Newspaper Page Text
•V. sV & u V •UWBS si* H*- I.M. NOT FOB CALIFORNIA!: THEIbtj undersigned would respectfully re* to their friends, and the publii general )y« tbat in net bound for California, for J•*least si Nttice Mi more season, and tbat thej have, and are receiving, a large and well-aelectcd jSTOCK OF GOODS, "T WAKES AND MERCHANDIZE, aompriaing almost every article usually called ^for In thia market all of which they pledge themselves to sell aa low for cash or country tfprodoee aa any other house in the city, eaeb lid of the door, No. 44» under a* !t* 1 E.„„„ & SlIIBLDf. N. B.—All those knowing themselves in ^debted to us, will hereby take fair and timely notice, tbat tbey may have their notes and ac- aounts to pay with Lo9kout: Dubuque, April 17, lb4B. .AT UARU WARE. fft Tons ef assorted Iron—all sixes 5 do Castings—-all kinds 50 sstts Wagon Boxes—all sixes 100 odd Wagon Boxes do do 95 Kegs Nails and Spikes do do V 9 Tons plain and other Steel 1 do Square and Octagan Steel dec. Smiths' Bellows do do Anvils and Vices do do Sledgaa and Hammers do do best Jloland's Mill SawsJ do do do do Cut do. do Hand Saw»—*11 kinds CotliM* & Simmans' Axes in the bardwaF* slalf ware. j5on*t -•fraM because we rou^want, and alisol low by BUCRSON & for sale ver* low by April 17. EMSRBON Sr .* B* barrels clear & trough Mess Pork— §_.O ali warrantcd^good—in store and sale fey EMERSON RV1 rQODEN St, SHIELD*.for ABT£»I25 SIOKSG.-^<, I justtefiei It, (large sacks) &. 8H»«LP8- APPLES V-15 beTraJn Dryei} Apples, iilyato, just fWelvsd. which are going frOifc VEM*BSON & SHIELDS. -the beat LYGATT^^SHDSMFROTDUGA la thiCIty-Afft received and for fale by .•* 7* EMERSON St SHIELDS, ARB3 cratesof ass'td Queen's just recM and for'sale low by EMERSON & SHIELDS. barrels Genetal Applos, iust *and will posilivcly,bo sold low*' EMERSON Sf YAOELV ill? SHIELDS. EN Pittsburg-Grind Stones fu sue "7- E|B4BON SF SHIKLD8. fnoian Head Do- Wlanitan4?tnd for sale by EEMKSON ti SHIELDS. Pnehes—first rate—for sale SHIELDS/ gallons Stone W».'c, EMERSON SR. SW KLDS. "R^DS.^'S doi. Fishing Rods, Mdairedand for sale by EMERSON & SHIELDS. WARE.—6 doz. Buckets and 'Tubs- just landing and for sale by april 17. EMERSON & .SHIELDS. TOOLS.--A11 kinds of Carpenters' Tools (a fresh supply.) on hand, and sale by april 17. EMF.RSON Slfor SHIELDS. barrels Old Rectified Whiskey, just landing, and for sale cheap by the bar rel by April 17. EMERSON &. SHIELDS. 2 I Casks of the best Cog. Brandy, expressly er the sick. Casks Port Wine best also. Madarie, of which will be kept for the a bove purpose by April 17. EMERSON & SHIELDS. pf barrels Soaps and Candles, just receiv O ed and for sale by April 17. EMERSON fc SHIELDS. a /~a sacks best Rio Coffoc for sale by the 4'* lbs- or sack by EMERSON ft Stum O*. •g chests various quality Tea fresh and J_I_P for sale by April 17. EMERSON Daven aifi Id at in Sf Cask pure Codfish (not hadick) just re ceived and for sale by EMERSON April 17. TLK St, -6 cases Hats and Caps of all si' ATS*" i~i zes and qualities, consisting of panana, Leghorn, fine fashionable Silk, Pam, Wool &c. all cheap by BACON, klbs best Hams. 10,000 .boxes a le low iz:' '-wsp?-'-* Grind StoBfijlr Kegs N»H« Bbls. Saleratuaf Reams Id 8icki Dried Ap 3ST B«h Dry Herring# 5 Half Chests Tea SO Bo*f»WipdowOlM»—8x bmtu hi»*v M«y 4ib, lfc'49. GREATER IN UCEMENTS THAN CrfLIFOMU* FOR 18491 For the approaching Spring, I am manufaor taring the largest and most splendid assort* ment of ,, HEADY-MADE ever offered by any house. It will be beyond, description! The Wholesale and Retail Trade of the past year ao far exceeded my expectations, that it was a matter of impossibility for me to supply the demand! FOR THE APPROACHING SEASON, I feel confident in asserting, that 1 will bo ena bled to supply the demand of the entire West. The tremendousamount of BUSINESS that I am doing, and entirely upon the ciple, •"50" *&> i»rl SHIELDS. &UII —^balJf foraale by April 17. ...EMityow At SHIELD*. BaleaCotton Batting, just reoi*%d *nd -^$1-vJ for aale by EwaagoN &SHI "A GREAT BARGAIN. Nfi full and complete sett Saw Mil! Cash Prin enables ntto manufacture Goods at far less prices,thanany other concern and 1 am determined to sell themet aSMALL l'ROFIT! •o asto m%ke for every Country Merchant to in-yesthifcashcapital in Clothing, york ,lone aa it will?«y him a better prolit, ouicker sales, and leave ni Stvles. r«tterns. and Prices. My ehflaper than can be bought ir. the Ea»t era markets, and savt thereby e^ponsc of go ing,:eemin/, tr-insportation, &,c. wkf t^ck this le/'Nen ia, and will be, trr nmraodftly larg U,N^ 1 AM No. dercrnimcd 118 Afciri SWAINS- PORK. C'OS-. iioff wilb the joason. All bills w .rr nted to be ptieitue correctly, —sixes and goad* guarantee) fu ue peifuct. I havefcut C-VF, STOMl- in the city, 'tis yir'ei, Saint Lt+uit, Mittonri. .. A lavge No I IS on top tha house. AH order packed at the lowest Gush Price?. JOHN T. MARTIN- Marclil, 849. 27-»f JOHN E. SMITH & CO. (UAMca SMITH 150 A- co., OALKNA.). RESPECTFULLY offer to the public their ncT.- Sc well-assorted Stock of ._.v Watches, Jewelry FANCY GOODS, &c all of the latest fashion their facility of -buying cheap in the eastern mar kets, enables them to sell "cheaper than the cheapest." *Wr®'oc'ts' Watches, and Jewelry, care ,&]]/ repaired and warranted by C. Kalten bach. The higeeat prices will be paid for old gold and silver. Dec. 12, 1848. 15-tf L« LtangwortHy9 NO. 99, MAIN-STREET, DUBUQUE. TJAP cn hand the largest Stock of Fresh S Goods, at Wholesale and Retail, offered in this market, and will be constantly receiv ing supplies from St. Louis and Eastern mark ets:—some of them ureas follows. DRY GOODS: 10 bales twd cassimere 1000 pa. prints, assort. 100 ps. blch'd shirting, fine brown 44 10 44 20 fine cloth dress SHIELDS. NOTICE TO COOPERS. Just received all kinks of Cooper s Tools which will be sold low by April 17. EMERSON &. SHIELDS. do loaf Molasses Golden S Boots and 400 grlldes ior sale by SON &•, SHIELDS sack eclaro sacking, 110 44 50 blanket overcoats, 55 heavy bl'k cloth 20 coating coats, 25 hunting 50 assorted sack coats, Taylor casimere, Fancy polka vests, SHIELDS. 50 cases mens' double soled boots, 50 cs mens1 welt boots, 10 44 20 do boys' do 25 do kip brogans 100 prs youths' do 100 prs boys' do ladies' bkjtipd buskins, to jof bens. 44 S^|TCJ Virginia to Missouri okiog reto- age. he Dubuque s of interest ooting i best trout fis nee. nveyed to es free of ex t. 8,1 ort Gazet epublic py rtlet age lanes, piane ia spoon plaid cloaking, Ready-Made Clothing. Fine black satin Vests, Fancy silk /4 Cashmere 44 44 44 Cahoes net shirts. Fine white shirts, Check linen do Hickory do Napoleon cord pants, Black satinett paloalto 44 20 14 frock 16 blue black coats, 10 heavy felt beaver 44 50 tweed couts, 25 grey mxd Palo AltoiBung up cord pants 10 pr sheep grey pant 50 fine casimere, 100 assorted satinett, 30 boys tweed couts, 40 4 4 Boys pants assorted, Casinterc vests, Cloth Pink nett shirts, Red flannel blanket 14 50 44 satinett 14 41 Canton 4 4 4 4 FInnnel drawers, Canton flannel drawers Cahoes do do Boots and Shoes. fine calf do 20 EMEASON 41 kip boots, & SHIELDS. 24 44 youths' do walking buskins, morocco Clav ties go for Ba SHIELDS. 50 hhds N O Sugar 50 15 75 100 10 SlIlrffjDB. rtady AY A Ca and tea spoons sole leather DDoer do s, s le do |ITS*DDB S« SIF Tor spoons J. L. LA "e--—• -jru RE-HOUWE, SI Brown and While ®°aP5 _| ed with promptness and dispatch, can *0*^ 1* done by calling on the subscriber, or in hi* ab er«tgn«4 •vtll eommenee ref ps, from Dubuqus fo Chicago, on persona wishing transportation of mer* enandise, or passage, or any business transact have it •enco, at Langwortky's Store. HIRAM C. PIERCE. 9«buqa«» April 3d, 1849. 31-fuu 4' y* E. F. GILLESPIE, AGENT. mm MANUrACTORY TOWISFILB'L COMPOUND BXTAACT CF 8 1 8 A A K I A The most extraordinary Mediciue in the World Thit Extract it put up in Quart Botllei: it it six timu ehttptr, pleatanUr, and warranted tuperior to mttf told. It caret without vonitinf, I'*r gi n fT. ticktnittg or Mili tating Iht Patient. Tlrt mil beauty nnd superiority of thia Sariatiarilla over all other medicines i«, that while it eradicates the diieaae, it invigorates tlio body. It is one of the very l»est SriUNO AND SUMMER. MEPICINF.S twr known it not only purities the wlioU system and strengthens tlic portion, iiui it creatns nev, pure and rich blood a power possessed by no t»th«r medicine And tn this liea the trraud 'ecret ut its woii'ierful success. It has performed within tho last two years mcro than 100,000 Cures of cases of disease at least 15.000 were consilered iucurnble. It has saved the lives mere than t0,00U children the piut two seasons in the City of New cn meet w ill remnants to lose on. lly 8toek Ibis Spring has been manuf&cturcd Irely differenttnam anv previous one. e devoted my whole time and attention to tfis my .brother, Charles G. Martin, attends :o the St.'Louis establishment. My styles and patterns have all beer aelecteil with great 10,000 cnacs ef General Debility nad want •f Nerrans Kncrg Dr. Towniend's 8ftr*ap:rilla invijorBtes'.lie whole system permanently. To those who finv? irsl their ninscttlnr oner (fy by t!i", (f»cls of n«diciiie or iudiscre'mn !rmmitte«l in roatb or the exces-tvq iiidiilgetico of '.he passions, and brought on hv piiys cq) f.i-onr.ition of the nervous ayatem, lassitarfc, w»ut of anibidon, 'aintinj se^ishtions, premature decay and decline iiaitenins toward* that fatal disease Consumption, can be e'.itirniy !eMored by this pleas ant mn*dy. This Jnrs^.pacilia in fur mpnrior to any InvijIsrHiing (!«ritinl. As it renews and invi^r., atns the system, gives acllri'y to th« limits, and strength to the museulnr system in a most extraordinary degree. C«II*n.fAvr.tK'ood, iitupll«n IRCDI Oleanie and 5t tngth uoutum,n'on can be tltrii. eki'jt, Ci"T'imj:tion, Oitmpliinl, Coldt, Oalnrrh, Onugkt, Atlh-".a, Spitov Siirene.».* in the Ohtrt Hectic Flutii, Wight 'nra'r Viffici.U or Profntt Ex ptctnraUo'i, Pain (he Side, Ifc., have ten and CUM it in ettrtd. '•$:*' Spilling niooil. York, April 2&, all over the city. raise no blood and my cough has |e(l me. Vou can well imagine that I are thaakful for these -resulti. Vour obedient servant, -\VM. RUSSEM,, 63 CuiWiae st. Iilieiiii:!aiin. This only one of more th.iM fom thousand cases of Jlheu mutisn'. tlmt Dt. Towns^iid's Sarsuparilla has cured. The most severe and chronic caios are weekly eradicated by its ealrnnrdinnry virtues. Jainos nni.ihi?.", onj of thr aioistints in the Laua. tic Asyl:in. Rlar.kwell's Inland, is the gentleman spoken of in tho following letter niackwoll's Island, Sept, 1-1. 1817. Dr. Towosend—Dear Sir: I have suffered terribly for nine years with the Rheumatism considcr^'ili of tin time I could not eat, slncp or walk. I had the most distressing pains, and my limiis were terribly swollen. I have used four lioltlcs of your S.irsapar:.lla, and they have done ise more th in a thousand dollars worth of good, I am so much better— indeed Iain entirety relieved. You ar at liberty to use this for the benefit of the afflicted. I IKPII 30 picces alpaca, 50 do flannel, 50pr mackinaw blank't 10 ps. broad cloth, 10 14 10 hickory shirting 5 ticking. 30 bales sheeting, 75 ps. satinett, asst. cassimere, Irish linen, 5 44 dusk table linens 10 44 Ky. Jen us, 41 lintn table diaper 5 44 blanket coating, linsey, Eng. long cloth, cotton batting, 1 t4 Lamartinc 4* Yours respeetfully, JAMES CUMMINGS. Fercr and Ague. Dr. Townsend's 3arsapari'.l:t is tinequ illed iu cases of the Chills and Fever and A ue. Tue folio-*iag letter is oitly one of hundreds that we have received frens the South and West of like character. bnfnrc she took the A ne. A lady that hn't been very si.-.k witii the Chills and Fnver, but had broke them with Quinine, and was left in a very weak and distressing state, and troubled exceedingly with the Ague Cake, seeing the effect it had on rny wife, she sent and procured a few bottles, and it restored her in a few weeks to complete health. Your Sarsaparilla is without doubt, unequalled in diseases incident to the West aud if you think that this com munication will be of use, you arc at liberty to uw it if you choose. Frniale Neilirinr. !r. Town enil's SurHi purilia is a sovereign an speedy cure for inrificiit Consumption, Bnrreiiiifl.M, Prolapsui Uteri or Falling of the Womb, Costiimiess, Piles, I.eucar rhn:a, or Whitea. olii-tructcd or difficult Menstruation, In conliueiire of Urine, or invuluutary discharge thereof, aud for the genernl prostration of the syhtom—uo matter whether tho result of inherent cauite or causo? produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing call be more i urprising than its invigorating affects on the human frame. Persons of all weakness and lassitude, front taking it al onee become robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately counteracts tho nervelnssness of the female frame, which is the great causo of Barrenness. It will not he expected of us, in cases of so delicate a nature, tc exhibit certificates of cures performed, but we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cases have been reported to us. Thousands of cases where families have been withsut children, after using a few bottles of this invaluable medi cine. have been blessed with fine, healthy offspring. It has been expressly prepared in refcrouce to female com plaints. No female who has reason to suppose she is ap proaching that critical period, layed fur teveral ladies' heoled buskins, do gaiters. do fine slippers, do kid laco boots, do patent rubbers, Childrens' goat boots, do morocco lace do do gaiters, latent boots, ea lace boot* bulto^od boots, boxes candlcs bbls do do 125 bags Rio CofT do refined sugar and for 25 BAGS Lagui do crushed do 10 do JA eni illa.^aa have tteri, Eft it ipin the sa •tolen and copied less imitutiom, and •ignad by S. P. Tow 126 rUI.TON Street, Co.. 8 Stute street, Bo (tract, Philudelphia M. Coheu. Charl et, N. O.: 105 South he principal I)ruggi«M bout the United State*, retail, by E. F. GILL tho authorized a ^WSLL-ESTABLISHED ANDLONG-TR^jED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG STORE, 1 Main street, Dubuque. v A S O N K15EPS constantly on hand a full supply o Fresh Drug .nd Medicincs and a gene ral assortment of Paints, Oils, Glass, and Dye Stuffs. J41SO, MA, Oswogo, Mich., Oct. 22,1847. Dr. Townsend Doar Sir—I purchased for my wife two bottles of Sarsaparilla of your Agent, Mr. McNair, of Kala mazoo, to try it fur the Fever and Aijue. Before I had finish ed the first bottle, it appeared to warm the lilood, and every otlior day when the Chills and the Fever appeared, they were less violent and before she had finished the bottle she was entirely relieved, and she was much better than she nad all the latest and most approv ed Patent Medicines,for saleatSt Louis prices forCilSH only. nltf T, M/1SON- H. G. FARRELL'S CELEBRATED (C U it The turn of life," •liould nrglnct to take it. as it is a certain preventive for any of the numerous and horrible diseases to which females are subject at this time life. This period may yrartofby uting thit medicine. *•-." II TO two y gard «i FAR: ACRE will locate 1 LA NTS, on# and upon r« Uiifection being flv«A itf fclftj of tho lands, ilklio, 40 lore W*rnuits for aale on reaeoMkbl* t«rm*. EMERSON fc «HIELDS, Dubuque, March 6th, 1849. V"-V ARABIAN LINIMENT, for the cure of Rheuniutisni, Pains of the Breast, Bruises, Stiffness of J*ERF6MERY, Rm- 19 IT. Oft. TtfWMSiWD.—I ve.rity believe your 8ar»ii.nri!ln has been the nienMs, Liirotigh i'rovidencn, c.' savins my life. I hnv for y*:tre iitid a Uiiil ConjrK ft conie Mir»e ami nor.o. At lant i ruised large qHami »ie» of blood, had ni«ht sweats, an/ greaily dobitit:i ted aud r? !m:sil, and did not expnet have enly K?sd your 3nrsajrarilla a Eh »r( iino, an *tmrr hi? a won derful ehnnzc beon wrought in mo. I am BOW nl,le 10 walk Joints, as also most diseases of Horses, such as Fistula. Poll evil, Big Head. &c. &c. For salo at retail and wholesale, by. T. MASONt w Main street, Dubuque. Feb. 13th. 1849. OILS, of all kinds. PAINTS, of every color. '%/. GI.ASS, of every size. VARNISHES, of every sort. .0 of every odor. A S O N SOLE AGENT FOR V HAMILTON & SONS JUSTLY CELEBRATED E I I N E S o w i WHOOPING COUGH, I1O.*RSENESS3 IN FLUENZA, SPIIRINFTOF BLOOB, TV OF DIITTOUL- P^KATKING, PAIKS AND BREAST, IN THE SIDE (fee. die. HAMILTON'S VFOFITBLE SUGAR COATED VER AGUE PILLS AND FE A SAFE AND CERTAIN CURE FOR CHILLS ANB FEVKR, IN ALL THEIR COMPLICAATED FOPMS. Also, an cfficicnl remedy for Fevers of every desciiolion. HAMILTON'S ANTI-BIT,T.IOUS VEGETABLE CATHARTIC SU GAR-COATED PILLS. HAMILTON'S BOWEL SYRUP, AN INFALLIBLE CORE FOR DIARRHCEA, For sale wholesale and retail by T. VTA DY SENTERY, AND ALL LOOSENESS OF THE BOWELS. This medicine has been so well tested that we think it useless to spend tiroo in writing about it all we ask is, for the people to try it. O O A Y N E S E I I N E DR. JAYNJSof Philadelphia has constitu ted Doct. TIMOTHY MASON, of Du buque, Jowa, his agent for selling at wholesale or retail, his justly celebrated Family Medi cines, and he has now at his Drug Store on Main street, a full supply of Jayne's Sanative Pills Expectorant Hair Tonic Carminative Balsam Tonic Vermifuge Alterative Ague Pills Hair Dye U U U U LBS. Logwood and 2 V DEAI be de Nor is it loss valuable for those wile are approaching woman hood. as it is calculated to assist nature by quickening the blood and invigorating the aystem. Indeed, tliis medi eiae is invaluable for all the delicate tltieuei to wliick women are subjcct. This valuable OIL, so celebrated for the cure for Deafness, for sale by sole agent. Sept. 1,1848. MASON 150 TE 'ectutl medicine for purifying ,, i'-J- I It the Mfant and a Ike •yatem, mad rtH«rf«|r the aMbring* attendant upon child •Mrth eTer dugtorered. It atrenltheui holit the mother ami child, pnrents pain and dueaae, inereaaaa aad ariviehes the food. thosej»|M {iave uaad it thiak' it ia iadiipaaaabla. It highlj uteMnmhbefore and after aonftnement, aa it pre.vent« SEED. 4mMI pf thdtick ttst^Klshlncnt o Ohio Fruit §«eds 9 fi saltscrib tin citizens o liberals* ten GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, ^ifPtlie proper season for planting them. In addition to his former business, he hga fitted up an Elysian Saloon, where Oysters, Sardines, Hot Coffee, and Game, will be scrv «dapatall reasonuble hours. A liberal patronage is solicited. Call at the •iffnoftlic Ohio Fruit and Seed Store No 67, Main it., noxt door to the City Hotel, and get (bo worth of your money. W A E S O U S FU" III v A I O N S A S A W Infallible Family Medicine for CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS, LIVEK COW TLAINT3, COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, the price plaint. ASTII S) Flannels- Printed Cottons, in great variety (iinghams, Merinoes Shawls, kerchiefs silk Cravats, Stocks, comlbrters.ttwpenders children's knit cloaks, da do .^a^8, SATTINELT0V^E|PB Cottonades, Durb'&ms SON. bbls. Mad- der for sale by 100 T.MASON, BOXES Window Glass assorted for sale by Ti MASON* uu SCARPA'S ACOUSTIC OIL* THE 0NU CLFTE Mor OUNCES Quinine,and S oz phine for sale by T. MA. AGENCY FOR WRIGHTS PILLS. DUBUQUE, Oct. 7, 1848. it known toall whom it may concern, ampion'S tfiat Jj Ooct. T. MASON is appointed soU Agitit !br Doct. WILLIAM WaiGHfa IND1AF VEGETABLE PILL?, orpubuquc Count.,1^. lOU llac* et., f'hiJ^l^Si^ P#. A J&itl#c«]ebrated throughout tt^ Westfo^tn Icare of Ague and j&e ver| ajjf^M mistak« E! DUBUQUE IOWA. 1. H. Curtis, is at now under the charge and superintendence of the owner, and will re ceive in all its departments hi? devoted and particular attention. The rooms are spa cious and well ventilated and the general arrangement of the House such as must give satisfaction even to the most fastidi ious, The patronage of the travelling pub lic and others is solicited, and those who may sojourn at this establishment mav re ly upon receiving every attention and com fort, usually found at any other house in the West, and eve»-y exertion will be used to contribute towards the enjoyment of the ajuests, and to make the house, D00TS, SHOES, AND LEATHER. Men's shoes, do brogans," Men's extra Kip, do strong,' do cowhide, Ladies' morocco boots Misses' db do Kip and Calf do Boys' thick boots, ier», foup tutttgtoi ktofcing-gl^ssee, j. ^Mk». eartjjea,, w^ure •trfler tibwls, IAS6N." ?Hort & Madeira wine [expresilyforthe sick 0^ba6 brandy, raining cofrante, »1 oootdef dried fcgiteD apptee, Weflt«fn Re •erve, pickles, lemon ayrUp, ink jars, pen ciUk elites,^aper, sperm oil, fish oil, w«ter pails, wash tube shoe and scrubbing brushes, bed cords,'' plough lines, chalk iinee, windlass rope, halter do Manilla door mats, spicee, pepper, pimento, mace, 1 incb* bei^orli AN. «TO Ity ,for the papt year, a "strict a tten tjO$^b|l*ili 0M, and a dis •yfiliaa t6 please, continuance ofjthe «aoie, and an t%j»lpM»d jitronago for I&49. A general varum of Green and Dried Fruit, Candies, NuU, Spicea, kept con '%|*ntly on hand, also a ohoice selection of G. R. WEST. Dyjbuque, 1st January, 1849. 19-tf CPCMh paid for Eggarfiatter,Cheese. Lard, aid Poultry all of which will be sold for a email advanco on coal. B. J. O'HALLORAN. Telegraph Corner.near the New Cathedral. Dubuque, Oct. 31, 1848. LARD. barrels Leaf Lard in good order, and for Mil* by April 17. EKKMOM JUL AIVDERSO^ PROPRIETOR. THIS larpe and commodious Ho tel, located on the corner of Main and Second streets, in the city of DUBUQUE, Iowa, formerly kept by in fact, in ferior to none West of the Alleghanies. The healthy, romantic and beautiful location of Dubuque and vicinity —the abundance of game—the variety of amusing and whole some pursuits which present themselves, together with the extensive and novel field for mineral, geological and botanical speci mens and researches, render this a most desirable point for our southern friends to renovate and enliven body and spirit during the summer months. No location on the Mississippi can combine so many advanta ges, of health, curiosity and amusement. In proof of this wc confidently invite all to comii and see fot themselves. Come espe ciaPy and try whether the Waple$ Home will not confer all, and even more than is promised. Feeling confident that no per son will leave dissatisfied with the shall certainly be no cause of com D. ANDERSON, Proprietor. •ITew Goofs 3 AND LOW PRICES, AT THE TELE* GRAPH CORNER. lH»e Town is Orowing tip!! k NO to keep up with the town, 1 have til added largely to my previous Stock, eo as to be able to meet the growing wants of a growing community. For the purpose June 6, lh49. 40 ly FARE 1F AM of facilitating my business, in anticipation of its growth, I have adopted the principle of but ONE PRICE, and that the lowest, catch-penny trade to those who understand it, try effort will be, to do a regular business—selling to the good .judge and the bad, the "Jew and the (jJeniile," alike. To my old patrons and friends, I am sin cerely thankful for the patronage so liberal ly bestowed during the past summer, and would respectfully inform them and the pub lic generally, that I have just opened my cffitntei oj? ^ooc/d, which I will sell as low as they can be pur cnashed in this town. All parsons wanting to buy, are requested to call and examine my ctock, consisting of Y O O S Bro. Sheeting, coarselbluc, black and grey andYine blankets Bleached do ithreads.laces,edgings Blue, brown white Drills Brown and bleached Shirtings Irish Linnen Diapers crash Tow elling Hickory &. Ticking White, yellow $• red needles, pins, hooks, and eyes tapes, cording, stay 'aces, bindings, fancy dress buttons, coat & vest buttons Oregon Plaids, Mouslin de Laines, cambrics, Ladies' and gentle mens' gloves, buck skins mits, woolen do Ladies' hoes, men's half hose, Canton flan nel, Oregon cord3, cotton butting, do yarn, ridding combSjjT TIN^TQOT^.DO. tuck atid ljide do. have a splendcd lot of all kinds of I have put a regular living profit on all my goous—sn that each article will have to pay for itself, and stand on its on merit. I don't pretend to eell something that almost every body knows the value of, for cost, or perhaps, something a little under, with the expecta tion of being able to make it upon something else, the value of which is not so generally known—leaving that kind of to see all the Ladies often, as it will afford me 10 1 ps- He H. C. FELLOWS. 1sell Ladies' slippers! Children's do Boy's thick shoes Children's goat do rshoe goat do Bridle Leather, U nper and Soll do Hardware. pocjKt knives,Razors, jKniv9B and forks, tabla.Ac,tea spoons, s«w Sl«a inHpetn ditching tacka, maaQre Diiltaaktt wjjipi & wbip stocl^ amnen* io TOE T}IRE«J)#: cdtnpi lackofagen lying oo thi thow" nastiesd cfonft&on, (ground 4^ and in iflovee, ^andrbutmagivttgd, arrow root, mac^ronj, v^mi. tway seed, ,mi grdo.nd an Carrigean Meiii invalids, salant^ii -teryfin sugar hgusp molarses WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groceries, Clothing, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Lumber, Leather, Salt, Iron, Nails, &c. &c. WE would respectfully inform our friends in town and country, and the public eenerallv thut they have received their entire '3 SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK and can say with confidcnce, that it is the best selection the House lias ever had, and will po sitively be sold at such prices as cannot fail to please. Wc have all kinds of Fashionable for the Ladies, and solicit the favor of a call, and see how cheap wc are selling our New Goods. Our stock of (0IEi(fi)[5i,Ill53SS'© is largo and complete, and will be sold at very low priccs. Comcand see how very cheap wc sell good Clothing. Saddles, Bridles, and Horse Collars, and every other article that is wanted in the country. 0°PIease call and sec us, at the Old Stand, on the corner of the Waples House, for our pri ces shall give entire satisfaction. WAPLES St, ZIRKLE. just receiving and opening the O ®®(§)XE)£3 Manufacturers, were bought low,and sold in Dubuque. SEW STORE! (UNDER THE WAPLES HOUSE,) Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bon nets, Nails, Queens-Ware, &c. &c. BEST ASSORTMENT ever offered in this market. My Goods are "WILL I ave everything to please them Dress Goods of all descriptions, Mousliu de Swiss, Organ dys, Polkas, Spotted Swiss blue, pink, and bau'd Jaconets, Lawns, Galzorincs,Linen Lustres, Lyonaisc Lustres, Fringes, Dress Buttons, Parasols, Gloves, Kid and Silk,&C. Also,a splen did assortment of new and rich Bonnet Ribbons, which will be un vcrsally admired. Spades, Shovels, Forks, Tubs, Buckets, Manilla Rope, Lr oking and everything else in the line. bound to sell LOW for or iust received per 6 glovds, a splendid article 23 inch black luetering silk 2 doz gents iinen thread gloves, very fine. will be very much pleased to show his goods to ALL. 10 Mav 10, 1FT49. doz Brooms, received per Cora, for sale at terSe'ottJ, Poetieal works y,Lamb,ani »n's Toy Bwka 1 adb. carb. soda,' starch, «oa|k, aolpbar, Castile soap, sbatfj Boap/ mold, atartne,^ and spfeftn candles, senna cr. tartar iifuin, log wod3, indigo* madder^cope* ras, saltpetre, cain brimfetone, -, cigars, of all qualities snuffr tobacco, of all qalities, out and dry, matches, pipes table salt, window glass, No. 2 and 3. Mackerel, pickled pork, candle wick, wrapping twine Broome, qoffee mills, {beans. &c. K I do|«), Utl iirj|B blf n Ha 4 qre. & FIFTY YF WIGHTMAN'S. The Question Settled! -J FRR any doubt has heretofore existed as to jthftcapability of Dubuque Merchants to Goods at lower prices than thoso of any other place north of St. Louis, bo that doubt forever dispelled, by the announcement of the fact that, the undersigned have purchased the excellent stock 6f Goods of CURTIS & WA1TE and are now prepaied to sell to Country Merchants* Farmers, and others, upon such terms as cannot fail to please. The stock of Goods ubove refered to, was selected this pres ent Fall, in the city of Philadelphia, by Mr. John H. Curtis, a gentleman of experi ence and good taele, expressly for this market and consists of 'Fresh,-Seasonable Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, BOOTS 4- SHOES ccountboekscon taming ires blfink bills Lading. ens and botflers 300 best oiled Goose Quills Cedar pencils wafers sealing-waxjand a vari ety of other articles, all of which we will sell ow o49 WM. LAWTHER & CO. barrels Kan salt for sale by je30n42 W. LAWTHER FEATHERS.—800by Feathers for aale the subscribers, septl2 '48. WH. LAWTIIKR & Co. WOOL ROLLS. ACRKRK lbs. WOOL ROLLS, DUU EMERSON J. vf TO BAR KEEPERS! 1 HAVE on hand nearly every article requi Nile for furnishing B&rs. All kindfr of Li quors Pecan Nuts, Almonds, Raisins, &c Also, the Sc, beat SMI^LDI.- 12 and CHEAPEST STOCK NEW and an3 CAN FRESH be sold shall have exury thing that can be called for in my line much pleasure to show my Goods. HARD WARE, OF ALL KINDS: Cottonadu, Linens, Blue Drills, Denims. Gambroons, Gold-mixd, Drab, Green and Black Tweeds, Satinets, Bleached and Brown Muslins, and in fact all CASH PRODUCE. LL/"NO April 17, 1849. 33-ly. W I A N [Under llic Waples House,] Hdirect AS 'Adams' pat. 22 inch rich Express' from Philadelphia, LI^F'D 3 Dress Silk Ilich Irocha Brazillians pieces Rich silk and wool Barages 4 doz. splendid French worked Caps 4 do do do 2 do do 20 rp £11GH'(I of Pby 10 S[ CO. lbs. prime live Geese 30 & SHIELDS. Jan. 2. 1849. "I BOXES Imperial and Gunpowder tea for sale by W. LAWTHER & CO. from the LOWER THAN ever wero OT business. trouble to show Goods at j- DO Collars do standing do pieces rich new style Bonnet Ribbons 2 doz. col'd k 0/9 1 1 hope Glasses, Coffee Mills, Saws, sorts of- Goods, which I am WIGHTMAN'S. ^00^ ^S* Yarn, [all Nos.,] just ree'd at WIGHTMAN'S z/nn Keg3 Nails, per War Eagle, for fale low at WIGHTMAN'S. Ofin LbB. carpet Chain, just received at WIGHTMAN'S. Boxes prime Virginia Tobacc, for sale 7 low at WIGHTMAN'S. Bales cotton batting, for sale low by WIGHTMAN. Bbls Cincinnati Whiskey, in store and U for sale by WIGHTMAN. Bbl. old Bourbon Whiskeav, in ttore and Y for sale by WIGHTMAN. JONAS TOUNG. to^iiA the pfttronage of the public is re VSi- [||Si($ped believe they are suf ^tt section of country, to ena t^e0'objpct will be to accomo rpatronage. Many have been pipis, on account of the population but, re lUflity, we hope to remove il old vorn out despotic dy- LLOWS & YOUNG. No. 76, Main Street. Boxjpommonsmoking and chew 4 ing tobacco for sale by W. LAWTHER & CO. iCKERY—a good assortment of corn plates, dishes, cups and eauceers, »,4cc. 4 c.. for sale by VY. LAWTHER & CO. DOZEN Painted waterpailsfor sale by n42 W. I.AWTHER & CO. ANILLA ROPE—6 coils, from i in to in. thick a few bed doz. cords and PlowHnfesby W. LAWTHER & CO. ^TUS-^-250 pounds for sale by yr. LAWTHER &• CO. »42 RESSED TUMBLERS—36 dozen for salo W. LAWTIIER Sf Co. DOZEN BROOMS for sale by n42 W. LAWTHER St, co. KEGS NAILS for sale by I42 W. LAWTHER & co. 20 ACKS Ground Alum and Fkinds by BACON—just Sfc. LArnnt»i of bar Tumblers, Glass Jars, See. various sites Dccantcrs, JNO. SIMFLOT. fine salt,for sale by W LAWTHEER 10 forsal^by Co & SACKS Rio Coffeo for sale by u42 W. LAWTH** $ C»*. IVE dozen Scythes and Snatns of vanovs V i»42 W. LAWTAR.R SC CO. received a few hhds of supe rior Bacon for sale cheap by jy23n45 W. LAWTIIKR co. N W A A N S e e a n W a r fdr 160 acres of land eaeh, for aale iiw-rupn Ar r.n bysept12 WM. LAWTHER Sc CO.