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Republican News Item j CHAS. LOREN WING, Editor. THURSDAY DEC. 15, 1898. FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair IT TS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Evory Friday Moruiut;. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Seat of Sullivan Couutj. LAPOKTB, PA. Entered at the Post Oiliee at Laporte. a* • second-class mail matter. SCBSCRIPTION'—SI.2S per aimutn. LL paid in advance SI.OO. Sample copies free. All communications should be ad i Ar«*»ed to REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM. Laporte Pa , Altoona, Pa., Dec. i.—l.jiChael, alias "Peggy" Ilart, who' has been a fugitive from justice, charged with the murder of Victor Corretti at Dubois on April j 2, r i, 1800. and for whose apprehension j a reward of SSOO has been standing, entered the Sheriif's olttce and sur rendered nimseif. He walked over from Dubois, a distance of twenty four miles, through a blinding snow storm. Ilart said that he hail travel ed all over the country, and was tired of the life of a hunted man. District Attorney Woolward says lie expects to convict him of murder in the lirst degree. Schooner Lo*t; < r«w >»**<!. Philadelphia, Pa.. Dec. 1.— I The steam ship Mackinaw, Capt. Stone, arrived here from London, with Capt. Dobbin and crew of six men of the schooner Maynerd Sumner, which was abandon ed in a sinking condition seventy-live miles southeast of Montauk Point. The schooner was bound from Salem. Mass., for New York. She foundered ten minutes after the Captain and crew were taken off. The rescue was effected in a very heavy sea by a vol unteer crew of six sailors from the Mackinaw. l'lenty of Gold. The gold contained in the medals, vessels, chains and other objects pre served in the Vatican would make more gold coin than the whole of the present European circulation. Olil Monitor Wyandotte to lie Sold. Philadelphia, Dec. 2.—The monitor Wyandotte, now at League Island .Na vy Yard,is to be sold. The proposition was under consideration by the Navy Department, to repair the vessel, with a view to utilizing her for some service to which she might be adapted, but in quiry developed the fact that too much money wouid be r««tuiivd for this pur pose. and therefore a decision was reached to dispose of her. She is of the old single-turret type. Til* Erie Ilnyn a New ( out Field. Dubois, Pa., J>ec. 3.—The New York. Lake Erie and Western Railroad Com pany closed a deal for 7.000 acres of the choicest coal land remaining un touched in this bituminous coal re gion. The property lies immediately sontli of here in Jefferson and Clear field counties, and the tonage will jus tify the building of a branch from the northern part of the State to tap it. About $300,000 was involved in the deal. Striking Miners to Hejjtn Marcliintr Acniu Pittsburg. Pa., Dec. 3. President Patrick Dolan of the Miners' I rion liu3 ordered the miners' Black Dia mond Brass band and a large force of marchers togo to the pits about Carnegie and in Toms and Millers runs, in which the scale is violated. A winter camp will be opened in an abandoned building. Wilmington Ituce Trouble*. Wilmington, N. C., Dec. .".—United States District Attorney Bernard has received instructors from Washing ton to cause 1.10 indictment of the per sons who drove I'niteit States Com missioner Bunting from this city dur ing the race riots. The plan at present is to procure bills of indictment, issue banch warrants from Raleigh, and have the trials la that city. White men will be witnesses. NEW YORK MARKETS Prodoca Wheal—Dec 72?70 . May 70'J© 71 Corn—Dec .".8 <u :v 4 May > 3f»'., Oats—Dec 1 <6) 27 May * i'o 2>r>a ni.'TTKIi. Creamery—extras n:; i 23 : 2 * Firsts 20 @ State Dairy tubs, extras. 1!) (a; 20 Factory, Fresh, lirsts M! 2 '® 16V.; CHKKSK. State —Full cream,new, large fig <) '- 4 Small - tf. ! 4<o 10 V Hi K L' A ll[.Hi. l'otatocs, L. I. bbl .125 <ffl 176 Jersey •' 125 fat 1 37 Onions, L. I. V bbl 1."0 'al 2 -5 " Conn. " 200 fg, :i 50 I'urnips, Russian V bbl 60 (<; 75 LIVE J-OUI.TUr. Fowls, *» lb O'j® 10 Cbickeus, t lb S; 2 @ 0 Turkeys, lb S (a) y DUCKS, fr pair 40 (0 * 0 beese, V pair 1 &1:;7 i )>air <u, JQ UKKSSKO FOUI.TUV. ritvk<-vx. Wemeril t' ib 10 Or U Broilers, Pliila II 1 .,® 15 Fowla, Slate & i'enn., 112 1b... 8 ,(S) y Kquau, V u"/. 1 25"(&2 60 1.1V13 STUCK. BI:EVF.«. —Steers, ¥-1 50 (S> bulls, S2 tle, 10' ,<3l1 1 ( c, dreised weight; refrigera tor l eef, 7 (a 0c per ill. CAl.VKS. —Connuon to prime veals, RJ 6') •a »8 0O 100 lb; choice and extra small ; ii.ts a' $8 00® $8 25; mixed calves at 0J I a. 91 60. SIIKKP *nt> LAMM-— Common togood un iliorn sheep, $3 00 lamba, 7 ffl Hoo« »3 80 ® $4 00 gftgL WELL, i mm Santa :WT#! C1 IS AGAIN ON TIME.; HE looks pir>.i -aliter and richer than ever jfltN&b. This will lie the most succesM'ul Iloli- Jv-"'"' day Season of his life. He liiim firown so &€'ituS-L - rich in presents- anil liberal in giving iliat we hale his coining with joy. The no- AB&sSW.? * ■ ■ usual siipvlv of these goods is attracting FOR THE CHILDREN. ! We have beatitiliil dre>*ed I tolls, l'iiun JSjfa \VoodeiMind I'i'l VOYH, ' Swet pel-. Rrnom-. and thousands of other FOR THE ELDER LIVES. We show you line Celluloid Wares, Plush Jfk-j. ,;r ■>'j| ind Velvet goods in Shaving Sets, Collar 3E/jjV' { ffllr and Cud Sets, Fancy Mirrors, Alliums, '..v'aP^ Dinner Sets. Decorated Toilet Ware, Water Sets, Stand Lamps, Easy Chairs, Couches, Quadruple Plated Silverware. Jeremiah Kelly, HUGHESVILLE. If you Appreciate bnj'ing from a square, honorable house, which transacts business | on the square, don't forget when in need of CLOTHING, SHOES, LADIES'COATS & CAPES 1 I to patronize the originators of the small profit system and you J certainly wont regret taking advantage of a guide to upright dealers. Mercury has taken a drop, consequently drop to tliit-1 pointer and don't buy an Overcoat, Suit, Shoes, Furnishing I goods. Ladies' Cloaks, or anything in our large lines until you j have lirst visited us. Read the Following Low Prices: ' Here is a special offer in men's blue or black overcoats at 5.00 arc worth every cent 8.00. Men's dress suits, fine made, strictly all wool, at C.OO are worth 10.00. Men's black suits were soli, at 5.00, now 2.75. Youths'suits at 2.25, are sold all over at 4.00. Children's overcoats at 1.25 are special bargains. Chil dren's suits, hea\v weight, 1.00. Special offer in till wool heavy top shirts at 50c. Heavy wool undershirts or drawers at 50c, worth 1 00. Ladies' ribbed vests, extry heavy, 20c. Shoes, Rubber Boots & Shoes. Don't wait—prices cannot be lower. Many people think if they wajt until very late in the season they can buy at cost. Do you know when you get tin article at cost? If you do we will ask you to come and see our low prices now. gee our re ductions and you will be convinced that you can buy merchan dise at our store 40 percent, cheaper than any other place. Come and see the plain facts at our large store with small prices. Good attendants and always glad to show you goods and j prices. ' 1...L The Reliable Dealer in Clothing Jacoh Per Boots and sh oes . HUGHESVILLE, PA. | jj CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION 25c 50c DRUGGISTS * M - Try The News Item Job Office Once. Kine Printing NEAT WORK \a / _ n„' i. MODERN FACILITIES. \\ 0 jp 11111 To Please. THE REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM. IS THE PAPER FOR THE FAMILY. Republican in Principle ! s $ Independent in Thought, * * Indjmitabl in Actione. The State Normal School of East I Stroudsburg, Pa., furnishes its stu dents'' rooms complete. The only I school to carpet its students' rooms ! with line Brussels carpet. The first i and only school to introduce plain and fancy sewing,without additional cost to |iLii)ils. See advertisement in i another eolume. .1 VV. Buck lias ;( nice liiif ot horse > blankets. T«» I lift M»utu»n J j Take Ciu;carets Cutiuy Cutn: riic. 10c or 2aj. i Ii C\ C. C. iail to cure, druKKiHts refund rnonev > New lot of rubbers at .1. \V. Buck's : this week. IhMi't Tdiiami N|.itiu.u Miwtii Kntr in,' amjj. i To quit tolwco easily r.iul forever, lie niujj j netio. full of i.ln, nerve n»U vij-'or, take No-To- Uac, the wonder-worker, tluit makes weals men strong. All druKeists, sfeorit. Cureguaran teed Booklet ami sample free. Address Sterling Kennedy Co , (.liirturo »r New York. Goto J. W. Buck, Sonestown, for dry goods, boots, shoes, caps, under ware etc. ICduratn Your Ilon'ela tvitli ('nsoarrtrt. Candy Catlinrllr, cure constipation forever. 10n. S.>. Iff'. C. C. fall, driiccfisLs ri'fund money. For shoes and rubbers fro to J. W.Buck j To Cure Constipation Forever* Talto C;:.seurets Candy Cutliailic. 10c or 25c. ! If 0. i\ C. fall to cuiv, arußtfiKls ri fund money, j [•'or bnttcr crocks goto .1. VV. Buck's. | Mo-To- l!ac for Ti.-.y Outa, Guaranteed tobncco habit cure, makes weak me'iKiron.?, blood pure. 60c,91. All oruKvixUi KecrvM; Gay* .^o. Ca-i iireti) l.'atidy cathartic. tin" most won 'iei-ful medical discovery of Hi'. l u.te, picas a it ami lerr.slunt; to the u«sto. net aentlj lTul |i«ialtiv« ly on l;idne\s. liver and bowels j cleimsiiiir Ihe entire system, dispel colds, cruro Imadaolie. fever, liahitiK-l <onsti|>aiiot ' and biliousness. i J lea*e buy and try a box I at' (J. C. C. to-<lny; 10, !i.\ M) cent*. Hold nod I to cure by all druggist*. G. A. Rogers yORKSVII.LK, PA. (Successor to B.W. Favvcett.) Watches, Jewelery, Silverware, Etc. Bicycle repairing. Bicycle sundries. Fishing tackle, at lowest possible I'rice. Sensational Display of Christmas Goods. Wise buyers will recog nize the economy embraced in staying at home and deal i with us for Christmas gifts. | General Merchandise At. prices barely .shading over! wholesale cost. To quicken the selling of our large line of Horse Blankets we marked them at a very low | figure. You can safely liny any article from our large stock as new goods. Its one of the occasions of rare good fortune that care ful buyers are quick to profit •»y. No Shoddy Goods. Everything iirst-classat at MODERATE PRICES. E. L. Place, LAPORTE, PA. FALL and Winter Every corner of the store is bright, with the newest things for Women's wear and Men's wear and Children's wear. We are glad to have you come in and see the new life of the old store and look at its excellent line of goods. Underware for Men, Women and Children. In conjunction with the inviting varities, all prices will be found more than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries have have just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove. Pa. W.L. Hoffman':; -=—— —. HILLSG RO V E Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY, PROCTOR, PA. Splendidly Equipped FOR THE GREAT HOLIDAY BUSINESS The success of our Holiday Sales depends upon giving overvalue rather than undervalue for the money you spend with us. Therefore we will stand up to these resolutions. AN AVALANCHE OF NEW GOODS. Our supply of Christmas Goods is extraordinary Three big stores sparkles with new styles and colorings of Fashions' latest creation for XMass presents. General Merchandise. Our prices always touch the lowest ebb in General Merchandise. Our stock is absolutely complete. At prices all too small. JENNINGS BROS. i—— <s^ We keep in stock at our mills a complete line of dressed lumber in hemlock and hardwood. MANUFACTURERS OF Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber. LOPRZ. PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in 3-8 ceiling. CORRESPONDENCY SOLICITED. Buy Good Goods! And you will be surprised how cheap they are in the end. We have just unpacked such a stock o' coals and ccpes to which we are plensed to call vour special attention. We do not preie'd to handle the cheapest coats in t'ie market, hut we di pay we have the BEST and neatest fining frarmcntß made. Our coats and capes are made to order, and in the latest styles with prices to suit everybody. IN DRESS GOODS WE WERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT TIIE PRESENT. AS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY. Ladies and Misses, Boys and Men, you need not go halt frozen 'this winter for we have plenty of underwear for you all, hoth in cotton or woo l , ted or gray and the pr ce* are very low, so low that when vou see the goods you will ha aston ■«hed that wo are able to give you ouch bargains. One word in regard to foot wear: Uur shoe department was never more complete and if you will favor us with your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince you thai we have tl<e m<>st rareiu ly selected line ot fine and heavv bo> ts and shoes ever brought before tin put die. On crockery we have just received some very prettv designs in Decorated Dinner Wets to which we invite your attention. The buying ol country produce has alwaxs been a -penal feature of ou Business, and we still continue in paying the highest each pi ices lor Butter Egg® and Wool. E. G. Sylvara PUSHORE, PA. Wright & Haight, SUCCESSORS TO M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa. Fur "i'" r ?.. fcJWertaliiiM. MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc. DRESSED LUMBER Full and complete seasoned stock always on hand. A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of Coffins and Casket to select from ip Sullivan County. The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match. Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with safety and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE.