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Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING -u^Company, Chan. F. Billamboz, Anrgnfc D. H. liorfth, SONESTOWN I'A, FIHST NATIONAL HANK OF DUSHORE. I'KNN'A. CAPITAL - " $50,000. SURPLUS - - SIO,OOO. Does a General banking Business. F. B. I'OMEROY, M. I). SWARTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPOHTE. PA. F. \V. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours, Oysters and game in season. Har supplied with choicest liquors, wine and 1 ignis! Good stable room provided. LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. OHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. HOTEL MAINE THOS. W. BEAIIEKf, Prop. LAPORTE, PA. This new hotel has been recently openetl, newly furnished throughout and will be run lor t special accomodation of the traveling publh . 'J'he Iwst stocked bar in the county. Rates are low. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop LAPORTE PA. This large and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry in this section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, SHUNK. RA. W. E. POKTEU, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DIJSHORK, 1»A. One of the largest and. best equipped ! hotels in this section of the state. 'l'alde of the best. Ui.tes 1 .111) dollar per day. Large stables. Professional Cards. J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTOUN RYN-AT- LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties LAPORTE, I>A £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Ofllce in Court House Building. P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law. i itiice in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. J J. BRADLEY, ATTORNBY-AT-I.AW, orricK in COUNTY nnn.niNa NEAR COURT HOUSE. LAPORTE, l'A I Monday of "each week at Forkaville. Kllery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNBRS>AT«LAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the oltice of rnited*States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in tliej United States courts, and all the courts of the ( Jity and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW: OFFICE IN PUBLIC B I) I I NO COURT DOUBR HQ!' A UK. LAPORTE, PA. | J # H. CRONIN, NOTARY PUBLIC. OFFIC* ON MAIN STREET. DU SHORE, PA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laport" Tannery. Custom work Boliciteil. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cure Cnuitipatton Forevrr. Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. lOc or 25c If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund muney Kducate Tour lloneli With Caicareti. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c,26c. If C. C C. fall, Urugpists refund-money. Republican News Item. j (gleaning House <> ! C Yes, we have been cleaninghouse, and lind | / we are overstocked with C 1 LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST V C EAR RINGS, SETS, / J CUFF BUTTONS. ETC., ETC. \ \I/ I". IIAVI' filled one sliow ense with tlieni niul will close tlieni out ;it one-hall' or less limn t lie regular prices tor oa«li. II vmi lire £ C in neeil <>l nnvlliiiiir in I lie assorlmeiil it will pay yon i< > look tlieni over. C We alsu have a 10l of second lininl waK'lies thai we will sell cheap 112 > RETT KN BURY, \ r DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. / (7Ab< * ▼ I ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in ~ - County to Buy hardware I_l • . $25 Wheels S4O Wheels High Large tubing, K Large tubing, rat ' C Flush Joints, / Flush joints, Fully ||<i| Wood rims, I Reversible r* - Single tube tire, 112 Handlebais, ar ife n ti u •i- 2 piece crank hang ■: Detatchable sprocket 1 an teed ers, Hunt saddle, Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. JI and lobars. Saddles. Lam | is. Hells, Lock*. Brakes. Peddles. Cranks. SjNikv*. Itiins, Tires, single and double tube, a full line of Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such a- Barbed Wire. Nails. Poultry Netting Milk Pans and I'ails, Harden Tool- Paints Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and slielf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and S|K>utiugdoiu' l»y competent workmen. Write for prices or give us a rail whenever in need of Hardware. Hardware DUSHORE, PA. « THIS SPACE RERERVED FOR H. A. Rogers & Son., PA. wm, "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PKNNA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER2II, 1898. Bernice Echoes. ' John Buyer, boiler inspector for the Fidelity and Casualty Insurance Co., of New York, inspected the Company's boilers at this place on Wednesday, and found tlieni all in good repair. I J. S. Taylor attended the reunion of his regiment, the ">2d Pa. Vol., hold at Wilkes Ban-eon Wednesday 1 Daniel Schoonover attended the reunion of his Company at Franklin on Saturday. A number of our citizens attended] I court this week. Mr. Bullock, a member of the iith j Regt. who is on a :10 day furlough, stopped off at this place while on his | way home, and visited his sister | Mrs. p. K. Merthiew. The wedding bells will soon be | heard and if Dame Rumor is true 1 they will be iieard a number of times | during the comming month. Dan Donovan had his foot quite | i badly hurt while at work in the mines Thursday of last week. A large lump of coal fell upon it. Robert Mathews of Sayre, visited j Ills old friends at this place Friday j and Saturday. Finery Kirkcndall and wife are | visiting friends and relatives at : Frauklindale this week, j Flunk Comensky has moved in 1 his new house near Mildred. One of the Coal Company's mules; dropped dead while comming from a wake Friday evening. A. 11. Roberts visited friends at Towanda Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Daley ol'i I Dushore, visited friends at this place' Sunday. Friday and Saturday evenings the j play entitled the Noble Outcast was' played in the K.of L. Ilall in behalf of the Citizens' Military Rand by; Prof. Win. F. MeXulty and wife as- j slsted by a number of our best local i, talent. The play was without any j doubt the best that was ever played t ;in this town. The company soon), | won the hearts of their audience both ( nights and the encores were numer ous. Mr. and Mrs. MeXulty were ■ certainly tine- No actors have ever I received higher prais in this town ' than they. AII the local talent did | their part grandly,and justly deserve | all the praise they have received, ; and we do not think their equal can | he found among amateur actors. The j play was a grand success in ever j manner. The stage settings and scenery were the finest ever in this village. The Citizens' hand furnish-j ed some some very fine music for the ! i occasion. The following local actors 1 from this place took part in the drama: Messrs. Win. Brown, Win. Thayer, Frank McMahon, Itobert j McOee and Misses Katie Line and Katie Finn. We sincerely hope that this dramatic company will not j cease here hut keep right 011 and give | us another treat such as we had on I Friday and Saturday evening. We wish them the hearty support of the' people. A number front Dushore attended j the play here Friday anil Saturday evenings. A couple of young gentlemen from i Lopez had a runaway in town Sun day afternoon which smashed the wagon and tore the pickets oil' of a j number of fences and threw one of ■ the young men out, but did no other j damage. Come again boys. A number of young ladies from here attended the dance at Satterlield ! Friday evening. T'-oinas Wright visited friends a 1 Waverly on Saturday and Sunday. ! William Walters attended the! llughesville fair 011 Friday. Mrs. James I'.McGee and children of Lopez, visited friends here the forepart of last week. John Schaad, Jr. is making sony* extensive improvements 011 hishoffc Born, to Mr. and Mrs. S.A.l>effen-T bach, Friday, September a daughter. Monday the Shinersvill stump dodgers tackled the ball club of this place on the Bernice diamond. The stump dodgers got it to the tune of 10 to '2. Come again boys ami it will be aught is aught two is a two and there is nothing coming to you. Court Proceedings. First Week. | The regular term of the several Courts of Sullivan county commenc ed on Monday, September 111, at p. m. lions. John S. Line and Con rad Krails Associate Judges on the Bench. (■rand jury called and sworn. Benjamin Tripp, of Fox, appointed j foreman. The charge of the Court was delivered by Judge Kraus. The constables of the several dis tricts throughout the county made j their regular returns in open court. The courts then adjourned out of respect to the memory of Kx-Asso ciate .) udge F. B. Ponicroy, whose funeral was being attended by the President Judge and most of the members of the Bar. At !i o'clock Tuesday morning, Court convened with President .Judge F. M. Dunham,and Associate Judge.\ l Line and Kraus on the Bench. The following were duly admited jas citizens of the Fnited State.and -worn in open court: John ll.Shultz Alvin Tate, John S. Ilovira. ('ninth, vs ('has. Socman, alias! I Beecher; arson. < fraud Jury Hud aj ! true bill. ()n arrangement the Deft, j plead guilty. Sentenced to pay a ! tine of .Soli and the cost of prosecution j and to be contined in the Industrial j Reformatory at Huntingdon until legally discharged therefrom. Conith. vs John Ilavily; charge, i i larceny at Jennings Bros, store at j Lopez. True bill. Case tried, ver dict, guilty as Indicted. Sentence, | pay a line of sin and cost of pro-ecu- I 11ion, to return the stolen property ito the owners, or the value thereof I | and to be contiued in the Industrial Reformatory at Huntingdon until legally discharged therefrom. The Sheriff is ordered to convey these two youthful prisoner- to the I reformatory within in days, and is allowed one assistant. Conith. v- F. P. Battin; convicted .ofassault at the May Scssi m. In this case, on petition of citizens and on motion of Hist. Att.v. the Court suspends sentence on the defendant, renewing his bail to appear at next session. Conith. vs Fdward Kilmer; I'.AB. j <• rand Jury Hnd a true bill. Case' tried. Verdict, not guilty and the prosecutor, Homer Benninger, to j pay costs. Conith. \s Mike Davis; assault with intent to kill. (irandJury find not a true l>ill. Deft, discharg ed. Conith. vsChas. Crawford; assault and battery. (Srand Jury lind not a true bill and Susie < "rawford to pay C< >sts. Conith. vs C. I'. Fierce; charge, larceny. The defendant's recogniz ance in this case having been forfeit ed at last sessions, to be respited on his appearance at this term, the de fendant not appearing, the matter was certified to the County Commis sioners for their action and collection j of forfeited bail. On petition of citizens of Laporte Borough, the Court appoint It. A. Conklin, Treasurer of said Borough to till the vacancy caused by the deatii of Walter Spencer, late Treas. John 11. Diefi'enbach vs Anna' Dietl'enbach; in divorce. Subpoenal directed to issue. Sadie Swisher vs Frank Sw'-her, 1 Doro Bitter vs Tlios. Bitter, Frank Davison vs Jessie Davison; the Court appoint John 11. Lawrcr Ksq. as Commissioner in divorce take tes '•>iony in these ct'ses. Jeremiah Davidson vs Mary Dav idson; alias subpoena awarded. The Court direct citations to iss.ic in the following cases: To the Kxe cutrix of the estate of Albert I'ardoe deed., to file her account :ju da' -« be fore next term. To the F.y' 11 tors of the estate of D. J. Brobst < 1(1., to • their account :i(i days berofo' next 111, also an order on the widow of said D. J. Brobst deed, to wit: Han nah Brobst and Charles Itmhst her present husband to <?we security ( according to Act of Assembly etc. , To A. C. Brown Administrator of FJizabeth Brown deed., to file an , inventory within .'JO days after serv- 1 ing of citation. j 1 111 re: Incorporation of the Boro. I ' of Kagles Mere. On hearing petition ' 1.25 P er - Year. of citizens, property owners, and on I | motion of Atty. for petitioners, the . i Court direct the petition to he filed i ! in the office of I'rothonotary. Notice . 1 thereof to he given in one newspaper . | in Sullivan county for a period of not less than :!(» days before the next regular ter court. My the Court. I.Mary Norton vs John Clark, et el Rule on A. Walsh fo file warrant of j attorney in this case in five days after service of rule. Returnable Noveinher Id, is'is, at i' p. in. In re: Impicst on the hody of • Miles A. Hums, decil. The Court approve of the hill of Dr. Wacken hlith, Coroner, in this case ami direct same certified to County Coins, for payment. September 21, Is'is Court adjourn ed until Septeniher i'(i, |s'ts. Finders Severed j n a Printing Press. While the Nkws lit.m steam press was running out last week's edition on Wednesday afternoon, A.T.Arm strong of Sonestown, dropped into the office to transact some business ; with the editor whom he found en gaged at the press. In Pepping up Ito the press fo make his business known lie placed his hand upon a projection of the rapid ruling press : which operates a cam that produces i an alternative motion that works the J nippers which clasps the paper fo tin cylinder as it revolves over the type beneath. Mis hand was caught the j instant it was placed upon this fatal | spot and two of his lirst lingers on I the right hand frightfully mangled, j lie went direct to Hotel Maine I where I >r. \\ ackenhuth soon respond ed to a call, and proceeded at once to amputate the lacerated members. It was in this operation that Mr. Armstrong displayed admiring grit coupled with a demonstration of his iron nerve, lie bore the excrucia tion of this most painful operation without tin- use of any antiseptic and did it without any fuss. He was made as comfortable as possible at the hotel until Thursday morning when he returned home. Sullivan County Fair livery farmer and merchant in Sullivan county should attend the ! fair next week. Now let everybobj | not only attend this fair but bring ! some exhibit. All cannot »-et prizes ! but you can help the good name of Sullivan county. There is no reason why the l'orksville fair should not become noted as any of those in other counties. We have the goods and stock to exhibit which w ill compare with any. We understand that the Rcrniee Military Hand of which so much has been written in prose and poetry will furnish the music. With the many attractions offered this year a large crowd is expected and preparations made to provide for them. Reunion of Company C. 141st Pa. Vol. On Saturday, September -1, at the home of Comrade (J. 11. (iambel in West Franklin, I'a., was the scene of a gathering of the following named comrades: ('apt. <!. W. lyilnioiv and wife, Dan. Schoonover and wife, l.zra S. Little, H ,op llorton, 1-'. I'. Cole, C. W. Coll ;1L (iambic and wife, John Rockwell and wife, K.JI. Harris and wife, .lames nidgway, Henry Harris and wife, Horace Spencer, wife, son and daughter, Lewis Reinbold and wife, A. Har rington and wife, A. Williams and wife, daughter and two sons. Banquet at l:.'fil p. in. which the party greatly enjoyed. Comrade < iambic, in a short address, welcom ed the old boys to his home. Several patriotic songs were sung by ('apt. Kilmore, assisted by ('onirade Speu cer and others. Miss Spencer pre sided at, the organ. < ion. 11 ..LMadill talked lie boys in his genial man lier, w>. a we were all pleased to hear. Others w ere called and told of some of their experiences in camp life. Then a permanent organiza tion was effected by electing ( apt. (i. W. Kilmore, President; Daniel Schoonover, Yice-Pres.; Ezra S. Little, See'y. and Bishop llorton, Treas. Time and place of holding next reunion to lie fixed by the officers. L. S. Ll't'Tl.K, See'y. Number L'l.