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EW In JA Y 31. young wo (Continued First Pae.) and propos her sassy tongue, an' en to blarneyi' her wealthy, ould father." Honorlia kept her face in the light, but whileshe took tihe key that was pee her hand. Sht came baeb did not quickly raise her hea somein othoer. B telling her (and these- presentiits dosi sometimes) that it would be long she shouldissolve be fondled so again. Never she felt a dissoluble child's love so strong in her heart as t then. She had almost let her tears flow, an toldhim all, but that was only the mad impulse a mo- t ment, and was jostled aside by the net ic evil, whic coming thought. There was a bitter et source of in her heart, love pitted against lovt the venting its useless passion upon unflichi they purpose. A fight that coul y end one wa it down i when all the combata are exhausted. She d it m t on the floor so g with bowed head, that Michael thou e slept. haDon't t herou sethore," he said kindly, pro re " I'm y to go too, an'it's time for bed." onoria obeyed, but stopped him as he left Ohi the kitchen. "eFather, have you any objection to my goin' stato over to-morrow to my aunt Peggy's I I can see for p Willie there, an' give him the papers." Church "Not a bit, not a bit; go this minitif youn ate like; for fear them same papers might bur your fingers," and laughing his pleased laugh d at again, old Michael Deane closed his door. be the I wonder if the winter is so beautiful in every religi other highland as it is in our lone, lone Coune maral Mingalar people that we rae snfsring cannot crm-l out of us the admiration of our mother nature, even in her most terrible aspect. Whether she comes robed in ermine, ice.-rown-. LA edflury-eyed, and relentless, to torment us rwith a m pinchin cold, or like Niobe, watilin, with tears, for the pains of her children; still, there is cident beauty in her mien, and, in sorrow, in privation, son of we worship it. on boax Honoria worshipped in spirit as she went along her wet way that January morning, hold- their t ing the hood of her red cloak firmly under her HAvt chin. It was one of thoe ays common to our mnde hi-hlande, which I always aesociate with acer- m ain human nmood, when fatigue, more of spirit urng than frame, has blanched the face, and deaden- he was ed and darkened the eyes, and fettered the will ise t with a heavy langour. Nature sat pale with pro mist, still and passive, unshed tears dimming neceisi her eyes, aund a host of muttered complainngs ne t atifled in her breast. The moors lay waiting, Lst waiting for the judgment day, as ever, with C folded hauds in silence, while the years andcerools centuries roll on, and turn up other lands rith Thcsp their golden wheels, laying bare treasure to the from t world. Have these moores had any talent given Mw them, antdwhere have they hidden itt r u Honoria liked this day. Its drer quiet suit- take ed her better than sunshine. She paused on The o p the brow of the hill, and looked afar, afar. hnate h East, west, south, north, which way aid the have 1 mighty world lie? Fc r Honorla was feeling a Pr o vague yearning to leave Lettergeseh aod h r badly youth behind, with their past joy, and present hold pain, and seekout that great world, of* whose existence she knew, but of whose strife and were surge she had never even heard the faint echo- Galla J ugs. The outer world Where? So isolated a Fr, are we of the wilds, sohemmed inby mountain, passe cloud ad breaker, that we can scarcely at o: times believe in the existence of any other kno world than that of mist and heather, and weird Thy legend :arontd us, except it be that of star and Gur u,." angel, and sonl ustaining promise above . 000 e heads. DC (Concluded next week.) Pt iwoers Ad I Im o53r, t aul Among the proceedings of our Legislature. blett In n the 26th inst., we ans the blouwmg tug: cesi The Judiciary Committee reported unfavora- Guys bhly on bill relative to divorces. This bill pro- miss poses to reduce-from twelve months to three as the time to elapse for divorcesto take effec t her after judgment from separation from bedand th board. t t The magnitude of the injury resulting from the Sthe ease with which divorces are obtained, is the S attracting attention even from secular ournals. te h The very foundations of society are threatened ben or unless a check be found to stop this overwhelm- pn l ing evil. Protestants arebecoming alarmed at ml results which are inherent in their system. att th Where, as in some States, the law requires cer- ea e tarin observances in performing the rites of. pre marriage, as matter of precaution, the o test- a S ant celebrants very generally disreg ihem, p a and thus throw olpn a wide opportunity for up an abuse. A writer in the New YorkEsesi m -Yost eo states: lit -Thatbut little over 60 per cent. of the mar- th at riages solemnized by clergymen of this city are p reported by them to the lroper Bureau forre- of b istration, although this is positively required th lif y a lawof the State. The writer of the letter us an states, as the result of personal examination in tl lie this matter, that the clergy of the Roman Ca-m sh * tholic Church are not delinquent in this matter, gi go but that they are careful to comply with the s sl law, and, in that and every other way, to pro- 0 sal tect the marriage ceremony from the abuses T which have so injurions an effect upon society It Sat large, and the domestic happiness of its in- h o f dividuai members. Je w The New York Timeas comments on this state tell of things :t fro- We have taken occasion more than once to o cesure the conduct of very many of the clergy i s in this matter, and to say-what we believe to C );re be perfectly true, that they are largely respon- a ra sibvo for a great increasein the numberof t r divorces, againet which they raie o dreadfl lan an outcry, as well as for the maoch greater t wrongs nd miseries ot ur social lire. prc tice and in fact they attach no sort of import aces to the peroemaisee of-the marriage care monny. They regsrd It either ys a mere form, with the mean[ng and merits of which they Dr. have nothing to do, or as slbt of pleasantry in of i which they may safely and Innocently indulge. of i 'We have cited cases I a whichel egymiS_ have themselves snpposing the cermIontobe o_ A jug more, and being led to that belie by the Heoc rule we believe, clergymen, am a l rass _mp troll ---1 ppayt .... ... to how t lv wthou raquiring soy evidenoe to.howtiit S they re fee to enter Into sch relations, and _hus that there is no good and valld reason against uiirE their doing so. A As this ceremony is so lightly regarded by th l is Protestanti, it cannot be wondered at that di vorces are sought for on the most frlvoloIspre it texts. Legislatures following the popular ten C'lmu deumc. have paideiied to the prevalent taste, t.P " and am a conseque the" institutiln"ofmar. dclal riage is iu a inure oontemptible attitude than ayuy other "contract." Looking at it in the -the 1 lowest po,int of view, as a civil obligation, par ties to it are freed from their responsibilities It i with an ease and indiffereoce which could their hardly hold in the most trivial affairs of lilfe lere is a case, hiich is only one out of many, which might be cited. A young man maried a - 7e bt young women, and with her some time, concluded that he d-n made, a mistake, The pub and proposed to make another marriage. Being weeks the wealthy, he sent his wife off on a visit, and and sunan. while she was gone obtahied a divorce. he rooting th came back only to And him t husband of an- residence other. wnikisthera which a tie evidences is dissolved that d h as. What are dissoluble. the mind Protes the more reflecting porto of were our th , at least-are becoming alarmedl mt the evil, which they acknowledge to be the prolific to be source .of poverty, tain, wrong sand degradation. were But they cry out in vain. They have dragged r ttle it down from its high position as Salcrament, theyout d it must be restored, withthe Church which of the no can rightfully administer it, before the achieved pro remedy can be found. Well may the There, t Chi Adv.aos exclaim: cities-s Oh, the Protestat people of the United Sint is State o are in a great masure answerable dPaul; for li nion would imitate the Roui tose me Chorch inhis aregard apd throw around the er Chmarriage r Tn all te holy reverence which to-e-ver God intended gr it, with all hsr ss for its a- rhow Sred ad inviola d e observance, and let death nwdf i b Te only ep tion from as unona ththold wod i be careflly soug pye entered, and thd t Srellgiousl> main o I NW mpg > spa, learning experie j LoNDoN, Jn. 96. The mer Periore from man, w, Havre lth, for New Yor, rseturned badly can be i damsged. ixponre p ns weree killed by the - how cident, the :pnature of whloh's unknown. A giveo w °son of Dr. Green, of Louisvlletk y., wo owas eied t on board, is unhurt. " - den orall; PARIs, Jan. 26.-Parang dvicesu ydenyn er their total defeat at Valleta. O can ca SHAVANA Jan. 25.--The Amfercada thetll n ne I manded t'he body of Cohner, an American tisit h whotogrphr, who was killed by thevolunteers Cto t during the recent riot. He also asked Dul if Loch n- he was able to protect American citizens, other- cold wise the United States would be compelled to thorug tprotect them. Dale answering, regretted the denr o g necessity for bloodshed, andrequested the Con-, will p Amesul to furnish a list of Americans. priests e Last night passed off quietl i t ,,ored r thselvo to, ean At_ Te Porte, in a order ed crcular denies that !nrkey is heavily arming. ecciesi t h The Sla confidently expects peace to result our i he from the conference. highc ran MADRID, Jan. 6.-The Governor of Burgos, B'i was assassinated yesterday when attemptingto cannO take an inventory of goods in the cathedral. magni on The excitement is intense; the eople generally a ee ar.sustain the Government, and many arrests that have been made.the PARIS, Jan. 27.-The Paragnayans, thogh withi badly defeated at Valleta, still holdthe strong- in ev ent hold of Angostura. ma o-e LONDON, Jan. 27.-No first class pabmengers with and were injured by the Periere accident. Mr. funct Gallagher4 Catholic Priest. Mr. Foulquier, ality ited a Frenc n, Mr. Falconberg, second class attrii a, passengers, and three ofthe crew were killed. g t rat LoNuo, Jan. 27.-Trnest Jones, a well We th known Radical politician, is dead. had i cird The Directors of the Bank of Overend, days and Gurney & Co. have been held for trial in £'20,- pries our 000 each, • ia DiULIN, Jan. 27.-A meeting of influential brI citizens was held to-day, to urge the Govern- hour ment to pardon the conviceod FenaNns. Nnw Yona, Jan. .2.--Frequent earthquakes re one in Guatarn be reprted. is probabs lref Jdb in br°no e e as o o hRc ibetweý n sor a anon f unsuc cessfhl attempt was made to poison President to 10 rora- Guyman, ofNicaragu. Nothing from Cushing's Ca. mission. e rt Kt YWoro, Jan. 27.-Many refugees arrived iffct hero this moring from Havana, and it is stated0 `and that more are coming. f n H-~iAVh NA, Jan. 25.- cey Wrt.--A reign of from terror has commenced in this city, caused by of t' the breaking out of open hostilities between or ed, Is the Cuban and Spanish factions wahose hatred pat rnals. to each other cannot be descried. There is eat tned very little security outside the ity walls. Cu- ed bans from house tops fire upon the volunteers 'helm- pid soldiers passing through the streets. The con nedat military enter houses from which shots have by tem. been fired and massacre the inmates. The an attack made by the volunteers upon the Loauvre wh a cer- cofBelhouse is denounced as brntal and un- wo tee of. provoked. On the same night the volunteers the test- shouted-" kill Dule." because meaaures-were in adopted to stop their exceases Many private o'c persons, cltzeisns ardforeignenr have been Bfired wi ty for uponhdifferent parts of the city. The Gov s Po ernment will make special efforts to protect re American citizens. HAvANA, Jan. 27.-The Dicurio reports, upon o Smar- the authority of official dispatches, that n ity re Palms, arina, Cabre,and other towns, are full M. or- of fugitives. Three thousand have presented de inlred themselves to the authorities to receive am- iti e lettsr nasty. Baracos and several other chiefs gve tion in themselves up and were pardoned. ther di an Ca- accounts from the interior received through cl matter, Spanish channels, represent the insurgents as rith the srrendering atmanypoints, but in the vicinity bi topro of Santiago the rebel continue very active. cl abuses They carry of slaves sad herrass the troops. hi society it is reported that they have destroyed by ire w its in-half a desen large plantations near the town. a pums, Jan. 6.--American Minister Dx, at a n Dis state pblic dinner said the camse of Greece was identical withithe cause of liberty throughout tl the world. He assured Greece of the sympathy a nce to of America. - Is clergy LoNDON, Jan. 26.-It is believed that the lieve to Greek adherence to the conference will contain * respon- a reservation whieh will protract the Turkish nber of trouble. dreadful MADRID, Jan. 58.-The Government claims greater the libraries, .works of art, ad archives po Iprac- sensed by churches. . a import- The enforoement of this claim led to theas o essasnatlef of the Governor of Burges The b ireform, dea and chaplain of the cathedral have been antr In The Governieat has withdrawn the diplo indge. matte chareater from the Pope's Nuncio at n Mnhave Mdrid. partimes MiDmD, Jan. 09--The Provisional Govern be aott- mentyesterday ibsed a transaquliing sddresto af by the the nation, dschliniogto takactive stepsagaln ar geieal the reaction, bntdearl ng thatthey watched it -, a ' narronwly, and will .om .t it ifnesa ry- Al religions questions they leave to the Cort.. . A petition for a decree of freedom to all slave ch|dren bern after Sept. 1868, wam referred by a against the Government to the Cortes. Envoys here test aainst the treatment of the Papal ardd byr LunOio. The BishopofBurgos has. beenarest ed. The insurgents of Porto Rico have bca| t that di- amnestied. Molorpro- MADRID, Jan. 9.--It is stated that the mem pulaten- bers of the Provisional Government arcunanui out tate, monsly in favor of Montpensier for the throne. S erman, at a public dinner at Athens, pledged tedethan the cordial sympathy of his Government in sn it In the ticipated troubles. AThENS, Jan. 29.--Prime Minister Bulgaries Stion, par- has resigned. Nothing is known regarding the insiblitie King's iutentiou in relation to the conference. ich ould BriY', Jan, '29.--The .Prumian Deputies have alsded a bill confiscating the property of air oflife the Kltng of Hanover. The propOSal to indict Li of many, hix'of high treason was rejected. liar the Morning Star and CatheolcMeswengw*l ISCELI THE g"3OD. ·MY The publi are aware that during the past A weeks the city of New Orleans was visite by an unusual number of clergymen. Morning 16.. and afternoon these gentlemen were seen di recting their steps, owards the cfeatuoras l W, residene--all bearing on their features te To evidences of srious oeeupation. This often l-whntih-a e- wheat kosw doingng at the e. What are those -a4ty thoughts th~attres d streaet. when the minds of. thiso8clesiastical body There Swere our city ret, so loved, se deserve ine, so o familiar; and therewere strangeV ses-aP- e t ITYOp a n the outer missions-men whose sinewy tre Oeve nwere eherbl warriors, with the marks oef TseI res battle t deep in their intelleual faes; and aD ter h came men of evd ago, down to a Sthe youtht nest just m aeudto the army C4NS Sof the Lord d Pantinga in for esus In pr Christ other itu t ety, like to those t achieved by ther C brot hers f the field. SThere, too, were me of religions commn ait es--oldiers under tli standardbeare 8. d aint I us, Saint Liu, Staint Vince is de Paul; and there were thea hr ular cle g- Dealer in k those meof active energy--t4h eof the great w m SOrder of St. Peter, whose semifcat on extend re to-every ity and hamletrthat stalwoitth body, a a- whose members ae abroad ever the orld, is . n enfroutingaevty speeies of danger, meetg - Id sword in hand, may enemy of soiety and E id God. What a noble sta e See them eoter Rh the or o h i w- est Intuene-e-what -whatdevotedes-w t Iiin learning-what knowledge of the world-what experience, moreover, of that interior life of 'Tis x m man, whieh has in it more of sac's rel t than FCTIO Scan be studied from the exterior-in a word, tnt, rc how many great qualities there, combine to FountaIn A give weight and intereast to that aem bly! Waters. Well, it is a od. It is a -body ofpriets . LT1 united under their Bishop. And this acconts y for all; for under the sun what bod of men ee can come togethet and bring with them half gr do- the learning or half the other great character- chambers -an istie that ennoble the riesthoodof the Roman he Pa er Catholic Church t hnd if Looking on that assembly of last week, wea me- could not help giving wider range to ourwa 1 to thought., and skirngewits mu'at be thegran- Thepr the deur of Rom thisear, when her M wtori we on-, will press within them not only thousands of . EN, h priests gathered froPm. the ends of earth, but CENT r the Bishops and Patriarchs of the world, every Inpro in a order of intellectual eminence, every grade of aloon Ii ecclesiastical dinity that make up andadorn tatien ut our llustrious hierarhy, and represent the wo highost interest. of every people on the globe! Mana S But; for the few words we ye to may, we .U bel gto cannot indulge our thonghts on the coming Iral. magnificence of the Genera Council. We have p lly a meet maificence at home with us. Would propri ets that thl-whale people were able to appreciate PH. the import of what has been here exhibited OT nigh within the last few days. The Church is great I ong- in everything! Not alone are her Councils magnifieent-not alone are her Synods colored PAPE gene with the sublime. Even into her quotidian Mr. functions she infuses a solemnity and a spinitu uier, ality that proves her great, as God exhibits the lo0 class attributes of Divinity in the least as in the lied greatest of His worksl The e well WVe asked what the clergy of the Arclhdioces e rge had in view in thus coming together. For eight Goods rend, days before the opening of the Synod, the egnie £U,- priests went throngh the exercises of a Spiritu al Retreat. The great truths of Religion were *ntial brought in succession before their minds. Their tto vern- hours of meditation were devoted to consider-Chat ing the creation of man, his fall, the hideous- andpr akes ne of sin, the benefits of redlemption. Deathl Coj bable Judgment,. ell, Heaven-all the principal J athoe '-d se i's. r aaseo 1*.. J ggcet al mident to oulr iiiiiiditetiiol. Ties Roy. Father COlsen, bing'sC. 88. R., was charged with oofldictii then Retreat, presiding at its exercises, aid preach-' nived ing to the clergy on the various subjects offer stated ed for their meditation. What a consolaetion- what an encourargement to the Most Rev. Arch- ~ gn of bishop-the venerable Father of theseFathers edby of the people-to see them united in holy pray tween er under hs own eyes; and how often must his batred paternal heast have sent up to God the tender one is estpetitions in behalf of these prieets,his belov . Cu- edchildren in the Lord! mnteens The Retreat ended, the work of the Synod E] The commenced. Its deliberations were.preceded - Shave by Solemn Mass, at which the clergy assisted, . The and the Church was filled with faithfulpeople, Louvre who came to supplicate (od-inafavor of the P nd un- work about tube-anugurated. The sessions of *i anteers the-SyucdI4ceeded one another on the follow s were ig days; and on Thursday morning, at nine . private o'clock, the doors were again,m en fred when the people filled the pews, and the T he Gv- lengthy procesiion of clergy, issuing from the HI protect readeuce of the Archbishop entered the Sane ta nry. The Prelate occupieA the throne. Sol- "D Is,upon oass- was celebrated by the Rev. M. Me- D , tat nard. After Mass the Vicar General, Ver Rev i are full M. Perche, pronounced a discourse bref in- Ii esented deed, but in which he blended all those qual- B1i ive am- ities of the preacher, the thinker, the pious , and learned divine, which have so deservedly ther dsting hedhim among his brethren of the throigh clerngui -gents Finally the statutes were read, the Areh vicinity bishop pronounced the Benediction, the Synod o*h active. closeI Athe clergy disresd- -ch priest taking C troop back with him to his flock new vigor for the ebynh work of the ministry, new lights for the gd he town. ace of his people, new graces to enich tm, Di, at a new confidence in God for the perfection of his -e wss works, nd new power flowing from Heaven 19 roughout through the sacred channels of charity, unity, mmpathy and obedience. A Vo s. that the Moralists declare that a man is known by 1 Sontain the em y e ka ps.a t a _sttt ae o - the OO· ·dehabss owed :ach of it claims kiari sr e egameeties with the dislnisSf K .ves pe- at.Swithen. Gee. Gat, as ose period of hs tlie a €voted his ' -1 ,la1atb wh requir the 11 e is The strse m Cvebo t eo'tm Pesisr rus~s •cm with th stht . Iran ,T at he m a .rtrtuid wi a Is tOC5, l G novern- In'irs5'i'5 of ga·tnd5 atha e. ofther sadsm o d dress to ___er-_" he "The PhpiMutual Life I ace Coi mere - Ea Casnas t.ees StUou rt a toe so tmiawo rld noitatim- sin ite |e.onry. The lsth _ te C.uan. sthm whie . it ha bar ebra thb ea |onl hhe Papalo . / senrretn- The Cremsen t Citr Musou e, 40 and 42 Saint havenbeen Chnin street, is a iaaSieb fan- ,o-rts"d is wel gar es not fce Paresal iaapqctla alonean do ar aenaini- theI Menu'in hwatlC s, n t o o he throne. em ietsrTarr- The membersof the Emmt Circle, Foulan a, pledged Iioth-rhe-d.wi mby noteis - another olu that al to iitiict Atantle.;8 as adrertmsenut in another oilumn headed, "To rPnlarsm." A ..- -- D MISCELLANIEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. XISCEt ABHIE L. PALMEB, D 1 GALLERY OF ART, 167.......--- Poydraa S treet.. Ar.....t 167A w Between Carondilet and St. Chbrles. your Liver I ase will be ", Wold that God the gift woald .ae u os,. To e ourselves as o e us. sound, and This oten epressed wish may now be reslmed byoall.. All persse ing st the G allryof Artk Aewly O e O st _ • Poydr - a street, wheo for ` =Ll. $1 50 per MeaS. ptjUnbe PHOTOGRAPHS may be had unur ame I for FIDE ith a ITT OF LIKENESS and Beauty of __ a J-SDTPl Itres ever taken B The fubllest sati.sfacti guaranteed, or nop Th fai 9 legal tnoj t to judge for them- I 147 of ART, 1PevPdras street. sd am ARCH 7. PALMER. Artit. They o United Ste SH P. BUCKLEY. L WATCHMAKER, 8 8...............CanmpStreet................8 (1.... Dealer in Fine WATCHES, JEWELY, andISILV Tu n WARE. Also, Guns and listols. of C a Manufaetures and repairs every description of work 56 0o i4203 Itwill t - Iwho appl EW i HOIInunder his _eREFRE.SHMENT SALOON, In t ble of the Academy of Music, an be 140... hhat tHPn ouse and Academy Entrance. Ofc I S This New is ntended as a PATRY, CON- EXC A FECTIONERT. d COOLING. DRINK Depart rd, meat, and will r fm a Mammeth Rebtgerator to Fountain SODA WAT the diferent Miner PRO V lyl Waters. suc as VICHY, SSNGEN, CONGRESS. ts ELTZER, ad BLADON, Cool Lager BEER ofA the meet elebrated Brewers, every known Coo- Athle, f everge The Fontan contains r forty ooling "llia. *r- chambers. II Theo Patry and Confectionery Depuetmnaled in dom the heands of the moeet experienced cuisiniere, wi Bell we from day to day prepare those delicacies four the t Caik known as HndLunches- " a The proprietaa. toplace Cool Drinkwithin thereach rk So of all, have redaced the priceof Soda and Meadto FIVE ~ but CENTS per glass. Other lxurles in proportio- C ery In presenting to their patrons the mest eOmpleteSoda Ins Sof Saloon in the world, the proprietors especially dvWy at orn testion to the Fountain. the applicatio anddesitg o the which were uggeated by Messrs. Waterman Co., Soda ol 6, b! Manufacturers of this city; tLhe buldingandmhbaia i7 ine skill belonging to Messra. Mores & See, edebatd md Apparatus manufacturers, of Boston, whe have most aSp -. otld propriatel) named this, their master pieoe, "The TRI siate UMPH. ' The Saloon is now open. - jalT Im s OT ICCE ........... . . . ......NOTIC.E.. 'OTACls------------o--- - - - - l ored PAPER HANGINGS, PAINTS, AND WINDOW R diean GLASS. ritu sthe 105.....-- -.....Canal Street.......-----.......105 ithe - The undersigned bas received, per late arrivals, a very 151 oce' Large, Fresh, and Well Selected Stock of the above es eight Goods, all of which he is now selling at Greatly Reduced Wors i thefgres. wirit- rtiesin want of such articles are respectfully Invi- b ted to call at his Store. No. 10u Canal street, between A l er- Chartres street and Exchange Place, and examine goods meet Leous- and prices before purchasing else here, BA loath Competent workmen furnished when required. d7 cip jal7"Im M. WHEELAIIA-. 14 Canal street T 1 8 LAepS ....I........IAM ................LAMS. e COL IL LIA)PS ANP LANTERN. A offer of 2very bescri'ptio, i - AND EVERYTHING APPERTAINING THERETO, I sathera At Wholesale and Retail. rpray- tag at hin HILL & VEAZIE, wei ender- I below jaty 74 Campstret. -I jEs cana sr -- ------ --- * THE ATRPD L I L -T H L,er -isted, 95.-.. . ...Canal Street.............. v people,(mrterd Deled in WATCHES, CLOCES. JEW of the ET LVEBand VAPLOATED Wppl to-E. to t ert of CRONIC DIEAa , to undepairiWa the drec w. o Dons . etc. , nde by n experd iencelver Wre madeForty Ytoears follow- o9er. and all work dune fully guaranteed. mt l rantthe HOT AIR and VAPOR BATHS applied to the treat S no. meat of CHRONiC DISEASES, under the direction of l[. o- D. ANG ELL, guided by an experience of Forty Years Dy Rev. In Hopstpit and Private Practice. S e in- In RHEUMATISM, PARALYSIS, NERVOUS DE- bel ee qual- BILITY, SKLN DISEASES, CHRONIC CHILLS and tie 0 piots FEVER, LIVER COMPLAINT, BRONCHIAL DISOR tre orvedly DER, etc., they CURE where MEDICINE AILS, re Sof the moving Internal C ogestion, restoring Healthy Circuls- 4 SArch- ic, and eminatIatt from the system Mercurl and te Sod other Polsome it ng Offe 1 Julia street, between Camp and St. Charles. for the DB. JOHN G. ANGELL, chitge, DENTAL SURGEON, on of his H aven 19....a.......Carondelet Street............ 19 S A5 o eratios in the DENTAL ART carefully per. formed. itarous Oxide always on hand for the PAIN T Down by LESS Extraction of Teeth. 3. 4__ _ w nCOAl AND WOOD. &. .GIted, . - AL---------- --CAL- ------- OL eI mc of C .. ... . COAL...................c O uLtd BOYD, WILMOT & CO., re t 166............Poydras Street............16 Over 50,O barrels Best Pittibu COAL fr rale, wdnk? vbolealeseSa retail. deiivered or tIo.eest rsove or be lwbt mtaerity.t th w t prios. Alo.n H '1 OOD-WOOD--WOOD FOR SALE mar eBY J. J. CLARKE. 0 . OAK. sue Corn- 100 . FAT PTNE. o1 z - -a DRY PIN. hesan .ad retal. e L onl Breonlcee 30 J lia see ja.l .m PENCER, FIELD, Js., Wholesale and Retail Dealer In PITTSBURG, ANTHRACITE AND ENGLISH S42 Saint CANNEL COAL, Land is vel Corner of Camp and Girod street., 2e7d in NEW ORLEANS. J C. T Blevl h street, corner Maalat, e , Felan Dealer in COAL, CHARCOAL, COKE, White SAND, o olumn that ead IRER-WOOD. Liberaisa A Ordier left at the Mechehlan Exchange Box 13-will athif* Past ye prompt attention. dzl ly SOAL -............................... COA e e McCLOSKEY. MSN & CO., Whoiesale and Retail Dealers in PITTYBURO , ANTHRACITE, and CANNEL COAL, aoe 3s New Orleans. MISCELLAMU ti ADVERTISEmEnTS. LIVER PILLS AreJust what most pel edt a dgwese.r tSwvwif set your Liver to work, and te result will be y3amrus s aohe will beprsed, yearpstLts restored, yui w1lee up sound, and wake up d natured. with aR t wo All persons are tred at ime W BA. McIVRB8 LAUfO _ usr what tbhey needy . out s tMer, and /u moyru e Tat Tdri , wire y willnever without a box in the l5ho. a asrrum You- a Dar. C. MOanS 1 xvIU rW!.A. Prepasedby PrLMING BROTRaSn. They can be had at any Drg or Country Stse sb the United States. naD ly |a. JULIU .HOMYrGeRn . OCULIST. 8 (Late Aiastlent to Dr. SiohL, Pad) 140........ .....Canal Street...... .....140 Offiace Hous.-ll to . 'clo k. The number of pstients eatted in Dr. -$tibsrger's herofo ton 1 ot Cataracts 46;f fi Cfeeyi.. rk 5;. forLchrymal PFlols, 16; for Atapylea., dt for Disebse of the L fdo.wae et . twill be a pleasura to Dr. HOW thti hose ro ply ickor htratment to patiets b D l. od o B ArD. PHYSICIAN I1 - O, S14.......... Canal STee T........140 Office HorsSfromlto 3 dlt ff EXCHANGh E........ . -. .. .3CHARfGB. SIGaHT DRAn WAFOBIAL fto -o r-Buil Atlo-int O VDregnheda, d ido le. i . PI e h O OI1OD willB, f LEnnis, Sliboreen.,. Cae n P. F. GlOGARTY, W ..C . caMr Temr................... Clv ogh, nlodoeond thry. Wtelr., othon Sda Caicko mI, Mallow. ouhal In sums One Pound Sterling up. 1at DUNCAN, SHER . Z 'N N k. PAT]EN+,T SUPPORTER +TRUSS. eMost EClae1 Comfortable. sd Secure Trus o n Use. Ci Omtruc No Cm an en et. new Orincpleans. J g W' HE3II & SON d ap mro.r...... 'PcuiOuJPirt S oREET...9 S It Ip s orrs end I idn Frious presanri st the beFk, Rat tiesa, bests, ndr iCE. ~or m1101 Cotton Presess. Al the abdome, Oilsnd relehes and are of a o Gnds. weihtvery 151..............CA 151 above saa tor sale rras' General History rof the mtChurch obsthlate a well ats recent caef ermis qualitlep duced Lv byes o the Roman Pntifs, Fbtes n have worn thsl With orks Actan eeres of theSan tPlen yary Coicil ewprme more perfeet relief, comfort sad security, afda, of altiore rapidimproves ofmet the Saints enbe other Stadard ii other person orst appvliance inauthors. A the olath, without rest twe e l eess le of PAYER and SCHOOL . s goods te te geothe patient, or lesth of time aested.a bIal A, or ad re with stampes. d37 3m P. F. GOGARTY. ST. in a. r. . ERIRS , The Meet Efficient, Comfortable, and Secure Trnus in Use. Conetrue ta.l a aes enstire new principle. RETO, It hasach stings nor iron bends, thus avoiding all3 tog the abdUmer sia relie rnt-hLeaitu of all unduer Itor L, 188. Thiruss than n eonmnily Eosb the moper 1 obstionate as well as recv deptcesof eGold qualities p I trammet a, Genea Bankl seIe d by no other Truade as the who haveedin worn the aries kinds with springs or bands can testify. EW With en e.-xpsiease of more than ten ye. s pract alt the treatment nd ce ofowin pture and ernimea wI can mad to more rapid tmprovement thn can bthe obtained of sa Sm other persono a n . S,without regard to the age of the patient, of the ngth of time aolicted. CaTHllO. Lor address with stamp anim l he Ds. TJO. G. C. RRIS, j-to ty Years Hours-From 10 A. Y. to 4 F .I. SOUTHERN BANK. NEW ORLEANS, JAPT DISOR- trans-At a General Btnking of tB e o I Da, re- D ded Ptd r s-Wnuer nmesd, ds of Sa t s. was eorgcare payabld e made on the pteedin- daysn aril end al 3m THOMAS LAYTODN.D PeV resident. SOUTHERN BANK, NW ORLEANS, JANUARY Charles. , 1.-At the eleti45, orth Diro w trs Bak, ev THOU. LAYTON. C. ROSELIUS. ..19 W. T. cEP, . O. . W. B UNS fully per. And ate meeting of the Dosrd of DiretorsU This Day. Ike PAIN. THOS. LAYTON, ReQ., was unanimously re4lecn . President. JOHN r. DEVERmUT, t JaOb t r1orr e Cashiern .d A_ SOUTHERN BANK. NEW ODLEANS, JANUAY ..COAL ,t .er-At a meeting of the d of Directors Th Day, a Divinded a Yoor Ioers per Shaere, bee of tatrk was declared pyable oen the 1 lth ert,.t. hov i orinu bn y sple. b Wahe o . sdtisab eeon d eSe and SOeln ti fro m . te roo every taWENs-AY. * .Qentrn.. THURSDAY.------- UDld h enn oI? tAOiOt P- hAT... R Bn1" • Let rea Yodrk................... C....., . tlee des streets. t Ca 180bind foumlework." n - t ow n.......................~ CurEn meems by themselvsr . e Prol ve he lnlons . of~ehL W