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S,.ruing Star and Cathellc Messenge'. ]NW OA.&lNl. WIEDAT, MARCH 3. 3P'. N3 E .BAl N..B WB IT+Bf 8. The population of Rome. whiob was in 1867, 215,573, rose laes year to 280 564. Of the f00 French Senatoas. twenty-fivebave died between February 1, 1i76, and February 1, 16878. The takers in England and Wales mow :.uamber, according to Mr. Barclay, one of their well-known members, only 17 000 dt fewyears I ago they were estimated at 100.000. Since the burning f the Brooklyn Theatre, thirty-six tire escapes have been invented. Eleven of thesbe proved worthless, and at the testing of eaoh of the othere somebody wasee either killed or hurt. The Crown Prince of Austria has been tra elaling in Ireland, where everybody lexcept Queen Victoria goes nowadays. She has paid two visits there, and probably not fewer than .irty-two to Sootland. The French railway companies have com moneed a lawsuit against the city of Paris. They claim damages to the amount of from I $p,400,000 to $3 000,000 for the pillage of their termini at Paris during the Commune. Great difficulty is experienced in .,btaioing the required number of schoolmasters and eshoolmaetreeses for the plbi;c schools in Pree ale. In the beginoing of June, 1877, there were 4,581 such appointments vacant. Notwithstanding the immonse grain trade r: Odessa, Revel, and St. Petersburg, there is not a elevator at either of three centred. But an American firm ham just made a contract to build one at St. Petersburg as soon as peace is deolared. The German element on the line of the South S-..- r... t_ ba..'. Rilroad Is beomine quite sa important one. The rew county ,fCnalmal ls now so thickly populated with this people, that in travelling through it, one almost ima- 4 gines himself transported Pinto bomo province of Germany. The French Academy of Soiences offers a prise of $20.000 to any one who may discover a care for bholera. Of cooree this prize has not yet been taken, bub at the dis ributwun which was hold on the 28th of last month the interest upon it was paid to M. Rendo for several me moire of etiology. John O'Leary, editor of the Fenian paper, the Irish People, who was sentenced to penal servi tude for late and then released on condition oir living outside of the British dominions. has been permitted to return to Ireland to settie some private affairs, on condition that be shll abstain from anything of a political character during his visit. The-latest colonization scheme of magnitude is being carried on by the Odd Fc'lows if Mio nesota, who have scoured three townships of land in Waronwan conuty, on which some 3'0 families can be accommodated with a quarter seotLon each. The enterprise is open to mem bers of the order throughout the ooountry: An Interesting report comes from Baltimore of the restoration to sight of . little daughter of a Mr. J. Vallay, of Baltimore county. The child was an infant of only ten months old, and was born totally blind. A well known oculist of the city made an examination of the eyes and performed an operation npi:n them sonace cesfolly that foll sight, bas been restored. It is claimed by the press that iLis in the fourth osase of born blindness which has been cared by this gentleman during the last six motnths, in every oase the patients being noder one year of or.* There Is a movement in Manchester, Eog ladd, in favor of dramatic reform. Monsigoor OCapel write: "As a Catholic, I hold that the theatre is in itself a lawful amusement, but I cannot conceal from myself that though it is lawful, and might produce vast good if pro perly conducted, yet in these days it has been greatly abased and perverted. Auything which could be done to elevate the tone of the plays, and to purify the surroundings of the play housenwoold be productive of much good." Thl Biehopl(Fraser) of Manchester and Prof. Blackie take a similar view. At the representation at the Opera, in Mad rldwAfter the late royal marriage feetivities, it Is sadd that £30 000,000 sterling worth of dia nds and Jewels were in the bhnose. The dby after the wedding the aing uu at ;-ie ,.. d at the levee twenty five couples who had beern married on the royal wedding day. The oos sames of each pair were different, and repre sented the national dress of twenty-five differ ent provinces. The Queen among her presents received nine rich Prayer-Books and £40,100 worth of jewels. A crown of diamonds and a Ine necklace of pearls were much admired. It is said that one Paris milliner sold 14,000 francs worth of bonnets for Madrid. Another lucky escoape from burial alive has oeoerred in Paris in theoase of a lawyer named Ielone. His son, summoned to his death-bed, foped him, as it was suppoeed,dead, kissed his brow, and was surprised at its warmth. Some boors later be revived, and said: ' Ah, doctor, these few moments sleep have done me a world of good." The French laws require that inter meat shall follow death within at most thirty adl bours, and thus it often happens that burial takes place previous to putre faction. It was against this limited time Imposed by the banal bill that an eminent prelate so powerfully protested in the French Chamber. relating bow he himself had been laid out for burial. Here, too,, ir summer, burial taesh place muon too soou. In England at least five days intervene. In a breach of promise case recently tried at Dublin, an Armagh Protestant curate was the defendant- The testimony ahowed that after his appointment rs curate he wrote to the plantiffdescribing a wedding, and adding, '1 assisted at a funeral the same evening, so you see I had a very agreeable day altogether. I hope people don't oie often here, an the gravc yard is an immense diettr:ca from town; bi sides, it is awfully cold standing with the neal uncovered." Again tie wrote: 'I am p~ayng a round of visits to my parishioners. They are a very stupid Jot, principally old maids; but this is what I am paid for, and tl.e sweet and comforting thought that I amn making money cheers me in bho discharge of my .tuty.' It does not seem as thonugh the yogog lady lost mnoh in losing this fellow, but thejuryas'erd ed her $2,00, HOW OUR AMERI'CA" IIOT SArllE TAI., ED IN NORHERZN LYI VERS12I S About a fortnight ago, Carter and Atterbery, two members of the sophomore clas. at tbs celebrated Princeton, S. J. University, went to the room of a freshman named Lane, and shazed him meost unmercifully. He was stripped and spanked, bhise hair was cot, and he was sn bjected to Indignities which his classmates felt ocrled upon to resent in the most suommary manner. The Freshman class, that of 81, is unusually large, eontaining upward of 110 members, msany of whom are specially noted for strength. The most active members of the class held a meeting, and deputed eight of their number, together with two juniors, to wreak vesneanoe noon the ofuending Ssohbomores. The majority of the freshmen aod both the Juniore belonged the Alpha Sigma Chi eparet society, an organization that the baeulty npposed had been broken up, but whichb appears to have maintained a lively and floristing existence. The men selected were among the most powerful of their lotass, and numbered several who wore distinguoined in from New York, a third from Illtncis, a fourth from Missouri, a fifth from Marylanu, and a sixth from the District of Colnmbia. They hid themselves in lAtterbury's room while he was out and when he and Carter re taured seised, gagged and beat them. After I being subjected to the usunal baing tortures. b the gags were removed and the two victims I were asked to sign a humble apology to the t Freshman class for maltreating one pf its mere beor. y "Signo, or it'll be worse fJr you," said the I ringleader of tbe K Kloux, a tail, athletio el. 1 low from Miso-Orl, the starboard stroke oat of c s the Freshman orew. a S"I'll be hanged if I'll slgo," responded Atter bury. i r "You can do your damnedest, you can't get f r anytteng out of me," replied Carter between I a his clinhobed teeth. a The men were given two minutes by the t watch in which to make up their minds, but a they refused. Then the Freshmen gagged them I Sagain and proceeded to sealp them in the most I a approved Princeton fashion. Carter was strip p*d and spanked with a paddle until he nearly fainted. Alterbhry was served in a similar I fashion, and then the two men were tied to two a t chairs and the prccessof shaving began. Their s d hair was cut off until nothing but a waving a top-knot was left upon each, and not content with this, their tormentors smeared their closely-cropped heads with mucoilage. Then I they poured water down their backs, tied them a n hard, and exhausted their ingensi .y in devising r new methods of scalping. by which they could I subdue their victims. The two sophomores, however, stuck to their word, add the Ku-Klan i d were forced to retire, leaviug the sophomores gagged, bruised, ard nearly half dead with I e exhaustion, but still defiant. A friendly freshman celeased them, and, hur rying on ach clothing as they could lay bands t on, they sallied out, carrying their revolvers I aon- breathing the direst vengeance un their persecutors. In the hallway they discharged i o their ristols as a signal to the neighboring t s sophomores, and then harried on without wait ing for reinforcement. But a number ofsopho h mores joined them and they soon caught no I e with the freshmen. A general skirmish ensued i t, In which AtteLbory was seriously if noattly- Tt a, wounded by a pistol shot. At this point the t- authorities interfered, the fight ended and an t e investigation was commenced. a THE IBISH IN ENGLAND. We extract the following passages from the Cork Examiner's report of the lecture which - was delvoered recently in Cork by Mr. W. Lane O'Neill, solioitor, London: e There are several clataes in the vast Irish popnlation. There are. in the first place, those who, when they have Ireland, shake the dust off their heels, abandon every national prin e ciple of feeling-if sach recreants ever had II any-sell their birthright for a mess of pot -r tage, and try hard to pass -themselves off as Euglishmen--an attempt which is usually on e successful, and for making jhich they are most properly deepiard by those with whom, f by this truckling conduct, they seek to curry 0 favor. And we, too, will now dismiss them an Sa summary manner, and with that contempt which they deserve. Hugh Harkin bhas justly lashed these men- e Who's the wretch that asely spuren The ties of cEuntry, kindred, fr;iends- That barters every nobler aim For sardld rlews--sr prltvts ends t d One slave alone on earth yorl'; tied ,t r hunca Natnrea naivesral span. I Sn lost to virtue, dead to shame The ant:-Irtah Irlshman. H lsarg got rid of that oiass, and thus cleared 1 h toe ground, we shall now divide the remaining Irish olasses into two great astegorias-those a who work. with their hands in every depart Sment of indonstry-mantual labor, commercial t-uranitS and similar avocations, and those who do the intellectnal end mental work of the a o' conntay--eoitors and newspaper writers, men I ,r in all the learned professions and in every de- a e partment of art and ecience requiring intelleo- a toal octtvity. First, with regard to the ciasses e who work at manual labor and similar pursuits, I think as to their general character I cannot n do better than quote an opinion of a Bootch h bishop as to our Irish people elsewhere, which Is in myjudgment applies with equal force to the y position of nor people in England. He ays: I a "They are a thrifty, indusnettions, energetic 1 e class of people, of a perseverence that would be worthy of as.itation. They keep pace in all I- respcots, in intelligence end education, in comrn .t fort and independence, with the people among whom they live. As for the Irish girls, there y could not be a more modest, chaste and well rn what our lpeople actually do Cur Eagland. In I- cosidering what the Irish do for England, - what strikes one most forcibly, as affecting the intellectual alsae, is the great accession of in s tellectual power which the Irish element fur 0 clsbes. The light and pleasant fancy and a brilliant genius of the Celt do much to enliven t Saxon ponderosity. Toere are Irishmen on the a bench, in the press, at the bar, in Parliament, in the Cabinet. who add largaly to the mass of intellectual power in England. There were on d the English bench a short time ago no less than three distinguished judges, Irishmen and county Cerk men-Mr. Justice Wiles, Mr. Jos Stice Hannu n and Mr. Justiae Qaain; and the a very highest legal position in England at this d moment-the seat on the wooleack--i filled by an Irishman. One of the principal leader writers on the Times at the present moment is a Corkman. and a similar position on the Daily . n'eo is filled by a Corkman. No notice of e Irishmen in England would be complete with t out referring to his Eminence, the great and e good Cardinal Archbisbopof Westminster, and If his sealous and indefatigable ai e,de camp, Father Lockhart. Althoogo not Irishmen they entertain a true love fr Ireland and its people. Their exertions in the cause of temperance have been prodigious, and of incalculable ad vaoutgest to our people a:: the other side of the Channel; and it is with pride and satisfaction that I observe from your applause that you are sensible of the groat advaotages which our 1 people in England derive from these pioneers u of temperance. Apropos of Cardinal Manning, I heard a good story of bis Eminence a short time ago. He was asked "Are you a Home Ruler i" and with that eaxqeiro tact that die l iognisahed him, he rep:iie"' I am not an Irish a man; but if I were, I fevr Islhould have been Y bartued lon age.' I' hare is another dCes of SIrihmen in Euglasn to whom refereunce most t be ruate-the Irash ptlitical prieoiere incar cerat-dl in Enolush dunigioc, w~hn receive the symupathy of of every ehadJe of poli ties. This is the I.ret lime that EuglR.ud has dared to dtgrde poliitical prisoners to the rank of crommon criniunals, ra.Iing open them the crnelties thaI l,ue recently been disclosed; D but no aeuh degra~lations wall have any other el'ect io this coauctry than to render more sacred the canse for which they suffored, and r, to enhance their claims upon thegratitude and " sfection of our generoas people throaghoot I o the world. The fact that one of our fellow d countrymen cams out of prison to die, tome 1 d days ago, renders any reference to this srubjoot d of the most psinful kind. But these British 1 d dnngeons are sacred places in the estimation r. of every true Irishman. We regard them with I y reverence, and deem them holy; Byron eaid y of Chillon-"Chillon. thy prison is a l~oly i. plaoe, and thy sad floor an altar." And s a altars, indeed, do the Irish regard these dun- a f geons-altars upon which men of high patriot 5, tam and pure motives are immolated and sacu;ri g ficed, but whose names will be enshrined in the I n martyrology of irieh patriios Reiorninog to a my general osubject, I must state that in my t expetience I have observed with pride and it plsasure that the deep and undying love of d country forms a prominent eature in the chat a oaer of the great masses of our people in i Egtand wbhom i have olbserveI, and as a rule, o so far from beeg extaugniebed, it is intensfild 4 - ' ': which the fidd a themselves sorronnda" an Engn ,d. Iot ony I Sdoo-a the otivalrons dievotion and natural oy alty of the Irish character thus exhibit itself, I a hat it affords an outlet for that astional spirit 5' of independence which is indestructIble. Everywhere you go bhrougnhout England North, Suth, East and West-you God our Irish people; but the' most do congregate in th º great centres of indestr', London, Man obester, Leeds, Liverpool; and everywhere you will Hod among bthem the same ineradicable love of country, having a life and activity which find an out come now in one way and now in an other. This great Irish people in England have not frkotten the sorrows of our pest history, and are earnestly hopeful as to tle fature of thbis country. The spirit of patrtut ism is living and iwpsrlsebble among theum, and they are one and a! thoroughly loyal to those at home. They wish loyally to support i and promote the iff.,rts of the unse in wratever direction the national resolve is h shaped in that stroggle for freedom whichl has now continued for more than 700 years and tf which period the years 1782, 1798, 1800, 1V'9, r 48, and 166 7. wereepocts recalling the grand Sanod imperishable memories of the O'Neills r and O'D3nnells, the Grattas, the Volunteers of '82, the Fitzgeralo's, rho Emmet's, down to 6 O'Connell and our present Parliamentary party, including John Martin and honest Jio Ronayne, whose name lives in the affection ate memory of the people of Cork. Tois is not the tiume or place to uenter very I largely or minutely into my pers inal experi oncts. which stn neither few our uointerost Sing, but t:ts I may say anuthoritatively, that Irtlanme in England of all positions will be º respeoted if they reelaet tdhemselves. They can do great and useful wook for Ireland, and tLere is no occasion for concealing their na tionality or "putting the shamrock in their a pocket." They will beetf,.rtify their pt sitione, r secure the mousic of the heart which is foond I in the approval of one's own conscience, and C they will also command the respeo of all good men, of whatever country, by asserting with quiet, manly dignity their nationality on all o oroper ocesasions, clasiming the equal rights of I Irishmen to that measure of consideration and s cating their native land and their own eon sciences. We in England have been of late years learning our political strength, and we have proved at numerons elections throughout England and Scotland that candidates for the representation of a great and increasing num ber of English and Scottish constituencles can not, and dare not, ignore Irish claims, and, I further, that no Government can escape from . the necessity of taking them into calcolation. The earnest and able representetive of the pa triotico borough of Dungarvan put it very hap pily a short time ago, "We Irish begin by Sbuilding their cities and end by governing t them." At another time I shalldisonss in this place some of the burning political questions 1 of the hour, affecting Parliamentary policy and tactics, on which I am, I know, folly in a accord with a large proportion of my old es teemed friends nna fellow-oitizens of Cork. SMby plan i and position as an earnest supporter , o our great national demand for self govern ment is pretty well defined. At present it a would not be wise,wath the overwLelming ne t cesbsly that exists for union in the national f ranks, to reopen, or even refer at any length to the vered question cf energy and progress as distinguished from lethargy and retrogree sion, and I shall close my remarks with the ex pression of the deep and sincere hope, which we all feel, that the time may come-and our eflrts shall, we hope, contribute to accelerate its coming-when there will be no "Irishmen iu England" in the large sense in which I have I used the term to-night-that is, in the sense ( of a great national settlement in an alien land a cuosequent on the want of the means and op portunities of living at home. With the doe 1 development of our internal resources, and with the advent of more propitious times, the days when Irishmen will be thus forced abroad I by fate may, and we trust shall, disappear; - and that that happy day may soon dawn upon our land is the earnest hope of every worthy 5 son of Ireland. NAPOLEON'S PBEDICTION ON RUSSIA. Now that the Turco-Russian war is over and all eyes are turned to Constantinople, the bone of contention of Europe, it may be of interest to quote an opinion given by Napoleon at St. Helena, in 1817, to his surgeon, Barry O'Meara: " In the corsen of a few years," added he, "Russia will have Constantinople, the greatest to be as certain as if It had already taken place. Almost all the oajoling and flattering which Alexander practiced towards me was to gain my consent to effect this object. I would not consent, foreseeing that the equilibrium of Europe would be destroyed. "In the natural course of things, in a few years, Turkey must fallito Russia. The great eat part of her population are Greeks, who, you may say, are Russians. The powers it would injure, and who could oppose it. are England, France, Prussia and Austria. Now, as to Austria, it would be very easy for Russia to engage her assistance by giving her Servia and other provinces bordering upon the Anu trian dominions, reaching near to Constanti nople. The only hypothesis that France and England may ever be allied with sincerity will be in order to prevent this. But even this allitonce will not avail. France, England and Prussia united cannot prevent it. Russia and Anstria can at any time effect it. Once -lis tress of Constantinople, Russia gets all the commerce of the Mediterranean, becomes a great naval power, and Heaven knows what may happen. She q-arrels with you, marches off to India an army of 70,000 good soldiers, which to Russia is nothing, and 100,000 ca naille, Cossacks and others, and England loses India. "Above all other powers Russia is most to be feared, especially by you. Her soldiers are braver than the Austrian., and she has the means of raising as mnany as she pleases. In bravery the French and English seldiore aln the only ones to be compared to them. All this I foresaw. Isee into futurityfarther than otheta, and I wanted to estabilieL a barrier again-t those barbarians by to ustabli'ling tho Kicgdom cf Poland, and putting Ponia tuweki at the head if itas K ; but your im beciles of Mirieaers would Lot consent. A hun dred years heuce I sthall be ipraised, and Eu rope, ealeciaelly England, will lament, that I did not iocceerd." ",.FSTE'R DtAN A MILE A MI'.SU1 Jamestown Democrat. Every one acquainted with the Donkirk, Wsrren and Plttsborg Railroad knows how i rapid is the dercent from Laoua into Fredonia. t.Last 8aturday night, about 11 o'olook, an r accident happened at that place. The nigbt Swas intensely cold, and when the regular Sfreight train pulled out of Cseaadaga ai the brakemen Lut one wera in the caboose warm tog up, preparatory to standing guard over the Slong train of twenty-nine cars when the heavy I grade should be reashed. Just after leaving Sthe station the train broke in two, the last five cars being left behind, the others, with only one brakeman, going on, unaware of the ·aoi dent. The top of the hill was reasohed and the - descent begun. The engineer, finading himself aimpelled along at a terrible rate, reversed his Sengine, though he saysa he exoected to see the Scylinder heads blown out and his locomotivea I wreck-and whistled for brakes. The eare f were covered with ice and snow, and the soli - tary brakeman took his life in his hand when, in the darkness, and with the train thndering , along at the rate ef about a mile a minute ! down a grade that increased the speed every i encond, be sprang from one oar to another and - ears. The ran from the top of the hill to Fre r, donia was made in an incredibly short space of I time, and to the bravery of the brakeman, the I quick disoovery of the Impending danger by - the engloeer, and the good work of the looo or metive and every brake, ie due the fact that in the train was kept from a plunge into the Dan n- kirk depot and total annihilation. oe The ostentatious praotiai of ereoting ostly a meniorial windows in oborches reouely re it- eved a wholesome rebuke io Minneapolis. A ,n- rich lady wanted to erectawindow in honor id of a departed relation. The congregation, at deeply bordened with debt, let her have her i.e own way, in the hope that, as abe took enough t"- interest in the oborob to put in the window, m, sbemightbe led to do something more seub:a.n to tial. 'a be window was 1n doe time sent by the rt Chitoago concern which had elaborately con lie strnoote It. In its glowing red. blue, green is and yellow it was the wonder of all the Min as neapc..s emall boys and the admiration of the .'f grown people. But alter it had been placed in it), position, an alarming blunder was discovered. id t'be lady bad meant tiat one of its insoriptioue Ile sahold read: ire ................ to oaMiR L'iNTO M ry AND) I WILL tlVX 'IltE ItL ht. Instead of thwe, the careless artist Lad made ry it read : t AND I WILL (.IVt at Tiio gEkr. od blunder. The trusteies aid it was an indica ia- tion of Prov'dence that the liberal dunor of air the window should carry out . er advertie' en ment to thu letter, and pay 'the reet" of the d debt. 8'e did not saue it. in exactly that light, od but con promieei on the gift of a larve part of od t. iHer wiudow cost her a great deal more ath than she meant it should, and she is not at all present putting up any more memorial astain.d nd glass. WESTERN PRODUCE, LIQUO , WESTEIRN PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS. Sheehan & Henderson, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DLZABR5 IR DRY cALTED MEATS, BACON, PORK, LARD. SUGAR-CURED HAMSLIFLOUR, CORN MEAL. ETC. %7............. Poydrae tcreot .............7 Jlt3 Im O. K. Byrnes & Bro., 77 and 79........Poydras Street.......77 and 79 Havo been appointed eur maente for the sale of eer well-known and popular White Wheat 0O. K. WHIS KEY, as also for our several other Standard Brands. Our Whiskies can he shipped direct from our D)iotl lerles to all purchasers. We challenge the production of a purer article. JAS. H. O'DNNE.LL & BROS., Nelson County and Covington, Ky. OPINION OF AN EZINEflT CHEMIST. This It to certlify that I have oiade an analeaia of the O. K. Whiskey manufnctered by Jan. M. O'Donnell & Brs.. and teat I find the same to be of exoellent qunel Its, free from fueol oil, or any other deleterioun sub stance, and well sulted titner as a beverage or for meditoal se. e. S. WAYNE, Ph. D., Chemist. Covington, Ky.' Aprl, l1u . a13 lo JOHN T. GIBBONS & CO., DIALaIe IN GRAIN, CORNMEAL AND HAY. 57,59,61,63. ..NewLevee Street...b7,59, 61,63 anl2 77 ly Oarner Poydras, New Orleans. JOHN McCAFFREY, HAY, Q-AIN, uo - , ---OU ALL NIID5 OP Western Produce Constantly on Hand. 28 and 30...... Poydras Street .......28 and 30 oGrner of tl'ten, o salt 77 ly st"W OLEANS. BOOTS AND SHOES-HATS. J. D. CRASSONS, CD o a 26............ Frenchmen Street ...........6 anu6 77 ly WSW OELUANB. PONTCHARTRAIN CHEAP STORE. J. A. LACROIX, Corner I'renchman and Victory Streets. LADIRES', GENTS', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND 1SHOES Of all descriptions. Always on hand a fu'l assortment of first clase goods at prlces which defy oornpOetlonIo. Gall and ex.tmius mry stock before purchaslng esis. W hero. MIY MOTTO : " Qnl k salns and onall profits." Jackson I'jlroad cas p.a in Iront of the store. any. 77 Iv UNDERTAKERS. JOHN O. R:OIUHE, 250 and 2:2....Magaz;no Str;ot.... 2.) and 252 hrer 1)elord. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMERB. All business evtrust.d to my care will receive prompt and careful attention at moderate rates. CAKERI(AiE TO HIRE. Ja3i 7P ly IFRANK JOHNSON, Undertaker, 205 and 207 ....Magazine Street .... 205 and 2t7 New Orleans. All kinds of Metallic Cases and Caskes., Basewood. Mahogany and Plain loes-. mbl7.7 Ir _BELLS _______~ BELLS. Csar^ý. ,(... s%·trrr. rlIsl~rd orýprla. r... 4 b~. CGv'ote.ýw T O OWtlý.co4· pee, w'". rot ·· 3 Imrar Manuracturlng Co., Va@I~r~.. SCUL'cE flI 1.L FrOr'DRv. - rtý..1 rI 7 . I Oey.:for lll t. of Ccp-rno 1Y^ Lny· kr r'rn~u· dINVo. Aa- . K r.r. - Aý VAU?1 .34 .k TIP?. u 4 1 · .tr a . norru Ca~·~ PLANTERS, ATTENTION! GRIFFIN'S EMPLOYERS' AND SERVANTS" INTELLIGENCE BUREAU AND CLAIM AGENCY, 114 CARONDELET ~IREET, KEW ORLEANS. tbhe andl!gred having bed man! erea ' epertol co In on. if tbu largeet Northern eltl.. l bIthe em of eerieat. lor rmylo.eri,. atd in tbtlalulg situations for the iml.emplotd, .il beilevilug is the advmel t the nbltlt of eape.mnemt bate.., whore hone nedlog help nee sisl sytUimp Sti end prooan ee a m . ri qlti, . nid thoe lUtof lempliomenst can obtiLt god mitueoune. lltorm the oblie that they lave eLta1biI6 a burtau ma bov where. at the shortesat oloe, PRIVATE FAMILIES, LOARDIN ItOLTR)US BOTELQ. RERTAURATS, STEAMBOATS. l31b s PLt T AmrTIeman and er, ..wishing help, and t auan be i inpltld wcity or country, wa1 S1it iWt t their o t.. frwrrde (mole med fesat). Mtarme. a tge 8pem ral atten Tion olin to IPr, at. L fdc es,' leide dies wll l ded it to te i Work advantage eae to pwei ese dke or month. Aleo. eBth.-r pcrr , Uteike. haltiel. Gtverket for PIanlkn'. Bartundoei ON. W'lteri. Groroma .iatleo, "" lbce Cironthie. Ileje Lor eoy - ofupettou, aL Irewa(e h Leborere for Faeag!. ha ltihe, Frenrh. meirc en tu cantmed btpiinlh elimpoeor. wioehlng oadretig help, i nd theb weleut ai holtllt le In tei cty or country w iI ll l it their d eforward glabor.Forpar TOI( CALL AT OC1. tilN COMN L(:ATR AND HA &' THEIR NIY.8 REOIIST3. Lpndcil attrntion oiven to ltitate lOarlle. ead a tdie will ind It atnd Warireivdstolo sllpo II m, ncoe hL.oi tnrotr rollpt liirOets( NEATLY FUI:SIhtED ITTINGO 1Mb TIIOS DTSIRINO 8ITUATIONS. Pili,rtlr w.hnio dItr nu . latirers nfra m the ocl rth or aoy of the olsuthelr rtt e b(aewh oroothe lFedi ha. osthie oll r iedr o it lot . lu tleR , Ily otel .ltoe I ioreia on r a4dregn l thin burese. a w he ave sl ea loll l, ti,, ,oi oer d tll ,e . .i i II Id p ll ,eorlhornh tr e t i nr sIn i ft r tllae p tlrboa o t erllgl gny l Lad a. Aooi,in ir llted tl; tIin iL' L:ty parl~ith llt| In the !it atl etO f Alabeiqi a. (tiirgl a. MtYI.ItI tp -i o0& t Tezee Whblll a I il.. l ii lllirr tl.t) b. ilt 1| Iho lt t. lor tie tiUrprt e of eoi glefll· sod ior wardlag Labor. For •pare o n. tclose, Ilnt O >,Ftge +i. UNTITDI T'rAT. U CLAiM AG.EN'C'Y. T(:hI nin Imf kil nds a·.r;d the pbto.i or thr ird htlos rore Iiod rlli, peaonrne. nrim monte ,la, S clle 3 Poydrasoprelle. Lud '.e roeri the Rn vuc lolemntr lte, ll, wk. N'iriga b. b dug oter Wein ell Wrom Sht181es, Itne O tad . (I.oolllfnitton obawitd for all ioi. of .lore, prodiiet. or ,l ftes 4I5. teustoel by heps ul tto FdLaeIA Im dctln1 the s r. GilEAT D. if. GRIFFIN H 00 Par1 1 and LTUR Poydras, near Carondelet Street. ineYE O AHPRAEP T PILACC iN TOIWN TO rUY FUR4ymIaURE. I An offering ie Ilnduoeno t tsU my iaent hu boueht very edte Tnvely fIom the beet Z0resg Il snd ViesutrU Faetoei st VERNY LOW PKItgE. Shan offering Victoria BAdroInm pul. cortir isl g ten l oene, for 145. the aehraglt Suit ver o alnre4l sou town. I nm sine otfortog Walnut Vlotoria Doreeni (os.o i:.li4. ooe.prtieni eleven 5tsee. for 6140. thlle town for that tooney and in the tateet otylse I eel a, . rtrir Parlor butlte In the latet etyles very blo, oe tel ton pIere. Walnte. ti helt cl7th trame. Sll antd tr L td. Alnd 7VlRY LAOL ABLORIi7lT el sil kL:.d, of NUeIaITUR., too numerou to meaettIm, u oneap. Partls In need of NUNNITURE will do vol to call and etliee my nEoek ad ploee, foe they I B Iowest In the Ey. All GOode prkerd and shipped fre of pharge, and PrTrlture tLkeb on Itorae very lorw. Thanking .my frtendm ard the public for their pstronage. I ollolt aoentmporanoef the o mela B 8e I WM. F. NOVEL. NoS. 171 Nnd 173 PoN dre4 Rhwe . o8i4 ,7 ly NsNt nNldoloant. ew ON te. SSS. III NNNN NqN OGO 0 lEEEE U ERRUtM 856888 III Nh N N Wo EAEE EiEcII ltNGaOIERSIU 58 SB88 III 2.N 2f NN 0t Boo WEI RR311 88 1It NI MN N N (4 01 00 G EE RIE 8S 8 88 III NN IN NN 114 EEIl 88SS9988 III NY EIN lNN ( " EEtO RNERE - 888 I88 II8 NW N 30 0 01 000 ME4 BR $ S 111 NN M C IN GO (E0 E lt M eesri III Nt o(-H N (PCT TG(1CPR. MOEE Z THR MA NE t ery e agAutlI to tIn ie-onutd GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OI THW E SWO RLD DR-ENOWNED O SEWING MACHINE! THSll NGER MANUtFeCTURINO COMPoNY, evor arwake t the 6tllrtert of tne abt l determined to PUlT Tki PRICE OF THeIR MA( CHINES witi tin ihe rfeah of every eb , we oem chlld In *he laud. THEkGENUINE SINGER SEWING MACHINE IN NOW OIFERIED Al PIIGOES BELOW l TIlE OBG U8 ONEN, OR AIN OTHER. The faLt that the orly SewluR Mocbine whiui. tcrortpiloer men have .ver eltempted to lmibbeie SINOGE. to sufienoot ecideuo i ito supi:rluritoT o'er ll others. There IS no longer any eceu So buSl. ay of the CUIBA 1 MACHINES hawked sbhnt tie coul.ry, with i:o cl2im for potrosoa bet their oh4eme BEWARE OF WORTitEEIs IMI7A TION MAOElRIEl9 The Singer Will Last a Lifetime! SEND _?OR CIRCULAR AND) CASH PRICES! TILE lu.N'GER MANUFACTURING COMPlEX, myi3 77 ly 33 Om..AUm. J. I. KELLER. -Ghak EN EED8 MAlueiu'TErorl OI N.wsrop of TuI~tP BRED. gh·r bet varletom I I 7ie per Ib; RUTAlaG(a OIIELE.three bet vettel e t1le per hbi BLOOD BLUT LLU. three beet veli mUm I Si per lb IBest eerte or ( Bl Bllllcsr., Catbheg. OI e Ltte. ItadeLiah. Carrots, sad other emesonable sie·. [ Lt freuh and of recoot ipcrteston Pr4cm ajthioh 0.gnre. that o III P o .b t o -he"!r r,_--,,,+y.+ [ Lsadroh'e " V-ame ad Clilae of the kAooo.d I 3803. " ld the tmlc4 of Liturgy, and in uanirdaa wth the AtLLO. o eJ fori. a ii,. ted by the V,, y 1v Abbe Dec eat. I Depot at the Drug Stsore of KULLER'S FAMOUS CARBOLIC SOAP ST. CYRY FCUROAD 5il Osel. 1et4 Ly For Cusnesng Mlnd Delmifeotllg PUrpoe. f it y t..oei hslm etreo