Newspaper Page Text
Republican News Item. CHAS. LOREN WING, Editor. THURSDAY JUNE 2i, 1898. "FIRST OF ALL —THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Every Friday Morning. Rv The Sullivan Publishing Co. A i the County Seat of Sullivan County. LAPOBTE, PA. Knti-iv.l rtt lite Post Office at La|>orte, »» second class mail matter. Sriiscmrrios- —SI.-■> j'cr annum. If paid in Milvanci* SI.(Hi. Sample copies free. All eoiiitniiniciitioiis should be ad dressed to KKI'UUUCAN Ni:\VS IT Kir. Laporte l'a. t I'or a garden hoe* warden rake, ji't'illi. bitij; hoc, pick, shovel, etc. eall on -I. \\. Buck. Wall paper with line borders to malell, • lust received at .1. W. I'.neks. Suncstown. It von tired fence wire, eall on I W . ISilek. lie lias diM'erent sizes on hand In no country are there more ilia to lie found than ill the I'nited tst .<.• e.-;. according to the population. It is estimated hy a leading New Yorlc diamond dealer that there are upward of ooo.OOU worth of diamonds in tliis country. Moreover, this vast amount is increasing every year. I'ntll quite recently diamonds were rarely cut 111 this country; but Ameri can inventors have developed a pro cess for diamond cutting which i.s vast ly superior to that done abroad. The loss in weight through cutting is sometimes fully one-half, but the value is increased probably more than two fold. The Dutch city of Amsterdam lias been the great diamond cutting centre of the world from time immemorial, and up to it few years ago over twelve thousand people in that place were di rectly or indirectly dependent upon this trade. But it was nut reasonable to suppose that Amsterdam should continue to hold a monopoly of diamond rutting. As one of the greatest importing cities of the world. New York gradually of fered inducements to diamond cutters, and an industry has been steadily built up here that is now very flourishing and profitable. In 1 KT.9 Henry I). Morse, of Boston. Mass.. invented a machine for cutting and pojishing dia monds, and since then improvements have been made upon it that are very important. The foreigners continue to polish their stones by hand, hut in this country machinery is largely used. A famous gem expert places the total value ef all the diamonds in the world at ovtjr $1,000,000,000, of which s:ir.o.- 000,000 worth are in the hands of deal ers, carried in stock. All the other diamonds are in the hands of private individuals, and the question naturally arises. Who owns them? This is not so easily answered, except in the case of large and world famous gems.— Godey't Magazine. tiolil 111 llricka. Most people know that gold is the most widely distributed of all metals, being found in almost every country in the world, though, of course, not in quantities which it would pay to dig. Now comes the startling discovery that the common red clay of which bricks are made contain gold at the rate of nearly a shilling's worth to the ton — evon, in some cases, a little more. In the houses of London there are at least r.,000, 000 tons of brick. Make a little calculation at the rate of 1 shilling per ton and you will find that no less than $1,250,000 the precious metal is locked tightly u]s in the ugly red walls of London alone. TrpaNury "(Jlrlin." liOts of Treasury girls at Washington are widows, hundreds of them are old maids and several thousand are sweet, marriageable girls, with pretty fares, good hearts and a high grade of culture and education. Many of them have had Governors and generals for fathers, not a few are the widows of noted soldiers and statesmen, and all are far above the average of their sex the United States over. Many have travelled widely. Money M»dp on I.ont Tlckrta, Street car tickets in Washington are -"! d at the rate of six for a quarter. This has been the custom for years. A;i officer of the company states that tickets to the value of $48,000 have i • ver been used. The Inference Is t .'.t they have been lost and destroyed. Hi'nl Kiluciili'it Nation. Germany is now the best educated nation of the Continent, yet only 100 years ago German teachers in many parts of the country were so poorly paid that they used to sing In front of houses in order to add to their incomes by odd pence. In the Baltic Sea there are more wrecks than in any oUier place in the/ world. The average throughout the year is one each day. The 'disposition of men to look ax things from their own especial point of view was well illustrated on the morning after the recent election. President McKlnley said: "I am wel! pleased with the result of the election." Mr. Bryan's comment was:"The feel ing in favor of the Chicago platform shows a healthy growth." Each man gave most weight to what he found In the results of the election th»t was most protitable to hUown party. Report of Auditors of Davidson Twp. i Charles E. llazeii Supervisor of puviilsou Twp. ! for the year ending March 14,1898, Dr. ir. | Amount ol' ituplieate:.... loj-t st Amount ot ex tru, duplicate i>-» Ymt. received from County Treas.. 1492 Oil By receipts shown and canceled... 13un7a Kxonerations allowed '•}>- Word done oil duplicate 123J42 Jll days servlso us supervisor 321 00 days with horse 875 Hauling tools on road -jOOO Work on duplicate ... , Receipt as shown and canceled.. 4 19 ilalaucc due township l:m :!:i HUB 99 :lUB ".HI C. K. Hazen. work for J. t> Wilson for the year 1890. Hv work, 48 59: by cash :t.lf>- - &>t 74 Oscar Lewis, Supervisor of Davidson township for the yetu ending March 14,1898, Amount, of duplicate IWB Amount of extra duplicate ">lB 4;. Amt. received from County Treas.. 1600 00 do I>. S. l'hillips Su)iervisor 15 70 Balance due Oscar Lewis Supv 93 01 j By receipts as shown t.m.o;. 'Exonerations allowed 8-1 19 Work done on duplicate '>92 .J9 151 davs services oft super* Isor TJh M 11 1 .. days team work 26 an Material furnished 1031 2095 67 2095 (17 i Account of I>. W. burling, Overseer of Poor for | the year ending March 14,1898. Balance due lust settlement 08 02 Reed. from Win. Moran Collector 200 uu do County treasurer 32.»00 By receipts as shown and canceled.. ISO 01 Seruives in Kutz case d 48 do us Ovrseer 065 Balance due township 45 88 593 irj 593 o*2 Account of.l. Steck, Overseer of Poor for year 'ending March 14,1898. Kalanecdue from last settlement... 59 21 Received from County Treusurer 700 oo do Win. Moran Collector :*1 G t> r » do D. W. Darling 100 00 By receipts as shown and canceled.. 184 24 Receipt from Danville Hospital 375 00 Expeuscs in Kutz case 55 30 Registering und postage 24 50 Receipts as shown and canceled. 00 23 Balance due township 170 53 1175 80 1175 80 Account of M. I). Horn, Treasurer of Duvidsou School District for year ending June 0,1808. Received from County Treasurer... 1000.00 do State appropriation 1243 0s do James Moran Col lector 283 01 do Win. Moran Collector 705 do Lornh, Col. 1889... 173 17 Bui. due M. I>. Horn School Treus 230 21 _ < By receipts us shown and canceled 3527 37 Commission 2 |>er. cent 7130 Receipts «s shown and canceled 37 83 50 3030 50 As>clsand liubililio of Davidson School Dis trict for the year ending J fine i>. 189s. Balance due*from James Morau Col. for years 1805,'% 1053 12 Wm. Moran Collector for the year 1897^ Ainonnt of duplicate I'M'*; 7'' Credited hy exonerations 20 Exoii. ofTnd. School District 4808 Amount of tax returned 10 00 l'aid M. 1) Horn School Treasurer 705555 Rebate 35 27 Due Twp. from Wm Moran Co I 502 30 l:i«;C» 7«» 1:100 70 A»ets of Davidson township Poor District for the year ending June 0, 1808. Bal/due from Wm. Morau Col ..... 700.00. Liabilities of Davidson town>hip Road Fund i for the year 1807. John Kurge S <K> ih» liobt. Sttu'inont estate 700 oo ! P. Dome i 325 00 M. J. Phillip- 100 00 1025 00 We the undersigned auditors of David>on town ship, Sullivan county. Pa., have examined the foregoing accounts and find them correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. Witness our hands and seal thisotn day of June, 1808. MONROE PAINToN. i P.M. TAYLOR. Auditoiv j J.C.Starr I Report of Auditors of School and Building ! Funds ot Laporte Borough. J. W. Flynn, Treasurer of School Finals for ihe I school year ending June c., 1808. To unit. reed, from T.J.Keclcr Col. 00 21 lis • lo 11. Boschliauson Col.:08 30 oo do «I<> 07 52 72 «|o do Aug. 3d 'O7 358 01 do Oct. '. ''7. state Appropriation 131 9 s Due J W Flynn Treasurer 124 02 By unit, due Treas. last audit 123 4 1 do orders redeemed B*s 60 do Com. 2 per cent, on *885.00 17 71 1020 81 102081 J. W. Flynn,Treasurer Building Fund for school year ending June 0,18'.*8. To balance lastfaudit 251 19 Amt. reed. A.II. Buschhausen c 01.'97 331 07 do do -18 05 do do 28 01 do T.J Kecler i 'ollector 00 30 40 By amt. oi orders redeemed 515 70 do .;o bond coupons redeemed 07 50 do ( om. 2 per et. on 3013 20.. 12 27 do amt. due Borough d 30 070 02 079 92 Musical Fund. To amount of musical fund loss:', T. J. Kecler. Collector of Taxes, -chool vein J ending June 0,1807. To balance due last audit.. 21 05 By Treasurer's receipt 21 05 I Building Tax To balance due last audit 30 10 By Treasurer's receipt 30 4o| • A. H. Buschhausen,. Collector of School Taxc> I for year ending June 0,1808. To amount of duplicate. 51007 By Treasurer's receipt 358 01 I Rebate 10 40 , ( ommission 3 per ct. on 70.... 11 00 Treasurer's receipt 52 72 Commission 5 per ct. on £55 49.. 2 77 i Treasurer's receipt 30 90 Land returns in 90 Exonerations allowed .... i t 20 i Balance :'.9 90! s|<; «*.7 510 07; Building Tax. To amount of duplicate 182 31 By Treasurer's receipt :i3i 07 ( Rebate 17 90 Commission 3 per cent 10 24 j Treasurer's receipt 3.s u"> I Commission 5 per ct. on -to »•> ... 2c; Treasurer's leecipt 28 01 I Laud returns 10 90 j Exonerations allowed 7 10 Balance 4_> 482 31 182 31 j Statement oi Liabilities and Resources for La-I porte Borough* School District for year ending June 0. 1808. Liab, Recor. To amt. due by J. W. Flynn. Ties. 124 02 Outstanding orders Nos. 320,322,3,23 lss o<» Resources in excess of liabititii>> !•»•» 07 By land returns 1895 15 8-1 do 1890 10 77 do 1897 10 90 Due from A. Buschhausen < 01. ';»7.. 3.9 90 do State appropriation i:;t ic» 511 «;o 511 (59 Building Fund. ! 18 bonds M £loo each Isonu) | Bv Lnnd returns 1895 j;, M do 1890 10 77 do 1897 10 90 Due from A.H.Buschhausen Col. «.i7 35 42 do J. W. Flynn Treasurer *97 51 30 Liabilities in excess of resource*. . 1072C5 180000 IaOOOO Musical Final, Amt. in liamlb J. W. Flynn, Treas. 10883 We the undersigned uuditoiN of Laimrte lioro. do hereby certify that we have carefully examin ed the accounts of the collector ami Treasurer of the fiscal year 1897 and tind them correct as set forth in the foregoing statement. Witness our hands and seal this 7th day of June, 1898. THOS. E. KENNEDY. H.A.KARNS Auditors. The lowa State Board of Health has passed a regulation asking city govern ments to prohibit the riding of bicycles with drop handle-bars within their jurisdictions, on the ground that it is detrimental to the health of riders to assume that position. Another crowd of idiots are going to the North Pole to freeze to death, but nobody cares excepting the Coro n«r, -who thereby misses a chance to sit on the remains. Statement oi .Laporte Township. Philip Kargc in account with Laporte township 112 as Collector of special mail lax for the year end- ; jug June 0, 1898, Amt. in lianils of collector for '96 tux :t7 W# Auit returned on same 27 I Balance due township ol 79 By exonerations 11 o:'. j Laud returns 10 US j Amt. collected, 5 jier cent oil I*l Rebate on aliovc 'J sj Collectors commissions •"» Amt. collected on face duplicate HO 75 ; < olleetor's commission •"» :10 Amt. collected 6 per cent added.. Amt uncollected '•*> To amt. of duplicate -tuu.Yi i 4on *>'J Cash Amount. To balance in hand ;si 7U Amt. collected within <SO du\> l'Jtitfc Amt, on face duplicate lOtl 0> Amt. collected 112» |>er cent added i» 2K Auu. uncollected so liv receipts tiled Km 78. I Commission 10 01 | Rebate 0 ; ' j Balance in hands of collector 101 00 ' ( :;771W> f177 00 ! I*. Kargc, Collector of c\tra road tax 1807 8 i To amt. of duplicate -un •"»- ] By exonerations 11 Oil Laud ret urns 10 08: j Amt. collected within Uoda>s I*l 1 1 Rebate on above... '' s • Collector's commission • »jl Amt. collected 011 face duplicate.. lot) 7ft ; Collector's commission »:K)| : Amt. collected ft jiercent added.. 0 28 1 j Amt. uncollected :»:180| 1 KM) 52 400 52 I Cach Account. Amt. collected within no day I'.HJ l> Amt. oil face duplicate lur»0'» Amt. collected ft i>er cent added... 0 •> Amount uncollected M v «» Ry receipts tiled l». »7s Commission 10 01 Relmte 0 82 j Balance in Collector's hands I-« 0 30 :Jls 81 :Uft 81 ; I I'hilip Kargc in account with*irte township as Collector of Poor Tax for I*o7. Balance in hand from IHW tax. 42 2»'. , Amt returned on same -II • Balance due township 10 1 » i To amount of duplicate ion 02 By exonerations 'J : » Bv returns ' , Amt. collected within tioda>« li'mOO . t Rebate 112 commission ft 38; , Amt. collected 011 face duplicate 110 57 Commission 82 ] Amt. collected ft i**r cent added.. 7 20 ; Amt. uncollected 4.» s7 : 100 52 ( a>h Account. | To balance in hand from ls% to I t Ann. collected within GOiluys IT'.ill ! Aint. collected 011 fare duplicate 11*;:!'.' Amt. collected 5 lx'r rent added. 7 J'.i Amount uncollerted ■T>*7 Bv receipt* lile<l am 71 Kelwte HOT Commission 11 "Jit Balance in hand of collector IW 2t> j ;l»y 11 :«t> U j Htuienicnt of School ilourtl of 1-iii* tu\\ushlj> fortlieyear ending June li. IS9B.'Account of Philip Kargc lis collector of school tax for 1897. Balance in hand from is;»'.lax. l:'.l wi Kcturncd on same • s By error in settlement of I s '*' '• 70 Balance iluc township. llii;i- I To amount of duplicate v.:! ,v; I By exonerations <1 IW I Returns WB | Amt. collecU'd within iwdays ,'io'jo Itcbatc on above. 11 'r Collector's commission Collected on face duplicate Collector's commission 'iBB Amt. collected S per cent added... I < Ann. uncollectsf M7ti Ml 8:1 Kl3 88 cash Account. ■ llahuiccdue township from 18*J6. llii'.i-' CollectiKl within 60 days '."Js 47 Collected on face duplicate KM 7U Amt. collected r> ikt cent added.. i:i -u Amt. uncollected ivt Tii By receipts tiled <io 28 j By commission 11108 | Billance In hand of collector Hi 'JU oflO 11 <lO 11 ! Account of John Kleruiiu. I'rca-urer for ihe year ending June 0,1898. i Amt. received from Countv I'rcas liu; txi ; do do 400 00 State Appropriation awtoi Received of I*. Kargc Collector VX) ' Teachers'salaries intiuo Attendance at institute 4'.t 00 School supplies til 71 Fuel and contingencies I.M 81 Secretary's salary 20 00 Repairs -0 25 Attorney's fees 10 00 Publishing "40 Auditing fees 100 Other expenses I 75 Treasurer's fees 29 18 Orders outstanding 38 Balance in treasurer's hands 14 19 1444 75 We the undersigned auditors uixl clerk bo here by certify thatlthe foregoing statement i« true and correct to the best of our knowledge. H.J. KARGE, | \V J.LORI), Auditors, .1 A. TRAl'till I I C, K. I'ETERS, Town Clerk. New lot of wall paper, timolliv and clover seed, onion sets m popular prices, at .1, W. Buck's. I Everybody Says So. Cascarcts t.'andv Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the ape, pleas ant ami refreshing to the laste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, , cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, , euro headache, fever, liabitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of O. C. C. to-day; lU, 2."i, r>o cents. Sold aud guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Fine frcsli oranges, lemons and bananas at dolin W. Rucks, Sonestown. Educate Your HoweU With Caacarett. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. 112 all, druggists refund money. ('all in and see the new nickel oil stove, a <:ood tiling for summer use. J. W.Huck. Cabbage, celery and cauliflower ! plants for sale at and .\lO per linii ' dred, at the store of Mrs.M. <'. Lauer. Twinkling of the Stars. A discovery of much interest to aa ; tronomers has been made by Dr. L. L. J. See, who is iu charge of Lowell Ob -1 servatory at Flagstaff, A. T. The cause of the twinkling of the stars has al ways been a mystery, none of the i theories advanced having stood the test of thorough investigation. Dr. See has 1 found the cause to be the presence in t the atmosphere of innumerable little air currents or waves, which dart : through the air and cause a break in the light from the star. The result is , that to a beholder on the earth the star has the familiar appearance of twink ling. These little air currents can be distinguished through the 24-inch telescope very plainly on nights when this twinkling is observed most by re moving ihe eye-piece of the instru ment. Kansas City has one of the longest straight stretches of boulevard in the country. From Olathe, Kan., on one side, to Independence, Mo., on the sther, there is a straight course of as phalt and macadam for over fifty miles, ft'lth Kansas City in the middle. irs Trying to the patience to keep on taking ! medicine that does not cure. But ! it is trying that leads to success. ; If you are suffering from eczema, | boils, eruptions, etc., you will begin | your cure the day you begin trying ! c Aaer's dtrsaparlili. A Horrible Railroad Accident is a daily chronicle in our papers; also the death of some dear friend, who had j died with Consumption, whereas, if he or i she had taken Otto's Cure for Throat and ; Lunjrdiseases in lime, life would have, been rendered happier and perhaps saved, j Meed the warning ! If vou have a cough i or anv afleclion of the Throat and Lungs Call on T. Keeler,Laporte; W. L. ; I 101l man, Hillsgrove; H. S -Lancaster,, Forksville; <l> Jennings, Agt. Kstella; Jno. W. I'.uck, Sonestown, and get a trialjpackage free. Large size 50c and -i.'ic. j G. A. Rogers I'OKKSVIU.E, I*A. (Successor to l'.W. Kawcett.) Watches, Jewelery, Silverware, Etc. I'ievcle repairing. Uieyele sundries. I Fishing tackle, al lowest possible i. ■ I rice. Good NewH. No other Medicine was ever given such . a test as Otto's Cure. Thousands of hot ; ties of this great (ierinan remedy are he ! itig distributed ukkk or i iiAitiii:, lo those j nlHii lcd with Consumption, Asthma, j '('roup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and all , Throat and Lung diseases,giving the peo- ! I file proot that < Mio's Cure will cure them i j For sale only by T. J. Keeler, Laporte; I W.1.. llotliniin,Hillsgrove; U.S. Lancaster | 1 Forksville; <'. I!. Jennings, Fstella; Jno. j ! \V. Hack. Sonestown. Samples free. Large bottles fiOc and 2"ic. New lot ol'liinothy and clover seeds and onion sets at lolin \V. Mucks, Sonestown. No-To-Bac for El.vy Cent«. Ouaranteed tobacco habit cure, tnakes weak men strong, blood pure. SOo,U. All druKK'sts. To Cure Vonatlpation Forever. Take Coscarets Candy Cathartic. 10<- or 25c. If C C. C.'. fall to cure, driiKKtsts rrfund money. Heavy Cannonading on HIGH PRICES at PLACE'S New Grocery LAPORTE, PA. We step forward.not backward. We are opening up new ways tor the pub lic to attain just as good bargains in General Merchandise at Laporte as iu NVilliamsporl or else where. We are planning each week to that end. This week it is uon"s KLE S COFFEE at PRINCE'S nc per lb. Business at the store is getting busier each week. The newness ol the goods and the littleness ot price tends to turn the stream of trade our way. A call will convince you that you can do the best at E. L. PLAGE'S NEW GROCERY. Spring and Summer Every corner of the store is bright, with the newest things for Women's wear and Men's wear and Children's wear. We are glad to have yon come in and see the new life of the old store and look at its excellent line of goods. Spring Weight Underware for Men, Women and Children. In conjunction with the inviting varities, all prices will be found more than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries have have just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove, Pa. W.L.Hoffman's - HILLSGROVE Three Big Stores-- MUNCY VALLEY, PROCTOR, PA. An Explosion of Values. PRICES BLOWN TO ATOMS. Two or three reasons for this—liberal supply, bet ter qualities, less in price than found elsewhere. Ladies' Dress Wares. They are the kind women want, and our prices will cause lively selling. CORSETS Selling at Corset Prices. No other line in these stores has such decided growth as that of Corsets. Augmented sales each month demonstrates the superiority of brands. General Merchandise. There is to be found a general line of seasonable goods constantly on hand. Remember the Place. JENNINGS BROS. We keep in stock at our mills a complete line of dressed lumber in hemlock and hardwood. MANUFACTURERS OF Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber. I OPF7 PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, i Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both $ and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in 3-8 ceiling. CORRESPONDENCY SOLICITED. 1 * Buy Good Goods! And you will be surprised how cheap they are in the end. We hare just unpacked such a stock of coats and capes to which we are pleased to call vour special attention. We do not pretend to handle the cheapest coats id the market, but we do say we have the BEST and neatest fitting garments made. Our coats and capes are made to order, and in the latest styles with prices to suit everybody. IN DRESS GOODS WE WERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT THE PRESENT, AS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY. I Ladies and Misses, lioys'and Men, you need not go halt frozen'this winter for we have plenty of underwear for you all, both in cottou or wool, red or gray and the prices are very low, so low that when you see the goods you will bs aston ! «hed that we are able to give you such bargains. i One word in regard to foot wear: Our shoe department was never more complete and if you will Jfavor us.witb j vour attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince you that we liave the most carefully selected line of fine and heavy boots and shoes ever brought before the public. On crockery we have just received some very pretty designs in Decorated Dinner Sets to which we invite your attention. The buying of country produce has always been a special feature of ou Business, and we still continue in paying the highest each prices for Butter Eggs and Wool. E. G. Sylvara dushore. ipa. Wright & Haight, SUCCESSORS TO M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa. MANUFACTURERS Ol> Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc. DRESSED LUMBER Full and complete seasoned stock always on hand, i A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County. The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match. Embalming a specialty- Funerals directed with I safety and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE.