Newspaper Page Text
Mraring Star anrld tbhoUc Messenger, arw ORLnWaS, sUIa.Y, JANUARY 4, 1874. Csthelieity in ladIl. The following extract, which we take from the Pall Mlel oastte, though evident ly written wih malice prepense, does not, however, detract from the importance of the facts which the writer has involuntari ly admitted. The concluding portion of the extract may be taken for what it ia worth : "Whatever may be thought of the sort of converts which the Roman Catholic hnurch makes in India, no one can deny that isn numbers at any rate, it makes a very respectable show, and one that gives good apparent reason for the large staff maintained in our Eastern Empire by the Propaganda. This has for its chief the Archbishop of Goa, under whom are no fewer than 19 bishops is partibur, with be tween 800 and 900 priests. A recent state ment prepared from the returns made by the Bishops brings the total of believers to *iittle over a million, being more than four times the number of Protestant native Christians reported as the results of Brit ish and German Missions by the late gen eral conference of missionaries held at Allhabad. Indeed, the Goa diocese alone is stated to contain 230,000 Catholics, or a number slightly exceeding that of the Protestant converts of all India. This partuialar distriot, of coarse, is an excep tional one, for it inherits the fruits of the seal of former Portuguese Missions, which electusaly planted a branch of their Church on that part of the western sea board of the peninsula which they made their centre, as it had been the head gnarters of the Portuguese commeree. But in the more purely missionary diooese nf Trlehinopoly, no fewer than 168,600 souls are claimed ps belonging to the same Church; while in that of Madras there are nver 40,000. It is observed by the Indian Press that these successes, like those of the Protestant Missions, are nearly all won smong the low-class natives of the extreme outh of India. Fewer than 14,000 Cath )lics are shown by the returns out of the whole of the populations of the North west Provinces and the Punjaub, where lhe British missionaries, also have hitherto bad but little to boast of. That some of he Romish communities have attained ut a very poor standard of belief is illms ated by a story told by a Calcutta writer ho declares that he had himself visited ne of their outlying communities whose ost prominent mark of their Christian ith was the discharge of three rusty can on on Trinity 8anday." We have hitherto deemed that clubs were ganised on the principles of oheershlness, arity and a good cook. These things would em to be absolutely necessary. But it ap that we were mistaken, at least as re rde the eheerfulness. A new club began its istence in Roehester last week, whose sole and delight, with the exception of culinary mfort, is to be miserable. It has six mem rs, who call themeslves the Dismal Six. The iding officer bears the pathetio title of the leful Grand, while his deputy is known as e Vice-Doleful. Wretched wails and de airing moans are heard about the dinner ble, while the toasts are the saddest that the mbers are capable of inventing. The motto the organization is, "We ne'er -ill smile in." We may perhaps add that the mem s are old bachelors. OLD ox, Boys!-Hold on to your tongue en you are just ready to swear, lie or speak hly, or say any improper worids. old on to your good name at all times, for more valuable to yen than gold, high es, or fashionable attire. old on to the truth, for it will serve you I and do you good throughout eternity. old on to virtue, it isabove all price to you 1 times, and in all places. old on to your goodoharaoter, for it is, and ays will be, your best wealth. old on to your temper when you are angry, ted, or imposed upon. - -On Snay,. ]DeesmbeL 3 m. stLE., MarTWIr Theiu rewf el LemLs st viei , a natlv tonwrYl-On atur lace Dee. i i5n73, st as, ianDeahe rty. l, eotfesrioDeughsrtt , aed -fear Years a native of the pearsh of Oets., sea. -one Ireland. and s reselent of this city fer the ALOYSIUS TOTAL ABSTINENCE CADET IATION.-The regular monthly meeting of this lien will take place TO-DAY (Sunday), at 3 in the Star Hall, no. 116 Poydras street, corner p. Dues will be collected at this meeting. A adance is expected. wishingto join are invited to be present. T. J. LAN, Jn., First Vice President. -. MALLYNN, Secretary. ja4 It PONSUS' TOTAL ABSTINENCE AS80 N.-The regular monthly meetins of this As will be held in Stfr Alphonius choolhon, , St. street, between Constance and IHasinIs THIS as.hng to join av i nvited t O attend. ctah . L. tN YCLAIr. hsdeetra. Bp cyLsubB ND scrbeTrshe OF Tnd e EST OF OTHE LUNGS AND ERTOUS: DR. THOMAS NICHOLSON, --------Magazine Street-----.--.---490 ut of Are invited Doctor will snorbet he adjoin the, where con utat.ons may be a4n tiu e an .enera and oRo jaent far ilm e(Formperly A. Laasberg. ) GS HOSIERY AND LOVD ERVOUS. CDR. THOMRSETS ANICOLD FANCY GOODS, .......... aoazine Street............40 ewern onulteMtonse man be nvilueud, l2 and 3 o'cl. cr. Magast mSe, t (gormah erl s. Ls,.ebSp.) grCOBaT, p r D d FoNCY GD. , thrm. ..........................7 th JotrGold Loe ................ 1 0e mbrasdts and Copylns a Specially .1 Chroeoee for Sale t Very Low Prices. deSS SmSp LADIES' FAIR AD GRAND FANCY BAZAAR TO OPEN IN GRUNEWALD'S NEW HALL, BaresamAtase,. Maor Vrnal, ON SATURDAY. JANUAEY 10, 1174. To Aid In the MalateMsoee of the Destitate Boy Adopted by the Coaferer es of the Seeety of St. Vinoeat de Paul, and now in Charge of the Rev. Fathers and Brothers of the Congregatten of Holy Croe, at the 8t. Vineat's Home Model Farm and Industrial School " Is wing the Boy We Bass thes M ." St Patrick's Conferenc. Table-Gold Desnert Set, ai several other prizes. St. Josephs Conferenee Table--On of Granewald'l bet Upright Pianosl , a rich MareeiUe Quilt, an severu other prizes. St. John's Conference Table-Sereral valuable prizes St. Peter's Conference Table-Diamond Set, Boy's Poon and several other Prizes. St. Theresa's Conference Table-Lady's Gold Watch and several other prizes. St. Michael's Conference Table-Boy's Pony, and sey. eral valuable prisee. St. Francis do Sales' Conference Table-Piremen's Ban nor, and several other prizes. St Vincent's Conference Table-Several prizes. Annuncletion Conference Tathe - Several valuable prises. Council Table-Silver Tea Be, and several other prisze St. Ann's Conferenooe-Grand Comoert, Sunday, I1th. St. Mary's Conference-Grand Conoert, Sunday. 18th. Mernlag 8tae Temperance, and Hlbiralia Tables. It is als intended by the Committee on Amusement toegiqe several Evealmg EInrtetlaments durlag L air. del4 ImS. The Committee a the lair will meet THIB (Sundayj EVENING. at e'cloek. GRUNEWALD HALL, BARONN 8STRErT. A Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert wLas. nus lvzs IT1 MISS THERESABl CANNON. Aselsted by Many Well-Known Amateurs of the City, On Eunday Evening, Jan. 11, at 7 o'clock, For the Benefit of the ORPHAN BOYS OF 8. VINCENT'S BOME. Entrance to Fair end Concert-Fifty Cents. deS83t LECTURE IN ST. ALPHONSUS' HALL, IN AID O1F ra CnHAIize UNDER TH1E CAI OF THE SISTERS OF MERCY, BY REV. HENRY GIH]SN, C. 88. B., On Monday Evening, January 26, 1874, At r7 O'Clock. SL'ajzor-raTZANUBI'a2'arrIzO. Tickets-Flfty Cents. j 4t FRESH LINES OF PROVIBIONS. We have st resolved 10 easks CLEAR BACON SIDES. 10 eseks CLEAR RIBBED SIDES. 50 casks DRY SALTED aHOULDERS. 35 casks DRY BALTED SIDES. 100 barrels MESS PORK. S5 Tercees Choice SUGAR-CRED HAMS. 0 TI'iercer LARD. For sale by FINNEY, SHEEHAN . RUSS, ja4 Imb No. 81 Poydrae street. F O. GREVE, DRUGGIST AND APOTHE. cary, Corner Annunciation and Galennleste. I Davlep erhseed the above tore. fornerly own. ed .by I'. L. Jougielewirc, respectfully requeste the patronage of his friends and the public. e has a complete stock of English. Gemman and French Drugs. with alil the mot popular Patent Medlclines and a foil line of Fancy Toilet Articles. Perfamery, ec., all at reasonable prices. Prescriptions carefuly compounded at all hounr of the day or night. Ja4 33 E EVERY LADY HER OWN DRESSMALER. Mrs. GARBANTATTI. 6. Magan ee street. has a novel and useful invention for Cutting Dree. Basque., etc., with which she will teach ladies to Cot and .it without waste or possibility of error. Call and see for yourselves, adies. Terms moderate. THE LATEST AND NEATEST STYLES IN Dressmaking and Millinery, May be found at MRS. MGARANATTI'S,, 626..........Magazine Street...........62 Rest of work, PriSee nodorats. Country order. aelictrsd. ac tit. SPECIAL NOTICES. HALL BRANCH NO. 8, H. B. AND M. A. A. OF LA-New Orleans, December 1,1873.--The ofcera and members of this.Branch are hereby notified that the regular monthly meeting is postponed to THURSDAY, January 8, 1874, when a full and punetual attendance l eapected, as the annual election of omere serrve for the enuing year will take place. By order of ROBERT H. BAE ILEY, President. N. MARTIB, Recording Secretary. Jad It HIBERNIAN BENEVOLENT AND MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION-Branch No. 4-New Orleans, Jan. 4, 187.4-The regular monthly meeting of Branch No. 4 will be held on WEDNESDAY NEXT, Jan. 7, 1874, at 78 o'clock, in St. John'a Old Church, Dryadecs street. Every member is expected to be present, as the annual election of oll®ers will take place. N. WIIEELAIIAN, President. PATRICK MOLONY, Secretary. is4 It IIBERNIAN BENEVOLENT AND MUTUAL AID Association-Branch No. .-The regular monthly meet. ing of this Branch will be held on TUESDAY, Jan. 6, 1874, at 7 P., 1. Punctual attendance la requested. By order: FRANK McELROY, Presldent. T. H. HESLIN. Bo. Secretary. ja4 It HIBEZNIAN BENEVOLENT AND MUTUAL AID Amsoeiatien-Branch No. 7.-New Orleans, Jan. 2, 1t74. Hereafter the regular monthly meetings of this Braneh will be held on the FIRST TUESDAY of each month, eemmeanoing on Tuesday, 6th tast, at 7?. m. Members are requested to be punctual in attendance. By eiders FRANK MOGLOIN, Preeldea. J. V. DONOVAN, Secretary. Ja4 It H. B. AND M. A. A.-BRANCH NO. 14.-New Or. lean,. Dec. 31, 1873-In consequence of Thursday, our regular meeting day, falling upon the let of January, and wishing to observe the same strictly as a holiday we are in consequence compelled to postpone the regan lar montbhly meeting un:il the following THUREDAY. Punctual attendance is requested, since butinesa of importance will be transacted. By order of A. J. FITZPATRICK, President. P. J. SULLIVAN, Secretary. Ja4 It OFFICE NOra8 CAMP STREET-BHOME MUTUAL INSURANCE OUPANY OF NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, January 9, 1874 -At a meeting of the Scrlpholders of this Company, convened on the 31st of December. 14;3. for the purpose of voting on the ques tion of liquidating the affaire of the company, the vote was largely against liquidation, vie: 8491,0,Oagaliat, and 567,000 in favor of liquidation. The Scrlpholders bav·ag thus resolved to continae, it is expected of them to do their duty in promoting the blaineee and interests of the company. A. BROTHER, President. A. W. HUNTER, Secretary. jad ImIp BOUTHERN BANK-December 31, 1873.-At their meeting this day, the Directora declared a dividend of four per cent out of the profits of the last s'x months' payable on the 15th of ounary, 1874. ja4 tt J. GARP, Cash:er. 226 TO THE LADIES. 't 226 SOREAT INDPI.OEM NT ."" I Az LL STYra$oZ BdI. PAITrr CVan, ma8IDs CHIGNONS AND SWITCHEs AT COST PRICE. alead' isad eadmesM'e sad alSl sa roo . .nte s9e t .miRdsealt -sl tag s Cdag 8ks. sad all a m d i Ha4 ImaSp a ab n I bo la et, M. HOGAN & CO., DEALEISe APD JOBB0ES IN TEAS, G37............ Magazine StFeet............637 Between Jackson and Joeephine streets, NEw OaLEAwII. Late CHINA AND JAPAN TEA COMPANY, formerly at 591 Magazine at., near Braselman & Adams'. SRemember the New Nmber, 637 Magazine street. Roasted and Ground Coffee a specialty. ja4 It WILLAM VELDEN. DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL, Corner of Prytania and Philip Streets, Oak. Ash, Bakers' Fline, Lghtwood and Charoal al. ways on hand. Wood sawed to stove length and sput. Ja4 3a5p DIEBOLD & KEINZLE'S CELEBRATED D Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. The adezigned, Geaeral Bonther Ageat feeor the arivwaled SAFESB, in view of an astlelpaled demead for ear work this fall sad winter, provided an lamees stock of . Bafetes, ofet all ss, for this market. The caaneal pealse has checked this trade almost enatirely, I and I have determined to offer this stock of thes cele. I brated Safes (which have proved to be the beet in ase) for the next Sixty Days, at ACTUAL COST, FOR CASH. To Merchants, Corporations and Bankers, requiring Fit e-Proofor Fire and Brglar.Proef SAFES or VAULT DOORS, this is an opportunity never before met with, and which will probably net soon again be offered. All Safe and Vault Doors provided with best Combi. nation Locks. Send approximate izes and descriptions of work I wanted, and I will Inclose you cuts of sunch slie, and prices of sane. This offer is only made to those intending to pay CASH. I have also a large ess.rtment of secoad.hand Safet, which l am offernlag eta sa crle. Call at once at JOHN W. NORRIS'S, ded8 mSp 47 Canal estet UPPr CITY HAIR STORE AND L.AIS' HAIR DBESSING SALOON. F. W. PEIRCE, 886...........Magazine Street...........880 a Between Pleassat and Toledane Slireet, Hae now en hand a ine smortment of REAL HUMAN HAIR, and will censtantly be receiving additions of Braids, Curls, Switchee, Puf, Pin Cure, eta,Dfrom the darkest to the lightest shades of color, whloh he i. seling at VERY LOW PRICES. The attentioa of city and country buyere requested C to his asorrment of Perfumery, Fancy and Jet Brae. ii lets. Combo runshes, Fancy Jet Sets, Soaps, Fancy Toilet Articles, etc., te, alt ofe the best quality, which WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. dSeI ImSp WOOD! WOOD!..................COAL! COAL! IGR HAY, CORN AND OATS.B SEED POTATOES ................SEED POTATOES. PFISTER &O THOMAN Offer for le al the beat quality ef OAK and ASH WOOD, delivered Oree of charge to all parts of the cit at RE. DUCED PRICES. Also the best quality of PLIS. BURG COAL streesed expressly tor family uso, at loweet marka rates. Conestantly on hand, a full steh of HAY, CORN, OATS, BRAN, etc. We make a speEialty of SEED POTATOgS. keepis allof the boet varieotse, such as Beaton. Jackson Whites, Peerless. Ruseets etc., all at oweset osslble prices and eetlsfae. Lion guaranteed. PISTER THOMAN, 53 and 54t a Camp street, oeae 3aSp Opposole Magazine Market. THE CHEAPEST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT oF Corner of UaI and Carondelet ., N. O. pl Pt. O. Box 374. deS ImSp CHOICE GROCERIES. S. SISA, 239... .Te.houpitoe Street...... . 239 O Corner of AnnunSciation, Would reapeotfully cell the eopecial atentuon of the public to his ecoice selection of BUTTER AND HAMS, TEA AND COFEE, li Together with an assortment of such Groceries es are retailed or wholesaled by a lent-clase s tore. Goode delivered to all sections of the city ftree of ckarge. dell Imsp m FINE STATIONERY FOR LADES. GEO. ELLIS & BRO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 12 ...............Coamp Street .............. i HOLIDAY BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Novels, Periodicals, 2fevapapera. etc. Standard and School, Medical, Law, TIeological and Miscellaneous Printing and Blinding. l rc~ ntils Stationery of every C RM. MRS. KATE C. LOOAN, it baa removed to No m BOURBON STREET, two dooer from the corner of Caeal, where she aloe preparedo give prompt attentiono to ell order. is the MILLINERY, DRESS and CTLOA MAKING BUSINESS. K. A. TYLE-R, 165............Camal Street.,............8115 OGNE WATCHES, DIAMONDS. JCWUELRY, Shinsg , Slvcerwar. uble for.oeeute. Cleee andg Breae. Ilyn re variety. Jewolr ma u.heterd san repairsd. Clocks sad Watmeh repilated, . l dent ,p C-RHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S ARE H ard Times are Here!! ! En lam CLadie MTT HAVET DRY" GOOD and Faney Artdles of Appar.el for the Boi,daya, they mast LEVY IBRO'S LAMRGE STOK OF DtY 4G11)D, ) 0 ..........e. Magazine Street .. : ......550 _ _ _ C d P C del4 lylp .... An Invaluable and convenient preparation forFt COUGHS, CATARRES, BR.ONCHFIS, CGIn'UMP tION, a an.1 INFLAMATIONS OF THE LUNGS. Prioe, 3 per ben. Wholeei Drugists, SECoNDo STREET- MARiKET; CORNER OF EaCOND An Da DRyAnbasUn Cawtrl MEATS. caoxes sETi E.'F. Brousse, Butcher, ., BSCO]D STEDET MARKET, -. Is pepred t. all tlaes to sply katile., HRes Re.saato aIl dethers, with ie best el uE, VYAIa MUTTON uad PORE at PRI~ES THAT WILL DEFI OOMPETITIOr. Order will realve prompt attention, and euateme arm lavited to ell and ispect for themselves. de14 tISp GUS' HOUSE, 348............ Second Street............. 4 Opposite the Market The uderlgnd invites a call from hi. old custom era, and all froends of tmprovementl with the asuraue that they will always ad eat his houe, the beat WINES ALES, LIQUORS, etc to be fonnd in the city. BREAKfAST served from 3 to 10 clock daily. ana tteh ap in a .style to make a veteran epicure LmL, With .alisaion. PRICES MODERATE, and prompt and poUte atten tion shown to all. del4 lI p GUS. REIlER. Proprietor. C HOICE WKTERN BEOIC W ND MUTTON. JOSEPH HU , BUTvIIER, STALLS 23 and 24 (Centre of the Market,) SECOND STREET MARKET. FRBBH BERF, MUTTON, VEAL AND PORK. Orders from Hetels. Famtlie, SISmips, LSteam bate and Rteaeant fUled n rom tee and dl patch PRICEI TO SUIT TbE TIM . ade mayn will he boonoed hah I em offer as D IE L BARGAINS e can ha feud I aay Market ia theCity. 41e14 tes JjARDD TIM6 DEFIED I FanUly Grooeties Cheap. J. E. RICHARD, D3XA)aS, NEAR SECOND STaruT, (Nett to t MarkLet) FRESH TEAI. the bash I this eityi CHOIC FAMILY FLOUR, guaranteed to give esaLafecloa DELICIOUS TABLE BUTTI always swest a-d Lyern, Reas. Cltron. Corrsu. Codal. Lard, Che, "'ml, etc. Pare WINES LIQUOMR ad CORDIALS ' ALL PRICES MARKED DOWN. deid lms5 NO STALE GARDEN TRUCK S. A. Elsler's Stalls,: 33, 3, 35 and M, SECOND STREET MARKET. CHOICE VEGETABLESI fresh from the Gardens of the Forth District, end the pick of those from the North. Potatoes, Cabbage, lettue, ad everything _lse In seao. alle or which he will diver free. ,, SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE. del4 ImIp F. JORGER, Druggist and Apothecary, a Corner of Second and Dryades Streets. ((Will open on Taeday, Dec. 1ith.), Besp ave to inform his friene and the public gn. eraliy that he he. hems the ahove estre. sad Stted ii up in naea and attetive tyle, and will always have hoand a fall stock af Fresh and Furs Eadiob, German Ind Freah DRUGS and PATNE MIDI. CINJI, Pefmery, TWeil" ep and A tiles, whih he winsI a t the meet Eeaaubl Prie - . Pr tpies oareally empeundd day ,ad F RN BEREF I FRESH DEEFI A. Wiley, M Butcher, STALLS No. 1 and 95 SECOND STREET MARKET, Respetfly invites a sell from hieold oustomers and the publio generally, at his stalls In the New Market where he will furnish them with as FRESH, DELI. CIOUS and JUICY BEEF as can be had in the coun. try, and at as REASONABLE PRICES. Orders from Familles, Restaurants, Hlotel, and all consumers, executed promnty a td satlsfctorlly. de 14 rasp E. & I. ASCUAFFENBURG, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND TRUNKS, 348..............Second Street.............348 de14 Imsp Directly Opposite the Market. F sa ..........................................oAS. M. L. FEEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fish and Game. Iteamakbip Hotels, Resteuranut and F a m-lIs sp plied. Quality Guarseded and oric4s Low. Stale 17. 14. 15 and 5. SoeE Street Market, end e4, OS sad 6 Mgaslue Market. 0.14 Iset CEEBCENT BILLIARD HALL. Thia establishment, which has beea elesed for the peat tea day., uadergolag repeir., reaoa.iioul sad alteratiosa, wae REOPENED ON. CHRISTMA8 1VNOIG, The proprietor, with a lively apporelatlon of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed ape bis depart. mont. is daterminod that nothing ball be lft painseo to make It complete in every psrticular. The Tebles in ase in thie estabhabmet ate f~om the mannfactiry of W . JI. GRIBFITU & CO., with DIelaey' patentl wire combnbationa c loen, pro nnceed the bst now in iuse. All hare been thoronghly refitted. Tie CLUB IOOM, which in to form a new and important featureo l Cres cent Hall, will tb opened shortly. Due notice will be giren. de8 Imrp C EAI'EST AND BEST GUN STORE IN TIHE CITY. I, TOHN FRANCIS DITTRTCl., y 2 Chrtres street offer for sale ecy eaten. sire satock of tliflee, Guns, l'etola and norting Materials, at a lower price than any store in te city of New Orleans. Now is the chance for norte men toanpply themelveoe with the celebrated NEEDLE GUN at a low figure. Come one and all, and boy before it is too late. _ de Imlp m t xo v _ , FIE GIT O . BEAUTIFUL PICTURL ELEGANT ALBUMS, FLIE PRAYER BOO3 K, Ete., te. INITIAL PAPER AND ENVEWlOPE, ts, a eate $. W. D. MATTHEWB, 6I1 Magalene streot. Sabeerlption to rppOr City Circulattag Library, 0 eats a meath, del4 3Sp 50 elte a eatb dolt tm'p D. E. SOLm8.' A. oPwP ax UL. W IW,&. 0D. H. HOLME$, Noe. 15$ Canal and 13 Bar1bo, DIRECT IRPORTATION. SILKS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, SUITS, CRILDREN'S GARMENTS HOUSE FURNISHING HOSIERY, ET6. Wholesale and Retail. myll 73 lySp BUY YOUR HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT THE CHEAPEST CROCKERY STORE IN THIS COUNTRY. CHAP CHINA. Ohee W.od Wre. CHIAP OLAS.? Cep Willow Wa~r Cheap Crookery. Chep tel We Cheap Hotel WUtz Caep latedt.Ware. OChap D Cheep Catlaey. ChapI7. C1eap Japea Wrue lRbu IVAs L CHEAP LAMPS.alrl__ NAVRA & OFFNER, NO. 174 CANAL STREET, NEAR bRYADES. de14 lmSp UPPER CITY FEED STORE. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, (Iuoce.sor to Louls Faeeel,) 2....... M.Maaine Street. ........734 Jot above Third Street. DuALSl I HAY. CORN. OATS. BRAN. AND WESTERN PRODUCE GENERALLY. Ills tobklIalwa nfre nd somplete, and his p will e found AS LOW N ART DA, AN rI. TH CITY. The het of Potato.. Apple. and Orange. always on hand. Goods delivered free of drayage o ay prt of the city and Carrolitot. deli i~fp EIEFL FOR THE LBERAL PATRONAGE heeutolfre' bstoerd the mrlyMedic rw fine Inlform the public0 and hbi old frieondl i parilosla., that hL a. removedl to No. Si Camp stres, l the Toasl Buelding, whert hi. formgr specialty will be sattlsaod Us EAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER AID APPRAIBSE. ore w ll Eivo pereo l atetinsla to the esle and prfrebes.11 ityel Elate. Pl5abtoles. Mlneral •d T eLas; Bead., Back 8toeka ant ether ioty Unslurilt sn o e. whather undit private asrMsuos eao r l I p . erl n on morttes¶ a ?g"o"n rt dt nG of cit.y pr oge y atte lC d t 1. ao morderte torme.. With hiLs known eIprloese ad devotion M thLe I.. o his pasnsa bo hopes to morlto a asetsasee of their former onsu. mae. O. E. G&RnA EY. Now Orleans, Deaember Id. 1i73. del piV. RELIEF FOR THE SICK! Maguire's Celebrated Family Medlcine,. For Liver and Kidney Complaintf , For Bowql Complaint U, anr' dago Use Mauiro's Extract fenno Plant ]or Debility or Went of Blood, U.. Maguiro's Sarsaparilla Tonic For Ague and Chlll., Use MaIulre's Ague Mixture. For Kidney Afltctions. Use Maujire's Exturact Bohu. For Rheumlautsm, Use Megulto'. Alterative Elixir. For Coughs ald Colds, Use Maglur'a Expectorent Syrup. For Consumptlon, wse Moagilr's Tar. Glycerino, Whisky and Rock Candy. For PUl., Use Magrire's Whit o Ro. Pile Cure. For Worms•e. - Mgauire's Worm Powder. For rSprain.. Bruins., ae., For Cokl or Weak Stomach, Ues Magui're Jma ita Gnoe. Ftr Toothache or Pallu. U..r Maguire's eotl Pals Care. T. 5. WOODWARD, Solo Aertfor the Soother Stat. Depot No. Megains tret corner Cseal. Sold hy Dealers sad Dgllgists everywhere. do7 ly=p SCOTCK EHOET BREAD O and ABERNATEY BISCUIT. w. cO' SMITH. TIMES BAKERY, DANU NCIATION ST., t. Calliope and Galoo, wl l supply the ahovo articles to his oountrymon sad the public at REALONAILE PRICES. Also FRUIT. POUND and SPONGE CAKES, at rate to soft the time. IL. artlel. will ho found fre, deUlo ad wholesome. Orders fro the elty nd country promptly atteaded to. do? Imop MMEL ROSA REYNOIR. FRENCH MILLINERY, 609........... Magazine treet...........6O Ne.r.Toephlne, New Orleans. Country and city orders llsolicitd nd promptly at. tended to. Vitor to the city will do well to ll be fore purchauing MRS. MONTJAGUE. (LAT. OP MI. WAasnJUOTOI'i. FASBBIONABLE DR.eM MAKER, WITe MIS. nIIsoIs. Dresecs made In a superior st) I., and perfect it guar anteed. Prires moderate. Country and city orders promptly attended to. Particular attention given to catting end bauting. de7 3ma bII3IERpANN &L CO. HAVE REMOVED TO TILE SPACIOUS STORE 129..............Canal Street............ 125 TUORO BUILDINGS, - And oder tlheir Immense stock of - DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. CLOVA S, ETC., AT PANIC PRICES. Special attestion girva to Reperlg of Wat~ehs, Jewelry and Ilverware. ee tmSi Cuneo & Wlntz 2 Butchers, Stall Ne. 30 and 30 Ninth Street Market, Coruer of Mp ae sad Ninth steet. Shilps. Stsambotst. Hest1. Plautatliuo and Famillee onppiitd with Cheloe Beefl, Veal. Meuto. and Fork at the MOST REAMSONABLE PRICESr, d delivereood to sv of the ct an lII orders prom lz·ttended to, d SATIBFAC TION OUAEANTI'NR. ens. 7.p - IA.NO .............. PIANO..............MUSIC. MRS. OUSTAVE VOM T OO E. SO Mgasu e et. Plan of theo best makers for sae oori resot on roa -. .Mte term. Special attentoU gives to rIeperring sad -tsing Pleeoaby the beot tauer In the city. Sht Muanic, MusiLl lIseotroumes, Strilage. eto., . wa,. hiad. Mase neaotly heend. SA il frome cit somd oeau y esr, reospotfsly s. Mitod, ad setior steooe nted. so0 IsmSp JOHN N. HEALY. Attornoy and Coaunsellor at Law, MO. 5 COMMERCIAL PLACE. ( Ben, lla . . MALLORY, JE., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 37-............Camp Street.............37 I Rear Ole, Hlboheu Isar... C-speey, islSl73 lyIp saw OsUJLAg . ..j . aMn 'I FscaH COURISET EMPORIUM. NavIj .. ust ree. ed a imltahs of AUCS 2 5the a f uderiguod Is now pop er to a d iI smal e original ost lUa e ha m o re to pay ud bouys for sash. A•enIN hisleeiud to the very o eetve tk of Fe sad Staple DR GOODS, at te lowesr market T prler. U. BWOIMaN, 0 MIsa N seet. Sdeflot mp Net doe l touhe IOLIDAY PRESENTS. A Preent approprat to either hard or lah imes, u It a. DURABLE, USEFUL sad ORNAMENTAL, is lbO Singer Family Sewing Machine, S Tour of HAPPINESS TIE W POLE TEA.l Over 1,100,000 Have Boen Bol. THESIN 1OR MYANUACTUINO COMPANY. Oo.., m s Oanl Street. O. BUTTERIC CI CO.'s CELEBRATED PAEP PATTEGNS. B lond fer Catalogue. .dol IMSp W. E. COOPERr. Aglt. THE IMPROVED BUCK'S BRILLIANT STOVEI, WITH CHILLED IRON FIPR PLATES. SOLD BY II. IALLER, 49......C.....Camp Street ............... 49 Dealert alnl kinds of Cookls and o enUa/tIoSte ire Orsr, Oe. rate Wirndingl hnosed sad amen I Uellow ere. Platad a sn waren. Plated War Table Cutlery. ou anTralng Good of verm do. oorlptles., moll fo p VoL McE.ENDRICX, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, No. . 66 Ma.azmne street, near Philip, Now Orlum. ltaLns Rto HoSt, Cod sad sLhower Blts Water Closet. Wssh oludse. Pme oand Heydrau, Olred e tLhoeasMt Appsuoed yle. Gua. Seom sad WaterpNw, aet. G Coe hll, ae C dUtc.., Stted up erehtiy lsd at the shortest oitlro. se, l 3 tlylp INDIAN TURNIP COMPOUND PEOTORAL BALM, COUOGHS, COLDS, WOAUINHNER', BRONCHITI,. ASTHMA, Aad the warewo Affrtlne orf the unga and Throet, nd for the rellef of ConeumpUre patlnaw. Th Ila . Turnip PeOtoral BALM aem-L ppietely crs the most Ineterate moee of Bronclitio,Calarrbh Iucplo(otenumpltiou. Pulmonary Oppreoeiou, t. t peamodlo Nor oe Disorders wlicb attend oeOtaln nform Sof Cotnh. Sore Tbhore, and generally aI Gees of loflsmatlon of the loepirusy Orgpns. It has a oo g actinun pn the lT ,/Coogh, tatlltatse zprecoratln ob ecks theb ispLitin of Blood. sad relleves t4 or Ast b. e.1 thi lastUp dloas the Idsin Turnal Petro Balm has beo gilven with t.e gresate sreeo Ie e Is Whoopin Couoh remrkahbly rellve thL dlarenag •etlon. Priesol 6I r belo.. Preparedu sad for "LAo Ie. nePLACe, Drgu leot, Gd the prtslps Wbeholssle d BatoU gelo Now Orleans. nt "n_ SVO S IAV 1 TO OlGAIN. P. . OOCOARTY. CATHOLIC SKOOKrBZLL AND VTATIX0U, 151......... ...Camp 8treel.............161 forms we pubs that he I p Imrod so dszau sU Beoke ea ew Alpbahe L s ofte Cathltd Paw. nsot onewty at TWENW PEE CENT LE EASJ CATALOGUE PRICE. Tbhefro, do set Md 4omr messy to New Yort wheo a do ho s telnter at he. An o.dsre pnomptly a1a. by n tf . P. 1. GOARTY. I51 CmwiteoaL WANTS-FOR RENlTS-ETC. jNrm~a ATIN WANTED Or JOIFN WALIH. When lass hard f,e. eV. 1. It-we ý O reeeua .f the Henelee Ty eied.Txd I. Ulwthlly,..Ne ny ralau jee 3m __ MfIL. Tiunedi O..ety. Oe.. r NOIIYATIO WAXRUD-O DOMQIIO 1A-A I TIUS A. MXcLA UGLI. sew sheet Sh Iwn.( a." WI..lass heard tea-i. 1dMI e (is ... 1. C..mhLl S C. liIt·e W wa S. aY V.5 -O'~M SU5 ylS5VI~M6 -l~Q~ UMinsed Ti... Ill. aged meghee. Is New 0dm... Abe Ym'y grmletel (or say laasumtiee eemmiarg Ie. dU sad Irl.h"Aa InS pepen. uas.Ndf q. rMsad ws.M sew.M ia,ý delt~b Apl t hf ..a b XENTs.-TMa. .1M mp. salsa. S em ý ae " e ý_. Apl sS the ee ll _V. COUNG MEN WANTED - O LERN ANCD ?Sr~ · L~ L~' r rq ~dj~iuelsmeje ~~~z~ asnis Piece NewI 0dm..·L Le. en museS urn. r~s -L~~