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Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 1 Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING Company, Chaa. P. BUlamboa, AgdltS. D. B. liorab. o SONESTOWN I>A ; FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHORE, PEN'NA. •50.000. CAPITAL - 810.000. BUBPIiUB - * F. B. POMERO\, Cashier. President. _ LA.PORTE, PA. K. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all »'ours. Oystere and game in season. Bar supplied with provided. LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. OOLEMAN, MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. o. W. MYEBS. PROPRIETOR. A hotel of established reputation. Strictly flmt class in all of Its aproiutmw.u. Bar well supplied with the best COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop LAPORTE PA. This large and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry in this 880 HOTEL PORTER Canton Street, - SHUNK, PA. W. E. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEP E, Proprietor. DUSHORE, PA. . On.of the largest and best equipped hotels in this section o< the stale. Table of the beat. Rates 1.00 dollar per day. Large atublei. Professional Cards. T# J. & F. H. INGHAM, AIT0B»B*8-* T ' LAW ' Legal business attended to in this and adjoining oounties PA. LAPORTE, CTmuoen. Attomey-at-Law. LAPORTE. PA. Office lu Court House Building. yyjvTpTsHO EM AK E R, Atto rnay-at- La w. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. «js?sraßf was™ nssnSiS! prompt attention. k J. BRADLEY, ATTOBBBT-AT-LAW, orrica i» coußtr BUILDIHO NBABCOUBT BOUSB. LAPORTE, 1A Monday oi each week at Forkeville. EUery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM& NEWITT, A*tORSBTB->AT«LAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United states Ailtomey, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, A*TOBBBT»A*»LAW: OFFICE IB RUBLLC BCILOINO COURT BOUSB SQUABK. LAPORTE, PA J H. CRONIN, A**OBBBT»AT -LAW, BOTABT PUBLIC. orricß on NAN BTBBBT. DO SHORE, PA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. p Custom work solicited. All wo guaranteed. r' o. W. BENNETT, Pre To Van Caastlpatto* ror»»«. ( ( 3 Take Caaeareta Candy Cathartic. 10# <j 'ri It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggist* rcfuudm </. ■daaata *oar Bowela With CM aw *ss? mtiisissesmt», - 'fli > STOP YER KICKIH'. ✓ / Skirmish 'round and grab the dimes \ J rfifcs- »n r « "wcsss* s " ,ki " S Doirt Hit 'round with hangin' lip ; **** V That is sure to floor you- J Try to ffit a better grip YES, STOP YER KICKIN'. THIS J S On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN 1 HAS GOT TO 112 \ Put some ginger in yer words HE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. \ Q When you greet a neighbor; GOTO THE OLD RELIABLE! 1 > Throw your troubles to the birds, \ L ("Jit right down to labor, YOU MKEDASDBE HAPPV J j An'you'll notice ev'ry day i i I i Things is comin' right yourway. II J ? UETTENBIW, S r DUSHORE, PA. THE MVELER. N (7aW Tl* Waylay 4 W The Vieapest Place lit T : thofcounty to Buy i f)dfdW&t]i tap S5 lels ' S4O Wheels High |l| Large tulM 112 Large tubing, Grade Flusl/S§s, I / Flush joints, Fully Hfl Wood rjKlf 112 Reversible Ugl SincrJf I tire, J Handlebars, QUar- & DetatMprocket liPieco^nkhang . . Sflmfc iT if ers, Hiwft saddle, anteed Jy Single/übe tire, etc. BICYCLE REPA«|and SUNDRIES ~ , c ,,,„ . a Jßs3®k*. Brakes, Poddies, Cran«. Hpokej, Rims. Tire*, New and Complete Mf ntof all Stapl 7 Goods in the ...... ...... j! . ... • froullry Netting, Milk runs, I'atle, Uardeu Tools, Paints such as Barbed \\ ire Jf ' y PLASTICO /ruie. All kinds of Tin Work and Spouting done by competent and heavy " or Five us a call whenever in need of Hardware (S«s Hardware. _____ DUSHORE, PA. n Rogers & son.. PA. SPRINf* 0F NEW Silßid Dress Goods Allow 11 M'^M SC ' 3 Sh ° rt d ' SC l uisition 00 theSe im M rf^B c ts of woman's dress. It's just the J/ierybody is looking after nicest dresses. fa 'BF v in g ' arge assortment l/J# rappers > |H the coming warm weather>hich will soon be here. SMists, from the low priced ones to the silk. JMaple. and Fancy Goods. mf* and Dimeties. ij Hn Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given v*/ A big line/complete in every », s B^ r " BOOTS and SHOES. , Wplete than ever before. » ft id for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, JUUL 14, 1898. Bernice Echoes. Miss Hanipson of Dubois, was the i guest of Mrs. Harry Hampson last ' week. Simon Fromburger lias removed his family from New York City to Mildred. Mrs. Jackson of Ithioa, N. Y., is the guest of her son C. E. Jackson,! the popular landlord of Mildred. | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baumgart ner of Wilkes Barrc, is the guest of Mrs. Baumgartner's parents, Mr.and Mrs. John Walters of this place. Miss Minney Bentley, who has been visiting at this place, returned to her home in Towanda last week. Miss Madonia Lingley of New- York City, is visiting her grand par ents Mr. and Mrs. Patrick MeGeover of this place. Mr. and Mrs. U. O irian and son of Mansfield, visited iviends at this place last week. Jame West and fami.y of Arnot were the guest of Mr. am. Mrs. C.B. Watson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kxley of Lopez visited friend* here week. A number from here took 111 the A. O. 11. excision to Harveys Lake July Fourth. Miss Mame Hall of Towanda, is visiting at her uncle <i. E. Kirken iall of this place. Mrs. John Brogan and children of Sayre, visited friends and relatives if this place, last week. \ The Bernice Cornet* Bant I played \t New Albany July 4tli. Mrs. J. S. Taylor, who has been j dek for a number of weeks is con valescing. Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey are visiting friends in Fifishire, Scot land. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, who have been residents of this place for' •x number of years, have returned to their native land, Scotland, where I they will make their future home. Mrs. John Ryan of Arnot is visit ing friends at this place. Miss Flora Thurston who is attend ing the State Normal at Mansfield, is spending her summer vacation with ier parents Mr. and Mrs.Lewis Thurston of this place. Misses Anna Dunfee and Mary Ryan of Towanda, are visiting friends in the old town. ' Messrs. Sohn Kelley and Thomas Long of Patterson, N. J., visited friends here last week. The Red Men's picnic at this place July 4th was a grand success. Dar ling's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" band furnished the music. The parade ivas the best seen in this town for pears. The dance in the K. of L. iiall in the evening was a grand mccess and old Sol found the young [>eoplc still swinging the little fan tastic toe when he arrived at this | station in the morning. Editor Streby of the Gazette passed through town Thursday. Friend GSeorge 1 oks good and is still full of jood nature and questions about current events. Long life to him. Mrs. Q. E. Dougherty and son are visiting friends in Buffalo. Master Edward and Miss Mary Middendorf of Wyalusing are visit ing friends at this place. William Johnson of lleynolds ville, who has been appointed mine foreman at the new mines, moved his family to his new house in Mil dred last week. Rev. W. B. Cox of Berwick, preached in the I. O. O. F. hall Sun day evening. Rev. Cox is a very forcible speaker and did justice to his text. Thomas Fitzgerald, who has been station agent for the L. V. R. R. at this place, has accepted the position of clerk for the S. L. & S. R. R. Co. made vacant by the death of James Qilligan. Mr. George Forrest of Dushore has been appointed as L. V. station agent at this place. The new Culm Serene will be ready for business the last of this week. The Bernice Cornet; Band serenad ed Rev. J. C. Campbell Saturday evening. Darling's Uncle Tom's Cabin Com pany exhibited to a large umliencc at Mildred, July 2. LAPORTE NORMAL SCHOOL. Successfully Opened Last Wednesday. | Gratifying Attendance of Students, The LaPorte Normal School open ed last Wednesday for a term of six weeks. The session promises to be a very pleasant and profitable one for the students, about fifty of whom are already enrolled with others arriving daily. The faculty is an unusually strong one, consisting of teachers who are specialists in their several depart ments. The course of study is both broad and practical and gives our teachers and advanced students splendid opportunities for training Principals Moyer and Stradling are certainly to be congrat ulated for having planned flic work of the school with such care and jn*e cision. The exercises mnVtal off smoothly from the start. Many improvements Ave manifest in flic arrangement of the class rooms. Both upper rooms are now fully supplied with first-class school furniture, and the folding partition has been so arranged that it may be raised and both rooms united to form a large session room for open ing exercises. A full supply of books and stationery enable students to provide themselves readily with the necessary appliances for their Work. Much attention is given to the training of teachers and students who expect to become teachers, and classes in school management, meth ods of teaching, psychology and history of education have a promi nent place ou the daily program. The Normal School will prove a great help to the cause of education in this county, and our teachers and young people generally are to be congratulated that such marked advantages are theirs to enjoy. Death of Mrs, Dorson Speary. Mrs. Liberty Speary, -vitV of Dor son M. Speary, died Saturday, July 2, at her home near Xordmont, from tumor and paralysis, at the age of .">1 years, t» months and 17 days. From her long residence in Xord mont, her genial disposition antt her many acts of kindness, she had won hosts of warm friends who will deep ly mourn her loss. She ;> ,d her husband were alw ays among the first to visit the sick and ai'* ri their care, but the hand of dt/, stole in and sundered the tjes / . ind Mr. Speary will have the u'pest sympathy of his friends in his i.sreavement. The strange feature of her sickness is in the fact that she subsisted forty-six days without food and yet did not hunger. She was a loving wife, a tender mother and patient through all her sickness to the end. Funeral was held on July Ith, which was largely attended. Rev. Resh of Muncy Valley officiated. She is survived by her husband and daughter Mrs. Endora J. Sick. John B. Clarke. Friday Night at the Court House. The Normal School lecture course opens tomorrow evening when John R. Clarke of Buffalo the w ell known entertainer lectures in the- court house. Mr. Clarke ranks as one of the leading humorous lecturers of the | day and should* >e greeted by a full house. • The managersW' the school have been very fortunate in securing a man of national reputation on the platform for the opening attraction. No stronger selection could have been made and an evening of rare pleasure may be expected. "The Opera Flouse Lecture Course is in its third notch. Everybody has been pleased so far. Dowling was good. Jahu Miller was very good, and now comes John K.Clarke, that whirlwind of a talker, that bliz zard of an orator, who hurls poetry, fiction, art, prophesy, morals, fun, in such avalanche of eloquence upon his audience as to make them forget the speaker and the subject, and re member only the meteor that flashes across their sky. Everybody will remember John R. Clarke. There is no such lecturer now upon the platform."— City Kep ub/ieaii. LaPorte Mountain Bummer School Open ed For a Six Week's Term. Prof. L. L. Ford on Tuesday opened his school with a select corps of teachers in charge of various de partments which will make it both profitable and pleasant for its stu dents. 1.25 P er - Year Hobson Frea Now. The Spanish authorities consented to exchange liohson ami his men and a truce was established for that purpose. The place selected for the exchange was under a tree between the American and Spanish lines two thirds of a mile beyond the intrench ments occupied by Colonel Wood's rough riders, near General Wheeler's headquarters and in the center of the American lines. The prisoners were conducted to the meeting place on foot, but were not blindfolded. Cervera's Ruin. Spain Witout a Navy. Admiral Cervera's fleet lies today at the bottom of the Caribbean sen off the southern coast of Cuba. The Spanish admiral is a prisoner of war including l,"iO() other Spanish officers and sailors, all who escaped the carnage caused by the shells fr< 'n the American warships, are held as priseners of war. The Spaniards, when they found they would be permitted to live, adapted j themselves comfortably to the situa tion, rolled their cigarettes and be gan playing cards among themselves. The American victory is complete. I The American vessels were practical ly untouched, and only one man wa* killed, though the ships were sub jected to a heavy fire from the Spaniards nil the time the battle lasted. In the face of overwhelming odds Admiral Cervara made as gallant a dash for liberty and for the preser vation of his ships as has ever occur red in the history of n&'val warfare. There was nothing before him but inevitable destruction or surrender if he remained any longer in the trap in which the American fleet held him, and he made the attempt to est:- - from the harbor at the ti>' .ne Americans least expected liiui to do so, lighting every inch of his way even when his ship was ablaze and sinßing. None applaud his conduct more than the officer and seamen who sent his ships to destruction. Monday's Attack on Santiago. Siboney, July 12.—A concerted l movement was made by the United Stab's army and navy, against the city of Santiago de Cuba, during the past twenty-four hours, which the American officers here believe will almost result in the almost immedi ate fall of the city. Notwithstanding the fact that our ships had to fire at an extreme ele vation and although the range was nearly live miles, the aim was so accurate that many of the shells fell into the city and set tire to it in four places. During the bombardment from the sea, the army extended its lines and drew closer to the city, so that at noon to-d ty every road and trail leading out of the city was guarded and the escape of the Spanish soldiers .seemed impossible. A movement was made to cut off their retreat and a land bombardment began. Ot'it Vot.rxTßjsps. Messrs. Arthur Miner and Delroy Jleim in company with Hern ley Fieste, who was attended Normal School at this place, left for Towanda on Mon day where they joined a company of privates who left for Chickamagua 011 Tuesday. Another Fourth of July is past and goes down to history together with its exceedingly big and noisy celebration. Laporte, however, was somewhat quiet, in point of fact that the successful celebrations at Lopez and Sonestown attracted the entire population of pleasure At Lopez the base ball team met another defeat at the hands of Lo pez's celebrated nine. Hon. Henry Houek Coming. Our people will be delighted to learn that Hon. Henry Houck, Dop uty Superintendent of Public instruc tion, has been secured to deliver the second lecture in the Normal School course on Tuesday evening, July 2(1. No man is more popular in Penn sylvania than Dr. Houck, and his ability to entertain an audience is recognized everywhere. He will re ceive a warm welcome. Number <0