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THE FLAC Up with tho banner of the free! Its stars nnd stripes unfurl. Ami let the battle beauty blaze Above the startled world. No more around ly* towering staff The folds shall twine again Till falls beneath Its righteous wratU The gonfalon of Spain. That nag with constellated stars Shines ever in the van! And. like the rainbow in the storra l'resages peace lo man. For still amid the cannons' roar It sanctifies the light, And Haines along the battle lines, The emblem of the Right. It c~-ok* no conquest—knows no fear; Cares not for pomp of state; As pliant as the atmosphere, As resolute as Fate. ' Where'er it iloats, on land or soa. No stain its honor mars, And Freedom smiles, her fate secure Beneath its steadfast stars. —Henry Lynden Flash, in New Orleans IV-iei-Democrat. | aBE" m It's an awkward thing when master and man are in love with the same girl. One must give way, you see! And if the master is that one* it's apt to be bad for the man. Knowing this, John Adams and Emily Bolton re solved to keep their engagement to themselves for a bit, until they could start in life 011 their own account. Why the girl had fallen in love with the man instead of his master it would puzzle a conjurer to tell. I'm sure she couldn't have said herself. It was he, John Adams, who suggested secrecy, and Emily, after a little dis pute, agreed. Emily accepted John about Christ mastime, and he urged that it would be ruin to be discharged in the slack time. "We'll keep it to ourselves till the spring, my girl, and then we can snap cur fingers at him," said John. But Emily had 110 desire to snap her fingers at Reuben Saunders. She was not built that way. She felt sorry for him, and wished hint all manner j of good things. Still she was in love ! with John, and conse pieutly did as : he told her. But long before the spring came— j in fact, it was the middle of February ! —it began to bo rumored about that John and Emily were engaged. Reuben j heard the report, and went straight way to her father's cottage and asked to see Emily. Mrs. Bolton opene 1 the door. She stepped back and called up the stairs: «•' "Em'ly, Em'ly! Here's Mr. Saun ders wants to see yer." And then she went about her work flit 1 left him standing at the open door. She for her part preferred Reuben to ' John as a husband for her pretty '• daughter. That she was the girl's j mother and knew the value of money 1 by its lack may account for her pre- j ference. Moreover, Reuben was as 1 good a man as John, though not so ! handsome. "I've only come to ask you a ques- 1 4ion, Emily," sail Rueben humbly I when at last the girl appeared. "Say on," said Emily, not quite at Jier ease, for there had been a time when she h»;l given Reuben encour- I ngeinent. "I hear that you and John Adams /re going to be married. " And Rueben lifted his honest eyes and looked the girl straight in the face. "I don't see what business that is j>f yours! I suppose we'vea right"— began the girl angrily. But before she could finish her sen- 1 lence Rueben said sadly, "I've got my answer," A -, .d turned away. The girl's heart smote her. "Stay, Rueben, stay! It's not my /ault. I did not want to keep it from you. But—John said " Emily stopped. The meanness of it all ashamed her. "I know, x know! Adams judged jne by himself, and thought I should Mirn him off as soon as 1 heard of it," aaid Saunders, bitterly. Of course, John's sweetheart fired TP at that. "If you've got anything to say 4gainst John, you can say it to some one elfo, Mr. Saunders," she cried out. "I haven't!" lie shouted back,strid ing off down the little path to the front gate as Emily slammed the door. "I'll give him a week's wages and turn him off," Reuben told himself passionately. Then Emily's sweet face rose before him. "I can't do it —I can't do it!" he muttered as he strode 011, his hands deep down in his trousers pockets, his head bent for ward 011 his chest, a nobler man than he thought himself. 11. It was with a heavy heart that Emily went to meet her lover the next day, which was Saturday, and there fore a half holiday. She hail not seen him since she had told Reuben of their engagement, and was afraid to hear what Reuben might have said to John about it. , Tho first sight of John's face when they met reassured her. As I said be fore, lie wus a handsome young man, and as he came smilingly np to her "Emily felt certain that she loved him dearly, and that he was in every way a more desirable man than Saunders. Which, strange to say, was not what she always thought about him in his absence. After their usual greeting they turned and walked on together. "The boss has been very civil to me this morning," said John, "called me into that little office of his and said he thought as he'd heard of a place as'd suit me. Kind of foreman's place down in the shires; a place called Bur dock, I think he said." "Oh, John, how good of him!" ex claimed the girl. "H'm," said John, with a conceited •mile: "don't vou see he wants to get rid of me wants me out o' the way so be can come after you." "No—no; be knows better." "He's a precious sigbt conceited to know better. Lor' I did laugh in my sleeve as I thanked him, and said as I'd be glad if he'd speak a word for me. If I get it we'll be married right away. Now you see how wise it was of me to insist on you saying nothing about our being engaged." "You're quite wrong!" crie l Emily, who had in vain tried to interrupt the flow of her sweetheart's words. "It's because he knows. He came nnd asked me yesterday and I told him!" "l'ou told him we was going to be married?" •.*. -■»»—* " "Yes, I told him," repeated Emily. "Well, I'm blowed!" And John looked as if after that nothing would surprise him any more. Then after a few minutes' consideration: "He must be a fool!" be exclaimed. To this Emily vouchsafed no reply, ! so John, not exactly understanding her silence, changed the subject by j saying: "E'm, you've often wanted togo ! over the old Manor House, and you won't have many more chances if I get this place. Shall we go now?" Emily agreed. She knew the care taker, so there would be uo difficulty in getting in. 111. They hud wandered about the old place for twenty minutes, and had been everywhere except up in the towers, which was the oldest part of the house. It had been shut up from the public, as dangerous, for the last two years. John proposed that they should go up to the top and see the view. Emily was frightened, but he laughed her out of her fears, or out of the expres- 1 sion of them. So they went up, and John, who was in a teasing mood, in- , sisted on their gettiugout on the roof, which was done by means of a short ladder, leading through a trap door. Though the day was warm for the time of year, Emily soon felt bitterly cold, and said she must go down. John led the way, but had hardly got bis foot off the la*t rung of the ladder , when he felt the tower begin to rock. With the impulse of a coward, sca'rce staying to give a hasty shout to Emily to follow, he rushed down the stone stairs nnd out of the place. A ma ment later there was a series of creak ing reports, and three sides of the building tell with a crash to the ground,, leaving Emily crouching down in a corner of the roof, which still hung to the remaining side. Adams run into the road shouting for a ladder. Soon a crowd was col lected and the ladder was fetched. Too short! Another tvas found, and while willing hands were lashiag tli * ladder together Reuben drove up in his cart. When he heard what hail happened he took John's place in binding the ladders together, saying: "You. go and tell her whait we're doing. I'll see to this." Reuben had the habit of authority, so John went. When the ladders were firmly bound Reuben and two others carried them through the iron gates«into the little park where the crowd stood. A mixed crowd of men, ami women and chil dren stood breathlessly gazing up at , the corner where Emily crouched, her face covered, not seeming to hear the i encouraging words her lover was shouting up to her. Reuben looked at the wall. "We must be quick," said he to the man next to him, "or it'll be down before we can get her off." Then after a moment he added: "It won't bear the weight of the ladder. Run and fetch the one off my cart." This was done,and in a few minutes the third ladder was pushed through the rungs of the first about four feet from the top, making an isosceles triangle. Two men were placed at the foot of each ladder to steady it,and the whole i reared sideways against the wall, the apex almost touching Emily and the upright leaching up above her head. John hadn't been of much help —he was like one distraugh', but when all was ready Reuben turned to him and said: "Now tell her to get on the ladder. Tell her too look up and catch hold of the frame above her head. Tell her she is quite safe." John shouted up these instructions, but without more result than making Emily half stretch out her hand and sliudderingly cover up her face again. The demon Funk possessed the girl. Then Reuben: "It's all right, Miss Bolton. You just get on the ladder—quick, and you'll be safe enough. There's half a dozen of us holding it at the bottom," he shouted, encouragingly. No answer. No movement. IV. Reuben turned to John ouce more. "Look here, man,"he said, "you must go up and fetch her." "Go np that ladder? It wouldn't beat - the weight of both of us." "Some one must fetch her down. If you won't. I must." "I'll hold the ladder." "Pshaw!" And Reuben turned away. Then suddenly turning back: "Mind you, if I get her down safe I try my luck again." And, shouting to the men to hold the ladder firm, he cautiously went up. "Emily,"said he,as he touched her, "We must change places, my girl." She looked at him, her eyes wild with fright. "That's right! You keep looking at me and doing as I tell you, and you'll be as safe as a trivet," said he, cheerfully, though his heart was working like a steam engine. How he managed to change places with Emily he never knew. He always said it was her trust in him that did it. When she was safe on the ladder and he clinging to the fragment of wall he said, impressively: *'Go down the ladder as quickly as you can I'll follow. In two minutes the whole place'll be down." Emily gave him one swift look that sent the blood tingling through his veins, and in less than a minute she was on the ground. John, who had not beeu allowed to hold the ladders, tried to put his arm round her, but | she pushed him from her as she j breathlessly watched Eeuben's de i scent. Then, turning on him: "Go!" she cried. "Go! When I marry, I'll marry—l'll marry a man!" After that she fainted. She did marry a man. His name was Eeuben Saunders. John Adams ! got the foreman's place in the shires, j —Brooklyn Standard-Union. j WHITE HOUSE WAR CHAMBER. ! The President'* Facilities for Obtaining News From the Front, A war chamber has been established at the White House. A force of work men, including electricians, have beeu j employed transforming the room for \ merly occupied by Private Secretary | Porter into a presidential war cham ber. The room faces south and it is j contiguous to the president's business , office and the cabinet-room. War maps of Cuba, the West Indies, and the eu ; tire eastern and western hemispheres ; have been arranged upon the walls for | the convenience of the president. I Three sets of telegraphic instruments have been placed in the room for the transmission of information to the president direct from all points of the globe. While the war is going on a new set of rules will be in force at the execu tive mansion. The "war chamber" will be locked from the inside, so that the doorway through which visiting statesmen have hitherto passed en route to the president's room is block aded until further orders. Arthur Simmons, the sable messenger who guards Private Secretary Porter's door, is to be moved down to the president's door, ou which a puss key and lock has been placed. Captain Loeffier will continue as outside guardian to the cabinet room as of old. A spring lock will also be placed upon the cab inet door, so that senators, represen tatives and other privileged callers, who have previously hail free access to these rooms, will have to be an nounced or wait until the latch is lifted before they are allowed to reach the president. The reason given £<»• this new rule of practice and the precautions, which .**vor of exclusiveness, is that the president, desires every reasonable facility for obtaining information from the front. The cabinet room, his pri vate office, and the "'war chamber" are a consecutive suit. It is not always convenient for the president to cross the corridor to visit the executive tele- j graph office. As a matter of conven ience to the president and tlxe mem bers of the cabinet, Private Secretary 1 Porter vacated his office and moved over to the room formerly used as the telegraph office. Now the president will have free and unobstructed access to the rooms running along the south ern front of the mansion. The re strictions temporarily placed on offi cial visitors will prevent the president and his callers from eml>arrassineut at periods when it may lie necessary for the president to deny himself to even bis best friends. Hitherto it has been the practice for senators and repre sentatives to walk right into the pres ident's room without knocking. The new arrangement may prove a little irritating at first, but it is believed that reasonable men will appreciate the necessity for the change under ex isting circumstances. Washington Correspondence Charlestun News and Courier. Honor* for Three Dora. In i.u editorial notice of the death of Joo, a dog, the Charleston (S. C.) News and Courier says:"He was a dog, but he was a gentleman. He gave ofl'ense to no one, he was ad mired by all. His manners wore charming, his disposition perfect. He was the delight of wompn and little children, and his master loved him—he was so beautiful, so patient, so faithful, so true." Tho rather unusual scene of a funeral for a dog and mourners who shed real tears was witnessed in Wooster, Ohio, recently. The dog was a fox-terrier, the property of Dr. W. F. Derr, an animal highly prized by the ladies of the household and the children. A coffin was prepared, and as neatly made and covered as though it held the body of an infant. The casket lay instate for some hours, and with its flower-laden top was viewed by many. Wheu the time came to lower the coffin into the ground four boys acted as pallbearers and a few appropriate words were spoken as the box was lowered into the earth. A. J. Chevalier, a Frenchman, and residing in Columbus, Ohio, is griev ing over the death of a favorite dog called Diana. Out of respect for its decease he placed crape<on his door, and gave the dog a first-class funeral. The body of Diana was placed in a pretty white coffin, bearing a silver plate suitably inscribed, and prepared for burial. Mr. Chevalier wanted to lay the remains in his own yard, but the department of health* forbade it. He requested a local minister to de liver the fuueral oration; and closed his business till after the interment. About fifty employes of the grief strickeu man attended the fuueral services. Till- Military Spirit. "I have just come from the oil re gions," remarked the Casual Caller to the Snake Editor, "and I find that the war feeling has got into the pe troleum producing business." "How is that?" "Drilling is going on actively."— Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. 1 THE REALM OF FASHION. 1 Popular With Wheel women. The skirt here illustrated by May \lanton is one of the most practical «ul comfortable yet offered to wheel .vomen, being shaped with six gores SIX-GORED BICYCLZ SKIRT. that hang evenly and will not sag. It is of moderate width, measuring three yards and three-quarters in the medium jize. The back gore,{straight in cen tre, is gathered at the top and arranged underneath the pleats of the side gores that meet in centre back, thus giving the fulness necessary to fit well over the saddle without the inconvenience of the intricate saddle gore. Placket openings are finished with triple pointed overlaps and closed with but tons and buttonholes, the band that finishes the top of the front lapping over with hooks into loops on the belt that supports the skirt and closes in centre front. Closely woven fabrics of good weight, such as cheviot, tweed, serge, golf and j LADIES' THREE-BUTTONED CUTAWAY JACKET. * covert suitings, are recommended for bicycle wear, a six or eight incli facing ; of moreen firmly stitched on the inside | being a correct and safe finish for the : foot of the skirt. No binding should be used, and all seams should be double-stitched. A biej-cle suit can not be too well sewed. To make this skirt for a woman of medium size four yards of forty-four inch material will be required. A Smart Toilet. For a swell tailor made style noth ing surpasses the cutaway jacket. Made of hunter's green cloth, with collar of velvet a shade darker and worn over a vest of ecru corduroy and skirt of plaid that combines the ecru and green with brown, and a thread of yellow. A smarter toilette than the design by May Manton shown in the large engraving has yet to be seen. The jacket fronts are fitted by sin gle bust darts and flare open below the bust, over which the closing is ef fected by three cloth covered tailor buttons and buttonholes. Above the closing small revers roll back, meeting the rolling collar of vel vet in notches. The back fita smooth ly, a graceful outliue being given by the usual back, side back, and under arm seams, coat laps being arranged below the waist line in centre bock. The two seamed sleeves are in latest style, aud may be plaited or gathered at the top as fancy dictates. The jacket can be of any seasonable cloth, or suiting to match or contrast with the skirt, ns here delineated. The design here shown provides a vest, or any blouse or shirt waist can be substituted. To make this jacket for a lady of medium size one and five-eighths yards of material fifty-four inches wide will be required. Gown For a ••While Wedding." An original gown to be worn by the maid of honor at a "white wedding" is of soft white cloth, heavily braided in white on the skirt. The bodice opens at the skirt over a small yoke of mousseline de soie, edged with pointed lapels embroidered in white and gold threads. Folds of mousseline de soie starting from under the right arm cross to the left and are finished with a bow and ends. The tight sleeves are entirely braided, and the rather high, straight collar will be softened by a collar of string pearls fastened with a miniature clasp. Brocaded Silks. An effort is being made to revive the popularity of brocaded silks, and it looks as though their day would once more come round. Some of the shops show rich patterns in both black and colored silks. CosttiMie m Beige Cloth. The accompanying design shows a tailor made costume in beige cloth of a light texture. The skirt is quite tight, like a fourreau in the upper part, moderately large half way down, and widens considerably to the bottom. It is made in two parts. The upper part is composed of a yoke set in round the waist and joined half way down to a deej) flounce taille en forme, which composes the lower part. The yoke is joined to the flounce by nine rows of stitching, which run around the skirt behind and rise up to the waist in tlje centre in front. The flounce, which forms small godets behind, is flat in front, and forms a narrow apron, edged by the rows of stitching. The corsage is a blouse, with short crenelated basques stitched like the skirt, which stitching is continued up thd front and forms a square round the neck, and the sides almost meet down to the waist, just enough space being left to show a front of white moire, ridged with narrow velvet rib bon, very close together at equal dis j tanees. Six small velvet bows are sewed on the front at equal distances bet v eu the neck atul the waist. The J collar is li'gh aud very much sloped , away. It is lined with white moire, striped with black ribbon velvet, and the neck trimming is similarly treated. The sleeves are rather full above the elbow and are set in with large pleats. From the elbow to the wrist they are smaller and widen over the hand. The cuffs are stitched in the same style as the rest of the costume. The waist- A TAILOR HADE COSTUME. band is composed of a soft and rather narrow gold ribbon, with three gilt filigree ornaments, the centre one in front serving as a buckle and the oth ers as slides to adjust the waistband. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke tour Ilh Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be maj. netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 500 or fl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet onil sample free. Address Sterling Bemedy Co.. Chicago or New York Maine factories sold .-*1230,000 worth of shoo j.egs in 1997. Dr. Morgan's "Fnt-Ake'' Powder. A certain cure lor tired, aching, swelling and perspiring feet. "Fut-Ake" cures bunions, corns, chilblains, frostbites. Ingrowing nails, not stinging feet; also cures and prevents misters, callous and sore spots on the feet. Price, 10 cents «t all druggists', or sent by jnall for six g-eent stamps. Sterling Pharma cal Co., 9Uj Myrtle Avenue. Brooklyn, N. V. schools ot Spain there ore only 719,00 0 girls. To Cure A Cold in One Day. | Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All Druggists return! money If it falls to cure. 35c. A whistling eel has been discovered in the Fiji Islands. Fits permanently cifred. No (Its or nervou«- ness after first day's use of Or. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. B:.'trial bottle and treatise free DN. It. H. KLINE, Ltd..uai Arch St.,Phila.,Pa. The ropes oa a first-class maa-of-war cost about 315,000. The face of humanity displays fewer pimples than formerly. Reason—Glenn's -ulpliur boap. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye. black or brown, SOc. In 1897 there were 3326 fires In Chicago, an increase of 912 over the previous year. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup'for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays palp, tmres wind collo, 25c.a bottle. A sort of opium Is obtained from the common lettuce. Educate Tour Bowels With CHS carets. •« Ca „l dy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 100, 25c. If C. C C. fall, druggists refund money. Holland Is the only country in Europe that admits coffee free of duty. What You Get When You Buy Medicine is a Mat ter of Creat Importance. Do you get that which has the power to eradicate from your blood all poisonous taints and thus remove the cause of dis ease? Do you buy HOOD'S Sarsaparllla and only Hood's ? If you do, you may take It with the utmost confidence that it will do you good. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. SI; six for $5. Hood's Pit's rare blllomnens. indigestion. Sour Stomach ••After I was Induced to try CASCA UETS, I will never be without them iu the house My liver was Id a very bad shape, and my head ached and I had stomach trouble. Now. since tak In* Cascarets. I feel tine. My wife has also used them with beneficial results for sour stomach " Jus. Kreulinu, 1921 Congress St., St. Louis. Mo. M CATHARTIC hi&catfto TRADE MARK REOISTtRtD Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken, weaken, or Gripe, 10c. 25c.50c ... CURE CONBTIPATION. ... Sterling fUaedy Company, ChJeago* Montreal, N«w York. 313 IIA.TH.RIP Sold and guaranteed by all drug- Nil* I U*DAU gists to CTJBE Tobacco Habit. Barnacles on Metal Ships. In the old days of wooden ships the boring insects which live in wood were their chief foes. Teakwood ac quired its reputation as a shipbuilding material because of its supposed im munity from these vermin. Steel ships suffer from barnacles, which foul their bottoms much] more rapidly than they do wooden ones. These strange marine growths are sometimes as big as one's fist ad here to the metal plates with tremen dous force, and besides impeding the ship themselves they catch seagrass and other rubbish and drag it through the water. When a dry dock is not available metal ships have to have their bottoms cleaned by divers. When the battle ship Massachusetts was recently cleaned barnacles and grass covered her hull to such an extent that she could not have made more than ten and one-half knots an hour.—Chicago Times-Herald. AN OPERATION AVOIDED. Mrs. Rosa Gaum Writes to Mrs. Finkham About it. She Says: Dear Mrs. Pineham:—l take pleas ure in writing you a few lines to in form you of the good your Vegetable Compound has done me. I cannot thanlc you enough for what your medi cine has dono for rr.e; it has, indeed, helped me wonderfully. . For years I was trou bled with an ovarian tumor, \ \ each year grow- A ing worse, un- I [I was compelled T_ jl J* to consult with MM be done for me but togo under an operation. In speaking with a friend of minr about it, she recommended Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, ing she knew it would cure me. It sent for your medicine, and after ing three bottles of it, the tun> appeared. Ohl you do not lcnr much pood your medicine hp me. I shall recommend it to • ing women. —Mrs. Rosa C Wall St., Los Angeles, Cal. The great and unvarying Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg pound in relieving every t of the female organs, de it to be the modern safegi. man's happiness and bodily . More than a million women have been benefited by it. Every woman who needs advice about her health is invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn, Mass.