Newspaper Page Text
Additional Local. (iolil-miitli, the Tnilor.. T,Yv Date, Macni'oiii und New Crop MoIuhkph lit Koliinwnii's. Kliler Core, of Virginia, reHrlii'l nt iv'iM'dinorc Saturday nnil Knnila.v. l'ap Mnvni', of fort Littleton killed a porker lust Thursday that weighed Mil pounds. M'ih .(t'ssic Kendall has lieen tiuit 111 for several days. Thomas Ti'iiax, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Aimer Truax, of lielfast township, had the niisfortuiie last Sunday to have a linger cut olT. We do not have the eireuinstances under which it happen ed. Hats, caps, underwear, shirts, col lars, culls, gloves and neckties at ('. It. Steven's, Merchant Tailor. The Quarterly Conference will meet in the M. church on Friday, Decem ber Hth at 3 o'clock. The I lev. K. N. Yoctini I). I)., will preacli at 7 p. in., and aaln Sunday at 7. p. m. You will lind every tiling up-to-date In ('. U. Steven's new store. The Johnstown Democrat on lust Saturday say s a (leal is on foot for tin? sale of the ( oniincreial Hotel in that city to Messrs. V. 1'. and .1. C. Mi'Cavit, of ( IcttyslHirjf. 'l'he con sideration will proliahly he ll,."oi). .). C. McCuvit was formerly proprietor of the Fulton House in this pine.). Special bargain during Institute week in clothing and gents' furnishing goods at I'. It. Steven's. The Duneaniion correspondent of the Perry County Freeman says: llev. (). H. McCurdy, pastor of tlie l'resliyter ian church, reached his farewell ser mon on Sunday. The reverend gentle man leaves for 1'hiludelphia in a short time. Itoth Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy will be sadly missed in our town, where they have done much good. A few good wagons at T. J. Comcr cr's ut liurgitin prices. The pension department has adopted a new rule reiuirlug pensioners to take their quarter's vouchers to a magistrate every quarter. The num ber of the certilicate is no longer in serted in the pension voucher at the pension office, but must lie written in by the magistrate when the voucher is executed. This, therefore, makes it ab solutely necessary for pensioners to take their certificates. See T. .J. C'omerer's nice lot of new buggies. Special juices for a short time. llev. L. I). Ott, of McVeytown, while ut tlie Methodist Fpicopal hospital in Philadelphia last week, had the shot that penetrated Ills skull at the time he was accidentally shot, .cut out by a skilled surgeon, It is completely flat tened out and uliout one-eighth of an inch in diameter. Of course he now feels much relieved. "TopsyM Darts, a prominent mem ber of Win. S. Dickson's household, while overseeing the storing away of the celery crop, picked up a gold dol lar, the other day. When any one in timates that they lost one at some re mote period "Topsy" immediately pro du sen tlie little coin, and remarks, "Here 'tis, I 'sped it's yours. A smooth young man lias been vic timizing some towns in this state in an easy milliner. Hu takes orders for dress goods, exacting $2 in advance, saying tlie goods will be shipped im mediately and experienced dressmak ers will arrive to make up the patterns. The goods are never shipped and the dressmakers never arrive. Jumes Figart, tlie F.Ieventh avenue barber, while hunting in Fulton coun ty last week, shot u 100-pound deer on Cove mountain, which he brought homo Saturday evening. Hi? also bugged considerable small game. Yesterday Mr. Figart and u number of his friends feasted on deer at the noon meal. - Al Itoona Mirror, :20th instant. The next Itepublican Senatorial ulidate fu the Franklin-Huntingdon i-ict will probably be W. U. llrew- k'hambersburg, who once before -iented the district. His chief rs will be Alexander Stewart, in county, and Senator Chris- mtingdon county. Fx-rcpre- iV. Hush tiiilan mav be the nominee for the place, rob Wentz, n well-known Hadical United Mirth- kied ut his home at Mar- ufter a lingering 111- on. Hev. Wentz was unity und wus twice Vd wife who survives, i .lacoh Sliuman. A so survives. farmer residing if Kverett, Pa., I'uliar circuin- inhhit hunting i was husk-Suddenly rkiiig that ihcad, und .dying." uid lie- Uired. rstiiig 1 was .and Some miserable, miserly, mooneyed miscreant hud the mendacity lust Tuesday evening at the Sideling Hill Christian church to deliberately steal, curry oil, anil appropriate to his own use, a good lap robe from tlie buggy of (leorgc C. Pishong. (!. .1. Mellott, one of Bedford coun ty's most successful teachers, accompa nied by his friend .lohn Smith, both of Hobinsonville, cuine last week to spend a few days at his old home in Belfast township. On Thanksgiving day they took u little scout uround the fields for rabbits. They got thirty. Johnson says it was not a very good day for rabbits. Harry Austin and Hubert Fisher were coming into town in a buggy from 1). F. Trout's on Wednesday, when, in some way, the horse they were driving liecumc frightened and ran off, throwing tlie occupants of the buggy out, and demolishing tlie ve hicle. John McQuade started up through town Wednesday noon with a load of spokes for over the mountain. He stopped u minute to talk with Dwlght Thompson and allowed the teum to go alieud. At the alley at Mrs. Samuel I'nger's the team turned in so short us to damage the wagon considerably, causing Mr. Mcljuade some delay. While cutting up some ears of corn for his fattening hogs on Tuesday, John Doyle, of this place, had the mis fortune to clip the end oil' two of his fingers. Carpenter Johnnie Martin of Whips Cove is building a barn for Amos Barber near Needmore. It was raised Tuesday. Amos's Michigan brother-in-law is a good hund but hard on overcoats. A Scranton soldier, now in the Phil ippines, writes home that he bus been converted by the chaplain of his regi ment, und wants friends to send stute ments of all bills owed by him, as he wants to puy up. That is the kind of religious revival we would like to see started at home. Tlie President should order Unit chaplain on duty in the i'nited States at once. X-mas Gifts! l Let us surest a few nice IN SIllL'li: U1K. Special reduction during Institute week. We have just received a full line of lute style mid-winter millinery, ut greatly reduced prices. We have all the latest shapes in felt, chenille, and velvet: the prices ranging from twenty-live cents to .'A). Oiir trimmed hats are something grand, und consist of Bullimore, New York and Philadelphia styles. We have all kinds of trimming, such us feathers, flowers, birds, wings, aigrettes, buckles, and other orna ments. We have beautiful silks, satins, and velvets for wuists. millions from 2 cents a yard up. Laces in nil widths Events up. Yell ing 3) cents a yard. Handkerchiefs " cents to Tetlow's Complexion Powder 10 cents. Perfume 5 cents a bottle. Beauty Pins all prices. Cor sets from 2." cents to 1. Jet trimming " cents a yard to 1", ChifVon, stamp. e;l linen, braids, swansdown, feather stitched bruid, bustles, hose, neck and belt buckles. No trouble to show goods, come and see them. Yours respectfully, Mrs. A. F. L1TTI.K. McConnellsburg, Pa. Sale Register. Howurd L. Mellott will sell at pub lic sale on Monday, December 11, IN.Mt, on the Herbert Morgret farm two miles north of Needmore, 2 good horses, ") head of cattle, 75 barrels of corn,' wheat, rye, und himgarian by the bushel, besides buggy, stickwag on, harness, and many other articles. Credit H months. Mrs. Barbara Mellott wilt sell at her residence on the (jordon farm one mile west of Wurfordsburg on Satur day, December 2.'id, a large lot of farming implements, household goods, live stock, &c. Terms !) months. Sale begins ut 10 o'clock. sensible 'articles: Silk Huts. su in tuts. Soft Huts. Fnr Ciips. Fur Gloves. Sweaters. Faucy Shirts. Nitflit Robes. Gloves Uulined. Ilnves Woolliiu'd. Gloves Silklined. Glows Furlined. Umbrellas. Mackintoshes. Women's Furs. Fancy Suspenders. Dress Suit Cases. Neckwear. Hath Robes. Smoking Jackets. Panjanias Underwear. Hoys' and Girls' Mackin toshes. Mail Orders Have Our Prompt Attention. Wolf & Shade j Successors to Shade, the Hatter. f C!iambersburg. l LET US REMIND YOU t OF THE APPROACH OF THE X H OLIDAYS, t Also Unit we liuve lots of NICE NEW GOODS X St'ITAHI.K t'oit X x X-mas Presents AND OF THE USEFUL ORDER Handsome Brass and Onyx X Tables and Lamps. Over 400 Framed Pictures X from 25c up to $10. t Blankets, Comfortables, X Marseilles Quilts, X Over 400 Rugs. All Ulmls, sizes uiul priors License Notice. IS TIIK COT'KT OK (jITAKTKU SKSSION'S OF KIM-TON COUNTY. It In ordered thut nit iippli.-al ions for lleenses for the sule of vinous, hjurltous, mult, m- tifew ed liquors, wholesale or retail, for the year muni, will tie heard on Tuesday, the IHh day of January, Mmxi, ui Ut o'cloek a, in., at whleh lime all persoiih upplvitik- or niakhiif ohjeetlons to npplfeaLlous. will he heard hv evidence, pe tition, remoiist ranee or einuiNei. Thei-e must he no eoinmunii'iiiloii at unv time wnli the v.Iik1k pi'isonally upon tho mihjuet, hy letter or any oiner pnvaie way. Tlie petition, verified, hy atltdavlt of applieunt, Khali he tn eonformitv with the reiptireinentK of ihe nets of Asseinhly. Judgment houd shall he exeeuled in the penal sum if J-jcoo. with no less limn two reput alle f reehnlders of t tie enmi ty as sureties, eaeh of them to he u houa llile owner of real estate In the eoiinty of Kulion worth, over und ulmvu nil lutMimnt-anees, the sum of f.'iNHt. Hoial eoiKlitloued for the faith ful otiservanee of all the laws relalltur to tlie selliutf or ttiniishlim of llctuors, und to pay all dJiiuuKen whieh shall he reeovered against the lire usee, and all eosls. tines ami penatt ies, whleh fun v he Imposed on him under any ludiet iiient for vlolat iuu said laws; ami the sureties may hu required to appear In Court und justU.v under oat h. The t'ourt shall In all eases refuse the appli cation whetiever, In the opinion of the Court, having due retard to the nil in her und eharaeter of the pet 'doner for ami against, the appliea tlou, sueti license Is not necessary for tint ae ttiiiiiodat Ion of the public and entertainment of sit ani-'ers and travelers, or that I heapphcaul is not a tit person to w hoin Mich IWiciie should he m-uuied. lt tilioir, to he tiled with the Clerk of Ihe Court not, later than Monday, the inth day of Ueeeiuher. I MM. Objections and reiiionstVan ees to he tiled not later than Tuesday, the .'nd day of .laniiury. luon. Cpoii sinlieleul euuse tie Inu show nor proof helii' made tot tit l 'on ft that Ihe party holding IUmminc has violated any Law of the Commonwealth reluilmr to the sale of lifjuors. the Court shall, Uou notice heiutr tviv en to the person licensed, revoke the license, hv the Court, SAMl'KI. MC!. SWOl'K. Atte-t: IV J. KltANK V. f,yCil, Clerk CJ. S. iX OV. I", inifii. (MconnellsbUr ik Ft. Loudon C. McQuade, Proprietor. 1A U IIKI'WKKN Ml'('INMKI.Ii4IIUI((l AMft I iivlnif M'('iniii?llKliuru ut 1 o'cilouk, 1'. M., pimUum etnumciUm wlih uftumoou truln (in S. P. It. H. I'turuliiK Uiuve Fort l.iiuilun u I lie urrltul of ;htt oveiiiiiK trutu uu S. r. U. it. II urn propured lo curry pnwiuiiKurN avf ex ItrHI U IllUUtt (5UUIUSOIIOU Willi UU H-UIIIK II l-l Lace Curtains, I'Vimi .Vk) to tlS.ui pur pulr. X Fine Tapestry, Chenille and Silk Stripe Curtains. J 4- Kur l'lirllni'L-s fnmi to tit. Mi purpr. Chenille. Tapestry and X Silk Table Covers. ! CARPET SWEEPERS. ; X " dozi'ii I'lirjift Swi'i'iici's from J $l.i" to $:t.oo.. CHILDREN'S FUR j CARRIAGE ROBES. I X, AND I IIi: III:ST IIAKtiAINS IN J Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Window Shades and X X VVr.ll P-.n.M-.: J X I'-vi'i' olf'ci'i'il in tin- ( 'ninlii'i'lunil J Vulli'v. X ATtiT .In ntiary 1st, l!t(Kl, Car- X jifts .will Imi from ."in to Ion )i r yiuil lii'licr than tlicy ari' now, X H' lfy now anil Kiivi' inoni'y. i J. 1 n SIERER ; 54,S. Main street. CHAMBERSBURG, PA, EDWARD BRAKE, Fashionable Barber, Ono Door KukI of 'Kiiltou IIouhp," MuCONNI 'IXSHITK'i. PA. I'lrsl-nlHKN SliuniiK uuri llulr I'l.lUuir. Dli-iiu lo l lor imr.vuiiKloiiit'i. i ' ; I ' ) I : i I ) a ' i I : ' ' l ' ; i i i ; ) i i ) I ! McConnellsburg. The good people of Fulton County are now invited to come and see The Beoutif ul Store which I have now completed and tilled to overflowing with all kinds of CHRISTMAS GOODS, such as Cliinu DislicH, Fine Viucm, ( iliisswure, Qui'cnHwaro, Tlnwnro, Albums, 'l'oilct t'liscM, Jjiun)H, Clocks, Wntrhi'M, Cutlery, Silvcrwurr, .Tcwt'lry of all kiiuls, Fitu" Kriuni'il Knuravins, Kino Mirrors-all nixes, Toys, and Everything in thn Kancy Goods lino. These goods will be sold just as low as at any place the East. I Will Not be Undersold. Come and see my store. It is worth seeing. I will be glad to show you the goods; and will do so as freely if you don't buy as if you do. Thanking you all in advance for your" patronage, I am, Yours, truly, ALBERT ST0NER. in :n i IV ! II jj: ( ! i ( 1 '. l ; J j i i'i JOHNSTONS COLUM-! DL VERY INTEREST! s BARGAIN r l an 00.00'.0000M0000 0 JOHN A. IRWIN'S" zutn Annual nonaay mock 000 0000001000A00 )0A0 0 00000A0000A0. X0 0 a n Is Now Ready for Inspection. JC We have bi'cu before the Fulton County public for tweuty 0 years doin our best to supply the trade with the most re liable goods iu our line. We think we have outdone any jirevious efforts. We in vite everybody to call and look through our elegant stock of 0 0 o 0 " 0 ' 0 0 5 c 0 t0 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. You will find a coinjilete assortment of Doeorntt'd Cliinu Ten und Dinner Ware, Kuney nieces of China of nil kinds. K.leyuiit line of ( jlussHiiro, i und 10 routs. The Bountiful Wuve Crest Wure. Deroruted Ten Sets, "ill pieces for $4.(M). Deroruled Dinner Sets, 100 pieces for $12. (M). Kuni.'y Lumps. Hull Lumps. Krumed Pictures. Medallions. Dressing Cases for Ltulies und (iontlemen. Cull's und Collur Boxes. Neoktie ('uses, i 1 'hotrijruph Alliums. Docket Books, l'urses. Cutlery. Bazors. -r. VUatche. Cloclm. Jewelry andSllverPlatecl Ware. Dolls, (James, Toys und Books. Norwood Sewing Machines for $18.00. Our stock of Groceries', Candies und Krn its never was in as (food shape. We would be pleased to have you call and look through our stock of Christmas Presents. Respectfully, JOHN A; IRWIN. " ' 00 0 0 00000P 0 00 00H0 0.0H00.00 MMMfMMVMMIM't 00H.fl,00.00J0X00A.0lf 0 0 M0 0. 0 0. 10 0. 0 0. M0 0 0 0 10 o 0 01 10 H 10 0 Jl 01li I INSTITUTE -AND- I C. C. BENDER'S STORE Will be the great centre of attraction next week. The Finest Candies for the ladies and Hcst Cigars for the gentlemen. Then his store is just chock full of Fancy Articles, Notions, Christmas Goods generally. . One door west of Fulton House. C. C BENDER. , 01 10 s; 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 s; 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 ell 0l 10 11 01 10 01 ti0 01 10 EVANS, THE JEWELER, Will not have any Special Prices during Institute week, as his prices art- always SPECIAL. B 0 10 01 10 01 10 01 10 ml 10 Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Talking Ma chines, Talking Machine Supplies always on hand. Special attention to line Watch and Clock Kepairing. Hecx pects a call from you. Evans, The Jeweler.. f i0ii0i0i0ipi0 5 '101010101010100100 001000A00p10l0Afi09l iketi )t0( To Start the Fall Season Boots for fall. A specially fine whole stoc kip $2.7 o Light weight calf dress boot $2,75 The famous "conductor" boot . $2,00 The "Mohaw" boot $.169 A nice light split boot at $1,49 A woman's heavy ,s un i W da i lie R t W )40 Foirs of Large Cotton Ir, Heavy school ret misses, 13-2, vt,t !e it tint hildrens heam shoes, 9-12, e i In An odd lot (l kee ladies' flexible tint." worth 3,00 at n tl u?d the , an lttl jut ,17 fine ood ran s kets at 49 cents. ef 1 fa in J umi enr tfo SEE OUR SUPER Ml,' teel ' nly Ladies' Is Oil cat tioi Ben Fall Opt- mmmm Prices,, j j Ind tO SLJlt ton i tlm Everyng Buyenl liv tioi of fori nun Men's and Boyl clothin! intc Notice ! FINE ALL-WOOL TUICJOT, LONCJ, DARK OXFORD MIX., ROUND SACK SUIT, SINGLE-BREASTED, SATIN PIPE FACINGS, WELL MADE AND TRIMMED. FULLY WORTH Our Price for the Suit 4.50. t: 4 r t. IJLACK COTTON CLAY WORSTED, warranted fast black. If you traveled the country over you wouldn't find the equal of this value, for it is worth 4.00. Our price $2.90. A special drive in an ALL-WOOL IJLACK CLAY WORSTED. Extra tine trimming, French fac ing, elegantly tailored, and will suit the most particular man. Our special price is only 10.00. i A pretty child's suit, 75 cents. A good suit for a rn'ji Men's underwear, 25 cents. ( Ladies' soft fleece lined heavy underwear, Children's union suits soft fleece lined, per suit 11 , Ladies' beautiful skirts! 01 in 1' 1) ill ii IV! liv In PhkIoii. 01 M IMMin44MiM'ltll