OCR Interpretation

Republican news item. [volume] (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, July 14, 1898, Image 3

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FULLY a mile and a
quarter north of
the Court House
on Franklin street,
* n a s r ° ve °' Fi° r *
Ihtfflri ida pines, lies the
liJJjpScamp of the United
yiMp/ vf\y States forc « s i n
The Northerner reaching Tampa at
night now can hardly realize that he
left New York or Washington so short
a time before. The real color of this
first impression is given by the brown
faced, roughly clothed troops, who
tramp up and down, and gossip in the
doorways—men who show in their
faces the grit and daring that have
led to victory since Cfcsar's time, and
in their bodies the endurance of
Indians and the strength of a 'Var
sity rush-line. At first the careless
ness of their attire creates an unfa
vorable impression. Half of them
parade the streets in their shirts.
Every man seems to have au individ
ual way of wearing his hat. Some
stick tne top straight up, others jam
it flat, and the rest. wear it as sane
people always thought it should be
worn. Their leggings are of un
dressed leather, neat and serviceable.
For the most part their chins are
covered with the fuzzy beginnings of
campaign beards.
Electric cars run from the camp.
Once on the camping-ground the visi
tor finds the soft shade of the pines
in place of the white glare of the
open he has left. He sees the new
PK r a g - Jorgensen
t rifle s stacked
■ down the com
pany streets, and
the ammunition
belts, each carry
ing two hundred
cartridges, hung
over them. The
new bayonet is a
knife-liue weapon
several inches
SHOWERY WEATHER, shorter than those
of the old triangular form, and fur
nished with a haft.
Most of the men, when at leisure, go
into town, the others lounge in their
tents, reading and talking. A reason
able amount of good-natured horse
play is seen among them. Among the
men nothing but words of praise are
to be heard for their officers, and
among the officers nothing but good
things of their men.
The officers know ( ( 1•>
that in battle the Mi,
troops under them
will do as they are ,7,'
ordered, to the let- J I *jj
ter; and the men Ju
know that they will tilJw
be told to do the -- -IkJl'-if
right thing at the
Outside fatigue
duties, their regu- AFTER THE RAIN.
Jar routine consists of drill at sis in
the morning, half an hour's march in
full kit at noon, and "guard mount"
in the evoning, followed by "retreat."
At all times of the day troop-trains
with artillery-men, and pack-trains
with their guns and horses, pass
through Tampa on their way to Port
Tampa; white and colored fly through,
followed by cheers and blessings.
Then the last car swings out of sight,
and we know that in hfllf an hour an
other battery will be under canvas in
tho neighboring camp, and that an
other pawn is moved to help in the
checkmating of Spain.
In the camp there is drill every
morning nt seven; regimental drill and
brigade drill. As an instance of how
regiments are scattered among the
cramped army posts of the United
States, it is to be noted that many offi
cers have now seen regimental drill
for the first time. Brigade drill is a
still greater novelty. After morning
drill the men are allowed and expected
to loaf. In this hot weather loafing
is, in fact, a part of the regimen. The
camps look like very sleepy places by
noonday, though all as they should be.
On Sundays there is still greater re
laxation. Many goto the long rail
way piles and
docks at Port
. /M Tampa, where a
/II breeze may be
/W if waited for
One excursion
*' 9 Batter y
'Point, on the
" other shore of
■CAMP FORAOERB CAP- the stubby pen
tcss A PP.IZI. insula which
supports Port Tampa. In the fore
ground is the high hulk of a vessel
left to strand there several years ago
under yellow fever quarantine, and
since used for storage purposes by a
phosphate company. The vessel is
or was the Osceola, of Buenos Ayres.
Blue-shirted soldiers fishing for suck
ers and occasional pompano from her
rotting decks or stripping and swim
ming in the shade of her uplifted bilge
are among the exotic sights in Tampa
these days.
The camp of a regiment is laid out
like a little village and is a model of
neatness and order. Not a scrap of
paper or vestige of debris of any sort
is seen through its length and breadth.
and the men who "police," or clean,
go over the field as a New England
housewife picks threads from her car
pet. AU the work of this sort in a
regiment is done by its prisoners—
men who are under short arrest for
misdemeanors or for some breach of
military regulations; and, clad in
brown, they go about in detachments
of two or three under guard of a sen
try, who bears a loaded rifle and who
is responsible for the prisoners he is
in charge of.
When a regiment is going into camp
the busiest and most harassed person
in it is the qnartermaster. He it is
who has charge of all camp equipage
and who is responsible for the trans
portation of it Also he must stand
ready to supply any deficiency, from
feed for horses or mules to a coat for
some private who is suddenly minus
his; and he and the commissary ser
geant, his right hand man, think not
of themselves until the regiment is in-
stalled under cover. Eaoh officer car
ries his own camp outfit—tent, blan
kets and mees cheat—and sees to it
before he leaves garrison. There his
responsibility practically ceases and
falls upon the shoulder of his"stryker"
—not a socialist, but a servant pro
vided an officer by army regulations.
The is a sort of general facto
tum, and is usually a man from the
officer's own company or troop. He
is a jack of all trades, and good at
them, too; and when the regiment
reaches camp he makes at once for his
own particular officer and looks after
him. It is the stryker who pitches
the tent and unpacks what luggage his
superior may have after he has first
extracted it from the pile of regiment
al impedimenta. He fetches water
and puts the towels by the hand ba
sin, and sometimes he even builds a
In the meantime, while officers'
tents are going v up, those for the com
panies are being pitched with perfect
order, and in an inoredibly short time
are taut and fast. They are laid out
in sets of two lines on what are called
the "nojimanv Htrant.a " and dav and
night ore patrolled by sentries who
have two hoars on and four off alter
nately. Near the company street are
the kitchens—the tents where the
''grab" is cooked for the men, and for
the officers as well, who have theirß
served in the "mess tent," where two
or three have gathered together to
be served as one set instead of eating
separately. Not only do the offioers
thns have cne another's society, bat
dabbing together cats down expenses,
for whatever an officer has in mess
outside of the commissary provision
he pays for from his own pocket.
There are always several "messea"
(the work strikes civilian ears most
unpleasantly) through the regiment,
and those officers who are known to
be bons viveurs under all conditions
are eagerly besought to take into
theirs those who are not so expert in
providing the goods of life even when
they have the money and inclination.
The offioers' "line" is always a little
away from the men's tents, which are
under the immediate charge of the
first seargeant and corporals of each
company, and at the top of the "line"
is "headquarters," where the colonel
and his staff are established.
The men in camp usually smuggle
in some kind of a pet or "mascot,"
which is not always left behind when
the order comes to move, unless it
may be into action.
The Sailor*' Hen Coop.
A sailorman is fond of pets, but a
ship is no place for animal life. How
ever, there nre few ships, sail or
steam, that do not carry out of port a
coop of hens and a rooster. These
seem to be for company, or associa
tion, or something of that sort, for the
oldest mariner never heard of one of
the hens being killed for the mess,
and a hen at sea absolutely refuses to
lay eggs, and small blame to them.
The hen coop is generally placed on
the forward deck, near the fo'c'sle, in
which the sailors live. They have a
box of sand in which to roll and are
made as comfortable as possible. Af
ter one or two'voyages the hens be
come excellent eailors, and it is a
queer sight to see them balauce them
selves on their sea-legs when the ship
tosses and rolls.
When the ship is in dock the fowls
are always driven into their coop and
kept there until the ship is at sea,
when they are released and given the
freedom of the deck. At night they
seek the shelter of their coop of their
own accord.—Kansas City (Mo.) Star.
A Itunuway Star.
There is in the constellation of the
Great Bear a famous little star which
has been called a "runawoy," because
of the extraordinary speed with which
it is moving. But it is so far away
that the effect of its motion can only
be Loted by careful astronomical ob
servations. Professor Simon New
comb has said of this star, which
bears the name "1830 Oroombridge,"
that the united attractions of the en
tire known universe could not have
set it going with such velocity and
would be unable to arrest it. Now
Professor Kapteyn announces tho dis
covery of a telescopic star in the
southern hemisphere, in the constella
tion Pictor, which appear to be mov
ing considerably faster yet. What
its real velocity is, however, can only
be told when its distance is known.—
San Francisco Chronicle.
ElMtlc Shoestrings.
Our English cousins have added a
great convenience to the toilet in the
form of elastic shoestrings, elastic cor-'
sot laoes and other similiar articles.
They are far superior to the old styles
of elastic cords, which are made both
there and here. They are remarkably
strong and durable, and give a play to
the muscles and joints, which prevents
stiffness and discomforts. For low
shoes they are simply delightful, as
they enable one to have a laced shoe,
which is the neatest and trimmest of
all footwear, and at the same time to
have the give and yielding quality
which is the chief charm of elastic
gaiters.—Sau Francisco Chronicle.
How the Publisher Made One Illustration
Answer For Four Chapters of the Novel.
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"Projected by her father's
boot Claud pitched headfirst ss?
down the stairs and through ; 2 §
c the portieres." 5 S
—Rrnnl-lun T.|f«
Public Sentiment in Portugal Constats
Chiefly of Detestation of Their Next
Door Neighbors The 111-Peeling Is
Kept Alive Principally by the Women.
"I was astounded when I saw that
bulletin about Portugal hesitating to
turn the Spinish fleet away from the
Cape Yerde Islands," said a cosmo
politan looker-on ia New York to a
Sun man. "What struck me as so
impossible about it was the hint of an
alliance between Spain and Portugal.
"Why, I have lived in Portugal and
mixed with the people, and I know
that they could stand almost anything
better than that. Portuguese senti
ment—the sentiment-of the people at
large, of 'Antonio e Maria'—consists
chiefly of hatred to the Spaniards.
They may be indifferent about other
matters, or divided iu feeling. Some
of them are Miguelistas, or Legiti
mists, some are heartily attached to
the actual dynasty; mauy in the cities
—most of all in Lisbon—are republi
cans, but the one unifying sentiment
of the people is the anti-Spanish sen
"When you come to consider what
their history has beon I don't see how
they could have been otherwise. They
have altogether five great national
heroes, Dom Enrique, who was pio
neer of all European exploration in the
Atlantic; Vasco da Guma, Dom Sebas
tian, "the Faithful Prince," who is
the centre of various poetical legends;
Dom Joao, and Gil Eannes Pereira.
It is safe to say that most of the plain
people of the whole country know lit
tle or nothing of the first two of these
beyond their names. As for the Faith
ful Prince, mauy of them, probably,
are not quite sure whether he was a
real historical personage or only
mythical. But every Portuguese
'lavrador,' from the Minho to St. Vin
cent, knows Dora Joao, who in. 1385
drove the Spaniards all the way from
Aljubarrota, in Portugal, to Burgos,
in the middle of Spain,and Gil Eannes,
who bent them nt Valverde in the
same year. Those two are the Bruce
aud the Wallace of the Portuguese,
but there is this difference between
the Scottish and the Portuguese hero
worship, that the one is a mere mat
ter of historical pride, while the other
is part of a living, active, political
"The fact is that since she lost
Brazil and fell into a state of general
decline the people of Portugal have
become intensely retrospective. They
nourish their pride on national memo
ries, aud the fundamental national fact
for them is their independence of
Spain. They began to be a nation
when they broke loose from the king
dom of Castile and Leon in the
eleventh century, and ever since then,
except for a couple of generations iu
the sixteenth aud seventeenth centur
ies, they have existed as a nation
under the continual threat of absorp
tion into Spain. The honse of
Braganza stands to the Portuguese
people for no good thing but the re
volt of 1640, by which their couutry
was redeemed into independence. And
the people feel that the price of inde
pendence is perpetual hatred of Span
iards. We can understand the feeling
only by imagining what it would have
beeu in onr country if the original
thirteen states had been collectively
much smaller than Great Britain and
separated geographically from that
couutry only l>y a line on the map.
"Nobody who has lived in Portugal
can fail to have noticed the signs of
this undying hatred on all hands. Do
you know, for instance, the true mean
ing of the saying. 'A bad Spaniard
makes a good Portuguese?' Of course,
there is the Spanish interpretation,
which is the obvious one. But there
is also the deeper Portuguese inter
pretation, aud that is, that any bad
friead to Spain is by that very fact a
good frieud to Portugal.
"You can see evidences of the feel
ing, too, in the very language of Por
tugal, which its speakers seem to have
purposely developed iu such a way as
to make it as unlike Spanish as pos
sible. Written, it looks like Spanish,
but spoken it sounds much more like
Polish or Czech. It is a curious fact
that no self-respecting Portuguese
woman wouid be seen wearing a man
tilla, for the mantilla is the Spanish
woman's headgear. And during the
last reign it used to be remarked iu
Lisbon that only two ladies there ever
smoked, the queen, Maria Pia, mother
of the present kiug—an Italian—aud
the Duchess of Palmella—this, again,
because the habit of smoking had long
been distinctive of the Spanish among
all other womaukiud.
"I believe thin anti-Spanish feeling
has been kept alive all these centuries
very largely through the perseverance
of the Portuguese women. Perhaps
they remember that it was a woman
who cast the die for the anti-Spanish
re volt, in 1640 by pronouncing the mem
orable sentence, 'As for me, I would
rather have death as Queen of Por
tugal than a long life as Duchess
of Braganza'—although.it is true, that
woman was a Spaniard.
"Once I a*ked a Portuguese girl if
she really hated all Spaniards. She
said of conrse she did. I reminded
her that the Christian religion com
manded us to love all men. 'Yes,'
she said, 'but that was a long time
ago, before theie were any Span
iards. '"
His Gentle Urlef.
Ella—l see that Bella got married
yesterday. I wonder why she had
such a quiet wedding.
Stella—lt was on account of a recent
death in the family of the man she
Ella—Who died?
Stella—His first wife.—Town Top.
. vj.
Juan A ratio Chosen to Raise the Flat of
the Republic Over llavapa.
In Tampa, Fla., lives a Cuban,
nearly ninety years of age, who was
the first man to shed his bloou in the
field for the freedom of his country
when the first uprising against Spain
took place in 1850. His name is Juan
--* »•
e •
°o • -
Arnao, and he is respected by all
Cubans as the oldest of their patriots.
He played a prominent part in all the
previous revolts against the Spanish
rule in Cuba. Now he has been
selected to raise the Cuban flag over
Havana when the new Government of
Caba is established after the downfall
of the Spaniards.
In epite of his age he is full of pa
triotism and eager togo to the front.
He walks erect, with a firm tread. At
Ibor City, the suburb, where his
house is, he is the most popular of all
the residents.
It was in 1843 that he first con
spired against the Spanish Government
in an anti-slavery movement. He
was prosecuted and imprisoned. In
1848 he conspired again with General
Narciso Lopez, and was the control
ling spirit of an uprising which was
attempted in that year at the city of
Matanzas. On May 19, 1850, Lopez
attacked and seized, with a handful of
Americans, the city of Cardenas.
Arnao was the only conspirator in the
island w ho gathered a body of patriots
to help him. But Lopez suddenly de
parted, and Arnao had to dismiss his
' men.
On August 12, 1851, he took the
! Seld once more with Lopez, and nar
! rowly escaped death upon the defeat
of the patriots. He conspired again
iu 1852, in 1855, and loaded with
ohains was sent to Spain by the Cap
tain-General. Escaping from his
Spanish prison, he arrived at New
York in 1860 to assist in the prepara
tions for the war of 1868. During
the ten years' war he took to Cuba
several expeditions, and when the
peace of Zanjon was signed in 1878 he
protested against it and was engaged
in riot against Spain until the revolu
tion of 1895 broke out. Then, on ac
count of his advanced age, the Cubans
refused to let him take an active part
in the war.
Juan Arnao says he is the happiest
man on earth because God has permit
ted him to see the realization of the
hope of all his life. Ho says to all
the young Cubans:
"My children, we have won, be
cause this great and noble nation has
interfered in our favor. Now let ua
prove when peace reigns in Cuba that
we deserve the friendship and protec
tion of the American people. We
have been brave; now we must bo
The Art of Teutlne.
Soldiers made rheumatics for life
by your tentless first night in camp,
look on this picture, and admit that
the English do these things better.
Here is a one night's camp. Having
decided to stop on the banks of the
Abara River, in the Soudan, Tommy
Atkins and his officers lost no time in
building their white city. A part was
built of stone and brush. A canvas
town was up "whilfr they waited." The
preparations for defence and for shel
ter were made with the skill and swift
ness of -men who are accustomed to a
life on the march.
Of conrse, the American militiamen
woald not greatly care for the experi
ence which gives the English soldier
his speed as a camp constructor, bat
it is safe to say that there were some
thousand men in the various camps
throughout May who wished that
they had some training in the art of
being comfortable in a damp plaiu on
a chilly day.
Instantly Killed by a Hose Stream.]
Thomas H. Hobson, while piping at
the Horseshoe Bar Mine, on the
American ltiver, below Michigan
Bluff, Cal., lost control of the monitor
and was thrown some distance. He
attempted to rise, and the stream of
water struck him in the back, killing
him instantly.
The average amount of sickness in
human life is nina days out of the
It is a noteworthy fact that sheep
thrive best in a pasture infested with
moles. This is because of the bettei
drainage of the land.
The discovery has been made at Mc-
Gill university that metal filings of
any kind can be compressed into bars
which will stand as severe tests as the
original bars which supplied the fil
A case of disease of the jaw bones
due to inhaling phosphorus vapor from
matches has been reported by a French
physician. The patient frequently
used more than 100 matches a day iu
lighting and relighting the cigars he
Electric transmission of water power
is now in operation in over 200 places
in the United States, according to Mr.
William Baxter, Jr. The horse power
transmitted ranges from less than 100
to 12,000, the distance, from one mile
to thirty-five.
To determine the effect of the va
pors of melted asphalt on plant life,
experiments have been made by Pro
fessor Sorauer with various plants,
shrubs, etc., by subjecting them for a
few hours to the action of the vapor.
No immediate injury was noticeable,
but after a few days changes took
place which varied with different
The use of graphite as a lubricant
is now recommended even by the organ
of the Prussian steam boiler inspec
tion society. An important condition,
however, is Jhat the graphite must
not only be free from all hard foreign
bodies, such as quartz, but also be in
the shape of Hakes, which cling to the
rough surface of the metal and till up
ill irregularities left in the manufac
A new viper has been discovered in
the sandy portions of the desert be
tween Mushki and Persia, where it is
almost impossible to detect its pres
ence, owing to its habit of lying
buried in the sand with only its head
visible. This is another instance of
burrowing habits in snakes, a trait
which probably originally led to the
atrophy by disuse of the limbs with
footed ancestors of snakes.
Violet* Chemically Perfumed.
As violets are much in evidence
ilong the Loudon thoroughfares, writes
a correspondent, the following inci
dent may be of interest. I was in a
chemist's shop when a coster girl en
tered with a large basket of violets and
set it on the floor. I bought a bunch
and then noticed the chemist's assist
ant pass a small glass phial to the
girl, the contents of which she emptied
into the basket. "Tricks of trade,"
said the chemist with a smile, while
the merchant crave him a look of sly
humor from under her hat. "What
was that she bought?" I asked. "A
penn'orth of wood violet," he re
plied. "Those French violets don't
smell. They rest on moist moss iu
the basket, and the moist moss ab
sorbs the perfume. That penn'orth
will sell the basket." Then he told
me that a "penn'orth" of musk per
fume was used to improve the selling
quality of pots of musk, and that he
had had a hawker similarly ask: "A
penn'orth of white rose, Guv'nor." As
I went away I figured to my mind an
old lady bending ever that basket in
response to the merchant's observa
tion: "Fresh, ma'am? Just smell for
yourself."—London News.
A Two*Han(lled flummer.
People who stood around looking at
men clearing up debris of a torn-dowu
building were interested iu the mau
ner of wielding a two-handled ham
mer which they saw in use there, and
in the hammer itself, which WHS bigger
than any one man could have handled.
Its two handles were inserted iu it
like the sookes of u wheel in a huh,
and they spread out like them. The
handles were held each by a man, tha
two men standing side by side.
The big hammer was used here in
breaking up stone so that it could be
handled. When the hammer had been
let fall two meu standing by the
stone lifted it and bore it back by the
handles as two men might raise a lad
der by bearing back against the sida
stripes while two men held the foot ot
the ladder on the other side. Here
the two men were each holding a
handle of the hammer.
When by the united labor of al!
the big hammer had again been poised
in the air,the men in front stood aside
and it was again let fall upon the
stone. —Now York Sun.
Artificial Stone.
A firm ia Scotland is engaged in the
manufacture of artificial stone, which
is, it is claimed, quite the equal of the
natural product iu durability, hard
ness and in its ability to stand
weather tests. The ingredients are
principally lime and sand, with watei
at a very high teinj erature. Aftei
being thoroughly incorporated the
mass is placed in molds and subjected
to a temperature of about 400 degree?
Fahrenheit. Superheated steam is the
heat employed for this purpose. It
is a fact well understood by those
who have made the subject a study
that artificial stone may l>3 made suc
cessfully from the materials men
tioned. Mortar and stucco are in ex
istence in some parts of the world
that were made centuries ago.
Naming tha Triplet*,
Mrs. Paul Hetrick of Burlingame ia
the mother of triplets. She calls them
Cor* Dell, Dora Bell and Nora Nell.
To distinguish one from the other she
has tied a bine ribbon on the wrist of
Cora Dall, a red ribbon on the wrist
of Dor* Bell and a white ribbon on
the wrist of Nora Nell.—Kansas City

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