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Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING .... o^Company, S h S:Lr B «£ ambo "' Agents. SONESTOWN PA. FIKBT NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHORE, PENNA. CAPITAL - " tio'oOO BUBPLUB - - SIO,OOO. Doe» a General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY, M - D - BWARTS. . »-t President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPOBTK, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meali and lunches at all hours. Oysters and game in season. with T. APOP.TR LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. OH AS. COLEMAN, Prop. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. o. W. MYEBS. PROPRIETOR. A hotel of established reputation. tttriotly ffnt claafl in all of its appointments. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. Ibis large and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry in this section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, » •" SHUNK, PA. W. E. PORTKK, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFK, Proprietor. DUSHORE, PA. On# of the largest and best equipped hotels in thi» section oi the state. Table of the best. Rates 1.00 dollar per day. Large ■tnblel. Professional Cards. J. J. & F/H. INGHAM, ATTOB**TS-AT-law, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties LAPORTE, PA £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. yyM P. SHOEMAKER, Attornoy-atLaw. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. , J J. BRADLEY, ATTOamr-AT-LAW, orrica M COOMTT BDILDIMO HEAR COURT BOUSE. LAPORTE, PA Monday oi each week at Forksville. EUery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM& NEWITT, ATTORRBTS<AT«I.AW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, JJENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORRIT^T-LIV: OFFICE IN PUBLIC BUILDING COURT BOUSE BQUARB. LAPORTE, PA. J # H. CRONIN, ATToamr>AT -LAW, MOTART PUBLIC. •wica O* HAIR STBIET. DU SHORE, P A JLPHONSUS WALSH, ~ ATTOBHET-AT-L W, Office In Bank ullding. DUSHORE, PA. SLACKSMITH I AND WAGON SHOP A&afc-opened at tbe Laporte .Tannery. 's Custom work solicited. All work < guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. ?From the Keystone. £ J STOP YER KICKIN'. S £ Stop yer kickin' 'bo«t the limes — jitop yer kick in , git ahold \ Git a hustle on you; Of the wheel and turn it. J Skirmish'round and grab the dimes You kin never handle gold Ef the dollars shun you. 'Less you try to earn it. 'roakin' 'roakin' never bought a dress, Brush the cobwebs lrom your ejes 112 S Growlin' isn't in it. Stop your blam'd repinin M j Fix your peepers on success, An' you'll notice that yer skies Then go into win it. Allus'll be shinin j J Times is gittin' good agin— If you bain t the nerve to try C Try to help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. X Don't sit 'round with hangin' lip ; HcHoKft J That is sure to floor'you. C r Try to git a better grip YES, STOP YER KICKIN'. THIS j { On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TO 112 \ Put some ginger in yer word* HE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. \ X When you greet a neighbor; GO TO THE OLD RELIABLE I 112 Throw your troubles to the birds". JEWELRY STORE FOR WHAT % Oit right down to labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY. J 112 An'you'll notice ev'ry day %%%% C C Things is comin' right yourway. j ? RETTENBURY, S C dushore, pa. THE JEWELER, p frtk * ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in —————————— t k e c oun ty to Buy hardware Wl w u . . ESS* $25 Wheels S4O Wheels High j&a&i Large tubing, k Large tubing, Grade ill Flush Joints ' L/ Flush J° ints ' Fully gfl& Wood rims, I Reversible r §§§ Single tube tire, 112 Handlebars, ar " r> «. a t , i i * 2 piece crank hang *§•£ Detatchable sprocket h anteed sfs| ers > " unt saddle, Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Hniulk'burs, Saddles, Lanifis, Bells, Locks, Brake*, Peddles, ('ranks. SjKikes. Rims. Tires, Urtli single and double tube, ft full line of Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... sucli us UarU'd Wire. Nails. Poultry Netting. Xlilk Palis, and Pails, Garden Tools, Paints Oils, ami PLASTICO unit heavy ami shelf Hardware. All Winds of Tin Work and Spouting done by competent workmen. Write for prices or give us a call whenever in need of Hardware. Gotes Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. son., PA. SPRING LINE OF NEW Silks and Dress Goods Allow us, if you please, a short disquisition on these important adjuncts of woman's dress. It's just the season when everybody is looking after nicest dresses. Hence our showing the large assortment. LADIES' WRAPPERS, The very thing for the coming warm weather|which will soon be here. SHIRT WAISTS, All prices, from the low priced ones to the silk. Full Line of Staple and Fancy Goods. Remnants in Organdies and Dimeties. Dress Goods in Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given our best attention. A big line,' complete in every particular. CLOTHING , BOOTS and SHOES. Siroeerij Stoslt More complete than ever before. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE; PENNA., THURSDAY, MAY, 26, 1898. Faring Down the Trial List. The" several courts of Sullivan County convened on Monday at 2 o'clock with a fair sized attendance. Hon. E. M. Dunham, President Judge and Hons. John S. Line and Conrad Kraus Associates on tho Bench. It is hard to guess beforehand when Court will adjourn. Anyone who tries it is very likely to be mis taken, but it is safe to say that the probabilities are that the week's work will not be reached before the week is out. The McDermott vs Thos. Mahaffey trial occupied the attention of judges, jury and lawyers until Wednesday morning. if is likely that some of the other thir teen cases will be put over and some will mnkc short trials. The grand jury completed its work on Tuesday. Proceedings in next issue. Notice O. A. H. Members of S. S. Simmons Post of the G. A. It. are cordially and earnestly invited to attend the special Memorial Services to be held in the United Evangelical church at Sones town Pa., Sunday evening, May 29. There will be special decoration and singing and a Memorial Sermon by the pastor. Let every surviving soldier in the community be present. E. B. DUNN, Pastor. Bernice Echoes. Monday is Decoration Day there fore let us hunt up our flags find bunt ing and gather the flowers to lay on the graves of the fallen heroes. We have more cause to observe Mem orial Day this year than ever befare so let us do so with our best effort and remember the Maine and the brave boys that was on her. C. P. Hope our enterprising mer chant of Mildred is making some fine improvements on his property at that place. Julius Voglewas at Wilkesbarre taking in the sights at the I. O. (). F. encampment last week. Miss Wardie Keller of Blooms burg is the guest of her brother 11. J. Keller at this place. Miss Dona hoe of Dushore was the guest of her brother Thomas of this place Sunday. Born to Mr. anil Mrs. Harry 15az ley Thursday May 19th, a son. John Kinsley was in Wilkesbarre Tuesday and "Wednesday attending the I. G. O. F. convention. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wright and son Thomas attended the funeral of Wm. Cummings atTowanda Saturday. Frank Moyer was transacting busi ness iu Dushore Saturday. t' L. Sehares of Towanda was in town Thursday and Friday on busi ness. A number from here attended ser vices in the Lutheran church at Du shore Sunday. Nelson Cox Delegate for the Du shore I. G. O. F. lodge and C. E. Jackson delegate for the I. O. <>. F. of this place attended tl»i encamp ment of 1. O. O. F. at ilkesbarre last week. The Beruice Coruet Band will play at Colley in the forenoon and at Du shore in the afternoon on Decoration Day and in the evening will give a concert in Gareys Hall. Don't miss it. James Gilligan and sister Mrs. Patrick Murphy visited friends at Towanda Tuesday and Wednesday. Bev. Dr. P. 11. Brooks of Wilkes Barre spent Tuesday at this place. Mrs. John Horney visited Mrs. Dr. Everett at Milvitle Pa. last * eek. Mrs. George Potter and Mrs. Wm. Kast spent Monday of last week at Dushore. Mr. N. Watson and daughter of lowa visited friends at this place last week. The young ladies organized a young Indies prayer meeting Tuesday afternooli. Master Cupid has been busy a round town of late and we are in formed that it will take a minister to heal some of the wounds he has in flicted. A party of fishWAen from this place headed by I'. McKJee formerly correspondent for the Gazette went to Lopez pond hist week. Fish stories by the whole sale and retail can be had by asking the spider. REPORTED FIGHT A FAKE. I Nothing to Show That the Rival Fleets ' Have Met. Washington, May 24.—There was a lapse into sensational war rumors in Washington to-day after a week of comparative quiet. The rumor ranged all the way from the capture of the little M-mgrove to the report ed destruction of tin; entire Spanish fleet by Sampson's and Schley's coins bined forces. They were circulated with persistency but were denied as soon as they could be brought to the notice of any official capable of pass ing on their accuracy. As the day rolled along the officials themselves grew apprehensive as was seen by the frequency with which they call ed for the latest newspaper bulletins. At the close of the day however it was again announced in most posi tive terms that the Navy Depart ment had no information to warrant the truthfulness of any of the many rumors received of an engagement in the Windward Passage. A Pleasant Birthday. A pleasant family gathering occur red on Friday last at the home of Henry Koliensparger, it being the occurrance of Mrs. Kohensparger's 7<lth birthday. There were present her three sisters Sirs. Daniel Keeler, Mrs. Mosteller and Mrs. Andrus, also her son Thomas anil two daughters Mrs. Cook of Athens, and Mrs. Heim. Among her grand children, Peter and Thomas Cook Delroy Heim, Pearl and Peatel leim. Among others were Mrs. Joseph Bobbins and a number ol' fheTratigh and Lewis families. During the afternoon a number of their village friends culled to pay their congratulations. The Keeler family of which Mrs. Koliensparger is a member have had very much to do in advancing the prosperty of Laporte and surrounding country from the starting point in 1*47 until the present time anil in no one per son's has there come more personal acquaintance with those who endure the privations insident to new settle ments than Mrs. Koliensparger. Soon after the erection of the first log house, she then a girl of 20 years of age, came as domestic help to Mrs. Wilson to provide a home for the woodsmen who opened the roads anil erected the first building's in our town, and since that date both she and her husband have been among the liberal providers for the wants of ail who engaged in improvements of our place as well as the wayfaring man. The Lopez Base Ball Club defeat ed the Laceyville club at the latter place, Saturday last. Laceyville's team was no match for our boys who defeated them with a score of 17 to 10. The following is the score by innings: Lopez, I o 112» 0 C 2 o (MI 17 Laceyville, I <> (• 4 2 0 " 2 1 10 Hillsgrove. A number of our kids called upon the newly married couple during the past week. (No cigars.) Bev. Spooner will preach a Mem orial sermon in Christ's church Sun day evening. The I*. (). S. of A., CJ. A. B. and I. O. O. F. have bean in vited to attend. The C. E. of the M. E. church w ill hold a weighing social at the reci denceof Vernon llul on Thursday evening. All are invited. Urban Moulthrop is visiting tit Sellins Grove. M. W. Lewis had the misfortune to cut his hand \ery badly while re pairing the Elk Creek grist mill Fri day last. Dr. Gamble dressed the wound and is improving as fast as can be expected. Dr. Gamble was transacting busi ness in Williamsport during the past week. A party of our young bloods went fisliing Thursday last. J. R. Jones Post, No. 430 Q, A. R. J. B. Jones Post No. I.'KS (112. A. B. will observe Memorial services at Forksville, Monday, May :!0, 1898, at 1 o'clock p. in. All old soldiers and the public are cordially invited to join with us. Good speakers will be present. Attest: J. W. ROGERS, Com. DAN GRAFIUH, Adjutant. 1.25 P er - Year. Number 4. Dropped His Pen at Death'* Call, It is with profound' regret that we are occasioned to chronicle the death of one of our valued scribes, W. W. Boylos, who died early Friday morn ing at his home in Estella, in the 03 year of his age. ■ With the few notes of information we have of his noble career, it would | here be impossible to give an account of his active work in life and doit justice. He has for many years serv ed his community as inxstmaster from tiie time that the ortico was liret es tablished. lie was active in the ranks of the Republican party and for several years, chairman of the county committee.. In his death Estella has lost a valuable citizen and the X EWS ITEM one of its most firm friends. He leaves a wife and two sons to mourn his loss. .. Funeral services were held on Saturday, conducted by Rev. MosherofForkaville, under the directions of the ■ I. <). (). F. of Estella. Stars and Stripes for the Court House. The County Commissioners will in a few days have Old Glory un furled from the Hag pole of our hand some new Court House. It will be the largest Hag ever floated to the breeze in the county seat and we already hear prai*e sounded for the Commissioners for their loyalty in displaying the patriotism of the county by this commendable act. Let us have it by Memorial Day. Graves ot Heroes Will be Decorated. On Memorial Day S. S. Simmons Post No. 177, G. A. R.j will as in past years, visit the graves of their dead fellow heroes au<l in addition to scattering tokens of loving rem em. brance over the mounds will also have a patriotic address given in the Court House at this place and at the church in Sonestown. Following is the program: Comrades and others taking part in the exercises will-meet at Sonestown at !• o'clock a. m.and at Laporte at :! o'clock p. in. Prominent speakers are expected at both exercises. All Sabbath Schools and Camps of P. O, S. of A., I. o. O. F. and all other societies are respectfully invited to attend. The following committees were appointed- Committee on music T. S. Sim mons and (>eo. Danley. Committee on tiowers at Laporte, Mrs. Judge Ingham, Mrs. T. J. Keeler, Alice Pennington and Ktlden Mason. Committee on flowers at Sonestown Mrs. P. I-]. Mugargel, Mrs. T. S. Sim mons, Mrs. G. W. Bigger and Anna Minsker. Patriotism at Sonestown. On Wednesday night of last week a patriotic gathering of the citizens of Sonestown assembled for the pur pose of honoring the stars and stripes. Geo. Housekneclit presented the E. V. Sunday School with a beautiful Hag ami in honor of the same a cele bration was precipitated. There was a large and enthuastic gathering present to hear the address given by Rev. E. 11. Dunn, who intersperced his remarks with the following poem: Prom the waves of Old Atlantic To the tar-01l (loltlen <Sate. Kroin the wilds ot bleak Alaska. To the old Palmetto State, (>ld Glory now is calling. And her plea will not be vain, For freedom's soim are ready, And thev won't forget the Maine. Every city, town and hamlet. Gives its i|iiota. brave and tiue: Where can men be tound -inore willing Than our gallant Boys in Blue? Prom the work shop. Held and office, Men of brawn and men of brain, With one purpose, firm and stead fast. That they won't forget the Maine ! Old Pennsylvania is ready, Her soldiers will not lag. Nor will one soul ainottjp them, Be disloyal to the (lag; Honor and fame awaits them, The victory they'er sure to gain,— And while aiding in poor (Juba'a cause. They won't forget tlie Maine. The day of reckoning is at hand, The "tyrant DoB-must go. No more he'll bring to helpless ones, The weight of grief and woe; The Butcher Weyler will dearly pay Por heroes basely slain; We want to aeefairOuba free, And we won't forgetthe Maine.