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Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. JONESTOWN FLAGGING Company, Chas. F. BillMnboz, /WentS. I>. H. liorah, SONESTOWN I>A FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK DUSHORE, PENNA. CAPITAL - " $50,000. SURPLUS - - SIO,OOO. Does a General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY, M "• BWARTB. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPOHTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Oysters and game In season. Bar supplied with choicest liquors, wine and * ('igare! stable room provided. LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. OHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. HOTEL MAINE THOS. W.BEAHEN. Prop. LAPORTE, PA. This new hotel has been reriiitlv opened, liewly furnished throughout and will he run for lilt special accomodation of the uaxelinK i' u The best stocked bar in the count) • Kat« >«u low • COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. This large and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry iu this section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street. SHUNK, PA. W. E. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. JCEEFE, Proprietor. DtISIIORK, PA One of the largest and best equipped hotels iu this section of the state. Table of the best. Rates 1.011 dollar per day. Large gtiiblea. Professional Cards. jT & F. H. INGHAM, ATTOMIEYS-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counti«» LAPORTE, PA £ J. MULLEN, . Attorney-at-L«w. LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. yyM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney «t Law. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing: the settlement of estates unci other legal business will receive prompt attention. A T~ BRADLEY, ATTORN ■ Y-AT-LA W, OFFICE IN COUNTY BUILDING NEAR COURT UOUHK. LAPORTE, I'A Monday of each week at Forksville. Ellory P. Ingham. Harvey K. Nowitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Haviug retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts ot the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORN AW: OPFICK IN PUBLIC BUILDING COURT UOUSK HgtIARK. LAPORTE, PA J # H. CRONIN, ATTORNEY*AT -LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. orrica ON MAIN HTRBKT. DUSHORE, »'A BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP J nst opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work Holicileil. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cure Cuiirtltputluii Purevt'r. Take Cascaretn t'anUv < 'attuiriic. luc or 25c. If C. C. C. lull to cure. Unionists refund money Kducate Your lloweU With Caicareu. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25 c. If C. C C fail, druggists refund money. j gleaning House 112 0 Yes, we have been cleaninghouse, and tind 112 we are overstocked with L 7 LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST V C EAR RINGS, SETS, / J CUFF BUTTONS, ETC., ETC. \ i W |: ,IAVK filleilo,,e sliow <,as '' witl ' ,hel " a, " , Nvill cloS( ' thel " ■ ol " s r ** at one-half or lean than the regular prices for cash. It vou are in need ot anything in the assortment it will pay you to look thein ovei. We also have a lot of second-hand watches that we will sell cheap M j Respectfully, etc.. - J S RETT EN BU RY, \ r DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. / (7bhs * ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in the County to Buy Rardwarc W w , ESPS2S Wheels S4O Wheels high Large tubing, k Large tubing, Grade Flush Joints, J Flush joints, Fully ft|f Wood rims, I Reversible Single tube tire, 112 Handlebars, Guar= ' p. , . , i | , 112 ' 2 piece crank hang- Detachable sprocket 1 anteed iJSH ers ' Hunt saddle ' %%%% Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. ilandlclMirs, Saddles, Lamps. Hells. Locks, Brakes, Peddles. Cranks. Si«>kes. Kiuw. 'tires, Isith single ami diluble tut*-, a (nil line of Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such us liurlHHl Wire. Nuil>. Poultry Netting. Milk Puns, and Pails, liardcn Tools, Paints oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and Spouting done by competent workmen. Write for prices or (five us a eall whenever In need of Hardware. Hardware, ' DUSHORE, PA. N.A.Rogers & son., FORKS VILLI:, PA. SPRING LINE OF NEW Silks and Dress Goods Allow us, ifyou please, a short disquisition on these important adjuncts of woman's dress. It's just the season when everybody is looking after nicest dresses. Hence our showing the large assortment. LADIES' WRAPPERS, The very thing for the coming warm weather which will soon lie here. SHIRT WAISTS, All prices, from the low priced ones to the silk. Full Line of Staple and Fancy Goods. Remnants in Organdies and Dimeties. Dress Goods in Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given our best attention. A big line, complete in every particular. CLOTHING u "" BOOTS and SHOES. &roserij ir»tocli More complete than ever before. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY.' LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1898. Normal School Closed. On Tuesday noon tin* Normal School terminated it most successful and profitable term. Closing exer cises were heard on Friday hist, as many of the students could not avail themselves of remaining over Sun day. The exercises consisted of a class will and prophecy which were well prepared and greatly enjoyed. Dr. and Airs. Stradling and Prof. Moyer left oil the afternoon train for their homes in Philadelphia. Bernice Echoes. The 4th nine of this place played the :2d nine of Lopez a game of ball Saturday, and was defeated by one score, II to 10 in favor of Lopez. Mr. Frank Lyons, formerly Supt. of Long Valley,now of Altoona, vis ited friends here last week. Miss A. McEveny of Bloomsburg, visited friends here last week. Mrs. Joseph Middendorf ami chil dren of Wyalusing visited friends here last week. Miss Katie Cunningham of Mild red is visiting friends at Waverly and Sayre. G. E. Dougherty visited friends at Waverly and Athens the latter part of last week. Rev. Father MeCann of Blooms burg was the guest of Rev. Father Enright on Wednesday. Mrs. Frank McMahon and chil dren visited friends at Waverly last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Thayer, Monday, August H, a daugh ter. John Gurry of Long Valley visit ed friends here Thursday. Mrs. Michael Donovan and Miss Sarah McGee visited friends at To wanda Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donegnn and son of Lopez visited here last week. A telephone line has been estab lished between the Central of Ibis place and the new mines. Frank McMahon was called to On shore last week by the death of his brother. Airs. G. E. Dougherty and son, who have been visiting friends at Buffalo, returned home Wednesday. A. E. Tripp of Laporte, candidate for the nomination of Sheriff, was shaking hands with his many friends here Tuesday. Paymaster H. G. Lewis gave the boys the "w herewith" Tuesday. Mrs. J. S. Taylor, who has been sick for the past two months is able to be around again. Mr. L. English of New Albany visited friends here Saturday. .Miss Adie Welch of Ttinkhannock is theguest of Mrs. A. L. Wilmot. Mr. and Mrs. ltenolds of Wilkes- Barre, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Weeb Sunday. Mrs. A. R. Garey and Mrs. Lewis of Dushore, visited friends here on Thursday and Friday. Bom to Mr. and Airs. John Cahill Jr., Saturday, August I:>,a daughter. Mr. John Lynch and daughter of Towanda are visiting friends at this place. Prof. M. L. Crunk and wife of Towanda visited friends and relatives at this place Sunday and Monday. Mrs. John Powers of Waverly and Mr. David Haley of El mint, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wni.llayley. Misses Nellie Welch and Mary Fitzharris and Mary McGee of Towanda are visiting friends here. Muncy Valley. Messrs. Jerry Kelly ami F. P. Schug of Ilughesville were callers in town on Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Buck ot'Sonestown was transacting business in town on Tues day. Rev. Kosh returned home hist Saturday evening after spending a few week's vacation. Miss Clara Taylor spent Sunday at Eagles Mere. Mr. and Mrs. Will Moran spent Sunday at Laporte and Eagles Mere. Every one.should attend the Coun ty Sunday School Convention at Sonestown, August 18 and M>. Editor Streby of Dushore was a caller in town this week. SHORT, SHARP AND DECISIVE. War Terminates Ragecl Between Spain and the United States. Only Three Big Battles Fought. With simplicity in keeping with republican institutions, the war which has raged between Spain and the Cnited States for a period of three months and twenty-two days wits quietly terminated Friday after noon, when Secretary Day, for the Cnited States, and M. Canibon, for Spain, in the presence of President McKinley, signed a protocol which will form the basis of a definite trea ty of peace. Within half an hour after the sign ing of the protocol the President pre pared and promulgated a proclama tion declaring a cessation of hostili ties. Immediately thereafter cable grams were sent to General Sluifter, at Santiago; General Miles, at Ponce; am) General Merritt, at Manila, sign ed by the Secretary of War. The Acting Secretary of the Navy at once cabled Admiral Dewey, at .Manila, and Admiral Sampson tit Santiago. During the progress of the war the administration at Washington lists Iteen confident of success, there by reflecting the confidence of the people of this Republic. Theadmin istration has received constant com mendation from the people. There were no days of gloom; save one. On July :> grave doubts were enter tained concerning the condition of Shaffer's army. But by midnight till doubts were dispelled, and the Fourth of July gave us assurance of the success of Shafter and of the suc cess of Schley. Admiral Dewey Captured Manila. Before the protocol could reach j Manila Admiral Dewey gave Gen. j Augusti an hour iu which to surren- J der at the time'of the last demand made on Saturday. The General re fused to comply. The bombardment which began at !>::sti a. in., was con tinued for two hours, and then the Americans stormed the trenches, sweeping all before tlieni. Those within the walls attempted no resis tance and was driven into the inner Ibrtitications, where the Spanish commander, seeing thai resistance Wiis useless, hoisted the white flag and surrendered. The foreign fleets watched the fight with acute interest. List of Grand Jurors. September Term. Jacob Huffman, Frank W. Sick, Benj. Tripp, Charles Whitebread, N. A. Moulthrop, Jits. K. Farrell, Michael Donovan, 11. N. Osier, Erwin Dewalt, A. C. Ilaverly, John A. Speaker, John Simmons, Frank W. Buck, J. S. Mcllenry, J. Harry Spencer, Geo. Yonkin, Perry Ben field, Win. D. Bahr, Amos Little, Win. Bergan, Denis Palniiter, Win. Shafl'er, David Peacock, James P. Met ice. TKAVIS Jt'ltOKS, FIKST WKEK. 11. M. Kellogg, N. 11. Zaner, Win. W. Locb, Nelson McCarty, M. J. Burns, ('. R. Rinebohl, Percival Wcntzel, L.M.King, Daniel Sclioon over, Mandus Ilunsinger, Win. 11. Gould, A. B. Messersniith, Lewis Baunigardner, John M. I'tz, Jerome Laird, Herman Bahr,Peter Riorden, Peter Ilopfer, W. L. Jennings, J. B. Lnuiberson, R. C. It. Kashinka, O. H. McCarty, Boyd Ilaverly, Miclil. Gallagher, J no. 11. Farrell, Samuel Parish, Worthington Graifly, Win. T. Moore, John Murphy, Thos. W. Galian, Lawrence Lavelle, Jtilus Vogel, W. J. llottenstein, Anthony Yanney, J. S. (iainor, Thos. Laird. SECOND WKKK. Bernard Kline, Royal Scouten, John Ilaverly,John Scluir jr., Brady Edkin, John W. Brown, .Martin Tompkins, John Bogart, C. B. Jen nings, Edward Holmes, John W. Speary, Sumner Rogers, Samuel Eddy, Wm. Allen, Abe Mingan, Geo. J. Beach, C. F. Cheney,Griffith Phillips, Win. J. Lowe, D. M. Tay lor, Ernest Lauer, Royal Sargent, August Hugo, Elias Deltz, Asa Speary, Alvin Fuliuer, Warden Bahr, Mark Smith, Parvin Kile, Stewart Brown, Geo. L. Lanbitck, Wm. liender, Levi Is. Yonkin, An gelo Lesi, Henry Swank, Samuel Mcßride. 1.25 P er - Year. Number 15, Personal Intelligence. -—Otto Balir of Lopez was a county scat caller Tuesday. Atty. Clint Lloyd of Muncy is enjoyod a few days at this place. Atty. A. Walsh of Onshore was on legal business in town Tuesday. —Atty. I». S. Collins of Onshore was doing business in town Tuesday. —Andrew Edgar of Sonestown was a business man in town Tuesday. —Judge Line of Bernice was shak ing hands with friends in town, Mo nday. —Judge Dunham is spending bis summer vacation in Middletown, N. Y. —Atty. 1L J. Thomson of Oushore had legal transactions at the county seat Tuesday. Fred I Vale of Eagles Mere was a pleasant caller at this otlice while' 111 town .Monday. Or. Momet of Wyalusing was a guest of Judge Ingham the early part of the week. —O. L. I lower, County Nupt. of Wayne Co., visited the Normal School faculty 011 Saturday. —Mr. lloat of ltidgway was a lais ness caller in town Monday, in the interest of the Union Tanning Co. <i. \V. Bigger and James Miller of Muucy Valley were calling 011 county officials Tuesday. Hon. E. I*. Ingham came from Eagles Mere Tuesday to call 011 friends before leaving for Philadel phia. A.S.Buckley and wife of Athens and James Moran and wife of Muncy Valley, registered at Hotel Gallagher Sunday. The Array Reduction. Washington, Aug.. It;. The mus tering out of the volunteer army raised in defence of the union against tin" army of Spain practically began at the War Department today, and will be continued until the army lias been placed 011 a basis consistent with our present relations to the nations of the earth. Orders were prepared today for the mustering out of about volunteers, in cluding twenty-five regiments of infantry and about eight troops of cavalry and live or six bitteries of artilery. The proposed reduction of the army to the extent of IOO,IMHI men will still leave a military force of about llttjMMi men, regulars and volunteers available for all military purposes. It is believed to be the purpose of the administration to maintain an army of loo,(ton until all the pending complications with Spain are finally disposed of. Teachers' Kxaniinations. The examination of applicants for teachers' provisional certificates w ill occur as follows: Laporte township and Laporte Boro., at Laporte, August 17. Davidson and Shrewsbury, at Mum®' Valley, August is. ColKy, at Lope/, August lit. Cherryand Onshore, for applicants who have taught, at Onshore, Aug ust 22. Forks, Elkland and llillsgrove, at Forksville, August I'l, Fox, at Shunk, August 2">. Cherry and Oushore for applicants who have not taught, at Onshore, August 21. All examinations will begin promptly at 9::$0 a. 111. Teachers should be supplied with S x 10 or xx 1"> paper, rulers, and paper fas teners. The law requires that all applicants be examined at the ex amination held for the district in which they expect to teach. If any attend another examination they should obtain a written permit from the president of the school lx>ard. No person of immoral character will be granted a certificate if the fact be known to the superintend ent. Directors are requested to re port any such who may apply. The examinations are public and directors and all who are interested are cordially invited to be present. F. W. MKYLERT, Co. Supt.