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Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. BONESTOWN FLAGGING -^.Company, Chas. P. Billamboz, AgrpntS. D. H. Borah. n » c " u SONESTOWN I>A FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHORE, FENNA. CAPITAL - ■ $50,000. SURPLUS - - 810.000. Does a General Banking Business. B W. JENNINGS. M - T) SWARTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL ASH RESTAUR AN!. LAPOSTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER. Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Ovstcrs and game in season. wltheh^Ul^win^^ LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN. Prop. HOTEL MAINE THOS. W.BEAHEN, Prop. LAPORTE, PA. This new hotel has been newly ; mminhed throughout and will dc run lor inc special aecomixfation of the travellng publ e. The best stocked barinthecountj. Rates are low. , COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. This largo* and well appointed houpe is the oj"St popular hostelry in ttiis section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street. SHUNK. PA. W. E. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEPE, Proprietor. DUSHORE, PA. One of the largest and best equipped hotels in this Bection of the state. Table of the best. Ri.tef> 1.00 dollar per .lay. Largo st- bleu. Professional Cards. J B T& F. H. INGHAM, ATTORN EVS-AT- LAW, Legal business attended to in ibis and adjoining counties LAPORTE, VA j [TTNIULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE. PA. Ottlce iu Court House Building. J H. CRONIN, ATTOR»ET«AT -LAW. NOTART PUBLIC. orric* on MAI> STR»KT. DUSHORE, : ' A P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law. Office in Countv Building. LAPORTE, L'A. Collections, conveyancing; the settlemeut ol estates aud other legal business w 111 receivt prompt attention. _ A J. BRADLEY, ATTOBBBT AT-LAW, OFFICE M COOBTV BCILBIHO NEAR COURT BOUSE. LAPORTE, rA Monday of each week at Forksville. Ellory P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNRTS-AT-LAW, # OFFICE 3 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDINfi. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United state, Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the'general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORSRT-AT-LAW: orrice in PUBLIC BBILDINQ C'JTJRT HOUSE BQOARK. LAPORTE, PA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laport" Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cure ion Forctwr* Take Casearets Candy Cathartic. 100. or2&c If C. C. C. fall to euro, ilruggmts refund money Educate Tour Bowel* With Caacarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, S6c. Ire. C. C fall, druggists refund money. ] (gleaning House C Yes, we have been clearinghouse, and find that 3 y we are overstocked with L F LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST I C EAR RINGS, SETS, / J CUFF BUTTONS, ETC., ETC. \ * lii. HAVE tilled one show eatie with them and »will close tliein out \ j JVV -it one-half or lees than the regular prices'for cash. If vou are ? in need ot nnyihinir|in the assortment it will pay you 'to look tbemover. V j \ We nlao have a lot of second-hand watches* that we will sell cheap J j i RETT EN BURY, S DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. / : 00k5... * ~--'i GENERAL BafcteowA* e PAINTS. OILS, VARN T SHES and GLASS. SPECIAL inducements given on CTOVES and RANGES and all kinds of HEATlfcip STOVES for Wood or Coal, suitable for parlors, halls, churches, school houses, camps, etc. Attention to a line of Cheap air-tight wood heaters front ' 83.00 to SIO.OO. Also a line of coal heaters from 82.50 up to §35.00. My Special Bargain Sale is open on a line of heaters slightly damaged by water. Good as new. but they must be sold CHEAP If in need of a. cheap heater, call early. Mv "Dockash" Ranges arc without a question the linest in the market, made tip of the best material and designed to l>e a handsome ! Range. Furnaces always the best on the market. In fact we are i ready to heat the universe either in hot water, steam or air. Try us. we guarantee satisfaction. BTOV REPAIRS AND REPAIRING. PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND SUPPLIES. MILL SUPPLIES. Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. H.A.Rog-ers&son., FORKSVILLE, PA. Generously Reduced We grant you it is rather early in the season to talk of reductions, but there is to be a great showing of Holiday goods here—a showing that will surpass any previous season. When this store advertises it endeavors to recite the actual facts. When it's a strong story there's strong reason for it. We've got a fine line of Dress Goods No use of going into detail about them —could only be done indifferently to the neglect of many features, but wo want you to understand that we are offering a large variety of GENERAL MERCHANDISE at remarkably low prices contrasted with goods of such sound, solid value. J All Kinds of Fine Flannels A stock of such extent and variety that you arc sure to tind just the desired kind at a price to your advantage. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, ISite. TO PRETTY ROW I AMONG DEMOCRATS, i Gordonites Seek to Overthrow Col- i onel Guffey's Leadership Representative Fow, oi Peculiar Memory , and Author of Queer Bills, Leads the ' Fight, But He Gets Cold Com fort From the Straight out Democracy. (Special Correspondence.) Harrlsburg, Nov. 23.—There is a pret ty row on in the Democratic party in Pennsylvania. It is all over the oppo sition of the Gordonites to the contin uance of the leadership of Colonel James M. Guffey and to the desire of the friends of Judge Gordon to help out the Wanamaker combination in their plans to advance the political In terests of the Philadelphia millionaire and his Republican associates. That Wanamaker has given up all hope of being elected to the United States senate Is now apparent. His managers, while still in touch with the Democrats, are trotting out C. W. Stone and John Dalzell for United States senator, to divide the Republi can vote. Meanwhile Mr. Guffey i3 getting in his fine work lining up the Democrats. Mr. Guffey has never been known to enter into any business or political deal without expecting a full return for any expenditures that might be made. It is well known to out siders that In the last three weeks of the state campaign the Democratic managers made up a pool and put up Individual collaterals upon which 1100,- 000 was raised to be spent in certain counties to elect Democratic members of the legislature. The present United States senate stands 44 to 40 against the Republican party, and with visions of Democratic control of the senate bo fore them the Guffeyites were very lib eral in their expenditures. The Dem ocratic machine had nevfr handled such great rolls of cash, and with their allies in the Wanamaker organization the ' succeeded In unexpected quarters. Guffey, now having eng'aieeted and financed the Democratic campaign, be lieves that he is entitled to the honor of the Democratic caucus nomination for United States senator. The Gor don-Mutchler combine has, however, trotted out Chauncey F. Black as a candidate for United States senator, and are lighting Guffey at every point. Guffey believes the Democratic party should stand by its colors and place a strong man, a good Democrat, in the field for the speakership of the house of representatives. IN FAVOR OF GUFFEY. The officers of the Democratic state organization are of the same mind, as was evidenced by an address to the Democratic members-elect issued by Secretary Van Dyke, of the Democratic state committee, who indignantly re sents the idea that the Democratic members shall be used to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for the Wan amaker Republicans. He conies out squarely in favor of Colonel Guffey for United States senator, calls attention to his record as a valiant fighter for hi? party and the self denying manner In which he has always given his time, money and services to the party. The most conspicuous advocate of coalition with the Wanamakerites in the legislature by the Democrat-, la Representative John H. Fow, author of the "Fow bill," and other iniquitous measures that have brought denuncia tions upon his head from almost every county In the commonwealth. Fow, whose Democracy has frequently been questioned, and who was, through a deal, on both the Republican and Dem ocratic tickets, has met with many turndowns from Democrats who de cline to enter Into negotiations with the selfish Wanamaker-Van Vaikenberg- Blankenburg cohorts. It is safe to predict that Colonel Guf fey will win out his fight. Meanwhile the Republicans arc quietly canvassing among their num ber in the interest of the several Re publican aspirants for the speakership. Voorhees of Philadelphia, Bliss of Del aware, McClain of Lancaster. Marshall and Hosack of Allegheny, and the others. There is no question that the Republican caucus nominee will be elected by practically the full party vote. Representative Frank U. Harris, who has Just been triumphantly re-elected from Clearfield county, and who was here a few days ago, has come out flat footed in favor of the re-election of United States Senator Quay, lie says: i "I take my re-election to mean that the people of my county desire the return of Colonel Quay to the United States senate. 1 was known throughout the | fight that has just closed as a Quay j man, and while the county went for Jenks, I was elected on the Republican ticket. I shall certainly vote for Sen ator Quay in the Republican caucus. : and in so doing I shall represent the ex pressed wishes of a ma/ority of my con ; stituents." The fight against the re-election of ! Mr. Harris was certainly one of t Vie most bitter waged in any district in the • state. Immense sums of money were | spent to defeat him. His success under the circumstances was marvelous. Bornlce Echoes. 1 lon. John S. Lino visited friends at Towanda and Monroetou,Tuesday and Wednesday of last wool;. Patrick Murphy was n business caller at Dushore Monday of Inst week. County Snpt. \V. Meylert and wife were tin: quests of Mr. and Mr.-. Joel Saxon Tuesday and Wednesday of I .-I v. ... The . visited the schools her.- and I mini them all pro gressing. The fair thai *va.- held in the 1.;». O. F. hall Tuesday and Wednesday : evening of last week under, the ans- 1 pices of the Ladies' Aid Society was a grand success socially andttnaneiul ly. Tuesday evening die hand was present and enlivened die occasion, 1 and til ' supper was one of the t>esl ever servi dby the ladi< s. Hie sale of fstney work was large Wednes day evening was another successful night. An entertainment consisting oi'singing and recitations. The Jadie- di erve groat credit for their labor in making the fair: ueh a success. The net proceeds was si2o. Mrs. John Huberts \vi,- shopping in Dushore Tuesday of last week. Mr--. Thos. Murrey was (tilling on friend- ai Diwliore Tuesday of hist ; week. Mi-- Ldi'.'i i'hoin,•: <>n has been quitt : •!.. but i- c nvnlc-'.'ing. M•. .1 Mr-. J. .i. Boyd .ml son l'rai..., of Dushore. spent Thanks giving with their daughter M 11. W. Taylor. Mr-. William (Jnick is on t. •iclc list. Mrs. Delhi Sherman, of Overton, visited friends at this place last week. Our postal clerk is very fund of flowers, especially Lilli ys. M.l ii-ha Keller and brother oi Bloomsburg, were the guests of hi son H. J. Keller last week. Mr. and Mrs. !•'. Krumburger of New VotkCiiy wire' ,*• gue>t of his father Simon Frutnburger last week. Messrs. Harry llatnpson, O. 1". Dougherty and Janie- Spence, Jr., attended the Masonic lodge at Mon roetoti Monday evi ningof last week. Sgt. Soloman, of Wilkcsberry, anil Jeremiah Deegan, of Dushore, were the gin-ts of Rev. J. A. Klirigllt Thank^givinir. A We-'ern bii//.ard -truck thi.- town about 11 o'clock Saturday night j lie was ; i blustering fellow and done; consiih rai.ic blowinj. Sum! y r.iorn ing, but Old Soi warmed him up a j little during the forenoon and he \va,- good naturcd the balance of the dtty. Miss W. Diefi'enbacli, of Cherry, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Yogel of Mildred last week. The original Irish drama Sharon Arou r was played by the members of j the S.. ■ 'atriek < . T. \. Society in the Sv. l i.inci- hall fhanksgiving I night before one of the largest audi-j ence- that ever attended a play in , this town, tiie play was full of pathetic .-CCIK- inte; iningkd with | droll humor and it wn- well render ed. 'l iie ladies and trentlenien of the j cast certainly did credit to them- • selves and to the plav. The a alienee ; was well pleased as was proved by j their numerous eneorc*" and to spec ially mention anyone whu4.iok part in tli-' play would be doing an injus tice to oth< i for :.!1 di'-i their parts well and de-crvcd all the congratu lations they each received. The cast wa- drilled by Rev. J.A.J airight and it was through hi- untiring efforts that the entertainment was J such a grand sitcces -. After the play the young people were a chance to trip to the sweet strains i of niusie which they did to their satisfaction. Receipts of the eve- j ning amounted to 5130.30. nunibur from Dushore and Lt>-' pe/. attended the play Thursday j evening. Died at Mt. Vernon. Mr.-. Martha Bennett, nee Ficster, wife of 11. R.* Dennett, died of con sumption at her home in Mt Vernon on Wednesday, November 2:1, 1 Sins. She was loved by all that knew lit r, ! a kind friend and good christian. The funeral was held on Sunday, ' conducted by Rev. Rush. i.25 P er - Year Number 30, Personal Mention. Leo Wrede made Ilughesville friends a call one day last week. —Judge J. S. Lino, of Bern ice, was in town on official business Fri day and Wednesday. .Mr-. Michael Donovan spent Thank-giving with friend* in On shore. Krastiis Yeagel's mother and sister, of Wiliiamsport, spent Sun da\ with iiitii at tliis place. Win. Walsh, who was confined to his room last week with neuralgia is able to lie at work agaiu. Mrs. John Kostcnbader and mother, of (J)en IMawr, spent Satur day with Mrs. w. B. Ritter. liauiel shires of Northinountaiu wa ai. acceptable caller at this office while in town on business Saturday. M. A. Scureman, the hustling insurance agent of Onshore, was in town Monday. Co. Auditor A. !'. itee-s. who for the past several weeks has been clerking in the Prothonotary's office, returned to his home in Piatt one day last week. l>r. W. A. Fergusson and Mr. Robert Fergusson, of Khnira, N. V., are visiting the county in the inter est of the new biographical history of Sullivan county, which, with the ; painstaking historical work of Judge I". .J. Ingham, promises to be a most valuable publication. We ask a cor dial welcome for these gentlemen. -Stewart Chase and Walter Spen cer left one day last week for Oris ; kana, N. V., where they will engage ! in team work this winter. The many friends of Mrs. Agnes Rogers joyously received the intelli gi nee of her arrival home Saturday : from the Wiliiamsport hospital where she lias been for some time under treatment that has resulted I beneficially. -Supt. F. W. Meylcrt was con lined to the house during the fore part of the week by a severe attack j of rheumatism. •George Gorman of Nordinont. was a business man in town Tues day, and a pleasant caller of the | editor. —Harry l-'iester of Sonestow n was ; in town Wednesday on business. Joe Cooper, the popular clothier !of town, made l iughesville a busi ne-s call Tuesda\. Mrs. Fmnia Harrow- visited with Williamsport friends last week. ll. (i. May of Muney Valley, visited the county seat Tuesday. ' 11. C. Psirdoe, i:. W Vough, l'owell Norton and Lyman Norton, if \Yi tern Sullivan, had business i transactions in tow n Tuesday. Simon ! rum berg of Mildred, was dnin • business in town Wednes day. * Burned to the Ground. Fagles Mere was visited by a de structive lire Monday night which started in the Win. H. Taylor cot tage en Kagle- Mere avenue about 1:2 o'clock. Shortly after the Stearns ; cottage took lire from the burning cinders and both structures were rapidly consumed. The Taylor cot tage wa - furnished and the loss is i estimated at between SO,OOO and 57,- OitO. Tin Steam-' cottage was ai>i> furnished with about the same amount of los-. Rotii houses were insured. The lire is thought to be of incendiary origin as the cottages had not been occupied for some time. A Model Hotel. The new Laporte Hotel .just eoni ' pleted can justly be classed among I the modern houses of the present day, and second to none of its kind, j Proprietor F. W. Gallagher, has spared no pains in making it eoni plete in every detail. Modern steam fixtures for heating and electric cull bells have been placed throughout the new structure and every thing is arranged in view of convenience. Frank pleads guilty to the charge of ! conducting one of the best houses in the county, and the charge is made j generally by all who enjoy the hos- S pitality of the genial host and his call boy Max.