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'TWO TOWNS TAKEN. Carite Viejo and Noveleta in American Hands. THE GALLANT MARINES. "Watt! ThrtiDth Klca Field and Forded Slars to Knarb Ilia Kneroy Our Troops t With Mevera Loss Insurgents IHwa Mack With Considerable Loss ' or Novaleta Homed. Koveletn, Island of Luzon, (By Cable.) Ceneral Bchwun's columu, consisting of the Tblrtoenl.i Iufnutry, a liaitiillun of tbe Fourteenth, two troops of cavalry, Caitnla Bellly's Lattery of the Fifth Artillery and lsswe'a scouts, advanced from Baeoor and eornpled Cavlte, Vleji nnd Noveletn. Tha loss was three olllcprii nod ulna privates wuundnd, one of tbo oIHi'wi tains; mortally hurt. Tbo loss of llio cunmy ) unknown, but tbe bod Inn of three Filipinos vara seen. There wera two (burp fight nenr Novelets. Xwo aoouU first encountered the enemy aaar Cavlte Vlojo, and noon put them to flight, continuing thnlr advance. Captain Hiiffold'e liattnilon of tho Thir teenth I, with two companies of Iba FotnteoutU and a numbor of Tagnlo ouls, Captain M. Gmth commanding tha troop from (he Fourth Ciivnlry nud Cap tain R lily'a Battery, cnn.o upon tbe enemy tn a strongly entrenched position on tbe toad between Cavlte Vlcjo nlnl Voveletn. A fight lasting half nu hour followed, re tailing In the enemy! being driven buck. Tba American foroea sustained consldera ble lossee In tbla engngomout, tbo men being bat Iruia trenchea und shuck nlong tbu sToad. The inarluea and naval forces co-operated wttb tbu troops. Tho guubouts Wheeling, Petrel and Callao Jny oil the shore near Aioveleia and threw abella Into that town aad Santa Crua for an hour, preparing the way lor tbe marines to land. Two bnltal Uon, consisting of 450 marines, under Col onel Elliott, advanced along the peninsula from Clte to Novelutu, The only way was Vy a narrow road through swumps. A mile beyond tba mnrines' outpost the o.umn m suddenly received with h volley Irom trenchea acroaa the road. A flank movement waa executed, and tho Insurgents were driven from the trenchea, tbe mcirluea waillns through rice fields In turning tho flank of tha enemy, who retront'-d to strong and foil acroaa the creek dividing the ion liinl, destroying the bridge across tho etemn. Ko,uuds were sent to Novelet nud burned tke town aud tbe huts nil nlong tbo road, tiom which tha enemy commeuced the llr-ur- There a junction was formed with the snoot', who had been swooping tbo swamps aad thickets. Theuce the murines returned to Cavlta thoroughly exhausted. Lieutenant Wynne, with a threc-poundor, did stood execuilon during the ndvauoe. Lawlou was not In peieounl oom maad of toe movement Captain Cowlea' battalion of the Fourth Infantry, wbllo reconnolterlng, found a fcody of several hundred lnrurgents near Ban Nicolas. After a brisk fight, Instlng tbrrr-qiiarter of an hour, tha enemy was driven . ff. In this engagement tbe Ameri can -H.ulties were four men slightly votid d. Six of tbe enemy were killed, Int tba number of wouuded Is not known. Thn bad condition of the roads mnda tbe progress of tha artillery slow. WEWKT AT CUIKC1I. pMal Carsmoaj of Pr.ytr and Thank Klvina? Conducted. Washington, (Special.) Admiral Dewey Roadiiy attended divine services at 8t. John's Episcopal Church, where the Episco pal apeuinl ceremony of prayer nud tbanks arlving for tba crown of victory for our nrms mod for thn safe return from sen was con ducted by tbe lt-v. Dr. Muckay Bmilh, the iwetor. The Admiral and tbe church oftlelala voided giving notice In advnnce of this service in order to avoid the curious crowd that would flock to the ohureh. Tba rector in his sermon made no allusion to lbs Admiral, bat Impressively delivered tba two formal prayers of tho ritual, at the Tequest of the Admiral. One of these gave thanks to 'Almighty Ood, tha Sovereign Commander of all the world, In whose hand la ..-wer and mlsht which noue is able to -wltbstaud," tud for "all the victories aud tellverauo.s of tha past :wo years." Tbe other, to which the entire congregation "wd earnestly, offers tbunl s for "conduct ing tn safety through tba perl s of tbe great deep tbla Thy servant, who nc w dealreth to return bis tnauks uulo Tbee In Thy holy bnrcb." In accordance with tha prescribed service, there was no respousa or expressed partici pation in these prayers. The Admiral la an old parishioner of HI. John's, which ulmott all of the Presidents of tbe United Htntes up to tha Lincoln administration attended. Thla's Orial Corn Crop. Chicago, (Hfieofal.) "This year's oorn mip wl 1 1 ona of tbe largest In our his tory," said Henretary of Agriculture James Wilson, who was In Chloago whh the I'reel deotlal party. "Tba total yield, It Is esti mated, will be between tweuty-threa and twenty-five hundred millions of bushels. There will be pleuty for manufacturing and leading, aud w will have all the corn to sell (bat anybody wants to buy. To what ex tant tha crop will be shipped abroad will dupend larg ly upon tba price It will bring. Tba high rices offered for menas will in cline the fnrmera to use their crop lor feed ing parpotea." Itaa Down Her Tag. DuTtrth, Mlnu., (Hpeclnl.) TUe Besseme; oml John Nellson ran down her tug. the Jisoord, of tba Great Lakes Towlug Com pany's fleet, here, drowning Hurry Kill, fireman. Kills was aaieep In his bunk when tba aicdint happened. The r'H of tba tww took to tha lile raft. The lteeord Wat task a year ago by the B-ssemer steamship Sol art Fulton. Three of her crew Were alrowned In that aouldent. Harglars Make a Hani, Dea Moines, (Special.) A apaclal dispatch Jrora Klppey. la., says burglars entered the Cnnsmeralal Biak there, blew open tha sa'a arlib nltro-giyuerina and obtained 95.000. Tbe bank easbler deolared tba roliher. only jfOtwl.SiP. No arrests have been made. raat br "is wir. Tol"vlHe. Ky., (Special. ) Adolph Yw ar, a printer, was shot and fatally wounded .y bis wife alter a quarrel lu which the wn. auaa nais Wagner attacked her vloleutly. Tbf oouple earn bera from Clnoinnatl. hamper's Valal l Ta. TJhrlehsvllle, O., (Hperlnl.' lames Uradv, bridge-Jumper of Pittsburg, traveling with Wild West show, was fatally li jured In making blirh dive at Btraeburir. Ills head truck tba bottom of tba tank, rud'-rlni Blm nononselous, and ha was dragged out of tha water by his pet Newfoundland doc. lirady Is partially paralysed a id the doctoit a. be will die. atellpM SMa Orpbaa. InvV'0, O.. (Hpeelal.) Au epitla . miillp(ix haa developed at the Orphau Jlome lu this eity. Vliere are thlrly-'.brea save thus far. All ease bave Ueu ijuar-atlud. THE NEWS, A special service of prayer and thanks giving for tbe success of our arms nud for safe return from tba sea was given lit 81. John's Church, In Washington, at the re quest of Admiral Dewey, who was present. President McKluloy was kept biicy attend ing the religious services on Sunday In Chi cago. In (Vn address to the colored people, be said their race had demonstrated Its pa triotism by Itt sacrifice. Secretary of Agrlculturo Wilson lays thla yenr't corn crop will be between twenty three and twenty-flvn hundred millions of tushela.-one of the .largout lu the history of the country. Tbe tblrtloth nnnlversnry of Itv. Dr. E. Erkslne's pnstornte at the Dig Hprlog Pres byterian Church, at Ncwvllle, Fa., Was cel ebrated with Impressive exercises. The coroner's Inquest tn Virginia devel oped the fact that Enoch Clnrk, who died from the elTcots of a bentlng, had beeu walking about with n fractured skull. Several of the (fnmblera who ospanlted passenger on the steamer Oeorgoauun dui lug the yacht race were held for trial, and thecnpinlu waa fined. The United Statea hospital ahlp Rolnce ar rived ut Hnu FruuulBco from Manila with discharged sailors from vessels lu the A'iallo sqttndrcn. F.uminer Dodson wn arrested In Dnnvllle, Vn., ou suspicion of having murdered his itiothvr-iii-lnw, Fnttlu I.ovelnce. Iu a speech nt a tnnqtiot In Chicago, Hec retnry of War Hoot ouiil Hint the lighting machinery should be Improved. The Frencb-Catindinna of Chlengo gavn Sir Wilfred Laurler, premier of Ciiuitdn, nu enthuslnetlc reception. Tbe Mary Washington Hospital waa dedi cated at Frederlckaburg, Vn. At Dallas, Texas, the battle flag captured during the war by Indiana soldlurs from tha Texas Hangers, was returned, the governors of both slates participated lu the exercises. Marcus L. llunnton was nrrestcd nt Orange, N. J., charged with the murder o( Nathaniel DobbliiB, wuone skeleton was found under a heap of rocks. Captain llowen, of the Arctic Stream, re ported, el Huntn Monica, Cal., the wreck of the Brltloh r-tenmer Tekoa, uud loss of all but live of tbe crew. President McKinley received entbuslnatla groetlnga nt his old bome,Caulon, and other Western cities through which bis special car passed. The Mallory Line steamer Leona was de stroyed by fire at her wharf In the East Illver, New York. The cargo, valued ut J.r,0,0M, Is a total loss. A syndlcato of Feuusylranin and other Eastern capitalists has bought 125,009 acres of coal lands In Indiana uud Armstrong counties, Pa. The convention of the High Tent, Inde pendent Order of Itechabltes, closed Ht Washington, to meet next year ut Lonhcuu Ing, Md. Buck Spear, one of the two prisoners who escaped from the New Jersey Penitentiary, was captured nt Bui-queheuua, Pit. Tbe Allen-Thompson-Whitney Company's furniture factory, In South Asbburnbam, Mass., was destroyed by Are. President Eckert, of tbe Western Union Telegraph Company, wired the president of tbe New York Cotton Exchange, declining to dlecbnrge the employes responsible for the misleading cotton quotations. J. T. Ileese, of the National Mine Work ers' Union, In nn addreas to ttrlklug miners nt Leavenworth, Kaa., sn'd no miners' kit win compute without a rifle. Sixty blacksmiths, who ruinn from New York to work at the Cramps' shipyard, yielded to tbe Importunities of tbe strikers and refused to go to work. Captain J. W. Pnrtrldge, of the Little Island Life-suvlng Station, Vs., was arrested ou tbe charge of criminally assaulting Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Owens, of King George county. Vs., was placed on trial ou tbe ehnrge of burn ing the storehouse of J. C, Nlnde. Frank Wulker and his bride were mur deied In Montgomery, Mo., by Cburlus llau kln, who then killed himself. Two men were killed und two others fatally Injured by the explosion of a sawmill boiler In Loulta county, Va. Tbe eleventh annual convention of the American Bottlers' Assoolutiuu ni begun In Cincinnati. Chicago's Fall Festival was opened with a brilliant electrical display. Tbe Gallego Mills property was sold In Richmond, Va., for f 105,000. Louis Westarman burned himself to death at Toledo, Ohio. Tbe first of tbe series of International yacht races between the American boat Columbia and tbe British boat Shamrock on the Atlantic ocean, outside of New Tork harbor, was dealared "no race" because neither vessel finished within the required time limit of five and a half hours. At the expiration of tbe time limit tha Shamrock was leading toe Columbia by n little more than a quarter of a mile. The boats were then four miles Irom the finish, havlug trav eled 26 miles. Tha time expired nt 4.45 P. M., the race having started at 11.15. Tim reason for the failure of the boats to flnUh wltbln tbe time limit was tha comparative lightness of tbe bretze. Admiral Dewey wua presented tbe sword voted blm by Congress. The presentation ceremonies, In which the President nnd Secretary Long participated, look place nt the Capitol, whither the Admiral aud other distinguished personages were escorted by a military procetalun. The Admiral waa Presldeut M'.Klnloy's guest ut it dinner iu tha evening. William II. Stubhs, of Baltimore, defeated William Duffy, of l'lillndnlphla, Inacoutcet In operating the Mvrgeutbaler typesetting machines, lu Philadelphia. The ilrltlah goverumeut Is reported to have placed large orders for cauued meats with tha Chicago packers fur use of tbe troops In South Africa. Augustus Hopper Kruger, of Nebraska, a half brother of Paul Kruger, passed through Chicago ou bis way to the Truus vital, to Jolu tbe army. Det Moines, Iowa, waa visited by a tC00, 000 Ore. Miss Luclna Clnrk and ber aged mother were burned to death at tbelr home lu Plrrepout Manor, N. Y. James ltol.lusoo nnd Wilbur Turner went to sleep In a lime kiln in Itlchuioud, and were suffocated. Tbe proposed American Milling Company eomblne, that wat to buy Hanover mills, fulled. Charles It. Bwnln, foreman ricger at the Newport News Hlilp Yard, died of dropsy. II. H. Dewey, of Sheffield, IU., uncle of tha Admiral, dud at Sheffield, Kansas. Seven huudred Iron moulders lu Pittsburg struck for nn advance In wages. Work was begun on extensive terminal Improven tots at Newport Nws. Tbe taemy-Ilve cents ndvauoe In an thracite coal has gone Into effect, ' The British steamer Prodauo, twelve days cut from Baltimore, atruck" on a rock off Newfoundland aud It a total wreck. It Is thought that tbe cargo will be laved. Frank Slrbrsugh was arrested In Win chester, on the charge of being Implicated iu tbe murder of Farmer Solomon Keler aud bis housekeeper, near Paw Paw, W. V. Sadie Weinman, who waa reported to have been .'M-frnted at the New Jersey Stale In dustrial School, It dylug at Peterson, N. J. Harry Hough, assistant cashier of tha Cocheco National Hank, was arraigned at Dover, N. II., on eharaes of ambetaleiueiit. Ei-Seuator Jsmes Harla-, tha only ur vlvnrof tbe Cabinet of President L ucu.n, It dying In Mount Pleasant, Iowt. flRSIlIPSFOKMANILl: Result of the President's Con ference With Dewey; TO STAMP OUT WAR. action Taken by McKinley to Carry nt If la l'ollrr-Hrookljn and Two Unnbnata Already 8eleoted and Orders Bent ta the Navy Department to Ifava Tbein In Ileatllnass as Soon as Possible. Waihlngton, (Special.) The Trnsldont directed the Immediate dispatch to the Philippines of number of vessels of the Navy, Including the cruiser Brooklyn nnd the gunbontt Mnrlettn nnd Mnchlas. The action Is the rosnlt of Admiral Dewey's Interview, In which be went over the Philip pine sltustlou with tbe President. Tbe orders gives are In Hue with the expressed determination of tho President to furnish tho Army and Navy every re. source for stamping out the Philippine In surrection nt the earliest possible time. At Admiral Dewey's extended Interview with the President tho former went Into the Phlllpplno situation nt gre-nt length, ex plaining carefully tho existing condition of nlTiiln nnd his views of the outlook, con cluding with an enrneit recommendation that tba Brooklyn and some other vessels be sent at once to the Philippines. Tbls rein forcement of the present fleet of the Asiatic Squadron ho urges as necessnry, nnd said their dispatch should be dlroctod as sarly nt pcHilble. The President Immediately communicated with tbe Navy Department, and Instructed tbe Secretary of the Navy to Issue an order carrying out the Admiral's recommendation, and to see that they be gotten In readiness at once. The Mnrlctta and Mnoblas, besides tho Brooklyn, will be designated by the Navy Deportment, along with several other ves sels which have not yet been seleoted. Tbe Brooklyn Is now with tbe other vessels of tbe North Atluntio Squadron off Tompkins Ttlle, 8. I. The Macblnt and the Marietta are at present lying at the whnrves In this city ou waiting orders, having been brought heie to participate in the celebration In honor of Admiral Dewey. These reinforcements will add considerable strength to tbe Astatic Squadron, and tbe Administration believes their presence will have a matorlul effeot In expediting the end of the hostilities. LAW TON UISFEHHKtl ItKHKLft, Americans Victorious In Skirmishes Near Iinua and Kfacotir. lmus, Luzon, (By Cable.) General Law ton dispersed the insurgents, driving them to the westward. The purpose of the rebels was to cut the communication maintained between Baaoor and Imut by means of tbe road between those places at a point between Imus and the east bank of tbe river. Tbe Insurgents had trenches along tbe west bank, commanding the open spaces. A force of 1,600 rebels attacked Imus aud COO proceeded against Baooor with detaobments along the river. Colonel Daggett's force tpread along tbe road from Baeoor toward Imus, and three companies of tba Fourth Iteglmeot, under Cnptaln Hollls, were thrown out from Imus, the two commands forming a junotlon. The entire Ilea crossed tbe river and drove the Filipinos from their trenches to tbe west ward, through rice fields and thickets. The marines, whose services were tendered by Admiral Watson, crossed the river near tbu bsy, forming a part of the Hue of advance. Before the forward movement was begun tbe American artillery shelled the enemy's position. The only American ossualty wat the wounding of a lieutenant of artillery. Several wouuded Filipinos wore attended by Surgeon Major Penrose and members ol the Ambulance Corps. A number of prisoners were taken. Geueral Lawton, while riding up the road to Imus, wat the target for many shots. The telegraph line was cut at a bend In tbe road commanded by the enemy's trench es, U0 yards distant, aud when Lieutenant Cunnlugbam, with a repair parly, appeared to restore tbe wires, two men and Lieuten ant Cunningham's horse were shot. Lieu tenant McCloskey thun brought a gun of Illley's battery Into the open, nnd, training It on tha treuob, dispersed the Filipinos with two well-aimed shots. Captain 1'oore, of tha Sixth Infantry, at tacked the Inturgents in a new trench, which tbey bad constructed near Tabuan, Island of Negroe, and scattered them. Tbe Ameri cans look one prisoner and captured twelve rifles, COO aartrUges and quantity of rice and hospital supplies. FOKKIGN At-FAIlts. The underlying motive of Great Britain's attitude toward the Transvaal Is now said to be the breaking up of a conspiracy to form a Dutch federation In South Africa. Tbe Borrt are concentrating their artillery on the Natal frontier. Tbe Outlandert bave been promised Iraucblse If tbey will help the Boert. The leading German newspapers bavt started a general agitation In favor of Ger many obtaining larger rights la Samoa, tome of tbe editors advocating the securing of sole control of tbe lslnuds. A company, composed of French, German nnd Itusslan capitalists, with a capital of (50,000,000, bnt been formed to compete with the Ainerloan pork exporters In Europo All members of the crew of the wrecked steumer Baoltman brought to Quebec have teen placed uuder arrust for their Ill-treatment of tbe pussengurs. Upon Minister Straus' protest the Turkish governmont ordered the lid mission of Amer ican flour that customs officials bad re. Jouted. Five new cases of tbe bubonic plague and one death were reported ut Oporto, Portu gal. Fabulously rich deposits of gold and sli ver, besides other minerals, have been found lu Ungareluud, on the western shore of Hud son Bay. Poultaey Blgelow lays that tha German goverumeut has put tbe Henry George laud theory Into praotloa at Klno-Cbun, Cblua. Count Clary bat formed a new Austrian Ministry, with himself as President of tho Connall uud Minister of Agriculture. I Fifty bodies have beeu recovered from one place in India affected by the reueut earth quakes. Tbe Spanish General Juudenet baa been placed on the reserve list for surrendering Manila. The Paris Iotrunslgeaut published an In discreet letter, said lu have been written by Marquis de Galllfet to one of Orleans' sup porters. The British eablnet formulated fresh pro posals to the Transvaal,. wblab Include live years' franahlse, abolition of tha dynamite monopoly aud tbe removal of the fort doml uutlug Johannesburg, though the defenses of Pretoria muy remain. I, It reported that tbe Transvaal strictly adheres to tbe London rouveutlon. The British Parliament will shortly be summoned to aonslder the situa tion. , President Kruger says he hat dona every thing possible for the sake of place uud uow tie It preparing for war. A thousand persont were killed by tbe earthquake around Smyrna, and 8.0 were 'wounded) while 3,000 bouses aud two vll. j iiee ware uemqiiauea. j AGIINALUO SEEKS PEACE. Askt to Send "A Representative of Bit Uovernmenl" to General Otis. Manila, (By Cable.) The Filipino Teaoe Commission, which arrived at tbe American lines, brought a request from Atulnalclo that he be permitted to send a representa tive of his Government to negotiate for peace. General Otis refused the request. Agulnaldo's third attempt to shift Mi dif ficulties Into tbe field of dlplomncy is u repetition of Ihe other one or two, with au impossible endeavor to obtain some sort of recognition of his to-called government. The Filipino envoyt find nn hour's cou forenee with General Otis. They brought from Agulnnldo a message tbnt he desired peace, and wished to tend a civilian govern mental commission to dlsouss tbe question. General Otis replied tbnt It was Impossible for blm to recognize Aguiuuldo's govern ment In that way. They presented a letter from Agulnnldo as "PreBtdout of the Ilepublla," which was largely a repetition of his recent npposU for recognition. Oeuernl Oils Informed thorn that while he was willing to corres pond with Aguluuldo at geueral of the In surgent forces, he must positively decline to recognized him as President of the civil government. LATVTEK SHUT 11)11 AN INRCLT. tV. II. Hammond Avenges Alleged Wrong In Ills Fattier. Thomnsvtlle, On., (Special. ) Colonel A. L. Ilawes, a lawyer nud politician of llnlu I ridge, was assaulted and shot ly W. II. Hammond, another lawyer. The difficulty grew from the argument of n enso In cham bers before Judge Hansell, of the Superior Court, by Colonel II awes and Captain Wil liam Hammond, father of tbo uinu who did the shooting. During tho course of the argument Col onel Hnwes charged ns untrue statement made by Captain Hammond. They had some words und blows with walking cnuns outside the court-room, but tbey were separated by policemen. Lawyer Hammond, sou of Cnptalu Hammond, met Colonel Hnwes, taxed blm with insultlug bl father, and shot blm. Both Captain Hammond and Colonel Ilawes are prominent. Euch has often hold public office, ASSAUI.TKl) HV IIOKKS. Kngllshinen Maltreated at Machadorpe Cubans OfTer In Fight. London, (I)y Cable.) Aocordlng to n de spatch from Lourenzo Mnrquez, Portuguese, East Africa, a crowd of Boers, who were asieabled at the Machadorpe stiitlou, forced tile refugee passengers to uu cover durlug tbe singing of a Boer national air, nud mal treated several Englishmen, stabbing one and kicking and trampling upon others. It is reported there nlso that two ladles wore outrageously assaulted nt Fuurdekop stutlon by Boers, one being itruck In the fuce by a rifle shoved through the railway carriage window, nnd the other struck by ber assailants' lists. The War Office, It is reported, bus re ceived an offer from 2000 officers aud men of the Cuban army for service In the Transvaal. OUTKAOK HV MASKED 1IOI1BEKH. Victims Heaten nnd Itnnnd and Their House Hat on Flra. Portsmouth, Ohio, (Special.) Twelve masked robbers eutered tho Mead horne-st-ad, twelve miles from this city, nnd, fir ing revolvers, ordered the family to rpmaiu lu bed. George Gallagher, a nephew of tbo Meads, refused to obey, aud was beaten iuto un consciousness, and tbe olbert were tied to the beds. The robbers searched tbe bouse, tearing up hearths and pulling down mun telx, securing about $600. Tbe robbers, be fore leaving, tot the bouse on Are, but the fire went out. Gallagher is so badly Injured tbat he muy die. "Prison Demon" Ksrapea Frnra Cage. Columbus, (rhlo., (Special.) John Atkin son, confined In the steel cage nt tbe peni tentiary, built for htm and the other bo called prison "demons," Marlnt, Hearly, and O'Nell, escaped from bis cell, and hud tecreted himself uuder a bench In the corri dor when captured. The steel cnge was thought to be absolutely safe, there being two sets of doors and two sets of Jocks, worked only from the outside by levers aud bolts. Atkinson, managed by tbe use of a slick, to disarrange the whole system of locks and Iree himself. Lighted Ills Own Fnneral Pyre. Toledo, O., (Special.) Louis Westerman lighted his own funeral pyre at tbe County Infirmary by starting a blaze lu a haystuck with bit pipe. As soon ns the flames spread he jumped In, He was burned to death, nud $500 loss to a burn and Implements wnt onused before the flames oould .bo extinguished. Baptist Chnrelt Burned. San Franclioo, (Special.) Tho First Bap tist Church was destroyed I y fire, A sub stitute fireman was struck by tortious of a falling wall and fatally injured. The fire started on the roof back of tbe spire, from nu unknown cause, Tbe church was one of the oldest In tbe city. The session of tbe National Biptlst Convention was held there lust Mny. The loss It estimated ut about t50,000. Farmers' National Congress. Boston, (Special.) Tbe Farmers' Nutloniil Congress amended the constitution, placing the selection nf the place of meeting In the hands of tbe executive committee, Instead of by agreement of tbe congress. W. B. Powell, of Shadelund, Pa., gave the first address nu "Inventions for Farmers," nud tho dis cussion which followed was largely on the need of greater knowledge of the best meth ods of securing fertility In nlr, water nnd earth, so as to save tha cost of artificial fertilizers. The Seaboard's New l.lns. Columbia, S. C, (Special.) The commis sion to the Chattanooga, Augusta and Charleston Air Lino lUllrond Coiupnuy, the Seaboard Compuny's new Hue from Charles ton Wn Augusta to Elberton, Git,, wut Issued by tha Secretary of State, Jnlla Jamas Itetiiaed tlund. Chattanooga, Teun., (Special.) Judge Floyd Eitelle denied the application for bond made by counsel for Mist Julia Morri son James, the actress, who shot and killed Frank Leldeuhuiiuer at the Opera House about week ago. He declared the murder Was wlllul aud deliberate. Ilallroad Hall Miot. Salt Lake City, Utah, (Special.) F. J. Mills, rx-lleutenant In the volunteer vngl ueera' service nud ex-Lieutenant Governor of Idaho, shot und Instantly killed Chief Euglueer O'Melvluey, of tho Oreron Short Line, la the Intter's office In this city. PKKHONAL NATUItK. Id the returulug Colorado Volunteers la tba tallest man la the Amerleau Arm Color Sergeant Itlohard G. Holmes, who stands 6 feet 8 Inches In Ills stockings, uud weighs 216 pounds. W. H. II. Hart, the colored philanthropist, whose experiment with a boys' farm near Washington Is attracting attention, wut born a slave lu 1857. Senator Nelson, of Minnesota, after an absence of 60 years, is visiting bis native country, Norway. At Evunger, where bo wat born, tba municipal authorities bave given him t banauvt. WIS TO INTERFERE Mysterious Movements ol a Russian Official. BOERS MAY BREAK LOOSE Itnssla, Germany, France and "pain Deeply Interested In Ureal Britain's At tltnda Toward tha Transvaal The liners' Commanders Can Hardly Hold Them In Check-To Strike a Hlow. London, (By Cable.) Th" mysterious visit of Count MuravlelT, the HiissImii Minis ter of Foreign Affairs, to San Sebastian, where he saw the Queen Begentand the King of Bpnln, nnd bad long conferences with Senor Sllveln, the Spanish Premier, occupies political minds. From Bnin Count MuravlelT will go to Paris. Bussla's altitude In tha Tranavnal mutter Is common knowledge. Oermnny Is official ly neutral, but Emporor William's famous telegram to President Kruger Is not forgot ten, and this, added to Franco's blttoruess since the Fushoda affair, and Spnln's re sentment of England's attitude during the Hlspano-Amuricun War, sets the people ask ing what the motives for Count MuravlelT'e tour nre. Tho Jingo press pooh-poohs the Idea ol Europeau Interference, but, lu the same breath, eagerly aelz -s upon nny lnclileii. inch as tbe America's Cup, races, to luslst ou tbe growing Anglo-Amerlrnn friendship. The Paris correspondent of the Dnlly News says that both Franco and Spain would regard nn nn unfriendly net any cesaHtlou ol Portuguese territory In Fust Africa to Eng land. WANT TO II It K A K LOOK, Commanding Olllcers Can Har.llr Mold the liners In Cheek. Loudon, (By Cable.) Contradictory de spatches continue to pour lu from points In South Africa. Vno- lorrcr.uudciit staled that tho Boers occupied Lalng's Nok nightly and also held the mountains to tho south west of Volkrust. Other correspondents declasad tbnt neither the Boers nor thn llrlt i'h bad advanced beyond tho border. Trnnsvanl officials announce that orders bnro been Issued the commanders not lo in vade British territory. Here Is the keynote of tbo situation. II the officers cau restrain the fin patient Boors and hold In chock tho 20,000 or more armed burghers uow gathered ut various Import ant points on the border uutll the dual note from this government It received by tbe Transvaal government hostilities mny be delayed. Tho Boers believe that Great Britain Is only trying to gain time until her military authorities can gather a sufficient military and naval force to completely overwhelm the forces of tbe Transvaal and the Ornngu Free State. For this reason tbe Boers are anxious to tuko advantage of what they believe tn be their opportunity and attack the Natal towus while there Is a chance for a victory. Many of tha minor officers nre ns anxious to strike a blow as their men, l:nd It Is all General Joubert and the other commaudert can do to hold them back. UHllTAL MU Kit Kit. Tha Victim's tiktill Fractured In a Drunken Hraivl. Oxford, Md., (Special.) Oeorga Bane, aged about forty-eight, wn beaten to deuth nt his home, on Tilglimau street, Oxford. Thomas Illley Is locked up, charged with killing him. Illley gave himself up to the officers of the town nnd look them to Ban-'s bouse nnd pointed out to tbein the dead body. It bore marks about the bead; the wounds were mode with a club. Acting Coroner Mitchell summoned n Jury of Inquest, with John W. Moore as fnreiuiiu. John Kraft was tbe only other person iu the bouse when tho crime was committed. He seems to know but little about it, as he wut asleep down stairs at the time. Tbe deud man had been In Oxford only u short time, and was running au eating establishment. Btneboro a good reputation, and was an Oild Fellow, belonging to Unity Lodge No. 00, at Mt. Holly, N. J. Illley Is u brlckmaker by trade. He has been living here for some Clme, and also had a good name. Tue men had been drinking. VICTIM Or HKIITAL ASSAULT. A M an Kadly Ilaaten Found Daied anil Wandering In thn Hireet. Guynndotto, W. Va., (Special.) James Miller, of Millersport, Oalo, was found wauderiug nbout tbe streets In the eastern part of the town In a dazed condition. Ho was covered with blood from head to foot, bis nose being hnlf gone, one ear cut olT, several bad gashes nLout tho face, arid his skull fractured In three places. Miller's wounds have been dressed, and nt times hu is able to utter "Negroes did It." Officials believe he has been beateu up and robbed by several negroes seen passing east on the Chesapeake und Ohio. He had considerable money. This Is all gone, as well as his watch. Miller will likely die. Used Ills Hralns. Som lime agon brakeman on tho Balti more A Ohio It illrond used bis brains nud saved a passenger train from ruuulug Into two derailed cars. The Company sent liliu a check for JSO aud posted a bulletin com plimenting him for his quickness of thought. A few days Inter, Euglneur John Hagorty was oillug bis engine a' Connellaville, while watting for tbo passengers to alight. He heard another train coming and believed that It was not under proper control. He sprang into bis cab, opened the throttle and started his trulu. The other engine struck the rear car but it was not a hard blow and Hagorty's promptness saved teu or a dozen lives. The Company lint ordered a handsome gold watch, suitably Inscrlled, nud a gold ciialu for Engineer Hagerly, as n reward fur his devotion to duty und "using his brains" lu time of emvrgeiicy, WOMAN KILLfcD. Man Confesses Ills Crime, and a Kentucky Mnb Threatens a Lynching, MaysvJIle, Ky., (Special.) Mrs. J. L. I.ttsLbrook wile of u furmer, was ravished uud tuurd-rud at ber home ut C'larks Sta tion, six miles from this city. While alone nt home she went to an outhouse, nnd while there was attacked. After the outrage her uraallunt beat out the woman's brains. The oflloirs brought In ltichard Coleman, a young negro, who has confessed to having murdered Mrs. Lashhronk. They were able to get blm to Jnll through u mob of flva hundred people ouly ly telling the crowd tbey were not Hire of Coleman's guilt. Shot by a llruuktii Mau. New York, (Special.) Hurry Costello, driver of a delivery wagon, lodged a bullet lu thii spluo ol Uoorgu Morro. u retired j iw Blur, In Brooklyn, and It will likely result In Ihe death of the victim. Costello then ran, firing two shots ut a pursuing poliuemuu, who responded with bis own weapon. None of these shots hit. Cnstello was arrested. Coslello says he was drunk, To CJuasil ITeyfus Verdict. Loudon, (lly Cable.) The Purls corres pondent of the Daily Mull suysi "I learu that Germany Is about to hand over documents which will lend lo the uuusblug of the Dieylut verdict. " AN ARISTOCRATIC TRAMP. lie Cats Only at the Houses of the IUeh Along the Hudson. The moat aristocratic tramp in the United States holds a Brat mortgage on the route from Garrisons to Hhine clilT, along the Hudson Itiver. For more than a soore of years Henry Madi son, known to every school boy and girl between these places as "But tons, " has journeyed nlong tho river and levied tribute, on tho kitchens of the millionaires whose bomos crown the hilltops of the Highlands. Madison is extremely jealous ol other tramps, and rof uses to associate with thorn. This cxclttsivoness has nearly cost him his life ou more than ono occasion when "knights of the road" have taken ntnbrago at his high toned ways. Only tho personal inter vention of a well-known millionaire prevented a gang of Albany hoboes from cutting ".Button's" career short one summer. It is more than a score of years siuoe Madison mado his first appearance at Garrisons. Nobody kuetv whence ho came, nud ho has not since given any inkling as to his past history. He hung around tho railroad station foi several days, picking up a meal when ever and wherever he could. Then he begged his way across tho ferry to West Toint, but a Police Sergeant cap tured him nt the landing, and like an undesirable emigrant, the boat that took him over had to give him a free rido back. It was then that he deci ded that ,tho rich should support him, and they have done so ever since. The Sloans then, as now, occupied one of the ilnest country seats along the Hudson, and "Unttons" mado his first call ou the ex-President of tho Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western Hailroad. Ho got a good breakfust. and wont for dinner nt tho houso of Hamilton Fish, ex-Secretary of Stato under President Grant. John M. Tonoey lived on tho hill opposite, and to him "Buttons" applied for supper. Throe square meals in one day were too much forhistight-llttinggarmouts, so he rambled down to tho village that night, nnd on his way every button on his clothes had burst off, nnd Sheriff John P. Douohue christened the tramp "Buttons." Since that tiuio Madison has used safety pins, so that wheu ho feasts extravagantly, ho just letstheia out a bit and feels comfortable. "Buttons" soon discovered that a chttuge of boarding houses was not ouly conducive of good digestion, but it made his greeting more agreeable not to call so often at tho same houso. This is why ho started north aud made the acquaintance of Charles do Fthnm, Jr., and Captain Henry Met calf at Cold Spring, where he usually diued. His next meal would bo with C. H. Van Araburgh, and his suppor was sure to be supplied by E. Brock way, the brick nittnulacturer of Fish kill Landing. After a good night's sleep he resumes his travels, and be fore entering New Hamburg calls on Reginald W. Rives and W. R. Sauds. At New Hamburg "Buttons" invari ably has meals at Mrs. Colgate's, Mrs. Banks's, Mrs. Gerard's, and the Dun slows.' It is between Poaghkeepsio and Rhiueoliff, however, that "Buttons' feasts on tho fat of the land. He calls at the McPhersous', the Winslow estate, the Roosevolts', the Rymphs', the Livingstons', aud is sure to stay nt least one day around the kitchen of Levi P. Morton's house at Rhineoliff. "Buttons" never forgets to make a social call upon Jacob Ruppert, at Staatsburg, and on more than one oc casion he has done justice to the Vau derbilt larder at Hyde Park, , It is at Rhiuobeok, howover, that "Buttons" feels most at home. There the Astor homestead is wide open all tho year round, and "Buttons" stays near the kitchen for a week before he starts on his return trip. Winter aud summer "Buttons" makes his calls with tho regularity of a pendulum, and he has tho proud distinction of eating at more million aires' houses thatt anybody else iu the couutry. Now York Times. The ilrldo-Klecr. A, prospective bride went into a sta tionery store the other day to order tho announcement of her wedding. They were to be in her sister's name. Now why it is, no one may bo able to tell, but there is no denying the fact that ordering wedding stationery is very embarrassing work if the clerks have an idea that yoti are tho bride elect. So this young lady conceived the idea of pretending she was the married sister in whose name the an nouncements were to be made. She got ou beautifully, gave the names and took care to make it known that she was tho married lady mentioned iu the announcement. When sho had finished she gave directions .that the bill be sent to Mrs. S. J. Blauk. "Very well," said the clerk, and then in an especially loud voice, "What is your name!" Without a thought out it came, the name of the bride-elect mentioned in the auuounoetnent. The clerk smiled a suppressed smile, and repeated the name as loudly as ho had asked the question. It seemed to the young lady that all the olerks iu the store and all the customers, too, were look ing at her aud sho began to feel the red coming into her faco. So she picked up her pocketbook and sidled out of the store as fust as she knew how, resolved never again to try to pervert the truth. Botroit Free Press Where Costly Furs Ale Found. The costlier furs come from the temperate and cold parts of tbe earth, aud the most expensive, as a rale, are tho product of the sub-Arctic and Arctio regions, where Nature protects animal life with the thickost aud warmest coverings. A few kinds of monkey skins, together with the skins of lions, tigers and other large carni vora, are about the only contributions of cub-tropical aud tropical countries to the fur and skin trade. Fur mer chants look to Cauada and Siberia to supply the larger part ol the most esteemed furs derived from land ani mals. 81111 tha Woman Objected. A certain Dyersburg woman assured her husband sho never told him a lie and never would. lie told her be did not doubt it, but would hereafter out u notch iu tho piano wheu he knew she deceived him, "No, you won't," I she screamed, "I'm not going to have my piauo all ruined. Tennessee I State Gazette, T i lacl XT. s-i Various Par;;' r LOVE LED TO m Thomas Kohland, Who NearUreonsbnrs;, Surreal xiatrinent-Itallans St,!,,, Carensnl Near Strm, Ureaks Out at Jeanutte-n ten j Thomas rtohlnnd, who shot!0, wllo nt Weat Newton, turn 1 to Coustable Teters, of that t , thai nlmrst famished from bunc.-ong and biecdinK from nn n:.; pil wrist, caused accidentally j u0 I leco of ulnss, is Brently',;',,,, loved my wife nud children, irhnT unrequited for my Rood wits - tv to fire the shot. My broket ,, burled with her," said he, ,.'u , out Into a pnroxysm of irrl- 8 ' Iroublesitch as I have hnd w mau to do anything." IU o'Df? penitent. His wife and ho ,;.to, 1 two years apro, ltohland h W lliieuoo fanned tbu Uamo of d d W he nud his wife separated, notei of llvlnu npnrt from ber w '(Jon trouble bore down on inn in ,yjji, iiiuiiiBiu, iiiayoe i was cri- for W'iosb love not drunk. I wou:d huv Deelh of SI. II. 1. M. II. O iodin, ono of the In iely stra IS, t: tin! tin ight 3 try, died from Inflammatlini r" Mr. (loodln was for many y ,uus lendliiK IlKhU of tho DlnuMi:te t( :inlton, and to his efforts im jgh meets wore du-. Uutll a fewpf ' wus chairman of Ihe 11 mril f, at Mr. (Ijodln was proprietor nf trai House, nt Eleventh and 31 littl Philadelphia. pj of t Captain Henry MeKieCai C iptnlri Hmry McKinnle, pr0i widely kuowu hotel propr iar(J, United States, died suddenly; Hnse. At the time of his deaf!' . Kinuln was proprietor of the ' ton, Piltshurir, but for the p'hat and practically left tbu miini Jys i hotel to his sou. Hu was 77 ligh' und for many years had bHre f Ihe traveling public, both as mos and as a stenmbnnt captain v or t plylhR between Plitsburt; ur.i ,8en lu tbe enrly days. 0(jg( I an Flva Wnnnded In n Isjclll During a carousal on No. 5!!f. 'W Scrnnton, a flitht started nnvnii 0(v nine Italians. Anelllo dl Hiua tain Iv wounded, nnd Pncntiall nir worn badly trashed and stnt named possibly fatally. Jose.! tho proprietor, and his Wi bid illirht wounds In attempting ki'l disturbance. Tho lesser wr a of Vollells Is tha ouly one of t1 a krrosted. ) f, grei Kpraad nf tmall-Pusdel Rmnll-pox In virulent form Mve In Jeanette, live miles from (l:f. Its presence has caused irrat hey year-old daughter of J. . 1: g3el Itrlcken with the disease. I' te turned homo n few days niro lr L j: Indiana County. Dr. Hammer, live of tho Htata Board of 11-f "e ported three new cases near und one ut Donegal. ?Pe tors Typhoid In VVIIIIainp, The William sport B iard ol ' V 1 Inir vigorous measures to stnnJlm lerulo of typhoid fever in tiler"'1 jf the city. ElKhtaeu cases nr-lgo ono block. Tue board bus o;df srnl olounlng up lu that section W polling connection to be iii;be lowers. Owing to the large uung isaBes at the hoxp't il the mmjr Institution havj buen cotnpul. i, more nurses, , a fcai Theft of a,nr.o. j0I Nearly 12.0 0 worth of ne tud '.'00 In money was stolen 1 v.f, ol Abrain Break, of Ludwlak, burir. The crime has been cli f Good, aged 20, of Groeusbura1" bus bueu issued for his arrest. c Int. yb. No War Labor ran?e' At a meeting of the Central P7i held at Bcrautou, IJje mutter o'l ' independent labor party was cfioi some length, aud it was dually t w (he time Is not yet ripe for suMjOo and uctlou was therefore post,f present, Dead Hoily nn tha Tri E The dead body of Frank 8 ib-l, i 30, was found horribly mamfcJ LeblKb Valloy Railroad trauks, o loah. Deputy Corouer Curt foul play. j0) Killed at a Hallway Con Joliu II tavern, uiced 19, was tor train at the Brownstowu Cros-'th itnutly killed. This Is the seen a '.he Crossing within u week, J0, ty. News Iu Brief. Brv Tha Farmers' Union, o( Norij Chester County, held Its un e Congressman I. P. iif , address. jj. Tue Grand JMry, by a unn "W( approved the report ( the vlev af u free bridge aoros the rt ! Illver at B-rwiok. 1' Howard Bteward, ugnd 85, w- ou die Pennsylvania R tllroad a st nn early hour, was struck tat bound pussenger tralu aud, it 4a1 fatally Injured. p la trying to separate two ti t( who bad bean quarreling at t'aii Hotel, Chainbershurg. WlllU't employee, bad his left enr nuiv t by a razor. h Frauk MoDonnld, aged III y"V,t sd to board a Western Maryi fo train at Ohainbarsburg, aad ima bold. McDonald was tbrowu 1 nnd hU left foot was orushed, tlou ol a portlou of tho ineinbt) essary. tt f A Practical Crltlct R'cuce meets occasional!; morons rebuffs. Profess ...i ,n I ItllipiH'll, WUU UUU U Jl"., pled the chair of domestic fp iu the Knnsns university, 1 evening before a llterury so; ti out-of-the-way town. At 'h the nddrt'ss one of the coin tail, gnuut woman, snld ulo ! "Well! I thought I was I, Irnru something, but It wufa of ordinary housekeeping vlth long words nobody cl. staud!"-Phlladelphla Post. I"