OCR Interpretation

The morning star and Catholic messenger. [volume] (New Orleans [La.]) 1868-1881, January 20, 1878, Morning, Image 2

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Mearing $Sr aCnd Citholic Messenger.
yo think Wehbtlgton would be jealous of the
oser gives to his own mother, and gives her
ehiedf blcese she was hble mother, hoeoaue of
hima And wherefore shall our Divine Lord
be jealous of the honor given to his mother
whom that hboor Ise iven especially beuense
she was his mother?
"But yon pray so leg to the Blessed Virgin
ad. the Beante, and a metimee pray but for a
abort time to Almighty God. Is not this as
evideaeo that you are thinking more of these
sseetores of God than you are of God him*
It le not the length of time that we spend
praying that determines the oharacter of the
prayer. One beading of the knee in adoration,
wbleb most be offered to God eloe., Ie a higher
aSt of worship than if oone were a oenturr
-psalyg without adoration. If the Cathbolo
rormse ante of worship that mislead the non
eoollo--long prayers or bowlng before the
stetea of the Blessed Virgin, or swiniing the
esesers before the statues of saints or augela
--you museet remember that the cheraoter of the
worship is to be judged by the doctrine, not
thoedoetrine by the worship. Yo must bare
.rlet the key to what the Catholio means by
these external expresslons, either in action or
na word, before you understand, and oertsinly
beoler ye condems, titeis external sotion. I
may bow the knee without intonding adora
tio. In the old English B)ok of Common
Prayer, In the Protestant marriage service, the
bridoegroom uses the words, if I remember
rightly :" With this ring I thee wed, and with
my body I thee worship." Now, if some one
aid'to him, " Do yoen really mean to adore this
eratere You say von worship her.', "Ob.
eq" he will say. " You must fret understand
what I mean by worship. Words are words.
It is the meaning attasobhed to the word, and it
is by that weaning I have to be judged. I
honor her. It does not mean bere seoo wor
.hip as you Imagine." Formerly, in the reli
gions sense of the term, men adored, as the
serm lmplls, by plaoiug the hand to themouth
and then toward the steatue--d os, to the
meath; so kissing hands was supreme adore.
tion. It is not now, of course, supreme adore
ioes. The external set, then, mast be inter
pseted by the internal intention. and the inter
real Intention by whet is the tleAsog of fle
Crs on the subject.
There is no Catbolto who believes that it
would not be idolatry and blasphemy to offer
to say being that supreme worship that le due
t God alone; and henose he osanot bhave any
intention of adoration in these otherwle in.
dlfferent sots. He may indeed spend a long
time in asking the saints or the Blessed Virgin
o pray for him, but be well knows it is only
Ogd that can bestow upon him what he wants:
Sman that desires n offie from the Presi
dent knows that it Is only the Presidest tan
• give it, but be may spend a long time in con
rarsation with samas dear friend of tie Preai
dent, and you do not conolade from this that
he thinks this friend can do more for him than
the President osa I Ie i only interesting the
friend to go to the President to ask the favor
for him.* 8o they ask the saints to pray for
them, as non-Catholiee ask one asetler'sprayers.
Thus when you know what Uatsoiioe reaosly do
believe upon these antljeots, you n li find no
diteulty in understanding how rational that
faith Is. and bow far from degrading.
"But here," says another, "are inanimate
objects. These inanimate oljects are honored
in the same manner, and are even said to per.
form miracles. Now, if inanimate objects per.
form miracles, there must be a divinity in these
inanimate objects; therefore you deify the
ebjest. You suppose that in that old bone of
sealnt, or in that old orucifix, there is a power
so perform miracles, and here is surely idolatry.
Here is certainly a derogation from the honor
whilh should be given to Almighty God; and
here it Is worse than in the case of the Bleesed
Virgin or the saints, because they are rational
and holy beings, but here is an inanimate, vile
ebject of earth, to wbloh you attlibute the
pewer of performiog miraoles."
Miraoles are perpetually performed, it in said,
by these objects in the bands of saints, and a
great many stories, sometimes very amusing
tees, are told of the number and manner end
marvellous oharaoter of these miracles. Sap
pose, as a relief to this long lecture, I relate to
yea a few of these pious stories, then proeoed
to illustrate the subject.
Onoe there was a pious, credulous people, and
is their country there lived an old saint In a
hermitage, near the banks of a lake, apart
from the world, with only one lay brother.
One day this saint took a walk by the banks
-of the lake. He saw a woodman felling trees.
The hatchet of the poor man fell into the lake,
and the salnt, with a marvelio's faoility for
performing miracles by the aid of inanimate
objeots, took a little twig from a tree, coaxed
the hatohet up, and gave It to the woodniau,
who went on his way rejoicing. Time saint ro
turned home; and after no had returned to his
home bhe found there a poor widow, who oame
with the request that he irluld go and raise
her child to life. 8bhe sno ted that he ounld
do anythlng that he pleased I The saint was
fatigued, probably, after Lie walk, and didn't
wish to go, so be called to tae lay brother and
said, "Brother, take this walaing-atick of
mine, and with it revive this poor woman's
obild." After a while the saint died-for saints
will die, too-and they buried him. In the
open grave of the saint another body was sub
sequently plaoed. Tie saimt, who was very
food of solitude during his life, rather rejoloed
is it after death, and didn't wanu this man lo
the same grave with him. Therefore, with the
same faculity for performing miracles, his in
animate body brongbt the man to life without
belg restored to lte itself, anud sent him on
his way rejoicing.
Now, in the some country there lived another
esantband as the people were griOvoubly ft'fOt
ed by snakese this asot, who was not as cruel
to the snakes as a certain lrish saint who ex
pelled them all, erected a large cross, sotes
thing like the mission cross that )on ay see
outside or inside of certain churches, and .n:d
the people when they were bitten b tlim a sjke
that they should hlok at the cross, and they
wonld be enred; cand ist I said they were.
This Int had a box made, in whhob he placed
some relie, and told the people that they nmnot
take groat care of the box, that it would
always proteot them, and wboun tony wsu to
tght they must bear it with them. Their ene
mis, however, got hold of the box on one no
onlon, but they were soon very glad to return
it to these eimplie, ood people, se it :ormented
them. Aed there Ihved amongat them later on
another saint, who performed mirso:ee, not
merely by the use of ianimate, elnselees ob
jet lIke these, but when he was performirng
mlraclrsoli one direotion, his shadow sas per
frmlong them in the other.
Now, In whabt chroniole of the middle ag.s,
in what old monkish Lives of talnte, have 1
fsund the ooouont of theme sainute performing
iraoles by the aid of these inanimate objeots f
UWhere have I fonld this acoontt  ubetan
taelly in the Protestant Bible a.od,of course, in
the Catbolio Bible, too. Elisha, the prophet,
wes walking by the banks of a river; a man
was felling trees, and the aze fell into the
water, The prophet, by the laid of the little
twig, brooght up the Iron till it swam upon
she eurfsoe, and he then returned it to the
grteful woodman. There was a widow whone
a_ uobild was dead, and Ellsha, as he li aolied
Ir tbe Protesetnt, liseosan in the Catholio Bible,
did not go at fts to raitee the ohlld. bues oalled
his man and sold, "Take my staff," (whicb,
after allJ, was hiso walking-stick,) "' and lay it
-pon time face of the obild." Eltseba was also
e inhoaepitable burled esalnt whose dead bones
(reline) restored the intruder to lite. lnt who
,ate rgaim· Oy hope. et. . Hs Is theo ke  tloall
.r. lry · tr we a fellow ~m sinases e earNth to
pray for uas wlbeat dgradingl rtigio, we ,ay tsk
etsls i haves.
was the saint that ereoted the large cross to
protect the people from the biting of the
snakest Who but Moses, who ersectd the
brazen serpent that wes to symbolise the cross,
and told the people when bitten by the ser
pents to look at that braaen serpent and they
would be heaoled? Ad what was the box of
relics but the ark of the covenant, with the
rod of Asron with the vresel of maea, with
the tables of the law with those reneorable
rells-eall inanimate objects? And who was
the saint whose abodow (not even an lmani
mate objee) performed mirables, bat Si.
Pseerj fr we re told in the Aot. of the ApeLO
tIe that people brought their slok that his
shbdew mhtfall upon them. So the oathole
believes nothing In roLuegard to these sebjet
substantislly different rom what bthe Proest
ant most admit-whist is not contained in the
Bible of God. Nor can even the rationalist
obet if .he admit the exoitetce of God and
Hist angels. God coeld ae* these Inanimate
objects as he ses animate objects. What is
the difference to him between the iret spirit in
heaven and the humblest inanimate object on
earth? Both being reatures, must be infin
itely beneath him. It isotly a question of the
difference between ftro little thsags
Therefore is there nothing irrational in sop.
posing thet God, for his own ends-sometimes
those ends are patent, sometimes they are oon
oeal d-bot there is nothing irrational in sunp
posing that God can oat through these external
objects. These relios do not perform the mire
olse. God acts through them. God uses them,.
joest as he okss men; there is no divinuity in
them. God ores them simply  aso instroment.
Sorely God can do just as he pleases with
his own oreatures, in the manner that
he pleases, when he pleases, and no man
dare ask him why? I may add, in pass
ing, when we hear of those marvellous
Claugs, of mirales, sand vislone, and so forth,
the 'atholic does not believe that he is bound
to aooept them all. What I every Inmagination
of every exoftable old lady, or young lady;
every vision of every intensified, nlghly
wrought mind! No! these reported miracles
have to be examined, as Dr. Newman remarks,
upon the very same laws of evidence by which
any other facts are examined. I examine the
reported faot" I bring to it the ordinary laws
of evidence; I reject or aooept it upon evidence
brought before me, admitting, of course, the
poHsiblity of Almighty God performing a tra
ole-the poesibility, but not the fact, until it
shall have been proved. eneoo there ise no de
gradation of either reason or religion.
Neither is it true, ladies and gentlemen, that
the Old Chnrob tends to demoralise the indi
vidual or the national cousolenoe by her use
of that power which God gave to his apostle
upon the very day of his reuerreetion, when he
said: "Whoses sins ye shall forgive they are
forgiven them."
The confessor is simply God's agent, and just
as the clergyman, who baptises the child,
wa hes out tihe original sin that was upon the
soul of the ohild--as the Protestant olergyman,
or the layman, or whoever baptises the child,
washes away this original sin from the soul of
the obhild, doing it as God's agent-so the priest
forgives the aotual sin, but only as God's
agent. The power given to him is a delegated
power; he cannot exercise it beyond the limits
assigned by him who delegated it.
Now Almighty God will not forgive a men's
sins without sorrow for them anal necessary
reparation for their effects, and determination
to enter on a new life. The priest oan never
forgive the sins of a man who is not truly can
trite. The priest has no power over subch a
soul. If the priee ha+ tiis tremrendous power
to forgive sine a', he pleased, then the ooonfes
sional should be abolished in every oivilized
country. Then ir. would demoralize any people
on the face of God's earth; then it would, in
deed, lessen man's horror of sin. The absurd,
the blasphemous position that a man could do
what the eternal God himself will not do
forgire the sinl of a man who is cot sorry for
them, who wil not amend his life and make
reparation to Property or character for injury
done; to suppose this would be, indeed tosop.
pose all that is popularly supposed by Proteet
ante as held in the Cathollo doctrine of connfa
slos. Nor is there any fatal facility of obtaiu
ing pardon, beoause the Catholio. in order to
obtain Darion, has to do ali fhAt tie Protestant
has to do before he goes to confession at all.
Hlo must be sorry for his sin, he must purpoes
amoudu:.d t. he must gt through it1 these pre
paration, of the soul, an order so 1k. hitnself to
go t.u uonfetloo I Benoe there is no fatal
f~oility, no lessening of the horror-due to sin ;
and there dispoastions are required from every
one who goes to oonfeesion. The disoipline is
Look at that old man, over eighty-five years
of age, moving towards that barefoot monk in
the confessional. Ttis old man kneels down
before the monk, and says: "Bless me, father,
far I have sinned. I confes to Almighty God,"
and so forth, "that I have sinned. Through
my fault, through my fault, through my most
grievous fault." He tells his sine, and the
priest must be oertain that he is sorry for them.
Who is this old man, thus humbled ? Who is
this man that falls at the feet of the poor
monkf PopePas IB himself! He has togo
to confession, he has to be sorry for his sins,.
and the priest would be bound, at the peril of
his eternal salvation, to send even him away
from the tribunal, unless-if you can imsgino
such a thing-he war, not certain that he had
the necessary dispositions. Wonderful 'nurob i
whiobh, while it exalts the office, ever humbles
the man 1 This discipline is universe!, and
therefore the individual consolence is net de
muralsdwl by this practice, and, by oonksquenco,
neither is the consolence of a people. Hear
the testimony of a man as to the seoot of the
oonferesonal, not only oo the individual soul,
but on the nation also. lear one, who is no
exooptional as such a witness, who entertained
the deol,et and most intouseo htred of relagion
that ever bonrted in ilaCilel heart; but who
knew, from his own experience when he usneed
to go to onfessiCn, and when, perhaps, he wos
pure and good, th. value ol the coufessi.nuol
upon his soul. This Watues is Voltal:e him
seno!. lie sys :
"There aa Ito more winse lntitoaion than that
of onife.eion. Traln moat of mantkauid, guilty o
oari re, are r.aturedly to-ojeontd witlh remorse.
"un lawgivers who establishbed ygsterr.e and
txplsios, .vote equsally anxioaus to preveont
the oramna.ls,. nuder the infitnont of despair,
from a Iushlbg rlcoklos'y into leaw crimes. Co,
fesraioo is an exoeilolent thing-a bridle on in
ateratre criltce. It is excellent for disposing
beart, uolcerated with hatred, to forgive; and
the ojuIt to ripsir the luJaries they moay
hsave dune to their neighbor- Tiae enemnles,)f
the Rloman CUnrch, who opposeo sa elutary so
institut ion, have taken away from men the
greatest check that cano be imagined eon si
quity. Tue wise anon of antiqun:sy have all
recognized itr importance. The Cetholio reli
gion leas cooseerated that of wholch God per
mnittod human wisdom to peroeivo the ladvan
tag-a ani emhrano its shadown."
Lelbolts, one of the greatest man that Pro
tensautism or any other lsrn oan boast of-the
equostl of bir Isacm Newton in physIocal soienoe,
and his superior in almost every other depuar
ment-speake of oenfeesion in termse whloh
might be employed by the most devoted fre
quenter of the esared tribunal.
II Catholin oations s,-em sometimes worally
degraded depend upon it, tbhat the lmmoral
people who bring aslegraoe on them, are not
the people who go to oonfeslon, but often the
inidel radicals who denounce it. Left nuder
is sacred influoaenoe, they woeld be very dif
ferent indeed, if they Isaensted before Goa
their sins, and received the siutatry connesel
wbheh tt.ey oanao reoeive Lt.tiL they haver
resolved to hbecome new creatures. Theretore,
ladie and gontlemen, because a man does not
submit to a hnlan inetttiuton hi, intellect in
order to lod out the truth of God, bht submhts
it to wbhat h bhes oonvinoed himen.f is a divine
isltituLten ; because CatAolies do set belie.e,
Svirdstlr (fom tthi'It follows tht ' we do net be
IOre thaL t apal Juals tdley irnlrves Ppsi inpeca
and thbe Churheb does not teach, that
Soriptures shonld be kept from the people;
becmase Catbolice do not believe that in ogre
moniee sand in extornal pomp and show, and in
the use of the arts, that toi these alone there
is religion, but that they have to be used as
aids to bring the soul in oommunion with God,
who has to be worshiped "in spirit and in
truthb ;" becasne Catholics do not believe that
the resature bha to take the place of the Greas
tor; beasse Catholics do not worship pio
tores or images as if deitises and give no sa
preme worship to any one but God alone, be
ease there is no fetal faillity In obtafalag
perdo for sin, and no degrad lg enees,
but a marveleos oonsrvatism in the use of the
ooanfesleual; therefore, do these ohargee fall
to the ground; therefore Ie it tree that the
Chureb does not enslave the intelleot ; that
the OChurch does nos degrade religion; that
the Chsbeh does not demoralise the people.
In order that yoo may be confirmed in the
truth of what I have saild to you, and that
there has been no speciael pleading, no explaln
ing away, and no mlsrepresentation. and, in
order, also, that you may understand that en
many other subjects whioh it was impossible
for me in one dscourse to taunh, the Catholio
Chbroh is deeply, deeply misunderstood and
wronged; that that institution whiob the
heart of the priest loves with all its iatensi
ty, for which its every fibre should vibrate.
which is more to him than woman's love could
be, and for wh!ob he is prepared to sacriftce
life itself; that that institution wbhioh i it
my saored privilege to-night to explain and
to defend, bha thus been deeply wronged, is
what you most confess to yoursolvesn no meat
ter what may have been your opinions before,
when I read for you one short summary of
points of dootrine which we condemn and ana
In a little work which has been extenalvely
oircnlated in England, Lieland and this coun
try, these points are summarized in a striking
manner. Any Catholic can, with his hand on
the B!ble, and in a solemn oath, say "Amen"
to the following propositions :
Carsed is he who commits idolatry, who
prits to images or relica, or worships them for
God. Amen.
Cursed is every goddess worshiper who bo
lievse the Virg;n Mary to be any more than a
oreature, who warships her or puts his trnet
In her more than God, who believes her above
her Bon, or that she can in any way oommand
Him. Amen.
Cursed is he who believes the saints in
heaven to be his redeemers, who prays to
them as ecob, or who gives God's honor to
them or to any creature wbhatever; and be
who believes that priests oan forgive sins,
whether the sinner repents or not, or that
there is any power on earth that can forgive
sias without a hoarty repentance and a
serious amendment; and be who believes
that there is anthnrity in the Pope, or in any
other person, that can give leave to commit
sin, or that for a sum of money can forgive
elas; and ne who believes that, independently
of the merits and passion of Christ, he can
obtain salvation by hie own works, or make
coedign satisfaction for the guilt of his sins
er the eternal pains due to them; and he who
contesme the word of God or who hidee it
from the people in order to keep them from
a knowledge of their d.ty and t) preserve
them in ignorance and error ; and he who an
dervalusa the word of God, or that, forsaking
the oSriptures, cho,"ate rather to follow hu
man tradtlions than it ; and he who believes
that the Pope can give to any, upon any occa
sion winetaoovr, dlensDotions to lie or swear
falsely, or that it is lawful for any one at the
last hour to protest himself innocent in Ocar he
is guilty; and he who teaches it to be lawful
to do anything wicked,. though it be for the
lnterest and good of 'M ttber Church," or
that any evil action may be done that good
may oumi from it. Amen.
Cursed are we f,. in answering or In saying
'.Amen" to any of these curses, we use any
equivocation or mental reservation, or do not
awent to them in the oommon and obvious
sonse of thbe terms. Amtn.
And the author say a. "Can the Papists, then,
thous seriusly, and without check of eonacienoe
say 'Amen' to all theee coareesa" Yes, they
oan, and they are ready to do no whensoever
and as often as it shall be required of them.
(Papist M earpresenot-l, page 1'14 )*
Here is the es idlnce of what Gatholioe do
not believe, fur the firat time perhaps under
stood ny many'genercua-hearted people here
to-night-people who have felt that he would
not do injus'ioe or wrong to any individual,
and who will not do iojes:ice any more to two
hnodred willions of individuals on God's
earth. But that injustice has been done, and
therefore is It essuntial that it should be un
done, as far as each individual who hears me
to-night, is conernoed. Two hundred millions
of people demand reparation, because One very
doctrines that they curse arc the doctrines
whioh they have been falsely obharged with be
lieving. These are the doctrines 'Catholics
do not believe." TheChurch could never have
lasted, ladies and gentlemen, under the weight
of all the pereeoiuious and misrepresentations
If this kind if she were not the Church of the
liying GOd--f she had not the promise that
the "gates of hell should not prevasl against
her." Teat is the promise that sustains her.
directs her, andlinspires her-that has been
her guarantee o triuaomph for over eighteen
boohundred yea's., and shall be until the end.
Never shall I forget the ev idences that I once
saw and heard of the .a'bility of this Church,
in her war against the powers of bell, of
which one is this very misrepresentation of
which I have been complaioinrg. It was in
Rome, in 1867; and with tuis description I
shall close this alreaby too prolonged leoture.
On that oeceasion, the eighteen hundredth anni
vereary of the death of St. Peter, we were as
semolod in the -lsgo:fioeut lBasilao that bears
hel name. Fivo hundred Bishops gathered
around the Sovereign l'oautir-bishops from
every tribe anid nation rpea e trth. There he
stood, thr, B prenae Pontiff. the great central
figure. Forf thconbnod wax lIghts illumined
the N.mag-flaon at nomhy. Tne sculptured
saints of e:ghteen centuries looked down
frutao ho.r " :o'es a t- fromn the tombs around,
opon us. I':te vst lBo'ihnea was crowded to
ito ,tmnoust, ca;,oity. 'ThLe papal choir, nueat the
grand altar, aomuoan0ad to sinr theose worde,
"Thou art Pete-. a:rnd upon this rock I will
buoild my Chnreb," andl wl,'n tones one hunn
dred vonaes soemed to iave exhausted all their
power and beauty of melody, three bohundred
voices above the entrance to St. Peter's 030n
tinued the xezt, "I wiil build my Chqrob," and
the two choirs cuited, ad thea four hundred
voiovs-the Cloruas .nae:orum-in the dome,
"that vast and wondroos dome, to wbluhob
Diana's marvel wase a cell," continued this
text, and in the end the baseso voies eom
mencing, and the whole magolfloent ocean of
melody surging onward, they sang. "And the
gates of hell a.hall not prevail against it
Peorts ifri, on preralebsut." We heard the
so at tho altar; we beard it above the dlstant
pertals, we heard it rinogoing round and roundl
the dome. That toext sounded in my mind that
day as the anooonoemeusof a fsot-of a obol
leonge-of a prophecy. There, abers the
tomb of Peter; there, where the hostile
powerse had met for eighteen hundred years;
there, where they had measured lanue, these
powers of hell and the old, united Chbrch
the misrepresented, but still glorion. Chaure
these words sonded like the annoonoemeat
of the fot tbhat after eighteen hnndred years
of fighting she was still victorions. They
rang out like a ohallenge, as if she esid:
"Come forth and fight the battle for eghteen
eentnries more if you wish It," and of a
proobhby that that battle bshould ead vioto
ido sly fu lor ler beoouse of God's great prouiieel
Oh, Aloriousobaroh of the living GQod! Oh.
oniy divine institntion upou eartht In all thy
power, in all thy nunity, o all thy beauty,
* 'The Fith of Oor Pathcrs." Moeat Rev. Dr. Gab
boss, now Alobhtsha p of altoers, ontgL to be real
by thoe whO deatr o t Lnvealttgste these Laprtsi
Sanotion for thy eontinnance, here the comme
Snioated life of God that gives thee vitality and
whichbt will crown thee with victory for ever
emore: "On thib rook I will build my
| Churob. The gates of hell shall not prevail
against it."
Dublin Nates, Dee. n.
OutsIde the walls of the crowded bshrebes
wlithb whloh fervent iorebippers knelt to
I worship God end thank inm for His greaest
meray to tile human raes, no more gratifyng
scene was witnessed on Teeday lags bs fces
I tival of the Nativity, than that which oocered
at Tharies, at the residenoe of his Grace the
revered and beloved Arebbishop of Cashel. On
that day an address of greeting, of gratitude,
and of atfeotio was presented to him by one
of the many pious aseoolations whiob are
flourishing under his care-the Coofraternity
of the Holy Family, Tharles. In the course of
this address the confraternity made allousion to
their well.trained and highly efolient braes
band, the formation of which was largely due
to the goneroue aid given by his Grace, and
i whoso performance of sacred mauie on the
evenings of their meetings contributed much
to their devotional spirit. Next to this pas
sage, of the address came the following :
" Besides the cultivation of-seacred musio.
wiobh is its primary object, our band proposes
to itelf oi:e, as a secondary object indeed, but
yet of great importance, the cultivation ol our
glorious national mtoeio, whose sweet straIns,
sometimes joyous, often plaintive, as lasta
they have bad too much reason to be, can jar
upon the feelings of no one, be his creed and
politics whioh they may, but mest make the
chords vibrate seeponsively in the heart of
every man who loves his country, and stir all
those sweet emotions of national and histori
cal glory which are still our inheritance. In
better days, my lord, Ireland was the mother
of song to weil as of piety, hobivalry and
learning. Among her most ancient and not
the least glorious titles was that of the
"Island of 8ong," and her national emblem
was and Is the harp emblazoned upon the
" ' Like the gale that sighs along
Beds o oriental few're,
Is the gretefat breath of sug.
The. ores wes hard to happiw hears
lild with balm the sale sghs on.
Though the Sowers have sank In death,
be when pleasenure'e dream i os
lh, memory lives in Maelos breath.'
'We have much pleasnre In bringing with us
hero to-day onr band to play, for the drat time
iu public, some appropropriate national airs, thus
meetly offering your Grace the Arst fruits of
itd labors in this department."
The reply of the good Archbishop was worthy
of his distingniohed character as a prelate and
a patriot. In the following words is sketched
a picture of which he had espeolal reason to
be glad, but which will also evoke a feeling of
pleasure in the heart of every good Irishman:
"This parish contains about seven thonsand
Cathi'lios. Of these, 1400 men are members of
the Holy Family-that is to say, there are in
the parish of Thrles 1400 men banded together
for the avowed purpose of copying as far as
poseiblo into their lives the virtues that adorn
ed the Holy Family of Iasaretth-the virintues
of humility, industry, chastity, resiguation to
Gad's will, sobriety, love of prayer, and the
faithful disobarge ct every social and domestic
duty. Fonrteen hundred men are here pledged
to shun the publiohonse on all days of the
week, hout especially on Sundays; pledged,
moreover, to frrqeont the sanraments of Pen
acoe and of the Holy Eobharist; to assemble
in the Cathedral Church every Wednesday
evening of the year, there to offer up prayers
publicly to God, to bear asermon, aed to assist
at Benediat:on of the Most Adorable sears
ment. Why abu ld I not cherish such a society
and why not be proud, as I am to-day, on re
aoiving from it the twofold compliment of a
friendly address and a musical entertain.
ment I"
'Lhen rrferring more particularly to the mu
sr!al praotice of the society, Iie. G(ace made
the following patriotic and appropriate to
" As you say in your admirable address, I en
couraged the idea of formini a band in conneo
tion with your society, and I am happy to see
that the idea has pseded into a flourishing
reality. I firmly believe that in a very short
time, under the jldicious direction of your
very acoomp!lisbeo and, Indeed, indefatigable
master, the band of the }Joly Family of Thorles
wall be second to re stmilar organization In
this country. It was specially designed, as
you know. for church parpoets in connection
with the Holy Family, and I think I may safe.
ly say that, notwithstanding the number and
compeas of the forty instruments if whioh It
is composed, is will be found to be, on all it
ting oooaseone, a great and pleasing attraction
in our catbedral services. Bat, besides culti
vatlng sacred music, you must not le onmind.
ful of the songs of Ireland; and I earnest!y
pray yen in this respect not to waste your time
in learning to play the silly and spiritless tuns,
destitute alike of seol and manly sentiment,
which form so large a proportion of modern min
streely, but rather to devote yourselves to the
suitable rendering of those national aire which
the genlus of Moore has wedded to the words of
exquisite beauty, or of the still more modern
and icspiring ballads compared by the poets
of '48, and L r the sreveral other patriotic Irish
men who, sinoe theea, have east Irish feeling
and Irish aslirations into appropriate verse.
Tirese are the airs that it baoomes an Irish
baud to play; and these I hope ;o hear often
discoursed by you."
Thces wordo went home to the hearts of all
who heard them; they will fled an echo in
every patriot holme in Ireland, and will deepen
the teojinge of admiration and affection with
which the illustrious prelate who bpoke them
is regarded. "Hes not the line of the patriotu
ended f" asks Lady Wilde in one of her earnest
and beautiful poems. The line of the patriot
prelates of Ireland has not yet ended, thank
God. Glorious oldi veterans of thaw lice are
amongst us, full of years and of honors; and
yonuger men are olnig to the front who will
not let their spirit die out. l.oug may he be
spared whose noble words we, have above
quoted, and whose virtues, learning, and pub
lac spir'tare worthy of the brightest days of
Ireland's history.
Among the Dead Fainres.
Of the past, how many bogus nostrums may
be numbered I Deslanleg their oareers with a trcmnea
idous Slurinh of troumpets, blasoaed for a ties Is the
pub is pruints and on flaming petere. soon, but not too
seoon, were they relegated to the limbo olf th)ng lost
on earth. But Hoetettsr'·s Stomlh Bitters s a living
and thrlvin remedy. 'Is goea on, eoritn ansi to care.
Neither underhaind nor open competU n affecte it. Os
the contryontrnr, otrast with inLeLjer rival preparations
only ierenes its popnlarity. it bhas been rpeastedly
lltated, bhut without snecess. Connterflia lf it have
bees surrepttiously intrsoducedul. but hve fallen lat.
verywherse it entrenahes itself in *the cotdeeaoof
So coneiderate and expeienoned Is our well.
known and lopular fIterd, Coro*.er P.coe, la aUl mat
ters conrected wrth f nserals, a.ed o seplondd the
oes-agegr, et., he eoDtro', $ust while we halt Just this
Sside of sayng that I ust be a leas ure be burte4
by him, we soarphtically saer that it hrut redound
to the credit of Atd hbe a coeolation (thou a sad ene)
to the family th'at glves into tit chlarge the aos nsgo
Imet of thel detl of arny faneral in sehich they are
conocrntd. Bt not only is n subh sad at.!ra asn
courrals Is the c'oroaer eu ftil --be shics beet when
Sthe'l b-rn merrtagoe h~1:* rlung" and we advisle young
ilerts sbnt t stoep ff Se nall on him. Headl the
Coroner's card i. another oolema.
Washington Poet.
There Ie something charmilg in the deep and
abiding affection wish wbiobh the memory eof an
old Government official clings to the home that
he left long years ago and to the people who,
amid the more pressing caes of the bustling,
poubing world, have long sieo forgotten him.
To hear him speak ' " my Stat," yo would
supeose him to be an mlaportat facto in its
local politics, a eospleusoe Igture its soil
life and nos unkown i its bsiaess eireles.
Bet If you were to o to the pla of his na
tivity, to the loality whose people senes and
inidenato are tee etaple of meet ef his cower
atio, and as about him, the oldest inhabit
ant would scratch his aged bhed and pender
long before he could evoko from the eaverns of
memory the fading name and dim form of the
_eath who left that section" in the earlir and
better d of the Republic s to aeoept selerk.
sh..p i n -slnton. A pletasing Ilstration
of this peolir phase of Washingon lIfe sea
venerable geotleman who eame ere in early
meanhood and has never returned for even a
hbort visit to hie old home. Time has lens
many an embellishing toeno to his recolleotion,
and " distance lends ohanotment to the view."
Year after year, as he has fondly and lovingly
described the many attractions of " my State,
some new feature would appear in esoh attempt
at word painting, until there is nothing of the
good and beaetiful to be added. As with
leamlng eye and voloe tremnloos with emo
tion he tells of his surroundings" at home,"
yon seem to hear the songs and see the gay
.lamage of tropical birds; the odor of spices
o borne on the air of an Italian spring morn
mrg; the palm and the dg tree the orange and
pineapple grow in rank )lnxriance bee!de the
apple, the quince and the pear. Every product
of earth and water that can cheer the soul of
man is to be had there without the toil and
-ain that usually precede rich possessions. It
as a veritable paradise on earth, and you won
der how any one could be tempted to leave it.
He came from Arkanas.
168............Canal Street...... .. 16
Are reelsving new sad elegant styles of
OIL CLOTHS. from sin to slateen feet wide.
ctlt 77 y Ar THA LOWEST PRIoCS.
17....... Chartree Street..........._17
CURTAIN MATERIALS - Laoe Reps, Damasks,
Cornices, Bands, Pins, Siape, Loops and Tassels,
Hair Cloth, Plush. Bed Ticking and Springs,
IBULAPS. by the Bale and Piece.
Prices as low as those of any one elso in the trade.
o00177 lly
167 atl 169.... Poydra 8treet.... 167 and 169
You can ea the
A large stook, and anxious to sell. eII477 ly
g a
Respectfally inform hils friends sad the publie that at
his new store.
144............ Camp Street .............1..
He has a freek and well.leetet asertmeat of
uarpeaters' Tool.. Grates. Stoves and House urnla.
Se lg Goods of all knads.
He is etter prepared thea ever benIre to . CpePr
Tin and Shest Iron Work, ad will frish ssetlImotes
to Baildars and others, and guarantees satlleotiam
to all. jelT7 ly
No. 614 Magazine Street, near Josephine.
Eaviug now completed arangements ta buy my Ma.
olin.. direst from the Manofectorers for sash and
employing an oanvarsere. to whom large ssarlee
or commisslons are paid, I am aibl to ofer
greater nodooemento then any other
hones In the city to partlie donsngl
to purchase any of the poplsar
I bae also a large stock of second band Meblnes,
allot whloh hb tsrn rhbulLt sad are Pguarnntee1d qu*l
to ew, ad whioh I csn sell at from $t5 to 095. I O..
heage. rent and repailr all kinds of Sowlng Meohinas.
A complete stock of Need:e. Oil and Attachments
for all Maohlnee. J. BOOTH.
6It MaVcaele street. New Orleans.
A'gent for Butterick's and Mne. Demorest's Patterns.
ni77f ly
221 and 223 ...... Canal Street....221 a4nd
Between Bampart and Basin streets,
spB; I noaw oIl.Auss.
Families, Individuals, Everybody.
If so, eall at my etalbliahmeot, 17T Camp street, and
ook at my stook sahd asoostaI my prices. I know I
ocn satisry and sill to yeo, If you wish to bay and will
oall. There is nothing in the nrniture line that I do
met have, and of the very bst quality.
set IT ly ITSil Camp atret.
cýrd. slaw, h 0~lmtrtn .."r. ,.. . ..,a.
Ulpmwer rmanufuaotuflns co., Qiuua.
Jab 1R 1y ew
(.n.c Ia..·Jn M FAP
wl~perr P.r. d1",rCot-pe r ad Ttn
"W~aul t wlt:ý a0.k .t ge rolt a. .
lion. I, ,-L~Ch~. P. Yý
I~ivt. lN C b/ryH A!7 nM
WI..CI. luay uf0N4,K-'C
ncrqlY lll~ rC ~l·
Oan oi .
47.... .......OeroOdlot stret....,
MIW omleaI . *
(LnUITBD) baving Szed the prle o t hheyh
at 1sO bper bundle. teN. I per ent Otiheeun ft
the Oeeral  aenla areb anib u.. their Ilub
in thls eiti (alersa in Bostrll i'-n
contract wlth Paetr and naty ] en".
future dei on the aboe.ameded.
in €quantite. fro time to time. a l
uettle eta being mde on delivery
The CompLny habing a large stoct nowel baLdL a
bavlang netraotd loran abundant cuppy to asle
entire demand for Cotton "ies tbrouhoet theu Oett.
Statee. the celoebrated ARROW TIR will be piems
upon the market generally. and sold by thelr bnr
Aenteat the prtce and trfm e Cbove lated It jl
the object ant paEpone ot thbe opaesuny to u)ie
contsoed pU age of the pleating coeantey.L.
.I W. eaPYE & CO.,
sala 77 1y S WUIRAL APiR197.
AUULoraann 01r
r i... . . .
UOS rV,3
XKELame AemeS OAw r -)eLO 0sA I
hei0 ly Nro Oteaoneng ao d Dialefeting p y aq.
Ofloe., No. 37 Camp Street.
KoBw He DLBRSOm. Preeident.
P. IWIN. lVice President.
THOS. 1.. B RAOGG , 8 eeretary.
Si.. .....................................U ,
Beti...... o.... ............... 0,90
At an eleetion held on Monday. the 71 n.. the
ioUelnlg named gentlemen wero ehoes Diroelem th
thie Oompany to erve for the ensuing yer ,
P. Irwin. John pr endersbs
Thomes King. whomas ee 5 ,r
Thee. ilmorest i. Cetell*
otaT. Gibbons. Jas. A.. Otrder.
Wr aia. Hart. Beile Gakele.
David Jokkson John B. Hnna
7. J. Banquet.
And at a meeting of theo Beard.kel nday 14th, l
HEND]ERSON, Presldent, P. ILIWIN. VloesPreidl
end TrOS. . BR&GC., Secretary, wore uanlmenay
The Bard declared eutef the net proitt e SeI
Ooilmpy lor the pst twelve menuth 10 per 1 tin.
teceet, a1m 2 per cest dividend on the paid up pllal
Aed 20 per ont$ dividead on premiums pad by mes
holders (making. with the rebate, 35 per eat e pro.
ealum). 8aid intereel and dividend to be pla edt lth
credit of the stock none..
Internet and dvlydende on full paid stock peablela
esh at the omoe o tLhe Cepanyoa and afiernJaelith
THO3. B. Bllt.AG, o
Now Orleans, May 13, 182. myto 7l7
Mf9chanics' 4d Tredr.' Eehang. nader Dt.CLhel
retel. New Crlesa.
Oountry ordee ,lrweu Ttlvattsded to. aee 7117
Carriage, Wagon and Cart aterials,
8prlags, Azles, Bolts, ReadyWlade WhLels, nmw
Boedies, Wood Work. Trmmings,
A ont for the Celebrated
Carriage and Wagon Maker and Repeaar,
- Salearoom and Iaotery -
Noe. 43 45 and 47 Perdido Street,
oear Carendelet Stiee.
do4f 77t I aw Otarman.
Carriage and Spring Wagon Eaker,
68 and 70......Rampart Street..8....69 and
Between Common and Grawler,
BReeled Highest Premiums at State fair of I1t,IJ5
1873 laMd 1t6 forhe bst raily Paton, Vlctorla Opa
and Top B le. Beer Wagoa. Oroemr'
Wagon, Baprsee Wagon, eto.
3eing pratioal worksen, and employngmeft
the best mebhaite., we are prepared to make tw
or repair Carriages, Buggies. 81pria1 Wagon., et O.
refer to many businesu men in she olty wung Tehltele
our manufaetnre. ll work guoaranreed. 'i ply
134 and L36..... Rampart Street.....134 an I
Between Touonn and ir. Pater,
Net oLAJfs.
- Manufacturer of all kinds of -
Carriages, Barouches, Buggies,
Express Wagons, Platform and Elilptio 8pr*l
Agent for Jae. CUnnlagham & Mon's oen tedb
untry erders om otnt tsrcnod to. aI t t
206 and 207...Magasine Street-..W.rM 2
New Orleuan.
Ai kUlda of M ltale (laee. sadd Ceeketa
[ahogany and Plaa Uofas. mhl21Y n 1
SW and2Dý2.«...uiasne 8krot....9 4 lald
. ear Deterd.
A11 boatm.. eaLrmahd to my "M will MIN" t P1
and careful attention at moderae reW.
OH ( 'c r to Tbaa Krkey.)
40,42 and 44...Claiborne Rtrest. ..40. A" &3
Betwe·e (Cummen and Palayarctbe.
Platent Metallic Ruial ia... Me~hog a7 . DIIIWk
and Plaa Oemae alma)n s sL n
WU Rat I e&.aded te by ike Pr e l !, M
Uý =rIefpIubl ihes JIM f l7

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