1 - '..r• . /  iMorningStar andCathol MorningStarandCathollo Messenger PUBLIBTD WEkEEL ST r O A b "tarted !aderw Orleans Oa oeUe Pubteatio5 otmpauu, at ot th Diwt Jo. eOrendelat agreeS buiotet POyW,4t --d with the appiroval of the eclaiatk.. So. 14 Cwmdret street betsea Paoydra and w "1admitted want in New L/ayetr stree. mainly devoted to the in1 Catholio Church. -To prevent all kilure, and to t TheDiretore of theCompan are the prm of the nn Most Rev. A&obbishop N. J. PEC, bed on inttoo Present. - based en a Join ook comp Very Rev. G. o of whih i one hundred tto n Rev. J. MoI A, .-dollars each. Rev. T. J. KENN Y, - A Rev. Joan F2wtAOA2. Mr. JOHN T. GIBBONS, A s" .M e. Yr.~ JO HN M C~ um , ~We approve of the efl rYs. T Mr. Taos. G, RAIPinE ecretary. of our Dioeese. StJ. M. Ancmmmo, or Ha L ema r to be addresed to the . . aSS o o1 u,8 . Sditepoef AeMfonlaIrStar hndSeM a _ _hger._ maweaieas Oee--oe. r14 Carondelet ,reet "'HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THEM THAT BRING GLAD TIDINGS OF GOOD THINGS I" _  _e- or nelrrAnnmA VOLUME IV, NE:W ORLEANS, SUNDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 6. 1871, NUMBER 4 ...--. --_ .,-_a _ian fral . t t".. f t they to-o mni-,ht give I The King's Visit. TUE GTurMA 3MZor.-Wb. tever m t en t Morning Star and Catholic Messenger. wco ]EW ORLEABS. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 11. a hail " THE IRISH WIFE." was beal The recent touching and enviable death of T the wife of the late Thomag D'Arcy McGee, and who is said to har died without a pang while of upon her knees in the act of devotion, gives a con: eow and pathetic interest to those fine tribu- Mal tary lines from her husband's pen, and justifies A their restoration to current print: ban I would not give my Irish wife For all the dames of the Saxon land, I would nSt give my Irish wife For the Queen of France's hand; For he to me is dearer It Than eastles strong, or lands, or life, wif An outlaw-so L'm near her- be To love till death my Iish wife.o Oh. what would be this home of mine- her A ruined, hermit haunted place But for the light that nightly shines hi Upon its walls from Kathleen's face What comfo:c in a mine of gold, What pleasure in a royal life, li If the heart within lay dead and cold, r If I coald not wed my Irish wife T I know the laws forebade the banns. the I kntw my ILing abhorred her race; ran Who never bent efore his clans cu Musat bow before their ladies' gratce; Take all my forfeited domain. I cannot wage with kinsmen strife; the Take knightly gear and noble name. And I will keep my Irish wife. My Irish wife has clear, blue eyes, cut aly heaven by day. my stars by nig.ht, wh And. twin-like truth and fondness lie het Wittin nI r swelling bosom white. May Irish wife has. golden hair, yer .ll sn herple oun tter1)501 5,. an. Apo:lo's self might pause to hear e er bird-like carol when she slugs. I would not give my Irish wife For all the dames of the Saxon land, a I would not give my Irish wife bu For the Queen ol France's hand: For she to me is dearer Than casties strong, or lands, or lfe : In death I would lie near her, And rise beside my Irish wife. hr an. MARDI GRAS; bi d Tale of Ante Bellum Times. caa BY Tin. LlNKIctWs TEli. ori CHAPTER I. go " We will thank Hearen And then we'l see maskery." mt In Catholic countries the Carnival time, es- lat pecially the week immediately preceding the Ne advent of Lent, is devoted to social enjoyments so; -halls, parties, theatres and the like enter tainments are indulged in by almost the entire sa population. It comes in the early spring of the soa year, and the pthaasures of the winter season are now brou~iht be a brilliant termination, wi preparatory to the commencement of that sea- Mt son of austerity, observed by the "children of he the Church" as a reminder of their own weak- ye ness, and to bring them to a proper feeling of humility in contemplating the life and suffer ings of Him, who assumed our weak humanity, en who fasted and was sorely tempted, that we, through his example, might gather strength to id pass through the troubles and cares of this hi world with a fortitude and resignation worthy of His name. w In no other part of our own country, are the ceremonies of the Carnival so well observed di and heartily enjoyed as in New Orleans, where at a large majority of the people arn of the Ca tholic faith and where there is also yet a very sc strong element of the French or " Creole" in t the population, who have given to the place ot many of the cuetones of the mother country, customs which their fellow citizens of other si nationalities are not slow in imitlting, or itll- c proving upon, arel fully enjoy. a Mardi Gras, a ercnch terns signifying at tl Tuesday, is the last day of tie season of plcas- ti uro, and is always marked by the wildest scenes of gaiety, and is given over to amuse- h rnent by almost the entire population of the a Crescent City. In the Church the day is known i as Shrove Tuesday, being the day on whichr in olden time, the faithful were wont to make p their shrift, preparatory to "receiving the g ashes" on the following day, Ash Wednesday, thus entering the season of fasting and prayer f with proper humility and devotion. In a quiet cottage, in what was then the '"far up town " district of New Orleans, many years ago, Mr. George Macourty resided. A c nreat open fence enclosed the front of the grounds, through which the passer-by was tempted to pause and look at the graveled walks borded with beds of violets, with a col lection of choice roses, the beanutiful camelia, and fragrant magnolia. A few feet retireda from the street, with a small grass plot inter- I vening, was the house, with a wide gallery in I front and along the side. There was not only I an air of quiet comfort about the place, but a degree of beauty azd elegance that gave evi dence that the owner was on the road to op S. pulonce and wealth. George Macourty was a commission mer chant, whose principal correspondents were English, from whom he received large consign ments of ale, porter, whiskey and other ar ticles of foreign make in that line of trade, lie had now been established for himself about live years, his predecessor having retired from business just before the crash of '37. Mr. Macourty was a young man, of medium height, with light hair, and an open, good na tured countenance. A man of goodeducation, business talents of a high order, and a private character of honor and integrity, he was al ready considered one of the most prominent citizens'oTthe place. His wife, sce Cecelia Mary Christie, a native of the northof Ireland, was a lady of superior education, brilliant ac- ste complishments, and. refined tastes. She was hu tall and dignified jn appearance, with large, aes bright, black eyes, an abundance of glossy cal hair, black as the raven's wing, ani a face that was full of intelligence and radiant with rare beauty. the They were devotedly attached to eachother, ga and were loved and respected by a large circle tri of friends. During the morning meal Mr. Ma- Ph courty was persuading his wife to attend the cac Mardi Gras ball, to which she half consented. tol After breakfast she accompanied her hus- dri band as usual to the front gallery, to say good an bye to him when he was leaving for the day's su business. As they stood there he said: "Well, Cecelia, 1 think you had better go. cri It will be a splendid ball, McDonald and his wife, MacVain, even old Mr. Cummings will pa be there, and I know you will enjoy it." m "But the baby, George? I think you forget mi her." an "No indeed, I do not," he replied smiling, an " but surely Aunt Lotty can look after her." "Just ax you like, my dear," his wife re- It plied, " I kfow Lotty will take good care of her." or The patter of little feet was heard behind on them, and a bright little child of two years Ye ran from the side gallery and with a cry of joy ne caught her father's hand. "Papa goT Papa store Ceely go T" said re the child. " Kisse papa, good bye " be said, bending in over her, and putting back the long, shining se curls that half hid her bright, animated face, ti while the child, with a merry laugh, turned pl her rosy lipg to him. ' Kiss mamma-kiss Ceely," paid the child, w and hIe plsyflly obeqd. _ " You will go to-night, Cecelia? " "Yes, dear." , . " I will not come home until six," he said, ri "and then I will not go back in the evening, at but we w' l get ready for the ball." re As he t"irned to go, a gentleman passing by, m with a pdl bow and friendly smile, said, at " Good morning." He was a tall man, with broad shoulders, a full, well developed chest, in and limbs in such perfect proportion as made him an observed and admired tigure. Iis hair, at closely trimmed, was of so dark a red that in ri these days of polite description it would be st called auburn. His face was full, with high cheek bones, while a smile that lingered b around his ciosed mouth was a mixture of el good nature and sarcasm, leavingthe beholder c1 in doubt whether to encourage or avoid the h acquaintance. Such was l'ercy MacVain, a w man of wealth and education, a native of Ire- u land, who since his business had called him to 1b New Orleans, had been one of the leaders in b social as well as commercial attairs. " Why, Mac, what are yon doing up hero ?" n said Macourty, "come in, coime in, I'm glad to tl see you." "T hank you, George," said the other, as he ti walked up to the gallery. " How are you, l: SMrs. Macourty ? and how's mny sweet-heart 1" o f he said, stooping to kiss the baby. " llow do II you do, darlingi' it f "Ceely's well," the child replied. a "I was just looking around this morning," a said MacVain, when the other had answered t h, is salutations. " I think it would be a good a o idea to buy some property in this neighbor- b e hood-I mean it would be a good investment." n y " Not only that," replied Macourty, " but it hi will be a good place for a future residence." c e "An old bachelor," said MacVain, the snilo t d deepening on his face, " has no nae for any 'e 5flucprovision" e "Yod pare claiming to be an old bachelor too y soon," Mrs. Macourty said good naturedly, "in i n the old country a man of thirty like yon, is I e only a right smart lad." eT o eill, if I ae not an old bachelor noxw. rI r soon will be," he replied, " especially it this e i- country: ButI must hbe gettiig down town, I although as this is Mardi Uras day, I suppose t Lt there will be little businesse doing. Do you go a- to the hall to-night e " r st "I think we will go," replied Micourty, its I e- he repeated his good byes to his wite and baby, I ie and prepared to accompany his friendlt t~the ,n business part of the city. hB During the clay there were : large. unmuber of to people walking the street in mask, hiit the se greater portion of tleni mere young ien or y, boys. These gencrally carried bugs of flour, er from which they sprinkled the passers by, without much respect for persons. Ie In the afternoon Mrs. I4jcourty took a seat iy on the front gallery, watchrpg the few imiask A era, who strayed away from the principal part he of the city and passed her residence. Her little as child played on the gravel walks near lier, ed sometimes running to her with little shells to al- claim her admiration, and again shouting in is, glen at the cha:acters in costume that went ed along. An Indian chief, in war paint, with ar- ai imimexlse plunon of eagle feathers, passed in along, but his war whoop was not as good as ly his disguise, and failed to create terror in the ut hearts of the bearers. Two or three cavaliers, vi- booted and spurred, with gay colored mantles )p- and plumed hats, came next. With these the baby was greatly pleased, oalliug to her or- mother, "see, mamma, oh-pretty." After ere these came a courtier of some olden court, with n- a cloak loosely thrown over his shoulders, and ar-. long sword carried at his side. There were ie unumerous other characters, some on horse ut back, sonie in carriages, but most of them on om foot. To give directions in some bousehold du ties Mrs. lMaconrty went into the house,leaving um lier little daughter busy playing amongst the na flowers. Scarcely had she closed toe door be on, bind her when the courtier, with cloak andl ate long sw yd, appeared at the gate, openel it al- and quickly advanced tot-lie child. ent " Oh I see, see the man I" cried the child,not ilia in th.' least frightened. ,nd, "Ceely, conme go get some cakes," he said, 'stooping over the child. His face was masked, to but she recognized his voice, and dropping the ti shells and flowers from her little bands, she eagerly answered: co: "'Ceely go-get cakes-get mamma cake too." As " Yes, yes, darling," the man replied. Taking cht the little one in his arms he passed out of the all gate, and going down the street turned the foi first corner, where a carriage was waiting. im Placing the child in-a carriage beside a woman closely veiled, the man entered it himself, and of told the driver to move on. The carriage was ed driven rapidly away, turning many corners, ha and passing through side streets to avoid pur- loI suit. if any should be attempted. op "Where Ceely going-don't-let Ceely go," sol cried the child. nii "There, don't cry, Ceely, we will go see pa- pe pa," said the man, and then turning to the wo- da man he said, "you understand, Sarah, the child w must be well taken care of. Spare no money, tb and if your supply over runs low let me know, la and more will be sent." at "I'll do what I can," replied the woman, "but sit I don't like it. There is trouble at the bottom." an "Pabaw! none of your low superstitions," Ni cried the man, "take the boat to-night, go at of once to New York and locate near the city. ed You know the country well and there can be ot no danger." TI "I will obey your instructions, "was the curt ni reply. '4 "It is well," he replied. "You are not known in this part of the country and can never be sa suspected. Change the child's dress, give me m the one she has on, and I will cause it to be w placed somewhere, that will mislead them." hi The child cried and resisted, but the change fi was soon mad.j.nd ihe was again essured thab t she would soon see her papa.. "These traps," said the man, laying aside in the cloak and sword, "you can throw in the w river when you get well on your was. Write Si and keep me informed of your movements and cc remember for your trouble you shall have ai money enough to settle you for life." Look out ni and see if there iss.any one passing." sc "No, this is a lonely spot, and there is no one in sight." itn inGood bye. Take good care of the child 11t and lot me hear from you often." !Thle car- I riage halted for a moment and Percy MacVain w ste iped out and walked quic4ly away. Ilo Thu boat was ready to start' one plank had a' been drawn in and the hands were at the oth- bl er when the carriage drove tip. Taking the re child in her arms, closely lTuntled up, Sarah fa hurried on board. followed by the negro driver w with the small trunk and packages that made n up her baggage. In a few minutes the steam- ol boat backed out froim the levee, and followed by the loud cheers of the crowdEon the shore, in was soon rapidly cutting the water on her trip ti northward. Sarah sought a stateroom anud it there remained with the kidnapped child. si "Where Ceely going ." asked the child at through her stilled sobs, "where's manuma? Cee- h ly go papa," and thou she would break into an- ft other spell of bitter crying. Sarah used all her persuasive powers to console the child but it in vain. "Go away, Ceely wants mamma. Go a away, where's mamma," and thus the little girl h scolded, cried and begged for deliverance, sun- c til her young nature was overcome by exertion 11 and grief, and she sank to sleep on the narrow ' h berth of the steamboat. Through the long a night the baby slept,but her rest was not trani- h quil, the trouble that filled her little heart a camne forth in uneasy cries and smothered solbs that at times convulsed her whole framle. ciHAPTE'Ri Ii. f Hecr household duties occupied but a few p minutes and then Mrs. Maceurtv-wterned to t her seat on the front gallery, andl calle$l to-her little girl. As she received ton answer, sihe I thought the child was busy with the shells I Sanid lowers and went to look for her. Not i finding her she went into the kitchen and ask- 1 ed Caroline the cook if she had seen her. B]e- t Scomning anxious about the child, sheat calcd to t Lotty, the nurse, and it regular selrcl was ( s made, every corner was visited, roo,ms were, . thrown open anld every onle about the house. e gave their assistance. Lotty ran into the i street, up and down the square, asking of eve- i f ry body if they had seen the lost child. e "What is the matter, aunt Lotty," asked, a r little boy of six or seven years, as the womnlt r, can'e np to him. "Oh ! Marser l'hillip, my baby ! my baby : Oh ! Matrser Phillip dle dear little angel! Miss it Cely !"' cried the woman,, swringing her hands. c- "What about her, aunt Lotty ?" eagerly il rt quired the boy. Ie "Oh! she's done gone, sie's doine gone!" r, "Gone ! where to, nit Lotty !" exclaiimed :o the boy. in "01l! I dnnno, she's gone," was the rt. Lh Mrs. Maconury by this time had satisitled :d herself that the child was not inl the houseo andi as cano out to where the nurse and Phillip wele Ji standing. 7s, "Lotty, go down to your master's store, ".she es said," and tell hini we cannot find Cecelia. 11i ie will know what it is best to do; hurry now, pr my good girl, hurry." er "Site mnust be near here," said Phillip, as the th girl hurried away, "she could not go tar." dl "I do not see how she got out of the front re gate," said Mrs. Maconrty, thoughtfully, more ec- to herself than to Phillip. oi "Perhaps she has been stolen," replied the lu- boy. "ug "Oh ! my God! Oh! Holy Mother forbid!'' e exclaimed the lady, becoming more excitet as ie- the idea forced itself upon her. "Who would ud steal hcr? What would they do with my baby? it Oh! where is she ? Cecelia, my darling!" The search was continued, il which all the iot neighbors joined, looking and inquiring every where they went. The police were notified, id, the station houses searched, and messages sent to distant friends that they too might give their aid. Mr. Macourty came home, and ofilfred such cmI consolation to his wife as words muild convey. N As she wM certain the front gate had been K closed all the time, the conviction caneo upon all minds that the child had been stolen, but for what purpose, or by whom, no one could j imagine. :St In a handsome brick house, in the lower part arr of the city, over the doorof which was suspieti- ten ed the sigp "Rooms to Let," Percy MacVain a h had his aprtlments. The front room, or par- libl lor, was on the first floor and the windows (th opening on the street were shaded by hand- Sak some lace curtains, supported by gilded cor- tak nices. The floor was covered with rich c.;r- ig peting, two large easy chairs, four mahogany ter. damask covered chairs, and a fine large sofa, we were distributed about the room. Between per the front-windows there was a piano of the latest pattern and beside it sat a harp, while fee at one side of the room was placed an elegant ,enc sideboard, covered with silver-ware, goblets im] and decanters of the richest styles of out glass. of Numerous paintings, some of them choice copies the of the old masters, and fine engravings, adorn- pre ed the walls, and a handsome timepiece, with the other ornaments filled the marble mantel-piece. of The back Boom was the bed-room, and was fur- b nished with the same style of comfort and ele- by gance. a "Well, itlisone andan old grudge is repaid," ve s said Percy, as he paced through the parlor, ,Ro s meditating on the events of the day. "There s will be no ball for her to-night." He paused wi' before the sideboard and taking up a decanter clu Sfilled d1t the glasses with the liquor it con- f t tned. r lly," he continued, "ase is as true as steel. Her folks served in the family the 5 in the old country or generations ard there til B was not one amongst them more faithful than the Sally." lie took the glass and draining its th. I contents hl4Here's health to thee, Cecelia, by e and sweet as for thy companions in this the t night's rest. Ha I ha! ha! So much for your the scorn of Percy MacVain." " Again he strode up and down the room, lash- lie ing himself into a fury with the fierce thoughts cei 1 that crowded his brain. "To think," he said, ena "That ('ecelile Christie, the haughty aristocrat, to t who with pride traces her descent through un long generat iton of wealth and nobility as high as 1 as any that e,-ver lived in Ireland, without a crt - blot or stain to war their escutcheon, should on a reject an oie.r of marriage from me, whose family is as gt.-1 anld noble as her on n,to marry da r with an Ameuricant parvenu, whose very name on a marks hiln. :. of a msongrel race, the mixture ill - of half-a-dozen foreign bloods." 1 lie sat down beside the harp, and for a tew of s, oments ran evi'1 the strings with the lnagica ,f p touch of a un1aterofthe instrntuent, then Ipush- hil Sing it from him, he contiied cl hs walk. "I've he struck her hiort's core this time and although l) J she will never know who has done it, I will , have mty revenge in knowing that she has sa- inl fered." II Slldenly there ca ;ie before his ntind a via- t t ion of the innocent hibe thus rudely torn fromn o a mother's arllNs. le saw her sweet smile, gii rl heard her ,merrv laugh and retnembuered the sti t- contidence withl which she had come to himla, Ial i had welcomed hint as a friend. Then ie heoard ri Sher cries of distress, her pleading for release n g ndi her childish calls for the loved ones at la .- home. As these scenes grew lmore vivid, in rt spite of hisefforts to drive thet off, his anger li s gave way, visions of his own childhood croewd- lii ed in with them, ho sank into an easy chair and was soon lost in a deep reverie, in which fa fteelings of regret, and the not entirely extiu w guished sentiments of honor and nmanhood, cI to tkau ilmportant pa,:rt. . k ,r i the following day Mr. Macourty cotin ie uedl his Nearch for his little daughter. Letters 'l is 'witll full descriptions of the child. the dress a it ant jewelry that .-he wore. were snit to the pn- c. k- lice and municipal authorit iis ofSt. Louis, Cn - citinati, New York, Bostonaud othler imllortaut t cities.and alarge reward was otffered for her di. s covery. A traveling show was perfoirnig in the re city ut the time, and Mrs. Macourty conceived C slo u idea: that her child was there a prisoner. Ile iHer hnoletan  itlh the proper authorities call- s: e- ed oit the showan.;li, a very honest, good heat t- la cd tuai, who listened to their story with syan- C Sa pat by :Id readily gave his consent to have his r an .urtreCrs sealrched, althoulgh he evidently felt v grieved at the doubt thus thrown upon hin. . : The searchhleing ovSer, the kind-hearted lmal, i iss took full items of the plpearalnce of the littlei is. ,,irl and promised that if he met her on his in- " travels he would at once let Mr. Macourtv hear from hiim. On Saturday some boys who had i been off ishing, fitund a child's dress torn andti aid m uddy on the ,anks of the canal, and one ef' them lhaving heard of the abduction of the re- child, lhe took tbe little garment and brounght it to Mrs. Macourt., who was overwhelmed led with grief at the sight of it. It was the dress, md she knew, that Cecelia had worn the day she le was spirited away. Friends came iw and said that sheo Intst have been thrown into the canal she after having been robbed. The canal was i. dragged for her hody but nothing was found. ow, Old Mr. Cummings and his son Phlillip were very active in all the efforts to trace up the the lost child. Phillip was a bright and clear uwinded boy, possessing ideas far beyond his out years and often suggested new routes to be ore taken, ntew places to be examined. All their efforts were vain, however, as no clue could be the found, further than the child's {tress, and so nearly everybody believed that she was dead. l ! (To be continued.) I as -- - __ __ lld The Maryland Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals stopped a match in the which a horse was to trot twenty miles ary- within two hours, carrying 1000 pounds l weht. tent weight. The King's Visit. CIRCULAR OF 11. E. CARDINAL ANTONELLI TO TIIE re NUNNCIOS APOSTOLIC ON TIHE JOURNEY OP me KINI( VICT''Ot EMMANUEL TO ROME. tir ROME, Jan. 2, 1871. Illaow. 1 Emo. Signore-In the night of the san :30th of December last King Victor Emmanuel I arrived unexpectedly at home with four at- die tendants. The journey was so sudden, that, as a letter from Florenco states, it was only do- but liberated and decided on that very morning, the (the :loth) at the Cabinet Council. For the at sake of a pretext to justify the resolution or; taken, and to diminish in the eyes of the For- the eign Ambassadors itt real character, it was de- an( terluined to put forward the King's desire to. d see with his own eyes the damage done to the Go people of Rome by the extraordinary overflow ing of the Tiber, and to bring himself an ef- fo' fectual remedy by encouraging with his proes- 90 ence the poor flooded inhabitants. But it is 11 important to notice that, dting the morning cia of the very same day (the 39611the Senate of pit the Italian Kingdom had dlsed and ap- me proved the project of law for the acceptance of w the Plebiscite. And, what is even more worthy Ing of remark, the law, voted a few hours before by the Senators, was confirmed and counter si ned by the Ministers during their sojourn we ofa few hours in Rome. It was publisbed the m very saute evening in the Gazetrta O.ticiate di of Roma. ry with one another, it comes naturally to be coe- kti eluded that the intention was, by means of a ths fiot..addenly accomplished, to shut the dour ki to ft saverse comments which one or oth.e*of the Powers might have made, and at the same time to ratify with a more solemn formality "e the usurpation comnmitted to the detriment of til .the Holy Father and of Catholic Christendom plc by making the King affix' his sign-manuel to lioe the confirming decree on the very spot where En the spoliation was committed. For my own part I am glad to be able to be lieve this itea unfounded,'as I could not cow ceive any cabinet capable of pushing its influ- ha ence over the King to the point of forcing him tio to undertake a sudden journey, and one of so ma unpleasant a kind, and the roads being in such ela a state, merely with the object of inflicting a wo cruel insult on the dignity of the Pontiff and on the Sovereignty of the l-[gy Father. At five o'clock in the afterlioon of the next Go day 31st of December), (Victor Emmanuel set Wi out on his return to Florence, so that his stay de inll Rome lasted Ibarely thirteen hours. ate Eitlhr in conseliuencle of the bad weather, or ea, of the calamities ulndergouie by thei people. or tla of the gencral disconptent, the repcltionll given fit hin was cohler and meai"er than might havy th bern, expectedi. With the exception of Prit cc 1 lIorin " nid a person of the namet, of l'lacidi, ait advocate, Ilt \teven the mlunieipality, althoogh si inviteld and iiformul d in good ti mc of tihe N Kings aurrivrltraelpaired to the railway station In to receive. him. The peltple, with their altural e good sense, do not fail to draw comparisons ble- p tween the spontaneouls otid universal demon- ra strations muade to do honor to tIhe Holy Father, ed and that with which it was meant to fete the ar rival of the King Victor Emmanuel. They rt moreover remark that all possiblo measulres had been taken to give it uc!at by lumbeors in and by acclaumations, forasmucht as (they saitd) bi he was then making his appearance fir the I of first time among his new subjects. ed I think it superiluons to comment o.i these to facts, because your Lordship,, as representative of the lHoly See iat the Court of * " will certainly not have omitted to bring to the knowletlge of the Minister of Foreign Aflairse l all that paisedon the occasiot, to which I have to been referring, and tlthe inipr'essiouts which o szuch al event is calculated to produce.-lic- a c! aye, o t.. k c . . :- CA.v A:INAi M. Luv';O IN AND TilE VOU:NDIS Oi lTIE 11 SCl'iri t.--.1. Loysu, who still signs him- 0 I self us "IyI.acinthe," has addressed a circu- f - lrii litter from Rolme to the Bishops of the Catholic Church. This unhappy man, bor- ii s rowing the ,metaphor of ia celebrated work, t which the writer afterwards withdrew, - savs that the Church is afllicted by "live a Swounds." It will be enough to enumerate I I at them. 'lhe "wound of the heart," is "ce libacy of the clergy :" of the "tirst hand," i1 that the word of God is "shut up in the ob i scurity of the dead languages:" of the "f "other hand," tihe "oppression of th.e intel lect and the ccnscience by the abuse of it hierarchical power:" the "wounds of the Sfeet," are "the wordly policy" tof the, ' Church, and "devotions to the Blessed d Virgin and the Saints." We are not sur al prised, therefore, that he speaks of the s. Pope as a depot, and of the doctrine of In d. fallibility as "impious." lie concludes by re warning "the venerable heads of the io Church" that if his "humble appeal" is re n ceived, lie will consent to "resume ai miis si5 try which has been the single passion of SI my youth, the siiple ambition of nmy life." be But if it is met by "condemnation or si so lence," in spite of excommunications which id. "being unjust, are therefore invalid," lie will use "unfettered and independenlt ac tion," and by that means prepare for the on kingdom of God upon earth. "If niy in words," lie says, "are not sufliciently lea strong to hasten the accomplishment of the design of Providence, they are suflicl3Z da true to announce it."'' Sad exhibition folly vanity, and pride. Til Gmawur Exraano-.-Whatever may be the next turn of events, all must experlease a sease oedetrme relief at the cessation of the ilege and the bombard. ment, which were daily growingmore and moredestric tive, and producing daily greater miserfes in tbheity. The plous German Emperor sends a winged dispatoh to the Empress, in which he announced the fall of Parlk, and talked of its being "the blessed reward of patriot. Ism, heroidm and heavy sacrifices." Thee phrasese, ju. diolons critice observe, undoubtedly apply to his troops. but sound very ridiculously when Impliedly applied to the Emperor. He is, no doubt, a brave soldier, but the patriotism has been rewarded by the dignity of EmpMe. or; the heavy sacrifices have been vicarious, and as t, the heroism, he was not called upon to go under fire and we do not believe he has Incurreo the slightest danger during the campaign. The Emperor thank, God "for this fresh mercy." These words, saya th, London Tablet, reminds us of Oliver Cromwell at Wex 9brd and Drogheda. Among the mercies for which hib Imperial Majesty is irateful, we suppose we must tu elude the successful result of the bombardment of hoe. pitals, achools, and the slaughter of sick, wounded, weo men, children, old men, and nonoqpmbatants generally. We have seen it stated that in the course of one morn - Ing the numberof victims was 60 killed and 40 wound ed, one-third of whom were children, and one fourth women. Almost on the very last day of the bombard ment we read a piteous story of a wholesale slaughter of little boys, caused by a shell falling Into the dormito ry of one of the establishments of the Freres des Ecoles Chretiennes. Seven or eight of the poor innocents were killed outright, many otherb sadly injured, to say no thing of the terror which in some children has boon known to produce idiocy.. Sluch are the heotce 4eo hon barlment, and they form, he it remoetamel, dtret ele ments in the military calculations as to the reduction of the besieged place: so many wom,.n and children cut to pieces, so many more ,lead of hunger, so many days or hours the sooner the dloon'ed city capitulates. Ivuma:nau Emperor ! CATIIOLICcl. iN" P raUsA.-4ae 'runalan Cathoi, a have the least cause to be dissatlaled with their condi tion, in a religious point of view, of any others in Ger - many or Austria, with whom, as they themselves dl elare, (according to a Iondon Catholic journal) they would by no means exchange plices. lhey are ]by far the most Intelligent and public spirited Catholics to Germany. Witness the elections on tile lhblue and ,in Westphalia. which have fallen out so numerously and decidedly Ultratuontane in these trying times as to ere. ate unusual consternation in the Protestant and Liberal camps. At IBerlin, a Catholic journal entitled Gc~eraita, has been announced this year to appear there for the first time, under the auspices of a mlan so eminent in tihe State astho jurist Savlgny. Ml.ort gratify log aoth is it to ie able to record the fall and pinconditiona! aubns.- ston of hIr. I)leringer, of Iloun, to the Vatican ,iecreer. No lman's opposition to the dogmatic deIrtlutiont ou:' a.lta! Infallibility had caumed mn, much surprise and regret iat l(;armany as his, so high ilid he stanid as a learned cbaml. lion of the faith, whloie L,, k,..a;tebrhinui espc'ial-yl- ranked an a clacsical wia k ,on c'atholic doctrine for ti.e educated clasesc, which the Arihlliroup of Colognee Lb recently recommendedi to hii clrgy as eminently wor. thy of perusal fir what the aultlor, "in a way.1iSat a+ luminous as poptlatr, has wiltenl therein on the Infatlh bility of the P'opo's doctl ll, l itlutbo ity, and in roeftation I of the objections miado ag.iltlt the samue I" It is c:perc ed that l)ieringers asubmLisiou will powcmfully ucerar to indluce others to " go and do likewise." The iholy Father did not conudesaced to ai.,we: thi letter which the Sardinian robber Impuiclently addia+ ,' to him during his thirty-foiur houra' stay in the ,;,., - of the tulirinal. hlut I'ills IX. I,,.' answered the1',- l-ti adldresned to hinm by Victor Eoullaulu etc son, tih. .era kinlg of Spain, and in ruch a tone that he hlltimself  ti, ported to have slidof it. Atadlell, will iotp l ... tiy reply, but Iperhaps he' taIIy how It to his cat, ". c If r, h have one." The condltioan if tillnge In ti-. i:apt. of the Christian world mtay be judg:led of fou . facts-from the following, among othbrs : Pinie t," - of,.January, the day whenl the u'ontifical clu, i..,, i.:. dismisused, no lose than, twe.nty -scven letteii v ;.. stolen by thie mployes ,f thie tuarliniian Guiover:cuciI' - .Many of these contained rcnittan'io-' to a cot'eil :.u," anuouut. Taie present attitudel of It'llPunsia Itiwri I. ly augurs well for the futl tr' inut,.:e+t of tlm II,'.' Slismarclk has cleverly torc-,d f,iri the, mo i. .r - I Victor Emmlllanuel a dlrelalatioll that it a ill ,.ll.: --. i- tu "l dgnity andi iu'iepond'v'i of tl tl i'ope." 'i. Io .t Ssure that l'runsia, with her tweeit -tuo i.Ut,'. iiof( ia - tholic subjects, will take good, care that tbi- meanu,ics m f than muere words. _1 _ --- -- - Some of the Irish landlordl. are, bg:nuti:g l o fool tuia even an imperlect land act ratl cheil their a' ii:: a; evictions It appears that recently a farmer i.b"' Snoame of Iicks was sirv-ed with an ejietutent preaoL'a anotice to 'quit. lThe rcam., happily for the pla.,, S happening to cole aithllir the soope of the new la: ,. h be made a claim fLr sevrn years' compeunlstiol Ir turbance, and ale,, a second claim for fifty pounI SImprovements alleged to have been effect-el by hi I the f.rm. The improvement elairl hacving b,-i' I SIvestigatel, the evidence failed to eatllfy ,-- ( that Ilicks was entitled to compelnsatun fi,r i .:; i ,meoltsi. lHowever. on the clauoo in the ac.t ,rov iC cImpensation for disturbance, the Court held triL t claimant was entitled to the full amoungt al!.,.,'". 10 the statute, anli notwithstanding talt he w.is,: I' Y years i, the poseesilon of the farm. the ('unlt awrie. Y tirseven tears' co lpelnsation, ,or o olther ,orrl. - l1 years more tent than he paid. If in simuilar c. i " same decision is made, the tenan try will have lL ' lathe land courts, and tlu4h ,ad fee;l r; " n, vented