Newspaper Page Text
CLOTHING STOBE. 1 TAKE pleasure in inviting my friends and customers to inspcct tho New and Fashion able' STOCK OF CLOTHING, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods wliich I am jujt receiving and I would assuro them, at the same time, that a better sclccted one, cannot be found in this city. My Gooda are well manufactured, and for quality of material and^nieety of cut, cannot be excelled. My stock is complete I have this season received a sufficient assortment to enable me to dispose of my entire stock during this season—it being my intention to close my business hero, as soon as I can, as lam destined ARE for J. c. BUENA California, where better prices can be obtained for such a good stock as I am in tho habit of keeping. Such being my determination, you may depend up on great inducements, and my giving GREAT BARGAINS. T. CONNELLY. Philadelphia Clothing Store, Main, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. Dubuquo May 8, 18'!!). 36-tf WAGOX AND CARRIAGE WOULD announce to the citizens of Du buque, and the surrounding countics, that he stiil continues the business at the Old Stand, porperof Eighth and Locust Streets, Dub«rqtf& He is pfepa-red at all times, to tlo work for those who may call on him, at the shortest notice, and in a style and manner to suit customers. He has a large quantity of dry Lumber on hand. He intends to keep ready made Wagons on hand, and will dispose of them at prices to make it an object for those wishing to purchase, to give him a call before purchas ing otherwheres. ... The character of his shop is well establish ed—he having- been in business in this city for vcar3. May 8,1840. 36 3.T.9 in receipt of the following articlcs_. by late arrivals, which they offer for sale, viz: 169 Grind Stones, ree'd from Cincinnati 20 Kegs Nails 5 Bbls. Saleralus 40 Reams Wrapping Paper, 40 Sacks Dried Apples 22 Boxes Dry Herrings 5 Half Chests Tea 33 Boxes Brown and White Soad •10 Boxes Window Glass—8 10, IOx 12 Boots and Shoee, Scythes and Snaths, &c. May 4th, 1849. WOULD s MiciT 1 iv,- ja k respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has recom menced business in the rooms lately occupi ed by E. M. Bissell, over the "Chequered Drug Store, on Main street,where he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of their support. Dubuque, May 1, 1849. 3o-ly STRAYED or stolen from the subscriber, at Dubuque, on Thursday night, the 26th of April,an iron gray MARE, five years old this spring, about fourteen hands and a half high, well made some marks of the collar, not shod no other marks or brands remembered. Had on when he left, a blind bridlo, placed for a halter. Any person gi ving information of said mare to this office, or delivering her, or intelligence of her, to Wm. Anderson, at Tivoli, shall be liber ally rewarded by the undersigned. WILLIAM NEELY. May 1st, 1849. 25-3t VISTA, one of the most eligible and pleasant situations in the State, will bo sold on very favorable terms the proprietor being anxious to einigrare (with family) to Cal ifornia. The farm contains 245 acres of land, with abundance of timber to support it 05 a cres enclosed with a good rail fence, and at least 10 acres in wheat it lies 5 1-2 miles S. W of Dubuque. For further particulars en quire of GEO. MADEIRA on the premises, or Wilson & Smith or Samuels &. Lovcll Du. buquc. Apr. 3d, No. 31-lw WAPLES HOUSE! DUBUQUE IOWA. D. ANDERSON, PKOPKIliTOR. I I I THIS large and commodious Ho tel, located on the corner of Main land Second streets, in the city of DUBUQUE, Iowa, formerly kept by H. Curtis, is at now under the charge and superintendence of the owner, and will re ceive in all its departments his devoted and particular attention. Thd rooms are spa cious and well ventilated and the general arrangement of the House such as must give satisfaction even to the most fastidi ious, The patronage of the travelling pub lic and others is solicited, and those who may sojourn at this establishment mav re ly upon receiving every attention and com fort, usually found at any other house in the Wefct, and every exertion will be used to contribute to-vards the enjoyment oft'jc guests, and to make the house, in fact, in ferior to none West of the Alleghanies. The healthy, romantic and beautiful location of Dubuque and vicinity —the abundance of game—the variety of amusing and whole come pursuits which present themselves, togetner with the exttFTTsive an'd"fiWfcl-ftei'u" for mineral, geological and botanical speci mens and researches, render this a most desirable point for our southern friends to renovate and enliven body and spirit during the summer months. No location on tlio Mississippi can combine so many advanta ges, of health, curiosity and amusement. proof of this we confidently invite all come and see for cially and will not CASTINGS* HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, CUT LERY GROCERIES & LLDUORS: No. 88, Main-Street, Dubuque. THE undersigned having permanently es tablished himself on Main-Street, in the City of Dubuque, a few doors north of the City Hotol, intends keeping constantly, a large •and general assortment of the above articles, all of which will be sold as low as tho market will afford, cither for cash or country produce but as ho has adopted tho READY PAY system, he hopes no one will think hard, or ho insulted, by being refused Goods on time. HE IS ALSO KEEPING A STORE IN CASCADE, consisting of a general assort ment of such Goods as arc needed in that place, where he will sell Goods at Dubuque prices, (hauling added,) on heavy articles. MORE NEW GOODS! [HIE undersigned has just replenished his Stock with FRESH AND SEASONABLE His assortment is now not surpassed by any in tho City. Ilis list of IltON is now largo and very complete in assortment—lie has on hand 60 Tons assorted Iron 5 Tons Steel, Cast, German, English, and American Blister. Plough and Spring Steel, for sale low by May l^t, 1849. JNO. SimrLoT. 3 TONS WAGON BOXES, IN sets or odd, to suit. Also, u large lot of Castings, Kettles, Ovens, Skillets, Pots, and Fire Dogs. A few very large Kettles, holding 20 to 30 gallons for sale low by May 1st, 18-19. Jxo. SIMPLOT. BLACKSMITHS, ROUND In to themselvcfl. Come espe try whether tho Waplet House confer all, and even more than is promised.Feeling confidant that no per eon will leave dissatisfied with the FARE the price shall certainly bo no cause of com plaint. D. ANDERSON. Proprietor. O I N S CLOCK, WATCH MAKER, A N i W E E HI!8 moved his establishment® few doorrf north of his old stand, where he is pre pared to exocule all kinds of work in his line, with di»pit h. A fin# jjiifortmcbt of JEWELRY on hand, which will bQ'flOld chca for Cash. He is prepared -to manufacture Jewelry to order. A share of the patronage of the Public is so lieittrd. ICTCafh Mid for old Gold and Silver* Dobwque, AptilSd, 1819. 31-ly I JOHN SIM PLOT. Dubbque, April 3d, 1839. 31-6m. by It ASS PAILS.—Brass Pails or Kettles all Eizcsfrom one to six gallons for salo low JNO. SIAIFLOT. "HASTINGS.—Kettles, Ovens, Skillets, Pots, Fire Irons, &c., for sale by JNO.SiarLOT. BRUSHES, Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Dusting, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Cloth, Hair and Shoe Brushes in great variety, for sale very low by JNO. SIMPLOT. tRONSteel &, STEEL.—50 Tons assorted Irou and for sale Wholesale or Retail by Jxo. SlMrLOT. NAILS & GLASS.—AH sorts and sizes generally used in this country, for salo low by bv CChains, T-~ JNO. SIMPLOT. IQUORS, of every description and quali fy, constantly on hand and for sale low J. SIMPLOT- IIAINS Log Chains,'Tracc Chains, Lock Haltar Chains and Dog Chains on hand and for sale by JNO. SIMPLOT. THE not 1-2 Dozen Mouse-hole Anvils 1-2 akum, Tar, and Pitch, in store and for sale by May 1st. JNO. SIMPLOT. lack Lead, for Carriage and Wagon grease, for sale by JNO. SIMPLOT. GRINDSTONES! 1-2 superior article also, one dozen Pittsburgh Grindstones, for sale by JNO. SIMPLOT. CllOSS-CUT SAWS. first-rate article, oil hand and for sale by Jxo. SIMPLOT. SCYTHEIl AND SNATHS. 5for DOZ. Grass and Grain Scythes and Snaths, sale by JNO. SIMPLOT. SHOVELS AND SPADES. and square point Shovels, bright steel and other Spades, Hoes, with and without handles Hay Manure Forks, Rakes, &.C., in store and for .sale low by J. Simplot. OILS. 1NSEED OIL, Whale Oil, Lard Oil, and i Tanner's Oil, in store and for sale by JNO. GMT SIMPLOT. LAMPS. Brass Hanging Lamps, and chimney's side Lamps also, Lard and German Lamps, lor sale by JNO. SIMPLOT HYDRAULIC CEM~ENT\ I.O barrels "Louisville" Cement, foi sale by JNO. SIMPLOT. LOOKING-GLASS PLATES. From 1£ 10£ to 12 20 for sale by JNO. SIMPLOT. FISH* Wfor hite Fish, Mackerel, Codfish, and Her rings: also, Sardines, Oysters, and Lob sters, sale by JNO. SIMPLOT. STONE WARE. 500 gallons assorted Stone Ware for sale by JNO SIMPLOT. ATTENTION SPORTSMEN! YOU can equip yourselves with Game Bags, Shot Belts, Shot and Powder Flasks also, the host Dupont Rifle Powder, and shot of all sizes, by calling at JOHN SIM PLOT'S. May 1st, 1h49. 8 DOORS NORTH OF CITY HOTEL, MAIN-STREET, DUBUQUE, IOWA. THEin subscriber having located permanent ly Dubuque, would respectfully inforni •t'»* that lie has, and will keep constant-^ ly on hand, a fii'.G-Qssortment of wum®b scan bo found in tho Northwestern country and will make to order any description of hats, on the most reasonable terms. Tho following are a few of the kinds on hand, all of the latest style: Fine Moleskin Silk Ilats Rough and Ready do Buena Vista do Panama do ALL Neutre Ilats Russia do Leghorn do Pearl do Men and Children Cloth Caps. Don't forget the place, 3 doors north of City Hotel. W. DONNELLAN. Dubuque, ma 1st, 1849. 35-tf persons are hereby notified, that a cer tain note, signed by me, payable Oct. 14, 1849, to P. G. White, for tbo sum of Two Hun dred Dollars, was fruudulently obtained, that the consideration therefor has entirely failed, and, and I will therefore never ppy it ISed II. G. HIGBY. April, 10th, 1849. 32-3t ESTATE OF THOS. KELLY HEREBY GIVEN, That tho undersign has been nppointed by tho Court of Pro bate of Dubuque County, GUARDIAN of tho Es tato of THOMAS KELLY, late of said coun ty, bearing date, Dubuquo, April 20th, JR49. JOHN G. SHIELDS. Avril 24, 1649, 34Sw undersigned would respectfully in. form their friends, and the public gen erally, that they have this day entered into partnership under the name of CHARLES & RUFUS MILLER, in tho CABINET & CHAIIt MANUFACTURING BUSINESS, at the old stand of Charles Miller, opposite the Ls-nd Office, on Main.street. Furniture, Chairs, and all other articles in their line., kepi constantly on hand, on the most reasonable terms. Turning in wood also done to order, with skill, neitneC? and despatch. We would also state, that \ve have purchased of Jacob Lindly his Patent Right for making Lindly's Bedsteads,where by we have secured the exclusive right for the County of Dubuque, Iowa, to manufac ture and vend the aforesaid Bedt-teads in eaid county. All persons, therefore, are cautioned against infringing on our rights, t-ecured to us by the aforesaid Patent, as we shall most assuredly prosecute all who do so. CHARLES MILLER, 1 do Vices, assorted sizes 1-2 Screw Plates, assorted Sledges and Hand Hammers in store and for sale low by JNO. SIMPLOT. May 1st, 1819. dozen Nova Scotia Grind Stones, (a NEW STORE! (UNDER THE WAPLES HOUSE,) msi Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bon nets, Nails, Queens-Ware, &c. &c. AM just receiving and opening the BEST ASSORTMENT and CHEAPEST STOCK OF ever offered in this market. My Goods are NEW and FRES1I from the Manufacturers, were bought low, and WILL and CAW A. J. GARNER. Dubuque, April 24, 1849. 34-3t Fashionable A I O I N S. II. DUNN, HAS removed to the shop lateljroCciipied by Mr. R. Cox, where he will be happy to wait upon those who may favor him with a call. From tho experience ho has had for the last ton yccrs, in some of the principle Cities of the United Stales, he feels confident he can give perfect satisfaction both in cutting and making up garments. His manner of cutting is of the latest and most approved style. All garments warrcnted to fit and to give good satisfaction. All persons wishing work done in his lino, at reasonable prices and in the neatest man. ner, arc invited to call at his establishment. All orders will be most promptly executed, and in such a manner as to please even the most fastidcous. N. B. I am in tho receipt of the latest spring and summer fashions for 1849. Apr. 17 1849. 33-6m PALM HATST DOZ. Palm Hats, assorted qualities, 0\J for sale by F. C. &, E. II. SMITH. FRANK SMITH'S TOBACCO. BOXES of this fxvorite Tobacco, for sale by F. C. fc E. II. SMITH. PRINTS. 250 S1and -PREPARE FOR THE CHOLERA. 1 AM now"]jrv,~r 3J the Medicines for the Cholera, that are so higliTy-rte&inmended by Drs. Cartwright and McDowell. The [vie dicines are prepared from the best of articles, that are warranted pure and genuine. Direc tions ahcompany each fpackage. Dubuque, apl 25th. E. •J Boxes of C. Johnson's beat Pitts J- vFvf burgh Window Glass, all sizes, (in excellent order,) just received and for eale low by E. F. April A large stock of the above geodfl ju«t re ceived and for sale by April 25th. E. F. GILII:SPIE. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. THE be sold sold in Dubuque. I shall have excry thing that can bo called for in my line of business. 1 have a splended lot of all kinds of have everything to please them Dress Goods of all descriptions, Mouslin de Swiss, Organ dys, Polkas, Spotted Swiss blue, pink, and ban'd Jaconets, Lawns, Balzorines, Linen Lustres Lyonaise Lustres, Fringes, Dress Buttons, Parasols, Gloves, Kid and Silk, &c. Also, a splen did assortment of new and rich Bonnet Ribbons, which will be universally admired.' 1 hope to see all the Ladies often, as it will afford me much pleasure to show my Goods HARD WARE, OF ALL KINDS: Spades, Shovels, Forks, Tubs, Buckets, Manilla Rope, Looking Glasses, Coffee Mills, Saws, and everything else in the line. Cottonade, Linens, Blue Drills. Denims. Gambroons, Gold-mixd, Drab, Green and Black Tweeds, Satinets, Bleached and Brown Muslins, and in fact all sorts of Goods, which 1 am bound to sell LOW for CASH or PRODUCE. {p^No trouble to show Goods at April 17, 1849. 33-ly. WIGHTMAN'S. tilfillillf, LOWER THE RUFUS MILLER. Dubuque, April 24, 1849. 34-ly as WOULD hereby inform all those who are indebted to me, by note or book ac count, or otherwise, that I have appointed Rufus Miller my Attorney in fact, as also my Agent to settle up and close my old ac counts and demands. All persons who are in any way indebted to me, are rcqcested to call and settle with the said Rufus Miller. And all having demands against me, will receive payment bv calling upon my said Partner. CHARLES MILLER. Dubuque, April 24, 1849. 34-3t 5 CENTS REWARD. WHEREAS, JAMES COLLINS, a bound apprentice to the undersigned, has absconded without cause or provocation this is to caution all persons against harbor ing or trusting him on my account. than ever were 1 NOT FOR CALIFORNIA!! undersigned would respectfully fay to their friends, and the public general ly, that they are not beund lor California, for at least one more season, and that they have, and an receiving, a large and woll-selected STOCK OF GOODS, WARES AND MERCHANDIZE comprising almost every article usually called for in this market all of which they pledge themselves to sell as low for cash or country produCC is my other house in the city. Notice eacii Jid df the door, No. 44, under the City Hotel. EMERSOK & Dubuque, April 17, 1S48. PU)ELIS. N. B.—All those knowing theinsf.lves in debted to us, will hereby take fair and timeij' notice, that they may have their notes and ac counts to pay with cost No jest. Lookout. llAUii WARE. 25 Tons ef assorted Iron—all sizes 5 do Castings—all kinds 50 sells Wagon Boxes—all sizes 100 odd Wagon Boxes do do 95 Kegs Nails and Spikes do do 2 Tons plain and other Steel 1 do Square and Octagan Steel doz. Smiths' Bellows do do Anvils and Vices do do Sledges and Hammers do do best Roland's Mili Saws do do do do Cut do. do Hand Saws—all kinds do Collins' & Simmons' Axes and in fact every articlc kept in llie hardwaro line, such as Scythes, Snaths, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Shovels Tongs, rakes and all kinds of shelf ware. Don't be afraid because we have all you want, and all sold low by April 17. E.MKRSON & SHIELDS. JKUXM —8 bales Ok urn, ]or sale by April 17. EMERSON &. SHIELDS. Bales Cotton Balling, just recived and for sale by ICMKKSON &SIIIKLI>S. A o GREAT BARGAIN. NFi full and complete sett Saw Mill Irons for sale verv low by April. 17. EMEIISON SIIIKLDS. PORK. 8 PIECES Fancy Prints, handsome styles, for sale by F. C. & E. H. SMITH. LEGHORN HATS. MEN'S, Boys', and Infants, for sale by F. C. & E.H.S MITH. Sheetings, for salo by F. C. & E. H. SMITH. NAILS. 40 low by KEGS assorted sizes, superior quality, 60 half boxes Glass 8 by 10. for sale F. C. & E. II. SMITH* 2bove F. GILLESPIE. Under City Hotel. CLEANSE YOUR HOUSES $ CELLARS. I HAVE just received one barrel of superior CHLORIDE OF LIME, for purifying cellars, &c., for sale by E. undersigned will locate 160 ACRE LAND WARRANTS, upon one and two years, by satisfaction being given in re gard to the quality of lands. Also, 40jeon. For sale by acre Warrants for sale on reaeonablo-terms. EMERSON it, SHIELDS* Dubnquc, Jfarch Glli, 1849. barrels clear & rough Mess Pork— Smi 4 tJ all warrautcd good—in store and for sale for by EMEIISON & SHIELDS. SALT.—125 DRY SacksG. A. Salt, (large sacks) just received and forsa le by E.MKRSON & SHIELDS. APPLES.—15 berrcls Dryed Apples, first rate, just received, which are going fast from EMEIISON &. SHIELDS. UGAR.—10 Hhds. N. O. Sugar—the best in the City—just received and for fale by April 17. EMERSON »& SHIELDS. s TF-ISN'S W ARE3 crates of ass'td Quoen's Ware, just ree'd and for sale low by April 17. EMERSON & SHIELDS. APPLES.—60 DOZEN Pittsburg Grind Stones for sale by April 17- EAIKRSON $• SHIELDS. OMEST1CS.—4 bales Indian Head Do mestics, now an hand, and for sale by apl. 17. EEMESON & SHIELDS. s barrels Dried Peaches—first rate—for sale low by EMERSON SHIELDS. TONE WARE. for sale low by F1 Madarie, of which will be kept for the a purpose by April 17. EMERSON & SHIELDS. /J pL b~arrtfifl»,Soaps and Candles, ftist receir ed and April 17. KIMMSON & SHIELDS. 40 JL F. LARD. barrels Leaf Lard in good order, and for said by April 17. EMERSON fc SiriF.i.ns. 35 BOOTS tsale 44 WE, barrels Genetal Apples, just received, and will positively bo sold low. April 17. E.MERSON «5R SHIELDS. -500 gallons Slono Ware, EMERSON SHIELDS. ust received and for sale by EMERSON & SHIELDS. OODEN WARE.—G doz. Buckets and Tubs, just landing and for sale by april 17. EMERSON & SHIELDS. w rpOOLS.—All kinds of Carpenters' Tools (a JL fresh supply,) on hand, and for sale bv april 17. EMERSON &, SHIELDS. barrels Old Rectified Whiskey, just landing, and for sale cheap by the bar rel by April 17 EMERSON & SHIELDS. 2 Brandy, expressly Casks of the best Cog for the sick. Casks Port Wine best also. forScjo by the sacks best Rio' Coffou chests various quality Tea fresh antt for sale by GILLESPIE. Dubuque apl 25th. Under City Hotel. SUPERIOR WINDOW GLASS. April 17. BMBRBQN if SHIELDS. NOTICE TO COOPERS. Jnst received all kinks of Cooper's Tools which will be sold low by April 17. LMKRSON & SHIELDS. Iceived GII.LESPIB. 25th. Under City Hotel. LINSEED Olt, TURPENTINE AND WHITE LEAD, Cask pure Codfish (not hadick) just re and for sale by April 17. EMERSON & SHIELDS. ATS.—6 cases Hats and Caps of all si JL zes and qualities, consisting of panana, Leghorn, fino fashionable Silk, I?am, Wool dcc., all cheap by EMERSON* & SHIELDS. 10,000 -.w BACON. lbs best City cured Hams. nnn 10,000 do Side clear of boil?. 10,000 do Shoulders. f. Try this and then know where to go for April 17. EMERSON & SHIELDS. ~i fV DOZEN^commoti Split Bottom Chair*, JUJF tot sale by EMERSON & SIIJJK»SS.' SHOES.—40 cases Boots and Shoes of all kinds and grades for snle by April 17. EMERSON & SHIELDS. doz. boxes Sardines just received and for low by April 17. EMERSON & SIIIELLS TO RENT.—One or two comfortable dwell ing houses apply to EMERSON & SHIELDS. April 17th 1849. GLASS.—50xboxes «/. L* HAS 11 16,10 14,10 12, 8 10,12 18, and 7x9 Glass—first-rate articlc—just ree'd and for sale by April 17. EMERSON &, SinKi.ns. JLangworthfj 9 No. 99, MAIN STREET, DUBUQUF. on hand the largest Stock of Fresh Goods, at Wholesale and Retail, offered ing supplies from St. Louis and Eastern mark ets:—some of them are as follows. DRY GOODS: 1000 ps. prints, assort 10 bales twd issimere 100 ps. blch'd shirting,j30 pieces alpaca, fine brown |50 do flannel, 10 '4 hickory shirting 50 pr mackinaw blank't licking. '10 ps. broad cloth, 30 bales sheeting, 10 Irish linen K ps. satinett, 5 dusk table linens 25 asst. cassimere, 10 lintn table diaper 50 150 10 20 Ky. Jeans, linsey, Eng. long cloth, cotton balling, Rcady-Made in this market, and will be constantly receiv- tion and fever, purify the blood, loose.n the 5 blanket coating, 1 Lamartinc 10 sacking, 10 plaid cloaking, Clothing. 50 blanket overcoats, 55 heavy bl'k cloth 20 coating coats, 25 hunting 20 fine cloth dress 20 frock 16 blue black coats, 10 heavy felt beaver 50 tweed coats, 25 grey mxd Palo Alto 10 pr sheep grey pant 50 fine casiniere, 100 assorted satinett, 30 boys tweed coats, 40 blanket 50 satinett Fine black satin Vests, Fancy silk Cashinero Cahoes net shirts, Fine white shirts, Check linen do Hickory do Napoleon cord pants, Black satinelt pa lo alto Bang up cord pants, Boys pants assorted, Casimere vests, Cloth Pink nctt shirts, Red flannel 'Canton 4 4 4 4 50 assorted sack coats, Flnnnel drawers, Taylor casiinere, |Canton flannel drawers Fancy polka vests, |Calioes do do Boots and Shoes. ladie do do do do 50 cases mens' double soled boots, 50 cs mens' welt boots, 10 14 fine calf do 20 kip boots, 24 youths' do 20 do boys' do 25 do kip brogans 100 prs youths' do 100 prs boys' do ladies' bk tipd buskins, heeled buskins, gaiters. fine slippers, kid lace boots, patent rubbers, Childrens'goat boots, do morocco lace do gaiters, patent boots, lea lace boots buttoned boots, do do do do walking buskins, morocc° Clav tics Gt 'Qccries. 50 hhds N O Sugar 100 bbls do do 50 do refined sugar: 15 do crushed do 10 do loaf di Molasses Golden Syrup, 400 suck salt, Virginia tobacco, Missouri do Smoking do Cigars currants 50 boxes soap 75 boxes candles 125 bags Rio Coffee 25 bags Laguira CofFeo 10 do Java do 10 do nioltay, do Imperial tea, Young llyson do Gunpowder & black do 100 barrels Whiskey, Madder, Coperas, Logwood, Indigo Wines, Brandy, Gin, Hats and Caps. Beaver hats IMohair caps glazcd do Moleskin & Russia do 4 4 4 1 Velvet caps Boys' turbans, Muskrat caps, Fur trimmed do Siik plush Infant's Brush do Drab Tampico do Ccrro Gordo do Otter caps.Bucna Vista Navy, do do Lamartinc, Cloth 44 Hard- Ware. 100 doz knives &. forks, Game bag Carving S pocker do Log chains, trace do Knob locks, Mortice &, pad locks, Augers and chisscls. Planes, piano irons Brittania spoons Iron spoons, Table and tea spoons 213 sides sole leather 200 do upper do 100 calf skins, 50 «Js harness leather 50 sides bridle do German silver spoons, Shot pouches nails Bulls and screws, Door bolts, Drawing bolts, Brick trowels, Cow bells, Axes, broad axes Hatchets, hammers 25 hand bellows 100 do kip do 10 doz black morocco, 5 do red do 3 do bluo do 6 do pad skins, J. L. LANGWORTHY. March 13, 1849. 20-ly [CrStorage, Forwacding, and General Com mission Business promptly attended to, at the White Ware-House, tho ui dersigncd, return our warmest thanks to our friends, and the public generally, for the liberal share of patronage wi have received at their hands for the past 2 years, and hope, by strict attention and punc tuality to business, to merit a continuance cf such prtronago. We take this method of informing the pub lic, that we have, at a great expense, purchas ed the right of the *'TrovilIe Patent" the proprietor, John Mclntire, Esq., frf St. Louis, to be used by us exclusively within the city and county of Dubuque. The above patent-right consists of a new and highly important improvement for the mixing and preparing of white lead, and ail other colors, applicable to every color without the. use of alcalics of any description, whereby a whiter, handsomer, and more durable paint is produced. The said improvement is now in successful use in most of the large eastern and southern cities, and the right has been purchased by the U- S. government for the use of the Navy De partment, after having given it a most satis factory and scrutinising trial. All who aro acquainted with the nature of white lead and oil, know that they have no af finity for each other—that, mix tkem as tho roughly as passible, they will separate on standing a feW hours, the lead sinking to the bottom, the oil remaining, clear and pure, on the top.. If, then, anything can be added to them, which, without injuring the body of the pa:nt, will cause the two to unite, without the power of afterwards separating, IT MUST BE MADE MORE DURABLE and 6nch Is the effect of this wonderful improvement, unsurpassed in importance by any discovery of this progress ive age. All, thcrefoie, desirous of having painting done in an elegant and durable man ner, and With quick dispatch, will find it to their advantage to consult us at ourshop, over Jones & Dahoney's, corner of Locust and Sixth streets. BENNETT 1IARDIE. ***Ready-mixed paints kept constantly on hand for sale. We, the undersigned, hereby ccrtifv, that we have had painting done for us by Bennett Sf Hardio, with paint mixed according to the patent improved plan, and aro of opinion that the said paint is in every way superior to any that has heretofore come under our notice^ for beauty knd elegance of finish Christopher Pelan, I. N. Hijbee, H. S. Hetheriilgton, HOUSE, Piatt Smitfl, David Jones, J. M, Marsh, A• D. Anderson. SIGN, FANCY, ORNAMENTAL, and CHAIR PAIN-'JTING} GILDINO, GLAZING, PAPER HANGING, &c.i' BES^T*!' & HARDIE. IMITATIONS of WOOD and^f*| IIILE, Maps Mounted and Varnish cd, Society^anncrs, Badges, Aprons, &c., painted with nh and dwpatch, by BENNETT & HARDI GARDEN SEED. I HAVE received this day Soods of 1848* Kitchen Garden and Flower Seeds in great variety, of Iowa and foreign growth. finboque, Frb. I Alt* 1840 SLOAN'S COLUMN. THE BEST & CHEAPEST HORSE MEDICINE THE WORLD! SLOANS' OINTMENT AND O N I I O N O W E HAS EARNED A GREAT NAME. For Purity, Mildness, Safety, Certainty and Thoroughness, Sloan's Otintmen Excels. And is rapidl7 superseding all other Ointments and Liniments r*ow in use, for the cure of the following diseases? Fresh wounds, ga.'lsof all kinds, sprain-i, bruises, cracked heels, ringbone, windgalls, poll evil, callus, spavins, sweeney, fistula, sitfast, strains, lameness, sS-nd cracks, found ered feet, scratches or greastf, mange, and horn distemper. Tho POWDER will remove all ii?flamma- skin, cleanse the water, and strengthen ev?ry part of the body and has proved a sovereign remedy for the following diseases: Distemper, hide-bound, loss of appetite, in ward strains, yellow water, inflammation of the eyes, fatigue from hard exercise also rheumatism, (commonly called stiff complaint) which proves so fatal to many valuable horses in this country. It is also a safe and certain remedy for coughs and colds which generate so many fatal diseases. W. B. SLOAN. Grand Depot, 49 Lake st., Chicago, 111. And sold in nearly every town in all the West ern States. [Feb. 6, 1849. 23-ly. THE PROOF. Extractfrom the Galena North-Western Gazette. By tho use of Sloan's Ointment and Condi tion Powder, I have entirely cured a Fistula o.i my horse, and otherwise improved his con dition more than 500 per cent on the cost of /he medicine and a dow which was so feeble as to be considered worthless by himself and neighbors was restored to good health and strength by the use of less than half a package of the powder, and is now doing bettei than any other cow I have. WM. VINCENT. Small Pox, May 13,1848. The Suffering Child. I hereby certify, that one of my children, when naked, fell into a large firo of live coals, and was burued severely from head to feet.— The best of medical aid and attention was fiiven to the child for four or five days without any relief—each day's suffering increased till his groans could be heard at a great distance, at which critical period one of my neighbors recommended and presented to 1110 a box of SLOAN'S OINTMENT, and in less than fifteen minutes after the application of the OintVnent to the aggravated sores of the suf fering zhild, tho pain ccasod entirely, and he speedily began to recover. My residence is in licit Towaship, Vermillion county, and State of Indiana. THEODORE L. TADLOR. Datod at Chicago, August, 24, 1S48. Extraordinary Cure. April 18th, 1848. Four miles north of Chi cago (on the road to Milwaukie) Cook co.. HI. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir: One of my horses had ja bony tumour on his breast bone,immc diatciy ur.der the co!!ai". which lamed him, and rendered his services of very litile value. I faithfully applied several bottles of Dr. Tay lor's Nerve and Bone Liniment, without the least benefit. I then procured Wilder's Cele brated Horse Ointment, and used that until I became fully satisfied that it would never re lieve the animal Finally, I obtained a box of your trulv valuable Ointment, and in less than 60 days from tho first application the tumor entirely disappeared, and the horse was well. Yours, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. Popular Opinion. If popular opinion is any ciiterion of the worth of on article, we invite the incredulous to read at least a few of the many voluntary certificates that appear in our columns respect ing the great variety of remarkable cures ef fected by the use of 44Sloan'sCelebrated The Half has not been told.. Fox River, June 12,1848. Dr. Sloan—Sir: Please send by the bearer a new supply of your Horse Medicines. They arc the b^st articles of the kind that I have ev er used—never having been disappointed in their efl'ect, as I have been in the use of others, even the most celebrated Ointments, Li 11 i &.C., of the day. 1 like very much this feature in them, viz: that they do all that is promised, and upon a thorough trial one is constrained to add, that 4,half lias r.ot been told." Respectfully, M. MUDLEY. The Difference. The ordinary ointments and liniments, it is well known, are severe and partial in their op. eration. Sloan's Ointment is mild, yet thoro' —it reaches and removes the cause, hence it gives real and permanent relief. For purity, mildness, safety, certainty, and thoroughness, Sloan's Ointment excels, and is rapidly superseding all other Ointments and Liniments now in use. We Can't get along without it. Beebe's Grove, Will co., III., Oct. 24, '48. Mr. Sloan—Sir: I have tested tho virtue of your Ointment, in the cur3 of rattle-snake bites, sore throat, burns,ond many other inju ries, and in every case it has surpassed our ex pectations. As a Family Ointment, I have never seen its equal, and for beasts we can't get alonf'without it. Yours, MILES M. JOHNSON. Facts for the People. More than fifteen years of unrivalled succcs in the cure of every variety of external diseas es and injuries, such as sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, cutaneous eruptious, sore lips, sore breasts, chapped hands, chillblains, biles, ul cers, corns pains in the back, sides, 01° other parts of the system, rattlcsnako bites, &c., bears ample testimony that Sloan's Ointment is just the thing for the hour. Certificates without number have been re ceived by the Proprietor, from disinterested in dividuals, giving details of remarkable cures effected by its use. 0*Grom the Hon. H. V. S. Brooks, Agent of the Illinois and Michigun Canal Packet Boat Company. Chicago, June 24, '48. Dr. W. B. Sloan—Desr Sir: For the las/ 30 a n O i n e n s i n u s e u v e n e v e o u n nything equal to your Ointment for injuries on horses.—Within the last two months 1 have applied your Ointment to some 80 horses, for various injuries, and in every instance it has proved a sovereign remedy. CITY HOTEL, U U U E i i U I O W A A. H. MILLER, Proprietor. A. H. MILLER, (late of the Leclare Hon«e, Davenport) would advice his numerous friends, and the public generally, that he lias taken the above named spacions establishment, where he flatters himself that he will be able to ac commodate hia guests in a style to meet their entire approbation. To his St. Louis friends, who have hereto fore honored him with their patronage, be would say, that tho vicinity of Dubuquo abounds with a variety of objects of interest to the visitor. Th« grouse shooting is not to bo surpassed, and the best trout fisning in the world at an easy distance. March 5th, 1849. 27-ly Oint ment and Condition Powders." These remedies no longer remain among those of doubtful utility, they have passed from the tide of experiment, and now stand higher in reputation and are becoming more extensively used than all other articles of the Hind.—[Mich. City News, years I have had occasion to use many horses, every description Coopers'Tools of Kolp'* and have used the great variety of Liniments '4 V 'suq DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS. E. F. GILLESPIE, MAIN-STKEET, DUBUQUE, IOWA, HASalwayson hand a large stock of Drugs* Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff's,Spi ces, Soaps, Window Glass, Brushes, Twine, Wrapping Paper, Fancy AarticleR, &c. which I will warrant to be of the best quality. Persons in want of any article* in my line, are requested to call, as I am detenmned to sell them very cheap. E. F. GILLESPIE- Dubuque, March 5th, 1849. 27-ty SARSAPARILLA, PILLS, ft POWDERS. I HAVE on hand a large supply of Town send'a Sarsaparilla, Moffatt's Pills and Bit ters, Wrights, Braggs, Smith's and Lee's Pills, and Kueckclhaus' Worm Powders. These arti cles are warranted to be gtnuine, and will bs sold cheap. E. F. GILLESPIE. PAINTS, OIIS VARNISH, &<v HAVU, and shall always keep on hand", 9 Ijrge supply of the following article*, via: Lintseeii Oil, Spts. Turpentine, pure White f.ead, Copal and Japan Varnish, Chrome and Paris Green, Chrome Yellow, Lamp Black, venetian Red, Litharge, Spanish Brown, Paint Brushes, and all articles used for Painting, which I will sell cheap for cash. E. F. GILLESPIE. March 11th, 1849. 28-1 y CELEBBATED MEDICINES. SLOAN'S CONDITION POWDER: SLOAN'S HORSE CATTLE & OINTMENT SLOAN'S FAMILY OINTMENT, &C. I IIAVE just received a supply of these ce lebrated Medicines, which 1 will warrant genuine. I am the only Agent in Dubuqua for the sale of Sloan's Genuine Mcdicines. E. F. GILLESPIE, Under the City Hotel. Dubuque, April 1st, 1849. REGULAR PACKET, Between St. Louis, St. Peters, and St. Croix. THE substantial, light draught "j?^4^1 steamer CORA, J. E. GORMAN, Master, will run as a Regular PacUat be tween the above ports, during the next season.commtncing her trips on the open ing of navigation. April 3d, 7849. 31-ds. REGULAR St. Louis, Dubuque, and Polosi Packet. THE new and light dr-iugbtt steamer SAINT PETEBS, Capt. WARD, Master, will com mence her regular trips, on the opening of na vigation, in the above trade, touching at all intermediate landings, and will continue in the trade during the entire season. Her acco modations are not surpassed by any boat in the trade. 0*For freight or passage, apply on board*, or to WAPLES & ZIRKLE. Dubuque, March 1, IS 19. 27-ds Alonzo Child] AasaFarr,Jr. [O.W. Child ~CHILD7FARR & CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS' IN. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. No. 147, Main-street, St. Louis, Mo. (THIRD DOOR NORTH OF THE BANK OF MISSOURI,X 11E now receiving and opening, for Spring* Trade, the largest and most extensive as sortment of Hardwaro ever before purchased' for this market. Our English Goods arc all of our own importations, direct from the manu facturers themselrcs and our American Goods arc purchased from manufacturers at the low est cash prices which will enable us to selfc them as low as they can be bought in any of the Eastern cities. We feel confident that we* can sell you goods at such prices as will fully justify you in purchasing here. Wo ask you, to give us a trial. Among our stock may be found, in part, th* following articles, viz: 2,000 dozen Waldron's (St other Grass, Grain, llemp and Bramble Scythes 600 dozen Scythe Snaths 300 groce Scythe Stones and Rifles 600 dozen Hay and il/anure Forks 200 do Sickles 500 doz. handled Hoes 400 do Ames', Rowland's & other Spades 600 do do do' do Shovels. 200 do Haines 200 doz. Horse Collars 1,600 Weavers'Reeds 800 doz. Collins', Simmons', Nason's and other Axes 200 do do do $ other Hatchets:: 500 do Coffee Mills 300 Afill Saws 500 Cross Cut Saws 1000 doz. curry combsi 3,000 lbs. Brass Kettles and Pails. 300 dozen Tea Kettles 75 casks Ox and Log Chains TOO do Trace Chains 50 dc Sad Irons 40 do Carolina Ifoes 10 do IFooks and Hinges, do Mousci-hole and other Anvils^ 5,000 lbs Wrought and Horse Nails 300 dozen Sheep Shears 500 do Knob Locks and a Ssengers eonveyed to and from the boats in ckrmges tree of expense* A. II. MILLER. 1848. »ept.I2-ly. Dubuque, Sept [Davenport GazsT. St. Louis HopubitMD, Galena, copy six Capitol Reporter, and Xo^oiniiMi ftiti! GtMtlCf Latches 500 do Thumb Latches 10,000 groce Wood ScrewB 1,000 dozen Cast and Wrought Butts 300 do Drawing Knives 800 groce Table Cutlery 2,000 dozen Pocket Knives 5,000 dozen Pocket Knives 500 do Kogers' and Wostenholin'at Pen Knives 2,000 do Butcher and Shoe Knives^ 300 do Raiora and' Strops 800 do Sewsora and Shears 3,000 Perscussiou Caps. ALSO, A large variety of Goods suitable for llie IW dian trade. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Smith's Bellows Screw Plate* Vices? Sledge Hammers CounterScales Platform*: Balances Planes and Carpenters' Tools ojffe °d McCoy s ^manufacture Needles^ But^ tons Hooks and Eyes Fishhooks and Lines? Marbles. Flints Rifles Shot Guns Pistols* a variety of Gun Trimmings. ALSO, SOLE AGENTS FOR V Welch & Griffiith's (Boston) 48 and 50 incb Circular Saws for Portable Saw Mills. March 27th, 1849. THE 30-3m. Ohio Fruit and Seed Store. subscriber returns bis best wishes the citizens of Dubuque and vicinity, for their very liberal patronage for the past year,. and by a strict attention to business, a«d a position to please, hopes to merit a continoaBOV of the same, and an increased patronaM w 1 1849. A general variety of Grera a*4 In addition to his former bwsiiMr~ fitted up an Elysian SalOon, whe Sardines, Hot Coffee, and Game,' ed up at«ll reasonable hours. A liberal patronage issoik' sign of the Ohio Fruit Main st., neit door to tliiCUj the worth of your jponejr. Dubuque, lit January, iS49. paid for Eggs, Butter* I snd Poultry., A J^liM Fruit, Candies, Nuts, and Spieea, kept stantly on hand, also a choice seleetioa of GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDfifjf in the proper season for planting then*.