Newspaper Page Text
.e rnlng Star and Catholle Messenger, srW 0LZAi. , SUDNAT, MARCH 3. ir. 8. SozmLIs IREQUIm MAss IN MONTGooIRY, ALL., FOR POPu PIUs IX -On the 17th of Feb ruary Solemn Requiem Mss wasee elebrated in St. Peter's Church, Montgomery, Rev. D. Bay. age, Pastor, for Pope Plus ]X. The officiating priests were: Rev. Father Baseen, V. F., of Huntsville, Celebrant; Rev. Father Meurah, of Cullman, Deacon, and Rev. D. Savage, Pastor, unb-Deacon. Father Meurab preached an elo quent panegyri. A local paper says : All the societiea of the Church were out in force and ap roaobed Holy Communion in bodies. The Total Abstinence Soolety oocupied seate in the form of a croes, eaoh one with a litbted candle in his hand, which made a bean. tiil effeet. The Children of Mary also looked lie pictures of beauty and innocence in their Slong white veils. The music on this occasion was very flue in every particular, several of the best singers from ether oburehes participating. The beautiful Gregorian Mess was celebrated, and as the sobbing tones of the organ and the voices of the singers reverberated through the arches of the Church it sounded indeed like the night winds sighing a requiem for the souls of de parted saints. A detail of the gallant Greys, under command of Cotpural Paul Saugoinetti, stood as a guard of honor around the oata falque. To the taste and devotion of Mr. M. B. Graham is due the beautiful decoration of the Churchb, not altogether, however, for ourllberal Catholic citizens ri sponded nobly with money and other assistance. Too much credit cannot be given to the Ladies' Committee, composed of Mrs. McIntyre, Margaret Ryan, for their untiring zeal. The St. Peter Variety and Dramatic Club gave a grand performance last Sunday night, at the Itenewall Jaeksen Hall, before a crowded house. The fn opene4 with a frst part in minstrelsy, with Messrs. Waters and Vollmers on the ends, M r.John Coneor as the talking middle man, and the well trained quartette composed of Messrs. Conner, McCoy, T1per and Woltrlob. Mesnrs. Nolan and Payne are very geod song and dance men ; the former gentleman cnnet be excelled in a clog. Mr. John MoNamee, in hiseth speidalties, wasgood. Mr. Bob Lindsly, in his henle wittielsma, kept the house in a continual roar of laighter. John Vollmers' old darkey impersonations were very fne. Waters and Cosgrove, in the sketch alled-- " Bad Whisky," were oery funny, and esstained their well acquired reputation of good amateurs. Messrs. Nolan, Smith, McLaughlin. Vo:lmere and O'Neil, ia the " Five Prophets," ereated much amuee mente The entertainment concluded with the laugh. able farce entitled, "The Coming Man." As a whole, the entertainment was a grand success: and the people of St. Peter's parish have good reason to be proud of their representatives. This club gave two very excel lent performances for the benefit of the McAlister suf. ferers, Monday and Tuesday, 18th aend 19th, In Algiers, where they have made many friends. The officore of the club are: Wm. MoWhirter, President; James Fits gerald, Vice President; John Vellmers, Secretary; John Cnllen, Treaesurer; John McNamee, Stage Man. ager, and Max Newhocneer, Musical Director. From among hundreds of testimonials as to to the excellence of Jurgielewicrz' Anti Rheumatic Mixture (which is advertised on another page) we select the following : NAT.eHITOCIIE . LA., April ad, le76. W. L. Jurgielewics, Esq., New Orleans, La.: Dear Sir-Enclosed six dollare, for which send me youear Anti-Rheumatic AYizturre. shis Is the tiird c der for our valuable medicine. Permit me to say that to myknowledge no other preparation ever had snobuh a wunderful offect. No one, being fsillicted with Rheomatie pales, ought to be without it, Vary rep;ectfully jeurs, etc., L. DUPLEIX Ordinary Notices of Mariaoea and Deaths will, herealer be inserted for llfy cents. Obituaries till be charged a the rate of ten ents a line. SCHWAB-PFIBSTER -On Wednesday, February 20th, 1878, at at. Mary's Assumption Church, at a Nuptial High Mass, at 9 A. w, by the Rev. Father Neithart. assisted by Rev. Fathers Lamy and Murphy, as decon sand sub.deacon, George Schwab to Carrie, daughter of Florence Pfster, Eeq, of this city. New York, St. Louis and Evansville papers please copyt TRBABLR D.NTIBTRY. Dr. J. . IALONEY. corner of Josephlne and Camp strets, near Magaine Market. reect lly informe hi. latient and the public in general that he Is performing il operations appertaining to hs profession in the ml sisatielo manner. ArtifLoeial teeth inserted, with or without extracting the root, on a new plan. Oldeset of toth remodeled, and a perfect adaptation secured. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of ga or shleroform. Charges within the reach of all SPECIAL NOTICES. ANCIINT ORDER HIBERNIANS.-A meeting of the Board of Delegates will be held BSUDAY, March 34, at IS o'rclck n., at 54 Et. Charles street. Punctual attendance is requested, as bus ness of importance will be brought forwai d. J. 'V. McCAIN, President. P. tM. GABRY, Recording Secretary. It HALL BRANCH NO. 3-HIDERNIAN BENEVO lent and Mutual A14 Aesociation-March 2, leh--The regular monthly .meeting of this Branch is postponed to TWIDNESDAY EVEINING, Match 6tb, 178, at 7T o'clock Men hers are rqcluested to he lpuncual. Fines for ncn-attenCrarco wLci i strictly enforced. By order. IIIL ,ht'AItE, President. JNOE. IcCAFFiIE l. Pecording Secretary-. It HALL BR&ICH L.. ., II. B. M. A. ASSOCIA. TION.-the regular m;nthly meeting of ths Blranch will be held "O-DAY (Sunday) at at o':lock r. :. Members are requested to be punctual. Gentlemen wishing to join are invited to attenrd. Ly order: ED. it 'OWVAN, I'resident. J. P. GALLAHER, Secretary. It ST. ALPHONSUS' TOTAL ABSTINENCE ASSO olatlon.-The regular monthly meeting of this Aseocia tleo will be held THIS (Sunday) EVENING, at 4 o'clock, in St. Alphonsus Hall, St. Andrew street, be tween Magazine and Constance streets. Gentlemen wishing to become members are cordially Invited to attend. D. H. BUCKLEY, President. JOHN A. RUSSELL, Secretary. It ST.JOHN THE BAPTIST C. T. A. ABSOCIATION. The regular monthly meeting is postponed to TUES. DAT, March 12th, at 7:30 P. M. P. FPARRALLY, President. G. W. TRUDEAU, Secretary. It NENCE SOCIETY--The regular monthly meeting of this Soclety will be held TO-DAT (Sunday), Imme diately after BHih Hase, in b. Vincent's Academy, Napoleon Avenue, near Camp street. Geatlemea wishing to join ar alvited to atted. S1.3 . miJm*a ,sdeiasss GRUNE WALD HALL. GRAND BABY SHOW THURSDAY, MARCH 14. 1878, At 12 o'olocL R. Under the auspices of the Ladies of New Orleans. for the benefit of the Old and Infirm in charge of the Little Sisters of the Poor, on which occasion suitable prises will be awarded to Children of six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-fonr monthe. A sp'endid Band of Musto will be in attendanoo, also lefreshmens Tables provided with good things at popular prices, consequently no neces aity for dinners at home tbha, day. As the admittance I only it ty cents for mammes and papas. and twenhy.flve cents for children. Is is to be hoped the whole city will turn out. LADY PATRONESSEB. Madam Alfred Iesaon, Madam F. W. Kirchaff. Madam J1 B Lafitte, Madam T. O Dyer, Madam R. Pilebury. Madam P. DBane. Madam Joe. Bowling, Madam O. Carriers. JUDGES. His Excel'y Gov. Nicholls, His Honor Mayor Pllebnay, O1en. lt-auregard, Col. A. Roman. Dr. O. Faget, Dr. A. C.pdevtelle, 'r. Wmin. Brickell. C. Maoready, Eiq., P. O'Brien, C. Carriere. mh3I, COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TENiIRLD T3 TIlt WIDOWS AND ORPHANS Or TIE CREW of the Ill-Fated McALLISTER} ST. CHARLES THEATRE. Sunday Evening, March 10th, 1878, Unavoidably Postponed from March 3d. Lieut. G. Whiltzs. Hon. A. Jamel. Hon. John Fitz. pattick. Hon C. J. Leeds, Gen. Jack Wharton, Hon. R. A. Strong, Hoen R. H. Lasher. J. Cockrem. lion. Lonis Bush. CoL J. M. G. Parker, Major P. Strong, J. D. Crawford. - Committee of Arrangements M. Abaecal, M. J. Barrett M. Cooney, 1). Hartnett, Joseph Lyons. John Brougham's play, in five nots, entitled The Lottery of Life. Stage Manager ...............Mr. T. J. O'SULLIVAN l car.1 Terrence O'Hallaran...................Mr. J. B. COealn Mordle Soloman Allcraft ............. r.Ben Onorato Bir Wilton Downe................Mr. W. B. Stevenson Robert Mordaunt..........................Mr. E Weil Dedger............................Mr. J. P. Beanham Bob Manl. .....................Mr. John Golding IDuimmey Denis ......................... - Emily Summers ....................Mits Emma Doyle Misu Tartar.......................... Mrs. C. B. Viian Polly ..............................Miss Llzie Woods Mary ...................................Miss Annre May Waiter Girls, Newsboys. Porters, etc. N. B -Incidental to the leay, in the second act, the Concert Saloon Scene will Introduceo the following specialty artists : " The Poola Sisters," In their univer sally famed ItOUBLE TRAPEZE ACT; Mr. John Conners, Mr. W. H. Trimble, Lee Brothers, and others. Admission--l1 r0 and 50 cents. Doors open atr a: Curtain at 8 r. m. Tickets for sale at the principal bookstore. and by the Committee of Arrergementa-thoee dated March 3d good for March 11th. mh3 2t GRUNEWALD HALL. Commencing Mardl-Gras Night, IN CONNECTICN W.TUI THE NICHOLLS' RIFL.ES MAEQUERAlDE, And concluding on Eunday Night, at about 11 o'clock, The World's Champion Pedestrian Va. ELLEN WICKERS, THE WORLD'S CHAMPION PEDESTRIENNB, FOR A PURSE OF $1000, Now in the Hands of the Editor of the Times. Distance, 400 to 250 Miles. ST. CHARLES' THEATRE. Grand Attraction for the Carnival. FOR ONE WEEK, COMMENOING SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1878. HEALEY'S HIBERNIAN MINSTRELS, MIRBBOB OF IBELAND. Remodeled and Enlarged for the present seansn. EIGHTEEN VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. Great National, Musical and Piotorial Enter tainment. TWO IRISH END 1MEV THE BEAUTIFUL SCENERY OF IRELAND. The Entire Comp anT appearing in original Songs, Lances and Sketches. Matinees, Wednesiay and Saturday. Popular Prices-25c., 5Co. ard I75. Matinees, 2oe. I and 500. It T. J. BROWN, PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER, 23 .........................Camp treet.......... ...03 ]Between Delord and l',.efarre NEW V R:.E.\NS. Deaor .: Wa~h Pappor, Gold and Velve:t order. Window Shade,, cXrucaes. I, n:I. ;oon ,and White IIo::.tndc. I'i t"rr: Ilerd, Tassels. etc. PI-raon who w.Il take t.'' :ro.uble to ride up to 'y pince, ;.:ch . m,.;y : .,,-e .mnares flora Cantal etrect, wiil tied .lt lmy paires ar'e fior :, to -. percent lower than thoeo of other loaliors. Samples of Papear et:t to the nountry, free, on appli" cation. mh3 5p tf FOR CIIOICE FANCY AND STAPLE CALL AT THE CLD RELIABLE HOUSE or JOHN S. TWOMEY, 572 and 574 ... Magazine Street.... 572 and 574 Opposite the Market, Where you can be furnished with everything apper It talning to the Grocery trade. J. THOMSON & BROS., Carriage and Spring Wagon MakerM, 68 and 70..R.. Rampart Street...... 68 and 70 Between Common and Gravier, "M"v^dH Hiestht Premiums at State Fairs of 171, 1873 and 1878 for best Family hton, Victoria, Op sad Top Buggies. Beer Wagon, Grocer's Wagon, Expres. Wagon, eto. erniag pusetloal workmen, and employng noe but the leaef ineaaieo, we are prepard to e to ordea or repair COarige.Ui. ,pring wPone, am. Oag roer o min basins moetn tho oit7 usinlg v`eo lee eeramr , o. Mllwerhk nabaetd. m37tS ,t PLEASURE AND BUSINESS COMBINED! ..................... w It is with sincere PLEASURE that we call attention to our BUSINESS, which we have founded on soo' a basis that all who do BUSINESS with us flnd, instead of their shopping having been an irksome task, it was, in reality, a great PLEASURE. A very few words will set this forth clearly, r, as it is simplicity itself.................... We deal only in........... .............. .................resh First-Class Goods. WE MARK TIIE PRICES IN................ ............................PLAIN FIGURES. FROM WHICH THERE IS................. .............................. UNOHV 1UA1. WE ARE ENABLED BY.................. .........V....Very, Very Light Expenses TO SELL ON THE...................... SI a ............. Closest Sort of Profits. x AND DO O8 IN PREFERENCE........... * TO LETTING THE STOCK............... ................GET SHOP WORN " THROUGH AN INSANE ................... DESIRE TO GET».................. ..............Rich on High Prices. WE DO NOT RETAIN ........... ....... EMPLOYEES UNLESS THEY ARE......... ..............Polite and Attentive to All. OUR PRINCIPAL.........................- ...-- DEPARTMENTS ARE :.............. 81LKS, DRESS GOODS, DOMES TICS, LINENS, HO USEKEEP ING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS, SHA WLS, BSKIRTB, UNDER WEA, EM BANDKEBOHIEFS, VEILINGS, GLOYES, PARASOLS, NEC'K WEAB, FANS, CORSETS, PAN IERS, FANCY GOODS, TRIM MINGS, NOTIONS, ETC., ETC. S. EACH DEPARTMENT .............. - 2 Is supplied with the LATEST NOVEL TIES as soon as they appear, and as e ar- certain articles become POPULAR and PLENTIFUL, the prices are reduced in proportion to increased sales. ge, ....................................................-- - oe. PARTIES RESIDING..................... - distant from NEW ORLEANS can send to us for SAMPLES, which will be cheerfully sent, make their selections and get the goode just as cheap as if purchases were made IN PROPRIA PERSON.E ]Or. WE PAY TIIE FREIGUT ................... on all orders exceeding TEN (,1u) DIOL LARS, and will procure for our patrons my eat, articles outside of our line, as a matter Cot of accommodation. Illi E. H. ADAMS & BRO., DHLEMk K IN FRESH FIRST-CLASS 4 DRY GOODS >r .. ET... PTC. AT d 70 REASONABLE RATES, S 594........IAGAZINE STREET-.-.DXCIV ,bS Four doors above St. Andrew street. Osa hi u bt maw 1 GREAT REDUCTION DRY GOODS! As usual we have this year, with the beginning of February. Reduced the Prices TI c w.. lth WINTER GOODS, on hand, and will SELL THEM AT AND BELOW COST TO MAKE ROOM FOR At SPRING GOODS. We therefore would advise everybody in need of DRY GOODS not to fail to give us a call, and so be convinced of the truth of the above statement. All our FUR GOODS will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST. Our BRSAWLS, NUEIAS and CLOAKS we are equally as an xlons to dispose of. Dress Goods which were sold at 60 cents, sell at 20 cents. Those ( sold at 25, we now sell at 15 cents. s( Black Silks f at $I,;worth $1 ~i. FLANNELS. of Blue, Red, White and Plaid we have a very large stock on hand, which we offer at extraordinary bargains. BLANKETS. The Fsnest at $5 00. HOSIERY. Fine colored Silk Clocked STOCKINGS, worth 60 s cents, at 35 cents. p id Misses' White Cotton HOSE at 25 cents, worth 50 cents. in CORSETS at 50 oanta. 600 pieces choice CALICO at 5 cents. Lonedale COTTON at 8+ oents. od BLACK ALPACGA. We would call particular attention to our stock of no BLACK ALPACA, which we now offer CHEAPER if THAN EVI:It. IA Very fine A pica at 3 ..nts, ar.d Alpaca at i. ---I:! SCI:E f'TO .E IT. Matting and Window Shadec, Inc ter v ha re ece.vel, on thi ,:elmer New Jrlreasi , J p.eces of ~VHITE MATTINt, whih woe seal at to enaoe this month only, and CIIECKEI) MAITIING at A: cents this month on:y. We offer to our friends to put up WINDOW IiA DEDS at it 50 pair, of finest quality. Bobbinet Bars, Bobbinet Bars, Euy your OBEBINET BARS now, do not delay. Wo offer the best at 13 50, and extraesize Bars at I3 0). The above is a RARE CHANCE, and we would advise everybody to beneft thereby. LEVY BROTHERS, c-v 585 and 587 Magazine St; Corner St. Andrew street, pe ,m WELT USU.DING. A LIFE Bz I JER ZNOR.A rlNG OF HIS. HOLINESS POPE PIUS IX. Thsl rI. ,,e - "..I,.4 1t. w U. Wh II.AI.I..',. - (rme . 1.0 º o. .--' . . P+.le Iw. p..,tl". iuoe.,l.4etI.rlt th Lnn"' M h , &mrM.tA . '.l"tanr lnt w 'rudo-.'lrda l - ".ry rph I" ll. through the Kuoplloll, u.10 H. D..Y·, It Wa jOu. rll .I ew t J rL . y, he eostalao ef a Stal r ilate lke the on the ngrartlap In pltes froo, byr Mr. Miban is $0.000 TIn al prlr0.ori . /40w.rrrrns tl arlta et ( 1 rm. Ipne . rtrr tf se n .a.O." . 0 o .. t.o r YU.. Wik 1l. 1 .0 1: 1 . n lr. . I . 1 .1.1 w. l *h It,-11 I .t nilt w" " l,. r'", 1 ,.1t tIOt , ld*w .l6.rt r 1 ,fF VII.i.* M o4d It . ancur -u attil t U1. m to li l 4 , thr 0.0n 0t .1 d :a -t.n , Uo n p.o f pot l a td Sam erFr Orr TIfNf (fNRT1FIC.ITE, IT IS WORT[ R6.0o TO ror'.-p OT 3ZOtEW. CI T=i CDB? ICIAT together with 35 s l.a ..+ .. " "+ "1u++'l-r-m 1c K ll -, HIS HOLINESS POPE PIUS IX. 1ku0 ..r u,, l. lur wt .,l. lli u1l"n I f l . (till, t".r-l"br •ll'ý 1"...t o Ir "Ilr.ll, t.llnlt fob ntT ..A ut.4 TE RENDEZVOUS O THE , SCA rdw, orWORLD. The Ieadquarters of. t1h Plam o and l.i."utIo Trade of New O(-rleans and the South..i. .,The ou * " ,.1t w,,1.t.r 111i1,n I.-,ed for. . I. i1 . t 11.V I .: 1 "rN. 15 AC.. OM A *l.ACCOM O NG 111TRR . adI s x { aor e, 1,If )ITwo Hundred · ) "n P llianos and Organs,r. Conanstin of the UNEQUALLED and PERFECT . . . . . . .,,,,l .- 1 .le'.ai t,! .0(11t. . ItIU l" , 1 l il. '. . "015. 0 all c"ln d o " LTLATI0 AZT 01110, 235 Broadway. Nw tat. PRIGHT, ,SQU.iARE AN.D GRANqD NEW HARDMANUSIC ND PINO STOE, No U1.. CANAL STREET (TOUO UILANDRDING), The Headquarters of thstePla and Musie Trade or New Orleans and the South. The bono.. 'W~rr'oisn 1. t nowned r,,r It. /lit' II ' ANI. AC(COMMSODATIGO TIORMS. rad feo the SUPERIOR QUALITY Ob I I'S INSutKUMlE .1Cn. At be Mamoonot hVateroomo.. cau be found am NEW ENGLrteND ORGANS c Two Hundred Pianos and Organs, Con- stin of the RUMEALLED annd RFLTUM , CHICKERING UPRIGHaT, SOQUARE AND GRAND PIANO, THE ELEGANT UPRIGHT HARDMAN PIANO, | XILA( TB: STANDARD MASON & HAMLIN AND NEW ENGLAND ORGANS. A~eo fifty seoondhand Pianoe and Organs, at prtoie to eult ereryone. Every toetromeat sad It fiapr DIRECT IMPORTATION OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. STRINGS etc., LECONTE'S sod other BRASS INSTRUMENTS. sld as Wholeeale aoo Hetall, at prices to defy all competition. S SHEET MUSIC-THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE SOUTH. PIANOS REPAIRED, TUNED. HAULED GE STOREI) AT REASONABLE PRICES. IyOOIT0DI OLD PIANOS TATEN IN XCEXIIA Wil I. . 4.1 n R C P . , IFT N.. E.. .. w i ,,) , .,ll nd o ,e,, p i , t.rloe ar y l, r - s1 -,a 1 ' ,r. Fl,. , , ,I , . ,lrllr·.t . ,r , t ·,r - {I ,u I I, L ES. Sr1 :,1.1 "rl . 1. L r I. ,,' f A hundred Other thinas ehelsp. A i - t'l ... . !.r.t. '..+:,r .e rr t, ': |plI ae. Also, nn Imnernse Stck of Fruit d 0rnann ent.t` Treesc. E nerKrena, t,.,~. :,,, I r ~''( In trr . liit It... 24th year. 13Creenhous. 400 AcrOes. mh3 "1 SI N THE RECEIPT OF FIFTY CENTS, WE will send, poetage paid, to any address. a Land. 17 some Chromo of "IsIS HOLINESS, LEO XWG," d from an authentic Portrolt loaned the publishers by w HisOrace, Archblishop Wood.W Address. Cbromo Departmaent. Rc NATIONAL IIBURAU OF 0E1 NINO, mh3 2t 512 Pine street Philladelphia.l SPRING e Ta SILKS. eper The nnde:s'goed have just opened a fall and oom plate line of SPRING AND SUMMER SILKS, El with a general variety of NEW TISSUES. 1 . 1). II. IHOLMER, of oc2 lyt p Non. -: ca:na ar·n I.. FBourbon wte. A CARD SCHOOL SHOES 1'ORt MIS' ý'E BOYS. wjr ,. n ',t 10 ae ! ý. '.. E t.oee at rean "i . u. prletan t II r,I I dIl.' I 1 \VIt" (I *t O r(ta. welr ( : lh i : t Ii, s her t a the dr r t .aa n* I, t - ,a, r , , , +t. }, " 'i S at tfart or",:,h {.I ,.r t A I , rl . t , . ' ., t ' o 1 .' at rh ) i t t, r1 o L, it t, itab a l +, it atla t o r f ,w , 'rt a ai , I t shall a. `' i '1d a , SOn hac1i , ,n t'an(ll ' ·, '.. l" rk );;,, lh.", I (II T l Es SHOE Ia c .at ,,oIat remacral. tl rwee. TIHOS. DOWLINC, i......... ....t.C t rp Street..... t.. . 1" ,. l l on5p .' pHilLIP ANTONI, Corner Josephine and Constance Btresta L- bl recei ed ea large ,iaortoent of .ine - B meatluro t cl E l for the . M. r l. , STTho ih w wtIr llt. S trd CRtt, bCIXEs. Tat l'i thO farst e ,::)in t rloade. in thbs e ify to p ..atrabiing a factor e" fr a edhool Shornd l.l int fallt pi " On liioU rnnticley. EA rpccilltrk in the iOOT nrdn, whi hOl e wl t st l r ao t a erl l o prre es.. AS. KIRKPATRICKWL he Bookseller, Stationer. P I AN PRINTER, . - Pictures, Frames, Poiture Cord, PRAYER BOOKS, BEADS, SCAPULARS, ET. Ca... and exmn... my gooduinet nr.t...... . e Sframed to order 5ee e p ly TEA COMPANY. HONG KONG BUILDING, w3W ORLEABA - RETAIL BTOBBB - 9.--............. Canal Street.......~.. .- e AND 179.............Poydrau tteet ...........179 We guarantee our Taaa traaee from everfy an1tBO tion and any manipulatIon whatever, and hawa fixd the PRICEKS A LOW as any ylot claaa I21e York hoke. We ar now selling (Green. Black or Mized Tes at 271, 35o, 400, , o, 750. 1I and 01 OU. OUR FAMOUS PARCHED COFFEES * REDUOED. FRitSH PAcHERD h0c. RIO to 95e. FRESH PARCHED 35e. RIO to 76.o, To aooommodst, our up-town patron, we haveoeepod two more Stores. at 519 Magazine street, near St. Mary, 9379 Dryades street, above Ersto. Hong Kong Tea Company. SmStep in and see the wonderful Telephone, whilh eperat a the wiree specially mllt for as. nol 77 l'lJp ELDER'S Catholic Agency, 1 i -........... Poydres 8treet...... .....1t4 Frmn tbs central locality (In the an..e bloek wlth the CIY HALI, the community wl:l benceforth be served with BOOKS, PERIOLICALS, I'APERS, STATION EltY. al I all kLind of Catholic IEVOTIONAL CHARLES D. ELDER. l' a..,' , - . IsaS tf . v.* iILIKLLY, No, 8 Camp Street, AMi:l.I(;AN AN'D FOREIGN Watches, Diamonds, .IEII'l, Y" A NID SILIVERI WARE, AT LOWEST PRICES. 'p, :a! na"n ;or' to 'Vatch Rlepairing. de23 ImSp COUGHS ANo COLDS. "eROWa's ERONCHIAL TROCHES " rill allay irritatitl,, wl,ihlinduces migthingK, frid given immn diat., r-'lief in| Isronchltll ' t.rr0 ilf,, su..., kore Tlruoat, and Con Irlsptive and Asthmatlc Co.s.plainta. The 'Bronchial Tr,.hers' have ,een .teUadily winning their way lnto pubhll: fiav.r. unltil the-y are known and ared saee-rly all .over tues wolrld. del2 4m5p SINGING, PIANO AND ORGAN LES SONS. Mrs. THEREBSA CANNON BUCKLEY T prepared t -i- !n-In-t. P.n, and Oruan a essan either at her residence, 1,5 Prieur street, between St. Philip and Ursuline, or in schools. She has als otald Singing Clas on Mondays and Thursday. from 4 to r. a., which affords specill aduratages to pupilp. deS Sp Of AUOTIONEERS, Ofloe, No. 11 Carondelet Street, Between Canal and Osumon, LOI Will attend to Sale of Real 5t.t FMrn.iture, BSteed Bnds Sorot etta se, . -ell elp rsniing e ]ess.. t· ·