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Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING Chas. F. Billaniboz, D. H. liorah, » SONESTOWN I>A FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF m SHORE, I'KNXA. CAPITA-LI - " $50,000. SURPLUS - - *«>.OOQ. Does a General Hanking Business. K. B. I'OMEHOY, M. D. SWARTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LI A PORTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals und lunches at all hours. Oysters and game in seanon. Bar g supp"e,l with * AND BOARDING STABLES, j Connected with the Commercial: Hotel. First-class Horses and (Carriages. Rates reasonable. OH AS. COLEMAN, Prop. HOTEL MAINE TIIOS W.BEAHEN, Prop. LAPORTH, PA. This new hotel has been recently o|ieued._ newly furnished throughout and will lie run lor t < bpocial accomodation of the traveling publn . The best stocked bar in the county. Kates an* low. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. TIIOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAI'OItTE l'A. This large and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry in this section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, SHUNK. PA. W. 10. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSHORE, PA. One of the largest and best equipped hotels in this section of the state. Table of the best. Hi.tes 1 .Oil dollar per day. Large stubles. Professional Cards. J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTORNKYB-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining countios LAPORTE, ,>A £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-«t-Law. LAPORTK, l'A. Otlice in Court House Building. P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney-at Law. (illice in County Building. LAPORTE, l'A. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. J J. BRADLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OKriC* IN OOIINTV UlTll.nlNn NKAR COURT HOIISK. LAPORTE, l'A Monday of'eacli week at Forksville. Ellery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNKY.S>AT"LAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN.BUILUINii. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office" of 'Unlted'States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in Un united States courts, and all the courts of the < ity and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORHEY v AT*«LAW: OFPICB IN PUBLIC BUII.IIINU COURT HOUSK BQT7ARK. LAPORTE, PA J H. CRONIN, ATTORNKV fc AT -I.AW, NOTART PUBLIC, orrica o» MAif STR**T. DUSHORE, >' A BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laport" Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. o. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Care Constipation t'orfTcr. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c If C. C. C. fall to cur/>, druggists refund money. Rdncate Tour BnnreU With Caictnti. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Wc, S6c. if c. C. C, fall, druggists refund money. Republican News Item. 112 (gleaning House <> Yes, we have"been clearinghouse, and find that J we are overstocked with t 1 LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST V d EAR RINGS, SETS, • ✓ J> CUFF BUTTONS, ETC., ETC. \ j\A/ l: n.W'K illicit one slicnv CIIHO with lliem soul will clow them out S * at. one-hull'or less Ilian the regular prices for cash. II von are Yin neeil ill anything in the assortment it will |>ay von to look them over. C We alsu have a lot of secoml liand watehes that we will sell cheap 112 > KETTENBURY, \ R DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. P ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in the County to Buy hardware • IS? $25 Wheels S4O Wheels High Large tubing, k Large tubing, raC ' C Flush Joints, / Flush joints, Fully Sli Wo(xl rims ' I Reversible „ ||| Single tube tire, 112 Handlebars, (juar " S® p. .. , , J piece crank hang mM Detachable sprocket anteed ers, Hunt saddle. Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Handlebar*, Saddles, Lumps, Bells, Locks. Urates, I'eddles. I'tnnk*. S|«.k.-. Tire*, t-itli single and double tub.., u full line of liieyele Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as Hnrlx-d Wire, Nails, Poultry NYtiinjf. Milk l»an> iUfi I'aiN. < .:ir«i«n I.h.U Paints | Oils, and PLASTICO mid heavy iinil slielf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and S|mitlng done by <-i>in|>et<'iit I workmen. Write for priees or pive us a call whenever In need of Hardware. tholes Hardware DUSHORE, PA. —. i I THIS SPACE RERERVED FOR n. A.Rogers & son., I » | ' "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTK, PENNA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1898. Political Pointers. Now that people have found in tin cool weather a gratifying relict* from the prostrating effects of the heat and humidity that have steadily prevail ed throughout the summer, their at tention will lie about evenly divided between the fag ends of war news iand the unraveling of political mysteries. The tug of war within ' the political lines is yielding gradu ally to activities of a demonstrative j character over the strong undercur i rent of feeling that prevail. The | matter of State issues are left for j others to wrestle with, —the local ticket is of more importance: It strikes nearer home. t+ t t The candidates whose names are being most discussed, areas follows : 11. \V. Osier, candidate for Sheriff, who has shown a sturdy and 1111- ' swcving devotion to principles of 1 high rank and the advancement of | interests conducive to better citizen ship and pure government in local affairs, and by such fidelity has won |an enviable record and set a bright j example to the weak and teniporiz ' ing; it therefore behooves u< all irre spective of party, on this occasion as we enter upon another campaign to once more step to the front and place the stamp of our approval upon such a candidate as we know worthy of our united support. tt t + It should therefore be resolved by the citizens of Sullivan county to favor for the office of I'rothonotary I that magniiicant type of American ! manhood, \V. .1. Lawrence, who has ; rendered faithful and most efficient service in that station during the present term that is about to end. A man of sterling qualities who will get the large majority that he justly mi rits. tt t t There is a healthy sentiment that seems to be growing in volume as election day advances. It is that of the intelligent citizens awakening to I the needs of an honest, business-like ■ and capable man to represent a pro gressive people at I larrisburg, and heartly endorse the election for office i of Assembly our esteemed and popu lar fellow citizen Dr. .1.1.. Christian : a man of marked ability with truth and fidelity linked with his unstaiu jed record who has the courage to take a prominent and outspoken stand in the campaign, claiming no | allegiance to factions nor to party I dictators whatsoever, and a man whom all citizens favoring honest government can conscientiously lay | their support upon with confidence ; us his integrity has before been tried ! and not found wanting. It is there fore natural that he meets with the ! stamp of approval from every fair-, i minded man throughout the entire | countv. t+ t + Of equal strength .on the ticket is i \V. 11. Wood in. As candidate for Congress he is a most formidable opponent,and is causing loss of much ! sleep to his adversaries. Mr. Wood ■ ill's record is an enviable one. lie I entered his father's car shop in the : capacity of an ordinary workman cleaning castings, after leaving col lege where his record was one of brilliance. He worked his way up ! from the bottom, learning the details of the business by practical exped ience, and his close application to business soon caused his advance i nient until he reached the head of the establishment which he entered in its humblest capacity. ll*' is a i prominent light in political affairs, iand the idol of the I,(> 00 men over which he reigns with generosity. And, figuring high, as he does, in church societies, organizations of various kinds, his social life in Ber wick figures with great prominence. : It will, therefore, be seen that Mr. i Woodin carries with him not alone a political following of unusual sig nificance, but his popularity extends i into every walk of social or public j life, making him a dangerous candi- 1 : date for his adversaries. t t t As a public officer some men are ; worth more than others and some I are wortli-less. Judge Pomeroy Dead. ; This week wc are called upon to chronicle the death of one of the host known nteti in this county, Mr. F.H I'omeroy, of Dushore. His death occured on Thursday last and the news was received with expressions of deep regret. i Mr. I'omeroy was an old time res | iilent of Dushore and one of the most highly respected citizens, lie had liei'ii suffering for some time with llrights disease, Imt bore his sufferings with heroic courage. Fayette 15. l'omaroy was horn at Troy, I'a., April Jl, After re ceiving his education Ire was employ ed as traveling salesman hy 11. J. (irant of Ithaca, N. V., and contimi eil with that tirni until 1 STU, when he moved to Dushore and i-nsjancd in the business which lie con tinued to the time of his death. I It* was married to Miss lClizalwth Kllis of his native place, Septemher I, 'titi. Three children were horn to them, Mrs. \V. \V. Applenian of Wilkes liarre, Mrs. \V. \V. Waddell, of Du shore, and Kiifily I'omeroy. Mr. I'omeroy was elected Associate .1 uilye i with I'resident .J lion. Thus. J. Ingham in November IHTti, on the Hepublican ticket, and at a time I when the county was overwhelming ly Democratic. From that he ac quired the title of ".luilii'e" which still clings to his name. I'pon the organization of the First National I tank of Dushore lie was! elected one of the directors and by j that body its vice-president and held that otlice two years,anil subsequent ly elected president and has since' held that otlice. Deceased is survived by his wife, three brothers and two sisters, Aug ustus A., Charles 1!., Chaunccy, Mary A. and Mrs. F. 11. Mutt'of Troy, I'a. The funeral was held from the late residence on Monday afternoon. All the business places were closed during the services. Big Fire at Willianispovt. A tierce tire raged in the lumber yard of 11 lint, Dcemer A- ('o., for live hours on Monday. The loss will probably exceed S7">,(MHI. The tire was (,)" iui-cniliary origin. Soneatowii tleorge Kdwards anil family will shortly remove to ltenovo. Mis.- Anna lla/.en expects to accompany them. Miss Amy Johnson \\ ho has spent some time in town, returned to her home at Jersey town on Sunday. Mrs. It. \Y. Simmons and Missj Clara Keeler visited relatives at Nordmont over Sunday. Mrs. J. 11. Muck has returned from ! a sojourn among friends at Watson- : town. 15.(1. Welch sprained his ankle last week, lie is able to he about j again. Some of our Nimrods set out on I Saturday night in quest of a coon. One was treed and a party watched ! beneath all the night. Morning came : and the coon was not there. Miss May Simmons went to Hugh-; esville on Tuesday to attend the Fair Miss Celia and J. 11. Magargel, j Mrs. ('has. Starr and son were at Jerseytown on Saturday and Sunday. Andrew Filgar and daughter took a bicycle trip to IScnton last week. I Miss Myrtle went onto llloomshurg and sta.vetl with friends at the State Normal school on Friday night. They say Jerry got left last Sun-j day; but he whistles yet. Miss Clara Focht of Mattawana is the guest of Mrs. ( has. Ilillambo/.. Tlie.l. F... L. held a watermelon j party on grassy ridge at - p. in. Wednestlay. Mrs. Dora Cook will start on Thursday forSunbury \) here she will leave her two oldest children in the 1.().(>. F. orphans' home. John Simmons has bought the lot ■ of George Edwards on Second street, i and will move befor long. Uev. K. H. Dunn preached at (ilidewells on the evening of the 1:1 th. lie will continue to do so once in four weeks. 1.25 Per- Year. Number I'll' Bernice Echoes. L. Lowrey spent Thursday ami Friday at Wiliiamsport as conferre ! to ]•:. .1. Million. Uoorge Weeb while mining coal, Monday of last week, had his hand | badly smashed, and w ill probably lose one tin ye r of the left hand. The fireman on the local coal train fell of his engine Tuesday evening and hurt himself <|iiite badly. Mrs. John Boyd of Onshore, s i~it ed her daughter Mrs. 11. W.Taylor, | Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. The mines are working nearly full time and business is booming in town. Miss Nellie Welch of Tunkhan ] nock, who has been visiting Mr-. A. 1.. Wilmot for some time, returned ; to her home last Thursday, i James Ditchhiiru of Towanda was j visiting friends at this place Thurs day and Friday. John o'Prion and his sister Higiua ; who have been spending their -uin j nier vacation with their present | returned to school at Baltimore last ; week. Hev. I>r. Brooks of Wilkes Berry was a visitor in town Thursday. Nellson ({nick of llallstcad, i- vi— i iting his brother William Quick of this place. Morice Froniburger, who ha> been | spending the summer with hi- par- I cuts at Mildred, returned to >cho<>J I in New York last week. Mrs. John Robert- -pent Sunday of last week in Towanda. Mr. Henry Davis of Philadelphia, President of the 1,. V. AS. ('. Co., land J. J. Dekindcr, a government ! mine engineer, and A. <Wood of Philadelphia, were in town ia-i week in the interest of this coal. Monday evening the ( iti/en-' Hand serenaded Mr. i>avisand his party at the White House. They were high ly pleased with the niu-ic. so much so that Mr. Davis ha- promised to forward hi- check for s.'iO to the I land. Mrs. Michael Oilligau and child ren visited' her parent- at Overton last week. W. F. MeXulty and wife, a pro fessional in theatrical work, are at this place organizing for an amaturc exhibition. The play is entitled. ■"The Noble Outcast." Mr. McNulty : is painting some verv tine sconcrv for it, and some of our best local tal ent has been engaged to assist the professor. The play will be given Friday and Saturday evenings Sept. |2B and 24, in the K. of L. Hall, un ' der the auspices of the Citizen' Mil j itary Hand. Don't miss it. Hev. J. A. Fnright visited hi- I parents at Allegheny, N. Y. last week, lie returned home Saturday I evening and was accompanied by | his brothers, Hev. Patrick and Michael. They will spend some time at this place. J. S. Taylor visited his wife who is under medical treatment in To wanda, on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Taylor i> improving nicely and expects to be around again in a few weeks. The Diamond Dandies of Laportc, I assisted by a number of street corner ball players from this tow n played Lopez on the hitter's ground on Sat urday. The contest lasted six in -1 nings when they tumbled to the : knowledge that they did not under stand the game and ipiit. The score stood l(i—I in favor of Lopez. The same afternoon the second nine of this place tackeled the same weight of Lopez on the same grounds, and our boys did not seem to understand the game either, for when the game was called at the end of the seventh inning tlie score was 11— .'i in favor of Lopez. The following teachers have been engaged for the present year: Prin cipal, L. F. Sweeney; third grade, Miss May Watson; second grade. Miss Mildred McDonald; primary, Miss Hiddle of Dushore. Democratic Conference. Hufus M. Polk of Danville, was the choice of the Democratic confer ence held in Sunhury last week.