twp. BREWERS LICENSE. Ililbert. Leonard, Cherry twp. And that an appeal will be held in theolllce ot ihv County Commissioners, Laporte, Pa., on th' iMth day of April, beginning at 1 o'clock p. ui. * hen and where you can attend if you see propei H. W. OSLER, Mercantile Appraiser. Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM. Kdnrata Vunr llnwala Vrith Cascareta. Candy Cathartic, eure constipation forever. 10c, Sc. If C. C. C. fail, drugglaurefund money. Subscribe (or the NEWS ITEM. Williamsport & North Branch R.R TIME TABLE. In Street Monday Sept. 0,1897. Northward. Southward pa. a. m! a.m. i n S» 10 40 Halls V46 44i f»>mo4S Pennsdale 9 41 f4 ft SI 10 SB Hughesvllle 9XI 12 ft 40 11 07 Picture Rocks. 9 2f> 41 ft 44 112» 11 Lyons Mills (922 14 ft fS 47 fll 14 Cbamouni - 9 20 f4 ft ft &4 11 21 Olen Mawr 914 4 0 f«O4 fll 30 Btrawbrldge. f9o" fS4". ft 09 fll S« Beech Olen - fao2 f8 4> fl 12 11 40 Muncy Valley 8 49 SSt •IS 11 46 Rones town BS2 S3'. 6 M 12 01 Nordmont 8 V. 3 1 IN 12 2ft La Ports 831 2S' •57 12 2$ LaPorte Tannery 8 19 2ft niS fl24ft Rlngdsle MOfi f2S 737 100 Sattorfield 7 Aft 2 2 pas. p. m. am. pm All trains daily except Raaday; "1 12" flag eaneetleas wi'h ike Philadelnkla A Readiry •t HHHS. for all points a«rtk and snath, and tk» Sit Brook aal Heeek Creek rallrna<ls. A* •tirteld for ill p inta ea the Leklgk Talle; railroad. At Senestewa witk tke Eagles Msr railroad. B. I. EAYENSOW, flea. Msaaeer. Hagkssvllle. Pa. gnhairibt for th« Nawa Inn. Bxpendituras of Elkland Township for the Tear Ending March 14, 1898. Bpeoial Road. ' Poor. Extra work on road 138 #7 Car* of Geo. Ujnmer Interest 150 at State Hospital »t 36 Uommiailoncrs salary 56 00 Board and cloth s ■ Rep's on road m'chin 26 00' Harvy Hanulton 30 V Auditing 12 25 Milton Molyueux alt Council fees 1 uoiMarg't Molyneux fife Town clerk 38 65lOrders of relief Sflt Paymasters 33 73 T. W. McCvty Or*r WOO Priming ii stationery 45u John White,Ov sr l«6t . Dynlmiie 15 65 Town Clerk 3 #t View, Lick Bun road «00 B.S.Stephenson Ki'ioge blank 64 96 cartage JOt Watering Troughs 2 AO B'ld Lick Run road 54173 rihoveling snow 31M sundries 12 86 Financial condition of Elkland township for year ending Match 14, lift#. Special Road. w.- To amt of orders outstanding 16223 .tesources in excess of liabilities 40 74 dy amt due from collector 202 v , 202 ¥7 202 V. Poor. To amt of outstanding orders 33 82 Resource* In excess of liabilities 147 M My amt in Treasurer's hands «• 112 " due from Collector _ 10m 180 90 180 9- Alvln Rlghtmire, Collector in account witl Clkiand township for the) ear ending Match !■>, special Road, fo amt of duplicate 7iS6B •y amt paid Ti eaaurer . . «93 3 Exonerations ■ 3 7 Land returns II mm** U2 " Rebate tifc II JW ?u o •• Commission en jum*.... i« b Amt uncollected r Ufaw 202 V ■ iin —— - ly amt paid Treasurer *69 Exonerations VAlKi"*** 1 ; 8 Land returns It 5«. " Rebate ' 102 Commissioners -jaa> fcgtSD' .84 " . Ami uncollected . 10U.; ueeeeiw—r*~ 37420 3742 E. Jennings Treasurer In account with Elklant ownshlp. Special Road. .o amt received from ex-Treas 409 61 _ " ex-Collector I'lot is 292 49 A. Rightmire Collector 493 31 112 " Refunding order to bal. 15 84 __. ly amt of ordeis redeemed 1187 fc Treasurer Commission 237 itfftrag M» 121125 12112 Poor _ __ _ 'o amt received ex-Treasurer 23 61 " A. Rlghtmire Collector 246 95 " T. W. Mccarty Overseer 15 75 ly amt <-f orders redeemed 202 3 Tresi>.Commission ... i_ . «<- , Balance due township J" <*>• 286 21 286 2 We the"underslgned audltors'of Elkland towi •hip met In the Election House at Eldredsvllli a., on Monday the 11, 189K, according to the A> 112 Assembly made and provided, and have ei .mined the township accounts and find them a. .erein set forth as witness our bauds this 21st da. 112 March, 1898. ... FRANK A. BOYLE, CYRUS A. BOYLE. HENRY A. HEEaM, Auditors. Statement of Laporte Township. Nicholas Karge and Michael Jordan in accour vitli Laporte township as Overseers of Poor fo tie year ending March 14,1898. ■- - _ Dr. :Ci. irders issues to N. Karge Overseer 32 00 . ~ >y receipts filed 30 0 <rden» issued to M.Jot dan services 16 00 _ ty receipts filed 160 Geoige Kaige in account with Laporte twp. a reasurer for Poor Funds ending March 11. 109.V Dr Ct ialdue from '96 settlement 854 Jga Received of County Treasurer 16300 do P. Karge Collector 29371 loney Borrowed 100 00 ly amt of orders redeemed _ A <O4l Commission on same 101 Cash iu. hands 150 s Geo. Karge in account with Laporte twp s treasurer for road funds for year ending .Mare 14,1898. llr C Keccivcd from County Treasurer 358 50 * do ' uo 130 82 |K do N. sf. Bogart 146 57 do P.Karge, col for '96 4615 JB do E. J. Mullen 800 00 TT. do do 140 00 JT do P. Karge, road tax 20850 do v do 8145 « do County Treasurer 400 00 do do 365 28 do James Murray 270 JBi do County Treasurer 238 79 .X do P. Karge collector 196 90 orders received by 'treasurer — __ 2991 1 interest on above orders 26/ Uy receipt from James Murray... «TIHL 1501 Treasurer's percentage 79 1 3115 66 3346 9 lalance due Treasurer 13126 N. N. Bogart in account with Laporte twp. a <upervlsor for the year ending March 14,1898. .tut of duplicate 22178 •y exonerations < ' Land returns 8: Collected by cash la • do work 17° Amt turned over to successor 24 9. irders Issued 567 0< >y receipts tiled 5371 >iders issued not receipted fur... .'o cash collected 13 59 ,y vouchers for work and plank.. 12 ' alatK'c in hands of supervisor t ,y rei—ipt filed M t •ULe.. i»or services 280 38 nders issued to jay Supervisor.. 365 C •rtiflcate for Lai due " 14 ( By cash 2M): James Murray in account with Laporte twp. a : upervisor for the year ending March 14.1898. Amt of duplicate 173 81 dy exonerni ions - I 1 4 Lands returned • 112 Collected by cash 9 * do work 1203 Amt handed over to successor 15 Jalancc in liands.of Supervisor _ 261 )rders issued 3952 38 .ly receipts tiled on Orders 3663 Jrders Issued not receipted fur... 28* > 396338 flu «rvisoi'sservices 358 60 Tetm work <^oo Or iers issued for Supervuioi ! 17 (i By cash - 48 4. Certificate issued for bal uue 63'.. 430 60 430 .' Liabilities of Laporte twp on roads for settl< ment ending March 14,1x98. Amt brought forward from settlement of 1896 1850 C ludgment of B. Kline 6001 do J. W. Carroll 264 4 do Geo. Fleeter 146.' do E. J. Mullen M0 r order of Gecnte Cane 131-. do N. N. Bogart 14 0 do James Murray 63! 40101 We the undersigned Auditors and Clerk for L> porte twp. certify that the foregoing statement i rue and correct to the lest of our knowledge an< belief. W. J. LORD, H. KARGE. J. A. TROUGH, Auditors. B. C. PETERS. Clerk. Notice Is hereby given that the partnershl lately sutslstlng between Smith Boudman an. John Manuel, of Shrewsbury twp., Sullivan Co. Pa., under the partnership name of Bondman t Manuel have this day been dissolved by mutur consent All debts owing to the nid partnershl are to be received by said John Manuel, and al demand on the said partnership aie to be peesen ,0 8M?H h BOUDM&. JOHN MANUEL. AJ. Bradi.XT. Atty. L R. 6umbk, Dealer in and ilanufacturer of Farm CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. and Your Patronage Lumber I»»licit«l on ili« kihwol III* (*!«•. Dou'i let tliia teat Wairnna V " e mre ri< * or oar Ifltyr stock of band n.a<le wagons. " agOnS, We also deal in factory made plattfOm spring wagons. Blacksmithing and Repairing. WaaVlZain Strict TE. CAMPBELL The Merchant, >HCJNK, PENNA. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MY NEW AD. NEXT WEEK. I will have something important to say to you regard to my new stock of Spring and Summer Goods Which I am opening up for your inspectio Yours very respectfully, A. E. CAMPBELL. -- T • \ HVh Direct from Mill to Wearer, * ★ Which Saves you 4 Big Profits. ★ < Tht Commit ion Houte. The Whole»al*r Th§ JtbttH mi Stort U-.eytr i' ; E.KOSENBUBGER & CO. loanst., NEW MKUTY.|- ' '&(k Qffi »22iar.:r:;.'.Miiort VViUUI-SSJVhiVV Caratit Valueto«rOttered. * ' mj I On. r;».i niT,-.' On account of the failure of one o* I* 1 Iw. M .111 A a _,,tt.omma»ion House;, here, repre , I SET I T?7 BOYS' ADONIS SUITS, ..n.*! . *ooi«n MM m i-.u.d, ► 5-1 niTU BiTka rata or ran*. bought last Spr.nj the entire production of L These Suits an pufim Ito to tl eir grav and black lri«h Friete of t.oc* r _ mad* from imported Wool Cher- nieces, at a sacrifice Therefore » e are able ' StoM - U them a, he above 1... .ha. the <f d„ubw raw material price. fs. aevet , Sai.or Collar—Collar fancy before in the rmtory of cl thing and , ■ with (a* prop4blt oev tr again will you have a > I $2.98 Bandl chance to get value for your >, wa»H And W orkuiaorh.i; theory best. money. Above frice is lest than the > lttral*«ata|!fpr RtsM fWr a—« »0 is l* y»a»s, wUfcaat new ta iff duty on the materiai. They sre * I tailor r.illar Mention aga at last birthday. sad if larjr»or taalL made up double*breasted as per cut below. ■ ' _ "' v.ith raised seams lined througho t with y i < A CUST S OM T MaOR°TO T oi»DEB Sa'SMSWSf »«!u£ ? ' J v |**C*J»UI T | vVIVU after are closed oul we will nol be '. What you can save by buying d\ Bud ab 1e to duplicate | < from the nunufictu'er. ' £TL 22 them for doubUltie ThU t Guaranteed to be made from 9 .• K' Ct Stvla * 4 Woo', Fancy Brown, Cray, 1.1 ck or T" ? IV 112 ° the new tariff duty. jj Blue Twee , made In latest stye, *" * easuie tame at ( lined with Imp rted Farmer Satin, v/lfcOv for a Sack Coat. giv. >. trimmed and finished l.» t'te beet of y\ »"S length wanted, s Custom Tailor manner. You cannot /| / \ alto night and ~ -■ duplicate it In your town for s>4.oo* ]\ \ weiaht. T BBT'TSMI \ tiiet Uto 42 / I ► W \ Ax. stamp will • 1 The same foods made for /, -A 1 you samples, " nESF&BUm \ N Youths. 11 to 13, In long TanU, || T A I J7 J] I catalogue, tpe J HS^flO j Coat and Nest IM.'W . Yn I measure * n<l blanks. * f/WfiEMr V I lov/to measure men's* youth t Suits: 1 \J|f vtg C xpre<t <j Meacure around the breast and /\ charges ard should j > waist over the Vest, and crotch S \\| \ * you not feel satisfied ' to heel for Pants. ' I 1 i re.und the q When ordering, send Pcst-Office 1 A I * ImteStxr&lk ( <> Express money orjor or ttmples, tape measure, \J/ fy f| r, J -.vwi/.cttwertIn ypy 1 The IMPROVED UNITED STATES SEPARATOR^ m fl A First Prize Dog or SkMpPtiiim ■ Tj | Labor Saving and Money Earning ■ They work together to perfection. flHv Are just the thing lor the Dairy, Sheep Anxious for the Work. ■ - CONWAY, MASS., Feb. ii, iS««. am using one ycur Improved \ No. j U. S Separators, and one of S your First Prise Dog Powers to rtul ' J entire satisfaction. H ' lam using to run the Power witb^^S \ a sheep weighing about 160 pounds, and he took to the work very niceljr. \ * \\x WX^^aj\XW^ >> . > ' Now when I let him loose he will ga to the cream room and get into the power of his own free will. M The actual test in my presence of the skim-milk, by Babcock Test, was IsM than 0.02 in the two-neck bottle. I consider the skim-milk quite valuable aa a food, ■ts it is always warm and of an even temperature. J. B. PAOS. B Illustrated paaphleta free ea sppllcatlea. ■ M VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., - Bellows Falls. Vt. J 800 nen*s, Boys' and Children's Suits, 200 Overcoats and Ulsters 600 Pair Trousers for Men, Boys and Children Not sold before Jan. 1, '9B together with cotton and woolen underwear, over shirts, sweaters, hats, caps, trunks, valices gloves and mittens. 2VERY ARTICLE IS NEW. not a weakness in them, nor a limp in the styles. Not a piee* gathered for the occasion or marked up jnst to be marked down. They simply haven't moved as I'd like and now they most I hav marked them at prices that will make yon bay. J W CABOL K2. 0 """ Desaoes, P