Newspaper Page Text
Republican News Item. CHAS. L. WING, Editor and Manager. THURSDAY APRIL 23, 1898. "FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Seat of Sullivan County. LAPOBTE, PA. Entered at the Post Office at Laporte, as second-class mail matter. Subscription — per annum. If paid in advance SI.OO. Sample copies free. All communication*! should be ad dressed lo REPUHLICAN NEWS ITEM, Laporte Pa., uoj|p|JO >" P*l»D|] unuiuapis ..•nuai itJOAa qSnojqi iq3[j paXßis puß ram qnAi aoiSujqsßM. jnaM aq mqi ,qog &N, JO pnojd os puß qmap 01 sbav aq ing -apoidxa uiiq 39S 01 paioadxs j BUjnidJ 3qi }o3 uiif usflM 'mo tiOM qog ptiß 'janiEa.ias b X[ -dtnjs sbm 11 -aißis aqi ui jjo auißa aa -A3 isqi uS|Bt!tUßa isanoq aqi Scav ißqi asoddns 1 'laiiDH oqi uo qoa 4"d eai -siuiuioa aqi puß jo asnßaaq AvajpqiiM oiEpipnßa Suisoddo aqx,. -non aas 01 ion lujod b apßtn aq ssang I inq 'iqSjs uo ueui SunoX aqi dtqM -Ssjoq p,aq paAiOA tajf 'tuiq isuibSb dtnnis aqi jjooi qoa pub ssajSuoa joj übj uiif übj IBqx -ÜBUiaiiuaS pjo eq; qitAi XaouiJEq u| 3uj3 ujm J1 aitq joj 3n]i!BM Xauotn jo Xiuajd puc araoq luaauiuSßtu B sj ajaqi uaq.w icqi op 01 übui aunoA ujoqqnis XuaJd b eaiißi i{ pan 'Sn]An siq apßtu pns hjoa\ oi iq3]J* iudA\ 8H - ? no ?° 3 •jno ia3 pub jjaßd jo suojiou loo; Bjq dojp 01 jaqita qoa Pioi 'asnoq aqi J3AO iib pjßaq aq pinoa ißqi aajoA b qjiA pub jaSuß qit.u aidand 3aß; siq 'ubui pio aqi 'aoissnasjp uj ißajap SuiiEinuinq b J3IJB '3iqßi jsuuip aqi }B Xsp auo pnß luatn iajß aqi jo pua Bjq dn daaij i.upinoa 3H "PBabj *ij;bj oijf puß iJBd Jtaqi Jjooi qoa Xjoiob.} aqi ib ijanjis naui s.tnif uaqAV -uonntoAaj jßau XiqSira PUB an^ja -Otnap 'JBaipBJ SBAV qoa "IBJ3OISIJB uv aq 01 pasodsip XiSuojis pub baii -BAjasuoa b su a\ uiif -qiuoui aqi jo aißp sqi jo Xbp jo auiti aqi nrqi uibi -aaa ssai 3uiqiXtiß uo aajSu i.upinoa urraannaS pio qqi pub aH 'panado Xntaj uSißduißa aqi IBqi tooqas inojj ilDBq auißa qoa JaiJß sba* ;t ma., ■3n!Mnßils v Xnßtn mjq isoa /Csqi puß 'pooqXqßq jo seapj isjg aqi ia3 01 aiqß scai aq bb uoos bb saAiastnaqi pausssß Xaqx •satlsuaiaßJßqa asaqi peiuaqni 'qoa '.foq aqi mqi iobj aqi uj Suisjjdjns 3uj -qiou s.ajcqx ")Ba UEqi anSJB jaqißJ PinoM mqi übcd b sba\ ajaqx -paißuo[ -ujdo-jias pQB njais 'papE3q-pjßq sbav 0H 0M1«S tt»!f 'Jatim aqi aibujj i„ •inatnaißis sjq ra.tujc 01 q3noqi sb pßaq Bjq nooqs Suijubi sbm oqM übui aqi puß , ( 'J3q}a3oi na.M guoiß ja3 oj an; [« qatiui 001 a.tSAv Xaqx.i •qoa poo «uir •paSaaAß naaq sßq qsucd jtaqi jo aanaaouui apsnj aqi uo lojq 583J3 mqi laaj oqM 'siUßijqßqui aqi 01 uoiiDEjsims isamaJS aqi uaA]3 BABq 01 BJBaddß J(EJJB XjßuipjoßJixa s]qx •iuanms]und j ;l jp ß3l p E q 3ns jaisjuinpß 01 ion suoiuEdraoa Jiaqi uo panBABJd snojinßa s.ioui sqi }nq 'psjnaojd ajaa Bjaqmaj pue Jbx sail -inSipui jaqio XUEOI oSjapan oi pEq jtaqi 'Bspißaq 'puß 'jjo ma sb.w Jjßq aiaqx -pußq u[ pucq spia{j aqi UA\op pnß dn qajEUi 01 puß SujSSou jaqunj oSjapun 0} pauuiapuoa a.iaAi o[dnoa aqX "maaiSpnf ui ms ..Baaaqan,. aqi ajaq» 'asnoq S.UEOI aqi 01 uoissaoojd U| Jiaßq p3i joasd Xaqi uaqx •sijaps puß BdßJis qi]M psaoqEjaq pus 'spiau aqi u.viop pus dn u.14 01 ppßtn uaqi ajaivi oai oqx 'psjnidßa •3J bba\ puß 'jaddoja b auißa aq j;3m v SniSßOja uj inq "sdßasa 01 idmai -IB aißJßdsap « apßtu übiu aqi nißaJis eqi uj aijqM 'sainujui .<[Jtau 1 aaßds aqi joj uibbjis aqi qSnojqi pjBMJOj puß pjßAiJiaßq apEui uaqi puß 'pa3jauiqns aja.\i Xaqi ejamA\ si| ui *Xq asop ba*ob qajqAi 'javpuimo J3a;h aqi 01 paqajßtn aja/a 'uoiiip -uoo apnu Xijesu b uj 'qioa "paqaiaj OB" t B SBAV paiaadsns sba ueiuom aqx - a«noq s.iuanbunap peSanß aqi pa -pßuajas 'Jjaßiq Xioos sbobj qijAi 'pub 'Eatnmsoa jo XiajjßA B uj pdjpm 'pus 'SUB3 ..Baaaqan., b be bojeav uj umouij bj pauuoj o3b siqSju Maj b s.tauoiqsiJßd aqi 'panjuiuioa uaaq a.\Eq 01 pa.\anaq •teqi qajqAt 'Xijibjoui jo EAiißi aqi JO qaßajq b ib pazußpUßas saißM qmos 'ajiqsjoupßH jo Xmnoa ißj.ninajJSß Xiajnd aqi jo snjq aqi ni pamniis si qajqM 'jaieiqußn JO qs]jßd aqi uj Xihb jo BAtßj aqi Supjojua jo epoqiatu snojoSiA pti« aSuuaiß a'joa OAtiq Xji[x Some Rain Records. It rains on an average 208 days in the year In Ireland, about 150 in Eng land. at Kezan about ninety days sud In Siberia only sixty days. A Good Opening in (lie We»t. Reports have been coming from the (N. (N. D.) reservation for sev eral days regarding an Immense crack In the ground which has appeared ten miles north of the old fort. The crack varies in width from 4 to 16 feet, is about three miles long and of un known depth, a lantern having been lowered 150 feet and no bottom in •lght. T reasu rer's Sale j OF UNSEATED LANDS. ! Agreeable to the provisions of ail Act of Assm- | My entitled, "Ail Act directing the mode of sell | ing Unseated Lands for taxes, iiussed the 12th day of March, IMO. and the supplements thereto, 1, KANBO.M U'HRASHEJt, Treasurer of the County of j Sullivan, hereby give notice to all pei*ons eon- I cerned that unless the County.Stale,ltoad, School and Poor Taxes due 011 the following tracts of Unseated Lauds situated in said county and paid before the day of sale, the whole or such part of each tract as will pay the taxes and such cost chargable thereon will be sold at the Court House 111 Laixjrte, said county of Sullivan, on the 13th day nf June. 1X»8, being the second Monday of June. The sale 10 be continued by adjournment from day today if deemed necessary for arrear ages of taxi's due.and assessed and cost accured ou each tract respectively. Unseated Lands. ACRES. WARRANTEE. TAX, rnEItKY TWP. 417% linker, John 8 93 91 417}.. Eppie, Henry 1117 (it 3!14 Epple, Henry 117 2:1 60 Eld led, William 8* 76 12.1 Fox, Samuel 27«>8 l ox, George 224 10 lui Fox, sauiuel 22 '.15 11KI Gray, William 2250 leayi Gray, William 3S2;i 27 Getting, Christian WOO ISB Getting, Giover 10USS 178 Jaeobyi Leonard 40 60 75 Jackson, Jeremiah 16 100 Keyser, John 22 50 12 Laskey. Edjvard 282 13 Lukeiis. Daniel 2 82 40 Grav, William 9"0 3:12 JN'oiris Joseph P 22410 160 Quirk, John 33 75 12 Heed, Collinson ' :, 1 185 Reed, Collinson 4163 215 Roberts, Hugh 10-> 38 1)0 Robeits, liugh 40aO 2:iii Roberts, Jas. K 15» 19 100 Roberts George 67 ->U 285 stein, William 61 12 200 Sjein, l'hiltp 45C0 114 Stein, Philip "4 tin 110 VaiiPhuli. William 24 7a 108 Wager, l'hilip 24 50 227 Weitzei, Jacob 4iioo COLLEY TWP. 120 Anderson, John 12 96 111;,' lirown, George 5 641 60 Com ill on, Adam James 16 an 325 Clark, John 35 in 807 Chase, illber 99 4) :is.s Chase, Dudley 12.>)l 1(11 4'llll enter, Samuel 516". 200 Crispin. James 2160 290 Culueitson, John 3132 :t!3 .; ( ai|ieiih 1 .Ca.-I er J B-' 400' Campbell, Gustavus 43 20 224 Carpenter. Charles 2:197 4 (.hi Cai | eiuer, Elisha 43 20 350 Cotiinger, Garret • 38 1.. 418 ilailv, Jeremiah 4a21 418 Dailv, Mary 4. 21 4is Daily, John 4 > 2l 175 l'itzsimmoits, Thomas 42 00 2ih) Goniluml, Elisha 618" 133 Giilett, Eiiphaiet 43 20 350 Go<:dheart, James F. 37 M' 484 llouseweart, John 26 01 338 Honey, George Mii.m 200 lleister, Petei 10 Ni 30 Ileber, Chase 321 317 Kester, Jacob "l'-i 30(1 Kerr, Geo. Adolphus 32 li 202 Li gall. Sheldon 23 00 330 McMulian, Michael :»st>i Undivided % of lis McMulian, John 2' * 417 McMulian. Alexander I. I I 50 Morse, William 1« 20 13 Nicholas, William 4 32 400 Nicholas, Henry 43 20 151 Odion. Thomas 31:2 50 Parley. Nailianiel l'>2o P.IO l'ilieo, l'.e/.ebel 15 (Hi 50 Parlev. Nathaniel 16 20 192 43-100 Richard. IC. G 6210 23 0-10 RiUcr. Jacob 104 7r. 60 Sparahawk, Thomas 40(0 31 Sullivan, James loot (11 Shaw, David 20 73 108 Tomliuson, Richard 18 30 12 Tateui, Joseph 378 21 Tatein, Joseph 702 150 Tomlinson, Richard 14 60 310 Tatcm, Joseph 34 02 207 Tomlinson, lienjamin 22 11 93 Woodwind, Ebe.i/er 30 21 150 Word ward, Heza 48 00 300 Whitford, Wiiso.i 97 20 111 Zeigler, David 1188 50 Zeigler. David 610 DAVIDSON' TWP. 392 Baliiott, Joiin 102 2" 3i'J Beasley, Johnson 169 70 401% Bantiy. i'aul 87 60 207 Colt, William 28 00 300 cope, Israel Ml 40 60 I mites, Jacob 10 95 I 436 Custard, Mary 14965 83 Cuutcs, Mary 12 41 92 Evans, Elizabeth 15 0s 98 Evans, John and James 1630 150 Evans, Joel 32 85 2"1 Ewing, Jasper 43 80 427 Ewing, Robert 72 60 129 90-100 Hess and Creveling (125 3iW Harvey, Peter 5:173 00 iless, Samuel and Wesley 20 2s 460 Harvey, Nicholas " 314 c £i Hess, Samuel and Wesley 3 00 430 James, Grace 1912t 10 James, Thomas 4 3s so l'aschall. Joseph 3101 230 Milev, Martin 102 20 373 McMulian Alexander 68 04 187 Montgomery, 27 37 S5S)i Sample, Catherine 52 20 75 Strawbridge, James lo 9.'. 437 Woodside, Eleanor 19120 48 Woodside, Archibald 21 911 436 Woixlside, John jr. 0:105 200; j Varnell, Rebecca 13 so KI.KLAND TOWNSHIP 12 J!ryson, Samuel 960 180 Carpenter, John 2* SO 250 Cook, Stephen 40 lid 100 Coniv, Robert 10 00 30 Coolev, Henry 4so 00 Hunsinger, Aaron 13 81 250 Proctor d; Hill 40 IK Rogers, C. s. 2 IK 43 Proctor .V Hill 0 88 FORKS TOWNSHIr. 432 florscy, John 71 70 53 Eddy. George 3311 477 Fox, George 236 12 50 Harris, 425 Hurley, Henry 1(9 6; 252 Hurley, Chas. 12150 50 Harrison, Jacob 2175 425 Hurley, George &| 88 100 Lloyd, Peter jr. £l4" 122 Lucke, Henry 0105 186 Husscr, John til 2( 00 Pleasanls, Israel 31 00 87 Peters liUhard 43 (it 55 Roberts, 11 ug i; 26 '25 55 Roberts, Jas" V. 26 25 4Cs2 Roberts, George 198 20 !w Rush, Benjamin }|Bs fox township. 100 Epple, Henry 13 00 30 Epple, lliitiry 378 407 :, i Hughes. Ucorgii 51 31 :CMI Hull, Joiin 125 30 317J4 IJIIII, Mahion 1)9 70 300 Hilton, James 75 60 307 Jones Israel 10 300 Johnson, James 105 40 60 Kuhu, Peter 0 30 29 Penrose, Thomas 1740 HImLSUHOVE TWP 80 Alberts, Gel.rge 30 21 so llingliani, Wiiiiiitu 10 08 2'.K) lloyd, John 54 si 335 lliiiihnm, Epbraim 12603 •MCi<i lie. k, llenry. 13230 216 Honham, William M 90 100 Carpenter, Samuel 12 Wl 60 Corson. James 18 91 257% Uelaiiey, Thomas 73 0s 50 Iloruteitli. Jeremiah Ills 198 Jackson, Wijliam 75 60 135 McKaue. Thoiuw 3102 4os lteese, Daniel 154 86 405 Seckler. Michael 16:109 I.APOHTETWP. 100 Uachm, Philip 10 60 111 Uaclnn. Philip 21(0 39 Bachm, Philip 826 191 Ilaum, I'lUlip 40 49 126 Fox, Samuel M. 2671 1 Franklin, Thomas _2l 36 Fox, Hannah 7 61 55 Fox, Sarah 712 40 Franklin. Walter 636 13 Gurduer, Richard 280 28 Grart. John 594 170 GralT, Jot.u .16 01 I*2 Graff. Andrew 37 40 50 GralT, Andrew 1127 10 Oanagiis. Susiiii W. 212 45 Gardner, Richard 105 Gray, Roliert 3)20 118 Han ey. Jonathan 15 02 5 Herling. Joseph 106 140 Harvey, Jonathan 29 (if} •1 r'A funAey. Jonathan o#' 104 Hall: Charles 22*® 117 Harvey. Jonathan 2180 150 Levi, Daniel JJJHO li-.' 112, 1 I auiel «2 62 24Levi, Oaulel S"® (58 Morris. Richard H. 14 421 71 iloirip, Kiehaid H. 1520 1 1111 North, Richard ii 45 45 Norris, Joßeph P. 9 51 (•3 North. Richard M 75 iSy 3 Pleasants, Isiael it tilt 95 Pleasants, Samuel la 80 40 Parker, Thomas C 4 40 15 Parker, William 3 30 117 Parker, William 35 40 Parker, William 0 40 401 ' lioberts. Hugh 80 48 40 Reynolds, Thomas 1012 175 Reynolds, Thomas 35 54 tit Roberta, K. K. 5 Rackstraw, Jose|>l> 106 35 Roberta, Tomazim 7 42 97 Smith, Daniel 1170 75% Smith iJiiiilel 15 10 130 Wright, Samuel It. 27 50 115 Whalen, Robert 25 50 80 Weaver, William 10 32 BhUKU'SIIURY T\vr. 117 Brodio, William 8 40 418 Benson, Peter 0102 SIIK Urady, John 14800 59 Boyd. John 2481 101 Dougherty. John 44 20 100 Dougherty, John 43 80 75 Kenno, John 10a5 355 Haines, Reuben 155 40 100 Hoover, Jacob 13 80 401 % Hunter. Job 58 40 25 Irwin, Robert 3 70 38<i Ogdcn, Joseph 169 («> 190 Richardson, Isaac 83 22 219 Swain, John 95 40 Seated List. Also at the same time and place the following tracts and parcels ol'land duly assessed and re turned on the Seated will be sold for arrear ages of taxes in the names of the present or former owners, in accordance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly, passed April 29, A. 1). 1844. ACRES. NAME. TAX. CnntitY TOWNSHIP. 40 Baker, Francis sl3 58 3 Bentlcy, Hannah, heirs 40 2 Lots Ranch, Ootleib '. 150 62 Collins. Thomas 12 34 50 ltunn, J as. and K. 1' 188 CO Donegati, Edward 270 50 Dunn. Anna 210 2HandL Itavldge, S. B 7 92 100 Gallagher, Martin 1935 50 Gallagher. U. 1* 245 295 Holmes, JohnG 35 72 IC3 Kalcr, George 327 II and L Kraus, William 1 53 67 Kestcr, Jesse 8 05 67 Lavcllo. John 23 3.' 2'J l.ambcrt, John N) 50 l.ucus. John 300 JO Mcllale, Michael 5 1( 05 Mnoney, Patrick, heirs 22 3C ::t> Mosier, Peter and G. W 1 58 98 MercurA Jackson 835 31 Mosier, Peter 875 1 l.ot Smith J. P 113 11 and L Scouten, J. G 113 II ami I. Shi olln. James 420 II and 1, Smith, W. !•' 975 135 Wright. Martin and Jas 27 00 Ml lleacttck iV Jackson 4 72 7 Jackson, Geo. D. heirs 358 130 Jackson, Geo. c 22 10 It Quitin, John Sr 2 55 77 Middcndorf,Frank 2113 COLI.KY TOWNS nil'. II audi. lileusnick, latherine S'O 68 Davldge, H2B .'io liaddow, Mis. K. A 1:160 15t) Daddow, John ti 00 ."■o Harris, Mrs. Mary 3 30 50 Kinsley, Jacob 300 Cider Press I Messersmith, Geo. I „ ~ and mill | anil Ron ) 48 Meyers, W. F 417 75 Parsons. Edward 18 SM II and I. l'atish, T. J 297 II and L Parish, A 1 473 2 11 and L Roih, John 7 90 48 Shuliz. 11. C 1 0s mill Stroud, George 707 100 Threshouldhack, J. H 25 95 II and I. Oliphanl. Chas. hciis v -50 Dekalb, Frank and Tobias 567 DAVIDSON TWl*. 81 Bradley, R. F 1165 S 11A L) Dunham and Collins ) c ,, 293 / Trustees / ' 8 Ml W/ t Hans, Jeremiah 16 20 81 * Keeler, John F 2163 87 Little, J. I' 20;*. ;>3ii: '-00 Lorah, Jacob 24 25 6 Steinbach, Leroy 686 1 Lot Rinh, J. F 93u 2 saw mills Schug, Pierce 22 00 9 Herring, William 2 20 11 Walters, William 220 Dl s||oK£ Hultol'uH. Foundry a Building Bigger Broc 2*.*io II and L Carl, li. A 760 1 Lot Johnson, W. L 285 1 Lot Jordan, John M 152 1 Lot Jordan, Edward 1 5i 1 Lot Saxer, George, heirs 4 GO tI.KI.AND TOWNSHIP. y. Bird, .Mrs Emma 45 S.j Horton. Nathaniel » 438 51 King, Thomas ... 243 11 Molyneux, Margaret 171 110 McCartv, O. L. Bit s 8 10 275 Newman, Galen estate 41 40 267 Sullivan, James : 41 10 20 Wells, mrs R 2 73 Illt.LSnltOVE TOWNSHIP. Davis, John, heirs 315 FORKS TOWKSHIP. 1 Lot Birdsall, ElUabatli 23 J4 Cnilson, Harry 272 21 C'hllson, C. F 60 80 Clark, John P 282 110 Jordan, Henry 580 8J Lambert, William estate 6 21 Fox TOWNSHIP. 93 Carey, Joseph 998 113 Campbell John S 17 88 90 Gigga. Henry 19 51 50 Howell, L. B 13 75 50 llegoboom, K. E 12 40 130 Helms, Martha ...29 40 50 Meyers, John C 12 55 3 Mav, Warien 1 00 50 Shaffer, U. J «... 12 Ml 3*3 Williams, Henry 95 96 90 Walker, Ada M 375 09 Warner. Henry 12 35 Watts, Munv 1 20 39 J.APORTE TOWNSHIP. 111 Bodine.iVU. 53 38 II and L Botsfotd, M. W .-.69 73 2o Cook. Nelson li 00 50 Collins, Thomas 19 On 31 Crouati, Ilirain 15 SO 65 Cheney, B L. heirs 20 on 1 2 Lots Inuilißin E. M 970 \ JIOU tV 85 cower. Sarah 16 45 ' [0 Hill. B. F 10 4S 25 Hi lines. Henry "20 72 58 Hunter, Aurand 19 20 81 Litile, Charles 1912 i 1050 McFarlaue, James 1050 50 Overseers poor, Cherry township 42 50 > 70 A hotel Ring. 11. 11 4 18 I lot Tllifc}ei'»UKh,Chas 500 69 smith, Marl; 2106 l(*i White. I'eter heirs ].>6Q 28 A 5 lots W. li; N. I!. Rrilroad Company 30 50 50 Walsh, A 18 32 00 Gorman, George 12 10 East and south end hotel lot, Nordmont Peterman. l'liilip 50 LA PORT K DOKOt'G , 2 If Sli !' Brewster, Mrs. J. T 37 35 1 lot Becht, George J 389 I lot Battlit, Jetnio 242 II and 1.1 lark. Mrs. Maty 22 50 1 lot Elliott. G. W 393 llot Hill, W. 11. Estate 2.-0 i lot Lee. Walter 389 1 lot Luwshe, John 389 7 lots Mix. u G 10 50 llot Mortton, John, Jr. 38y llot Raum. J. II 3 Bji 1 lot Stevenson, William 133 1 lot Waddrow, \V 389 li Brewster, Virginia 4 1* llot" Stead mail. M 133 llot Streetur. Jlarry IS3 Butcher shop ami ice house, St roup 8r05.,, I'.to SHIIEWSnI'RY TWP. 1 lot Allen, Robert P 407 300 Bigger. G. W. & 11. N 30 00 llot Bartli. G. W 388 100 Clark, Mrs. Rosa 4 00 150 Green. Ambrose 15 20 11 A 2 A Hamilton, Mrs 225 II and L Hughes, Laura 300 H ik iii A Peale, S. R 19 80 lint RidhaU. J. M. G 095 110 Shaffer, W. B 17 ID II and 2L Sarfarty, Moses I) 7 50 llot Thorn. Alfred B 282 llot Wlitmus, Warren 501 200 Winders, Mrs. Briton 7 20 1 L ik 59 A Warner, William 3 00 200 Wheeler, Peter 800 100 McCarty Bros 80 400 Dugan, Monroe 970 The sum of fiftv cents must also be paid on each tract, lot or parcel of land advertised in addition ■ to the amount named opposite each tract, lot or parcel of land for advertising. Also in addition I to ilia same, interest will lie charged upon the amount of taxes due ut>on each tract, lot or |mr | csl of land for each year from the first day of 1 January of the year following until paid, under saltt. RANSOM THRASH RR. Treasurer. Treasurer's office, Laporte, Pa., March 21,1898. A Horrible Railroad Accident is a daily chronicle in our papers; also the death of some dear friend, who hud died with Consumption, whereas, if he or she had taken Otto's Cure for Throat and Lung diseases iu time, life would have been rendered happier and perhaps saved. ! Heed the warning I If you have a cough j or any affection of the Throat and Lungs Call on T. .1. Keeler,Lajiorte; W. L. Hoffman, Ilillsgrove; B. S - Lancaster, Forksville; C. B Jennings, Agt. Estella; J no. \V. Buck, Sonestown, and get a trialjpackage free. Large size 50c and 25c. The Pii£2 That WHS Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills will prevent and cure biliousness. "For years I have thoroughly tested AYFR'S PILLS, both as a preventive anU cure for biliousness. They are the best medicine for purpose and do all that in claimed for them. J. E. KOLB, Sl.ark, Ark. Cure mm m A Cut in Price is Giving Voice. And the facts can be learned by call ing at. the v hoe Shop of John V. Finkle, Laporte. Forreign prices ns follows: Men's shoes, half-sole and heal, 00c. Women's shoes do Isoc. Children's shoes do 25c. Cement patches, 05c. Fine fresh oranges, lemons and bananas at John \V. Bucks, Sonestown. Educate Your Howmlh WHh C.iscai'etH. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, JOc. li C. C. C. (ail, druggists ret und money. Call in and see tlie new nickel oil stove, a goo«l thing for summer use. .1. W.Buck. 'I .» < t.s ,• I «;»;.! r. i' ■i.-csnTts I'a.iv ( HH3 or'JSc. I If <\ c. C. f.iil locure. druutfiKtft roftiml monev Catarrh Inhaler Free. Only one person in fifty ciiieit by old methods oft reating Cularrh mnv every « here condemn ed. The new Scientific Cartarrh Inhaler of l)r. Worst's mailed fiee toull lenders of the NEWS ITEM. IS the latest and hest up-to-ilate method for euring ratarrh, Colds, Hronchitis. Sore 1 liront. Headache etc. SPECIAL OFFER I will for ii short time mail any reader the new Inhaler with medicine for one year on three days trial free. If it gives satisfaction, send me 81.00, if.not return it. Send for it now. Address A. C. JENKINS. Laporte, Pa. Good News. No other Medicine was ever given such u test as Otto's Cure. Thousands of hot I ties of this great German remedy nre be ! ing distributed KIIEE OK charc.E, to those afllicted with Consumption, Asthma, ('roup, severe Coughs. Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases,giving the | eo ple proof that Otto's Cure will cure them For sale only by T. J. Keeler, Laporte; W.L. Ilotlman.llillsgrove; iJ.S. Lancaster ! Forksville; C. 15. Jennings. Estella; JllO. i XV. Buck, Sonestown. Samples free, j Large bottles 50c and 25c. New lot of timothy and clover seeds and onion sets at 1 oil 11 W. Bucks, Sonestown. Xo-Tvttw for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes wenlt men strong, biood pure. &oe.if 1- Ail druei-'ists. •,,, iuii' tmiMiiMiiim I or.-vi r. TaKe C'uscurcts Cuuuy Cathartic, lucor'iio. Iff C. C. fall to cure, druggisw refund money Spring and Summer Every corner of the store is bright, with the newest things for Women'B wear and Men's wear ontl Children's wear. We are glatl to have yon come in and see the new life of the old store and look at its excellent lino of goods, Winter Weight Underware for Men, Women and Children. In conjunction with the inviting varities, all prices will be found more than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries have have just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove, Pa. IP SOME m lIATI AN ADV ERTNEMKNT IN THIS SPACE IT WOULD PAY! Why? Because it would be BEAD just the same as you are read ing this. Give it a trial- W.L.Hoffman's ——— HILLSCROVE Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY, ========= PROCTOR, PA. OUR NEW LINE OF GOODS are first in quality, first in style, and first from a genuine saving point of view, because they're lower in price than you can find elsewhere If you are looking for the bargains of the year go at once to any of the above named stores where former values and prices are practically lost sight of in our determined efforts to dispose of the largest and best line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to this County. Extraordinary line of CORSETS The lady who wishes the latest styles combined with high grade and half the old price should call and select from the complete line of sizes. JENNINGS BROS. ! I I cS§| We keep in stock *at our mills a complete line of dressed lumber in hemlock and hardwood. MANUFACTURERS OF Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber. LOPEZ. PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in $-8 ceiling. CORRESPONDENCY SOLICITED. Buy Good Goods! Audyou will be surprised how cheap they are in the end. We have juet unpacked such a slock o' coats and capes lo which we are pleaded to call vour special attention. We do not pretend lo handle the cheapest coat" 111 t'ie market, but we do say we have tlie BEST and neatest fitting garments made. Our coats and capes are made to order, and in the latest stvles with prices to suit everybody. IN DRESS GOODS WE WERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT THE PRESENT, AS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY. Ladies aiul Misses, Boys and Men, you need not go hall frozen this winter for we have p,enty of underwear for you all, both in cotton or wool.ied or gray and the pr ce-> are very low, so low thai when you see the goods you will b» aston I Ulied that we are able to give you such bargains. One word in regard to foot wear: i Unr shoe department was never more complete and if you will lavnr u» with, i vour attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince yt,u tbai we have t• e iii"St careiu Iv selected line ol fine and heavv bo- Is ami slioep ever.' brought before lln puMic. On crockery we have just rec«-i»ed some very prettv designs in Decoraud Dinner Sets t<> which we invite your attention. The bin ing ol country produce has alwavs been a >-pecial feature of otn Busin?s-, and we still continue in paying the highest each pi ices lor Butter E''g° nnd Wool. E. G. Sylvara DUSHORE, _PA. Wright & Haight, SUCCESSORS TO M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa. Furniture manufacturers OF Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceilinr DRESSED LUMBER Full and complete seasoned stock always on hand. A fine line of furniture etc. The most compl Coffins and Casket to select from in Q The finest hearse in the county, with Embalming a specialty, safety and dispatch. PRICES REAF