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i :,'$H 4 THE MINERS' EXPRESS II fC IILISIIEED EVERY WEBSESDAY MORNING, MA IK SHEET, DUBUQUE, SECOND DOOR ABORE TIIJE BANK, BY 1IOI.T & KEESGCKER. WARRISOX HOLT.] [ANDREW EF.ESLCKER. .TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Two Dollars, per annum, payable in advance and in the same proportion for three, or six months. No subscription will be discontinuted, (ex cept at the option of the publishers,) untill all arrearages are paid. All letters, to ensure attention, must be PAID. ATTORNEY TOST BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THOMAS SOGERS. \VM. JOSHUA BAP.NLV. ROGERS fc BARNEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCER V. OFFICE, cast sido Main street over H. E. Sniith'sjSore Dubuque, Iowa. December 10. nllitf. WM. V. LOVEL1-. BEN. M. SAMUELS. IiOVEI.Ii &. SAMVELS. o A O N E Y S A A W FFICE ove! f. X. Van Hagau'o store, Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa. 13 C. C. ROCKWELL. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. AND Solicitor in Chanccry, A mimosa, Jones county, Iowa. '47u!7. LINCOLN CLARK, AND COUNSELLOR AT LAY, HAS removed liis oliiee into tho yellow brick building near tlie Book Store. Dubuque, June 18, 1S49. 55" A Is Land Warrants for sale y tlie same. EMERSON &, SHIELDS, WHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 4-1, corner of Main and Fourth streets, Dubuque, Iowa. B. J. O'HALLORAN, COMMISSION MERCHANT—wholesale and retail dealer in Groceries and Provisions—corner of Maitn mid Seventh street*, Dubuque, Iowa. n37-tf. DAVID JONES, A I I I E A N U I E VAILS himself of this opportunity to tender his J.X. thanks to the citizens of Dubuque for the liberal pat ronage bestowed upon him since his residence among them, and humbly hopes by prompt attention to business, still to merit a proportionate share of the patronage of his fellow-citizens. Sash and blinds made to order. Sepj.7. n.Wtf. DAVID JONES. GEORGE MADEIRA, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Drnt NUE, IIMVA. __ OFFICE AT TIIE COURT HOUSE. DR. G. AV. SCOTT, CONTINUES TO PCACTICE THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF lllrf PROFESSION. OFFICE and residence corner of Sixth and Iowa streets. WISHING to avail himself of every means that may aid in restoring all derangements of the human organi zation, he has recently procured one nf Dr. C. (3. Barrett's Electro Galvanometers, which is admirably adapted to the treatment of many forms ofdi-easa. to which many, who are being daily treated, can attest. Dubuque, Iowa, Feb. 6, 1819. i!3—ly 8. IltXrSTEAD. JAMES BUIIT. HEMPSTEAD & Bl'RT, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, AND SOLICITOUS IN CHANCERY,—DUBUQUE, IOWA. "¥T7"ILL practice in the District Cmirts of tlie 2nd Judicial V Y District, and in the Supreme Court. OFFH 'E in the Yellow Brick Bui!ding, near Spaul ding's Book Store, on Main street. Sept. 5, ItiiO. 1—ly DOCTOR II. IIOLT, RESPECTFULLY tenders lii.-t professional services to thecitixens of Dubuque and vicinity. 30" Enquire at the Express Oirice. A. K. EATON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, DELHI, DELAWARE COUNTY, IOWA. July 1M, IS 19. U'—jy o. s. x. pent. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WASHINGTON, I). C. "TXT'LI. practice in th« Courts at Washington, and V prosocatc claims before tho different Departments, and before Courts.—Especial attention will be given to claims for Bounty Lands, for pay and extra pay Lr servi ces in the war with Mexico. REI'EU IN DUBUQUE TO Horn. Geo. W. Jones, I Gen. Warner Lewis, S. Hempstead, Doct. II. Holt, T. Rogers, I II. Emerson, Col. Geo. McIIenry, rnd generally to the members of the Bench and Bar, and to tho public men of the State. Ills charges will be reasonable. Letters should bepnst paid. [Aug. 1849. 49-tf. JOHN W. CLARK, NOTARY PUBLIC, DELHI, DELAWARE COl'NTV, IOWA. 53"John W. Clark will also attend to paying taxes for non-residents. July 13, 1819. 4C-tf. C. D. Sullivan & Co. WATCH MAKERS AND JEWELLERS, SUCCESSORS TO JAtlAItD fc CO., JVe. Jifainstrect, Saint Lmiis, Missouri, KEEP constantly on hand a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, French and Yankee Clocks, Gold Pencils. Gentlemen and Ladies' Breast Pins, Gold Lockers, Gold and Silver Spcctaclcs, Rings, Gold Guard Chains, fee. &.c. Silver Table, Desert and Tea Spoons, manufactured and for sale low. Watches and Clocks carefully repaired and warranted to keep time. Sept. 5th, 1849. 1-ly. 110 BB INS, Clock, Watcli-Malcer, & Jeweller, HAS moved his establishment a few doors north of his old stand, where he is prepared to execute all kinds of work in his line, witli dispatch. Ho has a fine assortment of JEWELRY on hand, which will be sold cheap for Cash. He is prepared to manufacture Jewelry to order. A share of tho patronage of tlie public is solicited. SCrC.ish paid for old Gold and Silver. Dubuque, April 3d, 1849. 31-ly. John E. Smith & Co. [BRANCH OF J. I:. SMITH & co., GALENA.] RESPECTFULLY oiler to tho public their new and well-assorted Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS. &<••, all of the latest fashions. Their facility of lulling cheap In tho eastern mark ets, enables them to sell "cheaper fii than the cheapest." Clock-!, Watches, and Jewelry, carefully repaired and warranted by C. Kaltenbach. ***The highest prices will be paid for old gold and silver. December 12,1848. IS. tf. DICKINSON'S TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Dubuque, Iowa. TH E Proprietor respectfully announces to his friends, and the public, in general, that his new and commodious house is now open for the accommodation of all who may favor him with their patronage, whether transient or regular boarders, on terms that cannot fail to please, and he hope-t to merit a liberal patronage.— The location of this house has decided advantages over tho other Hotels bv being near the steamboat landing, and con venient to the*business of Main street, being situated on Fourth, between Main and Iowa streets. ItS-Good stabling connected with the above. w GEO. L. DICKINSON. December 5, 1849. nl«J—ly WAPLES" HOUSE. THD undersigned begs leave respectfully to inform his friends, and tiie public, generally, that ho continues the above well known establishment, and begs to assure them that it will lie his constant endeavor to give satisfac tion lothose wlio may favor him with their company and that no exertion on his part will lie omitted, to render tliein comfortable. His table will be, supplied with the best the market allbrds. Ilis rooms are airy and convenient, and every department of the establishment is on a liberal scale. Attached to the premises is a large and commodious sta ble vrhere an attentive groom will always bo in attendance. DANIEL ANDERSON, Dubuque, Dcc. 5, 1849. nljtf Pojprietor. CITY HOTEL.. A. II. MILLElt, lato of the Leclarc IIou Davenport, would ndvfae his numerous friends, and tl.o public generally, that ho has taken theaboie named spacious estab lishment, where he flaltejs himself that ho will be able to accommodate his guests In a etyle to meet their entire approbation. To his St. Louis friends, who have heretofore honored iiim with their patronage, he would toiy, that tho vicinity f( Dubuque abounds uitli n variety of objects of interest to the visitor. The grouse shooting is not to be surpassed, and the best trout fishing at an easy distance. Passengers convoyed to and from the boats in carriages, (r*e of expense. A. H. MILLER. Dubuque, Kept. B8, 1848. 12-ly EARMliltS' IIOM11. HE undersigned still lreejN this long established and known Tavern at th« corncr of Main street and the Market Bquare. in this city and is now better prepared than he has ever neen before, to accommodate traveler* T1well Md regular boarders, ori tho most reasonable terms as ho Mm has made Mveral now additions, and improvements to the former on**. Ho would especially recommend his estab- DUBUQUE: WEDNESDAV::s:DECEMBER 19, 1549. Foreign Summary. ENGLAND.—The elements of revolution are mingling and combining in England, and wait but tho union of the materials, to put forth an effort for popular government. Besides the pub lic, or national debt of England, which, of itself, is sufficient to crush the present system of gov ernment to death, there is a private debt on the real estate of the country, amounting to £400, 000,000—equal to $2000,000,000. That coun try must surely be in a sinking condition, whose resources are insufficient to pay the interest on its public obligations how much more so must its dissolution become apparent, when its repu ted wealth has no substantial reality. As an il lustration of the condition of the majority of the landed estate, we may suppose that a man who is reputed to be worth, say $20,000 per annum, owes more than his estates are worth, if they were put up for sale. This system is kept alive because the majority of the property-holders are in the same predicament and men of property control the government. Ilence the govern ment is sustained in its prodigality by the nobi lity and the government, by its strong arms of physical force, protects the nobility in their reck less extravagance. The scales of corruption are so well balanced between the government and the nobility, that they are mutually upheld in their financial schemes. Popular opinion has never been combined with sufficient firmness, or composed of the proper materials to attack the aristocracy with any hope of success. Chart ism has made some impression, and wanted but a little more of the popular material to make an effect. It failed, however, in its first attack. Recent news from England puts us in possession of facts which go to shew that Chartism will re vive, that another effort will be made and judg ing from the liberal tone of the press, some ame lioration of the social state of society must be the inevitable consequence. I E A N .—Every effort made in this ill-fated country to keep alive the feeling of Nationality, sinks the people deeper in the social slate of ex istence. This effect is but the natural and ine vitable consequence of the systems by which every effort at Nationality has been characteriz ed—systems which looked not to the condition of the masses—which confined themselves to the mere elevation of wealth to rank among lords and barons. This has been the great fault with all the national parties in Ireland. The masses have been overlooked. They have nev er been made to feel that there was a National Patriotism—that there was for them a country, —that the day should come, when each one of them could rejoice in the rights of a freeman. Such inducements as these have never been sin cerely held out to the people nor do we believe that their assumed leaders ever dreamed that the mass of the people should ever be elevated to the rank of freemen. There is too much of the Ar istocracy in them to believe that anything so good could be seriously imputed to them. These leaders have been the ruin of nations.— All countries have had their leaders. Some few of them have certainly been trustworthy,but the large majority have betrayed their country by their ignorance or weakness—by imprudence or treachery. Ireland has had a succession of these leaders, impotent, imbecile, and treacherous.— They have never sought for the attainment of the people's rights—never sought to elevate the social condition of the people. Looking merely to the elevation of themselves and families, they have invariably supported the enemies of the people, when their own aggrandizement was a condition consequent. Imitating the Aristocra tic manners of their country's enemies they have placed themselves above their fellow-men having no common sympathy with the people above that which a master has for a vassal, which a subject has for his lord. We have no hope that the present leaders, (John O'Connell & Co.) will accomplish, or even attempt to ac complish. more than their predecessors. They They have, so far, taken the wrong steps to ac complish any good. The people are taken into the account to furnish an audience at Conciliation Mall for which privilege they pay one penny a head. Mean leaders, to require the miserable, half-starved people to pay for the privilege of hearing a recital of the wrongs of their country. Dupes and dolts to put confidence in such braw ling sycophants. There is no hope for such a people. FRANCE.—As we predicted a few weeks ago, the present rulers of France are concentrating the strength anil resources of the country to fix themselves permanently above the control of the people. Louis Napoleon issues decrees with as much pomp and circumstance as if he were tin acknowledged Emperor. His fiat goes abroad to the world as if it were the law of the land and what is worse, it is obeyed by the authorities. Our latest advices inform us, that thirty mem bers of the Assembly have been banished for imaginary crimes. Newspapers opposed to the views of the President, are suppressed, and their editors thrown into prison and yet we listen in vain to hear that public indignation hurled at the usurpers, which insulted freemen could not refrain front exhibiting. France is not, nor was she ever a republic her people are not republicans and we should not feel dis tppointed if our next dispatches inform ed us that despotism reigned supreme and un disguised in the (Jrandc Rcpublique- EP*Tho Rev'd. Dr. Forbes, an Episcopalian clergyman of N. York, has embraced the Catho lic faith. K2P*Father Mathew lies ill at New York.— Hon. Henry Clay paid the Apostle of temper, ance a visit during hiv rccent tour to N. York, 1''TrfVi Tlie Holy Well. BY ELIZA COOK. [It is not generally known that the tavern in Holywell street, Strand, London, known by the sign of The Old Dog," is raised on the site of tho celebrated Holy Well," from which the street derives its name. Fitzstephcn men tions this well in lfiliO, as being famous and frequented by scholars and youth of the city, when they walked forth to take air and Stowe alludes to it as being much de cayed and spoiled with rubbish, purposely laid there for the heightening of the ground for garden piots." The cof fee-room, at the tavern above mentioned, is supposed to be built immediately over the spring. The following lines were prompted by the interesting remembrance which forms one of the many poetic legends cunnectcd with our modern Babylon.] They say, three hundred years ago, The cold, pure water used to How From a gurgling fount with trees around, Where "The Old Dog" Tavern may now be found. They say it was a wondrous spot, And tho ''Chronicles" kept it unforgot For the pages of History often dwell On tho storied fame of the llolv Well." I can seo tlie place as it was of yore, lien its crystal riches would ripple and pour From a fountain channel, fresh and dank, Mid flowering rush and grassy hank When the pale cheek left the'eity wall, And the courtier lied the palace hall, To seek the peaceful shadow that fell On tho waters of the Holy Well." The scholar sat on some old grey stone, here the ivy was thick and the moss had grown, And be conned his book, while the gentle tide Came softly bubbling up at his side. Plighted lovers went wandering there, Iilrnding their sighs with the twilight air And many a warm lip stooped to tell Its first romance by the lloly Well." Sweet birds came to plume their wing, Anil lave their beak in the healing spring And georgenus butterflies stooped to play About the place ou a sultry day. Folks came troni the east, and came from the west, To take at that fountain health and rest From the north and the south they came to dwell By tho far-famed stream of the Holy Well." Oh, a goodly site was the old place then, When the waters wore sought by the Red Cross men !lu:brave Knights Templars there were seen, V\ lth their hosteirie jjiiv ..u the field of green hen the famished pilgrim lingered there, Blessing the draught with a grateful pravcr, As his cockle hat and scallop shell Were thrown a ide at the "lloly Well." And now wo see in the busy street A hosteirie where men "do meet 1 hough they wear no symbol red-cross bands, And draw no steel with their strong light hands. For many a year there has been no trace Of the legend lore that marks the place No stranger dreams of tho verdant del! That was lamed afar for its Holy Well." Close and narrow that place is now, Where the beautiful water used to tlow But those who will may go and see Where tlie waters spriing up— pure and froe. On the mouth of the tide tliev mav lightly tread As they would on the graves "of the honored dead At the sign oi The Obi Don gossips still tell Rare things of the ancient Holy Well." Ah, many among us, like this old olace, Exist in the worjd without a trace' Of the exquisite truth and goodly power, That tilled our spirits in Lite's young hour. Time has choked up in the magical spring With the burthens that Trouble and Toil e'er bring, et we turn with joy to let Memory tell Ol the days when our hearts was Holy Well." SCENES IN THE LIFE OF NAPOLEON. I reminded the Duko de-Yieenza of his prom ise to continue his nararation of the events of Ihe empire. 'In the course of conversation I happened to mention the name of Captain Ernest Auz-mi, who was killed at tlie battle of Eylau. He was a brave young officer, and his death blighted the happiness of a beatiful and accomplished woman whom I numbered among my friends. There was one remarkable circumstance con nected with the last moments of poor Ernest Auzoni. The Emperor was eye-witness of his death. I questioned the Duke on this point. It is perfectly true," replied he. Auzoni, who was a Captain in the Grenadiers of the Guard, was a young officer of the highest promise, lie was brave, even among tlie bravest, and he sev eral times distinguished himself during the bat tle of Eyltiu. His dauntless courage attracted the notice of the Emperor. Auzoni's company, animated by the example of its young and val iant captain, had performed prodigies in the course of the battle. 1 could,' pursued the Duke, with a melan choly smile, describe to you in a few words the glorious death of the gallant Auzoni but in so doing, my memory would carry me back to the field of Eylau, where the Emperor shone so conspicuously. When I cast a retrospective glance on the glorious scene, Napoleon is tho engrossing subject of my recollections, and I cannot trace the most feeble sketch of the pic ture without assigning to him a place in the foreground.' 'Duke,' said I, poor Ernest Auzoni is to me an object of secondary interest in comparison with Napoleon. Your details of the Emperor's private life have an inexpressible charm to me. History, always dry and barren, gives me facts and dates—but you conduct me, as it were, into Napoleon's presence whilst listening to you, I can almost fancy that I see him and hear him.' We passed the night on the 4th of February,' resumed the Duke, at Schlitt, a little village situated a few leagues from Eylau. This was a few days preceding the battle. The Emperor installed himself in a miserable cottage, which contained no fire-place except that in "the kitch en there the Imperial head-quarters were estab lished. I scarcely ever saw Napoleon more good-humored, or in better spirits, than on the night on which we bivouacked in that wretched hovel. I recollect that there was only one table, and on that was spread the Emperor's supper. He dispatched the meal in five minutes, and then good-humoredly throwing his napkin at the head of Constant, his favorite valet he said Quick, quick, take away the remains of my banquet,' (it consisted of only one dish). Then advancing to his little camp bedstead, on which his maps had been deposited, lie took up his map of Prussia, and spreading it out on the ground, knelt down to examine it. Come hew,'Grand Kciiycr,' said he, addressing me, 'and follow me from Schlitt—from this splendid capital, Schlitt, to Paris.' He marked with pins all the places through which we were to pass, according to his plan. I shall beat them there,' said he here— there again—and in three months the campaign will be ended—Russia must have a lesson. The beautiful Queen of Prussia shall learn too, at her expense, that advisers sometimes pay dearly for the advice they give. 1 do not like those wo men who throw aside their attributes of grace and goodness. A woman to instigate war! to urge men to cut each other's throats Fie on it! She may run the risk of losing her kingdom by playing that game At this moment some despatches were deliv ered to the Emperor. He rapidly glanced them over, and exclaimed—' Uravo bravo 'i'1'1 AH!!1 HOLT «fc KEESECKER,] FOR TRUTH, WE SINK Ol'R SHAFT:—WE DRIFT UPON THE VEIN OP PRINCIPLE. VOLUME IX. CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, DECEMBER 19, 1849. 1 We have them now But surely these despatches have been a longtime on tin: way How is this!' con tinued he, knitting his brow. 'Tell the orderly officer who brought them that 1 wish to speak with him.' Monsieur,' said he, in a «everc tone, address ing the officer,' at what hour were these des patches placed in your hands At eight o'clcck in the evening, sire.' And how many leagues had you to rid*!' i I do not know precisely, sire.' orderly officcr ought to know that, Monsisur—I know it—you had nine leagues to ride, and vou set off at eight o'clcck—look at your watch, sir. What o'clock is it now The officer was quite disconcerted, and he stood motionless. Tell me what o'clock it is, sir, if you please.' Half past twelve, sire. The roads were in a terrible state. In some places the snow obstruct ed my passage—' Poor excuse, sir. Retire and await iny or ders,' and as the officer closed the door, he add ed—' this cool, leisurly gentleman wants stimu lating the reprimand 1 have given him will make him spur his horse another time. Let me see—my answer must be ready iti two hours hence—I have no time to lose.' The despatches which the Emperor had just received were from General Lasalle, who was encamped in the village of Deppen. He inform ed the Emperor that a column of the enemy, amounting, it was presumed, to between fifteen and sixteen thousand men, having been liable to work a passage through the snow, had got separated from the main body of the Prussian army. This intelligence was of the utmost im portance. The Emperor's answer was, an or der to General Lasalle to attack, with his divi sion, the column commanded by General Les toeq, and thereby prevent the junction which the latter was endeavoring to effect with the Russian army. At the same time, he directed two regiments of dragoons, who had been posted as scouts, at half a league from Deppen, to join Lasalle's division, and to fall simultaneously on the column, which was atacked in front by the troops of General Lasalle. He sent for the orderly officer whom he had rebuked a few minutes previouslj-. Set off* im mediately, sir,' said lie those despatches must be delivered with the utmost speed. General Lasalle must receive my orders by three o'clock —you understand me, sir Sire,' replied the young officer, in a most res olute tone, by half past two the Generai shall have tho orders of which 1 have tho honor to be the bearer.' Very well, sir mount your horse—and stay' —added he, calling the officer back 'tell Gen eral Lasalle that it will be agreeable to me that you should be the person selected to announce to me the success of these movements.'' This orderly officer was the son of a senator. The Emperor was perfectly aware of this fact— but he was always more strict and severe to wards young men who left the military colleges with the rank of officer, than towards those who gained their epauletts by facing fire and sword. It is but just to acknowledge that the latter rarely needed a reprimand, and when tiiey did the Emperor admonished them with parental gentleness. Tims In- created in all ranks of the army men who would have sacrificed their lives rather than incur his displeasure. It is remark able, too, that men who performed prodigies of valor, and covered themselves with glorv, never looked for any reward. It seemed that the lives of till belonged to one alone, and that to perish in the cause of that one was merely the per formance of a sacred duty. The heroic phasis of the empire impressed a noble stamp on the French character. At the time to which 1 was just now rofi r ring,' continued the Duke, whenever we fought the victory was our own. The intrepid Lasalle, with less than three thousand men, repulsed the enemy's column. General Lestocq, closely and vigorously pursued, owed his safety to the swift ness of his horse. Three thousand Prussians perished in the conflict two thousand live hun dred prisoners, and sixteen pieces of artillery were the trophies of this partial engagement. Its consequences were of vast importance, for the Russian army was cutoff' from some of its communications, and awaited in vain the prom ised reinforcements. On learning this news, the Emperor was quite transported with joy, and he several times exclaimed—' Brave General Lasalle admirable troops I am now sure of gaining the battle which I am going to fight at Eylau This is a good augury we will now march forward to Eylau, gentlemen On tiie day of the battle, the weather was dreadful. The snow, which fell thickly in fine flakes, froze as it reached tho surface of the earth. Our clothes being covered with this sort of hoar frost, were stiff and heavy. The horses could not keep their footing. The sanguinary conflict had been maintained since morning, and when night set in, all was yet undecided. Tin Emperor, in a state of the utmost anxiety and impatience, galloped up and do»-n the field of battle', braving the grape shot which was show ering in every direction. He was always to be seen on those points threatened with the great est danger, well knowing that his presence would alone work miracles. Meanwhile, the ceasing of the fire on some point indicated that the enemy was falling back. At eight o'clock, Napoleon was informed that the important posi tion of the church, which had been obstinately disputed, taken and retaken several times in the course of the day, had again been carried by the enemy. Our troops, whose numbers wore infi nitely inferior to those of the Russians, retired fighting to the church-yard. At the moment when the orderly arrived with this intelligence, the Emperor had dismounted, and was person ally directing a formidable batterry pointed on the left wing of the Russian army. He instant ly leaped on his horse, galloped off with the ra pidity of lightning, and throwing himself into the midst of the baltallions, which were begin ning to give way, What!" he exclaimed, 'a handful of Russians repulse the Grand Army! Hear me, my brave fellows let not a Russian escape from the church! Forward with the ar tillery We must have the church, my lads we must have it!' This address was answered 'Vive l'Empe reur forward we must have the church and all rushed onward, rallying in good order. A few paces from us we espied an old gren adier. His face was blackened by gunpowder, and the blood was streaming down his clothes. His left arm had been carried away by a bomb shell. The man was hurrying to fall into the ranks- Stay, stay, my good fellow,' said the Emperor, go and get your wound dressed—go to the ambulance.' will,' replied the grena dier, when we have taken the church,' and we immediately lost sight of him. I perceived the tears glistening in the Emperor's eyes, and he turned aside to conceal them. At ten o'clock that night the church was ours. The Emperor, who was thoroughly ex hausted, tottered with fatigue as he sat on his horse. He ordered tin firing to cease and the army reposed, surrounded by the enemy's biv ouacks. Our head-quarters were established on the plateau, behind Eylau, in the midst of the infantry of the guard. 'All is going on admirably,' said the Emperor to me, as he entered his tent. Those men have fought bravely Without undressing, ho threw himself on his bed, and in a few moments was sound asleep. At four in the morning the Emperor was again on his horse. He surveyed the ground, arranged his plunfl, posted the artillery, haran gued the troops, and rode past the front rank of each regiment. At day-break he gave orders that the attack should commence mmultaneous- tliat we could scarcely perceive any object at tin distance of ten paces. After the lapse of some little time a Russian column, amounting to between five and six thousand men, was dis cerned during the night this column had re ceived orders to join the main body of the army, and had missed the way. The troops, who were marching forward hesitatingly and without scouts, had strayed to within the distance of a musket shotof our camp. The Emperor, stand ing erect, with his feet in the stirrups, and his glass at his eye, was the first to perceive that the black shadows, slowly defiling through the veil of snow, must belong to the Russian re serve. He instantly directed towards tliein two baltallions of the grenadiers of the guard, com manded by General Dorsenne. Whilst the gren adiers advanced in silence, the squadron on duty near the Emperor turned the column at tacked it in the rear, and drove it forward on our grenadiers, who received it with fixed bay onets. The first shock was terrible to the Rus sians. But soon comparing their numerical strength with the small number of troops oppos ed to them, the officers drew their swords, ral lied their men, and all defended themselves with great courage. At one moment our grenadiers appeared to flag, when a young officer darted from the ranks, exclaiming in a loud voice, Courage, my brave comrades follow me and the Russian colors .are ours!' lie rushed for ward, sword in hand, followed by his company, and penetrated the compact centre of the Rus sian column. This unexpected assault broke their ranks, and our grenadiers resolutely enter ed the passage opened to them by the brave Au zoni. The Russians were sabered or made pris oners. This is one of the most glorious achieve ments of this memorable day,' said the Emperor, who had been an eye-witness to the heroic con duct of Auzoni. He summoned him to his pres ence, and thus addressed him— 'Captain Auzoni, you well deserve the honor of commanding my veteran moustarhc.s. You have most nobly distinguished yourself. You have won an officer's cross and an endowment of 2,000 francs. You were made a captain at the beginning of the campaign, and 1 hope you will return to Paris with a still higher rank. A man who earns his honors on the field of battle stiinds very high in my estimation. I present ten crosses to y ur company,' he added, turning towards the soldiers Enthusiastic shouts rent the air, and the same men advanced to meet the enemy's fire with a degree of courage and enthusiasm which it is impossible to describe. Two hours after the victory was ours. The enemies forces routed and dispersed, retreated in the utmost disqrder, abandoning their wound ed, their baggage, and their parks of artillery. But the day 's work was not yet ended for the Emperor. According to custom, he went over the field of battle to estimate the enemy's lo: s, and to hurry the removal of the wounded. It. was trulj' horrible to survey the immense extent of ground over which the snow ef the preceding day was crimsoned with blood. A quarter-master of the dragoons, grievously wounded, perceived the Emperor passing at a few paces from him. Turn your eyes this way, please your majesty," said the man. 1 believe 1 have got my death-wound, and shall soon be in the other world. But no matter for that! f'irc I'Emjtcrcitr.'' Let this poor fellow be immediately conveyed to the amliuhiiicr,' said Napoleon. 'Raise him up and commend him to the care of Larrey." Large tears rolled down the cheeks of the dra goon when he heard the Emperor utter these words. I only wish,' said he,' that 1 had a thou sand lives to lay down for your majesty.' Near a battery winch had been abandoned by the enemy, we beheld a singular picture, and one of which a description can convey but a faint idea. About one hundred and fifty or two hundred French grenadiers were surrounded by a quadruple rank of Prussians. Both parties were weltering in a river of blood, amidst frag ments of cannon, muskets, swords, &c. They had evidently fought with the most determined fury, for every corpse exhibited numerous and horrible wounds. A feeble cry of Vive l'Empe reur was heard to emcnate from this mountain of the dead, and all eyes were instantly turned to the spot whence the voice proceeded. Half concealed beneath a tattered flag lay a young officer, whose breast was decorated with an order. Though pierced with numerous wounds, he sujcccdcd in raising himself up so as to rest on his elbow. His handsome countenance was overspread with the livid hue of death. He re cognized the Emperor, and in a feeble, faltering voice, exclaimed, God bless your Majesty and now—farewell—farewell—Oh my poor mother He turned a supplicating glance to the Emperor, and then uttering the words, To dear France—my last sigh he fell stiff and cold. Napoleon seemed rivited to the spot, which was watered with the blood of these heroes. Brave men,' said he,' brave Auzoni! Excellent young man. Alas This is a frightful scene. The endowment shall go to his mother. Let the order be presented for my signature as soon as possible.' Then turnrng to Doctor Ivan, who accompanied him, he said, 'Examine poor Au zoni's wounds, and see if any thing can be done for him. This is indeed terrible The Emperor, whose feelings were deeply excited, continued his mournful inspection of the field of battle. On various similar occasions I have seen him powerfully moved. Yet he never expressed by words his regrets for the in evitable miseries which follow in the train of war. This was a very characteristic trait in Napoleon. I am certain that his heart was painfully wrung when he beheld his devoted friends and servants stretched lifeless at his feet. But he seldom bet.ra3red any outward manifest ation of grief, either because it was not natural to him, or because he was so perfectly master of himself that he could repress the signs of inward emotion. 'Now that I am free from the fascination which his presence excited over me, I some times endeavor to analyze that character, that peculiar organization, which seemed to be made up of so many incongruous shades. Napoleon defies psychological science. His character doubtless, presented imperfections, but the beau tiful and sublime are predominant., and the more I study the character of Napoleon the more I am impressed with its grandeur. I have now told you,' said the Duke de Vi cenza, all that I know relative to Captain Au zoni. Whenever my memory reverts to the battle of Eylau, the aspect of the field on the day after the victory appears, as it were, visibly present to me.' Were you near the Emperor,' enquired I, when the Dukes of Istria and Frioul were killed I was,' replied he they fell in the campaign of ldl3. From that period we sustained a con tinuity of reverses, which have no precedent in the annals of any other nation. It would seem that, after having passed through every grade of human prosperity, Napoleon was destined to suffer every degree of mortal misery. From that fatal year commenced our hourly, I may say momentary duty of alleviating that bitter an guish—of sharing that silent grief, which the sufferer cannot and will not express, and which he fears to betray either by word or look. left St. (/loud for Mcntz on the 15th of [PUBLISHERS «fc PROPRIETORS. NUMBER 15. fixed on the castle, threw himself back, placed his hand on his forehead, and remained for some time in that meditative attitude. At length, rousing himself from his gloomy reverie, he began to trace, in glowing colors, his plans and projects, the hopes he cherished of the faith ful co-operation of Austria, &c., tfce. Then he resumed his natural simplicity of manner, and spoke to me with emotion of the regret he felt at leaving his bonne Louise, and his lovely child. I envy,' said he, the lot of the meanest pea sant in my empire. At my age he has discharg ed his duty to his country, and he may remain at home, enjoying the society of his wife and children—whilst I—I must fly to the camp, and engage in the strife of war—such is the man date of my inexplicable destiny.' He again sunk into his reverie. To divert him from it, I turn ed the conversation on the scene of the preced ing evening, when, at the Elysee, the Empress, in the presence ofthe princes, grand dignitaries, and ministers, had taken the solemn oath in the character of Regent. The arch-chancellor (Cam baceres) and the Duke de Cadora were appoint ed her counsellors. Those were two men of vast ability. bonne Louise,' said the Emperor to me, 'is gentle and submissive. I can depend ou her. Her lore and fidelity trill nerer fail me. In the current of events there may arise circumstances which decide the fate of an empire. In that case, I hope the daughter ofthe Cu-sars will be fired by the spirit of her grand-mother, Rlaria The resa.' 'The Emperor,' continued the Duke, 'was •lmstaken in his idea ofthe character ofthe Em press. She was endowed with none of that en ergy which gives birth to great resolutions. She was, it is true, gentle and submissive, and in the everyday routine of private life, she might have conferred relative happiness on her husband, but that is all. Beneath that envelope of ice it would have been vain to seek a heart and like all wean.-miiided people, she was a dissembler, not from calculation, but from apathy and fear. She was cold and methodical, and utterly incapable of feeling that enthusiasm, that ardor of feeling, which, under certain circumstancos, inspire he roic actions and prompt to noble sacrifices. 'Had Maria Louisa been tranquilly seated on the throne of France in ordinary times, she would have passed unobserved had she owed her importance solely to the reflection of Napo leon's glory, she would have commanded res pect, though never admiration. But her con temporaries have been called upon to judge her in her character of Empress. Historv, forced to inscribe her name side by side with "that of her immortal consort, must acknowledge that the Austrian archduchess proved herself incapable of discharging tlie duties of a wife, mother, or sovereign. Maria Louisa was, in fact, worse than incapable, for she was below the level of he position. 'The Emperor,' though an accurate judge of men, knew nothing ofvonien he had mixed but little in female soeietv. Ilis feelings in re lerence to women were wholly material, and he did not admit the fascinating power of intelli gence and talent in the female sex. He did not like learned or celebrated women, or those who in any way stepped out of the quiet sphere of do mestic life. He assigned to woman a very low grade in the social order, and thought they ought not-to exercise power or influence over the minds of men. A woman was in his eyes merely a graceful being, and nothing more. En deavors have been made to throw a romantic coloring over his short-lived amours but the fact is, that Napoleon never formed any oft hose attachments in which the strongest party is the weakest, and in which the enslaved heart gives more than is demanded of i~. 'Lo\o,' »:aid he to me one day, 'is merely a silly infatuation, do pend on it.' 'The Emperor and I used to have very anima ted discussions when the sex became the sub ject of his caustic remarks. I was very far from sharing the opinion of my honored master on this subject. I used to assert my opinions with my accustomed frankness, and it is but just to say he bore with great patience the contradiction ef his most firmly-rooted ideas. 'One day, when 1 was transacting business with him, I proposed the advancement of a per son who filled a situation in the civil adminis tration of the Imperial stables. He was a man of integrity and business-like habits, recommen dations indispensable to persons employed in public departments under the empire. I was ri gid in exacting strict attention to duty and 1 always used my influence to forward the inter ests of those who were most deserving. I spoke to the Emperor of and set forth his good qualities. 'No, Caulincourt,' he replied, 'M is very well where he is. Leave him then .' 'But, sire,' returned I, 'lie is a man of excel lent abilities, and most assiduous in his attention to business. The appointment which I request for him is an act of justice.' 'My dear Caulincourt, I assure you that your protegee is a fool.' I manifested some surprise on hearing this. 'Yes, I tell you he is a fool. A husband who suffers himself to be led by his wife, always ranks very low in my estimation.' 'But,' inquired I, with a smile I could not re press, 'how happens it that your Majesty has been made acquainted with circumstances which certainly have no connection with tho service of the Imperial stables?' 'Ah! ah! Grand Ervyer, you see 1 know what is going on better than you do,' said the Emper or, rubbing his hands and laughing. Cagliostro was a poor conjuror in comparison with me.' 'I nevertheless persevered in my suit in behalf of poor and obtained for him the place, to which his merit well entitled him.' "Well, well!' said .the Emperor, 'let him have it but tell him I like a man to be master in his own house.' 'You see,' added the Duke de Vicenza, 'that my capricious imagination has carried me very far from the road to Mentz, along which the Emperor and 1 were journeying on the 15th of April, 1813. We reached Mcntz late on the following night. I will tell you to-morrow the news we learned on our arrival.' Mr. J. Galbrailh of Wisconsin, has underta ken to introduce tho cultivation of flax into the above State.. J|e,htwabeeu about twu years in W i ftiethods of 1 1 i I i s first fifty A she ii! i,arty» did, but inj? nacks, that, the pickled cherries luite of how SESnguished mcr was exjtlen ole from the nick 'y my appetite, and such a defect on my Llll^ 11/ It II*. I A IV w head, that I had a motion to leave tlie table, but Mr. gave me some harts-horn resolved in water, which bereaved me." "My father was one ofthe framers ofthe new constitution," said a youth of a patrician the other day, to another of origin. blood, more than plebeian "Who cares for that," Rates of Advertising: 1 square, (10 lines or less) 1st insertion Each additional insertion, One month, Three months, Six months, One year, ... Professional Card (under 6 lines) per an. Merchants, advertising by the year, will be entitled to half a column, for Patent Medicines, half column, 1 year, do do whole column, do 25.00 30.00 50.00 The Express Job Office Is one of the most perfect in the North-West. We have lately purchased from one of. the. best Type Manufactories in Boston, an excellent as sortment of JOB and FANCY Type, which, to gether with the stock previously on hand, will enable us to do all kinds of Job and Book work, in the latest and most elegant styles of Printing. Blanks of all kinds, constantly on hand, or printed to order without delay. Handbills, of all sizes and styles, printed at e s o e s n o i e Book Work executed with neatnc.s and dial patch. FARRIER'S DEPARTMENT.* Bliglit, Rust, Smut, Uildcir, Are terms applied to express several affections by which various plants are attacked and vast injuries to growing crops occasioned. ., The Blight, generally known by tlie name of Rust, attacks the leaves or stems both of herba ceous and woody plants, such as the barberry and buckthorn. It has indeed been supposed to be transmitted from barberry bushes to grain grain growing in their vicinity. When fully de veloped, this blight generally assumes the ap pearance of a rusty-looking powder, which soils the fingers on being touched. Although the naked eye can discover on the surface of blight ed wheat and other straw nothing but a discolo ration, subjected to the microscope, their sur face is observed to be covered with an orgoniz ed growth of fungous plants, regularly and beau tifully disposed. Those who may be curious to see delineations of this plant, as shown bj' the microscope, will find them in one of the plates of the Farmer's Encyclopedia. At page 1117 of this excellent work, which ought to be in the, hands of every farmer that desires to be posted up, the parasitic plants constituting rust on wheat, are shown as magnified in every stage of their growth, from the almost invisible seed thro' the different stages of growth and development to maturity and perfection of the fungi, and bursting to shed their infinitely minute seed.—, Under the head of Mildctc, in the work referred to, a great deal of highly valuable information may be obtained, relating to blight, rust, and mil dew, and the best remedies against thetn. In the disease 6f grain usually called smut, the farina or flour of the kernels, together with the coverings, are converted into a black soot likc powder, which, when the ears are struck, flics like a cloud of black smoke If a portion of this black powder be wetted and put under a microscope, it will be found to consist of millions of minute and transparent globules, which seem composed of a clear and glairy fluid, surround ed by a thin and skinny membrane This dis ease does not affect the whole body of tho crop, but the smutted ears are sometimes very nume rous The origin of this disease is attributed by some to the soil in which the grain is grown, whilst by others it is ascribed to the seed. This last view seems sustained by the success which has attended the 6teeping of the seed before sow ing, as a preventive. A weak solution of arsen ic is much employed in England for this pur pose. A strong solution of common salt in wa ter is much relied upon for the same purpose, in some parts of the United States. This last means, if as effectual as it is reported to be, is much to be preferred on the score of safety, ar senic being at all times a dangerous article to deal with. Last year we had curious accounts of the death of partridges and pheasants, in ex tensive neighborhoods in England, coveys of which would be found dead, hovered together, and always in a standing position, as though still alive The cause of this was for some time a mystery, until the contents of the craws were subjected to chemical tests, and showed the pre-, sence of arsenic. The birds had eaten the seed grain steeped in a solution of arsenic, and thus fallen victims to its poisonous effects. Mihleir on grain or other plants is a thin and whitish coating upon the leaves, which, when abundant, occasions their decay and death.— When it affects growing wheat, it appears as a glutinous exudation, particularly when the days are hot and the nights without dew. It is assert ed to be a minute fungus, of which different pecies attack different plants. Sulphur has been found a specific cure. Manuring grain crops with soot has also been recommended as a remedy against mildew. Others have dispu ted this, asserting that as soot renders the crops more luxriant, it led to their being attacked, the richest portions of fields being always most lia-' ble to mildew. As it is least common on airy situations, thinning and ventilation may be re garded as preventives. Griesenthwaite, in the New Theory of Agri culture, throws out the conjecture, that in many cases in which the blight and mildew attack grain crops, it may be for want of the peculiar food requisite for perfecting the grain it being known that the fruit or seeds of many plants contain primitive principles not found in the rest of the plant. Thus the grain of wheat contains gluten and phosphate of lime, and where these are waiiting inthe ijjpil, that is, in the manured earths in,oidi^ the plant growls, it will be una ble to pcrfect^ts fruit, which of consequence be comes riabtejto disease.—[American TI.'RK.ISII METHOD' Courier. OF TREATING HORSES.— The late Cojhmodore orte|jjyheii envoy ofthe United. States at' Constantinople, had a horse cured of founder by a Turkish farrier in the fol lowing manner: "The Turk said the horse muBt. be bled in the inside of his diseased leg. He put a nipper on his nose to keep him steady— then took up the left leg, and crossing it over the right, gave it to an attendant he then Btruc.k his lancet into the vein, a little above the fetlock joint, and took from it about three- and a half pounds of blood. The vein bled freely. Ho now said he had taken enough he then went to tlie very opposite side of the leg, and striking his lancet into a vein above the knee-joint, a sin-, gle drop of blood exuded, and both that and the first opened vein instantly ceased bleeding.—|J... There may be novelty in this, but it certainly^, astonished me to find that opening two veins intf the same limb, stopped both from bleeding such^ however, i» the fact, for I witnessed it. He de-^ sired that the horse nhould rest the next day—K that he should then be rode with great violens#-« until he was in a profuse perspiration the eased liinb then to be rubbed with 1UK wet salt—(to which I added a pint of hot brandy)—then rulwf i bed dry, and then walked about until cool, and covered with blankets the same process to bft repeated next dayr-whioh wa« done, and