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Republican News item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. JONESTOWN FLAGGING - Chas. P. Billambh*. AgpntS. D. H. Lor ah. « SONESTOWN PA FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DCBHORK. PENS A. CAPITAL - * ><50.000. SUHPIiUB - - #IO.OOO. Does a General lUnking Business. B.W. JENNINGS, M " SWARTS rresidonl Cashier. LAPORTE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPOBTE. PA. F. W. GAXILAQUKP.. Proi' Warm inealu and lurches at all how Oysters and pame in season Mar supplied with choicest liquor*. win* 4 - ai»«ii ciffar* G*** l fita ™ e n,om l >rovldi T.APQRTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with THF* Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN. Prop. HOTEL MAINE TUOS. \V. BEAIIEK, Pi'Oj' LAPORTE, PA. ThU new hotel has been recently opened. newly lurnlshed throughout and will be ran lor tju. .peclal accomodation of the,; The heat stocked bar tn the count*. Rates arejovc COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop LAPORTE PA Thia larg* ami w .»> i apposult-l Uuu.-e i? tlis popular hostelry iu this suction HOTEL PORTER" Canton Street. " SHUNK. PA. VV. E. PORTER. Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KBEFE, Proprietor DUSHORE, PA On* of the largest and bet <i"u hotel* iu this section of thf stile. J'able oi the boft. Rfvtei 1 On dollM per day §t §t hies- Professional Cards. J, J. & F. H. INGHAM. ATTO RHETS-AT-LAW, i«egal business attended t, in this and adjoining eousl •* LAPORTE, '' V £ J, MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA Office over T. J. Keeler's store. J H. CRONIN, ATT0B!»I R T«AT -LAW. MOTAKT PUBLIC. OFFICII 0* UKin STHBM. DUSHORE, *' A yyM P. SHOEMAKER. Attorney at-Law. Office iu County Building. LAPORTE. L'A. Collection*, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt atteution. i J. BRADLEY^ * ATTOBBBT AT-UAW, OWICB 1* OODWTT »nai>(N4i HBAB COURT HOUSK LAPORTE, rA Monday ot each week at Forksville. EUery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM& NEWITT. ATTORSBTS.AT-LAW. OFFICES 71417 FRANKLIN BUiLDINO 133 So- 12th Street Philadelphia, Ha vine retired from the oflice of United tftatt. Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United dtates courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTOBBET»AT-LAI». orriCK is PUBLIC CUBBT HOUSE B<JT ABE. LAPORTE, M BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laport*- Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cure Constipation frurpver. Take Cuscarets Candy Cathartit. ldc t r:7,a It O. C. C. fail to curt*, drui:t;i.<ti« refund nn.nt'v EdacsteTonr llowels With Cnticaret*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. lOe.tsc. If c. C. C. fail. drußsrUtu refund money. <* House | For some time, but we are through at WeV ! J »re all fixed up in apple pie order for the * / I 1 with the largest and best stock ol -ioods we Q < have ever had. /112 Somethingfor Everybody, before purchasing. J thiuk \VP can please this RM>>T critical buyer in Sullivan K KKTTKSBORY. ( DUSHORE, PA. TH K JEWELHK. / Coles... * ~ , - GENERAL IMMErdware PAINTS. OILS, VARN SHES and GLASS SPECIAL inducements given on CTOVES and RANGES and all kinds ol HEATING STOVES for Wood or Coal, suitable for. parlors, hall-:, ehurchen, school houses, camp-. etc. Attention to a Hue of Cheap air-tight wood heaters from '53.00 to SIO.OO. Al-o a line of coal heater- from £2.50 up to £35.00. My Special Bargain Sale is opeu on a line «■!' heaters damaged by water. Good as new, but they must be sold t.'FTEA 1' If in need of a cheap heater, call early. My "Dockash" Ranges are without a question iht unei-t iu the market, made up of the best material and designed ro Ixs a handsome Range. Furnaces always the best on the market. In fact we are readj" ti> heat the universe either in hot water, steam or air Pry us. ; we guarantee satisfaction. STOY REPAIRS AND REPAIRING. PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND SUPPLIES : MILL SUPPLIES. Hardware, DUSHORE, PA ; -r r - - ■ s. Season is upon us again. We are better prepared to serve you than ever. ! n gle Heaters Double Heaters RED CROSS Office Heaters Fully guaranteed. The factories have greatly improved our Heaters and Ranges. No Range can equal the RED CROSS assortment. No COOK STOVE does better work than RED CROSS Champion. For Wood Room Stovea we can give you none better than the MAPLE CLEMONT, keeps good fire all night; turns green or dry wood Jererriiah Kelly, HUGHESVILLE. "HTbKNAI. VIGILANCK IS I Hh PRICfc OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE. I'ENNA, TIIIiRSDAV. JANUARY 28, 1899. rilE INSURGENTS ARE DIVIDED. ] lioy Suffer Thrcn Defeat*) find Do-<ijlto tho Most Revolutionary Tactics In Conjunction With the Democrats Tliey Fall to ilreak the Caucus Bound Mnes. (Special Correspondence.) Hurrisburg, Jan. U4.—The United States senatorial convention continue;) deadlocked, with the lines of Colonel M. S. Quay, the Republican caucus nominee, unbroken. The loyalty of th'! men who are standing by the candidate tf the Republican party and also have resisted the onslaughts of the com bined forces of the Democracy and the Republican Insurgents has command ed expressions of admiration from stalwart Republicans all over the com monwealth. Senator Quay has the sup port of 113 of the ICS Republican mem bers of the general assembly, over two thirds of his party's strength, and has come within 11 votes of the requisite number to nominate. The Democrats are united on George A. Jenks, the nominee of the Democratic caucus. He has been receiving his full party a:rength on every ballot. The 62 In dependent Republicans who have re fused to accept the candidate of their party are divided. They have scat tered their strength between Dalaell of Allegheny, Stewart of Franklin. Tubbs of Tioga, Downing of Erie. Grow of Susquehanna, Stone of Warren and one or two others who have been given complimentary votes. The friends of Senator Quay, confident of their po sition. have no desire to force the breaking of the deadlock at this time. They are perfectly content to let mat ters drift as they are, as the sentiment among'the jxHiple Is in favor of the elec tion of Senator Quay and against the guerrilla warfare made upon him by disappointed politicians like Flinn of Allegheny and Martin of Philadelphia, backed by tlie newspaper syndicate controlled by Wanamaker. This disgruntled outfit has met with three crushing defeats since the sena torial fight opened. Their first setr back was in their attempt to prevent tho holding of a Republican caucus. Despite their opposition and threats the caucus was called and Senator Quay was made the Republican nomi nee, receiving the unanimous vote of the cuucus membership, 103 in all. Sinoe then four additional Republicans have put themselves on record in tho sena torial convention as accepting this ac tion as binding upon every Republican. The next defeat was in the attempt of Fllnn. the autocratic, arrogant and bulldozing political boss of Pittsburg, to organise a rump senatorial conven tion to humiliate the Republican lieu tenant governor, that brave soldier. General J. P. 8. Gobln, whose election to the office of commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic shows the confidence his fellow veterans have in him. Objecting to a rule by Gen eral Gobln, who presides over the sen atorial convention. Flinn called the kicking Republicans and the Demo crats together and organized a meet ing with Rliss of Delaware, a bolting Republican, as chairman, and Dixon, a Democrat, secretary. They then made bitter speeches attacking General Gobln, but after they had gotten to their sober senses they came to the conclusion that their revolutionary pro ceedings would avail them nothing. They could not elect a candidate for United States senator In such a conven tion. They would be without standing before the United States senate. They finally concluded to get back into the regular body, and there they have been ever since. Their third defeat was in a com bination between Democrats and the Flinn-Martin senatorial ring, to pre vent the confirmation of Governor Stone's nomination of John P. Elkin, chairman of the Republican state com mittee, for attorney general. More than two-thirds of the senators, however, refused to take orders froifi this com bine and Chairman Elkin was con firmed. These defeats have all served to weaken the forces against Benatot Quay. The friends of the senior sena tor are also elated over the fact that they knocked out the Wanamaket scheme for fusion with the Democrats to elect a bolting Republican to the speakership of the house. John R. Farr, of Lackawanna, the Republican caucus nominee, who ha 3 been made speaker of the house, has been fair to all elements of the party in the dis tribution of his committee appoint ments, and he at the same time proudly votes on every ballot for Matthew Stanley Quay for United States sena tor. President Pro Tern, of the Senate William r. Snyder Is also on record on every ballot for Senator Quay's re election. Governor Htone Is at ill heartily in l'avor of the re-election of Senator Quay. When asked by your corre spondent for an expression of views on the situation the governor gave this signed statement: "I believe that Senator Quay will be le-elected, and I believe he ought to be. He has served the nation and the state with honor and fidelity. His friends in the senate and house are standing by him manfully and have no second choice. His enemies are against him, but are not united upon an;- one else. .Ml that his friends have to do Is to ■tand fast and he will win. His ene mies cannot unite upon any other can didate. "Attorney Watson, by his argument, clearly demonstrated that there was nothing in the Indictments against him. He proved that the indictments were procured merely to influence votes against him. Even those against him do not now name those eases as a reason for withholding their support, and the commonwealth dare not try them, and will not until the contest for the senatorshlp is over. "As a soldier, as a national chairman, as a United States senator, he deserves better treatment than he is receiving, and a reaction of public sentiment has taken place in his favor, I quarrel with no man who opposes him. It is his right to do so, but I cannot join In this hue and cry, because I believe, from close observation during the pas: eight years in congress, that he Is honest and able, and entitled by his long service to re-election, and I be lieve a majority of the legislature will tome ere long to that conclusion. (Signed) WILLIAM A. STONE." This from the Republican governor of this Republican commonwealth ought to bo nnstrer to the assaults of the disappointed Wana maker and the revengeful Martin and Fllnn, who are leading this guerrilla- Democrat! •, fig!-.; againft an horored and distinguished Republican leader. Emphatic protests are iv ing made by leading Democrat!- members of the legislature against the tactics resorted to by the managers or" th Wanamaker press bureau to Intimidnt ■ Democrats who may not liav manifesto.! a much interebt in th ■ pinns of th ■ Wanamaker R-. publican kickers as the latter would like. Theto has been a systematic as sault made upon some of the most rep resentative Homo, nits with a view to driving them into iin v. Ith th" Wana maker-Gortlon syndicate. Willie nothing Is sai l about nightly conferences between David Martin and William Flinn and others of thr; bolt ing Republican eontinj;. nl and certain Democrats, if a Democrat is seen talk ing with a Republican 'rlertd of Sen ator Quay reports ai ■ a one? carried to the Van Valiu-nbii anil that Democrat i« to 1 placed on the list as a marked man. Stories in tended to Influence r-ms'ltnont? are set afloat, especially if V.' has not given lila confidences to one th--' Van Val kenbnrg agents. Several Democrats vh . for one rea son or unother were k- pt away from a session of the convention, ha\. been placed under suspicion, one of them having been called to the bedside of a dangerously si el; wife and another be ing confined to his ruom with severe illness. Captain George W. Skinner, of Ful ton, one of the most respected Demo crats in the house, has bi ee. on-, of the most conspi. ut-us victims of tie;'- at tacks. In his case an att< nipt at a re traction was made at this eiut ' i the line, but the newspapers wh u news columns, as well as editorials, s"om to be controlled by the Wanamaker ad vertising patronage, suppressed the facts. Then he determined to seek re dress in another direction, so th <-th- r day, rising to a question of personal privilege in the house, he made a speech which made a sensation among the Wanamakerites. Representative Charles K. rii at*, of Berks county, commenting upon the speech made by Representative Skin ner In the house, issued a statement, which he prepared after consultation with a number of his Democratic col leagues. In the statement he said; "I thoroughly sympathize with Rep resentative Skinner, of Fulton, and the other Democratic members of the sen ate and house who have been the sub ject of misrepresentation and abuse by the Van Valkenburg nightly statements issued for publication in the newspa pers of the state. As long as a Demo crat follows the leadership of David Martin, of Philadelphia, and William Flinn, of Allegheny, Republican lueses of each end of tho state, he can be as sured of freedom from comment or criticism from this source. Th» Dem ocratic members of the legislature have stood manfully by the nomine" of the Democratic caucus, the Hon. George A. Jenks, and as long as he remains in the field I believe he is entitled to our support. This certainly represents the views of every Democratic member of the legislature with whom I have spoken. "Despite the fact that there has not been one Democrat to nolt the caucus nominee, tho Van Valkenburgs have wantonly and maiiciously placed a number of my Democratic colleagues In a false position with their constitu ents. They have circulated reports In tended to intimidate Democrats, and compel them, through fear of being suspected of being influenced by im proper considerations, to blindly follow the program that Martin, Flinn et al. may determine upon. I have been in my seat every day and voted on every ballot for George A. J'-iks for United States senator, in more than one case, however, has a Democrat, who through sickness or other good cause, was un able to be present, been branded by these reports with being a traitor to hi* oarty. This Is unfair, unmanlv and un- 1.25 P er Year. Naeilw Just, and continued will *ead to em phatic condemnation in an official dec laration that may lead to /•••suits which those responsible for thesij reports least desire." BUSINESSMEN AREAROUSED. Manufacturers and Merchants Con demn the Fight Against „ Senator, Quay. FEAR ELECTION OF JENKS. I.eiidlnir Men Identified Wltli PCBU- Kylvniiln Industrial Interests JO|B With Stalwart Republicans In Da nounclnc the lloltttrs Who Are Ald iuur the Democracy. (Special Correspondence.) Philadelphia, Jan. 24.—A marked re action in favor ol* Senator Quay ha« been noticed among men identified with business and manufacturing in terests of Pennsylvania since the Uni ted States senatorshlp has been dead locked at Ilarrlpburg. Many of the leading: manufacturers and merchants of this city, whose interest extend to different counties in the state, have publicly expressed their condemnation of the action of the bolting R- publicans who have refused so far to accept the nominee of the Republican caucus for United States senator. It Is not un likely that within a few days this sentiment will i>e expressed In a for mal and emphatic manner calculated to leave no doub- in the minds of the people as to the great concern the busi ness ine-11 have In this election of a United States senator. They recall the conspicuous part Senator Quay tnok in the passage ..f :h<> McKlnley Dili and of his other valuable service;" In the senate in protecting their Interests. His diplomatic worlc in seeurJr;; appro priations for the Improvement of the harbor of Philadelphia and his labor* in bchaTf of his constituent.-* in western Pennsylvania art a'to r--:!?r.d in thw commcado tor; rV '.i-.v. thai are now heui'.i. T'"-* greal ii?*•».. 1:1 men wh<» haVe so much at .--take I? 'hat «. free silver Penioeral.. like i~}<-or/rrr A. .lenks, nr.ny lie elected from Pennsylvania to the senate. They noint to the fact that on Saturday last .lenks was but H votes behind Quay in the, due to the fact that man' U?«»:b!leans had paired with each olhe- and had gone home over Sunday. The po-called Republicans vh« have been opposing the < r-vleotion of Sena tor Quay have declared till ;.iang that they would not vote for a Democrat. Some of them are hone*' In this decla ration. Put thi-re are Republicans In the legislature - ho are perfectly will ing io take anybody, even a Democrat, to b»nt Quay. Such men are David Martin, of Philadelphia, and William Plinn, of Pittsburg. To all intents and purposes they are assistant Democrats. They have left their party, they have repudiated all precedents and customs, they have denied the great principle o* majority rule, and in order to carry out their peculiar and dangerous ideas they are willing to deal with the Demecrats. Of course, they must have some excuse for breaking away, and thry are willing to fltid 'ha' excuse- lu any f.imsy pretext that comes to hand. The round up of th" anti-Quay r>rce* in conjunction with the Democrats against tii - ruling of T.ieutcnant Gov ernor Gobin seems :o hive been a well developed plot to seek a pretext. Gobln simply ruled that under the law noth ing was in order iri joint convention but the taking of a ballot for senator. He was right, but the assistant Democrats who are searching the highways and byways for excuses io join hands with the regular Democrats adroitly led tIM anti-Quayltcs into n trap by disputing the justice of this decision. There were ciatoricai liit-worns and there was u tremendous lot ul ;a:K about gas rule and injustice and all ihat, but ch* whole thing was extremely silly. Thare can be no election of United Statan senator without a vote of the majority, and nothing can interfere with an hott est vote. The Kllnn flare up was only a scheme to foment trouble in the Re publican ranks and to create the im pression that unfair methods were be ing applied to influence the senator- Ship. Republicans who are opposing the action of the Republican caucus and follow Martin and Flinn are helping the Democratic party. There are many caucus bolters who would shudder at the very thought of voting for a Dem ocrat. and yet the two assistant Democrats, Martin and Filnn, are try ing to lead them into a fusion that can have for its only object the election of a Democrat to represent the Republi can state of Pennsylvania. Quay has been before the people and has won. He has been mad* a candi date by a two-thirds majority. Thai great majority should carry every {.»n ulno Republican with ft. The personal enmity of Martin and Flinn should not l» : permitted to prevail, and certainly no real Republican should follow Mar tin and Flinn into a fusion with Democrats.