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Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 1 Business Cards. JONESTOWN FLAGGING Company, Chftß. F. Billiunbois. Air t >ntS. D. H. liornh, SON E STOW N I>A First nwtioxai. baxk iik nrsiioHK. IMCNSA. CAPITAL - " MO.OOO SURPLUS - - SIO,OOO Does a (Jener.'il banking Hiim|H'*s. B.W. JF.XXIXGS, M. I>. SW AUTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND REST AT KAN ' • LAI'OKTE, PA. K. \V. CALLAtiIIKK. Prop. Wnrm meals and lunches nt all hours. Oysters ami gnrae in season, supple with "It, LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN. Prop HOTEL MAINE THOS W.BEAHEN, Prop. LAPORTE, PA. This new hotel has been recently " l '\ s furnished throughout a"* 1 "'! 11 '* '! , im i,lie COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY. Prop LAPORTE PA. Thiß targ> and well appointed house - the i»"Bt popular hostelry in this action HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street. SHUNK. PA. W. E. Porter, Prop' p. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. OUSHOKE, PA. One of the largest .in.l be*t . <|ui|),'. <J hotel.- ill this Hei-tion of the state. TaUlom the best. lUtcs 1 .00 dollar per <lny. l.arRQ st hie?. Professional Cards. J.J. & F. H. INGHAM, Legal business attended t.> in this and adjoining enr.ntiw LAPORTE, I>A £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. lapoute. pa Office in Court House Building. J H. CRONIN, ATTORNKV-AT -LAW, SOTAaY PCBt-tC. OPTIC* OK MAI* ST It E KT. lili SHORE, 1A P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law. Office in County Building. LAPOKI'K PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement i.i , estates and other legal business will leou.t prompt attention. (Tj. BRADLEY, " ATTORNEY AT-LAW, OPFICB IS COUNTY BUILDING NEAR COITTIT HOUSE. LAPORTE, I>A Monday ot eacli week nt I'orksville. Ellery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Hewitt. |NGHAM& NEWITT, ATTORNEYS-AT-L A W, OFFICES 714-17 FRAXKLIX Bl'lLDlSti. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the oftir.e of United Stales Attorney and Assistant United .state- Altonn;> will continue the general practice of law in tin United States courts, and all the courts of tin- City and County of Philadelphia. HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTOKNF.Y-AT-I.AW: orriOE IN PUBLIC BUILniNO oouRT bouse sqrAUK. LAPORTE, PA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP .lust opened at the Laport" Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. T'> Cure Colli" ip:ltl«m l orcv .-r. •TakeCascarets C'uiicv Cullim-i.e. I".- ot-r.c If C. C. fall tocuiv. uriiKKiMs r> finut num.-v Rdnrato Your llnireli With Cmcafetii, Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. lOe.HSe. If (!. c. C. fail, druggists refund money. SWe have been ) I (gleaning House C For some time, but we are through at last. Wev j J are all fixed up in apple pie order for the / . J£rabe < ? with the largest and best stuck of goods wer have ever had. \ £ Somethingfor Everybody, lXe!!nrSi^. ,A, 'y >Wo think we can please the most critical buyer in Sullivan V \ .county. J C ' 1 !(.fill \ \i>lU'-. S RKTTH.NHUKY, <> DUSHORE. PA. TJ-1 K.l KYV KLhK. I PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES and GLASS. SPECIAL inducements given on GTOVESaiid RANGES and all kinds of HEATING STOVES for I OP Coal, suitable for parlors, halls, churches, school houses, camps, etc. Attention to a line of Cheap air-tight wood heaters from ,3.'?.00 to 810.00. Also a line of coal heaters from 52.50 up to $35.00. My Special Bargain Sale is open on a line of heaters slightly damaged by water. (.iood as new. but they must be sold CHEAP If in need of a cheap heater, call early. My "Dockash" Ranges are without a question the linest in the market, made up of the host material and designed to be a handsome Range. Furnaces always the best on the market. In fact we are ready to heat the universe either in hot water, steam or air. Try us. we guarantee satisfaction. STOY REPAIRS AND REPAIRING. PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND SI PPLIES. MILL SUPPLIES. Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. H. A.Rogers & son., PA. Generously Reduced I % We grant you it is rather early in the season to talk of reductions, but there is to be a great showing of Holiday goods here —a showing .that will surpass anv previous season. When this store advertises it endeavors to recite the actual facts. When it's a strong story there's strong reason for it. \\ e've got ne line of Dress Goods No use of going into detail about them could only he done indifferently 1o the neglect of main features, but we want you lo understand that we are offering a large variety of GENERAL MERCHANDISE at remarkably low prices contrasted with goods of such sound, solid value All Kinds of Fine Flannels V stock of such extent and variety that you are sure to tind just the desired kind ;it a price to your advantage. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPIIRTK. PENN.I, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22,1898. Court Proceedinß.i. The regular December Term and Sessions of the several Courts of Sulli van county; convened at ihe Court House, Laporte, on Monday, Decem ber 12, at 2 o'clock p.m. Court open wd in ilue form by court crier. Hon. E.M. Dunham, President Judge,and Hons. J. S. Line and Conrad Kraus | Associate Justices on the bench. The grand jury was called and tworn; John (i. Wright appointed I foreman; Frank Buck appointed tip stave to wait upon the grand jury. The several constables made their sworn returns in open court. The following nlatters were pre sented by the Register and were confirmed .\7. Si: Account of Exe cutors of D. J. Brobut, deed., Admr. of Peler C. Little, deed.; Admr. of Adam Me—ersinit h, deed.; (iuardian of Franklin Wilcox: Executors of Joseph Marshall, deed. Vpprciis luent of widow's share, estate of M. A. rturns, deed. TIIO report of inquest mi body of .). T. Jackson,deed, was approved. llenj. L. Owen vs Ida M. Owen. I subpoena in divorce awarded. Davidson vs Davidson, in divorce; W. J. Lawrence appointed eomiiii-- . siouer. Comth. vs Tlios. Mahaff'ev, contin ued; Recog. entered. Comth. vs C. F. Fierce; Nol. Pros; on payment of costs. Comth. vs llenry Htinsingcr and Owen McCann, charge assault and and interfering with an officer. Grand jury tind a true Mil. Case tried, verdict, not guilty and prose, cutor, F. C. Sehaubacher to pay the costs. Rule granted to show cause why that part of the verdict impos -1 ing cost <iii Schanbacher sliotili! not be set aside, returnable :it next term. Court direct said Schanbacher to en ter recognizance in the sum of sU'id and approve of S. S. Rogers as bis suvfty. Recognizance filed. \ "w Comth. vs W. E. Miller, charge, assault and obstructing a police offi cer. (irandjury find a true bill. Case tried on both indictments. The court instructs jury that the ' Comth. cannot sustain the charge of , "obstructing a police officer"and ' directs them to return a verdict of not guilty on that'count. On the count of assault the jury find the defendant not guilty,and directs that defendant pay 2-;3d and prosecutor, F. C. Schanbacher pay of the cost. Berthalfv- Bert half, divorce. J.ll. Lawrence Esq. appointed commis sioner. James J. Ramsey, ( has. Pfeifcr and Michael Brock, were duly ad mitted as citizens of the I'nitedStates and sworn in open court. In the matter of the adoption of Clinton C. Steafather. It is ordered and decreed that Clinton C. Steafath er shall assume the name of Lawrence and henceforth have all the rights of a child and heir of the petitioner, Clinton C. Lawrence. On petition, the Court appoint E. o. Rogers (iuardian of Buc, Ray mond, Robert, Daisy. Bessie and Francis Rogers, who arc minor chil dren of Rosalind Rogers, deed., and directs him to give bond in the sum of Sinn for each ward. Bonds tiled, approved by the Court. On petition, Sadie Brown, Elsie Brown anil Clarence Brown, minor children of Rose Brow n, deed., were permitted to make choice of a guar dian in open court, whereupon the petitioners chose their father. John W. Brown as their guardian, which choice was approved by the ('ourt, and lie was directed to enter bonds in the sum of sltio for each ward. Bonds tiled, approved by the Court. hi IT: Sato of real estate of Bernard M. Bedding. Bond of guardian to sell the real estate of his wards pre sented and approved and the order of sale continued until next term. On petition and motion, Jacob Kinsley is discharged a- guardian of Lloyd, Perceval antl John L. Kinsley and bond cancelled and sureties dis charged. (in petition and motion llenry C. Pardee is discharged a- guardian of Clarence Ifartt, and it is ordered that his bonds he cancelled and sure ties discharged. /n /v.- Instate of Richard flreen, a lunatic, t'lion petition of coiiuuittee il is ordered that upon confirmation of the final account of the committee | (Jeo. W. Craft, he relieved or dis charged from further action as com mittee of said lunatic. Account of committee tiled. A. 11. Zaner vs Pennington and 1). 11. Lorah. The Court on. petition mid motion of counsel for! defendant- extend the time for til- 1 ing an affidavit of defense for 20 days. Counsel for plaintiff'excepts and at his request ji bill is sealed. Jeremiah Stack house v- 'l'll ■ Lyon Lumber < 'o. On petition presented at chamber- -laying writ is- Oed in this case ami on motion of counsel for defendant in open court, a rule i granted to show euii.-e why the l"i fa issued and all proceedings thereon, should not lie -trickeu off"at the cost of tin plaintiff'. All liens and levies to be preserved, Returnableat next term. I'. M. Boyd \> Wm. IL add 1 . Taylor. Leave granted to amend the amended declaration in thi- case, to which counsel for defendants ex cept, and at their request an excep tion i- noted and a bill i- sealed. I ncnrporation of tlx lloro. of Eagles Mere. <>n petition of citizens and on motion of com:-el for petitioner- the < ourt do order and decree that I lie said low n of Lagles Mere lie, and i- hereby incorporated into a borough, in conformity with the prayer of the petitioners by the corporate name and title of the lloro. of I'.agles Mere, and that the annual elections for said borough shall be held at Hotel Eagles Mere on the :»d Tuc.-day of February next, at the hour- fixed by the Act of Assembly; the lirst election ofiicer- lo be as follows: .lodge of election, Alviee Dunham; inspeciorj-. t'. F Cheney and Clnis. A. ISrink; and that l*. S. Chase be appointed to give "due no tice of stdd election. Hy the Court. Fietta lleldt vsOeo.F. lleldt. On hearing testimony in this case, a decree of divorce is granted on pay ment of costs. John Ftz vs John Obcrt; Sci Fas. Judgment in open court for want of; ■an appearance and affidavit of de ! James McFarlanc vs Clarence ' Burleigh, deft ndant and John lias sen, garnishee. The Court direct judgment to be entered against the said John llassen for the <uni of #12.7!» with interest from Oct.2-1,159X and costs. hi re Executor'- account, estate |ofD. J. Brobst deed. Exceptions being filed to this account, John 11. Cronin Est|. is appointed auditor to hear and dispose of same and make report. The court direct a venire to issue 1 to the jury commissioners to place the names of :!'iO persons in the jury w heel to serve as jurors for the year 1890. Also direct that venires i-stie for :i(i traverse, and 21 grant I jurors be drawn to -erve at the February term I«!»!». riti A i. t.isr. A. C. llaverly v- Bcn.j. Kuyken . dull. Jr. Jury called and case on trial. Jury discharged and unit suit ordered to be entered. Bute granted to show cause why noli suit should not be stricken oil'. Mullen for I'llf. | Thomson and L. M. Hall for Deft. Cases certified and continued: ' Mitchell N'titiilg A- Co. vs A. J. I lack ley,. James McFarlanc vs \\ . i . Ma son, Merilt Shaffer v- Josephine Fitzpatrick, Martin Markle \- E. Ingham, F. W. Lewis vs J. W. I!al lartl. F. 11. Toinliiison v- Meyer- .V I Taylor, discontinued. Allen vs Huusinger, two cases, continued. UttiIMKNT I.IST. i Clms Sick vst'aroline Bald; Hartley Whalcn vs Dushore Boro. certified and continued. Cherry School Dis trict vs F. Mittendorll'el al. coiitinu. Ed by agreement, llenry flunsinger ! vs the L. \'.B. B. Co., rule absolute by consent. F. Mittendorff' vs The L. \'. B. B. Co. continued. Over seers of Poor of Cherry vs Executors ol'Janie.- Fitzsimmons deed., con- I tinued and leave granted plaintiff to I serve the rule on J>eft-. again- 1.25 Per. Year. Number 33. In re: Estate nf Ed. Sharp deed., rule fur attachment, continued. Saddlemirf vs Jennings, riff's. rule tn strike of/ nun suit; rule discharged. Holmes JL- Passage vs .John Obert, et al, continued l>v agreement. Magar gel vs Laporte twp., aule to «J«- special narr; nnrr filed and rule dis ! charged. W. Carroll vs Mary Mittendorff, rule to strike off nun Mrs.,continued by agreement. Har riett Luther vs John ('. White, cer i tiorari, continued by agreement and i leave granted to J. W. Rogers, .1.1'.. to tile an amended transcript in this case in :ln days. And now December 11, ls9*, at r>:;>u p. in.the several courts-of Sulli van r<iimly adjourned until Thurs day. liccciiilu r L'L'. :it loa. HI. MERRY WEDDING BELLS. RME Out HIP Union of Two Hearts in Joyous Conjugation A very pretty wedding «ncured ai the residence o| T. .1. Keeler Sun day afternoon when Rev. K. '{. I'owell united in happy wedlock Mr. John William.- of <irover, and Mrs. Rose I>iittla|► of this place. The parlor was beautifully decorated for the occasion and a sumption- wed ding feast served to a number of in vited guests. <in Monday the hupp> couple left for their future home in < J rover, llradford <'•>., with the I >e--t .vishe- of their friends. Bernice Echoes. Mrs. Julius Vogel visited friends at Towanda la-t week. Mrs. Joel Saxon was calling on friends at I inshore la-1 week. < . 15. Watson was a business caller at Laporte one day last week. Mrs. A. L. Wilmot has been ijuitv sick but is convalescing. A number of the young people went tu Laporte Tuesday evening of la.-t week for a sleigh ride. They report a good time. The following ladies were shop ping in Dushore Tuesday and Wed nesday: Mrs. H. H. <Juy, Mrs.C.H. Newell, Mrs. Win. Kast. Mrs. (', A. Mrown and Miss Kiln C'ahiH. I>id you notice H. K. Watson's new storm door. It's a dandy. lb vs. I. E. Spangler and A. I>. Kepler of Dushore, were holding a series of revival meetings in the I. <). (). 1". hall last week. ■ James Ramsey and ('•has. Piper were in Laporte last week. Mrs. (J. E. Kirkendall is quite sick at this writing. Mr.-('has. Kick and Mrs. Stella Johnson of this place were united in i the bonds of matrimony nt Waverly, X. Y., Thursday, December !•">. The happy couple returned home Satur day and received the hearty congrut i ulation of their many friends and the ITKM wishes them a long and happy life. Thf Com|way i« putting up their usual supply of ice th if year, ami u number of men have been at work for the past week. The K. of li. will give a dance in their hall Monday evening, Decem ber *_M. Only ooc a couple. The S. 1.. A S. I!. R. Company are putting in the largest -took of logs at their mill than they have for years This look- a- if they intended to do xotne busines- in the spring. Another sleighing party from here went to Laporte Thurstlay evening and took-upper at Hotel Kennedy. Tliey all had a good time especially the clerk and hutelier. The next morning the butcher imagined he \vus -till sleighriding and tried to ki" a dre—cd hog that hung on tlie rack, while the clerk asked a uiini lier of lady customer- it' they would dance the next set with him. Hut then, the hoys were awfully ForkbvillP Mrs. K. I. stardevant ami Mi-- llatti* Hosiers arc* on the sick list. Mv, I.'UMII l»o<rer« ami Minn ithviys Sclioni" of K-ti'lla. were in town one dny Inst week. Mr. .1 ohii folline vi.sitcil :riend- at Bethel Sunday. TheSunday School will jjve a Cliriei mas entertainment Saturday evening, December "24. in, the M. K. church. Dr. I?, li. Gamble maden btiHinrw tri|> to Willianihport lust Saturday. Mi»< .Jennie Itogers who has been teachins.'at Uiekettn returned I otne Fri day to spend the holidays. iira. W. M. Caukinw in vi»idr»i» trienJs at Cowanesdae.