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Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Yolame 3. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING Company, S h S:L?^ wnboß ' Agents. SONESTOWN PA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DU9HORE, PENNA. CAPITAL - * $50,000. SURPLUS - - WO.OOO. Does a General Banking Business. V. B. POMEROY, M - D - BWARTB. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAU BAN r, LAPOKTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours, Oysters and game in season. B ««PP"ED LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Bates reasonable. OHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. O. W. MYERS. PROPRIETOR. A hotel of established reputation. Strictly tot class in all of its appointments. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. This large and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry in this section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, - SHUNK, PA. W. E. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSHORE, PA. One of the largest and beat equipped hotels in this section of the state. Table of the best. Kates 1.00 dollar per day. Large stnbles. _ Professional Cards. J # J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties LAPORTE, PA £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Office In Court Bouse Building. WM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney-at-Law. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. H J. BRADLEY, ATToanr-AT-LAW, orrica in cooair BDILDIRO ■ BAB COURT HOUSE. LAPORTE, rA Monday ol each week at Forksville. Hilary P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ▲TTORHBTB«AT«LAW 112 OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 138 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, (JENRY T. DOWNS, ~ ATTOaaET«AT«LAW: OrriCß IB PDBMO BUILDIKB OOUBT BOUSB SQUABS. LAPORTE, PA. J # H. CRONIN, KOTABT PUBLIC. ovnoa on HAW STRBRT. DO SHORE, PA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cars Couatlpatton Foreittr. Take CascareU Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. UifSts Tour Bowels With Caacareta. Catha r tic. cure constipation forever. If O. C. O. fail, druggists refund money* ?From the Keystone. } £ STOP YER KICKIN'. / 112 Stop yer kickiu' 'bout the times — Stop yer kick in , git a-liold <»it a hustle on you ; Of the wheel and turn it. £ Skirmish 'round and grab tlie dimes ou kin never handle gold Ef the dollars shun you. 'Less you try to earn it. J (Jroakin' never bought a dress, Brush the cobwebs from your e\es 112 S Growlin' isn't in it. Stop your blam d repinin J 5 Fix your peepers on HiieoeHs, An'you'll notice that yer skies Then go into win it. Alius 11 be shinin j J Times is gittin' good agin— Ifyou bain t the nerve to try J C Try to help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. C Don't sit'round with hangin'lip ; %K;%% 3 That is sure to lloor you C £ Try to git a better grip YES, STOP YER KICKIN'. THIS J J On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT To 112 1 Put some ginger in yer words BE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. \ v When vou greet a neighbor; GO TO TIIE OLD RELIABLE 1 [ Tlirow your troubles to the birds, JEWELRY STORE FOR WHAT % Git right down to labor, VOU NEED AND BE HAPPY, 1 j An'you'll notice ev'ry day 112 v Things is comin' right yourway. ' > RETTENBURY, S DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. \ fA|M * . ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in the County to Buy hardware $25 Wheels S4O Wheels " S lp Large tubing, k Large tubing, Grade F,ush Joints ' J Flush j° ints ' Fully Wood rims, I Reversible glf Single tube tire, 112 Handlebars, Quar " seH .in i■ ♦ 2 piece crank hang- Detatchable sprocket * a ... anteed {tit ers ' saddle, •%**%> Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Handlebars, Saddles, Lamps, Bolls, Locks, Brakes, Peddles, <'ranks. Spokes, Kims, Tires, both siiiKle and double tube, a full line ol Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as BurtK'd Wire. Nails. Poultry Netting. Milk Pans, and Pails, Garden Tools, Paints oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work.and Spouting done by competent workmen. Write for prices or give us a call whenever In need of Hardware. Goles Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. H. A. Rogers* So"., PA. SPRING LINE OF NEW Silks and Dress Goods Allow us, ifyou please, a short disquisition on these important adjuncts of woman's dress. It's just the season when everybody is looking after nicest dresses. Hence our showing the large assortment. LADIES' WRAPPERS, The very thing lor the coining warm weather which will soon be here. SHIRT WAISTS, All prices, from the low priced ones to the silk. Full Line of Staple and Fancy Goods. Remnants in Organdies and Dimeties. Dress Goods in Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given our best attention. A big line,' complete in every particular. CLOTHING At .lopnlnr price. gQQJg g^OES. Grocery stoe)t More complete than ever before. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY.' LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1898. Bernice Echoes. Miss Blanche Brown visited friends at Towanda and New Albany last week. The Company have rechristened engine No. f>, "Dewey", in honor of the Admiral. Frank and Fred Sage of Bummer visited friends here last week. John Spence and Daniel Potter left here Tuesday morning for Mich igan. Judson Cummings visited friends in Elmira last week. Miss Mamie Lilley of Dushore vis ited friends in Mildred Thursday. B. J. Thompson and C. Jackson of Dushore were in town Thursday. J. J. Boyd and son Frank are do ing masonry work on J. Vogel's new house in Mildred. Born, Thursday, June H, to Mr. and Mrs. M. Cahill, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beahen and daugter Katie and Mr. and Mi's. E. J. Mullen of Laporte attended forty hours devotions at this place Wed nesday. A large American Flag was raised by R. H. Guy Thursday evening. The Bernice band played a number of National airs. A duet, the "Star Spangled Banner", by Messrs. Ruth erford and Hi bbard was very tine. The small boy was in it when it came to cheering the old flag, but the ward politicians saved their wind until next fall so they can yell for the Bepublicnn Booster. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Plauin and children of Connelsville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Merthew last week. Prof. J. 11. Thayer of Dushore was in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Homer of Du shore were callers in town Sunday. During the thunder storm Satur day night the town flag was torn in to shreds by the wind. Mr. Win. Moger of Runijnertleld visited friends here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James McDerinott attended the funeral of Mrs. John Carroll at Towanda Saturday. John McGeeverof Williamstown, is visiting relations and friends at this place. The Mildred baseball club will give a dance in the K. of L. hall Friday evening. All are cordially invited. Mat Quinn of Ricketts, visited friends here Sunday. If the little village of Mildred can support a baseball team, we do not see why Bernice cannot. Our town has 21 flag poles, beat that il you can. Now do not say that Bernice is not patriotic. Mi's. J. S. Taylor is quite sick at this writing. Miss Katie Line has purchased a new wheel. Charles Brown visited friends in Dushore Tuesday. Dr. U. M. Pratt of Towanda, was a business caller in town Monday. Joseph O'Neill and family was called to Franklindale on Friday by the death of his father. Judge Line went to Laporte on Wednesday. Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM, don't borrow. Lincoln Falls. J.I 1 . Bogers and Gus Plott have just completed a very neat and como dious barn for Mrs. N.K. Woodward and jire now moving the house for merly owned by Geo. Cooper on the James Tompkins farm Mr. Tompkin inteods building onto it when it will be both roomy and comfortable. Miss Williams of Canton is visit ing her sister Mrs. C. S. Bogers of this place. Miss Jenny Bogers of this place was visiting her cousin Miss Rogers last week. Ward Brown met a serious acci dent by falling on his ax when as sisting his father in the bark woods. Lightning struck the barn ofSilas Mc Carty killing his team which was valuable and stunning himself and two assistants, it also set on fire a quantity of hay in the mow, which after a recovering from the shock they succeeded in extinguish* ing. Enjoyable Trout Dinner. On Sunday last Mrs. Malawi of Sonestown, gave one of lu*r famous trout and frog dinners. Dinner was prepared for several Laporte gentle men who annually enjoy this rare treat, but'owingto their absence this year, we learn that there were several loaves and fishes remaining. As usual this popular fl,sh dinner did not suffer at the hands of the hostiss. An elegant repast was spread and all present surrounded the groaning table to enjoy the palatable refresh ments tastily prepared by the hospit able hostess. We were informed that the occasion was to close with a speech from our genial friend James C. Deininger, but as he was still eat ing, up to the hour of going to press, that part of the program still remains to be reported. Base Ball at Lopez. Social Correspondence. The Towanda and Lopez base ball clubs played two games of base ball at Lopez on Saturday. The playing was not very brilliant on either side, both games being filled up with errors. The only excitement iij the first game was the hooting of the large crowd and the kicking by both teams. The following is the score: Towanda, 1 •'! 0 o 0 f> 0 0 :i—2l Lopez, 10 70 0 1 I:5 I—l 4 Batteries: Towanda, McFarlane, p; Lline, c. Lopez, Myers and Kilgore p; Firman, e. Ganley, umpire. The features of the second game were the terrific batting of both teams, Lopez getting the best of the slugging; one hard catch of a terrific liner by B. W. Jennings in the Dth was the feature of the day. The game was very interesting. Score: Lopez, 0 1 (I 0 ;l 0 2 5 x—l 7 Towanda, 1 o o o ;} 1 o (5 o—li Batteries: Lopez, Kilgore, p. Fir man, c. Towanda, Scliultz, p. Lline c. Messersmith, umpire.. r Death of 'Bro. Sheeley." Special Correspondence. The grim monster death has enter ed our pleasant village and taken our old respected citizen and friend Andrew J. Sheeley apparently with out a moments warning or pain. He leaves a widow two sons and one j daughter and many friend to mourn the loss. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. F. E. Spooner, Pastor of the church of Christ, of which deceas ed has been a loyal member. Mr. Sheeley, " Bro. Sheeley " by the name we all knew him. In his last few years he has been terribly afflict ed, being totally blind, which has been a sore trial to him and to those that administered to him. Yet through pain he has born it cheerful ly. He has liveil here eighteen years, coming from Ulster Co., New York State. His age at death was sixty-six years and some months. He remarked just previous to his death, " I shall see all over on the other shore. Here it is all darkness not so there. It won't be long till my journey will be over. " Here we led him, not so over there. With kind hands and hearts filled with lov ing memories we laid him to rest un til the final call, when all shall rise to give an account of their steward ship. Interment at this place. XX. James C. Deininger, of Sones town assistant chief clerk of the De partment of State, has been appoint ed one of the Commissioners to repre sent Pennsylvania at the Trans- Mis sissippi and International Exposition now being held at Omaha, Nebraska. State President will be There. A. J. (\)lborn Jr. of Scranton,State President of the Patriotic Order Sons of America will be present at the county convention this week at Hillsgrove and deliver an address. All who inn should hear him for a great treat is in store for all as he is an able and efficient speaker, especi ally on Patriotism. The Hillsgrove band willbe present and render some suitable selections. The singing and everything will be first class. Do not forget the date and be sure and be present Friday June 17th. The pub lic meeting will commence at 7:80 p. m.and the business session diretally after. H. A. KAKNH, District Pres. Per. Year. Namber !• Dushore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McHenry of Sayre are visiting relatives in town A. It. Garey of Elmira Heights was in town on Tuesday. L.C. Chatham and family are about to remove to Williamsport. Mrs. W.Waddell gave an ice cream party to a select circle of friends on Monday evening. The Catholics are preparing for a grand picnic on July 4. An elegant "spread" was served to the Band boys last Tuesday evening at the band room as an appreciation of their services at the flag raising at the Pharochial school a few evenings ago. Mr. mid Mrs. Croll served refresh ments to the Band and about fifty guests who partisipated at the flag raising on Friday evening. The insurance on Tubach's and on Coles stock and the insurance on the Tubach and the Biddle blocks has been satisfactory adjusted Lawrence Bros, have the contract to repair the buildings. "Pete" O'Brien is a somnambulis tic perambulrtor, while performing some unknown instricate manoeuvre during Monday night lie inadvedent ly lost his equipoise and fell through the window in the second story to the ground below striking his head 011 an ash barrel. Not only was he uninjured but he was still asleep and as he was led back to bed he gently murmured "nice hotel hut I can't And my way out". Say Bern ice,are there any shoo-flies up your way yet? Straw Bridge. Watch out for the wedding which is expected to coine ofl" soon, as the hat for the bride has already been picked. The festival at Mt Vernan was a failure 011 account of the rain. Miss Etta Buck who has been sick for some time died Thursday night and was hurried Sunday. It was a large funeral and a sail one. Mr. Thomas Edkin who has l>een attending school at Muncy is home on a vacation. Misses Lizzie and Emma Biddle, | ' Lizzie Beach of Dushore and Brady Secules spent Tuesday evening at W. E. Edkin's. Scud Hawley of Lick ltun spent the Sabbath at the home of Delia Rine. Sonestown Walter Hazen and his neice Miss Pearl Houseknecht saw Children's Day services at llughesviUeon Sun day. Edward Darling and J. B. Magar gel wheeled to Williamsport last week. A number of young men attended the festival at Mt. Vernon last Sat urday evening and found it rather unpleasant wheeling home after the rain. Mrs. Samuel Crist and daughter Miss Nora, drove to Shamouni on Saturday for a short visit to friends. The E. M. It. R. station poreh has been improved by the layingot some new planks along the front. Mrs. T. S. Laird was in town Mon day on her way home to Nordmont. Lias Wilson went to Hughesville recently on a wheel and had a series of mishaps. Our people are expecting a grand celebration on July 4th and prepara tions are being made for a celebra tion to excell any of former years. Sunt. B. (i. Welch is making some nice improvements along the track of the E. M. R. R. Station Agent H. P. Hall will soon occupy the Union station for the summer season. We are glad to set; the smiling countenance of William D. on our streets again as assistant station agent According to latest we think Ralph Magargel is ahead on largest number of trout caught. This place is reported to be ahead of any place for miles around, in the number of flags displayed. Rev.E. 11. Dunn preachedjan excel lent sermon on Sunday evening. J. Deininger is again in town. E.J. and II.D. Lockwood are en tertaining their sister Mrs. S.Tupper of Elimsport. Miss Maud Starr killed a six foot black snake on Monday evening near her home. She did not know its size when she wacked it and was considerly frightened to learn it but won the battle at last'.