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Morning Star and Catholic Menenger. 11W o0,L5AeS, SPITA=, JAbVARY 4, i174. >DoiATmO CAuaOLm I3!LZIU.10 . 0 p1s E DIaTH 07 315101' MHZas-c . m This venerable prelate, so lonuand so favor- ml bl known to the people of st.. ouis, having Ti thir year ago ome to this city flom Au. tris, and until the 3d of March, 1868, been milssonary priest of this aroh-dioese, .died at s his episcopal residence at Green Bay. Wis., on Saturday last at the advanooed eae o sxty-six s years. Born at Viena young west wi with his parents to Italy, his father Beving t obtained some onlce in te eourt of Medesh. 1830, and appointed oort chaplain at . Mar gar's. Becoming acquainted with the late Bishop Roeatti on one of that prelates many visits to Rome, be resolved to come to America. C Bishoptosetti took sick ina Paris, returned to Italy and died; Father Melober, notwithstand-l ing, continued his course and arrived in t. Louis in 1843. He was for a time pastor of a small congregatlon at IAttle Rook remaining at that post until it was erected into an epis- a copal see. After that he was called to the care of St. Mary's parish in this city, of wboh he retained charge up to the time of his elevation to the bishopric of Green Bay. hi Bishop Melober was a very zealous and la borious prelate; and the many and arduous n labors of hs young diocese hastened, if they did not directly cause his death. When seven years ago he entered upon his high duties, he found sixteen priests in his i:docese, one year ago he reported forty-ight priests and twelve C clerical students. This is a severe blow for that young diocese, h and the loss of so sealous and holy a prelate will prove a veritable calamity to the Church in the Northwest. We have not learned the a precise name of the malady of which Bishop a eicher died, and e n only say that his end t was not unexpected for days before it arrived. o He was fortified by all the sacraments on 'tnrday previous. May the Good Shepherd r whose o8e he filled and whose life be so closely imitated on earth, bestow spon the departed prelate the" enge " of a blessed we come.-St. Loris WaJehsema. Mother Gallway, eaprrioress of the Sacred Heart, died in this city on the 91st inst. She was born in Cork, Ireland. When twenty years of age she came to Kentucky, and there after settled in New Orleans. At the age of 1 thirty-two she entered the Convent of St. Mi chael's. In 1843 she became Mother Superior ess of the same convent. In 1848 she went to St. Louis. In 1858 she came to Chicago. In 1865 she was made Vicar Seperiorees of the Western Province. She went to Paris in 1863 to assist in the election of a successor to Mo ther Barrat, the foundreas of the Order, which I was established in lo41. In '64 the foundrems died. In 1966. she built the convent of Mary ville, near St. Louis. 1er health failing, she removed to Manhattanville, New York, becom ing Snperioresa there, but again had to yield, and in 1;72 came to Chicago. In declining health she awaited the last summons, and is now at rest.--Western Catholiic. 8EMI-AiANtAL ORPDINATION AT ST. JOsETPi'5 PRO VINCIAt. bRMiA.YT, TROY, N. Y., IEC:EMiEH 2UT'ru, 1x73. After a weeks retreat, conducted by Rev. F. Daubrebse, S. J., New York, Right Rev. Usahop M'Nelrney, Coadjtutor of Albauy, conferred Holy Orders ss follows: riMtest ........................................... e Dearons..............................................17 Sub · lecons........ ...................... Minor orders........................... ........ Tunanre......................... ............... ... 7_·* ** * Tetal.............-...... ..............................53 PROPAGATION OY TflE ArrTH. The chief director of the Propagation of the Faith for the archdiocese of Baltimore, reports for the twelve months ending November 30, 1873: Receipts in contributions from Archdiocese or Bltsmors- ................... $599 39 Souther 4dieesees.............................. 1,89I u 5 Total ........................................ 419 54 Disbursements proper to dioceses To Rt. Rev. Bishop of Wlmintate............. 290 47 To t. lRev. Bishop of Rilbemoad.............. ...87 4 To Rt. Rev. Bishop LCre ese............... 464 56 To Right Iey. Bishop of St Josph............ 64 56 To Retv. Bishop o Nushvlll ............... 440 94 To Rt. Rev. iishop el'Lonlrvtlle................ e 68 To it. Rev. Bishop erRichmond............... 1.311 it0 To Xt. Rev. Bishop of La Crlee ......... ..... 1.6e0 14 l. .................................... .......,109 54 Showing the disbursements in the United States to have exceedeti the contributions by $3,749 50. Missions in China and Japan. [Freeman'a Journal ] The .lissiin Catholiques learns fronm the mis. sionsries in Japan that their situation, up tc September 22d, had not changed. They wera not persecuted, but they only enjoyed a sort ol quasiatolerance. In a few weeks they expected a revision of the treaties. The Japanese openly declare that .they will not petition fot religions toleration. Mareover, the French Minister is the only one of the foreign repre sentatives who takes any interest in this meat ter. Mr. Ling, the American Minister, was very devoted, but his Government rescalled him joet at the very time when his presenet was most needed. If God does not come to the assistance of the Missionaries, they will have little in the future to hope for and moob to fear. This state of things proves the n*eessiti of inserting, in new treqties, stipulations gear anteeing to Catholie Japanese the fullest free dom of worship. Christian powers would the have the right, and it would become ther duty to interfere if tbe Japanese Government fails in its engagement. Apropos to the above, we give the following letter to the editor of the Japan WeekIl Mail " 8i-With reference to the letter which ap peared is your issue of August 30th, signed Philalethes.' I would beg to say that I think it calculated in somne degree to give rise to a misconception of the attitude of the Jepanse Government in respect to Christianity. "'Philalethea' ays: 'The first of these ia that Christiamnty is now tolerated by epecisl edict, and the publia notices warniog the peo ple against it have been removed.' The latter of these assertions is perfectly true. The tno tices in question have been renmoved together with certain others forbidding mnurder, artson, robbery, sedition and other ollffences, and if the removal of one class of notices is to be inter preted into a toleration of Christianity, then, bya parity of reason, the removal of the others moust be held to be a sanction of thebo crimes forbidden by them. Besides, it is abstmolutely untre that 'Christianity is now tolerated by special edict,' and as far as the publio utter . ances of the Goveroment are concerned it is no morq permitted now than it has been any time thtees two hundred years. .'Now, if thed Japsnese Government had done no more tte *t removb the edicts forbidding Chriatiaenity, tbgether with those forbiddlinop murder , retobbery and soditie, I admit that rh en no more be eonsidered to be tol~ is Jaan than can murder, arsoo, robbery sad sedition. But such is far from being te casea On the eontrary, the Japaasee Govwernment have faithfully and honorably feflllled to the letter the pledge wbale they gave some months sinace to the foreign repreeentstives of remitting all pun lshment which had been Inflcted on subjects of the MikLdo on saooont of their having adopted the profession of Christianity. II 'Phlnlethes' will take the trouble to inquire of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Japan, or of the English Consuls at ilogo and NagasakLi. respectlvely, he will, I venture to say, And this statement confirmed. I may add that the banilbed Christians then remaining in saptivi ty were sent back to their homes at the cost of the Japanese Government. us "I Phllalethee' can show that a similar course has been pursued with rsfernee to all persons who haysve been sentenced to punieb memt on aouneat of having bun convicted of sOb murder, arson, robbery or sedition, I will ad- me mit that my argamout ameunts to othing. to Till then I must consider that be rather an- t fairly represents the ease b "The rswpoeiblJapaamse Minister ha, if I am not misinformed, stated to the effect that so long a oonverts to Christianity do not give trouble to the Government, the Government will net interfere wth them, and it is enrtain 1>. that Jppnesse in numbers attend ehureh open lyat Haiodate and elsewhere. But I would an doubt whether ' Philaethes' would admit that q a Japanese might with equal impunity commit In mrero, aren, robbry or sedition. of "I am, years obediently, Vamrrae." muRDnR ow Two CAOLIouo MImsiroanmuS Camt.--Ones again (says the North Chins Herald) in the province of 8seclnen, a Catheli O French missionary has been murdered, tboough ' he was provided with a passport from Pekin in perfectly good order. The Rev. Pere Hue, pa accompanied by a native priest named Tay, o went to the city of Ki'en-kag-hi'en with the is intention of taking possession of a small house do bought with the express permission of the high authorities of the province superior to to the local mandarin, who, himself, seemingly acquiescing in the project, had previously in- fo formed the mismionaries that nothing hindered of -their entering his territory. This mandarin, named Kouli, has always shown a spirit of vieo - lent hate against foreigners and ill-will to ut Christians. whom, in spite of the Imperial p edicts, which generally he did not poet up, he el bad constantly refused hitherto to admit gl e within the limits of his sabprefeeture. As to w h the oity people, they were all most peaceful it and shored a good spirit towards the mission- of aries, whom tey bad oftentimesbefore invited d to come and reside amongst them. Suddenly, e L on the 6th of September, the residence of the it a two missionarfle was invaded by $ mob, who, d rushing upon them, dragged them along , the stret, beating and wounding them tl E 1e they had in their hands but two dead bodies. 1i . Naturally the mandarin eoni, to whom sus- C pioion poslt strongly as the antbor of the g riot, stopped quietly ihis yPlen theoughost, and adid not attempt to rest the outbreak. me It is to be hoped the fore gn legations will y at last join in a common un derstanding to pu t - Ian end to such frequent, illegal, and abomina- d -f ble crimes. e SLeattsr of the mry rather to reasigner Ledechow.- i to ski, Aitieap o Pese. e Venerable Brother,-If at any time it s e has been God's pleasure to show to men t oh that the Church a edifice is Divine, and f a thateverywbere all attacks directed against , y- it by the powers of hell and the malice of t ne man must be in vain, surely now, Vaener - able Brother, is this truth made clear to + 'the sight even of those who do not wish to a see it, to-day He has permitted e-erythin" i to conspire for the destruction of the r o Church. We see contemptfcalumny, laws, and the powers of this world arrayed t against it, the effect of resolutions long i F. formed and brought to realization by pro- ( tracted labor and developed on the part of ' e. the im, ' cable sect, which has a!most everywhere possessed itself of supreme a e power. IHer adherents are marked as sedi .17 tions; her Bishops are condemned by the oi civil tribunal s agitators ; they are loaded - with fines deprived of their functions and " expelled the country ; tha Religious Or ders are suppreset4, t' _ clergy is gagged, and, by arbitrary measures, prevented from exercising its ministry ; education of 't3 the youth in the spirit of the Church is forbidden, in order that, on the one hand, the population may not be confirmed in 0 3the principles of religion, and that, on the u is other, the training up of able and faithful - servants of the a.tar may be prevented. In order to annihilate the glorious name of God, the property conseecrated to God r is robbed ; even the highest dignitary of 1 5s the Church is kept in bondage in order ' that, though utterly despoiled, he may not govern the Church with freedom, according *50 to his powers. All this, Yen. Brother, ' makes your heart bleed, but it likewise i094 rends Our own; for though we feel the ited greater portion of the afflictions that assail by you-so that by the weight of your per secutions your health hasbeen endangered -We see on the other hand, and beyond this, the evil spreading over tile whole of Europe io its whole length and breidth, and over other parts of the world likewise. mis- Nevertheless, the very magnitude of the p to evil, and its ehtraordieary diffusion afford were us the sure hope that deliverance is close rt of at hand. For if God, when lie desired to ted save the world, permitted so many diaboli cal perversities-permitted men to assail aneh even His own Son-we have grounds of belief that the same God is by the efforts mat- of hell let loose preparing an amelioration was of the state of things-preparing a triumph iled of the Church, at this moment deprived of nic all human sncoour; and that by the vial sth ble manifestation of His Almighty power He will compel even the proudest hearts into obedience. Furthermore, Venerable arm Brother, yea make the tokens of your love ree. the dearer to Us, the more you are afflicted then with troubles, and magnanimously sacrifce yeverything, even life itself, to the perform ance of your duty ; and the more resolute ly and staunchly you fight for the Church, in the more lively is Oar desire that you may l: speedily be restored to complete health. The gifts from your diooeans, which you ink have forwarded to Us, have forced Us to o a admire your ardent charity, but have, at ose the same time, occasioned Us regret, be cause these alms have been given by those se who are themselves smitten on all aides by icil severe tribulation. Reoeive, therefore, the pe assurance of Our deep gratitude, you as 't well as your clergy and your-people, oo ther behalf of whom We pray fervently to God, o, th:at Ie may give them the same-spirit, the which He has given to their pastor, and iter- like constancy in great peril in which they hen, are at present. May God grant them and hers yon that unfalling unanimity which anf mes hilates and ebausts all the power of the "I adversary, in order thus to prepare a fresh ter- victory for the just eause, and fresh glory t is of the Chureb. Meanwhile as a pledge of any the favor of God, and as a proof of Our particular aflection, We give to you and lone to your archdiocese Our apostolic blessing. lig Plus PP. IX. A TusTIMONIAL Rom A RILIABLZ SOUiRC. der Kit, the Arkaasas Travsler.-Chalra.a the ditit. Sguiahed tor's opinlon: Mes ss.~C. Magire-Yoer the CundarantmoBUtters and ase PIlt have proved such and tvaluble remedlwes in my experience, that I can con. Ige dauly recummua them. Their sumccea is truiy tre the markable. Respectfll/y, un- IFy. & CsAdrssv. cots I_ _ in[ We call specal attention to the advertise. nire meat of Messrs. M.J. & D.D. O'Brlee, smmislca ,r of mer·chant, and dealers in bhay, rn, eats and bran, Ne aki. ?s*ters stret. They are young men of high standins fad tor integrity, capacity sad enery, 4and have ha long the experience ino eommerrl asas,. Lvi. Li !10o Hllt. of -o suIaharraao OP CAHOLIC SCHOOLS ma llamar os. Do isb- BRos, Dee. 6.-Several evening or night as Itof schools, Ia which boys and young trades- ou ad- men at work during the day, were taught ua ng. to read, write, sad alo were instructed in of tam the ta of drawian sad deipning, have of been bitrarily eloeed, sometimes on the bel ft plea that the teehers bad no license or m t tent, t sometimes ea the ple that the books employed were not approved by the lain lspector. The law expressly prmits these a ools to be opened by tachers who have Co mid ano Ile*se, and does met require any Ils etc that to be takes out. The speto may. if he mit finds fault with any book, prohibit the use of that book, but the la gives him no m power under such ldrcamstances to close "s a the school. Yet the policeman, with an thb order from an inspector, will insinuate to fom ,h the teachers the closing of their charitable a ln institution, and is a few days the Munioci- s geo, pality will perhaps re-open it under their a ray, own auspices. Thus the Catholic teaching w i the is suppressed to make way for that of the in owse dominant anti-Catholics. rto PARLIAM3TARY OATis. t r to Pal naly The sanctity of an oath is not very , forcibly maintained in the Italian Chamber or of Deputies. Felice Cavallotti, a man of vi noted Republican principles, wag lately w 1 tto under prosecution by the Crown for having g erial published seditious writings. He was p, he elected Deputy for Corteleona and Bel- a dmit gloes, and. the Government prosecution f Sto was in consequence suspended. As Deputy, at cefal it was incumbent on him to take the oath tk alon- of fidelity to the King, before he could ed exercise his privilege of speaking or sitting f the in the Chamber. This oath is of course who, contrary to Repblican ideas, and it was o supposed thai Cavallotti weoal refuse ita However, of tie 47th of November last, a w adies. letter appeared in the Cpiti.e, in whieh i ga- Cavallotti declarejhimself still a repnb-, Sthe lican, who knew na-Kiag bthe nation, a reak. and who looked oe the oathl as null and will void before his coseeienee as contrary to Spsi the popular sovereignty, in formal eontra- L mina- diction to his pledged word to his constite eats, and opposed to the will and the a rights of his electors. An oath, moreover, , ghew- Is, said Cavallotti, " always, in its every > essence and nature, and nader whatever form, a religions act; as such it is univer- e zo it sally recogntsed, and therefore it eansoat men bind absolutely those who by reason of their and free opinions, donot fetter their onsciences ;ainst with religions acts." It used to be said ce of that oaths must be interpreted eor iao - a ener- postatis but Cavallotti thinks they may beh ar to taken according to the sense previously ish to declared by the perseo taking them. Aod thing if in his case the oath should become a wmere, f the comedv, it is the fault, according to Lim. o` laws. those who make the oath compu'sory, azd rayed employ it " to surround, with an aureo!aof long sanctity, institutions which require re- i pro- form," .and to paralyse the force of de art of mocracy. Language like this cond .not :most escape comment. On the day following, prome namely on the 28th hNovember, when Ca a sedi- alUotti appeared in the Chamber, and was y the about to take the oath, a deputy, named oaded Lioy interposed with a request that as and Cavallotti asould be required to say is Or- whether he maintained his declarations agged. touching the oath. The President of the rented Chamber then offered the formula to tion of Cavallotti, who attempted In vain to ad rch is dress the Chamber be'ore swearing. At hand, last he took the oath, and immediately sed in aserted that be maintained the declsra on the tions he had published the day before. aithful The President then said :-" Honorable rented. Cavallotti, you have sworn, and therefore name have contracted a pledge which a man of o God honor cannot break." But Cavallotti re ary of joined :-" I am unpledged." Toue oath iorder itself is thas worded:-"I swear to be may not faithful to the King, to observe loyally the Lording Statute and the laws of the State, and to rotber, exercise my functions as deputy with a sole kewise view to the inseparable interests of the el the King and the country." The Crown law t assail yers have since demanded sad obtained ir per- the leave of the chamber to resume the ogered former process against Cavallotti. It is beyond not the first time that the matter of oaths 'ule of has eniged the attention of the Italian reedtb, Parliament. In 1865, when sinme Profes tewise. sors of the University of Bologna gave up of the their seats in the Turin Parliament rather afford than take an oath which was contrary to is close that of fidelity which they had previously sired to sworn to the Pope, Cantu proposed iaboli- to abolish the oath altogether. lie was o assail supported by the Baron D'Ondes Reggio, ands of who said:-" I have not the heart to de efforts prive of ofiee those men who are so faith oration fal to the Pope, and I feel more inclined to rinmpb deprive the persons who are so ready to rived of wcar, or rather to forswear themselves. ae vial- Honest servents who refuse the oaths, are power more useful to the State than dishonest hearts servants who freely take them." Again, in nerable 1867,-at Florence, Count Crotte resigned mr love his seat because he was not permitted to afflicted qualify the oath of loyalty to ".the King, macrices the Statt, and the laws, "by adding," in arform- so far as they are not contrary to the laws olute- of God and the Church. He was subse Thnrch, quently re-elected, and took the oath is on may his own mode with a reservation made bealth, before or after the act of swearing. The ch you Premier Minghetti was not so scrupulous, Us to for he twice swore fidelity to Pius IX., aye, at once in 1847, as member of the Consulta, at, be- and subsequently in 1848, as Minister of ythose Public Works under His Holiness. The idcs by conduct of Cavallotti has been fiercely ire, the criticized among his frends and his foes. von as Some say he alone has had the courage to pie, on declare openly the sentiments of honor to God or dishonor-entertained secretly bIy all spirit, the Revolutionists or Republicans. Itn may ir, and be asked what possible reliance can be ch they placed in the guarantees to the Pope, when em and the oaths to Victor Emmanuel and the Sanni- Statute are turned avowedly into a farce, of the to the very face of Parliament. afrshb azuRn or CONVENTS. glofy Possession was taken on the 1st of De f Oar cember of six contents, namely that of the u and Moinks of St. Jerome at St. Onotrio, where bosin Taso die·d he Trimtarian Convent of St. S Grisogonu the Hospital of St. Grovanna della Malva; Sta. Maria della Scala of the Bounca. Carmelite Monks; the Convent of Domin a th. ican Nuns at SS. Dominic and Sixtus, on re-Yor the Quirinal, and that of the Carmelite ie4 .uh Nuns of St. Teresa, also on the Qalrinal. n on Two days after feour Augunstiatan Convents trl ra were seized :-That namely of Monks at St. Agostino, and at St. Maria del Popolo; as o ad those of Augnustinian Nuas della Ver gini, and at the Longara. On the 4th of vertis. December, four Convents of Nnons were asies seized :-Namely, St. Cosimato of Francis b, a cans of St. Clare ; Sta. Caterina da Siena otandias of Dominicans; the Carmelite Nunnery at SSta. Maria Maddalena der Patsr, and the Augustinian Nunnery of SSma Aunnansiat. AUCTIONS Or CHURCH PrOPRITT. The furniture, etc., of the Collegio o- - msno, was set up for sale on the 2nd of A December. The Jew brokers attended as t usual. For some lots no buyers were Slfound. The fourth public sale of lands t under the Ginta is advertised for the 15th Sof December, and will comprise the lands " of the Irish prelates, and houses and lands I belongang to the Minor Chierici of St. Lo " rese ain Lueina.-Loadons osNe. 5 e Dn -uas vs. Parrs.- fnu sit against M as editor bss bosn dsoidsd In the Circuit SCourt at Wsakeshs, Iowa. The Fays, prepri Ssteorm of the La Belie House at Ooonowmowoo, s brought en Mon before a Jautis to recover Sinepsyvss dollaors o meals e cigars fur Snlsbed Ashley D. Harger, editor of the Ocono- - mmowoe ymwes. Harger set up a eunter olaim t of one hundred and sixty dollars for ' puffnrg" in the La Belle House. Judgment was rendered r to for the plaintifi, and Mr. Hager appeiled to q le a jury. The cae excited much interest, Har- v i- ger being much liked, and having a solemn, B r earnest manner of making very witty remarks. He testilled that Fay would say to him: S" Harger, 've got a nice dinner to-day-come V e in." " No, I thank you, I'm going home." Fay would prevail on him to stay, and after dinner the following coloqoy : "' Everything in there all right, iarger "' "Everything excellent." " Dessert all right "' "Excellent." " Io o cream all right r" "Delicious, Mr. Fay." of " Very well, remember this in your paper next ly week." In return for dinners and cigar, liar gf ger says that he told a good many lies-edito as ally-worth more than a thousand dollars. lie t1- would never have presented a bill for lies had pn not Fay fallen out with him and wanted pay , for the dinners. llarger pleaded his own case, s and the jtury found a verdict for him, which Sthrew the costs upon the hotel keeper. ng Let the People Speak. aa MAYxar-A, Ken., April B, 1873. it. V. PiracEy. BBlo. N. Y.: i ea P Sr-Your Favorite Prescription has done my a wife a world of good. She hasl taken nearly two bottle ich nd has fell betLer thle pet two weeks than at ay timer n the past two yr Nomoreperiodicalmtsn none Iof th arrr btack or draggingenon tin er stem. n, ach abe has been accustomed to for several years. I hd ··om ceuddn o Im that I would be perfectly wlling to warrant to cerain customers of ours who wteeko st d o get hold of relief as any expense. bre std Sar. Patent Medicines, bnt never had any sCeooa i t extol uoe before. In- ver trrly yours. Gon. B. WrTnro. Abe Yrs.. RR. Dat. Metreedis. Ill.. writes, Jan. 9, 1573: .r D. BT. hierte-Y c s eir is using the Favorite Ma? Acar PrDmsLt, Lehman. Pa, wrtes. My 29, 187i: re - Ire. c V. TaeeB-Wbat I have taken of your medi er- ci has bee o mre beass; o me tan all others qd _t_ uoadred of doctors' bilts. e:r Oar merchants, arid bankers nbe vuansm r nbr that ktr Jrh W. N.rriS., N o.27 Canal htre !.-e sd asIt--p .rcd YioL at ccuU Tnrsee:uafs have clV t u a es t teat r: i ce knet ds 3. are anow fully eeta'_+L~sk M re:.a`-"'a Cc: en :e ati er' a bar re ý de- -1 Biics At ah,. ad all dergementa of t litre ac and Bowe. Ask your Druggist for i. nti B P a sia. uhO ly eeow HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. ALFRED D-AMARIN, succeslsor to Gainese Reltf Branch Store, 9.... ....,..MagazineStreet.........9.502 Sear es. Andrew, - Offers for sale, at prres to sisi the times -- - CBINA. GLASS sad CROCKERY WARE. PLATED WARE. HARDWARE. CUTLERY, JAPANS ED WARE, TINWARE. WOODEN WARE WILLOW ARLE, BRUSHES. And a variety of artilee too numerous to mention. Calsad get irga.s. deln4lm SFURITURE.................FURNITURE. - HUGH FLYNN, 167 ............ Poydras Street ............167 All who wan tso prchase CHEAP FURNITURE ean e.l at 167 Posdra. street between St. Char.. and Os accuta of retiring from the Parniture buiness. I am now sllhng off my large stock of NVew Furniture at greatly redueed rats. I am selltng at rates below that Ieof ay b is ntbe city : Wlalt Victoria Bdroom Sets. marble-top.. ;......125 I Prlor Sets, eleven piecese .......................... 310 SDoable Bestead. with Tebteuse ans d Rollers......... r atcheba ad Diningroom Furniture at equally low rates. Spring. Hair and Hors Mattresses. of the best quality :aad as greatly reduced prices not 3 ly - i CARPET AND OIL-CLOTi WAREHOUSE. r ELKIDN & CO., S16, ..............Canal Street..............ll Have a large variety of s CAEPETS-in Velvet. Brussels ThrePly and Ingr-n, at very low prices. FLOORI OIL-CLOTH-all widths LACE CURTAINS, o WINDOW SHADES Pnd CORNICEt o CANTON M.TTLmGS-White. Cheek and Fancy. sel4 3 ly e JOHN BOIS, No. 291 Camp Street, SReters hi sincere thanks to the public bfr the liberal engs. s betowed.unp him is the past, ad reteect f, H catl a eeenti atoe of the same, gsrMateWLL SIkl es to atord fall satlatioL . Hi stoe I well SSHDek with beiang er h orge sdortment of g FURNITURE, MIRRORS, PICTURES. SHAD]ES, I.ORDS, ETC. SPietnre sad Looking Glames Framed. Upholetering Sepairing and Vlneah ingr dona Ir the best manner. SMOVC dne with ear. ad dspatreh. seTo 61 IV ALL PAPER, PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, Et. 119............. Common Street............ 119 iThe undersigned, formerir of 105 Canal street, san located at 119 CO.lMN r'I'I.rET, between Cayp and . He calls speo.a f attesti.,n to hls stock of WALL oPAPER, ranging in price from :'a. a ro!l upw OWde. Ills stook of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, WINDOW SHADES. sTo being veriy e rge, and his erpense Ii being mrh lower the formerly, he is enabled to sell sil artTcles is his line rt rreatly reduced price. S Call Wand sH for Tourselves r. I.. IURTINA.ALc iIet Common street. SGenuine EngLsh WHITE LEAD (B. B) always ou hand. aAlO U 3 ly CARPET WARlEHOUSE, 17 ..............Chartresstreot........_._..17 A. BROUSSEAU, Importer, ofAerT at IWolesalead Retail l CARPETI.--Ic'O pieces English sand American. OIL CLOTIS--Floor, Table eld Carriage ]MATTING--oco rolls White, Cheek and Fancy. 'e WINDOW SHA.DES, Table aniud]Pno Cow t. CURTAINS--Lace and Nortlnghatm Lace. BROCATELtI. COTELINES. Terries, Reps, Etc. hTRC 3LOZ1ý_, BUIRLAPS, Ticklgng. prings. Et e myl8 7R3 ly t. JU8S5a]. HOTELS. D. SWEENY'S IHOTEL, ON THR EUROPEAN PLAN, Corner of Chanblrs and Chathlba streets, J o 6m nw rToaX. LACLEDE nlO'r;L, COP.NER FIFrlI AND CIIESUT STS., se. L"t'Ca. MO. Telegraph, Railroad azt eamboat Tlcket Omoes in this llou0e. Je! ly J. W. MLLIN & SON, Prypritors. IIISURAICE COIPANIES. AIdERICAN MUTUAL INSURANCE G ASOCILTION OF NEW ORLEANS, o Commerolal Plaee, Betwe Camp a.d SL Charl. ss1rm". .pi.tal ........ "....-...$S00, T (.IOLUSI-V LT PI.3.) S. I. LoS. Predemt. B. M E ,e Smaw .y. O. . A OH, Sapartateadst et Agmeea. T wavur..m I.1. Loeb, M. Pekeory. H. MarquLat, 7. Rebbert. F. Se35ig, 1. HeUsMer, &. Brtedrk. L. Sehormasn , P. aIm.1, P. 8. Anderm, A. S. Cutler, e BNaer, s, Wm. Swan, J. Alt. Nago dwits. W. Leonard C. Toebelmana, Wm. Ebert H. Weber. F. Pippo, Wm. Hipper M. Aseena, Jy1 m T TEUTONIA INSURANCE COMPANY Or NEW ORLEANS. Office, No. 111 Gravior Street. SInsure Fire, Marine and River Risks at Loweet Rates. Assets...........................$798,454 61 A. EIMER BADER. President, CH. ENGSTFELD e Vies Pre.dent, OEORGE SPrOM.T*EL, Secretary. O Orn D Of C amuE at Henry Abraham, A imrer Bader, N A1 anmlgarde 1 E F (el Bondi. ChEngatfeld, M Fmnk. H R O reve,KH Hailer. Sigmuned Stat, J H e ler. Je r. Louts Leonmhard, Theo Lilienthal, CR MlleriT Riokert Frank Roder, Louis Schneider, W B Schmidt, B. selg, l or Soherok. Loouis Scbwarta oM Shoewre R Wildermin. Y Weae nbaoh, NEW ORLEANS MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANT. Ofie, corner of Camp and Canal streets. Capital, $500,000. Asesets, December 31, 1872.-..-.....$755,841 24 Insures Fire, Marine and River Riska. dividing the proflt on ede epartment separately to the Insnred. For the aocommodalton of lte cutomere, the Core pany will make Marine Loses e pble to London. J. a e ir S, Presaldent. "a J. W. HI eCKS. Secretary. fell 73 ly NEW ORLEANS MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, r Office, No. 102 Canal Street, REPORT OF COMMITTEE. c We, tho underaigned members of the committee :k appointed by the Board to examine the asete of the of New Orleane Mutual Inurance Aoclatlon, and to t. value the same for the purpose of reducing iti capital. do hereby solemnly affirm that we have carefully and Seoncieontiously examined tail assets, each item eepar. atily. se detailed in the statement now opened for _ examination of stockholderi, in the Asuociaton'e ooe and that we hbae ralned them, to the best f our know. ledge and judgment, at ther reepeotive actual value, m uand that we have arrived at the following ralt, to wile teth Value o Books. Reduction. Cash en hebd and In bank.... 1034,1. 30 ......s Cuah in bands of agent....... .39 85 ote, and blll receivable..... 72,31l s08 17,518 19 Stocks aed bonds ............ .13 ,117 i| . 0 .975 C Real etae .................... 1,81 34 15 0.i 345 alasre duoeby insuracee oem Paniee- e On ss loea rJeh a Parker... 09,70 00 ... Premiuma s coarseef celia tion....... ,180 95 3,876 00 Preminum eolleteable in fol E. lowing quarter......... 183.994 .... Total ase ..............i,761,540 3 Toal redaction.......... $131,870 ~ 3 d Due in Europe................ 553,846 35 Rot, and bills payable....... 1,490 40 I Unpaid interet dlvidend.... 8,l5O 00 t Unpaild profla on uncollected t erpremium, of previous quar. . .................. . 7,1J 5 S5I Ship TJobn Parker, received on 110 account of alvage.......... 21,79o 55 14 M. W. Joyce .................. 1,3:0 65 es. R. Perry................... 06 21 ity Unadjusted loees......... 4),000 00 r Unexpired riks............... 79,911 10- 901,210 E5 E. Total of aset o books .... .1.161,54: 36 Less reduction above......... 131,70' 53-1,690.000 83 Deduct liabilities ............. 951,210 85 S et surplus of assets ..... $7t8,45$ 8 Theactual net value of assets being. a above statLed, S6s76.,454 98, we earnestly recommend that the Board lake the proper steps isto have the eapitalof the company reduce In aocerdanc, at 676 per share, to wit : e Actual eapital. 052 share, at e1s0...........105,1G 00 Propod redeoton, per shale............ 100.99,144 0 Redsood capitaL 9052 ahsree at 7.......$706,06 00 -reeerving the original asets, thus reduced, a th ezemusIve property of stckhoblders. We fsrthermse certify that the foregoing lists eo l asets sad liablitie agree with the bookse o tho Ase. elation. New Orleao, October 18, 1873. LEON HAAS, J., 5JOHN ROcRHI, LEON QUEYROUZE. l A true copy: er tala 3 3y 0. LANAU, Secretary. OFFICE OF HIHERNIA INSURANCE COYPANY to. OF NEW ORLEANS. 37 Camp street.-At an election held on Monday, the 5th Inst., the following named 19 gentlemen were :hoeen Directore of thLi Company to nerve for the ensuing year: Patrick Irwin. John Hendorson, "O The. Marey, IL N. O'Brlen, sod E. l. ]ei J.A. Gardner. LL A. Itre~eb J.G.. Hymn, Edw'd Sweeney. A. II. lam~ceon, Thonoas King. And at meeting of the Board, held this day, JOHN HENDERSON, ERq.. was onanlmooely elected Prea_. ss11 dent, end P. IRWIN. Eeq, Vice President. The Board also doclared out of the net profits of the past twelve months 10 pcr cent intoreet; also 10 per cent dtildend on the pal in ecpital, nnd 40 per sent on dividend in premem-a-the amId intereet and dividetd-, . under the amended charter, to be placed to the credit of the atock notes. T1OS. 1. BqRAGG, Seretary. .17 New Orleanl, May 00, 0573. mylS 73 Il BOOTS AND SHOES-HATS. OUISIANAU HAT MANUFACTORY. JoHNa FiaUr , PRACTICAL IATTRS, (Snocesaor to A. MMaraer,) 54............. ST. CHARLES STRKW ............. Nt Near Oravier street. New Orlean. Personal attentlon paid to all order. Keeps eon. stanrly on banda chao assortment of HatIl. no 173 ! JonN 0. WAGNER, AT TH 605GM OF THO "RED BOOT,' Corner of Ursnlinoes and Dauphin ~treet, BOOTS, SHOES AND BOOTES, e24S 3m VERY CHEAP. D HURLEY, FASHIONABL5E HAT AND CAP STORE, 172...........Poydras Street............ 172 Bewtween St. Charles and Calondeolet. New Orleansu Couoanllyon. hand a large asortmentof PINE ATS of the latest style. Also, lbltk and aeslere flats. Children's Fancy CAl'S. mat 73 1y MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISgI$E TS. GUD LoIfr3E son sea NUN OF KENMk-ti, TO ESTAaLISE A sOl F0oB roof. 'am To C eapeaet r the Earn of ThfLeu mi. e of the'Idle of at. tek" thwa w.J de. e4 lat in the remt Destea 7.. Tnelday (St 'Pattlek's Day), Ma 17, 114. F ith i T-esA m D a lee. Hraeol, et., ett.. veale Ome Thoesaj Dsilas s D ad.d~le"d pr..sly r th" e e _ nEne Prime-A. ITEU LA hu OJIBi Sjel, ovalu.ett Ora kni Dlr. wo. ne Third Prie-A COMPLETE SET 0A THE W>A OF THE NUNI. OP yMA R boatind stde aa Oat M[erooce with hit Antegrapk laoe vainue ivr Hundred Dlterre Fourth Prie-A. ET ON IRIS oHANDKEtCHIEFS oe ea Ebne H of wiT Lat. Name fn the Wione~ errtl. of oo Ce eWinger, valoe Three Kerry. d~sl. FiftMh Prie-A BEiUT UL I S B oY' ROB, BOo hm i.o, denmded lg 5presforti ttheryd with the Hep and Sasbmroc, Pr e, Tvalewo dd LACE TUNIC, with Body T Emmin andI 1 hal to match, vailu Three SHAWnDollOtm5 SventH PrLze-A WHITE LACE PPWL OPF IE-EE POINT, of exquslte work, vairL Two Hllet Dollarm. Eighth Prise- COMPLETE SET On VIeb S Oe CE LEBRATED IeRIH SCENRY . aInus eei. Sent Abum 1thKlllarneAbtknm Weo th Uod One Hndred Dollar. an N Ninth Prie-A YODL OF h AN ANCIENT IRE. lDiamonde. vau One alHudred and Fiýty DlaI. With Severaol Hundred other Prize. dl o Irslli me. fiatuore and ll varying in value fro rTen to lnl a ue ndredp Dplaoporp ie r TCICETS, ONE DOLLAR EACH. 4 h wto e of $o11 coa emsnloent Chuen... Lithogoph of o. Nasn of nen c nth NOTICE -Alnt b ere. diopoelu of irxty Toskewa wip he wteinted with a Prm TLnket fors a Stuas anyedety" vFalu OYNE THOUSAND DOLLAB i4 No other ticket willl be allowed a chane of ihe Bsn Tickete on he obtained ditrest from the Conrent el he Poor Case, eeare. County r .rry. The names o L soal Agen o wwll be rannouned gem. n The Cnromo.Lithogeapbo Liken, of the NUN s01 KENMAE wllbe o mailed ifree to mny addres frsa. a carte-mined Photograph for One Dollar, and a cebline _ mined Photograph for Is. E NEWWORKd OF THE NIJC OF EXIIMIR THE LIFE AND TIMES OF POPE PIUS 1S-Tm publlo arecautioned against purchaming work, saldiM be wtten by Siaten Mary Clare, and against snpport Ing thomsewo are injuring her Convent by sellng he books solely for their own advantage. Thb Life and Tnme. of Popo Pius 1X. hee been Inpu. aahtion for smveral years, and Later Mary Franci Clar has had special opportunities fio writi nguale tee work, which will be of reel and permanent vaune. Ths work will not he a oompilation or scraps oat of news. Ls pers orother books, bula permanent standard wor, ta1. The "NUN 4OF ENMARE'S DOLLAR BOOKS! This eerie. sf booka will be lssued Immediately. sat will no dosbt have the same ewienelve erlrcubtlois or. the "Advice to Irih Girls.' for Staler Mary Francil Clams likeness will be proteca Leo, laths United State. sod Canada, to prevrnt nnsorpo ions potionsfrom cpyingthem, and dpfraudingoh ew' pen "f ii. prds. o ties ale. nN 13 BOOKS ARD STATIONERY. VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE 7o0 1874. 200 Pages, 500 Engravings, and Colore Plate. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY, at TWBNIY-FITI CENTS A YEAR. First Number for 1874 just isee A German edition at same prie.. Address deS8 4t JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. JUST READY. THE AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL READERS. A NEW ORADED SERIES, FULLY AND HANDSOMELY ILLrSTRATID * Mers. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR &C0 have the pleasure of annomsomi - that they have s ready, after many month'prp tion ad a lare at lay. the rest four numbers of an entirely new esr school readers which they detsats "1s Em caUIoSa22.R aena." Thew have osen phIi to meets want that is ac supplied by any t series, n , gradation and price andlturne a. hat, fe thes reeeos. they are sb every essestl.-o abore, n llprmst pap say other books that m Wý Attention is Invited to the sinmsanPd pi ed the works herewith appeaned: FIRST READER, 64 pages ....... Price 25 ct SECOND READER, 194 pages....Priee4008 THIRD READER, 160 pges...... Prioel 6l FOURTH READER, 940 pges.....Price 70 c FIFTH READER.* * The ifth Esader wit be ready daring the k ( One sOn seek of the diet Iber nmsake wll M sent by mal to teahers and edeateniso n real5 of ONE DOLLAR, if desired, for oexamtisais wa. view to Introductlon IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., EDUCATIOINAL PUBLISER8, 138 and 140 Grand street, New Yak. Or TIMOTHY MORONEY, No. 92 Camp street, jye 77 ly New Ort eed. PROFLSSIONAL CARDS. D c,...... .... i.. ..oss srgnd LCorner of Camp oskeet, (Lte du3 St. tAndrew Gives special attention to 'ving of the natural tee Artifcial Teeth inserted with or without extraotl roots. 'rloes within the reach of all. t Teeth eztraeted without pain. __ G. J. FEIEDICHS, DENTAL SURGEON, 1 55.........St. Charles Street..........-- myd 73 ly Corneh IW B. LANCASTEn, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 50...............Camp Street...............-- del ly Over tb eruaia illsk. _ H. P. BUCKLEY, 8................Camp Street............ Has for Sale, at Low Prioes, FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCEIE, American, English and Swiss, Fine Jewoelry, Sterling Silverware, Gold, Silrve t and Steel Spectaoles and Eye Glasee. S Particular attention gvlen to repairing all kladee Clo nd Watches. Jewelry repaired t Diamends remounter and Jewelry repaired d.OL