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Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING- Company. Chu. P. BiUamboa. AaeiltS. D. H.Lorah, "n 1,111 SONESTOWN I>A FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHORE, PF.NNA.' CAPITAL - * JIOOOO BURPLUB - - SIO,OOO. Does a General Banking Business. P. is. POM F.ROY, M - D - SWART 9. President. Cashier. GALIAGHER'S HOTEL ANI> restaurant, lapobte, pa. F. W. GALLAGIIKR, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Oysters and game in season. Bar supplied with choicest liquors, wine nnd 1 clgare. (iocxl stable room provided. LAP^RTETLIVERYrAND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. OHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. li. W. MYEKB. PROPRIETOR A hotel olestablished reputation. Strictly ffrst class in all of its appointments. Bar well supplied with the l)est of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOB. E. KENNEDY. Prop LAPORTE l'A. This large and well appointed lioupe is the most popular hostelry in this peel ion HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street. " SHUNK. PA. W. K- PORTEK, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEPE, Proprietor. DUSHOBB, PA. Ons of the largest and best equipped hotels in this section of the state. Table of the best, llates 1.00 dollar per day. Large atubles. Professional Cards. J~ J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTORN CTS-AT-L AW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties LAPORTE, PA * £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Office In Court House Building. yyM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney-at-Law. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collection*, conveyancing; the settlement (.1 estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. A J. BRADLEY, ATTORNBY-AT-LA W, ORRICB IN COUNTY BUILDING NEAR COURT BOUSE. LAPORTE, PA Monday of each week at Forksville. KUery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newltt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTOSNBTS>AT«LAW, OFFICES 71417 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United Stated Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORN EY*AT*L AW: OFFICE IN PUBLIC BUILDING COURT HOUSE HQUARK. LA.POKTE, PA. H. CRONIN, ATTORNEY*AT -LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. OFFICE ON MAI* BTRRBT. DU SHORE, VA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cor* Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. l<>c or 25c If C. C. C. fall to cure, UrußKists refund monev Educate Tour Bowela with Cuacaret*. ® ur ® constipation forever. 10c, SBc. if c. C. C. (all, druggints refund money* Republican News Item. J From the Keystone. <J i STOP YER KICKIN'. P If Stop vcr kickin' 'Lout the times — Stop yer kickin ,git a-hold : (Jit a hustle on you j Ot the wheel anu turn it. J Skirmish 'round and grab the dime* You kin never handle gold Kf tlie dollars slum you. 'Less you try to earn it. j <'roakin'never bought a dress, Brush the cobwebs from your eyes 112 S (irowlin'isn't iii it. Stop your blam'd repinin a \ j Fix your peepers on success, An* you'll notice that yer skies | Then go into win it. Alius 11 be shinin J Times is gittin' gooil agin— II you hain't the nerve to try J C Try to help them all you kill. Sneak away somewhere and die. t j Don't sit'round with hangin' lip; -:K %%)(. ' That is sure to floor you t r Try to git a better grip YES, STOP YER KICKIN". THIS J i On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TO 112 \ l'ut some ginger in yer words HE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. V S When you greet a neighbor; <;<> TO THE OLD RELIABLE 1 [ Throw your troubles to the birds, JEWELRY STORE FOR WHAT % j Hit right down to labor, vol' NEED AND BE HAPPY, 3 \ An' vou'll notice ev'rv dav i-*i- 112 J rait • .... 'I» »T» '* V I I lungs iscomin right yourwav. j \ ItETTEN BURY, S C DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. N (7rtb« * ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in 11 the County to Buy hardware W w , MM $25 Wheels S4O Wheels High Large tubing, k Large tubing, Grade Flush Joints, / Flush joints, Fully life Wood rims, I Reversible M Single tube tire, 112 Handlebars, ttuar ° Sfl p. .. , , , , , j piece crank hang- Detatchable sprocket ' , anteed Ml crs ' Hunt saddle ' Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Handlebar.*. Saddles, Lamps. Bolls, Locks. Brakes, lVMdles, Crunk*. S|»oke« Itiui* Tiros, 1 k>lll single and double tuU', a full lineoi' Bicycle Supplier. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as Barbed Wire. Nails. roultry Netting. Milk Pans and Pails, (.aidfii Tools, Paints Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shell Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and Kpoutingdone by competent workmen. Write for prices or give ns a cull whenever hi need of Hardware Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. N.A.Rogers & SOB., PA. SPRING LINE OF NEW Silks and Dress Goods Allow us, if you please, a short disquisition on these important adjuncts of woman's dress. It's just the season when everybody is looking after nicest dresses. Hence our showing the large assortment. LADIES' WRAPPERS, The vcry thing I'm- the coming warm weather which will soon be here. SHIRT WAISTS, All prices, from llie low priced ones In the silk. Full Line of Staple and Fancy Goods. Remnants in Organdies and Dimeties. Dress Goods in Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given our best attention. A big line, complete in every particular. CLOTHING u BOOTS and SHOES. <2»rocerij Stosli More complete than ever before. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1898. Court Proceedings. The Adjourned and Argument Courts of Sullivan county convened on Thursday, June 1(5, at !' a. m. Hon. E. M. Dunham, presiding; Associates Line and Kraus on the Bench. j On petition, a peddlers license was j directed to issife to Taper Ilunsinger jof Colley township, free of cost, to ! hawk and peddle within this Comth. Thos. W. Watts vs It. J. May. Judgment is ordered to be entered against the defendant for the penal sum of S2GOO. Real debt, SI3OO with interest from April 1, 189G to date, $172.50 and 5 per cent, attorney's commission; for want of an appear ance. J. Wm. Moran vs Julia M. Pal matier. Rule granted to show cause why judgment should not be opened and sale set aside. All proceedings stayed pending rule. Returnable June 2"), at 2 p. m. Two days notice to be given of taking depositions, and bond in the sum of SIOO to be given. Bond approved and tiled. Dushore School District vs C. S. Reitmeyer et et. Rule granted to show cause why judgment should not be entered for want of sufficient affidavit of defense. Returnable June 25, at 2 p.m. Dennis Dorsey vs Ann Lewis and Albert Lewis. On application of counsel and for reasons stated tin* Court extends the time of service of the rule in this case for 15 days. In re: private sale of the real estate of Arthur Wanck, deed. On bear ing petition, the Court decrees a pri vate sale of the real estate described therein, and requires bond to be tiled | in the sum of $350 to be approved j by the Court. Jere Dccgan vs Hannah Farrell. The Court continues the order of sale in thiscase issued to Ellis Swank ! Sheriff, until September term in .irder that he may make a proper re i turn. C. S. Sick vs Caroline Bald. Cer j titled to Judge Metzger. Bartley Whalen vs Dushore Boro. Certified to Judge Metzger. Alice Andrus vs J. K. Bird. Rule for new trial; argued and C. A. V. Stephen Murphy vs Joseph Thall, Rule for a new trial; argued and C. A. V. Kate Quigley vs Ellis Swank. Rule for a new trial; argued and C. A. V. llussel Karns vs Holmes A- Passage. Rule for a new trial; argued and C. A. V. R. C. Potter vs M. W. Reeser, Lillian Mosier vs Reeser and Bates, C. Hugo vs Sarah J. Stevens, Cherry School District vs F. Mittendorf et <lt continued. Thos. J. Ingham vs J.W.Walburn et at. Rule discharged. Comth. ex ret. Fred Newell vs Co. Commissioners and clerk. Rule to show cause for a mandamus to com mand permitting applicant to ex amine the official records of the County Com. office; argued and C.A. V. Wm. L. Woodruff vs B. W. Jack son. Certified to Judge Metzger. J. M. Osier vs Harry Chilson and Jessie Chilson. Rule for interplead er. Rule is discharged and the Sheriff is directed to proceed with the execution of his writ. 11. McDermott vs Thos. Mahaffey. Rule for a new trial. Submittal on briefs and C. A. V. R. H. Brewer vs The County of Sullivan. Rule to strike off non-suit Submitted on briefs and C. A. V. Horace May vs Julia M. Palma tier and Wm. May vs same. Rule to arbitrate in each case stricken off, question of costs to be divided here after. Jere Deegan vs Hannah Farrell. Settled. Rule discharged with leave to both parties to withdraw exhibits from the deposition filed. J. M. Osier vs llarry Chilson and Jesse Chilson. Rule for interpleader. "In this ease the striking off of the rule in the application for an inter pleader is hereby revoked and the claimants to the property levied up on are given until June 25, 1898, at 2 p. file bonds and affidavits showing prima facia ownership to the property.—June 18, 1898. By the Court." Court adjourned until Saturday, June 25, at 2 p. m. A PATRIOTIC PILGRIMAGE. The Popular and OrowinK Order Patri otic Order Sons of America Scores Another Success and Adds a Fresh Laurel to its List. One of the most patriotic demon j strations developing from a P. (). S. [of A. County Convention was that held in Hillsgrove Friday of last week. At no time has the order met in convention with more pomp and splendor, nor has it ever had spread before it a more peace giving and joyous influence that seemed to lead its members involuntarily to a higher spiritual realm and patriotic impulses. The afternoon brought cheerful crowds of delegates from all the var ious camps of the county with hut one exception, Sonestown, to the little Eden in a beautiful vale, Hills grove, where tall shade giving trees majestically extend their branches as if in prayerful devotion aiuljoyously thankful gleams their luxuriant foliage to the Creator of their being. At 7:30 the members of the order assumed their regalias and formed a line in front of the I. o. <>. F. hall, and headed by the Hillsgrove band, marched through the streets lined with spectators, to the Church of Christ where the public meeting was conducted. Here the church was profusely decorated with the National colors, presenting a sight most cntransing. The tastes of those who led in (lie mutter of decoration was up to the highest point attainable and deserved all the praise it dieted. The church was packed and even standing room was not obtainable, for the many remaining on the out side. The audience was a select one and the interesting program was carried out in a most creditable man ner. The entire music selection and program was excellent and received deserved compliments. 112 Bro. J. A. Gibbs, smiled prettily as he arose and liiodistly introduced the President of the convention, Ulysses Bird, who took the official seat, filling it most desirably. The first patriotic selection was sung by the choir, "All Hail Dear Columbia," followed by a fervent prayer from the eloquent voice of Rev. Spooner. Solo, "Cuban Hero," by Mrs. Charier Clarke. -V. J. Bradley Esq., after a few well chosen remarks, read the pre amble cmboding the principles of the grand order. Singing, "Tenting on the old Camp Ground," by male voices. A. I". Lescher, State Vice-Presi dent of the order, </f Berwick, deliv ered an excellent address original and spicy, lie at once stamped a broad smile on the audience which at times would develope into hearty laughter. The program closed with a beauti fulsolo, "Roll Call," by Mis. Vernon Hull. A line of march was formed and led by the band to the hall where a business meeting was held and affairs of the order discussed. The business of the meeting was smoothly transacted under the fol lowing officers: President, I'lysses Bird; Vice-President, 11. W. Taylor; Master of Forms, Ed. Darby; Rec. Secretary, ('has. L. Wing; Cor. Sec retary, A. E. Campbell; Past Pres., John A.Gibbs;Treasurer,John Gibbs; Conductor, W. Brombeck; Inspector, John Little; Guard, Weldy Sadler; Tellers, A. J. Bradley and H. Gil bert. DKIiEOAT KS. Following are the delegates that abily took part in the business: C.W. Sadler, Martin Wilcox, Leonard Maxon, A. E. Campbell, '/. T. Kil mer, B. E. Gamble, Orrin lline, John Little, Wm. Little, C.A.Boyle, A. B. Mclntlre, 11. Gillicrt, John Hess, 11. W. Osier, John Rogers, Delroy lline, W. Montgomery, A.J. Bradley, Cltas. L. Wing, John Spea ker, N.J. Moulthrop, Thomas Mor ton, G. S. Speaker, N. L. Clock, Francis Tritchler, Henry Darby, J. A. Gibbs, Joseph Hilmaii, 11. W. Taylor, A. H. Roberts, Wm. Roe, A. L. Wllmot. 1.25 Per. Year. Number 8. ELECTION OP OFFICERS. The election of officers for the en suing year was effected by the elect ion ofthe following: President, H. W. Taylor; Vice-President, W. L. Hoffman; Rec. Secretary, A. K. Campbell; Cor. Secretary, Chas. 1,. Wing; blaster of Forms, \V. E. Mil ler; inspector, M..1. Moulthroj); Guard, John Rogers; Conductor, A. A. Ludy, Treasurer, I). E.Darby; District President, (J. L. Speaker; Committee, Wm. Roe, A. L. Wll- J. S. Taylor. A motion was made and unani mously carried that the next conven tion be held at Hernice, on some fixed date in June, 1899,t0 be arraug by the committee. Adjourned. Taken in its entirety the, conven tion was exceptionally enjoyable and the affair was one of which the Patriotic Order Sons of America are justly proud. Bernice Echoes. Mrs. Patrick Flannon visited her son Patrick at Tunkhannock last week. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. David Pea cock Monday June With a daughte^ Miss Mary Roland went to Taj wmda Tuesday where she will slat during the summer. Miss Mary Waples of Dushore visited friends here last week. The Hernice Cornet Hand will play at New Albany the 4th. Miss Mary Murphy of Eadd*burg visited friends here last week. The Scholars of the unit«Hl Evan gelical Sunday School held Children- Day Services in the I. <>. O.K. Hall. It was beautifully decorated with flowers and the singing was of the very best. .lea vol is consolidated tent show played at this place Friday and Sat urday evening at Mildred to a large sized audience the performances was very good. Mrs. William Kast visited friends at Dushore last week. Mr. and Mrs. John lloyd of Dushore visited their daughter Mrs. 11. \V. Taylor Sunday. The following delegates from Washinton Camy number 181 1'.0.5. of A. of this place attended the County Convention of P.O.S. of A. at nillsgrove Friday June 17th. Joseph llellsman, II.W. Taylor, A. 11. Roberts, A. 1.. Wilmot, Wil liam Roe. William Gould of Lopez was inter red in the Presbyterian cemetery at this place Wednesday morning. Prof. C.T. Wheelock presented Ids patritotic exhibition War in Cuba to a small audience in tin* 1. <>.<>. F. hall Tuesday evening. A boxing carnival will be held in the K. of L. hall at this place Saturday evening June 25th. The dance in the K. and L bail Friday evening under the auspices of the Mildred baseball club was a success flnancialy and otherwise. Lopez and New Alpany played u game of baseball Saturday at Lope/ we could not keep an accurate record of the game as we were kept busy marking down the Lopez scores. A number of ball players from Bern ice played with New Albany and the ex hibition Saturday is an indication that Bernice does not want any base ball team made of such timber. The score was 32 to 11 in favor of Lopez had Lopez played ball as they can the score would have been writ ten with four figures. The grim and unrelenting reaper death has once more visited our town and took from our midst one of out most promising and brightest young men Mr. James Gilligan at the age of 2!> years. Mr. Gilligan for a num ber of years has been the trusted clerk and shipper for the S.L.A-S. R. R. Co. at this place his duty to his employers was alwys first with him and he continued to perform his duties until the day before he died. Friday evening In; went to Towanda to see Dr. Ladd arid returned Satur day and- at 8 o'clock Sunday morn ing he died. Asthma was the cause of his death. His friends were as numerous as the falling leaves, enimies he had none. To bis aged parents he had always been a dutiful and loving son, to his brothers and sisters a kind and lov ing brother, and to his neihbors a true and steadfast friend, he will be missed by all who knew him, and the sympathy of the community is extended to his aged parents and to his brothers and listers in their sad bereavement. Interment in the St. Francis church cemetery Mildred, at ten o'clock Tuesday morning l .