Newspaper Page Text
Republican News Item. THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 189 X. lgnorance lgnorance is the mother of \ scepticism. Ignorance does \ V not abound to any great extent J 4 in Sullivan County, 112 0 5o that there # £ is But Little I £ Scepticism £ t about the Value oft fa* IKlews \ ITtem j 1 As a Profitable $ # J JHbvevttetno 5 \ Aebium. $ it,Your neighbor does. # Don't borrow. # County Seal Indices. AND GLANCES AT T HE TIMES. -Steady there, .leaks. Korksville lair, Oct. I, •"> and •>. —To stimulate trade try an adver tisement in the XKWS IT KM. Lawrence Bros. litis < oil lather's new hotel ready lor plastering. ('has. Ballard of Towanda, is visiting Laporte friends this week. Judge 1 >tlnhalll presided at a suit tried in Towanda on Friday last. MissSallie Heed of I'nityville, is the guest of Mrs. T. .1. Keeler this week. Joe ('oo|ier was calling on his parents in Klntira the early part of this week. Harry Paulhamus of William sport was a liusiness man in town on Monday. —Att.v. S. 15. Karns,wife and fam ily of Ucnton, are visitin«- Laporte friends lliis week. —Samuel Cole and family of I'n sliore, were registered ttt Hotel < Jal lagher, on Wednesday. —All the candidates were in town this week shaking hands with their numerous friends. —Autumn is a young thing: yet, hut from the way it starts oil'nobody would suspect its immaturity. —Vote for Doctor Christian for Member. He is si representative of a young, honest professional man in politics. With something near $2">0,OOU,000 j of it in the Treasury, McKinley should have taken Bryan there on a visit to see what his present views on »-old might be. —A. F. Heess, County Auditor, will occupy the Prothonotary's office doring the present campaign, while Mr. Lawrence will he engaged in calling on his many friends through out the county. The voters of Sullivan county will make no mistake if they elect 11. W. Osier for Sheriff. He is capable of making a worthy officer whom the people can he proud of. -K. V. Jughani, Frank Buck and Dr. Randall were the conferees from Sullivan county who assisted in the nomination of N. Ji. Culver of Wil liainsliport, for State Senator, at the conference held in Bloomsburg on Monday. —Wm.J. Lawrence's record in the Prothonotary's ottice has elevated Sullivtn county in the official scale. Democrats and Republicans will unite in returning him to this im portant station. -The new bell presented to the Baptist church tit this place by .Miss Ambrewster,Wits hung in the belfry one day last week. The bell has an excellent tone, and litis inscribed upon it the name of the donator, the pastor E. R. Powell, and the trustees Messrs. T. J. Keeler, l\ W. Meylcrt, R. A. Conk iin. —Colonel Stone's reply to Dr. Swallow is pleasing to the thousands of friends of the Republican candi date. Dr. Swallow has been claim ing that he is in possession of evi dence of all kinds of official malfeas ance, and Colonel Stone very grace fully informs the Doctor as to his duty under the circumstances. But the Doctor has no such evidence,and all his talk is merely for political effect. Estella. | IT.G.l T .G. Little formerly of this place, I lost a valuable horse Inst week. Ulysses Bird spent a few days with : his uncle at Hillsgrove,who has IHVJI ill for some time. Walter Webster has returned Inane Miss Cora Brown spent the past week at Hillsgrove. R. I«\ Bartoe ami wife have re turned home. Eagles Mere. I!. W. Bennett, Smith Boudinati, ('hris Little, Alfred l'.enm'tt,( 'larcnee Bennett and Harry Little went out I to B. \\". Bennett's hear traps <>:i Saturday last, and to their surprise ! found a large hear in one of the traps. It did not weigh ipiite four hundred pounds dressed. .Jerry Stark house and wife were called to I'nityville on Sunday last by the illness of his mother who is well advanced in years. I'. <i. Kiesingcr is growing into a horse jockey. lie traded twice last week, and says lie would like to trade again. \V. .). Taylor lost another line horse the other day, and the mute to him about two months ago. Treven says, all that lie has cleared has gone in the hole. Sonosiowu. I'ierce Schug of 11ughesville came up on business last Tuesday. Clarence and Lloyd Dunham of Laglcs Mere, were in t«>\\ ii Sunday night. Miss Anna Shoemaker of Laporte, visited friends here last week. Dunning Lockwood who has been ■ lui(«> sick i< able to be out again. Burnley Liesier, a returned soldier and Howard Ldkin of Strawliridge Thompson of Muney Valley, atten ded services here on Sunday evening Thomas Laird of Davidson, i- in town going to school. Charles Morrison is again home after a summer's absence. Mrs. Wilson Starr is sick. Among those toattend the Hughes ville fair were: Mrs. A. T. Ann strong and children, Mrs. Marry Kapler, Mr. and Mrs. I'lulip liider, Walter lla/.cn, Misses Anna lla/.en, Myrlte l'-dgar, Celia Magargle, .May Simmons, Mrs. T. B. Houseknecht, Mrs. A. Ldgar, Mrs. A. Converse, Mr. and Mrs. Kli Bostian, 11. L. Lockwood, Mrs. Clias. Starr, Misses Myrtle and Nora Christ, Jerry Watts and many others. Mrs. Walter Woods and Miss Amanda Woods from Pishing Creek, were the guests of friends here lately The L. M. It. B. train men slip ped off from Supt. B. <L Welch w ho wished to accompany the night train Saturday and remain over Sunday at Eagles Mere. On their return they found him still waiting, and were obliged to make an extra trip 1111 the mountain that night. "The best laid plans of men and mice" and practical jokers "oft gang agley" Tim Smallest (Joust is the smallest republic as to area, but Tavolara is the smallest re public as to population. (Joust is only one mile in area, ii is located on the fiat top of a mountain In the Pyrenees, between Prance am! ."-'.pain, and l.s rec ognized by both of countries. It :s governed by a President and a ("otin ?il of twelve. It was established in iuis and lias l!iO inhabitants. The President is Tax Collector, Assessor and Jadge. t'loust has no church, cler gyman or cenie: The people wor ship in a church their own territory, and ihe dead liodies are slid Jown to a cemetery in the valley l>e ;ow. In that vaTley all the baptisms and marriages are performed. Tavol ara is twelve miles northeast of Sar dinia. It is an i.-.!.inil tive miles long by a half mile wi.i \ Its Iota! popula tion consists of 11;..'-tive men, women, ind children. The women goto the polls with the n:e:\ and elect every rear a Prer.idenr ami Council of six, >il serving without pay. The inhabi tants sitpporl THENISE!VPS by fishing 4ml raisins fruiL ;:U vegetables. *1 he ■epublic has no army and no navy. C< )X liKNSKI) ItKP((IIT of thr condition of i lie lIKST NATIONAL 11ANK of Uuslmre. I'a., At close of business, July 11, lsvis. ItKSOI'KCKs: Loans ami niseomits * 1 s;:7 .SI r. S. lloiicis to Secure Circulation IJ.'kxi ou Premium on I'ulted States Hotuls I.uuOOO stock Securities 1.'i,200 (10 I'urnlture I -JOO 00 Due I' com Hanks Approved reserve Ant 7:1,70:! Oti itedeniption I'uiid I , s. Treasurer ">('.J.")O SiK-eie and Lejral Tender Notes 10.132 34 Capital S "iO.imiOCO Surplus 10.000 oo I nilivided I'rolits '.'('>72o(l Hue National Banks .IS'.l'il circulation 11.J.'1000 Diviilens Unpaid iu> oo I lejiosits 10'J,t»78 97 5 217. 106 ">7 State of Pennsylvania, ( ounty of Sullivan ss: I, M. I>. Suaris, Casbier of the almve tunned j bank, do solemnly swear that the alxive state ment is true to tile be>t of mv know tedue aiul be- 1 lief. M. 11. SWAHTS, Cashier, j Sutwerltied and sirorn to before nietliis LMith day of Sept IS'.IK. JOHN 11. CRONIN, Notary Public, Correct—Attest: ALHHONSt'S WALSH, I I JNO. 1). RKESKK. ' Directors W.J. I,.\WKKXCK. I MNMIiR n j JOINT mm I He Declines to Meet Chairman Elkin on the Platform. | OOL. STONE ANSWERS SWALLOW. ; Ho Point* Out What Should Occur to Any Sensible Man, That tho Charge* Proposed Kor Debate ( linrue Crimes and Misdemeanors Under the l.awn of tlie Commonwealth, and That tlit> I'roner Place to Deal With Them IN ! Court, Where It Ik ! Swallow's Duty to Present Tlieiti. (Special Correspondence.) Philadelphia. Sept. 2ti. —The two sig nificant events of the week, politically, j aside from the satisfactory consumma | lion of the Republican harmony pro j gram In Philadelphia upon the lines i predicted some weeks ago In this cor- I respondence, were John Wanamaker's avoidance of a joint debate with State Chairman Elkin in Media on Saturday and Colonel Stone's crushing rejoinder to Swallow. The crank candidate for governor is sued a public challenge to the Repub [ lican candidate to hold several de bates with him on a carefully prepared list of charges. In the main they are the same old charges which he pub lished in his newspaper last winter, for which publication he was convicted of criminal libel and is now awaiting sentence. He was then unable to produce any evidence in support of them, even enough to acquit him of malicious In tent in publishing them, and Colonel Stone promptly turned his letter over to the district attorney of Dauphin county, properly holding that if the charges were true the only effect of a public debate, with an exhibition of the testimony, would be to give warn ing to the defendants In advance of ar rest and enable, them to escape jus tice. Following' is Colonel Stone's let ter: Philadelphia, Sept. 2:1, ISDB. Rev. S. C. Swallow: My Dear Kir: My attention has been called to a published letter dated Sept. 21 and addressed to me in which you challenge joint discussion upon what you claim to be the issues in this cam paign. I am not surprised that you have omitted prohibition as an issue, but 1 am surprised that the Prohibition party which nominated you upon that issue should so soon forget the pur poses and objects of their organiza tion and follow you in a crusade which entirely ignores prohibition. You chal lenge me to discuss 12 declarations, or charges upon the stump. All of your 12 declarations charge crimes and mis demeanors which may be severely pun ished under the laws of the state. You do not name the offenders nor the time when these crimes and mis demeanors were committed, but claim to have evidence to substantiate them. I have no such knowledge, except your unsupported statements which you have heretofore made, but have been unable to sustain in the courts. If you have such knowledge of crimes committed, and have such evidence, it is your duty, not only as a good citizen, but as a Christian minister, to lay the evidence before the grand jury of your county. The witnesses which you propose to call in joint debate will be sufllcient to obtain an indictment if they are sufficient to convince an in telligent audience of the truth of your charges. That is the proper tribunal to hear and determine the truth of these charges, and that is the proper course for you to pursue, instead of under taking on th<- stump to prejudice the people against candidates whom you do not charge with committing the crimes or with knowledge of them. I have, therefore, taken the liberty to refer your letter to the district attorney of Dauphin county, where you reside, for such action as he may take in the matter, assuring you that if I am elected governor of Pennsylvania I will heartily co-operate in all cases to bring guilty parties to justice and punish all crimes againi the state. Truly y0..0, WILLIAM A. STONE. The care with which Mr. Wanamaker avoids public cross examination upon the reckless assertions he has been making since he missed the United States senatorshU> and the guberna torial nomination is succinctly set forth in the following report of the commit tee which sought to arrange a joint de bate on Saturday: William L. Mathues, Esq., Chairman Republican Executive Committee of Delaware County, Media, Pa. Dear Sir: At a meeting of your exec utive committee, held In the court house, Media, on the evening of the 21st inst., the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "Whereas, It has come to the know ledge of this committee that an inde pendent meeting has been advertised to take place at the courthouse, Media, Pa., on Saturday evening. Sept. 24, at which the Hon. John Wanamaker has been invited to speak and discuss the Issues of the campaign; and "Whereas, There are questions at is sue in this campaign in which all are Interested; therefore, be It "Resolved, That the chairman ap point a committee of three (3) to confer with the committee In charge of said meeting, and also with the Hon. John Wanamaker and the Hon. John P. El kin, chairman of the Republican state committee, and arrange, if possible, to have both gentlemen appear at said meeting and discuss the issues of the campaign in a joint debate, in order that the people may have an oppor tunity of hearing both sides." The undersigned were appointed In pursuance of the above resolution as a committee to wait upon Mr. Wana maker and Mr. Klkin and arrange for the joint discussion at the time stated. On Thursday morning, the 22d lpst.. your committee went to the city of Philadelphia and called at the office of Mr. Wanamaker. He was abaent and It wti reported that we could not tee him until Friday morning. On Friday morning, at 10 o'clock, we again called on Mr. Wanamaker at his of fice. We found him In and made known to him the wishes of the Re publicans of Delaware county in the matter of a joint discussion. He then askeiT if the state chairman was willing. We informed him we would see. We immediately went over to the Republican headquarters and fcund the chairman at his desk. We made known to him our desire that he would meet Mr. Wanamaker in joint discussion at the courthouse In Media, as per the resolution. He promptly ac cepted the invitation and addressed the following letter to your committee: Gentlemen: I am In receipt of your invitation to meet the Hon. John Wan amaker in joint discussion of the po litical issues of the present campaign at the courthouse in Media on Saturday evening, the 24th of September. I here by accept the invitation. It would af ford me much pleasure to meet Mr. Wanamaker at that time or any other time during the present campaign to re fute the charges that he has been mak ing against the Republican party of this state. Very respectfully yours, JOHN P. ELKIN, Chairman. Your committee then reported the ac ceptance of Chairman Elkin to Mr. Wanamaker at the office of the latter. Mr. Wanamaker' replied that he would not enter into a discussion of this kind unless the committee of his friends having in charge the mass meeting at Media so directed.. We then called up by 'phone Captain Albert Magnin, of Darby, who was the committee ap pointed to make arrangements for the Wanamaker meeting. When told that Chairman Elkin had accepted the In vitation to enter into the joint discus sion with Mr. Wanamaker and that Mr. Wanamaker referred the matter to him, Captain Magnin refused to make arrangements for the joint discussion on the crounds that he had no author ity to do so. We have labored faithfully to carry out the instructions of your commit tee and arrange for a joint discussion of the issues involved between the par ties above mentioned. It is due to State Chairman Elkin to say that from the first he expressed a hearty willingness to meet Mr. Wanamaker and discuss the Wanamaker meeting at Media, as well as Mr. Wanamaker himself, show ed a disposition to evade the responsi bility of a joint discussion at that time. All of which is respectfully submit-,, ted. Committee —John 1.. Hawthorne,chair man: Edward S. Hickman. Charles M. Wagner. The committee of Lackawanna Pres byterv appointed to superintend the sale of the Laporte Presbyterian church prop erty has been authorized by the congre gational meeting held Sept. lii. to extend the time lor the reception ot written bids to Oct. 11S0S. These bids may he left with Miss llattie ( 'rocker. Laporte. Several bids have already been presented and time is asked for presenting others. The Congregation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. After the 15 of October the successful bidder will be informed bv the Committee which bid they decide to accept. Rbv. I'. H. Bkooks. On behalf of the Committee. Fish and ham, prices right, at .1. \V. Hack's. Sonestown. Williamsport & North Branch R.R TIME TABLE. In Effect Tuesday Sept. 13, 1808. X wu rd. Hon th wu r< I pin. a.m. a.m. pm 52D 10 sa Halls 9 l*» 440 f'»:*oiflo2s Pennsdale 41 fl-> 540 10 40 ...Hugliegville 82 4 iM >4h in-is Picture Rocks i»2.'> lit I . .1 I In •: Lynns Mills f922 f4 08 f.">54 flosf> ( hamonni -0 f4 0o ft»o2 11 04 (ileii Mawr II f<» 12 fll II .strawbridge ftlUi f:M7 i» If. fl 117 Beech Glen f*>ol fa 42 <•2O 11 21 .... Muncy Valley n» s in 02* 11 :so Sonestown.... 852 8 ;:j »"• 4."» 11 4«.» Xordmont i » 701 12 08 LaPorte 821 2 *»7 7 01 ]2U La Portu Tannery s l'.» 251 f7 20 fl2 Kingdalc fsiv> fi? n:: 7 12 4."» Satterfield 7 .V> 2 20 pin. p. in. am. pm. All trains daily except Sunday; " t " flag stations. Connections with the Philadelphia k Reading at Halls, for all points north and south, and the Fall Brook and Beech Creek railroads. At Satterfield for all points on the Lehigh Valley railroad. At Souestown with the Eagles Mere railroad. R. E. EAVEXSON, (Jen, Manager. HughesvilU'P a CIDER MILL IN OPERATION John M. Converse will be prepared on and after Wed nesday, Sept. 14, to fill or ders on Wednesday, Thurs day and Fridays of each week until Nov." 11, 1898, at his mill in Sonestown. Pa. Boarders. John. V. Finkle has opened his large and comfortable house lor the accomoda tion of court boarders, and also lor regu lar boarders by the day or week, at rea sonable rates. Corner ol Maple and Muncy Sts,,Laporte. Administratrix Notice, Kstulc of Walter Spencer, late of La|>ortn Itoro. Sullivan county, deceased. Letters of administration u|«>u the a hove named estate liaring been granted to the undersigned, all i>ersoiis having claims against the same will present tllem for payment, duly authenticated: and those indebted thereto, will plea.-e make Immediate navment to KM M A SI'ENVKK. Ailinrx. A. .I.Biiadi.kv. Attv. l.apnrtc.l'a. Public Notice. Notice is hereby given that an application will lie made to the Honorable Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan County, on the :10th •lay of September. 18!i8, for the charter of a eor -1 oration, to he called "The Citizens' Military Band," of Herniee, Pa.,the character und object of which ure the acquiring 11 knowledge of the art and science of music, to furnish music and enter tainment lor the public of Herniee, Pa., and"to have a |>ermaiient organization to be known; as "The ntlxens' Military Band," of Bcrnlee, Pa. A. HIEAW.KV. Solieiior. .Laporte. l'a., September 7. IS9S. C. R. Gumble, Dealer in and Hanufacturer of j Farm CARRIAGES \NL WAGONS. AND Your Patronage Lumber Is solicited oil the basin of low prices. hon't It l lai.i escape V. e nrf rid of our lame stock ol' hand made WagOflS, We nlco (leal hi laclory made platlrotn sprinsr WHtfon*. Blacksmithing and Repairing. West Main Street LAFOIv TIE. Look out for-^=— A. E. Campbell's New Advertisement in This Space Next Week. He will have something important to say. New York Weekly Tribune. BOTH One Year for $1.25. Send all orders to the News Item, Laporte. I'll KN. V. TltlHlNK ALMANAC. 40 pa gee. A National 1'.0..k of refer i enoe lor Governmental mid jiolitical inlorinution. Contain-' the Constitution ol' tin | I'nited States, tlis I >in<rley 'l'arid Hill, witli a comparison ol old and new rates, | President McKiriley's Cabinet and appointees, ambuss,'icors. consuls, etc. The 'standard American almanac. I'rioe. 2"i cents. Address. The News Item. tev BRIGHT 88%?*., And 1 ■ EARLY, > Evey Thursday Morning. THE REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM. IS THE PAPER FOR THE —-e=-7 FAMILY. Republican in Principle ! $ $ Independent in Thought' * * Indomitabl in A' f ion. Do you Appreciate Values? ll'jso. Ijcaii readily do'Jmsincss with you. Call, and I can it 11 your order to your entire satisfaction. My Spring and Summer Line is Complete. Casiniere Suits, iH-50 to SB.OO. Worsted Suits, ">o to L'O.OO Serge Suits, 5.00 to 10.0(1. Clay Suits. 4.00 to IS.OO. Also tin attractive line of Gents burnishing Goods. V ' Mats, eaps, light wool and gauze underware. umbrellas, trunks, traveling liagsatul vitliees. Call and see the largest line of clothing in Hits part of the country. J" W" GABOLL.. !)»»»«»«, I' Try The News Item Job Office Once. Kine Printing modkkn' kaciutiks. We Print • To Please. Subscribe for the News Item.