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Published Every Friday. Volume 2. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING Company, Cha?. P. Billamboz, Acrantc D. tt. Lorah, AgtflUb. SONESTOWN PA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHORE, PENS'A. CAPITAL - • $50,000. SURPLUS - - SIO,OOO. l)oe» a Oeneral Banking Rin>inesf. r. B. PO.MF.ROY. M. D. SWARTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPORTE. PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm incuts and lunches at all hours. Oysters and game in season. Bar supplied with choicest liquors, wine and cigars. Good stable room provided. LAPORTE LIVERY"AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Ilorses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. O. W. MYERS. PROPRIETOR. A hotel of established reputation. Strictly ITrst class In all of its appointments. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. • THOi, E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. I llt9 l:i«g »»nd we I ipp«»intod house »* I eHI SI p I u ir h«»GI« y II t s F ctioi HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, SHUNK, PA. W. E. PORTER, Prup'r. C/UpfcOLL HOUSE, D. tCEEPE, Proprietor. PA. One of ihe lurgest un.l be<t equipped ho. el in thi- se tio of tu. ft t*-e. Ta 100 Ie b ist. K .ies I.o>l .ollar per'lay. L .rtfe m Ides. Professional Cards. 112. J. & F. H. INGHAM" ATTOi:»KTs-AT-LAW, L*gal l»U" n> *0 attended to in mis and adjoining counties LAPORTE. p A £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAI'OKTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. pp. SHOEMAKER" Attorney at Law. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. j Collections, eonvevancing; the settlement of | estates mid other legal business will receive 1 prompt attention. J J. BRADLEYT ATTOKNKY AT-I.AW, OPPICtt IN fOONTV BUILDING Nh AH CO (JUT tIOUBK. LAPOHTE, PA Motnlay of each week at Forkaville. fillery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTO.I v ars- AT-L.l w, OFFICES 7H-17 Fit AN KLIN BUILDING. IS3 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Havinsr retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United suites courts. and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNST" ATT »RN' T*\T«L*w: OPPIC IM PUBLIC BUILDING C OicT UOUHK Bg> ARc.. L \ PORTE, PA \ H. CRONIN, ATTorjuit-AT LAW, WOTAI T PUBLIC. OPPHK OB MA It* HTItEKT. IIOHK. PA fILPHONSUS WALSfIr »"«inT.AT-i w. om.- In l(:n,k uilding. DUSHORE, PA. \CKSMITH ,ND WAGON SHOP •enetl at the Laporto •y. om work solicited. All work ?d. ). W. BENNETT, Prop. Republican News Item. PFrom the Keystone. ( > STOP YER KICKIN'. / Stop yer kiokin' 'bom the times— StO|> yer I ickin'. pit a-hold S Git :i hufltle on von ; Of tlie wl.eel ami turn it. > .Skirmish 'round tmd grab tliedimes You kin never handle gold^ \ Ef the dollars shun you. 'Less you try to earn it. Croak in' never bought a dress, Brtieli the cohwehs trom your eyes 112 Growlin' isn't in it. Stop your blam'd repinin' M 112 Fix your peepers on success. An' you'll notice that yerskies | V Then jro into win it. Allus'll be chinin' j i r Times is gittin' good aprin— If you hain't the nerve to try J i Try 10 help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. > Don'i sit 'round with hangin' lip: J • S That is sure to floor you C | Trv to git a better >rrip YES. STOP YER KICKIN'. TIII3 j On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TO 112 i \ Put some ginger in yer words BE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. \ V When you greet a neighbor; GO TO THE OLD RELIABLE I | Throw vour troubles ro the birds, JEWELRY STORE FOR WHAT J ; Git right down to labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY, V | J An' you'll notice ev'ry day 1 | Things is coin in'right yourway. * £ \ RETT EN BURY, <J £ DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. ( fA|K * . ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in the County to Buy hardware w u. . €*3 $25 Wheels S4O Wheels High ,7.^ Large tubing, \ Large tubing, fat * e Flush Joints, / Flush joints, MSM b/ r . Fully !«&§£ Wood rims, I Reversible n IB Single tube tire, 112 Handlebars, !®JRI Detachable sprocket 2 piece trunk han, anteed ers, Hunt saddle, Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Handlebar*, Saddles, Lamps, Bells, Locks. Brakes, Poddlei, Cranks, Spokes Rims, Tires, both single and double tube, a full line of Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as Barbed Wire, Nails, Poultry Netting, Milk Pans, and Pails, Garden Tools. Paints Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and Spouting done by competent workmen. Write for prices or give us a call whenever In need of Hardware. Hardware, DUSHORE, PA_ fl. A.Rogers & son., PA. In Order to Make Room for Our Immense LiDe of <PRINd GOODS - That will soon arrive WE HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE A SREST REBUrSTJQX IN PRICS to make room for the large line of new goods For Spring Trade Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY.' LAPOHTE, PENN.I, THURSDAY, APRIL, 14. 1898. Beiilice Echoes. j Our enterprising townsman Sir. Julius i Vogel is laying the fouti'laiion for mio new dwelling houses on his property at | Mildred. John Boyd of Dushore has the contract for ihe mason work. District President H. A. Karris, Attv. F. If. Ingham and Frank Cooley of La pone Camp No. 294 P. O. S. of A. attend ed the meeting of the Bernice Camp >o. 4XI P. 0. S. of A. Friday evening. A number of new members, were initiated in io the Order. This Camp bids fair to be come tlie banner Camp of this county. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cox on Thursday April Ttii a son. To Mr. and Mrs. Danniul Morter Thursday April 7th a daughter. Rev. J. A. Enright made a business trip 'to Sonestown Wednesday. His sister ac i companied him to his home where sire will spend the summer. This will be good • news to her many friends at this place. Mrs. Phlum and children of C.iinels- j i ville was the guest of Mr. and. Mrs. I'. E. ] Merlhew hist week, i Mrs. J. Cook visited friends at Clifton I ] Springs last week. Patrick Ilannon and Joseph Hellsman ; ; iftended the Democratic committee meet ing at Laporte Monday of lasi week. A large party of friends gathered at the ! ! residence of H. C. Hibbard Monday even ing of last week and gave hirrr a pleasant j | surprise it being the anniversary of his! birth. A two months term of summer school opened Monday of last week by Gordon . Saxon. Win. Northrope of Towanda moved his i I family to this place lasi week. Misses Mary and Nellie Meeham ot { NewAlbanv have opened a milletierv shop jin the residence of Micheal Gilliyan at i his place. They have all the latest j styles. i Mrs. Timothy Ryan of Mildred is quite siek at this wi iting. I Mrs. John Kholey ol Shinnersville visit |ed her sou Frediick at liugliesvil 1 e last : ! week. ! J udson Cummins has purchased him a new wheel but we hav_ not seen him per j torni yet. Mrs. J. 8. Line visited her son Samuel i I ttt Say re Pa. Monday and Tuesday, j One ot the most noied events of the j i social circle ol last week was a large enr ! prise party at the residence of mining i ' foreman R. 11. Guy. Saturday evening ■ ! about -10 ol his triends rang hi? door bell' alter he had returned tor the night and : | lor once in his life Withy Bub was taken j |by surprise and when the table was i 1 spread with all the good things of the | season Bub for the lirst time in tlieannels | ol his history claimed he was not hungry. j We lack space to mention all whom were | present and lor want of a better name we ! will call them the jolly 4U. i Last week was holy week and it wag • observed in the churches of this place by i special ceremonies. At the St. Francis ! church Mass was celebrated every morn- • ing except Thursday and Goo I Friday, j Vesper was held Wednesday evening. | Good Friday afternoon the station of the Cross was placed in the church v\iih very i impressive ceremonies by Father Enright ' and on Saturday the Holy Water was j blessed and n new altar fire lighted, j Easter Sunday morning a soft rain was | tailing but this did not seem to delay the ! j people Ironi observing the day in a reli ! gious manner. '1 he church was crowded j | long before the hour set tor the celebra- j ] lion of Mass. The altar was beautifully ; decorated with (lowers arranged by Mi.-s ! Nellie Enright Filly six can.ties threw j ' their mellow light upon the altar and tide! ; alters making a scene impossible to de- I I scribe with pen. At 11 o'clock Father I j Enright entered lhe church proceeded by j 124 ocolytes and marched up the center : aisle to the altar. The choirsatig a iium | : her ot beautiful hymns which did credit ito themselves and their beloved Pastor. .u iss Nellie Enright sang a b'-antilul solo. I She received many kind words ol praise | tor it. The A. O. il and St. Patrick 0. jT. A. Societies, each member wearing i their dress badges ot their society march- j ed up to the altar rail and there from the! I hands of tlieii beloved received couimun- \ i ion. After Mass. Father Enright preach jed a very line sermon on the death and I resurectioti of our Saviour. | The Easter services in the Presbyterian I chinch was very impressive, the church! ; was beautifully decorated with flowers i and terns and a large congregation filled ; the church. During the morning services Rev. Mr. Campbell preached a very line I sermon and the chior sang n number ol beautiful hymns suitable lor the occassion. In the afternoon there was an unusual i large turn out to Sunday ."school and in : the evening the churcn was tilled ai d an other geiod sermon was delivered by the ; beloved pastor Rev. Campbell. Had our religious critic been here to see the large number ol people who attended the re ' ligtous services in the chinches here he | would have b>en forced io change his j mind as to the religious needs of our jjeo- I pl«. WAR ! Declaration of War Against Spain ! WAS MADE IN CONGRESS YES-! TERDAY. I In the House 340 for it, 20 Against it. Tho Senate Nearly Unanimous. The President in Full Accord. The Flying Squadron Has Sailed Under Sealed Orders THE TELEGRAPH CABLE CUT BE-! TWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND HAVANNA YESTERDAY. The Roßo|ution3 Declaring War Aro as ■ Follows: That the people of the island are and! of right ought to be free and independent, j That the war Spain is waging against : Cuba is so destructive to the commercial and property interests of the United States so cruel, barbarous and inhuman in its ■ character, as to make it the duty of the United States to demand, and the gov- ; ernmeiit of the United States does hereby i demand, that she immediately withdraw her land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters. That the President be and is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to use, if necessary, the entire land and naval Ibices of tne United States to carry these resolution into efleet. Awarded S3O for Damages. John Corcoran. J. W. Rogers, Valen- 1 iine Rolio, Joseph J. Pardoe. M. A. Say man, Geo. W. (ilidewe)l and Boyd Ben nett, viewers appointed by the Court to I appraise the damages done to property j of \V. E. King by the new embankment made by W. & N. B. R. R, Co. in avoid ance of the King trestle, attended to the duties of their appointment on Tuesday. I hey have filed a rep' rl awarding to Mr. King thirty dollars damages. Forksville High School Notes. Com nenceinent, Fri liy, April 29th. | Supt. F.W.Mevlert.was a pleasant visi- \ tor here la6t week. A very intcri sting program is being pre- i pared bv the students which will be ren- ] dered in commemoration of Arbor Day. Friday April 22nd. Tree planting with appropriate dedicating exercise® in the afternoon to which the patriots and friends of education are cordially invited. Last Saturday the students ami others thus made some much needed improvements on tho school ground by grading, leveling and seeding the yard. The Junior Class are making the nec essary arrangements for a banquet iu the evening ot the junior exhibition. It will be at the home of Mr. W. C. Rogers. The Executive Committee of the Al umni, has also decided to hold their ann ual batiquet'at the Forksville House the night of commencement. A very interesting and profitable exer cise for Friday afternoon, was conducted by the students a short time ago, in the shape of a sesion of the National Congress. A bill was formed appropriating $30,000 lor the relief of the starv ing Cubans. The patriotic seutiipent and speech'es wore to strong, that undoubtedly if the administra tion does not Like action soon, they will be recognizing the Cubans as Billigerants. Eagles Mere. Miss May Meucer has closed a very in teresting torn of school at the Ml. Lewis, it being the second term she litis taught here, and she litis been well liked by the parents and pupils Her many friends regret her leaving Eagles Mere but wish her succ. ss in the Blooinsburg State Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. John Ilayooan have re- j turned to this place after spending the winter at Picture RtScks. Miss Ada Chase lelt this place on Sat- I urday to spend Easter iu Mttncy and visit ' Irielids tor a few days. The carpenters have come from Will iamsport to finish Mr. Munson's house at | this place. Mr. John Haymnn and his brother Jas. ! tire painting tiie White cottage. Mr Oscar Confer and family have mov- j ed from Lewis Hotel to the Minner cot-! tage. • Mrs. Wm. Fulmer o: Mt. Vernon visit ed her d-iilighter Mrs. S E. Worthington over Sunday. Mr. Aaron Bennett and family have! returned to this place after spending the winter at Dushore. Miss Rissv Confer visited over Sunday ! at Picture Rock. Mr Philip Ilouseknecht is recovering after a seveie illness. We sympathize with Walter because he had to bid his best girl good by. 1.50 Per. Year. Number 48. THE WHEEL WHIRLED MONDAY "Gentlemen of the Jury, Answer to Vour Names." j Sheriff Swank and Jury Commissioners I Bird and Iluveriv with their clerk Thos. j E. Kei oedy, gavf* tlie wheel a twist j Monday in order to draw men lor ihe ensuing term of May court. They are as follows: GRAND JCROR3. I Jassen Simmons, Ellis Keiainger. Ja-j I Cocoran, Rhuben Brown,SethShoemaker, j [lector Prichard, Augustus BliJer, E. \V. Vaughn, Daniel McC'arty, Frank Rice, Adam Zanei, Jacob Suber, Peter Messer smith, J. B. Palmer, J. Chester Su-ek. Tlios. Kangley, M. A. Finan, Charles Darby, Frank Bahl, Win. Brown, John ' Darkies, Peter McDonald, George Mc ; Donald, John Brownbeck. TRAVERSE JURORS, John Boyd, Freman llunsinger, Frank ! Lusch, Mark Scureman, I>. W. Dariing, Joseph 11. Bird, Charles Caseman, Jos Warburion, John F. Coyle, E. M. Letts, | Thos. W. Ben hen, A. 11. Roberts, Alfred Cole. Wm. Sccules, Daniel Phillips, John Ilaverly, 11. N. Osier, George Fawcett, Henry Hugo, George Shaffer, Q Charles Ilazzen, Ilenry Messersmith, Daniel Moore,Johu Bry, Sylvester Brows. ■ James F., Ulysses Bird, Geo. O. Musselman, John Vaughn, Adam Lam berson, J. G. Cott, Enos McGee, J. J feevan, Jacob S. Snyder, Sedgwick llottenstein, C. V. Driscoll. Easier Services at the Baptist Church Appropriate to the joyoit9 Eastertide ihe new Baptist church adhered to the beautiful custom in the splendid array of (lawcr3 grouped about the altar in every j -pot that could add a touch of beauty with j potted plants which made the scene re -pleudent with every flower contributing ' its portion of sweetness and fragrance to i the place. The music was well selected ! and beautifully rendered by Mrs. F. W. .Mevlert, Miss Lottie Miller, Messrs. E. R. Powell and R. A. Conklin, whose voices made the new edifice echo with anthem. Rev. Powell discoursed an ex cellent sermon in the evening. The at i tendance was large. Hillsgrove. Dr. Eugene Rineuolt ot Forksville will be in our town Wednesday of each week | to introduce cold steel. ! G. L. Norton Co. of New Albany i have opened a millinery store in the front rooms of the Sadler Block with Miss War burton of Waverly as trimmer. Fred lleins of Elklaml was in town on Sunday consulting with his physician B. E. Gamble. Jap. Fawcett and wile of Elkland were callers in town Sunday. I'. M. Taylor of Muncy Valley was m | our town Wednesday in the interest of the Philadelphia Art School. Our Landlord Geo. Walker wa.i called 10 Binghamton Tuesday last bvthesevere illnes of his daughter Miss Julia* ' 11. A. lloss recently started a b»veu ! years course in the Susquehanna Univer | sity at Sel lines Grove Pa. Messrs, Lucas and Molyneux com me dinns gave a free exibition at the .Sadler House Wednesday evening which was u success. Grant Smith of Burlington Pa. is HI town organizing a singing class. We wish him success. P. M. Whitacre instructed some ot the boys in the manly art Saturday evening Kev. F. Somer ol Alba preached a verj impressive 6eruion in the church ot Christ Sunday last. Miss Cora Folk rod of Loyal sock is vis itingnt i. 11. Hoffmann. Report of Laijorie Borough School, advance grade, for month ending April 7. The following being the average percent ages for class, standing deportment and attendance for the seven month*: I A l lass—May Higley, 94; May Mason, | 94; Parker Low, 95; John Beahen, 96; Anna Shoemaker, 93; John llassen, 90; Lottie Landon, 92: Agnes Upinan, 96; j Hannah McCarty, 94; Walter Low, 97; I Euie Chase. 94; Delroy lleim, 87. B. Class —Herman Yeager, 97; Robert : Mason, 9t5; Agness Walsh, 96; Pollie I Crowley, 92; Mamie Heim, 91; Lena liosencrants, 92; Ella Tripp, 95; Savior i Lawrence. 95; Jennie Rose. 91; Lizzie i Loyd, 93. C. Class—Dora McErn, 93; Guy Cross ley, 92; Floyd Finkle, 90; Eugene Mc Sellon, 91; George Upinan, 94; Joseph Wrcde, 96; Leo Fries, 96; Harry Landon, 97; Winnie Keeler, 95; Ernest Gunski,B9; Mary Gunski, 87; Thomas Waldroo, 86; ' Jennie Minnier, 90; Lizzie McNellon, 91; i Freda Crossley, 94; Josephine Fraley, 93; 1 Leo Gasparani, 91. Total enrolled, 39; average monthly ; attendance to date, 38. MOBOAV GAVITT. Principal.