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Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING j Company, Chas. F. Billamboz. AfrentS. D. H. Lorah, " SONESTOWN I>A FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DCSIIOKE, riCKNA. CAPITAL - - WO.OOO. ! SURPLUS - - SIO.OOU. ! Does a General banking business. It. W. .1 EN'NINUS, M. P. SWARTS. j President. ("ashler. I GALLAGHER'S HOTEL I AND RESTAUR AN I, | IiAPORTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Frop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours, Oysters and game in season. LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. HOTEL MAHSE THOS. W. BEAIIEN, Prop. LAPORTE, PA. This new hotel h t vsbeen reecntlv ..pened newly uimisluil throughout and will In inn lor siieeial oceomooation of the traveling public. Tin' bell stork,'l imr in the county. Rates are low . COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPOHTE PA. This large and well appointed houso is j the most popular hostelry in tliis section | HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, SHUNK, PA. W. E. PoRTKit, Prop'i*. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEPE, Proprietor. DUSHORE, L'A. . j One of the largest and best equipped | hotels in this section of the state- , Table of the best. lUtes 1.00 dollar per .lay. | Large 9t:ibles. _ Professional Cards. T J & F. H. INGHAM, I • ATTOHNBYX-AT-I.AW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties PA ! LAPORTE, £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTR. PA. Oltlce In Court House Building. yyM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing: the estates and other legal business prompt attention. A J." BRADLEY, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, or PICK IN COUNTY NlM.niNn NKAUCOURT UOUSK. LAPORTE, 1 A Monday ol'each week at Forks Vl lie. Ellory P. Ingham. Harvoy K. Nowitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNKYS^AT-LAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the otliee of United' States Attorney and Assistant United states Attorne}, will continue the general practice oi law in t u I'nitCHl States courts, and all the courts of the city and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORN AW: OPPICK IN riIBLIC BUII.niNn COURT HOUSE SQITARK. LAPORTE, L'A H. CRONIN, ATTORNEY* AT -LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. OPriCB OH MAI* STREET. DUSHORE, RA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Care Constipation Forev«r, Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lUc or !!Sc If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 3&c. If C. C C fall, druggists refund money. House s Yes, we have been cleaninghouse, and find we are overstocked with } LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST \ £ EAR RINGS, SETS, / P CUFF BUTTONS, ETC., ETC. \ > 117 I- 11A V K filled one show ease willi tliem and will f!,ose ~u' l " oul J \ JVV at one-half or less <!ian the regular prices for cash. It von art' in need ol in the assortment ii will pay '"°k diem <,x4-1 • j i We also have a lot ol'second-hand watches llial we will 11 Va|» ( 112 I'es peelfully, etc., J ' S li ETT ETN I»UR Y, <• q DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. P Coles p —-j GENERAL fiardwarc— nWA , RF PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES and GLASS. SPECIAL inducements given on CTOVES and RANGES and all kinds of HEATING STOVES for Wood of Coal, suitable for parlors, halls, churches, school houses, camps, etc. Attention to a line of Cheap air-tight wood heaters from 5.5.00 to § Also a line of coal heaters from S2.f>o up 1o $35.00. My Special Bargain Sale is open on a line of heaters slightly damaged by water. Hood as new. hut they must he sold CHKAI' Tf in need of a cheap heater, call early. Mv "Dockash" Ranges are without a question the finest in the market, made up of the best*material and designed to be a handsome Range. Furnaces always the best on the market. In lact we are ready to heat the universe either in hot water, steam or air. Iry us. we guarantee satisfaction. STO V RE PA I RS AN D RE PAIRJNH. PLI'MBING, STEAM FITTING AND SI PPL IKS. MILL SUPPLIES. Qoles Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. ■ I J Jpt THIS SPACE RERERVED]|FOR n. A. Rogers & son., J—FOKKSVILU:, PA. 112 "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY.' LAPORTE, I'ENNA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1898. Political Pointers. The gait at which Folk and Walsh are running has as yet not resulted in any demand that they be rigged out with fenders. + t + It was the same favoritism shown at the Democratic supper in town last week that protruded in the con vention which named the Demo cratic ticket. There seems to be too kinds of Democrats, the ordinary and the extraordinary. t t t J. L. Christian is a popular young doctor and will discharge the duties of Member with dignity and honor. Vote for him, and sustain the good name of Sullivan county in sending able men to the Legislature. t t t Return "Win. J. Lawrence to the office of I'rothonotary and you will have this important station well filled for another term. It is not good policy to put green men in this office every new term. It hasn't ever been done nor will it be this time. Vote for him. tt t t < >ne of the questions now pressing upon us is how to provide govern ments for these islands that have fell into I'ncle Sam's possession through the successful results of war, and secure continued prosperity to all our people. Only that party should be intrusted with it that has shown itself most capable of dealing with great affairs. Both in peace and in war, the Republican party has pro ven equal to every emergency, and the record it has made is a guarantee that it will meet these ijroblems of the future and solve them with the same triumphant success that has attended it in all its brilliant career. The work is already in the hands of President McKlnley. What he wants is the support of a House of Representatives. Win. 11. Wootlin is the candidate who star, j pledged to sustain the President in all his moves to these great ends. Let your vote be one that sends him to Wash ington. t+ + + The popularity of 11. W. Osier, candidate for Sheriff, grow s with the people as the campaign advances, and it should. He is a man of sobriety and good business qualities, and wherever he goes he is sized up las a man of sterling worth. It is seldom that an opportunity of plac ing the business of the sheriff's office in such capable hands presents itself. Vote for him, he should be elected, tt t t There will be a strong effort made in the next legislature to tix the minimum school term at eight months. Pennsylvania is shamefully low in school records compared with other states that are producing great men and women. Dr. Christian is a man who j knows* how to value an education and will exercise his able influence and judgment in this direc tion for the best interests of*his_'eon stitucnts. Send him to llarrisburg by all means. +t t t The fact that Win. J. Lawrence has been honored with a renomina tiou is recognition of the fact that he has discharged the duties of his office I with credit, lie was found worthy the support of many Democrats three years ago, while today his worth i recognized by all regardless of party, as he has served the whole people in most efficient manner and not found wanting. Such men have heretofore i been returned to the office after the first term. Vote for him, and do unto this gentleman likewise. Voters are making statements to the effect that we need speech makers to send to Washington. Who else was it but W. H. Woodin who ap | peared before a convention in this place and made a plain, sensible and I pointed speech, indicating why it was incumbent upon the party at this period to place a strong Repub lican Congress behind the back of the President. Woodin is more than a bag of wind, commonly called ora tors; he is a man of mind and judg | nient and his "talk" shows it. (Jive ! him a rousing vcfte and insure his I election. A Unique Marriage Ceremony. 31 r. F. Fairman and Miss Rose Glldewell, hoth of Davidson town ship, made tin assignment of their love and appointed eachother receiv ers before .1 IK1«-«* Herring last week. It was these sad October days which puts a ragged edge on life that found Fairman dreaming of bis fair Rose and in this trying 'exigency, like Micawber, was simply waiting idly for something to turn up, when love found him out. In such mat ters there always is a way and in this case it led to Hloonisburg where a marriage license was procured and upon receiving it expressed a desire to have the felicitous noose jerked into a knot at once. There being no Justice of the Peace at hand and Judge Herring happening to lie pass ing along the street at the time, was called in. lie united the happy couple in the presence of a large number of interested spectators and when the groom handed him a V. the Judge turned and gave it to the blushing bride with his best wishes. Bernice Echoes. The graded school opened here on Monday of last week with a large attendance. \Y. 1,. Roberts visited friends at Towanda last week. Washington Camp No. IHI P. O.K. of A. moved from the K. of L. Hall to the I. O. O. F. Hall his; week, where they will meet every Friday evening. This hall is one of the finest lodge rooms in the state. Kay Wirkendike of Towanda, Machinest for Humphry Bros. Mfg. was doing some repair work on the culm screen engine, Tuesday and Thursday. Mrs. John Boyd of Dushore, spent Wednesday and Thursday with her daughter Mrs. H. W. Taylor. Sleighing will be good through | town this coming winter for people j have commenced to dump coal ashes jin the road already. . ! J. W. Roberts was on the sick list i last week. Sonic of our boys demonstrated i their joy over winning the ball game at Dushore the other day and it jarcd upon some of the citizens. We sincerely hop*' it did not injure the drums of their ears, so that they will have to consult a physician. Now boys, don't do it again for Fred is a little nervous since he chewed up the moth ball. finger llill had a moon dance last week. We wonder if the girls had to dance with the man in the moon. ('. K. Jackson and <i. K.Dougherty spent last week at Ithaca, where they took in the big fool ball game. Roger Hanipson of Pittsburg, wa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hanipson last week. Miss Jennie Leonard is visiting friends in Waverly N.Y., this week. Mrs. John Lang and Mrs. David Rutherford who have been visiting relatives in England during the sum mer, returned home on Thursday. John MctJec of Say re visited with ! friends here Monday. The St. Patricks C. T. A. society ! will give a concert and dance in the basement of St. Francis church in Mildred Thanksgiving night. Friday evening a large number of Rev. J. ('. Campbell's friends gath ered at his residence and gave him and his estimable wife a very pleas ant surprise and presented them with beautiful presents. A very pleasant time was enjoyed. Refresh ments wen* served during the eve ning. Hillsgrove. Prof. A. C. T. Fdkin of Ottersville •spent Saturday and Sunday with I friends in town. I Richard Riddle is on the sick li*t. Arthur Kelley of Leßoy was a ! pleasant caller at Miles Jinkeu last week. Joe Piatt and wife of Williamsport I visited his uncle Dan < iraffius Sattir i day last. I A party of young ladies from j Forksvillc drove down to church : Sunday last. I Rev. Spooner of this place is liold i ing nioetings in Sliunk. 1.25 Per. Year Number 23. Shunk. Mr. Arthur 1\ el ley of Leroy made a brief visit with friends here Satur day. Mrs. Allen Kightmire is very sick. Dr. (Jumble is in attendance. Miss Nettie Morgan ha.- returned to her work in Canton. Mrs. Ferguson who sustained a painful injury to her knee at the Canton fair is still at the home of J. 11. Campbell of that place, unable to be moved home. Miss < Justa I Hierkes of ('anion,who has been visiting her parents in thi* place, returned home Sunday. I*.. J'. Fanning'* barn and contents burned Monday night of last week. No insurance. Ucv. Spooncr of 11 ill-grove,is hold ing a series of meetings at this place this week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11. < 'amphell have returned home after spending a week with relative* here, also taking in the county fair. Mr. and Mrs. olin Williams Sun dayed with S. Kightmire at Kagles Mere. Miss Mary Smith of Forksville, was a caller in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kvert Williams of Kalkaska, Michigan, who went from this place thirteen years ago, were visiting relatives here last week. Mrs. C. I>. Voorhees of lnstanter, is visiting her mother Mrs. Addie liattin of this place. As we journeyed down in 11 i llstrr< >\ «• That rainy Saturday. Toerossliats with the llillstirove lioys We surely expected lo play. lint from some iniswin leisttuni i1 That nine was not in sisihl: So hack liome we turned our heels. ■lust mad enough to lijilii, Dickinson College lias just honored William 11. WoMin. fcl{c|iuhlioan rainli date for Congress. I>v election l" metnlier- Hliipon the Hoard of Trustees. A busi ness man ol Mr. Woodin's stump w ill lie a \ alnable assessiou to l>iekinson's*c.\ecu tive hoard. Muney Valley. (>n Friday, < >ct. 7. a little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shoemaker died and was buried on Sunday at 11ughesville cemetery. Wm. May returned home last Monday evening after -pending a week with friends at Nordniont and Colley township. K. !•'. Webb spent a few hours in 11 ughesville la>t Monday afternoon. Some of the tow n people took in the fair at Forksville last week. Lot more expected togo but on account of the rainy weather was compelled to stay at home. Dennis I'almatier i- improving as fast as can be expected. Mrs. Jrvin Dubler anil family re turned home from Williamsport, where she has been visiting for the past few weeks. .Mr. Wm. 11. Vanßuskirk of Eag les Mere, was doing business in town last Tuesday. Mrs. \Y. 1,. Sheets of Sonestown, was calling on friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. Jas. Moran is improving his house by building more to it. .Air. Morgan (iavitt of Laporte was a town visitor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Corson of (ilen Mawr visited Mrs. .las. Moran on Sunday. Miss Kitchen of I luglfesville visit ed Mis- Myrtle Miller over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.Sam Magargel hegan liouse keeping last Monday in part of A. Minnier's house. M.and 11. Earnback moved back to Muncy one day last week. The Campaißii Auninst Woodin. From I lie l'liila. Inquirer. 'l'liey do not nee into be making- much headway in their t against young Mr. Woodin ii|> in the Seventeenth t'ongrei-- sionul district, ami there is an excellent reason why. In fact there are two or three reasons. The first is that even under the severest construction ot the law it is not a crime not to have attained the aire of eigh ty or ninety. I fit were the great majority of our citizens would he in jail. A second reason is thai it is not an oflense for a man to give employment to many hund reds of men. I'.very eflort to use the latter argument against a man in this.State has tailed. The man of means who puts those means in a great plant for the double purpose of employing his capital at a fair profit and at the same time giving .work to lahor is the last man in the world, assuming- that he deals fairly with his men, for laboring men to oppose. Mr. Woodin should pray that his en emies keep up their present cry that he is an employerol lahor. It will win out —• lor him.