Newspaper Page Text
lie 'it. Vhole '" truth I is It. Acre's nothing lYidforacough ughing. trnv. At r;cre s nothing 82ood for a '" h as Avers try Pectoral. 'ei, 15 cent size is just right "; rdiniry, everyday cold, w ent size is better for the bronchitis, croup, grip, p . Knew, The dollar size " est for chronic coughs, iumption, chronic bron ('thtni, etc. ,m idlnic tha Ulaphaut. not 1 in the Indian army are fed ur. When mealtime arrives I,iwnupln line before a row il ood. Each animal's break )il iB ten pounds of raw rice, ur'i Are two-pound packages, bo. wrapped In leaves and tied Ais At the command, "Atten- elephant raises Its trunk, ut(,ige Is thrown Into its capa tid t 1 By this method of feed : ! Ogle grain of rice Is wasted. ' -f Conlldmiutsa. J'he apt? Letty I don't bout that. But I do ltnpw t:it( if the lights are a bit low. rvifcNTiy on the tiEXS, Liver Dowels K THE NYSTFM iite EFFECTUALLY nil1- , nrmj ........... Sria effects ll'itNWINt - M ANT D By B!ApGfSYRVP(S. !,i W yw voluable CAS('A v""m peneoi. Couldn't do . ".KV,?.u"ed ,Bem 'oromo time iln nd biliousness and urn now com ,UK KKcoianiend them, to bviT.v cr nit iLT"l ""'to; wiijiout them In Wi f-t)W. A. MAHX, Albany, N. Y. 1 Candy m CATHARTIC '"SO l.m 1 vj?1 OIB f MK HMIflWIB ora ,rd Tul CONSTIPATION. ... ('p",fl lr,l. H, T.rk. Ml ',Vi,T T nil drug Tobacco HabltT cffSBNK lot C jallfcru-9 it? You should. I 8f in J O NEW DISCOVERY; . beam, .i ?ulok' Wind cut.. "J .'.! , V.i ,r Iwaslia. It y,3 Jmpson'sEvt Wafer job. , 1 iff snoss REV, DRJALMAGE. THB EMINENT DIVINE'S SUNDAY DISCOURSE. Snbjeett The TTorlil mn It Tlll Be Im. proTCinent In Bninan Condltlont Aftai tha Eartlt Ha Baan ItaTolnttoulxcd For Good The Coming Century. CopjrlRht, Lonli Klopnch. 1130.) Wahikotok, i). 0. By a novel mode Dr. raltnags In thlB dlncourse shows how th , world will look after It has been revolu tionised for good; teit, II Teter III., 13, "A new earth, wherein dwelletb righteous- "'" . . Down In the utrugftlo to make the worlq better and happier we sometimes get de preaeed with the obstaoles to be overaome itnd the work to be ea'complifllied. Will II not be ft tonlo end an Inspiration to look at the world na It will be wbon It has been brought baok to paradisaical condition! Bo let us (or a few moments transport our elves Into the future nod put ounolvna forward In the centurlei and see the world In Its retcued and perfected ntiue, as we will see It If In those times we are pormlt. ted to revisit this planet, as I nm suro we will. We all want to see the world after It bus been thoroughly gospell.ed and nil wrongs have been righted. We will want to eome bank, end wo will come back to look unon the refulKont consummation to ward which we havo boon on larger ol , smuller scule tolling, linvlug heard tun opening of the orohmitra oil whose siring some discords traveled, we will want to hear the last triumphant bar of the pur fectnd orntorlo. Having seen the plcturo as the painter drew Its llrst outlines upon oanvas, we will want to see It when It Is at complete as heubens' "Descent From tin Oross" or Michael Angelo's "Last Judg. nient." Having seen the world under tha gleam of the star of Uethlehem, we will want to aee It when, under the full shlulng of the sun of righteousness, the to wen hull strike 13 at noon. There will be nothing In that coming cen tury of the world's perfection to hlndei our terrestrial visit. Our power and velo city of locomotion will have boen Improvod InUnltoly, It will not take us long to come bere, howover far off In God's unlversa j heaven may be. rue mole declares thai each visitation Is going on now. "Are they not all iniulsterlug spirits sent forth to minister to those who shall be heirs of sal vation?" Hurely the gates of heaven will not be bolted after tlio world is F.dunlzed 10 as to binder tburedoomed from descend ing for a tout of Inspection and congratu lation and triumph. You know with what Interest we look npou ruins ruins of ICenllworth custle, ruins of Melrose abbey, ruins of Koine, rains of Pompnll. Ho this world iu ruins l.i an enchantment to look ut, but we want to see It when rubullt, rupillnred, retowered, realterud, rededlcutod. The exact date oi the world's moral restoration I cannot foretell. It may he that through mighty awakenings it will take place In the middle of the nearby twentieth century. It may be at the opening of the twenty-llrst con tury, but It would not be surprising if it took mora than 100 years to correct the ravages of sin which have rnged for 600C years. The chief missionary und evitngel istlo enterprises were started Hi this cen tury, and be not dismayed if it takes a couple of centuries to overcome evIU that have had full swing for sixty centuries. I lake 110 responsibility In nuying on what puge of the uarthly culondur it will roll in, but Und's uternnl veracity is sworn to It that It will roll In, and us the redeemed In heaven do us they pleusu aud have all the facilities of transit from world to world, you aud I, my hearer or reader, will come und look ut what my text calls "A new earth whurelu dwelletb righteousness." I Imuglne that we are descending at that period of the world's complete gospollza tion. There will bo 110 peril In such ndo tcent. Great heights and depths have no alarm for glorified spirits. Wo can come down tbrousrh chasms between worlds without growing dizzy and across the bpaces of halt tuti uutveiKtt without losing our way. Down und further down wo come. As we approach this world we breathe the perfume of Illimitable gardens. Floralizs tlou that in centuries past was here and there walled In lest reckless and dishonest bands pluck or despoil It surges Its billows of color acrois the fields and up tile hill sides, und that which was desert blossoms as the rose. All the foreheads of erug crowned with flowers, the feet of the moun tains Bllppered with tlowxrsl Oh, this per fume of the continents, this urojnu of hemi spheres! As we approach nearer and nearer we lieur songs and laughter aud hosanuas, but not one gioan of distress, not one sob of bereavement, not one clank of ohaln. Alighted 011 the redeemed earth, we 1110 first uaoosted by the Spirit of the twenty llrst century, who jiro 'oses to guide and show us all that we deslro to see. Without Ills guidance wo would lose our way, for the world Is so much changed from the time when we lived lu It. First of all, Hn points out to us 11 group of abandoned buildings. We ask this Spirit of the twen-ty-flrst century, "What are those struc tures whese walls are fulllug down and whose gates uro rusted on the hinges?" Our escort tells us: "Those wore once penitentiaries tilled with offenders, but tho crime of the world has died out. Theft and arson und fraud and violence have quitted the earth. People have nil thoy want, and why should they appropriate the property of others even If they had the desire? The marauders, the nssusslus, the buccaneers, the Herods, the Nana Sahibs, the rufuuns, the baudits, are dead or, transformed by the power of the Christian religion, uro now upright and benellcent und useful. After pnsslng on amid columns and stutues erected In memory of those who have been mighty for goodness In the world's history, the highest aud the most exquisitely sculptured those In honor of such as have been most effectual lu saving life or Improving life rather tliun those re nowned for destroying life, we come upon uuothur group of buildings tbut must have been transformed from thulr original shape aud adapted to other usee. "What Is (ill this?" we nsk our escort. Ho answers: "Those were almshouses and hospitals, but aaaurucy in-making ui'd prudence In running machinery of nil sorU have almost abolished the list of casualties, and sobriety and industry have nearly abolished pau perism, so that those buildings which ouco were hospitals und almshouses have been turned Into beautiful homes for the loss prosueiod, aud If you will look in you will see the poorest IuIiIb has ubundauce, ami the smallest wardrobe luxury, and the harp, waiting to have Its strings thrummed, leaning ugalust the pluuo, waUlug lor Its keys to be llugered. "Hospitals und almshouses must have been a necessity ouco, bin they would So useless now. And you see nil the swatnpi have been drained, the sewerage of tha great towns lias been perfected, and the world's climate Is so Improved that there are no pneumonitis to come out of the oold, or rheumatisms out of tha dnmpness, 01 fevers out of theheuc. Consumptions ban ished, pneumonias banished, diphlherlu banished, ophthalmia banished, neuralgias banished. As near us I cn tell from what I have read, our atmosphere of this cent ury Is a mingling of the two mouths ol May and October of the nineteenth cent ury," But I say to our escort: "Did all this merely happen so? Are all the good here spontaneously good? How did you get tb old shipwrecked world afloat again, out ol the breakers Into the smooth seaB?" "No, nol" responds our twenty-llrst century es cort. "Do you see those towers? Thosi are the towers of churches, towers of re formatory Institutions, towers of Christine sohools. Walk with me, and let us eutei some o! these temples." We enter, and And that the muslu is lu the major key and none of It in the minor. "Gloria In Ex celsls" rising above "Gloria In Excelsls." Tremolo stop In the org n 11 not so much used as the trumpet stop. More ol Ariel thuu oi Naomi. More chants thuu dirges, Not a Jtnln song, the words of which no one un derstands on the lip of a soloist, but mighty liurmouies that roll from the outside door to chanoolaud from floor to groined rafter as though Handel had come out of the eighteenth century Into the twenty-first and had his toot ou the organ pedal, and Thomas Hastings had aonueoutof the early purt of the uluuteeuth century luto the twenty-llrst aud were leading the voloes, MubIo that moves the curia aud wakes .heaven listen! I liut I say to our twonty-flrst oentury es- uuri; -i cannot uunorstuna tui. uavjj these worshipers no sorrows, or buve they !forgotten thulr sorrows?" Our escort re sponds: "Sorrows! Why, they had sorrows ;niore than you could count, but by a dl vlue llluuiluutlou that tha eighteenth and nineteenth euutuvles never enjoyed tbey (understand the uses of sorrow uuu are com forted with u suDeruatral condouce JSueh as previous centuries' nevCr' experi enced." I I nsk again of the Interpreter, "Has death been banished from the world?" The answer Is, "No, but pcoplo die now only when the physlcsl machinery Is worn out, and tbey roallse It Is time to go and that tbey are certainly and without doubt going luto a world where they will be lu llnlteiy better off and are to live In a man sion thnt awaits their Immediate oc cupancy." liut how was nil this effected?" I ask our escort. Answer: "Jly Rood of gospel power. You who lived In tho nine teenth century never saw a revival of roll glon to be compared with what occurred In the latter part of the twentieth and the early part of tho twonty-flrst century. The prophecy has been fullllled that k'a .nation shall be born In a day' that is, ton or twenty or forty million people convert ed In twenty-four hours. In our church his tory we road of the great awakening of ; 1857, when five hundred thousand souls were saved. But that was only a drop of the coming showers thnt since then took Into the kingdom of God everything be tween tho Atlnntlo and the Pnclflo, be tween tho Pyrenees and the Himalayas." The evils that good pcoplo were lu the nineteenth century trying to destroy bnve been overcome by celestial forces. What human weaponry failed to accomplish has been done by omnipotent thunderbolt. ) As you nnd I soe in this terrestrial visit ation of the coming centuries that the church has under God accomplished so much, we ask our oscort, the spirit of the twenty-first century, to how us the differ ent kinds of churches. Ho we are taken In and out of the churches of different denom inations, and we II nil that they arn Jut as different In the twenty-ilrtt century as tliey wero different iu the nineteenth when we worshiped In them. There Is unity lu them as to the great essentials of salvntion. Hut we enter tho llapllst Church, and It is bap tismal day, and we see the candidates tor momborshlp Immersod. And we go Into a Presbyterian Church nnd soe a group of parents around the baptismal font holding up their cblliiron for the christening. And we enter the Eplsoopal Church aud henr tho solemn roll of her liturgies, aud her ministers are gowned and surpliced. And we outer the Lutheran Cburah, und we hear In the sermon preached the doctrines of the greatest of German reformers. And wu go luto tho Methodist Church just In time to sit down at a love feast and give audible "Amen" when the service stirs us. At least fifty kinds of churches In the twenty-first oentury, as thore were 150 dif ferent kinds of churches In the nineteenth century. "O spirit of the twenty-first century, will you not show us something of the commer cial life of your time?" He answers, 'To morrow I will show you all." And on the morrow he takes us through the great marts of trade and shows us the bnrgulu makers and the shelves on which the goads lay and the tierces and hogsheads in which they are contained. I notico that the fabrics are of better quality than anything I ever saw la our nineteenth century, for the factories ure moro skillful, and the Wheels that turn aud the looms that clack and tbe eugines that rumble are driven by force that were not a century ago discov ered. Tho prices of tho fabrics indicnte a rea sonable profit, and the firm lu the count ing room and the clerks at the counter and tbe draymen at the doorway nnd the errand boy on his rounds and the mes senger who brings the mail and the meu who open the storo In the morning ns well ns those who close it at night all look ns If thoy were satisfied and wall treated. No swallowing up of small bouses or merchandise by great houses, no ruinous underselling uutll those lu tbe same Una nro bankrupt and thon the prices lifted, no unnecssnry assign ment to defraud creditors, no over drawing of accounts, no abscoudlngs, no sharp practice, no snap judgments, but the manufacturer right In bis dealings with the wholesaler, and tho wholesaler with the retailer, nnd tho retailer with tbe customer. No mircuuslng or goods that will uevir be paid" for. All right behind tbe counter; ait right before the counter. No repetition of what Solomon describes wheu ho writes, "It Is nnugbt, tt is naught, salth the buyer, but wlion bo Is gjno his way then be boastcth." "O spirit of the twenty-first century, bow glad I am that you showed us these stores aud factories und places of bargain nnd sulel It wus not always so In tbe nineteenth century, when we were earthly residents. Many of those merchants who are good at ciphering out other rules In arithmetic never could cipher out that sum in the rule of loss and gain. 'What shall It profit a ninu If he gain the whole world unci lost bis soul?" "Hut," I say to our escort, tho Bplrlt of the twenty-ilrst century, and vou und I say to each other, "we must go home now, back nguin to heaven. We have staid long enough on this terrestrial visitation to see that ull tho bost things foretold In tho Scriptures and which we read during our earthly residence huvu come to pass, aud all the Davldlu, Holomonla and l'auliniuii aud Johuaueau prophecies hsvo been ful filled, nnd that the earth, lustond of be ing a ghastly failure, Is the lulghtiot suc cess iu the universe. A star redeemed. A planet readied! A world saved! It started with a garden, ami it is going to closo with a garden. Wuut u huppiness that we could havo seen this old world after it wus righted nnd before It burned, tor Its In ternal tiros hnvo nearly burned out to the crust, according to the geologist, milk ing it easy for the theologian to be lieve lu the oonllagratlou that tbe lllble predicts. One element taken from the water aud that will burn, aud another element taken trom tho air and that will burn, nnd surrounding plan etB will watcli this old ship of a world on lire and wonder if all Its passongers got safely off. Iletoro tbut planetary catas trophe, hie us back to heaven. Farewell, spirit of the twonty-flrst ceuturyl Thanks for your guldaucal We can stay no longer away from doxologies that never end, in temples never closed, in u day that has 110 sundown. We must report to the Immor tals around tho throne the tranIorm tlons we have seen, the victories of truth on lund nnd sen, the hemispheres irradi ated, nnd Christ on the throne of eurth, as He Is on tho throne of heaven." Aud now you nnd I have left our escort as we ascend, for the law of gravitation bos no power to detain ascending spirits. Up through Immensities aud by stellar and lunar nnd solar splendors, which cannot be described by mortal tongue, wo rise higher and higher, till we reach the shining gate us it opens for our return, and the ques tions greet us from a'.l sides: "What lstbs news? Wuut did you flud lu that earthly tower? What havo you to report In this city of the sun?" Prophetic, apostolic, saintly inquiry. And, standing on the steps of the bouse of many mansions, we cry aloud the news: "Hear It, all ye glorified Christian workers of ull the past centuries! iWe found your work was successful, .whether on earth yon tolled with knitting jueedle, or ruug a trowel on a rising wall, lor smote a shoe last, or endowed a univer sity, or swayed a soeptnr; whether on earth you gave a cup of cold water iu the name iof a disciple, or at some Pentecost preuohed 9000 aouls Into the kingdom. With Improvements. ' Prom the Washington PoBt: A dele gation of representative citizens of Washington called at the white house one day lant week, as many delegations do, to lay before the president the mer its and claims of a certain aspirant for office, and to urge upon the chief exec utive tho desirability of his appoint ment. As the several gentlemen in the party were Introduced, t'.ie president greeted them cordially, nnd had some thing pleasant to say to all. Some of them he had met before nnd r.'inem bered, while others were strangers to him. Several in the line had been pre sented, when a certain merchant, well known and highly esteemed, was reached. The president immediately recognized him, and said, as he grasped ills hand warmly: "Yes, I remembef you very distinctly, Mr. X. I recall when I was a member of congress I purchased a numbe of suits ,of cloth lug nt your establishment. And I aluo recollect," continued the president, smilingly, "that it was necessary for me to climb threo or four flights of stairs to reach your tailoring depart men1," "Ah, Mr. President," ex claimed the merchant, quick to make the most of tbe situation, "you should dome to see us &SJ-I- Now we havi elevators." EVER SO SINCE ADAM. Wornea Iluva Heert Catted I'pon to Rboulder Man's ttlne. There is nothing on earth that, makes one more provoked than the tendency of some persons to lay the, blame for every misfortune that oc-j curs to a man on the shoulders of his, poor wife, who has no possible means' of retaliation, but must Just simply! bear the odium that does not rightfully; rest upon her, says tho Philadelphia! Times. There is another phase of this; question equally prone to rouse my in-, donation, and thnt is when persons; assert no man would dare to speak toj a woman on the street unless he re-; reived some encouragement from her.l That is all nonsense. I know at least1 a dozen pretty, modest young women,' who have never even so much as, looked at a man they did not know,! who have been addressed In the most' familiar fashion by some well-drejsed' loafer who thought his personal charm' so great that he could with ease break, down tho barriers of conventionality, end good breeding and be forgiven by the feminine object of his admiration. Thnt many such have received the' punishment they deserve goes without! saying, but ninny niore are merely Ignored. The girl U too refined to' neate a scene, and thus when he has received only the silent snub, hardly noticeable to the passers-by, he goes' on his way to tackle another one who; has not. encouraged him a whit more than the first, despite all masculine, arsertlons to the contrary. Men can fail men do fail in business with out having their failure caimed by their wives' extraganre. Men do drink' without being driven to it by the co quetries of their wives with other men1 or an absence of congeniality in their homes, and men do speak to women on tho street without being In the least bit encouraged to do so. They take a chance, and it is a pity that they art) let down so easily when that chancel Is not in their favor. Hut even if they were caught In the very commission of their act of effrontery they would probably brazen It out and lay the blame on the Innocent woman. Ever since the day when Adam, the coward, wriggled out of the responsibility for1 his misdoing by saying, "The woman tempted me nnd I did eat," men have been inventing lame excuses for their1 fallings, and are glad enough to saddld the blame on the opposite sex, though) they know in their hearts they arc taking refuge in the most palpable subterfuges that deceive very' f"?w women at least, whatever they may make men believe on the subject. ttlruiTa'a In Central Africa. From time to time it has been ru mored that glrafTes existed in British. Central Africa, on the Loangwa river, but although that river valley lias boen frequently visited during the last ten years by Europeans, no authentic in formation on tho point has ever been obtained. Last month, however, a gir affe was shot on the east bank of thd Loangwa In the Marimba district, by w European prospector, and its skin (In complete) sent In to Capt. Chichester, In Mpezent's country. The hinder half of the skin is being sent to the British' museum, and It is hoped that a com-! plete specimen may now bo obtained.; The existence of giraffes in Mlraraba; is remarkable, the area In which they are found is extremely restricted, and; tholr number appears to be very few.. The one shot, however, was in a herd' of about thirty-five. The nearest coun try north of Mariamba, in which gir affes are known to exist, Is north of Mareres, where the Elton-Cotterlll ex pedition met with them (many year ago). To the south' of Matabeleland Is the nearest giraffe country. Koinarknble Drink. Of the many extraordinary drinks; regularly consumed, the, blood of live: horses may perhaps be considered the' most so. Marco Polo and Carplnl were IUU illDl LU IC1I IUB WUliU UL UltJ 1 Ui larj practice of opening tho veins in horses'. necks, taking a drink, and closing the wound again. As far as can be seen,' this has been the practice from time; Immemorial. There is a wine habitu-i ally consumed in China which is made from the flesh of lambs reduced to paste with milk, or bruised Into pulp with rice, and then fermented. It is' extremely stimulating to the physical organism. i no - Laplanders arink" fi great deal of smoked snow-water, and one of the national drinks of the Ton qulnese is arrack flavored with chlck- en's blood. The list would scarcely be' complete without mention of absinthe, which may be called the national spir ituous drink of France. It is a nor-! rlble compound of alcohol, anise, cori ander, fennel, wormwood, indigo, and sulphate of copper. It is strong, nasty and a moral and physical poison. ' New York Home Journal. Hnvo Ibe MclieU. From saving, comes having. Ask your grocer bow you can suvo 13ti by Investing 6a, Ha can tell you just how you oau gat one large 10c puokage of "lied Cross" starch, one large lOu package of "Hubln ger's Bost" starob, with the premiums, two beautiful Bhukespeare panels, prlntod In twelve bonutiful colors, or oue Twentieth Century Girl Caleudar, all for 5c. Ask your grocer for this starob und obtain these beautiful Christmas preseuts ftoe, i Mrs. John M. Thurston, the bride of tho Nubruska Senator, Is described ns of medium height, graceful, with changeful dark gray eyes, oceaHlonally flashed with blue, perfect figure and mobile features. After physicians lisd 8r,"i me up, I-is stved by Visa's Cuiv.Hai.pu Kuib.u, Wu liutusport, l'a., Nov. Hi, lnuj. Upsides a son, Lord George Hamilton hat no less thuu IU nephews lighting against the Doers. How Are Ton Kidneys t IV Hobliit' fii'riMi Ptlli oureall kldner Ilia. n pie true. Add. Uturliua Itoiuedjr Cu Chicago or K. I. The King of Greece, now In Purls, may visit IiIb sister, the Princess of Wulus, befort going borne. Vitality low, debilitated or exhausted euros by Dr. Kline's, Invigorating Tnnlu. Fiikk l trial botLle for S w eek's treatment. Dr. Kline ,d Arch Ht, Philadelphia, t'ouudecls;). Mrs. Louisa J. Cabel, of Lowell, Me., Is t Justice of the peace, prosecutes pension claims, and personally manages a farm and conducts an express business. Ednento Your llowela With Cuaeareta. Oondy Cathartic, cure oonatipatlon forever. lOo. iiic. It O. O. C. fail, druggist refund money. Miss Hull Calne, sister of the novelist, I i laying I'oljy Love la "The Christian" il) Dgluud. I, Ike rinding; mane) The nse of the Endless Chain Rtarob Book In tbe purchase of "Red Cross" and ''Hublnger's Best" starch, makes It just like finding money. Why, for only So you are enabled to get one large 10c package of "Red Cross" starch, one large 10c pack age of "Hublnger's Best" starch, with the premiums, two Shakespeare panels, print ed In twelve bonutiful colors, or one Twen tieth Century Girl Calendar, embossed In gold. Ask your grocer for this starch nnd obtain tbe beautiful Christmas presents free Tho regents of the University of Michigan have appointed Charles ltaird director of outdoor athletics, with tho rank of junior professor lu the university and a salary of 2,000. A Notable rilver Annlvrrsnry. With tto close of the present year Mr. David C. Cock, of Chicago, will celebrate bis first quurter-ccntenuial as editor nud imbllsher of Sunday-school literature. Itartlng twenty-live years ago, without reputation or assurance of support, ho has become one of the most widely and favor ably known publisher. lu thlt lino. Degin nlng lu IH'j with two small publication., his periodical have gr iwn lu number and favor until thore are few schools lu this country thnt do not II 'id It to tholr Interen'. to nse some of bis p.iro and helpful publi cations, while many ia distant lauds pay tribute tn their merit. Tbe past quarter of a century hn. witne-sod umity changes among Sii'iiluv-scli t I pnhll-dier., and much leis lime lliaii this bus su Diced for soma lo outlive llielr tisefuiueos. On tho contrary, Mr. Cook Is preparing to cele brate the beginning of another quarter century with additional Improvement and now publications. Among these may be mentioned The Nt'.w Ckxtmiv SrNDAY Hi'iiooi. TrAcimn's Muxtni.v, a large and thoroughly up-to-date magazine for super intendents nnd teacher, the llrst Issue of which will appear 111' December, Among tho most remarkable of bis publications 1 the Yodnu 1'Kori.E's Wkkiily, which has at tained a circulation of nearly a quarter of a million, being n successful attempt to furnish n high grade of religious storv reading for liovs and girl. To avoid tho "goody-goody" story of the Suudav eehool, such as we remember In our child hood days, and furnish something natural, lnterotlng and ennobling, ha been its aim, and we ure nol ut ull surprised ut its popularity. The restraining influence of the Cliri tlnn home and the Sunday-school on our growing commuuity of young people, some of us mnv not appreciate as we should perhaps because the sometl nes inll to restrain. This paper should l,o a mot welcome accessory in this work, and one which all should appreciate. Ilov aud girls will read, aud the story book aud paper are their tlrst choice. There senilis a plentiful supply of religious papers for oidor people, but tills is the llrst success ful attempt to furnish it uoii-seetiirlau re ligious story paper for young people. The paper is profusely illustrated, beau tifully printed, and contains us much or more rending matter than the most expeu slve of secular young people's story papers. The price, seventy-live cents per year, should bring It within the reach of every home. Mr. Cook is now making a special effort to give the paper a wider circulation, and ull who send seventy-live cents for a year's subscription before Jan. 1st will re ceive a beautiful premium picture entitled "The Soul's Awakening." It Is exactly the same slr.e (ID by 18 Inches) and style as those on sale at art stores for tl. Orders should be addressed to David C. Cook Publishing Co., Uti Washington St., Chicago. Probably no man living has done so much to Improve und cheapen Sunday school literature as bus Mr. D-ivid '. Cook. Through his aid thousands of schools have boon encouraged, Improved und made self-sustaining. Mr. Cook is yet u comparatively young man, nud It does not appear at all Improbable that his field of usefulness may extend over yet uuotber quarter-century. Frank Gould receives scon of letters daily from young men wanting him to buck enterprises In the Philippines. Ufaaty la nioud Deep. Mean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. ( 'uscurot, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by ttirring up the lazy liver und driving all im purities from the body. Jiegin todsy to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, nnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking dnscarets, beauty for ten tents. All drug gists, suiihfuction Guaranteed. 10c, 2jc,50c. Governor Stone, of Pennsylvania, thinks tbe wife should own the home. Denfueas Cannnt lie Cured hr local applications, as they cannnt reach tha diseased portion of the car. There is oulynne way to oure deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kustnohian Tube. Wliuu this tube gets In flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect healing, and when it in cntiruly closed Deafness Is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out, and this tuba re stored to its normal cnnd'U n, nesting will be dustroyod forever. Nine .-uses out of ten are causeel by cstnrrb. which Is nothing but an in flamed oondltlnn of the in neons su rfacea. We will give One Hand re t Dollara for any ease of Deafness (caused bv ciitirrhltliKtoan notbt oured by Hall's Cuturrh Cure. Send tor oiroulars, free. F. .1. Ciifney & Co, Toledo, O. Pold by Druggist. 75c. Uall'a Famllv Pill ere the best. Walter Camp bus accepted the newly cre ated position of director of uthlctics at Yule University, To Cure Cunatlpatloii Irrever. Talio Cusuarets Candy Cathartic. lOo orSio. It C C. C. full to cure, druvuisi rotund mvuat. Cenrge llerry. the KukIIsIi bandmaster, bss retired after tl J cms' service with military bu lids. Woi'ds, of Famous Mb, mom AVoitcr. Mr. John F. Barclay, a wel! lincwn Atlanta man, suffered from dyspepsia. lln,.uy: "Atlanta. Ca., Jsiinary VS. - !r. 1 bas. O. Tyncr: .Having used Tyner'o Dyspepsia Item edy for yeaia lu my lamlly I gladly add lu wuut hae already been snlti lu lib pral,v. Without exeeptlun it Is the finest remedy en too market, nnd nothing would induce no, v, .jo without It. JNO. F. Uaki'I.AT." .Vie a bottle, at all drllKgllla, or sent for price, express paid, by Tyuor lira uepula Ituiuedy Co.. 45 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Un. Sir Chihchcn Lo Feng Lull, tho Chinese Ambassador to Great Britain, recently at tended a performance of "King Hl hard II," and, according to the English pupi rs, whs a most attentive spectator. Each package of Putnam Fadp.lrss Dti colors more goods than nuy other dye and colors them better too. Hold by all druggists. Agonclllo, tho Filipino representative In Paris, who calls himself "agent of the Phil ippine llepublie," lives iu one of tbe niont secluded spots In tbe city. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tour I.lfa Inar. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mac netlo. lull of llfo, nerve nnd vigor, take No-To-Buc. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggist, 6flo or 1 1. Cureeuarou teed. Booklet und (ample free. Aildreei fcterllng Itemed? Co., Chicago or New York. Small Sine. There are three crimes which, no matter what may bo the degree of their venality are regarded by the world as venal. They are lying at poker, smug gling, and understating the ago of a 4-year-old child. Where breathes tbe mother who will not fudgo a little when it comes to the question of pay ing 5 cents for her boy or stealing for him a free ride? If the boy be large for his years, her period of men dacity lasts but a short time, but if he be undersized her equivocation ex tends far into the seventh year. Such a mother never hands more than a nickel to the conductor when ulio and Tommy travel together; he might keep a dime for the two, or take change out of a quarter. The railroad com panies are beaten out of many thou sands of dollars by the darling mothers who cannot see more than four, years ;Whcn paying fares. New York Press. HER LITTLE HOW STORIES GROW. They say the Limb which Mary had, Whose fleece was while as snow, Was really just a clever "Ad." For Ivory Soap, you know. IVORY SOAP IS 99, PER CENT.' PURE. corrmaMT iim iv the Procter a gamble co. Cincinnati SAVE YOUR iS U LXU U "Star" tin tags (showing small stars printoil on under side of tap,), "Hoi'soHhoe," " J. T.," " Cloml Luok," " Cross Bow," and " Diuiumoml" Natural Leaf Tin Tas are of oqunl value in secur'ng; presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. Every man, woman and child can 11 m I something on the list that they would 1 ike to buve, and citu have IE 3EC JE2 3ES Z TAtl. . . . 85 1 vfi nm 2 Rn fi, nti" Iti'ulu. und stifnil 2 3 rViv-mrn -He Hi' iifn ttft 4 Child's. Ht. Knit", fori, nurt Hikmhi Ut b yit nnd )Vpitn- Set, on pftch, iiiatl- rnpiw p'uti' nn wtiitp inotal 2 F Vrt'nrli Urinr Wnnd I'lptv.. 26 1 lUzor, bulli-rr gmuixl, tino Ktilinh th) SO Hulier Kuiru, tvlH i1r'b, bnut qmilifv- no It Hiriir Hhfll, trtrlti plu't. h-nt qual.. tin II) K'ftmp Ht i. ntnrHiiR nihor TO 11 Kntf, "Kppii Kuttur," twn IiUiIhh.. 7& 12 Untchar Knifo, "Kfeii Kuttpr," Ma bUfln TR in Mtrnrs "Kpimi Knttcr " 1 lin 76 14 Nut Ht, Vim Iter find t I'U Jr., Mlvitr Vl itmt lfi Uriw Hal I . "Amort: ton," Iwnt qilftl.KHl lfl AKnn ( lock nl.-kfl IM i: hi HMttMiup flower ' TuuHpooi!, bt i laie.l izwt1ft li 1 U fttrh, riit-liMl, Rtem wftitl mil net . . 2HI 11) Orvprt, gout! stml, buokborn I nn 1!r. .200 $0 Hit Gptminn IIorpiV TMe Hpomi, ht plntpil good" 250 91 Su each. Knives unit t'Mik, buck horn lifuutti'tt 2.'0 23 Hit etch. (.HUiiUm Il'iiitM-H Knives tud Fork, bcAt )1hIii gontlft ftlKl k k k k k THE AWV OFFcR EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30w, 1903. Qnorinl tMntipa ! Hulii " Star " Tin Tub (that K H r tin layi with nnu w)vi sv.i'u. print (Ml on but will l iaid hui'dred, if rccer 'd bv n on or before t fill: A It IN .11 1 M) lhat a illniK'a north ol STAR PLUG TOBACCO will laat loimer anil nfl'nrd muro ilranre flntii it tliitif's wortb of i-nr oihrriuH.i.1. MAKETHETESTI Send taqs to () Tli: T Al. TOII K'CU CO., SI. Louis, Mo. k k-kkkkkk-kkkkkkk-kk-k All llanila Wautml. A novel poster was seen by a recent sojourner in Nova Scotia. It was printed on rough pnper with red paint, in a childish hand, nnd was tacked to a telegraph pole in a conspicuous posi tion. "There will be a concert and fair in Mrs. Parson's sitting room to day, July twenty, at two o'clock sharp. Admission Adults, five cents; chil dren, two cents; babies, two for a cent." Cure all Thront and Lung- Affection. COUGH SYRUP V Get the emiiue. Rrfttue substitute. IS SURE Dr. BuWt Piils curl Djsifsiii. 'J'rUl, :ofor$C H O IC Vegetables will always find a ready market but only that farmer can raise them who has studied the great secret how to ob tain both quality and quantity by the judicious use of well balanced fertilizers. No fertil izer for Vegetables can produce a large yield unless it contains at least 8 Potash. Send for our books, which furnish full information. We send them free of charge. GERMAN KALI WORKS. 9,1 Nassau St., New York. Tho first Ave persons prouurlnx tUu grocer will uacli obtain ouo larye lUu pi. lOo package of l)uliiirer'aj Ileal' ' twelve bonutiful colors, as untural as 111 finest of Its klud ever prlutsd, all ui rnuln March nook, will ob! Croaa" l.auwtlry March Is est lovuntioit of tUti Twsotiuth Cl has wou for Itself prnlso from nil l tbluK heretofore used or kuowu to rlae and ooru, aud chemically prepar Keokuk, Iowa, an expert lu the bi practical experience lu fancy sunder id Inventor of all flue grades of starch Starob and dbtaln thesu buautlful ChrlA .aaiaMWWrlTyiajll 'IPWf KriMHl.M ,1&WWWJ,'.VtLlWWIH1 'Tiiiaafif wiaaiiisiMiiiaiiBiia iaaK,fN tia'.f'fcr" f r TIN TAGS k 2:i TAOS. Clock, rl.iy. Cnrtnr, Tlnrmom P(r, It-4llHIMtaf ... (I'll Oun . rVhrr, n lip'trr nmUi. bH Ki'vtilvHr. "nToiaiillu, il'Mibln av'.i n, hit or i-uliiw. (iiW Ki't, not plavthtriKi, tint real tools riW Toilet Hut tl'MMiutett porcelain, very hamlrmtr.H ftoo KpniitiKton Hi He No. 4, D-Jor H'J ril . hoo Watch, ntet liiiK silver. full jcwnlt-! ltW) lM'tn Snil Cnstj, iHttthtM', liaifittume mid durable lout) Hwliiff HUcliine, brut das, with all uttnchmfiifft 16WJ Itevolver, Unit's, ;:. fiber, blued Ktel 1JW0 Ktne. (lult'ii, lH-nhot, S'J-ralilier 16W Guitar (Washburn), roue wood, iu- laid gtaM Mandolin, very hand some 3iK)U Vlncheater Hepsatli.g Hhot Gun, 12 Ka'itf 80,0 Keniiiitfton. doiib-barrl. ham liter Huot Utin, 10 or 19 Hiiutj ......2000 lilcycle, standard Jittkj. bid lot or gents it0Q Shot Gun, Itpiiiiufon, don bin l-r- rtd, httimuciitit sou1) Itetilna Miitc linx, l.Vtf inch l!o. U0U uiulrr Mid of t iiy , ar .if y.on ,( preirnl. lor in HASH on the baMs of t wtu! cuntNOHr Mn-ch 1st, in ui. j Personally j Conducted California j Excursions a Via the Santa Fe Routs. Thm tlraon a roi from Chicago anJ KaufuM City. a Our a wik from St. Louts. 2 lu liuprovai wlde-vestlbule 1 a I'ulluian-touriat alMptnn can. a lljttar thaa er bofjra, at luwaat J ioaltila rates. a Ktparlenoad etoiirsion condnotors, a Also dally aervlca batwaati ChlcajgJ J and California. a Corrcsponitouca aolictte,t. i:. F. Ml'lt N ETT, J . 13. P. . J Tho AtoMion, Topeka & Basts F a 3TT BROADWAY, NIW VOR a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai ririnrni a tin i 0 .(.lUbalLHIIU WANTED. Poplar. Oak. Ash, Chi Uaala Walnut Dla. wutiin lil ruilaaur railroad aciKUartfc couiitlerail. Heif, J.II.I.KOVIH", 7 11'y ARNOL COUCH KILLEF J r liti Li i aaimnMWfwtwi