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Republican News Item. Published Every Friday. Volume 2. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING Company, Chas. P. Billamboz, AcrontQ P. H. Lorah, rtgCIUS. SONESTOWN PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHORE. PENNA. CAPITAL - - $50,000. SURPLUS - - SIO,OOO. Does a Genera! Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY, M. D. SWARTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. LAPORTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours, Oysters and game in season. Bar supplied with choicest liquors, wine and cigars. Good stable room provided. LAPORTE LIVERY AND* BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop_ MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. G. W. MYERS. PROPRIETOR. A hotel of established reputation. Strictly first class in all of its appointments. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. This largj and well iippointed house is tlie must popular hostelry intliis section HOTEL PORTER! Canton Street, SHUNK, PA. W. E. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSIIOKii, PA. Ono of iho largest and best equipped hold- in thU se. tio > of tin; st.i'.e. Table ole bust. ll .toa I .OU iollar pur • ay. st Ides. Professional Cards. T.J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in ihis and adjoiuing counties LAPORTE, [T J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. WM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney-at-Law. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of j estates and other legal business will receive ! prompt attention. J J. BRADLEY, ATTORNEY AT-I.AW, OFFICE IK COUNTY BUILDING NF.AIi COL'UT HOUSE. LAPORTE, PA Monday of each week at Forksville. Ellery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNKTS-AT-LAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United Staves courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTOR!fF.Y*AT*LAW: OFFICE IH PUBLIC BUILDING COURT BOUSE BQUARK. LAPORTE, PA I H. CRONIN, ATTOUNF.Y-AT -LAW, notary PUBLIC. rlcs OH MAIN STREET. PA Us walsfT iney-AT-L W, 'n Rank uilding. SHOP » 'te I All work ETT, Prop. FroffithXlCeysto I STOP YER KICKIN'. ? Stop yer kickin' 'bout the times— Stop yer kickin',git a-hold J Git a hustle on you ; Of the wheel and turn it." 112 s> Skirmish 'round and grab the dimes You kin never handle gold" \ Ef the dollars shun you. 'Less you try to earn it. " r Croakin' never bought a dress, Brush the cobwebs from your eye^iy Growlin'isn't in it. Stop your blam'd repinin' M 112 Fix your peepers on success, An' you'll notice that yer skies C Then go into win it. Allus'll be shinin' j 112 Times is gittin'good agin— If you hain't the nerve to try J Try (o help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. } Don't sit'round with hangin'lip ; Kite IK* J 3 That is sure to floor you £ Tr . v ,0 g' l a better grip YES, STOP YER KICKIN'. THIS J P Oil the work before you; EVERLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TO £ > Put some ginger in yer words BE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. V N When you greet a neighbor; GO TO THE OLD RELIABLE I r Throw your troubles to the birds, JEWELRY STORE FOB WHAT/ Git right down to labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY, Ji An'you'll notice ev'ry day ifcifcftift 1 Things is comin'right yourway. £ I RETT EN BURY, ? dushore, pa. THE JEWELER, r £J 1% 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in the County to Buy hardware W w «• i (111 $25 Wheels S4O Wheels Hi ,r n j'TOg Large tubing, k Large tubing, Grade Flush Joints, a Flush joints, Fully lift Wood rims, I Reversible r , m Single tube tire, Handlebars, Guar= ' 2 piece crank hang in;#! Detatchaole sprocket F anteed ers, Hunt saddle, Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAYING and SUNDRIES. Handlebars, Saddles, Lamps, delis. Locks, Brakes, Peddles, Cranks, Spokes, Rims, Tirei, both single and double lube, a full line of Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as Barbed Wire, Nails, Poultry Netting, Milk Pans, and Pails, Garden Tools, Paints Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. A'.i kinds of Tin Work and Spouting done by competent workmen. Write for prices or give us a call whenever in need of Hardware. (£ofes Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. n. A.Rogers & Son., PA. In Order to Make Room for Our Immense Line of JPRING GOODS^ That will soon arrive WE HAVE DECIDED TO MAKEA SREttIT ftEBUfSTJQX IN PRICS to make room for the large line of new goods Kor Spring Trade Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, APRIL, 21, 1898. Bernice Echoes. The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co. placed a new boiler in their pumping statioii at Birch Creek last week. They also received two new electric pumps and an electric dynamo which will be placed in the mines as soon as possible. ' * F. H. Allen is again laid up with the rheumatism. A rag bee was held at the residence of Wm. Ros Wednesday evening Wm. en tertained the women and kept the needles sharp. Atty. F. H. Ingham of Laporte attend ed the meeting of the P. 0. S. of A. Fri- j day evening. F. H. is always a welcome J visitor. The Gazette Scribe is learning the millenery trade. Ohl dear how queer, Miss Mattie Walters spent the forepart of last week at Dushore. Miss Amy Sweet of Dushore visited friends here Thursday, A number of our boys have purchased new wheels this spring. Others have wheels in their head. Speckled beauties are being caught this week. Fish stories next week. Mr. Joseph Walters of Towanda and Miss Susie Sharp of Shinnersvill were united in marriage at the parsonage of the St. Francis church at 7:30 Tuesday morn ing April 12th by Rev. J. A. Enright. We with the NEWS ITEM extend eerigrat ulations. Miss Norah Gahan and Miss Mary Scanlin of Cherry were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Gilligan Monday and Tuesday of last week. Hon. J. S. Line was at Sayre Tuesday visiting his son Samuel. James Kane is on the sick list. Rev. J. A. Enright attended the dedica tion of the new school in towanda Wed nesday. Car Jones ol Dushore will commence painting the parsonage and the Presby terian church this week. The meat market of W. H. Blight is receiving a new coat of paint. His store will also be painted over. ( Hen-y Facy engineer and Pat Mathews j conductor of the switch engine are in s per-"| suit of ihe speckled beauties this week, i Mrs. Donovan lias moved into the house occupied by her daughter Mrs. Rosa Hoffa and Joseph Htinsinger has moved in the house vacated by Mrs. Donovan, and Henry Schaad has purchased the house vacated by Mr, Hunsinger at Mildred which belonged to Mr. Schaad's father. What's the matter with havind a cham pion team here this season? There's nothing the matter, the boys have lots of time to practice, all they want to do is to get a captin that's got a little hus tle about him and go in for business right away and you can wear the belt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farrell and child ren of Dushore were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quick and children who have been visiting at Rush Susque hanna county returned home Thursday, Dear readers if you. want the latest and best news from your town take the NEWS IMM. Hillsgrove. Rev. Noll of Dushore preached a very impressive sermon in the Union church Sunday evening. Rev. Spooner spoke to a large audience in the Christian church Sunday morning and evening. J Frank Miller and daughter of Wilk'es barre are the guests of Wm. Brong. We noticeu a good many of our town people gathering arbutus in the rain Sun day. La. H. Hogsmi tli a popular actor of New York Citywas spending his vacation at this place last week. S. F. Galough and Geo. Jinkens attend ed the concert given by Grant Smith and his musical class at Warberton Hill Sat urday evening. They report the concert a success. P. M. Whitacre expects to have the finest garden in Sullivan county this year if digging angle worms cuts any ice. W. L. HoSman spent Friday among the speckled beauties. He succeeded in land ing three which measured sixteen, eleven and five inches, and raised about fifty that were larger. There are others. Quoit season opened early in our town this spring. Dad Buckingham is still champion. If you want to enlist in the army or navy see Homer Peck. Harrison Zachonas a pioneer lumber man of this town late of Galeton Pa. was in town during the past week. John Minnier Jr. of Williamsport was doing business in our town Thursday last. We understand that Max Zagrosk is about togo to Washington to offer his | services to Mike Kinley. MUST EVACUATE CUBA AT ONCE. , jfirst Call "Will Be For 80,000. This It Is Thought Will Exhaust the National Ouard at This Time, The declaration of war against Spain practically made last week as announced by us has been overhauled by our States men at Washington and some changes trjade in the form of the resolutions. , There was a heated discussion lasting over Sunday and Monday, and only ended in the early hours of Tuesday morning, when the Conference Committee reached an agreement and the resolutions agreed upon passed the Senate. The first paragraph will be as it passed the Senate. The report was adopted by the Senate at 1:14 a. m. The President retired before midnight and While House was deserted except for the executive clerk, Mr. Montgomery, who received the bulletin announcing the Senate's action over the wire from the capitol. The message was turned over to the domestic end of the mansion and with out waiting for the action of the House the executive office was closed for the night. The resolutions as agreed on by the conferees of both houses are as follows: "Resolved—By the Senate and House of Representative of the United Slates of Ar erica in Congress assembled. 'First—Tl. ♦. the people of the island of Cuba, are, at * of light ought to be free and independent. "Second—That it is the duty of the United States to demand, and the govern ment of the United States does hereby demand, that the government of Spain at j once relinquish its authority and govern- j ment in the Island of Cuba and withdraw j land and naval forces from Cuba and ! Cuban waters. "Third—That the President of the j United States be and he hereby is directed j and empowered to use the entire laud and naval forces of the United States, and to call into the actual service of the United i States the militia of the several states, to , such extent as may be necessary, to carry : these resolutions into eflect. i "Fourth—That the United States here- , !by disclaims any disposition or intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over said island, except for the pacification thereof, and asserts its deter- ! mination, when that is accomplished, to leave the government and control of the island to its people. Washington, April 20.—Spain will re ceive official notification of the demands j of the United States. She then will be informed that the Cuban resolutions pass ed by Congress at an early hour this 1 morning are now apart of tl.e laws of the ■ United .States, and an ultimatum will be sent, demanding compliance with this law and an answer within a short time, pro bably twenty-four hours. Compliance is not expected, and a forward movement on ! Cuba will commence the latter part of j this week, according to the plans of the . administration. The Congressional Cuban resolution , will be signed today. The ultimatum to' Spain will be signed at the saine time, i The President early decided to make tae two practically one act by a simultaneous j signature of each. Report Not a Case of Infanticide. Coroner C. F. Wackenhuth answered a call on Tuesday to hold an inquest over j the remains of a dead inlu-it found locked j in a trunk at the residence of E. I. Brun dage near Nordmont. Mrs. Brundage discovered a stench in the room occupied by Miss Grace Hains, a young woman i! 3 years of age whom Mrs. Brundage had with her. Upon an investigation of the cause it was found to be in a trunk that was locked. The trunk when broke open revealed a dead infant wraped in a sheet upon which it had been born. The post mortem held at the inquest proved that the infant had been born about th v ee . weeks past and the testing of the luntt'i indicated that the infant was dead whe., born. The woman claimed her illness to be that of dropsy. Muncy Valley. W. 11. Lawreuson left on Friday last for Williamsport. Wm. Bay left Saturday last for Wil liamsport. Miss Maud Miller left Saturday tor a visit at Chamouni. Charles Hopfer came home Monday night with 30 nice trout. Clyde Welliver rides a new wheel Mrs. J. L. Den left for Williamsport Monday. M. S. Lyon has purchased a new farm wagon. Adam Bradley, night watchman at the tannery, left Tuesday inoruing for a trip down the P. k R. Mrs. David Taylor returned home Mon day from a visit to Hughesville. I wonder if it is true that John Girton is negotiating for a life partner. John iB lonesome. John Sones, sawyer for J. TT. Stack house, had his leg taken off by the saw Tuesday afternoon. The machinery was suddenly started while he was filing the 1 saw, causing the fatal accident. He died 1 in a few hours after from loss of blood. He leaves a wife and one son. 1.50 Per. Year. Number 49. Charles Hugo Dead. At his residence in Elkland township Mr. Charles Hugo an old and respected citizen died .Saturday evening. He had been a long sufferer of complicated diseases and his demise had for sonic thrie past been hourly expected. Saw Mill Destroyed by Fire. At about 12 o'clock Monday night the sawmill property of C.S.&A G. Rogers at Lincoln Falls, was consumed by fire, along with twenty-five thousand feet of sawed lumber. The origin of the fire is unknown. 1 here was no insurance carried on the property. Straw Bridge. Mr. A. G. got his hair cut. Mrs. Harry Bobb who has been sick for some time died Sunday morning. She leaves a husband aud two small children to mourn her loss. Miss Myrtle Miller and Frank Snyder were visitors ut Kedion Sunday School last Sunday. Miss Julia Eilkin and Mrs. J. B. Edkin made a trip to Williamsport Wednesday. The Victor school will close Apr. 19. and this closes the best term in the his tory of the Victor school. Jennie Roach teacher. Mr.U. L. Edkin of Hughesville visited his parents at Cedar Grove ou Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Cor6on of near Hughesville were guests of J. J. Harding over Sunday. Miss Ocie anil Otto Edkin of Salter field are visiting their grand parents at Cedar Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Foust of Hughes ville visited Mrs. Foust's mother last Sunday. W. I. Taylor, Eagles Mere's most prac tical butcher, secured from J. J. Harding a two year old steer that weighed a plump ton. Estella. The weather man must have slipped » notch in tome way as March has gone and April is with us, very unhealthy weather. The air is full of pneumonia and lagrippe There has been an unusual number of deaths in this section. On Thursday Mrs. Lewis McCarty ot Millview, and oldest daughter a girl about 13 years old, were both buried in one grave, cause, pneumonia. Mr. McCarty and one of the other children are seriously ill with the same disease. \ lit lie son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bird sail of this place about two and one-half years old, was buried here Friday. Charles Hugo of Eldredsville,ex-County Commissioner will be buried in the Ger man cemetery at this place Weduesdav. Mr. Hugo has been a great sufferer for a long time, everything being done for him that money and kind friends could do. He was wasted away to a perfect skeleton. He was one of our most substantial cili zens. Misses, Blanch and Edna Sick of Cherry Mills was \isitingatG. C. Birds last week. G. S. Albert.? of Mansfield, Tioga Co. was visiting friends here last week. Mrs. Daniel Vargason is quite seriously ill with rheumatism. \V. W. Boyle is quite seriously ill with lagrippe and catarrh of the stomach. I)r. Woodhead is attending him. W. H. Webster moved to Sugar ltun Bradford Co. where he will work at his trade, wagon making. J. J. Webster moved lohis lumber job near Laporte last week. George Johns of Eldredsville moved hi:* lamily to this place a week ago. Mrs. Matilda Vargason, widow of the late Jesse Vargason is quite seriously ill with a severe caugh and cold. Just before closing our communication we received the news that the steam saw mill of C. S. and E. G. Kogera of Lincoln Falls was consumed by fire in the early hours of this morning, if correct, which we have no doubt. It will be a heavy loss to the Rogers Brothers as it was a good mill and heavily stocked. No purlieu lars. Prohibition Convention. The Prohibitions ot Sullivan county met in the courthouse on Tuesday and placed a full ticket in the field as follows: Representative, J). J. Saddlemeyer; Prothonotary, li. S. Molyueux; Sheriff, E. Bos tin n. Jn the evening Voleny B. Cushion of Bangor, Maine, delivered a political dis course. Commencement. The Junior Exhibition of the Forks ville High School will be given in the jr. E. church at Forksville, Thursday evening April 2S, IS9B, also the com mencement exercises of the Graduating I Class on Friday evening April 29, 189*. \ All friends of education, patrons aud pub | lie are cordially invited to be present. F. J. WJLN'DHI.L Princ.