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Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. »ONESTOWN FLAGGING --v Company, Chas. V. Billanibovi, Acrpnt S. I>. H. Jliorah, SONESTOWN I ' A ■ FIRST NATION Al. BANK OK WSIIOUK. I'KNN.V. CAPITAL - " $50,000. HURPIiUS - - SIO,OOO. Does a General Hanking Business. I'. B. I'OMKKOY, M. I>. SWAUTS. j President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RKSTA I I! A N 11 I. A PORTE, PA. |.\ \V. CAIXAOIIKK, Prop. \V;irin infills ami lunches at all hours. Oysters aii«l tfame in season, bailed with LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial . Hotel. First-class Horses ami < Carriages. Kates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN. Prop. HOTEL MAINE THOS. W.BEAIIEN, Prop. LAPORTE, PA. I This new hotel has been recently furnished throughout ami «'l■* »" 1 , i( . as„ i sSbi!.g,arggg»; COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. I.APORTK l'A. This largo and well appointed house is . ' the most popular hostelry in this section j HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street. SHUNK. PA. \V. K. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, ( D. KEEPE, Proprietor. DUSIIORE, PA. One of the largest and equipped , hotels in this section ojthe state. Tahle of the best. Kates 1.00 dollar per day. Large »table*. . I Professional Cards. J J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTOnNKYS-AT-I.AW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties LAPOHXE, PA> j £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAFOUTK. l'A Olttce in Court House Building. yyM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law. « ml'kv in County Building. JjAPORTF, l'A. Collections, conveyancing: the settlement of; estates and other legal business will reoeue prompt attention. j| J. BRADLEY, ATTORNBV-AT-I.AW, OKKICK IN COUNTV bllll.lllNll NRAK COURT IIOUSK. L A I'ORTE, I>A Monday ol eacli week at Forksville. Ellery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. (NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTOaji*YS»AT»LAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDIN'O. IKSo. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the ofliee of United States Attorney and Assistant United Stales Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the i ity and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORN KY^AT-LA W: OKFICR IN PUBLIC BUILDINO COURT HOUSE SQtTARR. LAPORTE, PA J H. CRONIN, ATTORNKV-AT I.AW, NOTARY PUBLIC. Orrlt'B ON MAI* STRBBT. DtlSllOllE, I>A BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laport" Tannery. Cuatom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cure Conatipation Knrevrr. Take C&xcureta Can.iy Cathartic, 10c or'_'.">c II C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists rcluml tnoiiev Kducate Tour Bowel* With Guscareta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 26c. if c C C fall, druggists refund money. y (gleaning House <> CL Yes-, we have been cleaninghouse, and find s 112 we are overstocked with 7 LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST \ D EAR RINGS, SETS, / J CUFF BUTTONS, ETC., ETC. \ >ll 7i: II AVK lillc.l one show case willi tlieni mul "ill close lliem mil S JVV ; n ,me half or less llllih die icjrillar prices I'..r cil-li. Il von tile 7 in need •>t auvlliinir in I lie as-sonment ii " ill |>!i> voii t<> 1"»>I< lliem over. V We :ils.. li.iv,- :i lot ~112 sei-oml liaiol "iHelies ".• "ill -ell ••!».-1 1. J RETT KN BURY, 5 DUSHORE, PA. IH E JEWEL hit. P (7rtfo< * . yiVIVv ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in 1 the County to Buy hardware w ... . K+r $25 Wheels S4O Wheels hisii . Large tubing, \ Large tubing, c,rade SS Flush Joints, / Flush joints, Fully if®? Wood rims, 112 Reversible If Single tube lire. [ Handlebars, Quar= • ' 2 piece crank hang- Detatchable sprocket 1 anteed- Hi' ers ' Hunt saJd,e ' Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Handlebars, Saddles. Lamps, Bells. Locks. brakes. Peddles, Cranks. *|«>kc. Itiin- Tires, I l«.lh single and double tube, a full line of liieycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as Barbed Wire, Na'ils. Poultry X.-tUnje. Milk l'an«. and I'ail* (liirdeii l««.l« Paints oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and S|mtiting done b> . oni|»ienl j workmen. Write for prices or (rive us 11 call whenever in need of Hardware. Hardware^ DUSHORE, PA. ■ i i I THIS SPACE RERERVED FOR n. A.Rogers & son., PA. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE. I'ENNA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER!.}, 1898. DEMOCRATS IX CONFERENCE. STILL IN A DEADLOCK. John W. Flynn, Supt.for Union Tannine: Co., nndß. P. Crossley Teller of Dushore Bank, Join the Body ns Welsh's Con ferees. The Democratic conferrees of this ! district met on Tuesday, in Sunbury, to continue balloting for a choice, having made a failure at a previous ; meeting to nominate au opponent to W'm. 11. Woodin. I'p to the time of going to press, three sessions have been held I nit without i hoice. I luring Hie first session four delegates voted for Davis, of Northumberland, and a like number for I'olk, of .Montour. I.ater, Fritzof ('olunibia, and Davis received two votes each anil I'olk ! four. As this is not it conference of men who are about to become dem ocrats but democrat-already, of j original patent,who show - thesincer i ity of their principles by open and j ! outspoken devotion to it platform of' I fifty cent dollars and sprags to thej | wheels of all industries,it will not be surprising if this session ends in a bloody conflict of arms. Bernice Echoes. The following gentlemen were. delegates to the Republican county ' convention at Laporte on Tuesday of i last week: Joel Saxon, J.L.Taylor, Win. Brown and Nelson Cox. .Max English left for his home hi New Albany, .Monday. Michael Donovan and wife spent Sunday -at Wyalusing. Mr. Medill, son of I»r. Medill of Towanda, is at this place gathering j notes for a History of! Sullivan County, which w ill be pub lished in the near future by the Lewis Publishing Co. of Chicago. Miss Kiln Caliill left on Thursday to visit friends in Willianisport and Renoldsville. Miss Stark of Wilkesßarre visiteil Mrs. J. c. Campbell hist week. Mr. iind Mrs. Ilarry Ha/ley of Mildred visited friends at Canipbclls ville, Sunday. Misses Blanch and Fanney Kellog of Dushore were the guests of Mrs. I H. W. Taylor the latter part of last week. Mrs. 11. Hampson visited friend ; in Say re hist week. The Jlrtiiiifriui Jfr.wnf/i rof Lacy ville has the following to say of flu- Land tournament held at that place September 2. "The division of prizes ! caused considerable dissatisfaction. I ! Many spectators and not a few band j men claimed tlint the first prize should have been awarded to the Bernice Hand. We have been told that a lady who was on the ground ; alleges that she heard it member of the Stevensville Band tell the judge before the contest, that there w as s!."> in it tor him. It is also said that Stevensville had two or three players from Wilkes Barre. Of course these remarks are rufnors and we do not know whether they are true or not, but if there is any foundation to the allegations, then the judge was not it fit or competent man for the position.' The above is an exact copy of what W its said in the Lacyvi lie paper of September 7, and goes to show what was said last week, was the truth, and that our band did not get w hat it justly won at the contest, but there is one thing that is in the boys' favor if they did not get first prize as they should have got; they won the good will of the people, and that is a good deal more than the judge has got and in fact some of the bands. William Dentpsey visited friends in Corning, Tuesday and Wednesday. The Second Nine ball club gave it dance in the K. of L.Hall,Thursday. John White, Jr. was taken to the Willianisport Hospital on Friday for treatment. He was accompanied by his mother and brother Edward. Patrick Hannon was transacting official businessat Dushore,Saturday. The Citizens' Military Band gave a street concert Saturday evening, and livened up the town a little. The boys are alright ami deserve 1 supporting. Judson Cummins visited friends in Lopez, Sunday. Miss Mary Connor and Mrs. Dick inson of Sayre were the guests of Miss Margaret Wright last week. Miss Mary McDerniott is visiting friends at Towanda. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sick, of Mildred, Thursday, September s, i a daughter. THE POPULAR CANDIDATE. . WILL LEAD THE PARTY TO VICTORY, j Making Friends Who Will Cnst Their Vote to Help Make His an Overwhelm ingly M J i The ytiling uuili Whose fiHT you see within these lines i- a plucky | hoy who heo'iin life ill the liottoin of life's ludderand isfjriKluully xxorkinjr his way to the top. There is noth- 1 in«i' feady made about the suhject of this sketch or hi- j*et up. Although vice-president of an ininien-e car- I shop establishment, lie wears com- 1 j mon clothes and broad toed shoes' j that are comfortable. The action of theeo* icrence of this , district which metal the Court House in Ilanville recently for the purpose of uominatino' a candidate to succeed | Conu'rcssniiin Isulp, sio-nifies the fact that .Mr. Woodin is considered the j strongest man in the district upon | ! whom the nomination could be con ferred. 11 is excellent i|iialitication for the position he seek- are readily acknowledged by hi- political oppo nent-. That he i- thoroughly ap preciated by hi- party in Sullivan i county was demonstrated at the county convention Inst week. Ilis vote in this county will mo-t likely reach that of Kulp'- in hi- la-t cam paign. Home From a Trip to Porto liico. Miss Mollie Krch'r,a trjiincd nurse .of exalted rank in I'licle Sam's ser vice, arrived in town on Saturday, and seemed fairly overflowing with hitrh spirits, and explained it by de claring that -lie i- in "lovely health" and wondrously •flad to be "home in l.aportc ajjain." Mi— Keelerwas sent to old Point Comfort, Virginia, at the breaking out of the war, and : \\ hen < ieneral Miles and -tall'left for Porto Itico. she was -elected by Mrs. Mile-to attend her on thi- expe dition. <)n arriving at Porto Rico, i her vacation was anything but a i period of recreation for when Mi-s , : Kcelcr saw the jyrcat need of more ! assistance where death and disease won- I icing fought with as much bravery as was shown on the tiring line, she acted the part of a heroine, and with the permission of Mrs. .Miles resumed arduous duties in a hospital during spare time. For this | generous service she was given a furlough upon arriving in New York on Wednesday aboard the [transport Ohdam, which sailed from ! Police September 1, with (ieneral | Miles and statf. She talks very in ! terestingly of her much enjoyed trip, | and in an interview by a New York ; .hiuriKil reporter, furnished substance for a column of rich new- matter in I which Miss Kecler was highly laud led by the writer. She says, "new s j paper reporters are the most dread -1 fill things on earth. An army of : them swooped down upon the < >bdani |as she lay otf Liberty island, like j vultures on a dead carcass, and such irrepressible fellovVs are seldom : met." When asked if there was ! any credence in the reports of in ettieacioti- attention given disaliled j soldiers, she expressed the opinion i that there has been too much criticism 'complaint and condemnation pub ' lished regarding the condition of sick soldier-. The great trouble be ing in the fact that preparations necessarily made in advance fell a little short of what was unexpectedly ! demanded, hut that the olttcers all made the liest of the conditions that surrounded them. Miss Mollie's many admiring friends regrets I to see her leave with so short a visit, Tues day, en route to Old Point Comfort to resume her duties. 1.25 P er - Year. Number !!!• The Sullivan County Fair. It will he one of the old-fashioned ! kind, that i* the kind that take in this coinninnity. The time is • October I, and (S, just three weeks ! off. I The tirst day will he devoted solely to entering and arranging the exhib its. The second day is designated as ! politician*' day. It must !»• taken for granted iliat 111i- human exhibit i will be one of the main attractions, as thcv will cut a very large tigim* in the program. Assurances arc al- I ready rec( ived that the exhibits in ! tin- farm) rs' departuu 11! will outstrip : any t hiug s) ci i mi tin ground in year-. We understand the races arc tilling beyond TH)' fondest ) \P> ■>-T a TI<HI- of the uiauau'cmcnt, rial who doesn't like to seen good hoi's)* ra>'e Tin* admission pri«->* i- graded to ni)*)*t tin* present -tatc of prosperity, -•"> cents ea)*h for adult-, prca)'h)*rs and editors. II you can't I'IHID' all tluvc days, ! COIID* one or two and briny all the i family with you. Von are tin* only ones who will make anything out of the exhibition, as the stockholder* never expect to do better than break i even, after paying for th)- exten*ive I advertisement in one of the county papers, lint you and other* will get til))*)* liberal premium* that are offered if you will take something. Jiring an extra dollar along to pay | for your paper. Try and make it a *.>cco*s for one and all. Hillsgrove. The C. K. of tla* M. K. )*hnrch gav>* au i)*)* )*r)'ain *)«*ial at t lie Sadler Block, which was a success both i financially and socially. The fact that Hillsgrove isn't in I it w hen it come to playing ball a* i* shown by the gam.* played at I'roc ! torville Saturday la*t; *cor>* being I 7 :J lin favor of I'roctorville. I'oliti)** i- beginning to warm up ' in tin* old tow u. 11. H.tireen. who has been con ducting the bakery shop for his brother at-this place, returned on Monday to La port)* where lie i* an applicant for a school. We wish him success. LaVallony, tin* artist, i* doing a rushing bu*ine**. tiive him a )*all. Tims. Morten and .Miss Carrie Fields of I'roctorville, were pleasant j eallers on friends in town on Friday. Miss Ida Linker i> oil tliesiek list. itoland Lucas was a business visi tor at the county seat, Monday. (•rant Munlap and Miss .leinella ! Uoyles, both of this place, were unit led ill marriage Ity 1,. 15. Speaker j Ks«|. on Saturday. Sonestown. Miss Klly Tripp of Laporte spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Itita Armstrong. Miss Mc( 'lain started for IIUJJIMS viIIe on Tuesday as a l»ook agent. A large ditch has been dujf hy the : supervisors on each side of the road leading from the M. 10. church to : the corner at J. \V. Ruck's. This will lie walled and covered with stones and a good walk placed above it. The Junior League expects to | raise street lamps at each corner; and thus w ill the journeyers to tin tabernacle no longer lie obliged to tirst pass through F.gyptian mud and darkness. Mrs. John Mali and her daughter I of Rock Kim, were in town oil Snn , day. Miss Clara Kecler of W'illianisport, is staying in town for a short time on her way home from the Chautan i|iia at Fugles Mere. Miss Alda Lowe of W'atsontown. spent Tuesday night here. I Mr. and Mrs. 11. Welch have returned from Fagle> Mere, and are now in town. \V. 11. I la/en w heeled to Laporte on Sunday. Miss Myrtle Mosteller was the guest of her friend Miss Mary Huck j on Sunday. School in not .quite two weeks, and then hurrah for the Literary Society | again. Mrs. Anna Worthington and cliil j ilren of Rock Run, visited relatives I here last week.