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Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Yolume I Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING Company, S^S:Lr B ."! Mnbo " , Agents. SONESTOWN FIR9T NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHORE, PENNA. CAPITAL - - #50.000. »U!pIUB - * « looo °- Does a General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY. M D SWA *™ hlor President. < as "" GALZAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPORTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours, Oysters and game in season. Bar^pplied LAPORTELIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. a. w. MYERB. PROPRIETOR A hotel of established reputation. Strictly Bret class in all of its appointment. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOB. E. KENNEDY. Prop. LAPORTE PA. This large and well appointed house is th* most popular hostelry in this section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street. " SHUNK, PA. \V. E. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSHORK, PA. One of the largest and best equipped hotels In tbi« section ot the state. Table of the best. Rates 1.00 dollar per day. Large itiibles. Professional Cards. J # J. & F. H. INGHAM, itIORSHB-iT-lIW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties LAPORTE, PA £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. W M P7S HO EM AKE R, Attorney-at-Law. Office in C'oUnty Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing: the settlement of estates and other legal biwliM*»s will reoeiw prompt attention. J J. BRADLEY A»TOBBaT-A#-LAW, onici IN conarr BDILDINS NEAR COURT HOUSE. LAPORTE, PA Monday ot each week at Forksville. Kllery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATtoanars-AT^iiAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, (|ENRY TTDOWNS, ATTORN KT-AT"LAW: orriCß M PUBLIC BUILDING COURT BOUSE SQUARR. LAPORTE, PA. J # H. CRONIN, ATTORNBT-AT -LAW, HOTART PUBLIC. OFPICB Oil MAI* BTRBKT. DU SHORE, PA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. BENNETT, Prop. To Car* Constipation Forever. Take Cast-arets Candy Cathartic. 10c or Sic If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Uirats Your Bowels With Cuscarets. "SSS? G«S^T.TC3!S!BSS.'SR;: . . ? From the Keystone. J STOP YER KICKIN'. ? Slop ver kickin' * I IOK t* I lie times— Stop yer kickin', git a-hold J Skirmish'round and grali the dimes Yon kin never handle gold El'the dollars shun you. 'Less you try to earn it. J Croak in' never bought a dress, Brush the cobwebs from your eyes r S Olrowlin' isn't in it. Stop your blatn'd repinin' • J I Fix your peepers on success, An' you'll notice that yer skies Then go into win it. Allus'll be shinin' j Tunes is gittin' good agin— If you hain't the nerve to try J Try to help tliem all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. Don't sit'round with hangin' lip; )K)K)K>K That is sure to tloor you 112 £ Try to git a better grip YES, STOP YER KICKIN'. THIS J J On the work before you ; KVERLASTINO KICKIN" HAS OOTTO F \ Put some ginger in yer words BK AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. % X When you greet a neighbor; GO TO THE OLD RELIABLE 1 [ Throw your troubles to the birds, JEWELRY STORE FOR WHAT % (lit right down to labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY, 3 ; An' you'll notice ev'ry dav MJIUIU* C M rni ■ • i • I . C J hiiigs isfioiniii right yoiirwfiv. j J RETTEN BURY, S C DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. S ! roks * . ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in ~~~——————— the County to Buy fiardwarc W w ... . $25 Wheels S4O Wheels HIGH Large tubing, K Large tubing, Grade illl Flush Joints> |/ Flush oints ' Fully Wood rims, ■ Reversible , 11 Single tube tire, 112 Handlebars, ; (JUAR ° "km R-. AIT ii , ' 2 piece crank hang- Detatchable sprocket H ... QNIPPD 'IFIIGB CRS > " UNT saddle, 4 Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Handlebars, Saddles, Lam|>s. Bells, Locks, Brakes, Peddles, Cranks, Spoke*, Rim', Tires, I iKith single and double tube, a full line of Bicycle Supplies. i New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... 1 such as Barbed Wire. Nails, Poultry Netting, Milk Pan«. and Pails, Garden Tool", Paints 1 Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and S|outing done by competent workmen. Write for prices or give us a call whenever in need of Hardware. HARDWARE. DUSHORE, PA. • • - '" ' ' ' : 1 - I H.A.Rogers & Son., FORKSVILLE, PA. SPRING LINE OF NEW Silks and Dress Goods Allow us, if you please, a short disquisition on these important adjuncts of woman's dress. It's just the season when everybody is looking after nicest dresses. Hence our showing the large assortment. LADIES' WRAPPERS, The very tiling tor the coming warm weatherjwhioh will soon l>e here. SHIRT WAISTS, All prices, from the low priced ones to the silk. Full Line of Staple and Fancy Goods. Remnants in Organdies and Dimeties. Dress Goods in Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given our best attention. A big line,'complete in every particular. CLOTHING A BOOTS and SHOES. &ROC3R;J / More complete than ever before. , Highest Price Paid for Butter ATYD EGGS. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1898. I Bernice Echoei. Miss Lucy Cunningham of Dushore was palling on friends in town Wed nesday. Mrs. Ernest Ha4l ofTowanda visit ed her brother Emery Kirkendaw last week. The following semi-yearly officers were elected by Camp 481 P. O. S. of A. of Bernice Friday evening. Pres. Harry Bayley; Vice Pres., W. B. Aude; Master of Forms, 11. E. Watson; Conductor, George Potter; Inspector, Wm. Quick; Guard, C. Holmes; Trustee, A. L. Wilmot; State Delegate, Joseph Helsman. Mrs. Patrick Ladden and child of Philadelphia are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Finn. Miss Mame Bentley of Towanda is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bently. Miss Cora Mortar and Miss Lucy llelsman visited friends at Wilmot last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Heverly of New Albany were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Watson Sunday of last week. John and Begin a O'Brien who are attending college near Baltimore, are spending their summer vacation with their parents Mr. Jand Mrs. Dennis O'Brien at this place. Andrew McGeever, who visited friends at this place, after serving his time in the regular army, has re enlisted and is now on his way to Cuba to fight for Uncle Sam. Miss A. and Frank Bing of Hughos ville are visiting friends in Mildred. The jolly 40 surprised Mr. and Mrs G. E. Dougherty Saturday evening. A pleasant time is reported. A large flag was raised above W. [ 11. Blight's store Saturday evening. ! A new flag was also hung across the street in place of the old town flag that was torn to shreds by the wind some time ago. Bernice is now the Banner City of Sullivan County: twenty flags in nod fi<» in Mildred and more to be raised put us way ahead. The Band gave a street concert Saturday evening. The boys furnish ed lots of good music and we would suggest that they come out every Saturday evening and liven up the old town. The boxing carnival in the K. of L. hall Saturday night was a grand success. The preliminary bout be tween W« Kelliher and N. Cunning ham, two local boxers, was fast and devoid of anything that looked like science. After four rounds of terrific slugging it was declared a draw. Kelliher should have gotten the de cision. The principals of the main bout were slow in putting in their appearance. McGeever was first in the ring. He was followed a few moments later by Travis. When stripped, McGeever looked a great deal the heavier man. Although it was claimed that he was only nine pounds heavier than Travis, 8 ounce gloves were used. The first 3 rounds were a pretty exhibition of scientific boxing, honors being about even.. Both men seemed confident. In th<* 4th McGeever started into do hx' s man, and Travis clinched repeatedly to save himself. This round was McGeever's. The sth was an exhi bition of scientificsluggling. Travis showed great gameness and Ability to stand punishment. In the/, <;th ftn d last round McGeever lai t <led hard and often, hitting Travi s, w hen and where he pleased. Tra v i s saved him self from a knockou t by clinching. He clinched 14 tinges in this round. When time was c a iied he held to the ropes for Referee Shannon of Athens gave McGeever the decis ion, but at thf. request of both boxers he changed i,,t an( j called the bout a draw. Muncy Valley. Mr. Magargel is the proud father of a new baby girJ. Vuss Kitchen of Hughesville is "Pending a few days in town. / Miss Alice Starr of Hughesville, /was visiting Mrs. Frank Magargel r over Sunday. Curtis Stroup wears a big smile now; they say it's a boy. The North Branch seems to be full of trains now, since the extra I is oil J. P. Miller has purchased a new : COlt. Mrs. James Morau Is visiting her parents for a few weeks, at Blng hamton, N. Y. !• Adjourned Court Proceedings. Court met on June 25, 1898, pur suant to adjournment, Hon. E. M. Dunham, presiding, and Associate Judges Line and Kraus also on the Beneh; and the following matters were heard: hire: Private sale of the real estate of Arthur Wanck deed. Bond for private sale as petitioned for, filed and approved. Deed of Eva Wanek, guardian to Alena J. and Marscela A. Streby, acknowledged in open court. Jeremiah D. Davidson vs Mary Davidson. Subpoena in divorce awarded on petition. Frank Davidson vs Jessie David son; same. On petition of Boro. Council the Court appointed John Minnier as High Constable of Laporte Boro. to fill vacancy. J. M. Osier vs Harry Chilson and Jessie Chilson. Rule in this case discharged so far as it applies to goods levied upon and not claimed by Lydia Chilson, and the Sheriff is directed to proceed to sell the same upon the writ now in his hands. On petition, the Court appointed Joel li. Molyneux and Win. Bird overseers of poor of Forks twp. In re: Estate of Edward Sharp deed. Rule granted on Wm. Sharp executor, to show cause why an at tachment shall not issue. Returna ble at next term. J. Wm. Moron vs .Julia M. I'al matier. Rule to strike oft' judgment. Argued and C. A. V. J. M. Osier vs Harry and Jessie Chilson. Rule for an issue on inter pleader proceedings. Argued and C. A. V.(The bond filed by Lydia Chilson the claimant in this case was not approved by the Court.) The Borough of Dushore School District vs C.S. Reitnwyer, collector, el a(. Rule to show cause why 'judgment shall not be entered. Ar gued and C. A. V. Court adjourned at 5:15 p. m. Base Ball. An amusing game of base ball was played on the Laporte diamond Sat urday, between the home team and Lopez's cracked nine. To tell the story briefly the local team had a bad day of it while Jjopea played right from the shoulder. They bat ted like fiends and the feet of the local players who merely chased the ball, felt like those of a recruit who had drilled steadily tII day after the agony was over. Not being present it is impossible for us togo into details a'iul tell how the 16 to 1 scores were made, even had we been present, the attempt would be futile, as Mark .Twain only, of all living humorists could write it as it should IH» written. The score card showed no tftar plays nor even any good onefc'. There were errors and iniss liaips in profusion. This however c«ln be attributed to lack of practice. .The score Itself furnishes substantial proof that base ball is a science, and that off men are not scientists. The score: 38 to 7, favoring Lopez. Lincoln Falls. Haying is the order of the day I Roger Bro's. mill is nearly com pleted. Joshua Cott and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a girl baby. Mr. Peter McCoy of Nebraska after spending a few days at this place has returned home. Dr. H. N. Osier and family of Du shore visited at J.M. Osier Satur day. There will be an old fashion cele bration held in A.T. Muluix's grove at the head of the renowned Lincoln Falls under the auspices of Estella Sunday School. All kinds of refresh ments will be served on the grounds, Rev. M. S. lilair of Beech Creek, will deliver the oration assisted by E.E. Manley of Howard, and F. E. Spooner. Music to enlighten the day will be furnished by the Hills grove cornet band. ltoast sheep and chicken will be a part of the repast. Come one, come all and eiyoy the gala day of 4th of July. 1.25 Per* Year Number 9. E»t«n». Fine weather now with every pros pects of good crops. JflssttGeorgie Webster unit Alloc More of Jakersville were visiting friends in this vicinity Sunday. William Maguire and George ■ Wheatley have each purchased a J new bicycle. I Olive Bohn of Dushore who has been visiting friends here for the past week left for home Friday. Joseph Fawcett and Rev.S. F. Frazier who have been repairing and preparing the church,have their work nearly completed, they are first class workmen. The Christian Church of this place will give a picnic at Lincoln Falls July 4th, the Hillsgrove cornet band will be in attendance. C.J. Fuller has the finest potatoes in town. W.H. Webster who has been at Sugar Run for the pa.->t few months has returned and will engage in the wagonmaking business in C. J. Fuller's shop. Ellsworth Fawcett of Campbell ville is painting Rowland Kaye's house. J.J. Webster bad a valuable sheep killed by dogs last week, it is a pity that some of the worthless curs in this vicinity were not killed. C. Is. Whitely lias purchased a fine surrey. Sonestown E. J. Lock wood was a visitor to Hughesville on Tuesday. Mrs. Willis Snyder of Laporte \\ a the guest of Mrs. Chas. Starr on Fri day and Saturday. Editor Wing of the NKWH IT KM was in town last week. Prof. L. L. Ford and wife, well known over the county, came up on the train on Tuesday evening. That train is an extra and goes no farther than Sonestown, hence, Prof. Ford was reduced to the necessity of finding another conveyance in order to proceed to his destination. A large number ofour people saw the Children's Day service at Nord niont. Those present were: Hew E. 15. Dunn, Wm. Miller, George Ha/.en, Thos. Houseknecht, J. 11. Buck anil family, Misses Myrtle Edgar, Rita Armstrong, Pearl House knecht, Mabel Ha/en, Messrs. John Miller, Harry Kepler, Al Starr, A. Anderson. The festival held on Saturday evening for theE.Y. minister, clear ed about #37. Mrs. A. Edgar was in William s|M>rt last Saturday. Misses Esther Dunn and Julia Kaier of Dushore spent Sunday in town. Spence Starr is home from Blooms burg Normal. Joseph Mencer wheeled from Eagles Mere on Sunday. Ed. Hazen and Dawson Hall took a bicycle trip to Hughesville Sunday Wonder why Jesse walked home from Hemlock ? Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Resh drove up from the Valley mi Monday evening. They were accompanied by Mrs. Resli's aunt, from Carlisle. A jolly fishing party went to Eag les Mere on Tuesday noon train re | turning on the H o'clock. They captured suntish and catfish and lunched in the car before returning. Those making up the party : Misses Anna and Leah Hazen, Ada Hall, Maud Starr, Myrtle Edgar, Messr*. Walter Hazen, W. C. and AI Starr. Straw Bridge. Childrens day at Roek Run was a grand success. Mr. Brady Edkiii made a busi ness trip to Hughesvllle last Satur da.v. Prof. Samuel Riddle of Dushore was a caller at Cednr 112 J rove Mondsy last. Mr. Soud II aw ley is making quite a lengthy visit at Mr. William Rine's. James Meyers of Strawbridge is getting along very niee with his bark job. Mr. Ed Schanbaeher of Forksville visited friends (or rather lady friend > at Pleasant Valley last Sunday. How is it Lew? Mrs. Anna Straw of Mount Vernon was a caller at W. M. Edkin'a Mon day.