Newspaper Page Text
E. F. GILLESPIE, AGENT. ID? ^©w^gifls™ s •K££3$39i OFFICE 'hw? Purging, sickening or dctili tating the Patient. Tne great boautv and superiority of tlii* Sarsaparilla over all other mcilicincs is, that while it cradicatci the diMMC, it invigoratot the body. It is ono of the very best SPRING AND SUMMER. MEDICINES ever known it not only purities the whole system and strengthens the person, but it creates new, pure anil rich blood n power possessed by no othnr medicine. And in Ifait lies the praud secret of its wonderful success. It hftl performed within the last two years more tlinn 100,000 euros of severe cases of disease at least 15.000 were considered incurable. It has saved the lives of mare than 10,000 children the past two seasons in the City of New York alone. I0«000 cases of Central Debility nn«l wnnl of IVcrroiia tiers)'. Dr. Totvnaoud'a Sursiipariiln invigorati's the whole system permnrnvjily. 'I'o those who have Itm their muscular ener gf 'y the nlTcpts of incdie.inn or iiidiscrntinn nommilted in youth or the excessive indulgence of the pnsjious, and brought oa by physical projtmtioii of the nervous system, laxsilfl'le, w»yl of nuibition, fainting smisiitimi*. premature decay and da^line liaslcnin towards that fatal disease CpasumptioU, can bo entirely rcxtored by this pleas ant remedy. This Sarsaparilla is fur lo any Iuvi|(orntiii){ Cortlinl. As it renem and iuvizorntes the sysmni, gives activity to the limbs, and strength lo the muscular system in a in041 eauauiUiuary degree. t'oiiaiiiiiplioii i'liicil. Cleanse and S irenglhen. Consumption am he cured. Bron chitis, Consumption, hicer Complaint, Voids. Catarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting Hlouil, Surtness in the Chest, Hectic Flush, !\'ight Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Et pectoratitH, Pain in the Side, t, c., have teen and can be eared. Spilling It loo,I. tfcte York, April 29,1817. 'D«. Townsknd.—1 vnrily linliova your Sarsaparilla hat been the moans, through Provi.leuce, of aaving my life. I have for foveral years had a bad Cmigli. It be came worse and worse. At last I raised huge quanti ties of blood, had ui^lil sweat*, an.' was greally dabiliU teJ and rciluced, and did not expect to live. 1 have enly *sed your Saraapnrilla n sliort time, and tliciro lias a won derful change boon wrought in me. I am now iiMC to walk over the city. I raise no blood htid my cough has left me. You can wall imngino tliut I am thankful for these result*. Your obcJieiit servant. Yours respectfully. choose. BR* MANUfACTORY DR. O XV i\ K I S *CI»MPOU.VO KXTBACf OF lf 8.1R 8 1P Kl LLi. Tlie inoul extraordinary Medicine in tliu WorlJ I TiU Extract is put vp iu Quart Bottles: it it six limit cheaper, plensanter, and warranted SHperior 10 mny told. It carts without comiting, WM. IU'SSEI.1., 65 Cathariaest Rlieiiinatisiii. This only one of more than four thousand case* of Rheu matism tlnit Dr. Townseud's Sarsaparilla has cured. The most severe and chronic cases ore weekly eradicated by its extraordinary virtues. James Cummin?', E^q-one of the assistants in tho I.una tic Asylum, IJlacUwell's Island, is the gentleman spoken of in the following letter. Blackwoll's Island. Sept. 11,1817. Dr. To-.vnsond—D»ar Sir: I have suffered terribly for nftio vears with tins Rheumatism considerable of till time I could not eat, ilmp or walk. I had the most distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I have Used four bottles of your Sarsaparilla. and they have done ine more than a thousand dollars worth of good, I am «o utsirli better— iaeleed 1 am entirely relieved. You are at liberty to use this for the henofit of the afflicted. JAMRS CIJMMINGS. !•'ever mitl -V^ite. Dr. Townsend's Sars.ipari'la is unequ illed in cases of the Chills and Fever and Ajue. Tne folio ving letter is only one of hundreds that wo "have rccrivcd from tli9 South and Well of like character. O.iwejo. Micli.. Oct. 22. 1847. Dr. Townsend D.iar Sir—I purchased for my wife two bottles of Sarsaparilla of your Asjent, Mr. McNuir, of Kala mazoo. to try it for the Fever and A,'u?. Before I had finish eil tho first bottle, it appeared to warm the blood, and every other day when tho Chills and the Fever appeared, they were less violent and before shu II I 1 finished the bottle ahe was entirely relieved, and she was mu :li 'tter than she nail been before 5I10 took the Ajue. A lady that h* 1 been very sick wuli the Chiils and Fuver, but had brolt'tliem with Quinine, au.l was I::lt in a very v. u..k and distressing ktute, anil troubled exceedingly with the A u» Cake, seeinz the rflfcct it had on my wife, she sent aud procured a few liottlcs, and it restored her in a few weeks to complete health. Your Sarsaparilla is without doubt, unequall -d in tlUea.-es incident to the West aud if you think that this com munication will lie of use, you arc at liberty to HSO it if you I'ci:jnle !I«ilicinr. Dr. Townsend's isarsnparilla is a sovereign aud speedy cure for incipicut Consuuiption, Barrenness, Prolapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womli, Costii eness. Piles, !«eiie»r rlxen, or Whites, obstructed or difficult Menstruation, In evutiiieiire of l.'^iue, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system—no matter whethei the result of inherent cause or causes produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing can be more aarprising than its invigorating directs on the human frame. Ferons of all weakness and lassitude, from taking it at tmee become robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately counteracts the nervelessuess of the female frame, which is the great cause of Barrenness. It will not be expected of us, in cases of so delicnte a nature, tc exhibit certificates of cures performed, but wo can assure the afllicted, that hundreds of cases have been reported to I pa. Thousands of cases where families have been without children, after using a few bottles of this invaluable medi cine. have been Mussed with fine, healthy oflspring. It hks been expressly prepared in reference to female com plaints. No fcmnle who has reason to suppose she is ap proaching that critical period. The turn of life," ehould neglect to take it. as it is n certain preventive for UDV of the numerous aud horrible diseases to which females arc subject at this time of life. This period may be de layed fur several yrars by using this medicine. Nor is it less valuable for those Who are approacliiug woman hood. as it is calculated lo assist nature by quickening the blood and invigorating the system. Indeed, this medi cine is invaluable for all the delicatc diseases to whick Woiuou are subject. Ort'hl HlftanhiK lo .Tlotlicn nrnl liiltlrcn. It is tiie safest and most etl'ectual medicine for purifying the svftem, aud relieving the sufferings attendant upon child* liirtii ever discovered. It strengthens both the mother and child, prevents pain nml disease, increases and enriches tlie food, those who have used it think it is indispensable. It is bfehlv u«cful both btifora mid after coufmftineut. as it pre.vent* tlWases iittcndnnt upon childbirth. In Costivoness, Pitas, 'Cru nips, Swelling of the Feet, Despondency. Heartburn, Vomiting. Puin in the Back and Loins, False Puins. Hemor rhagr. aud in regulating the Secretions and equalizing the circulation it has no njual. The great beauty of this meJi cine is, it is always (ale, and the most delicate use it inost attccejsfully. Hcroftsla ('uretl. This certificate conclusively proves that this Sarsaparil la has perfect control over the most obstinate diseases ol the Blood. Three persons cured in one house is unprece dented. Three CltiltlreUi I)r. Townaend i Dear Sir.—I have the pleasure lo iuform you that three of my children have been cured of the Scro fula bv the use of your excellent medicine. They were af tficted very severely with bad sores, have taken four bot tles it took them away, for which I feel myself under great obligation. Yours, respectfully, ISAAC W. CHAIN, 196 Wooeter-it Opinion* of I'liynicinua. Townsend is almost daily receiving order* flrom Plivsictaus iu dilferent parts of the Union. /This is lo certify tliut we, the undersigned, Physicians 'ftf the City of Albany, have in numerous cases prescribed llr. Towusend's Saraup»rilla, and believe it to be one ol the tno»l valuable preparations in the market. II. r. PIJI.l.sO.M.I), J. WILSON, M.I., R. B. BRIGGS, M. D. r. E. KLMK.NDORF, Al. D. Albany, April, 1817 CAUTION Owing to the great success and immense sale of Dr Tow mend's Sarsaparilla, a number of men who were for mtMy our Agents, have commenccd making Sarsaparilla Extracts, Elixirs, Bitters, Extracts of Yellow Dock, &c. They generally put it up in the same shaped bottles, and toate of them have stolen and copied our advertisements, Ikay are only worthless imitations, and should be avoided. Kne genuine unless signed by 8. P. Townsend. Principal Offlee, 136 FULTON Street, 8un Building, If. Y: Keddiug It Co., 8 State street, Boston Ityott Mem, IXt North Second street, Philadelphia 9. 9. Ilancc, DrHggist, Baltimore: P. M. Cohen. Charleston, Wright 0i C~, 151 Chartres Street, N. O. 105 South Henri Street „4fo*ay anil by all the principal Druggist* nnd Mer- !'4kats generally throughout the United State*, West indies 9«4tfc«Con»rias. (fcli, wholetalo and retail, by i. «r|»o i» tho authorized agent for Du eoooty. FTH, 1840. T)26—LY SUPERIOR WINDOW GLASS. Doxe* of C. Johnson's best Plt^s burgh Window Glasp, all sizes, j&n CftMllkMlt orier,) just received and for iftlt Urtt to E. F. GlLbBSPWI yoder City Hotel# RMSOI YVELL-ESTABLISIIEDANDLONG-TRIED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG STORE, Main street, Dubuque. A S O N KEEPS constantly on hand a full supply o Fresh Drug ,nd Mcdicincs and a gene ral ussortmcnt of Paints, Oils, Glass, and Dye Stufts. ^ilso, all the latest and most approv ed Patent Medicines, for sale at St Louis prices for CvlSH only. nltf T. M^ISON- H. G. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED AHABIAN LINIMENT, for the cure of Rheumntism, Pains of tlic, Bruises, Stiffness of Joints, as also most diseases of ITorses, such as Fistula. Pol! evil. Big Head, &c. &C. For Bale at retail and wholesale, by T. MASON, Main street, Dubuque. Feb.13th, 1849. OILS, of all kinds. PAINTS, of every color. GLASS, of every size. VARNISHES, every sort. PERFUMERY,of of every odor. T. MASON SOLE AGENT FOR HAMILTON & SONS JUSTLY CELEBRATED E I I N E S o w i HAMILTON'S BALSAW Infallible Family Medicine for CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS, LIVER COI*I PLAINTS, COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, ASTII MA, WHOOPING COUGH, HOARSENESS, IN FLUENZA, SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFICUL TY OF BREATHING, PAINS IN THE SIDE AND BREAST, &C. &C. HAMILTON'S VEGETBLF, SUGAR COATED AGUE AND FE VER FILLS A SAFE AND CERTAIN CURE FOR CHILLS AND FEVER, IN ALL THEIR COMPLICAATED FORMS. Also, an efficient remedy for Fevers of every desci iption. HAMILTON'S ANTI-BILLIOUS VEGETABLE CATHARTIC SU GAR-COATED PILLS. HAMILTON'S BOWEL SYRUP, AN INFALLIBLE CORE FOR DIARRHCEA, DY SENTETLY, AND ALL LOOSENESS OF THE BOWELS. This medicine has been so well tested that we think it useless to spend time in writing about it all we ask is, for the people to try it. DOCTOR D. JAY N E S DICINE. DR. JAYNKof Philadelphia hits constitu ted Doct. TIMOTHY MASON, of DU buque, Iowa, his agent for selling at wholesale or retail, his justly celebrated Family Mcdi cincs, and he has now at his Drug Store on Main street, a full supply of Jayne's Sanative Pills u Expectorant Hair Tonic Carminative Balsam Tonic Vermifuge U a a Alterative Ague Pills a a a Hair ye For sale wholesale and retail by T. MASON. TJBS. Logwood and 2 bblo. Mad der for sale by T.MASON. ITk liOXIvV Window Glass assorted lor J.UU salt! by T. MASON- SCARPA'S ACOUSTIC OIL! THE ONLT CtlWE FOR DEAFNESS This valuable OIL, so celebrated for the cure for Deafness, for sale by sole agent. Sept. 1, 1848. MASON -g e' /~w OUNCES Quinine,and 8 07.. of Mor phine for sale by T. MASON AGEiNcv roR WRIGHTS I'lLLS. DUBUQUE, Oct. 7, 1848. BE it known to all whom it may conccni, that Doct. T. MASON is appointed sole Agent for Doct. WILLIAM WRIGHT'S N 1 A V E E A E I S or Dubuque County, Iowa. WM. WRIGHT, 169 Race Et., Philadelphia, Pa. Per THOL. ROBINSON, Traveling Agent. Dr. Champion's Ague Pills, Justly celebrated throughout the West for the cure of Ague and Fever, and no mistake. TIMOTHY MASON, sept!2 '48 Main st., Dnbuoue. Tovva. GARDEN SEED. I HAVE received this day Seeds of 1813 Kitchen Garden and Flower Seeds in great variety, of Iowa and foreign growth. NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT THE IOWA SHOE STORE, Sign of the Big Boot, Uia-9 trcct, DUBUQUE. THE subscriber has just received from the Eastern Markets au assortment of Boots and Shoes, tho most complete and extensive ever ollcred in this city. Among his stock may bo found Gentlemen's and Boys' line and coarso work, of every quality and price La dies', Misses' and Children's Shoes of various qualities, in great variety also, a large and well-selected assortment of eastern tanned Leather, and findings, to which he invites the attention of Shoe-Makers, he has connccted the Hat Business, comprising a general assort ment of fashionable and plain fur and silk Hats. The above assortment was selected after a thorough examination in the Eastern Markets with great care. Country Merchants wishing Boots and Shoes, by the case, will do well to call and see for themselves. The subscriber invites a continuation of his numerous old cus tomers. and all those who wish good bargains, will please call at the Shoe Store, sign of the "Big Boot." cPaff Sj T. MASON. Dubuque, Feb. I3th, 1849. Ohio Fruit and Seed Store. TE1E subscriber returns his best wishes to the citizens of Dubuque and vicinity, for their very liberal patronage for the past year, and by a strict attention to business, and a dis position to please, hopes to merit a continuance of the same, and an increased patronage for 1849. A general variety of Green and Dried Fruit, Candies, Nuts, and Spices, kept con stantly on hand, also a choice selection of GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, in the proper season for planting them. In addition to his former business, he has fitted up an Elysian Saloon, where Oysters, Sardines, Hot Coffee, and Game, will be serv ed up at all reasonable hours. A liberal patronage is solicited. Call at tho sign of the Ohio Fruit and Seed Store No 67, Main st.', next door to the City Hotel, and get the worth of your money. G. R. WEST. Dubuqne, 1st January, 1849. 19-tf 0"Cash paid for Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Lard, and Poultry. 100 E. F. GILLESPIE, KEGS White Load and 200 of Red Lead for sale by T.MASON. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. THE undersigned will locate 160 ACUK LAND WARRANTS, upon one and two years, by satisfaction being given in re gard to the quality of the lunds Also, 40 aero Warrants for sale on reaeonablo terms. 300 EMERSON & SHIELDS. Dubnque, March 6th, 1841). G4LLOiNS Linseed Oil, and 2UU GallonsTurp^gV^ DAVID DECKER. Dubuque, Oct. 6th, 1849. ly. For Protection to California. THE subscriber nas OP hand a lew California Guns and Pistols that he will dispose of cheap fir cash, as he is determined to close and goto California. A legal noticc is hereby given to all persons that have guns remaining in my shop, to call and pay charges and lake them away, or they •vill be sold for repairs oi taken to California. AND M. SCOTT. Shop, opposite the City Hotel, Main st N. B.—Alao a general assortment of valua ble books, consisting of Chemical and Pyro. technical works. n2G tf. M, S. w o o s 9 A N O W I E S A E E GRAPII CORNER. Tlic Town is Growing up I! to keep up with the town, I have added largely to my previous Stock, so as to be able to meet the growing wants of a growing community. For the purpose of facilitating my business, in anticipation of its growth. I have adopted the principle of but ONE PRICE, and tiiat the lowest. I have put a regular Jiving profit on all my goods—so tliut each article will have to pay for itself, and stand on its on merit. I don't pretend to sell something that almost every body knows the value of, for cost, or perhaps something a little under, with the expecta tion of being able to make it up on something else, the value of which is not so generally known—leaving that kind of calch-pcnty trade to those who understand it, iry effort will be, to do a regular business—selling to the good judge and the bad, the "Jew and the Gentile," alike. To my old patrons and friends, I am sin cerely thankful for the patronage so liberal ly bestowed during the past summer, and would respectfully inform thern and the pub lic generally, that I have just opened my c^fp,'in{ez Flannels eSf oc which I will sell as low as they can be pur cnashed in this town. All parsons wanting to buy, are requested to call and examine my etock, consisting of DRY GOODS. Bro. Sheeting, coarselblue, black and grey and fine blankets Bleached do ithreads,laces,edgings Blue, brown whitejneedlcs, pins, hooks, Drill? and eyes Brown and bleachedjtapes, cording, stay 11 n r»f*o Shirtings Irish I.innen Diapers j- crash Tow elling Hickory iV Ticking White, yellow & red aces, bindings, fancy Idrcss buttons, coat $• jvest buttons Oregon Plaids, Mouslin de Laincs, cannrics, Ladies' and gentle mens' gloves, buck skins mite, woolen do Ladies' hoes, men's halfhose,Canton flan nel, Oregon cords, cotton butting, do yarn, ridding combs, fine tooth do. tuck and side do. Printed Cottons, in great variety Ginghams, Merinoes Shawls, kerchiefs silk Cravats, Stocks, comforters.suspenders children's knit cloaks, do do Caps, sattinetto, jeane, Cottonades. Durham? DOOTS, SHOES, AND LEATHER, Men'd extra Kip, do strong, do cowhide, Ladies' morocco boots Misses' do do Kip and calf do Boys' thick boots, Men's shoes, do brogans, Ladies' slippers, Children's do, Boy's thick shoes Children's goat do Bridle Leather, Upper and Sole do Hardware. pocket knives, razors,[miners' spades, Knivss and forks, table & tea spoons, saw files, shoe tacks, pad locks, whips & whip stocks, wagoners' do shoe thread, powder, shot & caps, ditching do shovels, hay-forhs, manure do curry combs, thimbles axes, Collins & Sim mons, (worranted,) nails, of all si ies, coffee mills. Glass and Qucensware. common iS- fancy Teaslcommon plates, Flowing blue do dinner & breajfrfast do Rough & Ready do fruit do plain fluted tumb- dishes of all sizes, lers, soup turreens, Ibowis, assorted, looking glasses, pitchars do flaika, earthen ware, toy mugs, sutler bowls, giass pitchers. sngar cans, GROCERIES' &C- primc Rio Coffee, Laguyra do Green Havana do old government Java superior black and green teas, N. O. sugar, loaf do crushed do Dubuque, Oct. 31,1848. 3* ^TERING IIAIR and ginger, (ground whole,) cinnamon, (ground & and in mats,) cloves, nutmegs, sago, arrow root, macaroni, vermi cilli, liquorice, carro way seed, mustard, powdered do very fine(ground and whole,) N. O. sugar house molasses cider vinegar, Ilort & Madeira wine (expressly for the sick Coguac brandy, raisins, currants, al motds, dried &. green apple*, Western Re serve, pickles, lemon syrup, ink jars, pen cils, slates, paper, sperm oil, fisb oil, water pails, wash tubs shoe and scrubbing brushes, bed cords, plough lines, chalk lines, windlass rope, halter do Manilla door mats, spices, pepper, pimento, mace, beans, Sc. all of which will bo sold for a small advance on cos!. B. J. O'HALLOItAN. Telegraph Corner,near the New Cathedral. Carrigean Moss, for invalids, salaratus, sub.carb. soda, starch, soap, sulphur, Castile soap, shaving soap, mold, starine, and sperm candles, salts, senna cr. tartar allum, log wood, indigo, madder, cope ras, saltpetre, cain brimstone, cigars, of all qualities snuff, tobacco, of all qalitics, cut and dry, matches, pipes table salt, window glass, No. 2 and 3. Mackerel, pickled pork, candle wick, wrapping twine Broome, coffee mills, SP® SFiSIS H,^SD25a@q The genuine Balm of Columbia, for restor ing the Jloiir, "Long hair is a glory to woman," says Paul, And all feel the truth of the pious quotation Preserve it then, ladies—your glory may fall, Unless you protect it with this preparation. If you wish a rich, luxuriant head of hair, free from dandruff and scurf, do not fail to procure the genuine Balm of Columbia* In cases of baldness it will more than exceed your expectations. Many who have lost their hair for twenty years, have had it re stored to its original perfection by the use of this balm. Age, state or condition ap pears to be no obstacle whatever it also cau ses the fluid to flow with which the delicate hair tubo is filled, by which means thou sands (whose hair was grey as the Asiatic eagle,) have had their hair restored to its natural color by this invaluable remedy.— In all cases of fever, if. will be found the most pleasant wash that can be used. A ew applications only are necessary to keep the hair from falling out. It strengthens the roots, it never fails to impart a rich glos3y appearance, and as a perfume for the toilet it is unequalled it holds three times as much as other miscalled restoratives and is more effectual. Caution.—Never buy it unless you find the name o Comstock & Co Proprietors, on the wrapper of each bottle, or you are cheated with a counterfeit article. Council's Magical Pain Extractor—th world'* wonder—pronounced so by all who have ever used it. White swellings, Inflamation, pain in the back, weak limbs, tender or sore feet, and all scrofulous sores are speedily and oerma nently cured by Connell's Magical Pain Extractor. Affections of the lungs, ague in the face, breat, tic doloreaugh, chronic sore eyes, blistered surfaces, 6ic. It is equally beneficial in all kinds of inflammatory dis eases, such as sore Nipples and Eyes, Sprains, Rheumatism, White Swelling and Ulcers, Bruises, Burns, Chilblains, Erysip elas, Biles, &c. will quickly be relieved by the application of this salve. This remark able sanative possesses many virtues never found in any other article. It has the most perfecL power overall pains by fire positive- ly allaying the suffering almost immediate- ly upon its application. If any disbelieve trol unless the vitals are destroyed. Caution.—No Pain Extractor can be gen uine unless you find the signature of Com stock and it Co., on the wrapper ofeauh box Beware of the counterfeit. Longlafs Great IFcstern Indian Panacea. 1st.—For colds, Feverish feelings preventing Fevers 2d—For Asthma, Liver Complaint and Billious affections. 3d—Diarlioea, Indigestion and loss of ap petite. 4th—For Costivcncds in females and males, and Nervous complaints. 5th—For Stomach affections, Dyspepsia, Piles, Rheumatism, S'C. The grcit points arc, it is not bad to take, Deafness. Use Dr. McNair's Acoustic Oil. for the cure of Deafness. Also all those dieajreea- ten, fifteen,and even thirty years standing of deafness. Price, £1 per flask To the Public. The original and genuine Magical Pain Extractor, sold by Comstock A- Co., No. 69 Second st. is a sovereign remedy for Burn?, Scalds, Sore Eyes, and Nipples, Erysipe las, Barber's Ich, cuts, eruptions on the skin, fee. Caution.—Dalley's original and only gen uine Magical Pain Extrractor will be sold to merchants so that they can maks 100 per cent on it. Also, Jew David's or Hebrew Plaster. The only genuine. Dr. Spohris Sick Headache Remedy. Why will you suffer with that distress ing complaint, when a remedy is at hand that will not fail to cure yon? This remedy will effectually destroy any attack of head ache, either nervous or biliious. It has cu red cases of twenty years' standing. Mother's Relief—Indian Remedy. All expecting to become mothers, and anxious to avoid the pains, distress and dan gers of childbearing,'are earnestly entreated to calm their fears, allay their nervousness, and soothe their way by the use of this most extraordinary vegetable production. Those who will candidly observe its virtues, must approve of it in their hearts every kind and affectionate husband will feel it his most solemn duty to alleviate the distress his wife is exposed to, by a safe and certain rorbl(]s i method which is by thc use of this .Mother's Relief. Keep Your Feet Dry. Remember, that to preserve health, the feet should be kept dry, and the Oil of Tan nin renders luather water proof and doubles its durability. Alsouaed for harness and carriage tops. Comstock Sf Co.'s Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla. For the curc of Scrofula, Chronic Rheu matism, General Debility, Cutaneous dis eases, Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, Tetter, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Liver Af fections, Mercurial and Syphilas Diseases, Biles from an impure habit of the body, Ul cerations of the Throat and Leg, Pains and Swelling of tho Bones, and all Discuses ar riving from an impure state of the Blood, ex posure and imprudence in life,excessive use of mercury &c. This sarsaparilla is warranted positively as good a? any other (that can be made at one dollar,) at just half the price of those so much advertised, and as strong, viz: 50 cts. per bottle, or six bottles for $2,50. Re member to ask for Comstock's sarsaparilla and take no other. Have also on hand a complete assortment of Soaps and Perfumery, which will be sold lower thru al any other house in the United States for cash. 0^—All ibe above named articles are sold only genuine by Comstock and Brother. 69 Second street .St. Louis, and Comstock Ac Co. Courtland «t. New York, Proprietors.— for sale by TIMOTHY MASON DOCTOR EASTERLY'S MEDICINES, DR. EASTERLY'S NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT, For the cure of RHEUMATISM, BRUIS ES, SPRAINS, CORKES, GALLS, CUTS and WOUNDS. Thie excellent Liniment has been prepar ed with great care from the most choice and valuable medicines found in the Materia Mcdica, to make a powerful and efficient remedy for the above iseases, It can be stifofy recommended in all cases where a LINIMENT is applicable, and much supe rior to any otliPr in use. Persons suffering with any RHEUJlA Price 25 cents per Bottle. PREPARED and SOLD Wholesale and Retail by DR E. EASTERLY, South East corner of Third and Chestnut streets, St. Louis, Mo. and for Sale by T. MASON Druggist. Ag-ent for Dubuque, Iowa. READ READ !—D'- LANE'S Vermifuge for expelling WORMS!—Aston ishing CURE! ''Feeling it to be a duty due to my fellow beings,. I lay before them a fact which took place not long since. Last fall I called on Messrs. Ilyrold & Co. of W illiamstown, N. Y. for some Worm medicine, and they recommended Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge, or Worm specific. 1 took a bottle home and gave a dose to a child about six years old, and to my great astonishment it brought QO away 83 worms. I soon alter gave another dose to the same cnild, which brought away about 50 more, making some 130 worms in about 12 hours. 1 have given to other of my children very effectually, aud can cheer fully recommend it to all. A PII ET C. ALLEN. Third and Chestnut Street*, St. Louis Mo. Wholesale Agent for the Northern States, an( sa u (XCT' 1'* MASON Druggist, Whole- Agent for Dubuque Iowa. the statements, we would earnestly invite them to call and examine the numerous un- "J^EYEIl and AGUE, Chills and Fever solicited certificates of remarkable curcs The best REMEDY EVER KNOWN wrought by thi* salve. It lias for months to MAN.—For the CURE of Fever and past been sold upon the following liberal Aguu, Dumb Ague, Chill Fever, Intermit terms, to wit—If the user was not perfectly i tent and Remittent Fevers, and the various satisfied, and even delighted with its effects, forms of Bilious diseases, is WYNKOOP'S and furthermore, if it did not fully answer i TONIC MIXTURE. Its powers have been our recommendations, their money was re- fully tested, and its fruits are the gratifying turned immediately at their request. On evidence of what is hero asserted. It is also these terms, this absolute heal -all is now equally effectual for the cure of Liver Com sold, and we simplv ask if the public can de- pliant, Jaundice and Enlargement of the mand any thing more reasonable. Kind pa- Spleen, called Ague Cake. We earnestly rent keep it constantly on hand, in cases of invite tho attention of the public to the accident by fire life may be lost without it,: greatest remedy ever yet known for this pur but by its use ail burns are subject to its con- pose. Remember Wynkoop's Compound Tonic Mixture, is warranted to cure perma nently any of the above diseases, or tho mo ney will be refunded to the purchaser. 0^7= Price $1 CO per Bottle, or Bottles for $5 00. OCT For Sale by DR. E. EASTERLY, and Southeast Corner of Third and Chesnut Hts. St. Louis, Agent for tho West, and by MASON Iowa. ble noises like the buzzing of insects, falling the attention of mothers and nurses and con of water, whizing of steam, which aresymp- aider they will do well to retain it in their toms of approaching deafness. Many per- families. S. STEWART, M. D. eons who have been deaf for ten, fifteen or Corner Third and Queen Streets. twenty years, and were subject to use ear-' PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 13th. 1847. trumpets, have, aller using one or two bot-j Dr. Keeler:—At your request, I have ties thrown aside these trumpets, being tried your Cordial in my own family, as well made perfectly well. It has cured cases of as in several instances, upon those I have Druggist, Agent for Dubuque, Glad Tidings of Great Joy I bring to you and ail Mankind! I READ, never give3 Pain, and Never leaves one cos- dy CURE of Diarrluca. Dysentery, Chole llcpH Ira Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Colic, Flat For all theso things it is warranted, une-! ulency, S c., and for tho many derange qualled, and all who do not find it so, may return the bottle and get their money.— Coinstock Sr Co., Proprietors, 69 Second si. St. Louis. MOTUEUS, FATHERS. NURSES, I CUAKDIAK8, One and All, what, others I say of DR. lCEELER'S CORDIAL ami! CARMIjYATlfES'or the radical and spee- menls of the Stomach and Bowels, from I E N E E I I I N [PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY.] This will certify, that 1 have examined Dr. Keeler's Cordial Carminative, and have ascertained its component parts, and consid er it a good family medicine, and worthy had occasion to prescribe for, and am highly pleased with it^ operation,and have no doubt it will ere long bccome one of the most pop ular remedies for affections of the stomach and bowels, of the present day. With the best wishes for its 6uecess, be lieve me, Yours truly, SANFORD BELL, M. D. late Surgeon U. S. Army. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, north west corner Third and South, and Third and Cireen streets, Philadelphia. Price i25cents per bottle. For sale by DR. EASTERLY, south east corner of Third and Chesnut streets. Agent for St. Louis. For sale by T. MASON Druggist, Agent fur Dubuque Iowa. Dr. Upham's Vegetable Electuary, or In ternal REMEDY FOR THE PILES, Triumphant! 50,000 Cases Cured the past year. This Medicine is warranted to cure all cases jjiles, either bleeding or blind, internal or external, and all injlamatsry dis eases, found in conjunction with the piles— such as Chronic Dysentery, Weakness and inflamation of the Spine, Falling of the bow els, womb, &c., that females particularly aie subject t.o, under peculiar circumstances for which many certificates could be giver. a speedy and effectual cures—but delicacy ie publication, »u.~ Severe and Habitual Costiveness, Flow of blood to the Head, Ulcerations, Fistulas, Inflamation of the Stomach, find of speedy cure in Dr. UPHAM'S ELECTUARY. It is au internal remedy, and cures by its action on the bowels and blood, the relaxed state of Which is the cause of the above named diseases. Universal Commendation. From every city, town and village, where Dr. Upham's Vegetable Pile Electuary has been introduced, the most gratifying intel ligence of its effects have been received by thc Proprietor. In hundreds of instances it has triumphed over cases which were deem ed incurable. £3- For Sale by DR. T. MAHON, Drug gist, Agent for Dubuque, Iowa:—GREEN & BROTHER, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. FARMERS' HOME. The Undersigned would rcspcctfullyinform the travelling public, that ho has taken the House formerly occupied by Mr. Henry Pfort ser,on Main Street, where heintends to keep a BOARDING HOUSE. He assures thc public, that no efforts on his part, will be left untried to give perfect satis faction to all who may favor hiin with their patronage. The house has undergone thorouhg repairs, which renders it equal to any in the City, in point of comfort and convenience. Attached to tho premises is excellent Stabling. In short, every thing necessary toconductsuch an establishmenthas been provided. 100 Dubuque Iowa, PETER KIIONE. April 15,1840. no 31 y GALLONS .Alcohol for salo by T. MASOJV. tote THEJamesL. undersigned having this day sold out to Langworthy his entire Stock of Merchandise, at No. 99, Main Stroet, Du buque, would respectfully requost all who have claims against him, to presei't them for settlement and all persons who arc indebted to him, will please call at the office of James L. Langworthy, No. 99, Main Street, and set tle their accounts. TDubuque TIC affection are earn estly advised to make an early application of this Liniment, and they will find them selves sooner relieved by it than by arij1 other medicine now in use. IIE undersigned liavo opened an office at for the transaction of a Genera Land Agency business for tho State of Iowa.— They will take charge of Real Estate, attend to the sale and purchase of Lands, and to the paymont of Taxes in the several counties in the State. Information will be afforded to emigrants & other persons desirous of purchasing lands of suitable locations, freeoj charge. All persons having land or claims to." sale, will find it to their advantage to place the Balnc our care for sale, as we have arrangements Wii! agents in various parts of tho United States and Eu rope, whlc'i will give us great facilities in dis posing of Land. Wo will also make entry of Lands for set tlers, and give time for the payment of the pur chase money. Military Land Warrants for sale on reason able terms. UrOflice over F. C. &. E. II. Smith's store, adjoining officc of Geo. L. Nightingal c, Esq. JOHN A.HOLLAND. THOS. D. LLOBERTSON REFERENCES: Gen. Warner Lewis, 1 ,, Gen. Goo. W. Jones, Dubuque. Gcq Nj htingaiC) Esq Thos. Primrose, Esq., 5 H. W. Lcffingwcll, Ogdcn & Joues, )«,. A. Brand & Co. Clilt:a&0- Macy & Briggs, Detroit. Dubuque, March 14, 1848. AMBOY, July 28th. 1847. Price 25 cents per Box. WOOT PHI TS Tor Sale by DR. E. EASTERLY, at W KJVLJ IvUI^luO. the City Family Medicine Store, Corner of U V MANILLA ings 60 quires blank account books containing from 1 to 4 qrs. 5 quires blank bills Lading copy and Memorandum books 15 reams Letter und writing paper 2 dozen cards Gillot's Vic toria and eagle steel Pens: 5 gross common i ens and holders 500 best oiled Goose Quills Cedar pencils wafers scaling \vax and a vari ety of other articles, all of which we will sell iow n42 WM. LAWTIIER & CO. H. C. FELLOW'S. T1 T© IF With a first-rate assortment of C. WAFIiES. HAVINGcity Such as are wanted in this country. May W, 1348. EIGHT #NT§ S. M. LANGWORTHY. Dubuque, 26th Feb. 1849. 27-tf. LAND AGENCY. Pby ROBERTSON & HOLLAND, Land agents. Jt $ Bedient & Green, Cincinnati. TI?M n V iq afl .)Q TMLRBON & SHIELDS. ROoP—•$, 4, i and 1 inch plough lines, ii 37 n 1 n v chalk lines, and bed cords B. J. O'HALLORAN. 03-JUST received for ths use of Invalids, a supply of Libby's Tonic Bitters, also a choice article of Wine and Brandy, for the use of the sick. Apply at the good old drug establishment of the subscriber. seDtl TIMOTHY MASON. N1SW ARRIVAL. M' BOOKS AND STATIONARY. 'G UFFEY'S Eclectic Its, 2d, 3rd and 4th Readers Frost's United States history Smith's arithmetic do. Grammars Walker's Dictionary Elementary spelling Books West ern sonps'ier Peter Pindar's works Lockhart's "-^h day of Atyril, I8b8 but subject to re life of S'ir Walter Scott Goldsmith's animated ncwal by a unanimous vote of the members Nature: Poetical works of Rogers, Campbell, f° Montgomery, Lamb, and Kirke White thirty 1 dozen children's Toy Books and Primmers of directors to be elected annually on the first various kinds 5 dozen Lithographed Engrav- Monday in June, and a President, Secretary, and Surveyor appointed by Die Directors. Box common smoking and oheW ing tobacco for sale by n24 W. LAWTHER & CO. CROCKERY—agoodcups Qtiestioii Settled any doubt has heretofore existed as to the capability of Dubuque Merchants to sell Goods at lower prices than those of an)' other place north of St. Louis, be that doubt forever dispelled, by the announcement of the fact that, the undersigned have purchased the excellent stock of Goods of CURTIS & WAITE and are now prepaied to tell to Country Merchants, Farmers, and others, upon such terms as cannot fail to please. The stock of Goods above refered to, was selected this pres ent Fall, in the city of Philadelphia, by Mr. John II. Curtis, a gentleman of experi ence and good laple, expressly for this market and consists of Fresh, Seasonable5 Staple and Faiicy Dry Goods, HATS & CAPS BOOTS $ SHOES HARDWARE AND QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES Including every article for family use,* to which the patronage of the public is ro* spectfully solicited. Having resided for many years in Dubuque, the undersigned believe they are suf ficiently acquainted with the wants of the people, in this section of country, to ena ble them to make the proper selection of Goods and their object will be to accomo date and please those who may favor them with thoir patronage. Many have been the complaints of the Farmers, and some of the city customers, on account of tho lack of a general assortment, adapted to the wants of our varied population but, re lying on the confidence and support of a generous community, we hope to remove those complaints, and proclaim to the world, that, like tho old worn out despotic dy nasties of Europe, THEY ARE PASSING AWAY! Dubuque, Dec. 5th, 1848. No. 76, Main Street. WAPLES & ZIRKLE purchased the interest of Peter Waplcs in theStore, would inform their friend in the and country, and the public generally, that the business will bo continued as heretofore. Our Stock will be kept up as large as usual. The present stock on hand will be sold off very cheap for cash or produce, so as lo make room for tho FALL. AND WINTER STOCK. We respectfully invite all those who wish to purchase GOODS, to give us a call for our present stock will be sold very low, as our P. WAPLES leaves for tho east ern cities in a few weeks, to purchase our FALL und WINTER GOODS. We have now on hand a FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS! DRY GOODS Ready-Made Clothing GROCERIES and BOOTS QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE assortment of com mon plates, dishe?, and 6auceer8» pitchers, &c. S'C.. for sale by n42 W. LAWTHER & CO, DOZEN Painted water pailsfor sale by I n42 W. I.AWTIIER & CO. MANILLA ROPE—0 coils, from i in to I in. thick a few bed doz. cords and Plow lines bv W. LAWTHER & CO. SALERATUS—250 pounds for sale by n42 W. LAWTHER $- CO. RESSED TUMBLERS—36 dozen for Bale W. LAWTHKR $" Co. 10 DOZEN BROOMS for sale by n42 W. LAWTIIER & co. 30 KEGS NAILS for sale by n42 W. LAWTIIER &. co. 20 ACKS Ground Alum and fine salt,for sale by W LAWTHEER & Co fl SACKS Rio Coffee for sale by V u42 W. LAWTIIER co. Fkinds IVE dozen Scythes and Snatfis of various V by n 12 W. LAWTAER &. ca. BACON—just received a fow hhd» of sups- rior Bacon for sale cheap by jy22n45 W. LAWTIIER &. co. |IFTY barrels Kan salt for sale by je30n42 W. LAWTHER $ CO\ BOXES Imperialand Gunpowdertea JLU for sale by W. LAWTHER & CO. by St. Louis, A N W A A N S e e a n W a rants, for 160 acres of land each, for sale septl2 WM. LAWTHER & CO. FFeathers -n 27 lbs BATHERS.—800 lbs. prime live Geeso for sale by the subscribers, septl2 '48. WM. LAWTHEA & Co. N O I E ISFire hereby given, that the Dubuque Mutual Insurance Company has been incorpo rated under the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, en titled, "an act to authorize general Incorpo rations," for the purpose of mutually insuring dwelling houses, stores, shops, and other build ings, house-hold furniture and other property of its members. The capital stock incorporated, consists of the deposited premium notes of its members, I subject to assessment for the payment of loss es'and expenses. Two and a half per cent on the amount of jthedeposite premium notes is actually paid I in when the articles of Incorporation are signed and insurance effected by eveiy mem ber, and the remainder is to be paid whenev i er the Directors shall make assessment on said i notes te pay losses and expenses, Tho association comnienccd its corporato iexistence on the 26th day of April 1848, which will expire by limitation of law on the ril 'ike period of twenty years. Ihcofhccrs thc company consists of a Board of twelvo C. II. BOOTH, Prcs't. M. MOBI.EY, Scc'y. 1)1 RKCTORS, C. II. Booth, J. P. Farley, J. L. Langworthy, J- C. Weatherby, F. V. Goodrich, Richard Bonson, W. S. Gilliam,Jno. G. Shields, P, A. Lorimicr, Wm LaiVthcr, Peter Waplcsi M. Mobley. JONAS VOUNO. FELLOWS & YOUNG. SHOES A S A N A S IRON AS» HAILS Leather and Salt, SADDLES, BRIDLES, AND IIORStf COLLARS and every other article that is wanted in the country Please call and see us, at the old stand, on the corner of the Waplca House, for our prices shbll not fail ttf plcaso. R. C. WAPLES E. P. ZIRKLE. I E. i F. ZIRJCLB. ,/