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,,a.',Tam Mommwa OrAn has been te The"Direete " *oompanlazre with the approval of the eselinimMee AProhbishop of New Orleun, admitted want in New Orlmasa, mi b .rersden . mainly devoted to the lnterest ed Se * ng J. Star * Pres . Catholle huroh. It will not ltginm -- roy Rev. . ArMo, potls eopt wher they lt e Be. O. ox . - with Catholo righto, bat will g XeY, T. J* KENNY, persona or parties. Next to She the Iit ggy. T. J. SIrrT, c. M. rights of all men, it will espeelah~P ha ... A. Nmrrf-mt>, m.pon the mporalh of Jox T. Gono We app3rove of the foresai Eu g JaO MOCAwm z, taking, Jand oommond it to the Soth-"-" -U. ooe. A. amr.tdro C. BE. R. plbei th oro e, orT N.e i o. streetorner m. "OW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THEM THAT BRING GLAD TIDINGS OF GOOD THINGSI" TerUleOpy,Oetei Uaya,- e VOLUME XI. NEW ORLEANS, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 1878. NUMBER 13. VOLUME XI. NEW ORLEANS, SUNDAY MORNING, M~AY 5, 1878. NUBB.S Morning Star and Catholic ,asienger. saW ORLEAZS, SUNDAY, MAY 5. 1118. TRLZOBPA IC SUMMANT. [Condensed from Ausociated Press Telegras. ] FOREIGN Bov.--The telegrams of the week state that (1) negotiationa for the restoration of re lations between the Holy See and the Swiss Government have nearly fallen through and (2) that there is no prospect of a compromise between the Holy See and Prussia, but that the Holy Father has instructed the German eoole ciastics to be moderate in their language. On the 1st, the Italian Chambers resumed their sittings. The Prime Minister stated that the Government intended to keep aloof as far s- possible, from any complications that might arise on the Eastern Question. IRULAnD.-Dublin, April 29.-The boiler in Strong's foundry, Lammond Lane. exploded ; the adjoining house was destroyed ; 15 killed and 12 injured. Tau EASTmxE QuzarroN.-The situation is -nohanged since last week. In fact, it has re mained pretty much the same since England and Austria first protested against the treaty efSan Stefano, with the exoeption that all the time all the powers have been straining every nerve in preparation for war. On the part of Russia these preparations consist in the reinforcement of her armies and the ooccupation by those of points of the -getsate strategio importance, and the acoou mulation of war depots near what will probably be the scene of action in South -sen Turkey. She are also making the most strenuous efforts to secure the line of oommu nication by land between her frontiers and her army near Constantinople which, other wise. would be in a very dangerous pcsition if the English fleet should pass the Bosphorous and enter the Black Sea. The great General Todleban has superceded Prince Nicholas as -Commander-i n-Chief. Of Austria's preparations little is said, though it is known that she has her forces well in hand and prepared, at a few hours no 'tlee, to cross the frontier England, besides getting all her war bsips ready and atccking Malta, Gibraltar, and all her arsenals with war materials, i-as already commenced the trensfer of a part of her India army to Malta and has her first army carps, numbering 50 1'00,men, ready to leave England for the same point at a few hours notice. She has also commenced the formation of the second army corps, to the command of which General Hastings Horaford hbsebeen appointed. Committees have been formed for the organiza tion of a Volunteer corps in which 80,000 men have already enrolled themselves. Turkey meanwhile tas not been asleep. She .has now an army of 70,000 men before Con stantinople. besides several other armies of smaller numbers at othes points, all in a high state of discipline and well armed and officer ed. Evidently diplomacy and talk have been used as oloaks to give time for preparation all around, and now that the four principal parties seem to be almost ready for the fight it may be -expected to commence almost any day. OPENING O TES PARIs Exur=nTiox. - The International Exhibition was opened by Mao Ntahon on the 1st. The scene was pioturesque and imposing in the extreme. State bodies in grand uniforms, councillors and magistrates in their robes, and different bodies of the Insti tute and Legion of Honor stood in strong con trust with Senators, Deputies and Clergy and minor officials in their civil costumes- The Exhibition building was gaily decorated with -lags of all nations. An immense crowd was in the vicinity. The American section, though unfinished, compares favorably with the others. The department of manufactures shows the least progress. The American art department is the best ever shown abroad by America. At night the principal boulevards of .Paris were illuminated. The streets were 'jammed with carriages and pedestrians in a manner that is said to have been perfectly in describable. Over 5(0000 strangers are in the city. UNITED STATES. WASHINGTON.--Geo. L. Smith has been con rmed as Collector of the Port of New Orleans. When the bill to repeal the Bankrupt act, 'baviag passed the House, came back to the Seate, it was amended so as to fix the date of repeal January 1st, 1879. The Committee on idtlitary Affairs have agreed to report favor ably on the House bill putting Gen. Shields on lthe retired list of Brigadier Generals, thus giving him $3000 a year. The Committee on Poetoffioes will recommend the establishment of two lines to Brazil, one from New York, the other from New Orleans. Mr. Eustis has sub mitted amendments to the Hatbor and River 1 bill increasing 'the appropriation for New Or leans from $50,000 to $476 000, that for Red River raft, ets., from $25.000 to $160 000, and 1 or the mouth of Red River from $50,000 to $300,000. In the House, Capt. Cowden's bill for the Barrataria Ship Canal, from New Orleans to the Gulf, pssed. By a vote of 177 to 35jthe House peased a resolution forbidding the fur ther retirement of legal tender notes. By a vote of 96 to 71 the House refused to appro priate $185,000 for the New Orleans Mint. atephene, Butler and Garfield favored the ap propriation, bhut a combination of members from other places that wanted mints estab lished in their looality defeated it. Judge i Robrtson, from the Levee Committee, has re. p-rtdla bill for elonag erevasses and raisin 454" s tfe Meisdsppi, -he, . pt's$l178,000, Arkansas $1,299,180, and $1,000,000 would go to strengthening the lower levees. Bohleioher, of Texas, wants to give work to - the people and at the same time develop the country, so he has prepared a bill making $250,000,000 available immediately far build lug railroads and digging oanals. a ICommunicated.l 1 First Communion at the Ursaline Day Schools "Suffer the little children to come unto me a for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." It was my good fortune to witness, on the morning of the 2nd, a scene the remembrance d of which will never fade from my mind. It was the ceremony of the first communion of s me of the children attending the day school of the Ursuline nuns. Ushered into a neatly and very tastefully arranged chapel, I took a seat near a window, through which the cool refreshing breeze of the morning floated in. e Several ladies and gentlemen, parents no doubt of the children, were present,Iall seated on one side of the chapel as the seats in the I middle were reserved for the first communi s cants and the scholars. Shortly before the appointed hour for the Ma ass His Grace, the Archbishop, came In, clad e in his violet robes, ani attended by a priest. The harsh ringing notes of a bell soon broke upon the air, and ore its tones had died away, t the sound of distant voices chanting a melodi Sone hymn was wafted in upon the breeze throrgh the windows, and soon a procession f composed of the communicants, preceded by a cross borne by one of the school children, en tered the chapel. They were clad in spotless white, and they bore lighted tapers in their hands. Behind them came the school-children dressed in white with bLe ribbon telts and neck-ties. The procession filed into the chapel and th e children occupied the seats in the middle. There wees a simplicity and unof>rmity of dress among them which was very pleasing to the eye and it seemed to me that sweet essen ces of purity and innoeoonce lung around them. As I looked upon their sweet angelic faces, I thought of what a happy age, the age of childhood was. No regrets for the past, no anxiety for the future. They knew not of the cartes and the troubles of life-everything f seemed to them clothed in a robe of trans cendent whiteness-everything seemel to them happy and joyous; Upon the horis )n of their life they did not as yet discern the clouds of pain and sorrow, the roses of happiness were blooming for them; they did not know that perhaps in a few years that sky as yet in flected by a single cloud would be hung in darkness, and those roses would be withered and gone and have left but a recollection be hind. The Archbishop addressed them a few elo quent words upon the great deed which they were about to perform, and he exhorted them to persevere on the road of virune. He depict ed to them the numerous temptations which l would beset them upon their path of life, and t showed the unhappiness and the misery whiob would ensue did they have the misfortune to stray from Virtue's fold. I must confess that this ceremony deeply im pressed me. The remembrance of the day when I had knelt at the altar for the same purpose, t came rushing back upon me fall of the inci- , dents of the few years which bad elasped since then and the present day. I remembered how supremely happy I felt, and how miserable, e and how unhappy I had been at times since c then. "Gentlemen," said the great Napoleon, torn- r lug to the officers who stood around him, "do r you know what was the happiest day of my life " Some ventured to assert that it must surely I have been the day following the battle of Ana- t terlits, others averred that it most have been the day when the "diadem of the Cassrs" was placed upon his brow, but he shook his head and answered, "No, sairs, it was the day of t my First Communion." And so say all who have had the good for tune and the happiness to pass that way. DBefore eonoluding these hastily jotted down c fragments the writer cannot refrain from con gratolating the nuns upon the appearance of s their buildings, and the bearing of their seholars. To the Mother Superior much praise should be given, for to her indefatigable energy sad perseverance the parents are indebted for j the seal plaldples f reliUgion ad meorclty the obhildren, and for these good qualities of heart and polish of manners for whiobh the scholars of the Ursulines have always been noted. ATnos. New Orleans, May 2, 1878. [Communicated.] St. ichael's Parish Schools. Editor Morning Star : Having occasion to visit Rev. Father Heslin last week, we were kindly invited by him to inspect his sohools. We visited, we think, Are rooms all filled with children, boys and girls, each room under the charge of a young lady teacher. All of the rooms are furnished with patent school furniture, and the children are bright and intelligent looking, and are a credit to parents, teachers and Pastor. We had no idea before we visited the rooms that this small parish, hemmed in between St. Patriok's, the oldest English speaking parish in the Dio cese, and St. Alphonses', the richest parish, would have made soch a creditable display both with regard to schoo!s and number of scholars. One of the rooms was filled with joung girls all busy making paper flowers for the Altar on Easter Sunday. This is a very beautiful art for girls to learn; and brought to my mind a visit I paid some twenty years ago, to the Academy of Mount St. Vincent, on the Hudson, New York, during an examination and enter tainment by the yoong ladies. Archbishop Hughes, after the delivery of the priz2s, said, he was well pleased with the progress of the young ladies in their studies, but he thought there was one thing still wanted in our aceden:is, that ie, there ought to be classes in which the Jourg ladies conid perfect ttem rclvs in domestic arte, and particularly in what the French call the Caicine, for which there is no exact , qcivalent term in Erglisb, but it means the work of the kitchen-the whole art of kitolen cookery-and be said that if the ladies of the Ac.:demy would insti tote inch a clase he wonld promise to give, each year, a gold crese to the most proficient of the class. Ever since that time I have always thought that Catholic tcbools should include useful arts, and I was delighted to see Father Hleslin have one in his floorishing schools. Long may he live to preside over them. D P. 8. May 1st, 1878 LETTER FROM JCK&SON, MISS. April t9th, 1678. Editor Morning tar April 9th,188. It is so seldom that anything of an impor tant nature occurs in this locality that you will no doubt be eurp.ised at our asking a little space in your valuable paper. Com menoing on Sunday, April 14th, a grand and successful mission was given at St. Peter's Church by the Rev. Fathers Enright and Ro senbaner, of the Redemptorist Order. A great many were present at the opening ceremony, and were treated to a splendid lecture by the Rev. Father Enright. There were two lectures delivered daily, one in the morning and one in the evening, which were attended by large audiences. Not obly did the Catholics turn but, but a great many of the other denomina tions were present every evonirg to hear the eloquent discourses of these holy men. It is needless for me to say it was a grand success, as the Rev. Fathers did justice in their discourses to their previously acquired oratori cal honors. Enough to say the good Fathers have their work well; many who had not been to their duty for years have made the mission. Our good and kind Pastor, Rev. Father Pieherit, is overjoyed at the result of their labors, and earnestly hopes that the work of the mission will be as lasting as it was good. The mission closed on the 24th, lasting ten days, when the good Fathers proceeded to Canton, at the request of Rev. Father Cogan, to bestow similar blessings on bis parishioners. On the whole, the Catholics of Jackson have reason to rejoice lately, as the good Sisters are doing all in their power to advance the cause of education in our midst. They have built a large and spacious ball in addition to their school, and are well able to meet the wants of the rising generation. c. C. To give 2(02.893 in obharity in one year is good work, sad that Is the amount dispensed by te osCathelle ugssatlosll a wa e rsmess imp1 " NO-POPERY" DEMONSTRBTION 1N GLASGOW. BURNING THE POPE'S ALLOCUTION--EIlIOU8 RIOTS. A Central News Telegram, dated G!asgow, April 13Cb, says: This evening a crowd numbering 12 000 peo ple gathered on Glasgow Green in a heavy rain, in answer to a placard calling upon the Pro testants of the city to "assemble and publicly burn the Pope's Alloontion regarding the es tablishment of the hierarchy in Sootland." A rumor bad spread that the Roman Catholic. were determined to resist what they considered a contemplated insult, and that to make an effectual resiatance they were ready to use fire arms. The magistrates bhad taken precautson ary measures to preserve the peace. A body of 300 policemen were on the ground, and so serious was the disturbance anticipated that the authorities were prepared to read the Riot Act and to call out the military if required. Three anti-Papal lecturers appeared, and made strong speeches against the hierarchy, and concluded by burning an oiled copy of the Ccatioo Times, containing the Allocution. The Catholics seemed in a small minority, but those of them present were greatly excited, and frequently disturbed the speakers. A reso lution was carried to petition Parliament in ac cordance with the views of the speakers. Many free fights took place, but no serious disturb. ance. A later Central News telegram, dated Sunday night, April 14, says : A riot, having some connection with the burning, last night, of the Pope's Allocantion, occurred on Glasgow Green to-night During the evening twenty thousand people assembled on the Green. Many gathered round an anti Papal lecturer, named McIntyre, and from stone-throwing by boys a general disturbance took place. Missiles were no ed, the iron palings broken, and thestaves used as weapons. Many people were seriously hurt, and ten rioters were apprehended. But for the presece of a large body k.f police the disturbance would have eten very ourious. A telegram in t he Dublin Freman, dated the eame nigh.t, says : N.ttwjithstanding the comparative quiet at tending tile burning of the Pope's Allocution on Glasgow Green last night, when a disturb ance was anticipated, a religious riot has oc curred after all. To-·tight about 20.000 people bad assembled on the Green, some of them gathered round a well-known anti-Papal lec turer, named M'Intyre, and from stone throw ing by the boys a general row took place Stones and other missiles were freely thrown, and the iron railings were torn n,, and used as weapons. Fortunately, a strong body of police were present, or the riot would undoubtedly have assumed a much more serious form. As it was, many people were severely hurt-one man so serionsly that be had to be removed to the infirmary. Ten of the rioters were arrest ed. While about 100 boys belonging to the Duke street Reformatory, in which a rebellion of the boys occurred last week, were being marched to church to-day, forty of them ran off. Fifteen of the forty have since been ap prehended, but the others are still at large. I Considerable insubordination has been mani fested in the institution for some time. The Dublin Freeman of Tuesday says: Four men were tried yesterday for taking part in the riot on Sunday, on Glasgow Green between Orangemen and Catholics, consequent noon the burning of the Pope's Allocution. Etch was sentenced to thirty days' imprison mer.t, and to find security to keep the peace, or undergo a similar term of imprisonment. Two others forfeited pledges of Li. The mag istrates said they did not care what religion the rioters were-that rioting would be sup preseed with vigor. -.- -- ---- 0 TE.IIPORA ! 0 MOIES ! Liverpool Cathol'o Times April I(. The British IIonre of Commocs is commonly characterised as "the first aseetmbly of gentlo men in the world." We confesr that our ex perience of the legislative world is. rot sutfl otently wide to justify as in institutituting co parisane, but we need not be familiar with St. trephen's for any considerable length of time without coming to the conclusion that, if the boast be something more than a mere piece of a national vanity, we can feel for the foreigners f from our beart. The diffioulty is to discover what precise meaning is attached in this con- E nection of the term "gentlemen." If it refer simply to wealth and social position, it is not worth vaunting about; while, ifit is intended to convey the idea of cenrtesy and chivalry it is a mere pretence without reason. Our coun try has no monopoly of, nor precedence in those qualities. We have in mind several E disgraeosful displays of which the House of t Commons has been the theatre, but we need k not go beyond last Priday night for a flagrant b exemplification. Mr. O'Donnell brought for ward a motion which he would have done well to let alone. It aroused much irritation In Ministerial oircles, and estranged some of his 0 own friends. Lord Leitrim's moral character a was the subject. A proposal was made to close 0 the doors, and a division taken on the point. ti Mr. Gladstone, Lord Hartington, and Mr Lowe. o belug present, voted for publicity; whereupon r, a scene took place which would be incredible it is were not witnessed by so many onlookeenrs. I When the Opposition lobby was entered, a Ii crowd of Mlsisedallts assembled onts-, sa-d 1a amss te Mt antiem 4load Emtagism d V derisive oneers, blises, and oat-calls were con tinned" until the ex-Premler passed out of sight, and the cry of "Yah, yab," which will a now take its plaeo in the "Jingo" category, made the roof ring. Can these men be' gen tlemen" in any sense of the word f Potting aside the affront to oneof the most distinguish ed statesmen the nation has prodoouced-though this itself was degrading enough-there was the forgetfolnesu of dignity, of self-respect, of the historic sesoolations of the Chamber. We look for misconduct at the hustings, at politi c cal meetings, and at open gatherings in excit ing timee;but we ought not to expect rowdyism in the House of Commons. When ragamuffins a mob a oitson in the streets the police Interfere, I and the magistrate teaches a stern lesson; not I one of the representatives who sought such un enviable distinction on Friday night would submit to be baited even by a vulgar crowd; but they were ready to mete out as gross treat ment to a man whose career and intellect com I mand nothing but esteem. Strange to say, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, calm and di. - criminating generally, sought to soften rather than condemn the outrage. What his duty I was we t(fr no opinion; but we think the courtesies of public life would have justited him in launching a severe censure against his ill-behaved followers, It is getting high time Cincinnatus went home to hls plough. When he finds his house surrounded and stoned by the democracy, and himself howled at in St. Stephen's, by the unappreciative Toryocracy, he should make up his mind to abandon the stormy stage of political life. Fickle fortune has discarded him, and may never accept his wooing more. The Agricultural Prosperity of the Country. Mr. Burchard, of Illinois, in the course of a brief speech, which he delivered in the House of Representatives on Thursday last, in favor of repealing the Bankrupt act, presented some important statistics of the agricultural indus try of the country at the prcsent moment. Hisr purpose was to show that, notwithstand ing the distress in which a large number of our citizwes find thetmelves from having bought on orrdit at high prices property a lich is srlable only at low juices, there lihas bern an ilo.reace among :s, dlu:ing thi- psls; Light 'years, of rest sabstla tial pr,.s,,crlty, b:,od oupon au increcse of Tultivnatd i.lnl, agricul toral cops llld frultetg stock. liere are his figures, wlhih he gives in the alt Lo. ity of the ce,i-son of 170 and the toa;rui-nioner of Agri oultu: u: (I ', I073. A -rs tul:ivatd .......... 901 771.01 . 121..i5',00 ]Ho'e l .................... 7.145 2;t 10.;.1 ,7o1 Munle . ... . . .. I 125 415 1,037,51i t tiich cows... ...... -.--- t. 1),:2 11t, 0.100 t [attlle--... ...--.......---... 3.- . 1.6 I. 11O 30 Sheep .... .........- .... 2 .477 951 35 74'S 500 U Swine..................- .... 2.5 i34,561 :,t.2l .1 0 W heat. bushels ............ .205,,'8,7,iJ itiii 0O ,00 torn. bushels .............. I,- 54..i Oii 1,3401,0((.0£,0 Oats, bushels .............. '247,277,4101 405 200,8oI Basley, bushels ........... - 25,2. .5 410 35,isil0I Rye bushbels.. .... . 15 473,Y0n 5&I0n1,o00 Tobacco. pounds ......... 5o 0 6. i t) 481,00 I01 Hay. tons-...............-... 24 525.00 31,5u.0 00 Mr Burchard further said that the cotton I crop this year will equal that of 1675. which was the largest which has been made since i leo0. The net result of his statistics is that since 1070 the number of acres under cultiva- c tion in the country has incseased by one-third, the live stock by from one qunarter to one half, 1 the wheat crop by more than one-half, and other staple products in equally striking pro- c portions. In view of these facts it is easy to understand why the balance of trade for the past three years has been in our favor, and why the premium on gold has declined. Increase of Hydrophobia and Connecticut's New Dog Law. In Connecticut there were four deaths from hydrophobia in 1.7u, seven in 1877, and two already this year. Among the above are seve-ral prominent citizens. There has been paid annually, $12,1000 to $15 (1110 or more, fir sheep killed by dogs, while thousands of others have been maimr- t ed but not paid for. Though many porte I of the State are specially adapted to rais- r ing sheep profitably, the fear of loss from dogs has nearly put an end to this industry. The above condition of things led the State b Legislature, recently adjourned, to pass, d with great unanimity, a stringent dog law, d of which the principal provisions are the y following: b Every dog kept must be registered on or a before May let of each year, and *2 15 paid therefor, to the Town Clerk for each male dog, and $6.15 for each female dog. of Each dog most constantly wear around the g, neck a collar distinctly marked with the n register number and the owner's name. al Every dog not so licensed and collared, is H to be killed, and $1 bounty is paid for the re killing. Any person keeping an unregis tered dog may be fined $7, or imprisoned 0) 30 days, or both: and it is made the duty hi of Grand Jurors and all other prosecuting *t officers, to prosecute any violation of this act. All damages done by dogs to sheep at or lambs, or cattle, are to be paid for by b the town, and collected in full from the ti owners of the dogs. Any person killing a bh registered dog, unleem such killing be Jus- ol tillable for the protection of life or property, is liable for the value of bhe dog, as estab limbed by eme t evide and to S ia Sie ase T demi et bg *I CASTLE DALY: 111 p Story of an Irish Home Thirty Years Ago. (b ----+---- of (Coentined.) e cHATrran VI. i' "Hapless nation-hapless land, - eap or fneomenting sand , Srumbled by a foreign weight, And by worsem. domstio hats. , God ef mnroy. God of pease. t Make the mad onfuson oases O'er the mental chaos move. IThrough it speak the light of Love." Anne's first glance at Mr. Daly's face when Sh entered her room, confirmed her fear that he had come to announce a erousne mishap. s "Is anybody ill at Castle Daly I Have you been really made anxious by Connor's die er appearance I" she suled eagerly. y "Ob, no; Ellen knew he was here, and told her mother so. He has behaved ill, and I am .g very angry with him. I have some bad news s for him too, that will punish him more than is my displeasure; but all that will keep. I want some talk with you first, if it Is poselble ,y to get a quarter of an hour'soonversation here without half the inhabitants of the Hollow for audience." a "I have secured that we shall not be lnter im rupted." is "And you can actually spare me the times" "I think you need not ask that." flat with all these preliminaries the conver sation was long in beginning. Mr. Daly wandered restlessly about the room for a considerable time, pausing before a the nnumeroes cabinets and little tables to take eup and seem to examine carefully the various r ornaments, all of home manufacture, that were e scattered about. " "Coumin Anne," he began abruptly, at lest, "you were a wise woman to refuse to marry me when I asked you about this time twenty yeare ago." "Co,in Dormot,"abe answered. "you were a folIte hboy twenty 3care ago. when you ask ti ea woman older than yourself, whom you did d ru:t ],ve, to marry you " "What makes yon say I did not love you I thought I did ; and I am sure I swore it often a cn,,gh." "lIat I knoew you did not, and you know It now; so if you will gy back to look at old times, take card to see them in their true light, a not more promising than they were." S"I should have loved you if you had listened to me. I wonder, if you could have foreseen the meoe I have made of my life, whether you . would have taken me out of compassion." 0 "No, I should not; I had too much respect i for you and for myself, Dermot, to marry you for the aske of saving you the trouble of o managing your own life, and it would not C have answered if I had." "If you had ever ome to despise me, Anne, it would have been for my real sins, not for little oddities of manner and inoconsiderate impulses that are too much bound up in the e heart of me ever to be put of. Just blame is wholesome; it is the dull, silent, dead weight of opposition to one's whole nature that crubsh es all the lifeoot and leavesones dead, stupid log, to be drifted about by the tide of events." "May I ask one question ? Are yoru talkting of a remediable trouble T If not, Is there any Suse in looking at it I" S"Is there any use in orying out when one is in great pain ? May not one allow one's self at rare intervals the luxury of grumbling ? You have never had a greet pain in your lile, SAnne." "So everyone tells me," said Anne, smil ing. "And I claim a right to inflict grumbling on you, seeing that you refused to give me the chance of having nothing to grnumble about. There was another expectation I had of yoe, Anne, that you failed me in." "II how did I fail you I" "When I brought my young wife home here to struggle with diflioulties site was hardly fit to meet, I trusted to you to make her path smooth fir her. I thought you would instil your magic of governing into her, and teach er to win the people and tolerate their ways, a thing she has never yet been able to bring herself to do. I even fancied that, if misu-n derstandinge shbould arise between as (suoh different natures as we are), I might trust to your old knowledge of me to interpret me to her, and gloes over my faults with the glamor of your sisterly indulgence. E pictured yeou two living together as sisters." "It was an extremely masculine fancy, Der mot; and if y m had really wished to carry it out, you should not have let her see me for the first time when I was dressed in a red cloak of native manufaqtnre., and standing up to my ankles in a bog with half the population of the Hollow vociferating round me be has never recovered the shook of that introduction." "I wanted her to see how youea brought order out of disorder, and managed the unmanage able. She has the same ends in view a yeou have, and as she and I fall, and you sueeed, surely shabe might let as learn of yeas." "No, no, my ends are a long way from herg, and she would not be satisfed to some as them by my means. We are all ohblldreo together in the Hollow, youe see, Dermot, Some wlse mean has said that an unmarried woman, however old she may be, always remals ossomethssetfa child; and in my case it answers very welL I ean be content to coax and seold sad rele de stoally my bfellow.ohbildres. witheet ies too em them er belag fi he~~~ hesth hrwpOi