OCR Interpretation

North Branch democrat. [volume] (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, March 29, 1865, Image 2

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Wednesday, Mar. 29, 1865.
~ JEST We publish, to day, a letter. 6igneu
"Citizen," written by a gentleman, residing
at present, m Exeter, who, we are informed
is a reputable citizen, and a Clergyman.
We give place to his letter the more cheer
fully on account c.f its furnishing to the pub
lic, a truthful, detailed account of the murder
of the late Isaac Sickler; thau, on accuunt of
its vindication of his character from the base
and cowardly assauit of the Elitor of the
We only regret that the writer, who is an
entire stiangir tc us, did not give his name
t<> the public, as be did to us ; and that lie
deemed it necessary, or even proper, to de
tend the brother, and relatives of Isaac Sick
ler—or, indeed his own cherished memory—
irom the vile and infamous aspersions at
tempted to ho cast upon them by such a man
as Ira Avery. A man, whoso ruthlessly,
hyena -like,violates the sanctities of the grave,
tears open aud enters its sacred portals—to
blacken the memory of its shrouded tenant;
and, who with such fiendish glea exults over
the murder of a man—he never knew, on ac
count of the name he bore, is not cu tilled to
cny,much less a courteous denial of his char
ges. For, a una who thus recklessly and
wantonly seeks to wound anew the bleeding
hearts of a widowed mother and her eight j
orphaned children, by a Jalse aud vilainous \
attack upon their murdered husband and fa- j
ther, is not entitled to belief, nor even respect ]
by any class, sect or party, whose respect or j
good opinion is worth preserving.
Though with meek and saintly look, he !
may, sabbath after sabbath, place himself i
beneath 'he altur cl his church and unite in
prayers and join his voice with those who)
supplicate, aud praise the Gcd who has
promised to be a shield to the widow, and i
a father to the fatherless ; his hypocritical I
supplications, and blasphemous praises will
fall upon a deaf car ; and the thin veil of de- j
ception, in which lie enwraps himself, will i
not conceal the depravity of such a heart, Dor
the baseness of such a mind, from a discrimi- i
listing christian community.
As an evidence of the recklessness of this I
man, Avery, in his charges against men, we J
have only to look at his own paper for the j
past two or three weeks. In his issue of the
Bth icst., he -olem!y declares "but one ;
being in the shape of man can be found moan
cr than the publisher of the Democrat."
This cne being. Mr. Avery, by the plainest
implication, almost iu direct, terms declared :
to be, Geo. S Tut ton Esq. When driven to j
the wall, by Mr. Tutton, for so dastardly an
assault upon him; this meek, candid, cau- J
tious oath taker, Ira Avery,sneekingly admits
that he was mistaken ! Tutton, then, is not
this meanest wretch in the shape of a mao !
If Mr. Avery, to use a mild term, wa6
viisluken , in this instance, may he not have
beeu mistaken in 6ome other of his reckless
charges ? This removal of Mr. Tutton, from
beneath us, leaves us, (until Mr. Avery wills
otherwise—finds that ttl ti ntartr man.)
j re minently low, so to speak in this depth of
in fa try. '
We shall never take the trouble, as far as
we are concerned, to deny general charges
against us, made by a man, wmo, "out of his J
own mouth" is convicted of such a reckless j
and wanton disregard of decency and truth, |
in making such an unjust, unprovoked attack, j
upon a person, as far above him, in all the ■
attributes of manliness, as are the Heavens
from the earth.
lie commenced an attack upon our family, j
He, and others, who write for him, charge us \
with being "low born." We never arrogated
to ourselves any superiority on account oi
family. But we had parents whose memory
is dear to us. A Mother, whose solicitude j
for us, we tried to repay with kindness and
affection, while she lived. And, now, if, as ,
we believe, that M looks down upon us,
from Heaven, with more than her earthly
solicitude, we pray God, that her Angel-eyes
may never behold in us. so rotten, so leap- !
rou, so abandoned, depraved, and vile, a
wretch; as this man, Ira Avery, may behld
in the person of his own son—the fruit of his
own loins—which he has raised up, tocutse j
6 cie'y and disgrace the name of man.
Does any reader feel that we are doing
wrong in adverting to the family of Ira Avery?
We reply, that 1 .ofiist recognised the effi
ciency of such instruments of war fare—and
first used them. As we have before said,
wo regard them as "beneath the dignity of
respectable journalism." But we cannot al
luw a man so vulnerable, to such weapons, as
he is, to wield them with impunity. If the
dagger he has grasped, is two-edged, and
double pointed ; he has no one to b'ame but
him*elf. It was him who first drew its glit-'
t ring blade.
Thus, much we feel bound to say as an apol
opv for our participation in this matter.
We have yet a picture to draw of this man 1
who declares his mission; " inferior onH to
that of hiin who occupies the sacred desk"
with deeper and darker colors than any yet
used by us—a picture, loathesome to contem- j
Gold wa6 quoted in New York, last
week, as low as one dollar and fifty cents. '
The bears, have a decided advantage over the j
bulls in this. now. article of merchandise.
For (he North llran ch Democrat.
EXETEL, March 18:h,1565
The citizens of this township
art- very much eurprised at the editorial of
the Wyoming Republica l*l of the Bth inst.
It Joes not represent facts. We know
your account, as far as given, of the sad mur
der of the lamented Isaac Sickler, to be strict
ly true. If you had had all the facts relate
ing to the matter, as they are understood
here, you would (in our judgment) have said
much more.
We do not want the Editor, of the Wyom ;
ing Republican, to indulge in any more of bis
low scurrilous, vituperations, but we are,
notwithslanding, desirous to have the people
of t his county, and adjoming places, under
stand the facts as they are.
On Tuesday, Feb. 14th, near 5 o'clock P.
M., four men, in a two horse sleigh, assum
ing to be Marshals, met Mr. Isaac Sickler,
along what is called, the ''Hollow Road."—
Mr. Sickler was accompanied by his son, 16
years old. Previous to meeting him, the
Marshals had called at the houses of Dennis
and George Sickler, the only two Sicklers
living on that road.
(As we have the account from the sworn
testimony before the Jury of Inquest.)
SICKLER. —"Bjyi you have not had very
good luck to day."
have not. What is your name ?"
S.— "My name is Sick ler."
M.— "Where do you live ?"
S.—"l live at home.
M. —"Where is your home ?"
S "0:i the upper road ; but what bnsi
ness is that to you ?"
M.—"You had better not be too saucy
about it."
S.—"l will say what I please, and you
maj' do the same,"
One of the number, who had said nothing
before, took a pistol from his pocket, saving !
'•ft may be you will ;" and fired, killmg his
victim instantly. The marshals then drove
briskly away.
Squire Coolbaugh, living about eighty rods
from the snot, heard the report of the pistol.
Information soon reached him, that Isaac
Sickler had been shot by a Marshal.
He went briskly to the place and found
Benjamin Sickler and Ira Swartwood, who
had got there, just before him.
The body wr.s placed on Benjamin Sickler's
sleigh aud carried home.
They then learned, that the Marshals were
at Mr. Solomon Brown's—feeding their
librae s.
Squire Coolbaugh and Mr. Ira Swartwood
were carried there, immediately, and found
the marshals preparing to leave. Squire (J
requested them to give their names. Pal
mer was the only one who gave his name,
and said he could be seen at any time.
While at Mr. Brown's they told Dr. Mor
ris that they had shot a man up the Hol
low. and supposed he was dead, as they saw
him fall, and wished him to go and see to
The many friends of the late Isaac Sick
ler, readil} gay that the murderer should
have been apprehended before he got out of
Exeter. You know, Mr. Editor, that the
tragedy, unprecedented, at least, in this
place, must have produced very great excite
The murdered mm irw the constable of
the township. Squire Coolbaugh was a
neighbor, and knew the four to be armed
men. We have not wanted to believe Mr.
Avert*, so destitute of the 6ner sensibilities
common in good society, as to think he wo'd
have written as he has. Could he have been
present, and witnessed the late scenes of
this neighborhood—the weeping wife and
children—the tears that have been, and still
are shed, are not "few and far between, and
dry at that." His loss is deeply felt by ma
ny, very many. Sympathy akin to it, has
never been witnessed by the oldest citizens
of this place. Yet, the man who "Resolved
to make a vigorous effort at tbe exercise of
fortitude," in his conclusion, assumes to tin
derstand and estimate correctly the reputa
tat ion of all by the name of Sickler, in
Bradford, Wyoming, and Luzerne Counties.
If Mr. Avery misrepresents otherparts of the
three counties, as he does this locality, his
account is not worthy of the least shadow of
Mr. Benjamih Sickler, brother of the de
ceased, is regarded as a good citizen. lie is
an industrious, business man very accommo
dating, and beloved by his neighbors; and is
a member of the No; thmoreland Baptist
Church. His neighbor, Eirl Sickler, is a
good citizen. Samuel and Channing Sickler
are intelligent young men, and of unblemish
ed reputation.
Ire Syph, in his last issue of the
niggnr organ says ; that he has "a sharp
stick" f-jr us, this week. We think he will
find out, if he has not already done so, that
most of these "sharp sticks" with which he
has cotne at us, are sharpened at both ends.
If, in his impetuous charge with this in
strument, he should get hiniscif transfixed on
the other end, we shall allow him to wriggle
some time before we take him oSf.
Such men as yon, Ire. should avoid edge
tools and "sharp sticks."
WANT IM TO RESIGN, —Some of the ten
der shinned Republicans seem very anxious
to have Vice President Johnson to resign, to
save the credit of the party. Let them take
comfort in the remembrance, that Abe Lin
coln has been declared over and over again,by
high professing clergymen, to be a special in
strument in the hand of God. Certainly
such a benign influence over his nomination
would not associate him with any but rectifi
ed spirits. Would it be out of the way,then
for these extra pious clergyman, to claim
Andy Johnson as Abo Lincoln's spirit- ual
adviser ?
An Old School Preacher.
During the lato M. E. Conference, held at
Philadelphia, on the question of the adop
tion of the rule of the general conference ex
cluding sLve holders flora the church, the
Rev. Dr. Cooke made the following points.
It is a great pity that the two "freedom
shriekers" lrom this place, had not been
there, to have refuted the argi.inents, and put
the Dr. down. His opinions sound a little
copperheady. It must be remembered,
however, that be is not one of these
"latter day saints." He will doubtless
suffer expulsion for daring to introduce such
old foggy bible doctrines into the cbarcb.
Mr. President : I presume that when the
question on concurrence or nonconcurrence is
put, no one will be permitted to give the rea
sons for his rote; I therefore now desire to
staie mine. When lam called upon to vote
I shall say no. My reasons are these: 1 I
do not think that according to the teaching
of Scripture, the simple relation subsisting
between a master and a slave necessarily in
volve sin. 2. Ido not think the church
ha 6 any right to keep out of, or exclude from
her communion any hut wilful sinners. 3.
Should I he charged, then, as pro-slavery—
in favor of slavery as a system—my reply is
I am a Methodist of the old school, "as much
as ever opposed to the evils of slavery no
more and no less than our fathers were when
j I became a member.
4. Shou!d it bo alleged that the times have
changed—that once "God winked at this
ev.l, but now commands all men everywhere
to repent and reform," I answer: God never
winked at sin, but bore with sinners. If the
relation necessarily involved sin we should
we should not bear wuh it. 5. The polit
ical status of slavery in this country can
make no change in my moral views of this
■ question. I view it now as I have always
I done since I have seriously thought of it at
all. G. Should it he said that every denom
ination has a right to make such terms of
membership as it pleases, 1 answer: If we
were a mere voluntary association this is
true. IJut Christ builds his own church,
and she has only to determine what is reveal
ed touching the fitness of a candidate fur
membership, and dare not exclude for any
cause but sin. 7. I could have voted for the
tule as recommended by the minority of the
Committee on Slavery, at the late session of
General Conference, stating mhen the rela
tion is not sinful. Should it be insisted that
such would be false legislation, and not ac
cording to Scripture, because the Bible says :
"Thou shalt not kill," leaving it to the Ad
ministration to say when killing is sin ; I
anstver. Our Lord, in quoting this law says:
"Thou shalt do no murder and thus our
only guide explains itself. If the General
Conference had said in a foot-note, or in the
chapter on slavery, that the proposed amend
ment only forbids slavery when it is neces
sary. I could have voted for the proposed
change. This kind of legislation is precisely
what has been done by the National Con
gress in proposing to the State Legislature a
change in the Constitution of the United
States—that slavery shall be prohibited "ex
cept for crime," This is what our church
has done in changing the General Rule on the
use of intoxicating liquors ; it forbids "drink
ing them, unless in cases of extreme necessi
ty ' There might have been legitimate leg
islation of the same kind on slave-holding.
£. I am aware it may be thought that the
pro-slavery surroundings of my recent field of
labor shaped my views, Perhaps so but I
think not. Would it be generous to say that
the political surroundings of our Bishops and
Church and Conference, have shaped their
views ? Certainly a great change has taken
place within a few years. lam inclined to
believe it would be more popular, where I
have lived and labored for the last two years
to vote for, than against the change. And I
am fully persuaded that now with these my
brethren, whose favor I cannot too highly
appreciate, I should cast a much more popu
lar tote to say aye than nay. But having
carefully examined to know, I shall fearlessly
do what I deem right. Believing, however,
that my vote will neither prevent the passage
of the law, nor prolong the existence of an
institution against which the church of ray
choice has ever given her testimony and
which I now believe is tottering to its fall, I
cast my vole from principle alone, and shall
say at the proper time—no.
Rev. P. Coombe was exceedingly sorry
that anj' member of the body was determin
ed to vote in favor of slavery. lie proceeded
at length to ague in favor of the pa- sage of
the new rule
Rev. Dr. II odgson followed.
! He regretted the necessity of differing from
| his brethren; he had never been a factious
I man ; he had usually been in the majority,
' but never because it was the majority. He
dared to be when the time conns, in the mi
nority. If it were a mere question of policy,
whether slavery shall be allowed in the M. E.
Church or not, it would be another question,
but it involves a question of doctrine.
That all slaveholding is sin his not been
the doctrine of the M. E. Chur4&, Mr. Coom
be was the leader of conservatism, but now
he is the leader of the Abolitionists. We
can't tell where to find him.
I cannot, said the Doctor, relinquish a set
tied conviction. From this point, he pro
ceeded in a speech of great logical force and
at length to show the reasons for casting his
vote against the proposed law. He contend
ed against the passage of the law because it
introduces a new doctrine into the Discipline
of the Church.
The Conference adjourned without taking
any final action on the report.
NATIONAL BANKS. —There are now 913 ■
National Banks. Many applications,are pen- !
ding to enter the organization, chiefly for a
change Irom State to National Banks. The
indications are, that our whole paper curren
cy will aoon be transmitted into the National
Bank issues.
| Lincoln's Inaugural.
We copy the following on Lincoln's Inau
gural, from a late Canada paper—the Brant-
Jord Courier . It would seem that our cous
ins, across the line, do not outertain a very
exalted opinion of the ability of our chief
magistrate. What will they think of us
when they read drunken Andy Johnson's
speech ? And learn Also, from the abolition
papers, that they Andy and Abe—repro
sent all the refinement, purity, honesty and
and sobriety of the country.
"This is a most extraordinary document,
in comparison with afl others that have pre
ceded it. It is wonderfully brief, common
: place and tame, having none of that Yaukee
! fire eatinc character which is so pleasing to
I the "almighty nation." As a piece of coin
position, it is wretched, and as a slate pa
' per, it is full of errors. It attributes the war
I to slavery ; and it pronounces the progress
| of war as "reasonably satisfactory and en
: couraging to all " Satisfactory! and that after
we have bean told a hundred times since 1861
that the war should be ended in thirty days;
that the Union sentiment was strong in the
South, and that the revolted States would
soon be glad to return to the old Union ;
while it is now the declared policy of the
North to subdue theinsurgents by conGsca*
tion and t x termination !
Satisfactory ! when the wails and curses of
widows and orphans are witnessed through
out the land ; and when the prayers of mill
ions of human beings are ascending daily to
high heaven against their cruel invaders,
from people who are more cruelly treated
than were the Greeks by the Turks, or the
Poles by the Russians, Strange that Preri
dent Lincoln should, under all these circum
stances, turn parson in his Inaugural, and
talk religion with the glibncss of a ranter!
Letter from Hon. \V. I', Jcwett
conquered ? Euroje, the press, and the peo
ple. echo yes ! I have been firm in a convic
tion for years that the South cannot be con
quered. That my efforts tot "meditation,
"International Congress," and "Negotiation."
Still adhering to this view, I beg leave to add
the opinion that the civil war, under a con
tinued force policy, has but commenced—
that the evacuation policy of the South avoid
ing battles, is not forced but premeditated,
under a determined concentration of forces.—
Under this policy Richmond will without
doubt, be evacuated, and the greatest bat
tles of ancient or modern times fought, re
sulting in the success of the South and the
entire destruction of the American Republic
under foreign dictation. Even ackntwledg
ing the desolation'of the South, tt is their
strength in its power to re unite the people :
while the late refusal of the governmnnt, ei
ther to negotiate a peace with the Confedera
cy, the Slates, or the Generals in the field,
is additional strenglh, through thereby the
returning sympathy o f Europe.
The success of the South, however, is not
alone through a concentration policy and the
arming of the negroes, (who will prove true.)
but through- the policy of Napulean to Con
trol nations. History, as a guide, has given
Napoleon a controlling power in Europe.—
Maximillian will secure to him the extension
of that power over the American Continent,
unless we become reconciled with the South.
To seek that reconciliation and to check the
extension of European power here, I entreat
you, as the most prominent sent ine upon
the watch tower our now threatened repub
lie, to induce the Administration to—
-Ist. Reinaugurate "the Fortress Monroe"
negotiation policy by favoring a meeting be
tween General Lee and General Grant for
peace meaures, as desired by the South.< 6
2. Replacing politicians in power at hi#e
and abroad wi h representatives from the
commercial, agricultural and literary pursuits,
through which the enlightened patriotic wis
dom of the nation to guide.
The Pre.B grows indignant because
three negro men were ijecteo from the Wal
nut street passenger cars, a few days ago. In
a grand philippic, the event calls forth; we
find these sentences :
"The inconsistency of the Republic h'is
been from its beginning the derision of the
That's downright "disloyalty," to speak sili
of the Republic. Again :
"Colored met: must, have their rights, or
white men must suffer tho wrongs they in
This threatens a negro rebellion, and sav
ors of a Servile war in the luture. Putting
arms into the hands of the negroes is done,
no doubt, to enable them to demand "their
rights," and inflict the "wrongs," which
"white men will suffer,"
In the hour of madness the Press has let
the cat out of the bag. If the negro is not
conceded equal rights with the white tnen he
will fight for them. This is the plain English
of the matter.
c Doyleslown Democrat.
£*ST Ca pt, C. M. MANVILI.C. Deputy-
Provost Marshal for the Thirteenth Congress
ional District, has been removed from office,
by orders from Head Quarters. —Capt, WIL
LIAM SILVERS. Deputy Provost Marshal, at
Bloomsburg, has been appointed his successor
n office. We might have a worse man in
the position than Capt. Silver.— Bloomsburg
trsr The address of Vice-President, John
son, delivered on the 4th of March , appears
in to day's Globe.
Inquirer , Friday 18th March.
That is simply a falsehood. The Drunk
en Speech delivered by Andy Johnson, on
the 4th of March has been published long
ago, to the eternal disgrace of the Nation
The speech, published in last Friday's Globe
is a forgery.
The "Blessings" of Freedom,"
These are well illustrated and set forth, by
a journal called the National Freedmen which
is making an appeal for contributions to help
alleviate the sufferings of the negroes who
have recently been torn froni their homes,
and "the old plantations," by the hard neces
sities of war.
Piqnette'i Ropoi t of Hospitals at New Or
"I have now under my charge nearly eight
hundred colt red persona of both sexes, and of
all ages, most of them sick and many of them
Riigg's Report, ftcwbefd, N. C.
"There is extreme destitution."
Gen. Saxtoii's Circular, Beaufort, S. C.
"They have arrived on the coat after long
marches and severe privations,weary, lamish
ed, sick and almost naked. SeVtn hundred of
these wretched people arrived at Beaufort
Christmas night, in a state of miser} v. hich
would have moved to pity a heart of stone,
and these are the advance of a host no less
Merrick's Report. Fernandina, Fla.
li A more wretched looking company could
not be pictured than these, wiih their planta
tion rigs and bare feet. It was hard to turn
any away, but we could do no better than do
so, with a word of hope, whicn was received
with a poor grace by those to whom it came
unaccompanied by material aid. When one
is hungry or naked a Bible or hymn book
don't exactly satisfy."
Colone! Eaton's Report, Tennessee.
"Our efforts to do anything for these peo
ple, as they herded together in masses, when
founded on any expectation that they would
help themselves, often fai'ed ; they had be
come so c -tuple ely broken down in spirit,
through suffering, that it was almost impossi
b!e to arouse them. The camp at Young's
Point, during the summer of 1863, had been
a vast charnal hou-e—thousands of the peo
ple dying without weil ones enough to bury
the dead."
Report of the Executive Committee.
"The increased suffering among the freed
men, resulting from the expeditions of G*n.
Sherman and others have brought within our
reach multitudes of wretched men, women
and children, whose needs must bo met by
large shipments, and by the most speedy
means of conveyance."
Rev. T. W. Lewis' Litter, Beaufort.
"Two thousand of them (freedmen) have
arrived at Beaufort, and are encamped in
bough houses in the woods in th's vicinity.—
They can earn their own living on the plan*
ta'ions as soon as spring ( pens. Government
gives them one ration per day for the present
hut they are very destitute of bedding, cloth
ing, cooking utensils, everything.
Mrs. Young B Letter, Dayton Plantation :
"We have been importuned by newly nr- j
rived contrabands for wearing apparel as well j
a food, until we have given everything we j
could spare, and have also purchased new for!
them ; hut the demand increases with every j
new arrival "from Savannah. Miave had two j
packages and one box from the North sent for
them, which was immediately disposed of
but that was only a drop in the bucket.—
They cotne to the ladies''in do big bouse,'
and their cry is "Do, for Goc' sake, missis
gi we a warm cot we can't stand dis, we per
ish, we hunger, we loss about dis way an' dat
till we sick,and de coTd 1 wedder so hard we
perish ; and when de Yankue took me, he no
let me take anything on'y jest what #e hab
on we, and we hab no place to go."
These poor creatures have been torn from
homes, such as they were, where they had at
least such comforts as they were bred to.—
But appeals for helping them, we fear, come
upon us at a very impportune moment, when
the liberality of the humane will be taxed to
I the utmost to alleviate the sufT?rinp<- which
j must be entailed upon thousands of poor
white families here at home, by the enforce
ment of tho conscription,
s&r A meeting of protestant clergymen
has been held in New York city to devise
means to prevent or check the progre-s of
tho Catholic Church. A Bishop Coxe de
nounced the recent, letter of the Pope as a
j "dirty Bull." Tl.is is commencing the war
jin a gentlemanly way. He also declared
j that "R imani-m was advancing in solid pha
lanx over the land." It may be so, for
| ought we know, but we have not heard of
tins "solid phalanx" d"ing any particular
! damage as yet. It has not killed any one.
jor robbed any one, or burnt dwellings. It
j has made no widows or orphans. Whatever
i it has done has been "f another character.—
1 It fs related as a fact, though we have no
I statistics to show it, that, for the past three
i or four years, since the protestant clergy
! have generally been preaching war and
. bloodshed, Catholicism has been rapidly
| spreading. We should not winder, under
the circumstances, if that were so. The
Catholic clergy do not preach politics. Sup
pose the Protestant war clergy follow their
example, and see what effect it will have ?
i,- .
| L.l •
JKST The editor of a western paper says
! th&t a "loyal" man in his parts undertook to
read Washington's Farewell address on the
22d of February. "He read silently and
sullenly for some time. At last he rose from
his seat,grated his teeth, and threw the
book down in a passion. "Why, John!"
said his astonished wife, "what on earth ails
you ?" "Why," said John, "I'll be cussed
if I can sit still and hear the Yoonyan party
abused, by old Washington himself!" The
good woman knew lie bed cause for anger,
and she cbtded him not, but commenced
Binging the baby to 6leep with tho national
hjmu--"John Brown's Body," etc The
family arc "loyal."
THE LAW or NEWSPAPERS, L Subscribars who
do not gi 7el express notice to the contrary are oon
sidere 1 us wishing to continue their subscription.
2. Any person who takes a paper from the Foot
Office— whether directed to his name or to another
or whether ho ha* subscribed or net, i* responsible
(or the pay.
3* It a person orders his paper discontinael, he
must pay all arrearages, or the publishear may eon*
tinue to send it until payment is made, and eollee*
the who'e amount, whether it be taken/row the offi
ce or notl There can be no legal dis cod tin nance un
| tit the payment is made.
4. It the subscriber orders his paper to be stopped
at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send,
the subscriber is bound to pay tor it, i/'he takes it
out oj the office The law proceeds on the ground
that a man must pay for what he uses
[ R. If vnbseribers remove to other place* Without
informing the publisher, and the newspaper* am
sent to their former direction, they are responsible
6. The Courts hare decided that refusing to tnko
a paper or periodical from the office, or removing and
leaving it uncalled for while in arrears to the puhllah
er, is evidence of intuitional fraud.
7. The Ci urts have also decided that a Post Mas
ter who neglects to perform his duty of giving notice
as required by the regulations of the Post-office De
partment, of (he neglect of a person to take from the
oluee newspapers addressed to him, renders the Poet
Muster liable to the publisher for the subscription.
Stopping Papers Should you desire the publish
er of a newspaper to discontinue sending his paper
to you. always be positive that he is paid for it up
to the date of your request- Remember, if you neg
lect this duty, it is at his option to do so or not; and
if he may prefer to continue sending it, he can hold
you responsible for it until all arrearages are aid.
P. M. Osterhoat £sq, Representativa_fre®
this County, returned home on Satutday last. The
Legislature having adjourned on the 24th lost. Mr.
0 . looks well, and fully able to st and the; labors
incident to a second term. We acknowledge iki
receipt from J)im of the 'Record" and other doeu
mentory favors.
R* P Boss Esq—late an officer in the House of
Representatives at Washington, has. we learn, beea
appointed to the position of Examiner of Accounts
in the Navy yard at that place. Mr. Rosa is a ready
accountant and will no doubt perform the duties ef •
his oflico in an honorable and satisfactory manner.
A Ferry will soon be established at this place
for tie convenience of those who wish to cross tha
river. It e hope the Bridge Company will maka
ferry boats unnecessary, by repairing their, bridga
during the summer. The injury to the bridge we
are informed, un be repaired by about <lO,OOO.
Ihe National Room, at this place la
now fitted up ; and most of the books and blanks
bare been received. It wiil not however, be for
mally opened until Monday next, (tho 3d April,)
when, it is expected, the currency will be received .
Le. csiis can be made, drafts purchased and cheeks
honored the same now as hereafter.
I). I). De\V lit Esq. wo understand 3asit be a
selected as Teller of the Rank at this place. A mora
judicious selection could not have been made.
IV itli correct business hubits, sterling integrity, un
tiring energy, affable and courteous demeanor, he
unites that other most desirable qualification:—
good'strong common sense.
Rail Road and Ciua'.~Aa act of Assembly
authorizing the building of a Rail Road along tha
towing j nth of the North Branch Canal, passed tha
Legislature, previous to the adjournment. As tha
late freshet has so greatly injured 1 ' the caral, tha
bill referred to, is very cportune. It is 3tl positive
ly known however what will bo done with this work
for the present. The general opinion is that tha
car.nl will be Arpairod in any event ; and that if ■
R. R is ever built it will ue used in conjunction witlk
Ui e canal.
A R. 11. from Touanla to Athens is already in con
templation and w ill probably be built. There will
need then, only the lirk between Ttwanda and Pitts
ton to eoinjlete tUe chain ; and mako a perfect R. R.
comtcnr.icr.lion, along the Susquehanna between
the North and South, the Erst and the West. Be
sides furnishing a shorter and more easy route for
freight and travel, North and st— from the sea
board and from the immense coal and iron fields ef
th i Stat; it would develop an 1 open up the material
res ureas ol cno cf the best agricultural and lnmber
regions of the state. The road could not fail to be
a paying one We think capitalists cannot long
hesitate as to building it. Every encouragement
should be given the matter by those living along
the route. Liberal subscriptions to the stock should
be made, nnd the enterprise aidtd in every poaaible
way. If this were done, we should soon hear
the shrill whistle of tha steam ringing
through tho ralies and echoing allong the mountain#
of the upper waters of the Susquehanna.
"So mite it be !"
BP. INK-DRAKE —At Maynord's hotel, oath*
25th iust.byßev Luther Peek, ill DeWittC;
Brink of Falls, and late of the let, Pa. Light Ar
tillery, to Miss Mary K. Drake of Newton*
PECKIIAM-On Thursday the 23d inst. the Hon.
A. K. BECKHAM, of this liorcugh,— Aged, 48
At a meeting of the members of the Bar and
County officers of Wyoming County, held at the
Court House in Tunkhnunock Borough on Thursday
Mar. 23, Itlio, Geo S. Tutton was elected President
and Richard P. Ross Secretary.
On motion, the following preamble and resolution*
were unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS. It has pleased the Supreme Judge
of the universe to call from our earth'y, to Ht*
Heavenly Court, our esteemed friend and brother,
the Honorable Aaron K. Peckham ; therefore be it
Resolved. That in the death of Judge I eekham,
we mourn the loss of one of our ablest and most re
spected members; that his kindness and courtesy
at the Ba-, upon the Bench and in all bis inter,
course with a., will ever keep his memory fresh
around us, and his name a light before us.
Resolred, That his industry and activity, U well
in bis agricultural us in* his professional pursuits,
render his sto our community irreparable. Th*
wniow and the fatherless will miss his efforts ia
Iheir beh ilf— the poor and indigent wilt mourn oT*r
the liberal hand, to theui now closed in death.
Resolved , That our heart-felt sympathies aim
with the afflicted family of the deceased, and that
n a niark of our respeet, we will attend the
wearing the usual badge of mourning.
Resolved , That a copy of these resolution* ba
presented to the family of the deceased, and pub
lished in the papers of this judicial district
GEO S. TI'TTON, President
RICH'D. P. ROSS, Secretary.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
persons hive filed their petitions in the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Wyoming Courfy, *Dd will
make application at the next term of said court fof
Tavern License.
il W. Dowdney, Braintrim Township.
T. U. Wall. Tunkhannock Borough.
P. B. Baldwin, " "
George Per> 'o. Nicholson Township.
Wm 0. Ua: iuer, '* "
S. D. Bacon, " *"
D. D. Spiulding, " "
Wm. 11. Cortiight, Neshoppen •'
James M. Kelly, "
Chas. Townsend, Falls, "
Charles Swayze, Clinton "
S. C Mathewson, '• •'
Reuben Bender, Mehoopany M
James S. Vaughn, ' '•
F. M. Cpane, Washington "

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