Newspaper Page Text
WEiMM CHRONICLE. BEDFORD, Pa. Friday Morning. DEC- 1. !<. "Fearless and Free." DAVID OVKR, KI>ITOR AND PEOrRItTOR DEDICATION. The Methodist Episcopal Church,recently rectad in tis" neighborhood of Alexander C nn'iLer's. iu Friends Cove, will be dedi cated to the worship of Almighty Hod, r.ti Suadiv, the 9th of December next, at 11 o'clock, A. >l. Services will commence on :h. day previous. Ministers from a dis tance are expected to be with us. ,T. T. PHELPS. Nov. 10, 1855. B E DFO K ~E M ETE R V. The Corporators ef the Bedford Ceme tery Association, are requested to meet at the Court House on Saturday evening next, when bnsinefs of importance will be tians ueted. Poor llttuse Officers. The i'oor Directors met on Tuesday last, aDu 'e rbe following appointments: For reward. Wlll. F. Moorbead was reappoin ted. For Miller. Emanuel Easter, reappoin. ted. I'hvsicTt.u, l>r. B. ¥. Harry, Treasurer G *O. W. Hlymiro; Cicrk, Thomas 11. Getty. Jr. Th: ire all first rate and so far as we can learn, give entire satisfac tion. I: is now generally akluiitted. that the Poor ITousa is under the management ~f as g<i,rl officers as can be procured, and. the fact of the Directors the superfluous office of Attorney, and reducing the high salaries of all the other offices which were unnecessarily increased by Lo cofoism. thus savins the County ovkr turke HUNDRED jiOi.LARS annually, gives an earnest of sail i .rther reform?. Another matter th? people would like to know, is how •he Institution stands pecun iarialy,a nearly is possible, wiiioli woul I also show under whoso hands ine vant debt against it was c juirartcd. Tg* It will be seen by an advertisement in another column, * that William Mat-lay llwil, Esq., i- about fo;miug a class of young men lo leapti jiractieai surveying. Mr Hall is a thorough practical surveyor him self, as most of our readers know, and his system of oral instruction, a- to know (having been his nex f d*or. unighbor since last spring, during which time he has Ind several students) is most excellent;— Wc wore astonished at the shortness of time iu whieh tf i> science, when i-iiupiifled lv a competent master, can be acquired by a studen'. 'There ought to be at least for ty youug men (two from ca<di borough and township iu the county) ready and anxious to master tbisjntcresting and useful seicnce at so low a co*t. Tiurc arc a number of townships in the county wjiere the want of a surveyor is much felt. Our able, prompt and active County .Surveyor, Daniel Sams, is obliged u> icfusc applications every court week. Coiisre&s. I nJcr our telegraphic head will be found the late.-t despatch Ironi Washington eon- i taiiig an account of the first day's proceed ings. The Senate met and was organized- In 'tlie Hms ■ four ineffectual ballots were ".eld shr Sp.ik'.r. If ''.ingress should organize, i 1 time tor the President 10 de liver his message thi - week, we publish it in put next. • Iy~Mr. Peter Radebaugii is now selling off his stock of goods at first cost, and having auction almost nightlv, as it is his in n-mi iu of removing to Favctte County, Pa., in the cours ■0; a couple of months. So ! bargains way be expected. W are sorrv to \ part with Mr. Radcbaugh as he has always been an excellent citizen. Rev John A. Collins prta ked in the M. H. Church on Sunday morning,to large and attentive audiences. due removal of Mr. Sleek, and appoint- I trent of a German Jew, as P. M . at Alum Bank, has created the most intense excite- i .rent against the administration in St. Clair own-hip. All the consolation we can give to the suffering and insuited people Democrats and others, is to boar with it until neit fall, and then unite with tho American party in placing in the White House,one who wtil remove thasa papal and ! officers aod place good and true ricans.wuo speak and write the language of o? country, m theirstead, Si should ! a" every true American who lias on® spark of nat total prido abbot him. COXOEEMMJU*.— It in itaio J • bat Hiraui V. liennett, a whig, in oiacted del ogre to Congress from Vebtrag'g*, by 1C inijur;t j over Ciupman, deai. Too election u M baiil ui!3 bo conteiteu, ou account of persons vMing who- lived on knl belong ing to ti f.imjiiru, >ybit-J j* said to bo iltc PETER PENCE. We publish in another column a letter from the Pope of Rome, which has recently appeared in Arch Bishop Hughe's newspa per at New York. It is a uiost extruordL uarv document in relation to which we will have more hereafter to say. At present Ave content ourselves with following comments of New York journals. The Evening Post sarcastically remarks. •'The letter is nearly a year old, but is for the first time published in the Freeman's ! Journal this week. But for the date, wc might have uspceteJ the l'ope had seen the application of our Board of Education, this year for over amilliou of dollars for school money, and had ccucluded that this must be a good place to beg for educational purposes." The Commercial jfJverhter speaks as fol ]ows: | "We have railed this letter an edict, be cause it is well understood that a wish froiu the Pope obtains th saint obcjiaccc as u command when addressed to "the faithful" Romanist*. It is evident tba: the Romish Set) begins to entertain serious apprehen sions of his power to maintain its wonted strictness of discipline over even the cbrgy educated in Romish schools in the L'uited States, and hence the desire to establish a college in Rome for the special training of American Papists. It may well be expected that in the uar* prccints of the Vatican, the miud3 of pupils ' can be more rigoiousiy moulded and ensla ved than in any establishment in a land of : liberty and light. The Freeman's Journal, in the very article in which it exults over the Pope's letter, ad~ mits that not more than one in ten of those inhabitants of New York who are Romanists by baptism, are in the habit of listening to the Kotnikb priesthood; and there can be no doubt that the proportion is evcu greater among the llomanists by by baptism in other partsof the Union Hence the new effort proposed to train up a more subtle and in fluential class of Romau pastors who may be better able to keep the flock together. X Etv York, Nov 30 - -The feat of tele graphing direct in a single circuit between New York ami New Orleans, was witnessed hist evening at the offices of the Nvw York. Washington and New Orleans line, effected by the aid of six repeaters, a single arrange ment by which the aid of way batteries at intervals o.ysncral huudrcd miles iasccurod. Telegraphing, 1:1 very long circuits, by the Morse system, dav after day,"is practically impossible, but it is believed, by those com petent to form a correct" judgement in such matters, that the newly invented machine of Mr. Hughes will render it easy to telegraph :>f all times when wires are not actually par ted in circuits, a distance of 5000 miles- Several of the llughcs' machines arc nearly completed and they have been secured by a company who propose to open the line to tbc South in few weeks. The George Law brings over ninoteeu hundred thousand dollars in gold. She loft Aspinw ill on the 20th inst. connecting with the Souora which left San Francisco on the sth. The Sonora spoke the John L. Stephens on the 9th bound up. The Goorg o Law got off at halfpat twelve o'clock, and js now coining up. The barb llrunctte which went ashore at Saody Hook, ou Wednesday lias been floated off. She was from Savannah, bound to Del" fast with a load of cotton. Where Shall I Go? Thi was the vjuesrion asked by Mr. M eb sier ivhen he betrayed tbu confidence of tho Whi 5s of Massachusetts, and was de serted by them. And this must now be the inrjuirv of all who hare heretofore voted { with the Whig party and who have not already united with the American pirty, to save the country from the misrule of the present national dynasty. Looking at the results of the late elections in Maine, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania aud Ohio, wherever, indoe-J, a Whig ticket was run, and in various other States such as Kentucky. Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia Maryland, where no such ticket was i before the people, it is apparent that al! who have heretofore rallied around the Whig banner, so noblv borne aloft by Henry Clay, and other distinguished champions, who have not as yet joined any other party .must now perceive that there is but one course i loft for them whereby they can be the means j | of securing an honest Administration of our national affairs. Aud that course is to join ; the Amti ican party. Where else can they consistently go? They have, honestly and patriotically battled against those who now opps.te the Americans as ferociously a3 they formerly did the Whigs. Will they now j turn round and aid those to keep power who havo bem their rntbless and prescriptive j enemies! A few who were drones among tho Wbies, though clamorous at all times - for offices and honors may; such men arc no loss to any party; rather is their departure 3 relief from a .burden, Uut can tuc great taass of the 'FAiijj go over to the foreigners and their allies, by whom -'the great States man of the-.West" was so often defeated, and so maliciously traduced and defamed? , I Can they b so false to their own principles j so dead tl.o memory of their own wrongs; | so wanting in self-respect; so of : the good opinion of mankind? We-e pot the foreigners ever opposed tQ i i ftiem, and were titer not, yerr after year i defeated by these "constitutional citizens," who were iu tne habit of voting over and over again at the same election, and of driv ing from the polls every man who, from the peculiar appearance of bis dress and man ner was suspected of beingaPFAigi Surely they cannot Lave forgotten that it was by the foreign vote that Henry Clay Avas de feated in 1844. and Franklin Pierce was • elected over General Scott in 1852. They cannot have forgotten that the Wh'gs were always in favor of a more rigid enforcement of the naturalization laws, and the adoption ' of stringc-nt measures to prevent foreigners ' and others from desecrating the rights of ! suffrage by voting more than once upon the ! same day at the same election—a prac" i tiec that had become so common as to rcn- | der it almost ridiculous to speak of the parity of elections, or to refer to the ballot box as an index of public opinion, and that it was this very desire of the Whigs to pre serve the purity of the elective franchise which set the Irish universally against them. 1 Ley cannot have forgotten these things; if they have, it is weli they should be reminded of them, and that they should take tberu into consideration when deliberating upon the question of "where shall I goV' Ihe result of the late election ;u New York shows where the Whigs of that State went, such at least as voted; while the oe :cat of the American candidate for C'ong- ress in the first district of Maryland prove, that, in that heretofore Whig district, they 1 went over to their former enemies. As a'< general rul.-, however, they must join the j American party, which is young, i full of hope and confidence, resolved upon i reforming the abuses that have sprung up ! under the old parties, and winch, composed I chiefly of the young men of the country, uubackneyed in the wiles and wire-pulling ■ of old politicians,will in honesty,! real, ant energy, what it may lack of? politcal mangenatut and chicaner). Let this party commend itself not onlv to , the V liigs, but to tin whole American ] people, by selecting unexceptionable men? men of ability, integrity, and purity of ( character, tor public stations of every kind, and its course uiu3t be onward, onward* ' ONWARD.— Ind. Whig. Proceedings iu fougress. Opening oj the Thirty-Fourth. Congress— | Unsuccessful .11 tempt to Fleet a Speaker. \ \\ AKHINOTOX, Dec. 3.—We have beauti ful weather here to-day. The city ithrong- / ed with strangers and the streets wear quite a bolyday aspe<;t. A* the hour of 10*011 ap proaches crowds are wending their way- to the Capitol and the galleries, particularly of the House of Representatives, are crowd- . ed. The Supreme Court tact this tuorning, all tiie judges except Chief Justice Taney being present. SENATE. The Senate was called to order at noon, and the new members were sworn in. J'ne daily hour of meeting was hied for noun and ;jter transacting other unimportant ' business, incident to the opeu'ng 01 a now session, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Forney, the Clerk, called the House to order at Id o'clock, when the contusion which had existed up to that time, was ab ruptly termniUod. Two bundled and lire j uicuioeis answered tj their names on the ' call of the roil. On motion of Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, tit bouse proceeded to the election of a Speaker t'. iu voce. Various Dominations ware made, and the result was announced as follows - .Richardson ci illinois, 7T, Fuller, or Pennsylvania, i; i Campbell 01 Outo,dd, Peuuingtou, ot -tew Jersey, 7; Marsiia 11 of Kentucky, 30;. E uiks. of lei iug votes were cast, but them was uo ; choice— 113 vutoa being necessary to an election. Three additional trials were made with out swuess. On the last the vote stood as follows: —Richardson 72; Campbell b7, Ranks 22; Pennington 8; Marshall 30, Ful ler, 17; and Sixteen scattering. T he House then adioun.ed. Prfsidcatiiil Nominating Conven- j (ion ot the American Party. LOUISVILLE, NOT. 27.—A proclamation | has been put fourth by the American order stating tliat at tho annual meeting of the national council in June last, it was resol ved that a convention for .he purpose of ' nominating a President and Vice President 1 iof the United States would assemble at : Philadelphia on the 22d of February next, therefore it is preclaimedthat the councils in : each Congressional district, and each State elect delegates to said convention, and that alternates for eaoli Suite and Con gressional delegate be elected. It is also | proclaimed that a special meeting will bo held in Philadelphia on the ISth of February to transact such business as may bo brought before it. Health of Judge Douglas | WASHINGTON, NOV 30.— The Hon. Mr. Alieu, of Illinois, brings hopeful intelligence j frut judge Douglas. Ho was in the sick ahamber of Judge Douglas, at T'crreHaute. Ind., on Tuesday morning last, and found i iiim convalescent.' The ifcidge expressed | the opinion that he wruduDe able to bo in WashiugtoD by the fir3t of January. NKW-IIAVKN, Tuesday, Nor 27, 185;. j The most rxciteing town flection ever BEDFORD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE! held here took place to-day. Over 3,500 votes were polled. The American Union ticket succeeded by 400 majority. A Town Clerk and Selectmen were chosen. ARRIVAL OF THE ATLANTIC. OXL WEEK LATER FROM EL ROL'E. NEW YORK, NOV. 30.—The Ameiican mail steamer Atlantic arrived here this eve ning shortly after 9 o'olock bringing hirer- i pool dates to the 17th in*t. The Atlantic left Liverpool at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of tbo 17th. She brings 175 passengers. Heavy weather was experienced, with westerly gales during the last ten days.— She arrived out on the 11th in*t.,and the ' steamer St. Louis arrived the same day at Southampton. The news by this arrival is of no special importance. There is nothing new from the seat of war in the Crimea. From Asia there arc accounts of Turkish success | <2 S. The Liverpool commercial circulars re- I port the cotton market unchanged, and < breadstuff* slightly advanced. Accounts from the Crimea represent the allied armies as preparing for wrintor cam- i paign. Only a few ships remained at Dnie per, t'>e bulk of the fleet having returned to Constantinople. * Humors of peace were extremely preva lent in Engiaud and on the Continent, but eenernlly of a vague aud indefinite charac ter. The diplomatic agents of the allies i were extremely active, especially at Stock holm, Vienna and Brussels. The Paris exposition ha closed. Twelve ; thousand prizes, including numerous decor ations of the Legion of Honor. A despatch from Lord Stratford D'Kadc liff gives an account of a victory gcined on ! November 5, by Omar Pacha over 10,000 Russians, mostly Georgian militia, at the ! Biver Ingour, which Oiuar Pacha with a ! body of Turks, 20,000 strong, crossed at ; four points, taking 60 prisoners and three j guns, the Russians suffering a loss of four hundred in kilied and wounded. The Tur- ' kish loss was3oo men. A private despatch ! evidently referring to the same encounter j says: The Turks crossed the rittr Anakard i and stormed the Russian red.iubts, after which they pushed forward t-owaids Ku laiia. | Ivars was still besciged, but appearances indicated that the. Russians would soou re tire to TiSis. FROM THE CBIMLA. —Both armies were wholly occupied in hutting preparatory to wintering in the Crimea. A dest ltcry fire wa* kept up between the north and south sides of Sevastopol, and the fortifications on both sides were being aug mented. The latest dates are by letter to the 31 inst. The weather was fine. Priuce Gortachakoff's late*; despatche* arc to the s:h inst. He says there is noth- , ing new in the Crimea. The enemy con tinue to occupy the valley of Baidar, where they have two Division*. A Russian Cadet Lad deserted and repor ted that Gortschakoff ia determined to haz ard an attack of the aiiics, aud every night his advanced posts were reinforced an I supported by field artillery. Count .Lemar.iki Las been appointed to raise and command a division of Cossacks and Poles for the British service. DIPLOMATIC NEGOTIATION?.—Genera) J Wedcll having been summoned to Berlin it j i* reported that he is again to be dispatched to Paris on a peace project. Numerous communications were being ] ex. lunged between the com ts of Vienna and St. Petersburg, but it was thought that the pre'iuiiuaries for peace negotiations would not take a definate shape till :bo ar- j rival of Sir Hamilton Seymour, the new British Minister at Vienna. A Berlin despatch ct the 31 instant says It appears more and more positive that the I preliminaries are being arranged at Brus sels with the assent of Russia for a resunip- ; lion of negotiations, and notwithstanding all ■ the denials it is persistentlv believed that peace is not far off. RL'SSIA.— A despatch from tv. Petersburg says that the Ktupcrer had left Nicolaeiff on the 9;h for the Crimea; to thank in per- j sou Prince (lot tscbakoff's army. HE wvuld ' return via Moscow to St. Petersburg. Up ! to the 12th the allies had not undertaken j anything new in the Crimea. A private despatch says that P.u**ia has absolutely prohibited the export of Bread- j stuff.*, and -Sweden it expected to follow the 1 example. The allied fleet at tha r.ioutli of the Duci per had been reduced to eight ve'sseis. TURKEY. —The oxportations of bread- ; stuff* has been prohibited from all Turkish j ports, an i importations are allowed duty free. Fit ANTE. —The formal closing of the Pari* exhibition and the distribution of the decorations and medals adjudged By the Em peror, took place on tue 15th. The list of the American premiums had not been re ceived. The Emperor made a brief address on the occasion, extolling the be'nefit* of the exhi bition. In allusion to tha war, ho said— desire, as I do, a speedy and durable peace, but this peace to bo durable must distinctly realize the objects for which the war was undertaken. Europe must decide who is t ight and who wrong, and thi final i victory ho achieved by public opinion. He called on ih >ge foreign, countries desiring peace to pronounce frij or against the al : lies. _ ENGLAND. —There is a rumer of the prob ablo'oarly dissolution f Parliament". It was rumored that the Colonial Secre taryship, refused by theiPuke of .Newp4lo would bo given to Frederick Pee!,.-, who'will be succeeded in tlu War Office by. Mr EayarJ, r r' ' ' * l.ord Codrington accepts the command of the army in the Crimea. The orders and Ribands nave been bestowed ou Generals Pdii*ior and .Simpson. The Chartists under Ernest Jones and their former loaders have reappeared in a protest against the recent, expulsion of ref : ugces. ... T-he. American wbale ship John Henry is reported to have fallen in with the aban doned British Arctic ship, Ilesoluto of Ad miral Belcher's squadron, in Davis Straight which being in good condition the captain took possession of her, abandoning his ( own: • • BELGIUM.—The Belgian Chambers had reopened. The King's speech was congrat ulatory upon the flourishing state of the na tion. SWEDEN.—Gen. (,'anrobert has Lad an interview with the King of Sweden. He met with a cordial reception, hut nothing i* known as to the success of his mission. lluiiier says that the mission of this French General to Swccdcn has references to au al ! lianee between a member of hc Bonaparte family and the Koyal family of Sivedan. DENMARK —.tiI the Governments iu* lied ' to take part in the conference relative to the J Sound Dues, including Russia, have sigi,.- fia.l their intention of being represented. FOUR TEACHERS DEVOURED BY CANNI BALS IN ONE OF THE Sot TIL SEA IsI.ANILS. —The missionary ship "Johu William*," named after the heroic martyr of Kromatiga, has recently complete t a voyageamong the j New Hebrid-s and other westerly groups. The journal of the vovage savs: | "On reaching the Island OI Fate the distressing uows was brought oil board that ! some of *ho teachers, witL their wives. left there on the last voyage, had been bar barously murdered. Only nineteen days after they were landed, under th- mast cheering circumstances, the two Rara'ungan teachers and their wives were murdered to 1 furnish materials ffr a horrid cannibal ban ' quet. The real reason of this sudden act of craeltv could not be learned. ;\ . _ THE WILLI AM SON CASE.—II the EASE IF PASKMOBK WILLIAMSON VS. JOHN K. KANI ' j Mr. LEWIS, the plaintiff's counsel, h is filed j ; a declaration, claiming damages to the amount of fifty tliousand dollars. In all probability, the case will go upon the trial list for the February term. We understand i tint an effort will be made to hare a special i Act of Assembly passed to remove the trial jto Philadelphia. That tin i Legislature would probably pass an act of this kind, i may be trite, hut will Governor POIJ.OYK sanction it? We think not. There is no i county in the Commonwealth, where a more impaiti&l and fair trial would be had, I bin in Dclawa rej county. — Delaxrare Count a R'publicni N E\V oriK. —We have complete return? from the State of New York, which foot up for Secretary of State. as follow? : Heidiv, American, 140,210 l\injr, Republican, ]30,201l Hatch, Soft Democrat, 00,700 Ward, Hard Democrat, 07,104 Both the American ami Republican par ties iu New York are opposed to the Na tional Administration,and, combined, have a majority over two factions of the Demo cracy of 10",57 d. Locoi'oeo papers should place New York in their ••Pyramid of De mocratic Victories," imm uliatelv helow Ohio* The Legislature will stand :— Senate, — , 17 Republicans. 11 Americans, H Soft De mocrats, and 1 Hard Democrat. . Its-"uAhj ' —42 Republicans, f)S Americans, and 4 s ; Democrats of both Shells. dVL^VELXILIjEID: On the '2nd. by the Rev. 11. Ileekeruun, Mr. WILLIAM OVLEH to Mis* KLKZAIIKTH -MILLER, both ctSnako Spring \'. I lev. DIED. At St. l,oui. Mo., on Monday, the gOth day of November, after a brief il!ue>-, Mrs. MARY MOORE, late of this place, age ! G'J years, 3 months, and 19 days. The deceased was for many years a resi dent of Bedford, and but. a few week* ago set out for Louis, intending to spend t! ore, perhaps, tho evening of her day.- with her only surviving son. A couple of interesting little grand-children fur some years past formed hero a part of her house hold, and. her object iti now going west was that s'ao might safely restore these to their father, and if requisite, continue still to ex ercise over them a mother's care. She was literally a mother to ihe trnvthciles-, and for these interesting children we saw her, willingly, bough doubtless, with warm and perhaps sad recollections, leaving tier earliest home and the society of numerous relatives and friends. Rut the fatigue inci dent to a long journey, and s uufrien iiy lu declining years, brought wl results. — Scarcely had the object of her mission been fulfilled—scarcely had she committed her little charge to paternal care an 1 saw them safely welcomed in their new abode—when the Angel of lfeath, with a summon* for her to come home—stood at their happy fireside 1 Iu this vicinity, the deceased will long bo remembered as a kind neighbor and obliging friend—arid loaves many rela tives and acquaintance- here to iw.orn her less. ' * * * Plß SILK OK \ 11.1 ABI E KIAI. ESTATE. B\" virtue ot *RI order of the Orphans' Court of BEDFORD County, the mi hacrlber w ill ex pose to sale, BY public vendue or outcry, at the Court Mouse in, the lb-rough of. Bedford on Haturdty. the ">.'A ft iy of January, J. D. 1 s >O. the following iloserilxM Real Estate, late tl> ■ property "of Solomon filler, D-cexsed, viz: A LOT OF GKOL XIX ' in the Borough of Bedford, being lot. No. 13, in ttn- plan of said Borongtr, sitmt • on .lulia i . Street, eontaininj 6D feet in front on Slid sire -t. and running Imck 243 feus.d.a vin ; thereon.ertc ted a first rate ccUnnrodious FRAME BiMKDiMi IIUUF,, Frame Stable, Ice House. Ten Pin Alley and oilier buildings. This property is h*mlomelv lociftod on the sthiet ieadin* t' Ihe Bedford Springs, and is'a very desirable one—particular ly to a person wishing to keep a* private War- S'liing house,'for which purpose it his hseo nsnl for seve-al yehrsv -The trail ding is sutlieiontlv L large to occonmiodste fifty 'or sixty hiar lers, i ami is insured for four years from the 23d day of September, nit. ! TERMS—Cash at the confirmation of thes-Ue. S. L. RUSSELL. Executor of tkt las! J fill, sr. of Sotoi/uot EH i ixr, AcM . I DECENT her 71 h. ISii. SIKYEYIHK. "J proposr to teach voting men pnninl sur- I vejrinj:—how to make tnrvev* : how to-cut culate area* ; how to M ike draft*. Any one wi<o understands common aritbnn-tie; *rf can add, subtract, multiply, and divide ; can learn surveying thoroughly in two week*, at a cost of Slfl,W, us follow*, $1(1. tuition. $2. for a book of table.*, and drafting instrument*, and sl. fer two weeks boarding for those living away from I town. I am conS.leut that any one who will apply himself ui J ,-r my gui l ance can mak himself* g hm! Surveyor in two weeks, or less ; ind jf this prove* a mistake a* to any one there will !>_• no .''nrg * for his tuition. j I will commence my class on Monday 21th. I ; Dec. inst . provided i cat 1 get ten or more stu : dents. Ap licatiou should f 'made in person or by letter as soon as possii One ball' Hi.- tuition fee to b; piid in vlv ince. ' WM. M. HALL. ! Dec. T, 185-.. ! Plill.ll MM OF VALUABLE KEAI, ESTATE. BV virtue of an order of t!i • Orphan's Court, , ol Dedfot 1 County, vtiere vi!l be exposed i to sale by public outcry, on the premise* o!i FrU ty the 2 t.h. dau of Dmem'ttr, i.ttf., ail that ! valuable fa: to. late the property of Allen Con i Iv,dee'd, situ h • in \rpier tp, abo ut g, uj.h.-s Mul t 0-A est ot Sc lit Ila burg, Containing Acres . of pat.inU'd land*, the fcnprveinmits are : A large Two Story log dwelling bouse, v.ith Stone kitchen attached, targ • douoio log barn, graiiicry and other out buildings. about 120 i acres cleared, under good fence and in a big i state of cultivation, the balance is well tiliibr.ed There aiv- en this farm about 20 acre* o t good meadow. i here i> also a large apple orchard j of choice fruit together with an aou,.dauce of i peaches, pears plums, cbenias Ike. There is also a well ot never tailing water near j the door, and several goo 1 spring* ou the firm, • The above property is wall worthy the riottco . of purchaser*. l h.ItMS made known on dav of sale. Lit I All COM LEY", ISA! AH COM LEV. Ad nr's of Alien Coniey, d c'd. r. S. Any person wishing to exuaiao the prnpeitv uetora the day ofaaia win pious • call ■a I'ri.iij Conly residing on the Drm. December 7, lb j-j. ~ "STItAy'IIEIFJER. ttAMh to the premises or the subscriber, ; ' living-in Monro.- Township, about the mid dle ol .November last, a red ajd able baiter. . supposed to be rising in two years id*, no ' niarx*. lheowni'r is r< Jested to come for w tru. Pr ii • property pay charges and uhe .icr away. IX'AT- ROOM'S. Dee. 7th. FINAL NOTICE. VI. I, persons knowing tbeiasoives indebtel . i . Hi - late dim uf> aviso* „V UiLI.E.I, either ) note or book account, wilt do well to have thei.i settled l y the Ist of January 166b. Alter tlul time they will tie placed i.t the li uids of a proper otlice' tor collection. A.J. SAN SOU. Surviving partuer. Dee. .tit 38-7-,. ALLEGHENY MILS A\i> FEMALE SEMLWRY. 'Pllli second suasion of this institution will 1 commence <ii Monday January 2'jt, lAV, '1 lie session w'dt It divided into two of 11 weeks each wit limit a vacation. Hale* of tuition as follows viz. Common English per quarter So,oo To which will be-added for Each higher branch 75: Each Ancient language 1,27 Tile entire amount oi the ale,ve not to ' i Exceed six dollars HATHA-*. • Diawing end of the Jilf.reat varieties froia $1 to B.UO . Lesson on Pi.itjo, 10.U0 • Vocal innti: 2 Kssor.s per waek I,'H) ' 1 neide'ital.s. _ 60 | Hoarding cut b.- secured on rastuwvsbl* t.-rm*. By oilier THE TRUSTEES. Hams burg. T) ;c. 7, IS7T. ITBLR SILK 0!- V.ILIABLE REAL ESTATE. rpllK uudersignoJ will sell at Public Sale, on 1 FRID.IY Hit 7./1 ri'iy of DEC EM HER, li- 'j, the following property, viz: Oil'- Tract of I. m l containing 137 acres, S 1 acres cleared and nn icr fence. The iuprove nic.its arc OSE C, J )D DWELL!XX HOI'SE. otic Tenant llouso, Barn. .Sluing House, tvc.-. also a good Orchard of choice fruit. This term is situate in Napier Township, fire miles from Bedford, on tile Pittsburg Turnpike, adjoining lands of Slue key, Sill, and others. Aiso. one other Tract, adjoining tile above, containing 13) acres. Xi> acres cle.ired and un der good !'tire, with TWO HOUSES and Stables, he. The a leu ,■ lands arc well watered, and conve nient, and adapted for pasturage. Also, one other Tract, situate in Harrison Township, one fourth of a mile from the Glade Ron!, n ad adjoining lands of Werfz, Mulhn stnl Barclay, cont-tining If.-- acres, hi acres cleared and under god fence. The iieero-e- • 'aents are one good Dwelling House. Spring House. 13 int. Ac. This farm is ia a goodstite of cultiv.aii >n. Fifty acres of bottom land, good liuiestooe, and a sir.'am of water running through the place. Als >. one . tii tract containing 101 (teres, Timber Lan 1. adjoitii lg the above. Also, one other Tract, situate in Taylor Township, Full 'I (' mory, com tiuing22o acres, U t ao.tcs oi vr. ich is cleared and u..fcT fence, i ni; tract i.- w ii ws'erei ami g.wd wheat land. The above tract bis upon it three never fill- . ing springs of good water, and tint ream running through it strong enough to turn a mill. The above lands will bj sold in parsels-to suit purchasers. The .<• !<• will b at the fturm first on this list, at !•) o'clock, wli-n terms will be made known ' bv ISAAC CJ.ARK. Nov. 16, lA',7. . Fall Millinery Good 3. SIC sT <s> JOHN STONE & SONS. \o tii <ou!h Jrcond Strwd, p;itHAfir.t.piiiA, ART r *#*w t*> Aflfti* to their castonww. and to t ftl > trade. t>f their own itaporiti>ci.) the Isrg -st snd handtomsst assortment of MilHtiw? I Goods in th'S city—consisting in part of BONNET SILKS. RIBBON'S. YFt .VETS. ! WCT FEATHERS. FU*VERS. I. VCF.S, ,vc„ Ac. Which will b t>"M at the low est prices, ami on the most -favorable tercw. Philadelphia. Sep*. 1-t. Is*">. tHNTrID. AT." II TAT. C>e. CT-rn. Oat ♦ ami Buck whs ir. \V payment for subscriptions, for which the high's* is*kvt prices will lie allowed,and to be lalVat on.* of the mills in trio- neighborhood. — Also, a bruit 80 cords ol good wood. 33 on t sow; of onr friends bring on these articles. .THE EDITOR. J AJi IE Bl~r;v Y for sale for cash or approv ed J roduce. inquire rf lii tub On cat* Coins. . KATLT: STOUT. i Nov. 18.', 0. m STAGE USE. THK Mibaeriber lias started a now ..Stage Line from Sto\£b*tows to Uxnioan, which wd run each way twice every week. The Coach will leave Stoucrstown on MOM - DA V and fit IDA Y of each week, iraoiedialety after the ntoruiug t<-*ln arrives from Hunting don. and returning, will have 1 Unified on , WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, and arrive i it SroneWAown in time t> meet the evening aia lor Huntingdon. U-ing inucL the neat -t si. i -tn;i|wt touiu to Philadelphia. Lake oldv Si.T-j to StoncrMowit. PETE it iAJ.tSON j Mo". 21. 18M7- G:. STRATLIN'Ii, lll T T TRUE Warning lo Kv ery Neaxtole Note *o Why ITuuales Sutler iu I! cull It. Mo vi man ol delicacy ;* willing to ilitrt s the peculiar >iiln:*:its incident to Ucr >a. fw to uuost ieidOatv l.iiAily physic, .n. This modesty an I delicacy is in.planted by nature, an i neither should u< r need be sulject ed U the rude shocks inevitable iu taluig kuow ii to t be liber seX tboSe aitweill* i :'<.!• 11 g exclusively to t..e Iitial- "iu ex.reine cat*. h*r senajfri." * wilt sacrifice her health rather tlaui Uer delic*' i j'ne c.-'tisc'i'-'encifs are serious, iatucnt-Ll.. ate! life-long. 1 bin mats.! first could have oven t us.* edicd. pcrh-ps better still, nvt ittcumd, le- Cuaie* a complication i 1 '.iS' aseg. Lot ol.;V 11 i-iing th--- health of the mother, and euil in- r-l> her d*. :bv S(C*ness ti.ii ring. 11 1 iiitsii.rj broken constitutioiiS u* or. hei t l.ildrvi. st v emUirra^ii.Kfoot • d poCtiaiiry pffßjM*cU o* the hubiiid. Let c-*d rv sensinie v otu ui TIKEWAR3W6 UMI* j (a* til rut iu.l* htvo duticy by the l-itter • enee and suiT-ii.igs • : others, v: tie c nscqut-nco she entails upon ivix u ru tln.-u : endeared to her. ly hcl ignorat.Ce of the ■ r, lest and plainest rules ot be* te as c-.bLt'Cteu with the marriage state, the viol'dioß ol v.LIaU entails disease, suffering and misery . How- in in : air a iff .-ring from cbstn.rlroM cr irreeaiu-.fics peculiar to the female rystctt, iviiici! uui.- .iii.. the health. 'Ve c3vit if widen h.-y ir. t; . ••tant. and for *h:cr their ue. inacv forbid* seeking inudici! advice' Low many s jfrom pi-aiifius *-ftrt ( of V• wtnab,)•.* from fivrr a.'iss iweaknes*. del i.Jty . • ic. 1 . 1 Hiwiui-iv arc in c.vnstar.t spory for my rauathj pieoeding conflr-enici.t' l'v. ma ny have difficult, if rot dsngcr. v.s de ivtrur. aitd s'o.v ,nd ui.. ..-rtAin recover!.* ' T J the quest int., hov. n'C these 10 >-• prion ted t \v::*i shall he dci-e ? the ui.ti e r y l .■..j.-p'.e Let every woman ttvceid*..n !<"■' h. rse.f. vr. . - . violence to her delicacy, i he nntlir... ; rd i tor of the t (to which she s* a ,it L,.* ..t i subject i the c. uses Irorn which it may ar.x t: d the proper remidie lcr its cure and u '■ r 1-- vent ion. ... This she cn 4 hr pri.-scs?'' g a litt ■' v. u tre ; a!readv possessed by th. U'-cm.s) wlilri. t* is 1 it wiial is the ma!t,-i, end '• IN 1 . i i ha. ■ < . o -it it, ill simple 1 : el-1 He v rds. nd xkch ts •-he c i"i -und'est. i"i. This little volume ii etfiib d 77//; MJRRIED S PRIVATE MEDICAL (OfP-'M^N If i'.d. A. M. MAC'CICi A L', iB-.rtsioa i.v xiim.ams t. -wf-w-js. One Hundredth F.dt'u.a .o'O.tfu Ifme.. j; -o* . rjvr p.ipir.. : sur p. \ nis ruse. ?h. A standard work of ostahlisi i d i<]ili!.. found i tossed in the ( r.tse 1 1 * ' 1 t.t j e Trade Sales in Mew 'York. I'l.ih.b'liir other citu-s. and sold by the prr rij.iil -. - V .-<** lcr* in the U lite-l States. It v.cs first pullibl -d n ISI7. sin • ■ which time 1 i.'l VE hi" .UHBO CuPIV.n hive been * 1 1. of which there were cj rsirl* ONE UUNDKED THOUSAND SI Ml J MAIL, attesting the high est iron Do,, r.; „L u • n-; I i * r.tjiable popular medical IJOOK FOlt KVF.KY FF.MAi.K the autr.or luviug devated his exclusive : t * r. tioti to the treatment f eonipbu ts jaculiar to females, in respect to which he is yeany cel.. suited by I'iuu.saimlS, betli iu peiseii l.d ly etter. Mere every wcvunn can discuvir, 1 jr ci.xr| ti ring her own symptoms with the tU&eriUd. the nature, ein.racier, causes f, and tl* Ji' 1 er i"#i:re lies fur, Iter complaints. The wile about becoming a mntl.ct has • often ne-d of instruction and ttdviee of the mu < t mio. rtam-e her future health, will had sttb instruction and alvicit. a.d elso explain, man >' sviujii which otht-m is? tffy or ihrw, iLfidviit t*-- her si; .;ation are ursenbed. * _ It is of cjttrso Impracticable lo irr.vry fu;tT the various subjects treated <•#", s ll.J wf tl a nature strictly .nUndi u lor the uiatried < r t: > s* riuiteupltiiij} marf'tage- The rvtvlaiit is t* > - taiued in i:s pages hat ft piuted * Wttutg tt thousands, ii. the innumerable lettus rt eeived b, tlie author i which he is permitted ly tl.eSri. :< rs to publish) will attest. ExtraA of a Leth r frtm a pcr.thmcv in Ee'.on , (i.' iu : . DAYTON, May I . LFD • ■ Dr. .7. it. U'lurutau : * - wif* has len pe-cer.tibly f some "three yrar of iti consequence us her area: anguish sod sutieiii g some juontl s be tWeand during confltu niei.l; every saute :siv one nror.'and more debilitated aed j rostiutnv her. putting her life in lumineni darger, arc w is on I lie last occasion vespamd 1 supposed that '.Lis state of tHi is wastsoviuba . ami assigned u- self touted the v,e.TM. At this tin;u (now about tare months) I heard your booh highly spotter, i f. as cortaini: g scie watte reaching nty case. 0 it* receipt and pettisai [ cannot ex press to yon tiro r'iiet it afiSotdea icy disti' ssed in;, d. and the joy its pages tn.p>.ttcd to my wife. or. learning the gr at discoveiv o M. HI. ft -somssux pre vulcd a remedy. It eper. c) A prosn?rt to 'ire w'hieh I little conceived was p->ss fb',. .V i peo.iiii.i-; considerttiotf can ever r.'twv the obligations I an, under to jca, for bavi : ta !v. >u the means of imparling to rs t ui if.- rs .• waited in -Tim Mstrictl M onian Private Medical Coatpsmon-" But fot this, ere ar ih her vear would have pursed ft cr ry he so, in all human pr-diabitity my wife v.-u.d hv u eon "a hat grave and my children .eft tr.cUtr. [,i .-.onsequetwc of the universal popularity ci -he work, as evidenced by its sxtia<o".ca,y .oils, ' Vrions impositions have been et>;n-l .<♦ as well op l-onliacllci*.as on tbo,pi.Wit • } itaiiuns of Title page, spurivus ee ir. sit t-.r ilcptiLiuns infringements of copy i; 1' • ai * fcll ** ervices and deceptions, it has iuei. tour. ■ Cs 1 sary therefore TO ( iI Tl\ THE I'VEE.K t<> "any no b* >:v unless tie words '-Dr. A. V- Ma i"hickA_r, lib T.iborty Street, N. Y.y>sou . tbo cntri in rha (MerkS Otiire-.r rt! a ucrx of) tVu tithvp tge; ami buy only ,oi r sperta. atni honorahb dealer*, "r s i.dby ma.i, and Su "dress to Dr. V. M- Mauricesc. y-wr V orx receipt ft <>• DoH*r. "THF •( \RI:I R: N MOM A N '' VATF. M ILL- A • I VSRON "i* -"wt- mailed free.) to ar.y i nart of tn- I'nited States, the fan.ds# ard ' British P-wincfiS. All 'otters must he P<"t' "I!" nnd AdiP, ,-el to I'D- A- M. MAI hl '"•i'Atr. box 1204, Sew York b'i'y. Publishing A ; - Vo. Itttt I.ilwrty Street, Nt-w Icik. i .)n!v 10. IHu.V-em. , - r K „, N7 >—li r . F. t'. IJeanier, Bedfor. T. i Peterson. J. M. Moss \ Pro., and 7t- < < thwait. PWUsk'lphia: sprc!ei h: *•*' v!> i ter, J. B. (iuitii sun. Erie; >. B. Laufer, Nw e. j burg: J. R. Xiiibat. a -A A. K Meflu.e, t ban. hc-raUU.-g. F33S miiLSt tfor ri U'tsl if - i * f'v j-aic at tl)if i iK'?.