CITY COUNCIL. Monday Night, July 30.—Proscnt, the Mayor, Aldermen Gunn, Hardic, Nonnau, &. Powers. The resolution of tho previous session, rela tive to the road from tho Magazine to the Wext ern limit of the City, was reconsidered, and a committee, consisting of Aldcnnen Gunn and Powers, appointed to confer with the property holders upon the road, and to report at tho next meeting. A petition for opening of Eighth street to the wettcrr. limit of City, laid on tho table. The City Attorney guve an opinion, that the Council hud no power to tax ''Hucksters." Thomas D. Jack was granted the exclusive privilege of collecting the drift wood from the Islands, until the 1st of April next, in consid eration of one dollar paid by hiin. Several Bills were presented and allowed. FARRIS, who shot Ilarvey at Mineral Point was committed by the justice, on the charge of murder. The Island Depot at Panama.—Howard, Aspinwall & Co. have Belccted the Island ofTabago, nine miles from Panama as a Depot for their steamers. The leland is small, 3 miles by 2-haa an excellent har bour, well protected. Docks, Hotels &c., will soon be built. The Island is said to be beautiful, well watered, and abounding in tropical fruits. There are two hundred in­ habitants upon it. THE CALEDONIA.—Thissteamer, due be fore the arrival of the Niagara, bus reach ed Boston. She brings no important news, except it be an improvement in the Euro pean Markets. Prices have advanced in colton and bread6tuffs. The Europainnj soon be expected, when something may probably be learned of the progress of affairs in Hungary, and also in Rouie' FATHER MATHEW 31 9 AT WORK.—On Tluitsduy Father Mathew commenced giving the pledge to hid countrymen in the basement of the Ca tholic Church in Court-street,Brooklyn. Denso crowds upon him. lie addressed them in an affectionate manner, on the benefits of lotal abstinence, and the value of the pledge. About a thousand took the pledge from him, in groups of from five to twenty and thirty. It reminded one of the scenes of Limerick and Waterford in 1840. lie continued his work through yes terday, and will go on giving the pledge there until Tuesday. It s calculated that from 3,000 to 10,000 in that city will take the pledge. [N. Y. Tribune. ©lie 3£oi*thtue0tlrfn democrat, (Published Weekly in the City of Dubuque.) 0*This Paper, having now a largo circula tion among the German population of Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and other States, the un dersigned would most respectfully call the at tention of Merchants and Business men to it, who will find it an excellent and desirable me dium through which to communicate their bu siness to the Public. TIIIS V. HANF, Dubuque, Iowa. S O U W E S E 1 1 N 12 MOST MAGNIFICENT AND RY EXTRAORDINA­ ESTABLISHMENT, under the direction ol'S. Q,. STOKES, new in all its departments, having been fitted up expressly for the cam puign up tho Mississippi, will exhibit at Bidlcvue, Jackson co., on Friday. July 27th at Dubuque, on SaLurday, 128th at Potosi, Wis cousin, on Monday, 30th at Cassvillc, Wis on Tuesday, 31st at Prairie du Chien,on Wed nesday, August 1st at Guthenburg, Clayton co., on Thursday, Aug. 2d and again, on their return, at Dubuque, on Friday, August 3d and ut Galina, onSatuiday, Aug. 4th, 1819. The Pavilion is very spacious, capable of hold ing 3000 persons comfortably. STARK'S CELEBRATED BRASS BAND will be in attendance to cheer and enliven the audience with their soul-cheering notes. Tho following array of artistes presents the greatest galaxy of equestrian talent ever exhib ited in the American Arena, viz: Messrs. Eaton Stone, Bill Luke, tho Clown W O Dal®, A .Levi, tho Jew of Grenada: At Lyming, Wm Kelly and Son, Wm Rockfo/d^ M'Cartee, Stokes, M'Furland, Thomas Nunn, Mrs Luke, Mrs Stark, Mrs Stone, Miss Stark, Misters Car'oe and Kelly, with Bill LakeVce iebratcd DOGS, and many other attrq«t4«tQfi: Mich as the great GIANT, over 9 feot high, i.nd weighing 1000 pounds, and JACK THE' GIANT KILLER. Q3*Perforniance to commence at 2 o'clock^ v. M. Admitance—Box, 50 cents Pit, 25 cts July 25, 184!) 47-2t. Luke Waters ano Petition fo^ Thomas Waters, vs: John Waters, ct al. BY 1111 on forparti tioji^tnjti dingf Cou/t of DuhuqaeCe. Iowa. y*, ^inttde virtue of an order q(, at the late term thereof, will door Signed procccd to sell, at publie-ifo^fcA^fttthe of the Court House of said county/Hi 1$. o'clock, A. on the 1st day »f September nexfi^ between the hours of JtO p'$lod'k A« clock P. M., the lollqwmg described, tiituale in said county, Vrgt-Alitteral according to the plat of Mineral Lujj file in the office of thoT'lerfc of'tfcjl County Commissioner* of said cob said plat was made by said Cffuntfj of law,) and whichJft'd Jot, ly bounded and de^pb^4 Buid. U' V "5^'^ Terms sale, Cash in hand.' C. H. BQOTI JAS. L^AN? Oil .PALMER, Comfhiasid July 30, 1849. 48-3t. Wi'son &. Smith Atty's for Pi SHERIFF PSA Ralph Mead & Co. Y J. P. Evans. to mo directei the District Court in am] tor the buque and State of Iowa, again6 will, on the 30th day of Aug.uaf between the hours of ten o'eiockT'lir __ noon, and six o'clock in the afternoon.^ day, at the door of the Court House jp county, expose to public sale," the follpttln^' described Real E.-itato, situate in the City of Pubuquc, marked and numbered on the Gov ernment plat of said City, to wit. Lot twenty five, (25) with all the appurtenances thercub 1» belonging, tosatisfy said Writ,as lam there in commanded. W. G. STEWART, Sh'ff D. C. Aug. Gth. 1849. 48-3t.—Pre. Fee $2.00 SHJERJFf SALE. JVIorley & Hyde j) Y virtue of an Execu r- VS «r tion, or order of sale, Evens & Watkins. to mo directed, issued by the District Court in and for the county of Dubuque and State of Iowa, against defend ant. 1 will, on the 30th day of August, A. D. 1849, between the hours of Jen o'clock ii) the forenoon and six o'clock in tJjo afternoon of that day, at tho door of the Court House in Jttid county, expose to public salo tho follow ing described Real Estute, situate in the City .of Dubuque, marked and pumberpd on the tGovernment plat of said City, to wit( Lottwen lv fivo, f25) with all the appurtenances there unto belonging, id satisfy said Writ, as 1 am .tjierein commanded. W. G.STEWART, Sh'ITD.C. PAPER, TYPE, AND CARDS. CO&TPR'S PATENT WJUTEV 6. a MIMSI & CO. 203 Lake Street, Chicago, RE constantly receiving all kinds of Print ing, Writing, and Wrapping Papers, from the best Eastern manufactories, of tho best qualities, which they will sell at eastern whole sale prices. They have olso on hand a large assortment of Printers' Cards, oT all sizes and qualities, which they offer for sale at extreme ly low pricoo. Tl.oy will su»jly Printers with type, cases, stands, chases, rules,, & c., as cheap as the same articles can be pur chased in Now York or Boston. They are also agents for McCrary's Printing Inks. PRINTING PAPER. From the well-known mill of Younglow, Iloyt & Co., Cleveland, of all sizes and in any quan tity. This paper is noU-d for the firmness of its texture, and for its whiteness and beauty. Printers and Publishers of newspapers supplied constantly with paper of any size, and at all seasons of the year. Book Papers of tho best qualities from the best mills in New England, for sale in any quanliLv and at low prices. WRITING AN L) WRAPPING PAPERS. Of every description constantly on hand, and for sale cheap. PERKINS' PRINTING CARDS Of all sizes and colors, in packs or sheets, from the manufactory of E L. Perkins, Boston, con stantly on hand. These card* are pronounced ly eabtern printers to be the bestand cheapest made. TYPE. CASES, AC. G. II.•& Co. will furnish newspapers and job officcs with every articlo necessary as cheap as they can be bought in New York or Boston Book and Fancy Type, Borders, Rules, Leads, sticks, galleys (wood or brass) stands, cases, furSiture, chases, and all necessary articles lor a Printing Office, supplied cheap, and war ranted the best kinds. McCRARY'S CELEBRATED PRINTING INKS. These Inks are pronounced by the larg lishcrs in New York to be the best Ink* market. For sale in aiu^. quantity. Good News Ink,"-"^ ROTARY CONCAVE BEATER CHURN. THE UNDERSIGN ED, having been appointed agent tor the sale of the above churn, in this county, is now prepared to supply the farming community with the best article over made for converting milk into butter. The principle upon which this chum is constructed is a philo sophic one, and its great advantage over the common dasher or the barve! churn, will bo appa rent upon examination into the principle involved in tho execution of each kind of cburt). ,fn the old-fashior.ed churn, and all the SO CALLED IMPROVEMENTS upon it, butter is produced in a longer or shorter time, according to the quality of the cream or milk, SOLELY BY AGITATION of the contents of the chum while in the CONCAVE BEATER CHURN in addition to the mechanical action of the beater upon the milk, a constant supply of atmos phere air is forcibly carried through the cream or milk at every revolution, thus bringing into contact with every portion of the milk, ihe oxygen upon the chcmical combination of which, with it, the formation of butter depends. The following are believed to constitute the advantages of this Churn overall others in use. 1. That, although embodying a great philosophic principle, it is the most simple churn ever invented. 2. That it is the most convenient, useful, and substantial. 3. That the labor is infinitely less (ban with any other. 4. That it will never fail to make good butter. 5. That it will make butter from fresh milk in from 5 to 10 minutes. 6. That it will make butter from some milk in from 4 to 8 minutes. 7. That it will maso butter from any unskimmed milk in from 5 to 15 minutes. 8. That it will make butter from cream and milk prepared in the old way, in from 3 to 6 minutes, some less time. 9. That it will make more butter out of the same quantity of milk than any other churn or process. A host of testimonials from tho Kentucky and Missouri presses, in which, with other Stales, these churns aro superseding al! others, adduced to show the value of the article, but this is considered unnecessary, as one trial cannot fail to convince those most wedded to the old, laborious, uncertain and vexatious mode of butter-making, of its vast superiority. Any infringement of the patent will be promptly prosecuted by the Patentee. For sale by Dubuque, July 25 1849. 47-3t. WOODWARD &. BRO. at the Empire Store 4 ,rdQ Book do -v Y ^irtue of a D&d EdWard Jones horded in the lJecord^o^W shail, on Satur at^^'clo^ front 40c Fine do do 50c Light Red Ink, 81.00 Extra do do 1.50 Extra Fine iedJ,nk, 2.00 ?V"v^Fine Light Blii^sdto ,75 Eitra do do do 1.50 do Dark do do 1.50 W.c will sell any of the above articles at the ch.eapcst rates for- cash, wheat, or approved credit. For wi#l flgpr aTtrolfcsat^sAah pric P. M., with all the improvements, thereon. Tho above lands are said to-be valuables. WILLIAM y. LOVEI»L, Trusted. Dubuque, July 25, J849. 47-2t ESTRAY COW. STRAYED August I, A' p. 1849. 48-31, fr»^wj®S 00A A fiwt-rate lot of 10 Sdtlt, not factory .• V made, for sale -f.'P CASTINGS, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, CUT LERY GROCERIES & LIQUORS: ILL ITTLLV No. 88, IVIain-Strcef, Dubuque. T«rc by from tho subscriber's premi&os, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, eight weeks ago, a very light red colored Cow, with whito star, on her forehead, and a little whito about her belly and feet—well made animal, and handsome horns—about 5 years old. She is eupposod to have calvcd about the time of her straying off. Any one returning said cow to tho subscriber, shall receive a reward of Three Dollars, and charges, if any. undersigned having permanently es tablished nunooif on BRASSfrom SiO a 256 C'Chains, p» »n(rt|ae, ^ill be paiavior. ^t cash prices, tha amqUni of tbeir bearing rth-wcgt nortj^ frfrY_TirC6e of a Deed of Trusir «»futed by m^ iTl^inat^Iealy 4Q the sufr&ra^, ^dateftiic 99ifi day of*DeeeD)ber««r A'^r *tid rccordet4l the1l'Ecoitipr,« OAetppnit: buque co^nti^ I»tt^ i cliall, on S*tu^y%t1|e 11th day of xwttliNaext, 2 o'clock.PjM. of that day, ^jtiticCed tortlI, at the front door pf the Court Hfepsc of Dafaiuqae bounty, at public sale, for crfsh, to the highest bidder, the follow ing tract of Land, viz. the south-east quarter of section No. nine, In Township No. eighty nine, north of range No. on« ?ast of tho fifth RICHARD PLUMBE. Duquque, July 28, 1849. 48-2t, SASH! SASH! 3 LYR JNO. SIMPLOT. ''0fk Main-Street, in the City of Duimque, a few doors nurihut the City Hotel, intends keeping constantly, a large and general assortment of the above articles, all of which will be sold as low as the market will afford, either for cash or country produce but as he has adopted the READY PAY system, he hopes no one will think hard, or be insulted, by being refused Goods on time. IIE 13 ALSO KEEPING A STORE IN CASCADE, consisting of a general assort inent of such Goods as arc needed in that place, where ho will sell Goods at Dubuque prices, (hauling added,) on heavy articles. JOHN SIMPLOT. Dubbque. April 3d, 1K1D. 31-6in. PAILS.—Brass Pails or Kettles all sizes one to six gallons for sale low by (HASTINGS.—Kettles, NO. SlMl'LOT. Pots, Fire Irons, &,c. v Skil lets, Ovens, for sale by JNO. SI SIPI.OT. RUSHES, Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Dusting, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Cloth, llair arid Shoe Brushes in rcat variety, for sale very low by JNO. SIMPI.OT. RON & STEEL.—50 Tons assorted Iron and Steel for sale Wholesale or Retai) by JNO.SiaiPLOT. AILS &, GLASS.—All -sorts and sizes? •goneJlflly usebin th s^fcofiflntry, -^for-sale $ low by JNO. Siwrf.oT- Ltyv IQUORS^of every "»je*pr*ption and qgali oonetantly on tiandy%nd for sale low J. SLMPLOT- IHA1NS Log Chains, i racc-drainst Ltc Hal tar Cniains and Dog Chains hand ond for sale by ., «#o." SiMPr.o HieTIKmi^nieJili Is oo% Eftt surpaased^by tho Cityc: 'His. list of IRON is now~I*rg ^ory completeJa^Assorlment—he hastfri hand 50 ons co ROUNDandother.Spado*, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING Fresh Arrival of New Goods* Fashionable making up garments 1 MORE NEW GOODS! 1IIE undersigned has his Stock with i- FRESII A7VD SrASONABLE assorted Irofi GerijiJCb, ^«, Skilfet«, Prt on*'^ JNO SHDWJT. zep^fi^^Qle. Anvils do^Yifces,' as3ort«#s}ats V a««o»fed ^a^nie^rst iwnos, ia iiisburtfh IwEcWm.,, ^JjL firs^r&to arHele^'ou ha'ndand t#r a, Mnb.. Sti SCYTHER AN5 DOZ. Grass aud GralnScyth^sji for sate by' 3sor and «quare point Shovels, steal HoeS,' arfd without hundlea Hoy 4 Matiin/,cJF®rksillal«f4 &c., in store ad4. forW IdjyJjy 0|§g* INSEED CHVWtale Tanner's OiL in store and for s*te by J#0. SlM^JUOT. V Fisit. White Fish' Maekerfll. Codfish, and Her rings: also, Sa|4iffta, Oysters, and Lob- JNO. sters, for sale by !J»0 CONSTANTLY rp i assortment of Fashionable Goods, suita ble for the Spring and Summer Season, con sisting of superfine French, German, and Eng-1 Boots and Shoes, Leather and Findings also, iisli black and fancy colored Cloths Frcnch i Fur and Silk Hats of the latest eastern styles Doeskin, Funcy and Ribbed Gussirncre Eng- A I O I N S. H. Dunn, HAS His manner of cutting is of the latest and most approved style. All garments warrcntod to fit and to give satisfaction." i Apr. 17 1849. 3.1-6m THEsubscriber 1 where he will keep on hand a full assortment o jFi'tsli «intj Cftciuuuc Articles, and charge the lowest pricc. He will give parf ticular attention to the compounding of Family Medicines, of Physicians, or private recipes, [in English, German, or French,] or of any other pharmaceutical chemical preparation. A thorough knowledge of Drugs and Medi cines. and the experience of many years as \pothceary, as well as practicing Physician, will, lie trusts, assist him in his endeavors to merit the confidence and patronage of his fel low citizens." H. OS ENG ART EN, M. D. Main-street, fbe/ovv Mo/ony's Store.] Dubuque, May 16, !849 37-3ms T. H. A VAN A Also, well-sected assortment of white and shoes desired pnd as for men's fine and coarse fancy Shirts, Collars, Cravats, stocks, Scarfs, I Boots and Shoes, and boys', and Misses', and Suspenders, Braces, and Hose. children's sh es in short, my stock for quality The above Goods have been selected with and variet}', is second to no other in the West especial reference to the Spring and Summer Trade and the attention of the Public gener ally, is respocttfully invited to his Goods,which will be made to order in the most fashionable and workmanlike manner. CHARLES TAYLOR. Main-street, a few doors above Waplcs House. June 6th, 1849. 40 6m All persons wishing work done in iiis line, at reasonable prices and in the neatest man. their line, kept constat nor, are invited to call at his establishment. ,, *«,' n most reasonable terms, i unu«^ All orders will be most promptly executed, ... .. and in such a manner"as to please even the UGH, ORNERAL (Hommtssston antt iFortoavUtntj ISILIITSOAJ Commercial Street May 1G, 184!. near Vine,] St. Louis, I\Io. 37 .'5 ms CLOTHING STORE. I TAKE pleasure in inviting my friends and customers to inspect tho New and Fashion- STOCK OF CLO THING, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods which I am juit receiving and I would assure them, at the same time, that a better selected one, cannot be found in this city. My Goods are well manufactured, and for quality of material and nicety of cut, cannot be excelled. .My stock is complete I Imvo this season received a sufficient assortment, to enable me to dispose of iny entire stock during this season—it being my intention to close my business] here, as soon as I can, as 1 am destined for California, where better prices can be obtained lor such a good stock as 1 a in in tho habit of keeping. Such bding my determination, you may depend up 'on great inducements, and iny giving GREAT BARGAINS.. Then, my readers, is it not your duty, ...To buy from Connelly's mart of beaut}'? "^Y'es! flfy house deserves your aid, •-Being the choicest in the trade The Garments which I always soil, Will make you look extremely well. T. CONNELLY. Philadelphia Clothing Store, Main, between tffil SPSOES SHOVELS AND -mbjrd (?i and e^jMbse^. ,Two att^^ialf in Whm toe-^rt |bign«Mliii«iri ber, anl^tfr^' Oil, L*r«r+Oil and & at .ex 26th newal for a like o0fei!tcoWpa directors *10 SiMPtoT. STONE WAJELE. 50Qpgalions assarted Stone Ware for tale by '•*, SL^PI-OT.. laMPWT 1 ass .Hanging^ Lamps, and chimney's side Lamps also. Lard and German Lariips, for sale by .INO. SnifrtoT. COTTON YARN & GARPET CHAIN, v or. hand, and for sale by JNO SIMPLOT. lAnnseed Oil Spts. Turpentine, large supply of these articles, just rec\l A FRESH SUPPLY AT THE Sign of flic Big Boot THE Hsh and American black and fancy Cassimeres Hats. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to Black and Fancy Satins, Bacathed and Flor- call and see for themselves. The Ladies will cntine, silk Vesting, and a great variety of I remember, that at the Shoo Store can be had Linen and Marseilles Vestings. I the latest eastern styles, and any quality of subscriber has just received from the East, a large and splendid assortment of and a large ass jrtincnt of Leghorn and Palm therefore the country and town people are rc spcctfully invited to call and examine for them selves, and the subscriber feels assured that lliey buy. Country Merchants wishing Boots and Shoes by the case or dozen, ean be accom modated My motto is, that "the nimble pic ayune is better than a slow bit," and will there fore sell cheap. Don't forget the Shoe Store —and remember the sign of the "Bis UPON Fourth'and Fifth Streets. Dubuque May 8,1849. 36-tf ^S^RANK SMITH'S TOBACCO. BOXES of this fivorite Tobacco, for sale by F. C. & E. H. SMITH. PRINTS. PI EGfES ifaincy Pri^ta^faandapnie styles, foiyialc by C. & mIT11. ^AILS. izes, superior quality1, jmS»ii,jBia«s 8 by 10. for sa F. C. fc E. H. SHU ii tcol'pQrailosr cor y of April .. at ion of lew Q» but shbj«et to" rg ijim vote of the mentbef tty' yearsi^'The officdf ii«ts of a Bou4 of tW^ cfed annually on the-fi«l MoniSay iK'.'Jfli|^knd a Presidiin, ^e«trdtar and SurttojUtitppointed by the D#ec|^f C. H. BOOTH, Pres't, M- IVfoaiitY, Scc'y. DIRECTORS, 1 t. If^Booth, J. P. Farley, J. L. Lt(iigW()rtJ)y, Ji C. vVeatherby, F. V. Goodrich,rRichard Bonson, W. S. Gilliam, Jno. G. Shljpldk^ P, A. Lorimier, Win LaWther, l'etcr Waples, and VI. Mobley. w Window Glass• .'' '$*• A.LL and for sale low by E GILLESPIE lWb.' J649. sises of the best Pittsburgi^WindotW Glass, in store and for sale low,bv ..** 1 Boot DAVID DECKER. June 6. 1849. 30-tf removed to the shop lately occupied by Mr. R. Cox, where he will be happy to wait upon those who may favor him with a call. From the experience he has had for the JL form their friends, and the public gen last ten yeers, in some of the principle Cities erally, that they have this day entered into of the United Slates, lie feels confident he can partnership under the name of CHARLES j^ve perfect satisfaction both in cutting a,nd rpHE undersigned would respectfully in & RiJ-pug MILLER in the CABINET & CU AL li AN UFACTURING BUSINESS, al the old stand of Charles Millar, opposite the Land Office, on Main.street Furniture, Chairs, and all other articles the Wood so or e most fastideous. despatch. We would also state, that wo N. B. I am in the receipt of the latest have purchased of Jacob Lindly his Patent spring and summer fashions for 1849. SW respectfully informs the ci­ tizens of Dubuque and "vicinity, that he has lately opened a rau© §Y©iri lv on bond on w to order, with skill, neatness, Right for making Lindly's Bedsteads, where by we have secured the exclusive right for tho County of Dubuque, Iowa, to manufac ture and vend the aforesaid Redf-teads in said county. All persons, therefore, are cautioned against infringing on our rights, tecured to lis by the aforesaid Patent, as we shall most assuredly prosecute all who do so. CHARLES MILLER, RUFUS MILLER Dubuque, April 24, 1849. 34-ly PROSPECTUS OF THB IOWA PORTRAIT GALLERY. rriHF. undersigned will commence tho pub- J. lication of an Administration paper, at Dubuque, Iowa, on the 1st day of October next, (or sooner, if sufficient encouragemeiit I be given,) to be called the "Iowa Portrait Gallery." The liberal and progressive political doctrines which prevailed in the Presidential canvass of 1848, cannot be mistaken they wiil be zeal ously supported iu this Journal. A liberal system of Internal Improvements, and the great interosts of Labor, Agriculture and Com merce demand, and will receive a large share of the Editor's attention. The '•Portrait Ga.1 lei'iy will be firmly, decidedly, and substan tially Whig it will address itself to the mass les in plain, straight-forward, unmistukable anguagc it will avoid all mystification, and will be worthy of the support of those who have imbibed tho progressive spirit of the age. It will not be subject to the control or dicta tion of any Clique and the mere fact of any public man or men acting with the Whig or any other party, will not prevent iiis or their public acts being discussed in it as they de serve. Extreme u/traisms will be studious/y avoided—the preservation of the L'NION being deemed of paramount importance, and of far greater moment than any question now agita ted by tli-puZitica/ parties of the day. With a view, a/so, to niaUe the paper an acceptab/e fami/y companion, cach number Will contain se/eetions from the most popu/ar Magazines, and the best American authors. In short, it w ill be conducted in the spirit of an cn/arged patriotism, which sha// acknow/edgc no/imits, but those of our own wide-spread Republic The "Portrait Ga//ery" will be printed on adoub/e medium sheet—Pricc, 00 per an nuin, to be paid during the year. All commu nications addressed to the proprietor on busi ness must bo post-paid moderate terms, a well-improved FARM. cons sting of 200 acres—forty of wood, near the flourishing village of Spring field, in Jackson county. There is upon the place, a comfortable framed tl welling house, and a good framed barn. The location hastbe advantages ef schools and mills of various kinds, and altogether is one of the most desi rable locations in this part of the State. Enquire of the undersigned, at Dubuque, or E. Coodenow, at Springfield Dubuque, June 18, 1HI9.—42tf I.. CLARK. FOR SA LIS, A xfirst ratc forty-acre tract of Wood Land, rn.tji'e western part of Dubuque county, not far.from DyersvHle, on the Littlo Maquo keta. L. CLAiiKj Dubuque. June 18, 1849. 42 tf "HYDRAULIC CEMENT. l.0 %arrels VLouisvilic" Cement, for sale fry' Oakum.^ r: Tat.^nd Pitch, in by Mdy_l«t k nek L^Td, fioyCarriagc and grease, for sale bv JNO. ^IMPI.OIV. I839v A. K. EA'IV (EY AND COVNBB1 tl. DELAWARE 1 1849. 46 1 v. W. NOTARY Delhi, D* irk will also tuts. 1*49 JNTlt 11 equlpj Belts,! tlie.lMtdtil^pont tl #iZ4», by tailing at U»V~)«t. 1h40. from E GIWEWIK. r*i ING-GLA? to J^ 2U for sale by -tj. J90. PAMRORE. WE, We take this method of informing the pub lic, that we have, at a great expense, purchas ed the right of the "Trovilie Patent" «f tho proprietor, John Mclntire, Esq., of St. Louis, to be used by us exclusively within the city and county of Dubuque. The above patent-right consists of a new and highly important improvement for the mixing and preparing of whito lead, and all sither colors, applicable to every color without the use of alcalies of any description, whereby a whiter, handsomer, and mote durable paint is produced. The said improvement is now in successful use in most of the large eastern and southern cities, and the right haB been purchased by the U- S. government for the use of the Navy De partment, after having given it a most satis factory and scrutinising trial. IMITATIONS A I GEO. L. NIGHTINGALE Dubuque, June 13, 1849. -41-3111 tho ur dersigned, return our warmest' are sold on agency by E. F. GILLESPIE, thanks to our friends, and the public generally, for the liberal share of patronage] wj have received at their hands for the past 2 yoars, and hope, by strict attention and punc tuality to business, to merit a continuance of such prt.ronage. I All who aro acquainted' with the nature of white lead and oil, know that they have no af finity for each other—that, mix them as tho roughly as possible, they will separate on standing a few hours, tho lead sinking to the bottom, the oil remaining, clcarand pure, on the top.. If, then, anything can bo added to them, h. wit u in u r'ng tho body oith-J pa'nt, will cause the two to. unite, without the power of afterwards soparating. IT MUST BE MADE MORE DURABLK and such is the effect of tins wonderful improvement, unsurpassed in importance by any discovery of thi* progress ive age. All', therefore, desirous of having painting done in an ilegant and durable man ner, and with quick dispatch, will find it to their advantage to consult us at ourshop, over Jones &. Dahoney's, corner of Locust and Sixth streets. BENNETT 9t. I JAR DIE. HAKDIE. of WOOD and MARULB, Maps Mounted and Varnish ed, Society Banners, Badges, Aprons, &c., painted with neatness and dispatch, by BENNETT & IIARDIK. ^10 IOWA. CUT. HE subscriber, owner and proprietor of lie, that ho has taken possession of said estab lishment, and is prepared to accommododatd tho traveling community, transient or regular boarders, and will endeavor to give gereral sa tisfaction. CHAS. J. SWAN. Qj'Connected with the above establishment is a large and extensivo Livery Stable, where strangers can at all times bo accommodated with conveyances to any part of tho country. May 16, 1849. 37-ly. O I N S CLOCK, WATGH MAKER, 1 1 1 IIS moved his establishment a few doors north of his old stand, where he is pre pared to execute all kinds of work in his line, with dispatch. A fine assortment of JEWELIIY on hand, which will be soldchcap for Cash. He is prepared to manufacture Jewelry to order. A share of the patronage of the Public is so lieit.ed. 0°Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. Dubnque, April 3d, 1349. 31-ly. JAMBS MUL.S I1V, WOULD respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has recom menced business in the rooms lately occupi ed by E. M. Bissei!, over the "Chequered Drug Store, on Main street,where he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of their support. Dubuque, May 1,1849. 95-1 y I)!! UGS, MI THIJ[NES7MINI'S, E. F. GILLESPIE, MAIN-STREET, DUBUQUE, IOWA, HASalwayson hand a large stock of Drugs, .Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Spi ees, Soaps, Window Glass, Brushes, Twine Wrapping Paper, Fancy Aarticles, &c. which 1 will warrant to be of the best quality. Persons iu w»nt of any articles in my line, STe requested call, as lain determined to sell theiOjf$ery cheap. gut salo low OWV Wesuppty o ash'boards.iMKJ sil^lo E. F. GILLESPIE. Dubuque. March 5th. 1S49 27-lv SARSAPAiilLLA, PILLS, & POWDERS. AVTE on hand a Mod'* Sarsa [Kirilla s^wriehts. Bra jftothcr suppfy of that superk l^iime, just roceivod and for just My 11,1849. "p ll$k EC.' (Apply of th| Which I will' i^only Agent in IGenuine Medicij .F Gl^LESl lerU for Bc'd a supply of at] wder, and Bjacij 60 pao*, iuin»i f«? sa|Mr« sale tf E. F. GILLE, $ Pure White Lead. lasM Pounds Pure While Lead, in 25, 50, I and 100 lb. kegs, just rencived and for v* "X and 100 lb. kegs, iust received and for .a'e bv t.ViL..M" ^Jaly clth, 1849. E GILl,E8Pltf£ SLOAN'S COLUMN 1 •^Ready-mixed paints kept constantly on ha od for Sale. 7 We, the undersigned, hereby ccrtify., that wo have had painting done for us by Bennett flardie, with paint mixed according to the patent improved plan, and are. of opinion that the said paint is in every way supmv- to any that has heretofore como under our notice^ -for beauty and elegance of finish. Christopher Pelan, lattSmith,. David Jonc?«V J. M, Marsh,* derson. I. N. Hl|bee, II. S. Iletheri ngton A. D. A n HOUSE, SIGN, KAKCY, OBNAMENTAI., and CIIAIIT I'AINTING) PATER HANCING, GILDING, GLAZJNG, &C. by BENNETT & BU*AU Medicines advertised by W. B. Sloan FA"MILY SLOAN'S OINTMENT. OINTMENT is HOW univcrwiHjr/ acknowledged to bean infallible remedy, in every ease where it has been faithfully ap plied on the human system, for promoting In* eensible Perspiration, drawing out the inflam mation from a wound, relieving pain of every kind, and in its healing qualities the worl4 docs not produce us equal, and the public pro? nounoo it tho cheapest and beet Family Ointr mcnt that has ever been used. All diseases of the Flesh, Obstinate Ulcors,01d Sores, Chil blains, Soro Throat, Burns, Cuts, Cutaneous eruption, sore nipples, sore breasts, diseases of the eye, ague in the faco, side, back, and the other parts of the system, boils, ulcors, scald head, bruises, fresh wounds, and every kind of sore containing the least particle of ill? flammation, are permanently cured by thin grand remedy. W. B. SLOAN, Grand Depot, 40 Lake st Chicago, 111, A BURNT TO CINDERS. ,, f-o badly burned that death seemed inevitable in )css than Uvcntv four hourb y S o a n —Dear Sir: Justice dotnitti that I should return to you my unfeigned thanks for your unparalleled Ointment. Three weeks ago iny daughter's clothes caught fire, and before the flames could be extinguished, fht y were all burnt to cinders, tho child was y our Qip{ tnent was recommended, and used with success it i ave perfect rebel! It is needless to add, that the child is now well and aoout her busi ness. The mcdicine is all and wore than it is ctur.mrndpd to be. Every family and per. son should have it in their possession. feel indebted to you for my child'i life, and anything that I can do for you or your me dicine, I am ready and willing to perform. Your humble serv't JOHN II. CItAjfB Flint Creek, Lake co., III.. Feb 28. 1849^ ON Hrs HANDS AND KNEES. Mr. IV Sloan—Dear Sir hereby certify#'* thsf-my tin Albert, eleven years of age, was %. afflicted W *'is feet from the time he first gan to walk, the bottoms of which were cov ercd wU!i a hard dry skin, full of cracks, caus ing fain and much affliction, many-limes lie wan obliged to go on his hand.? and knees, anj^. no time has hf. been free from tho sore afflic tkm until now. Baffling the skill of several physicians^ but to our surprise his feet are now perfectly smooth soft and free from cracks, &1! from one application of your Ointmont. i woald say the boy put it ,on himself us an expe* rujient of his own, from hearing it recommend* ed. Nothing move was thought of it for threo weeks, at weich tinfeftis feet weie near about in a healthy sLatc, and now the same as though they never had been otherwise. i&f Youi^, &e. PADET?.*£ j^alesbu, g, Knox co., Ill:, April 2.^849 9^ VIVELAROE DEEP ULCERS. Sheboygan, ^g.^jWarch 2, J849. Dr. W. B. Sloan—De««* CTF In mv opinion* the greatest cures eiVectcri ^re thorfb that'have longest resisted the TK•1 i oiJ.h-, Medical dew' ty. Admitting ihai to i'e.'a fact, I have a nast in point, to wit: Mr. J-unrt Ifanfori, of gan Falls, was crippled tw* yea jhw large deep ulcers, jusl a bo* -J -'hankie. i'ho leg was so much swollen he could nut gtvoflr a boot. Nearly -»N the most pt,t'«ul&rPbysscitfstf^^ in various piaccs/iav«« treated his case withJu£^,.wi any beneficial effteftt.. i Last August, Handfor3t^oihv ci my ad-s.-"' viuo. 1 snccejded*in redui..K^ th/\ swelling,, and healed two frRfc pores. V other threo/~ I labored at till-the first of PebruaryV mthott\ much, if any,'benefit, when I gawlhita of Sloan's Ointment, and in three dWks.b well. Respectfully yours, *. For Purity, Mildness, Safety, Certainty and Thoroughness, Sloan's Otintmcn Excels. And is rapidly superseding all other Ointments and Liniments now in use, for the curc of tho following diseases: Fresh wounds, galls of all kinds, spraina, bruises, cracked heels, ringbone, windgalls, poll evil, callus, spavins, swccncy, fistula, sitfast, strains, lameness, sand cracks, found ered feet, scratches or grease, mange, and horn distemper. Tho POWDER will remove all inflamma tion and fever, purify the blood, loosen tho skin, cleanse the water, and strengthen evary part of the body and has proved a sovereign remedy for the following diseases: Distemper, hide-bound, loss of nppctite, in ward strains, yellow water, inflammation of the eyes, fatigue from hard exercise also rheumatism, (commonly Called stiff complaint) which proves«0 fatal to many valuable in this country. It is also a safe,., remedy for ctittghs and colds whi so many Grai And sold in em States.. large supply of Town Mofl'uU's Pills and Bit Smith's and Lee's Pills, liesc arti- and Kueclceihauir \V9jyp Powers. cles are warjpaoiUd fo^Mgi:nutiie, and will be Cannot 1 3k v t- it K'"$Cl' iu 4 cV C. B. OSTRANDER, M. D. The Child was Healed 'York Precinct, Du Page Co., 111., Dec. 2 Mr. W. B. Sloan—sir: Last summer one my children was badly bitten by a rattlesnake. We applied your Oir.tment freeiy^ awi of ,,th® child was healed." Also, I had a horse wounded in the stifio joint, in which lie took cold, and became so swollen and distressed, that /tie horse was sup posed worthless, but by a free use of your Oint ment, was soon cured. Wo have used the Ointment in a great ma ny other cases, with equal success, WALTER WHITBECK. THE BEST & CHEAPEST HORSE MEDICINE IN THE WORLD! SLOWS* OINTMENT ANO CONDITION POWDER HAS EARNED A GREAT NAME. loan's. dicines. O tanfecs who probation i mend them wit ijniniculons, Ii a vj_,, cine. "Every diis to," is cured, permaiji loan's Medicines. T. Si f, If their, e" HIG $fram the loan's jlffi tnjj? dicrti«i from tl that genl they arc "t to OF. [at, Wiseon- Writing^ us ta ®int ric JCCOB SPREAD m.—Attentil this wee a widi ten Bay At I IT Y*.i direc 1JC1 9atte falsi i e 4 hffhlycoinplil iemo yMtfme if n« *nd from the teatlpmy of ed its efficacy, we should 'thing for the times. Wo yWcli is truly useful. Standard, May 5,1849, THE TRUTH. It will b* saen by looking orer our advittbh Ing columns, Sloan's medicines havomore «er. tifieatesof cures, than any other medicines ad vertised, This certainly speaka for th«m 3, ,or. 'n«l.icincs,wV iq r*-: -i .• 'M J7- biJik