Newspaper Page Text
lmaring Star and Catholic Messenger, IW OBLrws.a , lIIDAT. MAY is. 1t:8. approval of the changes made by the Chief of Polioe was sufasient. Last Sunday morning 8t. Patrisk's Church was crowded, not only by the immense oongre gatiqn which usually assembles therein, bat by many persons from other and remote con gregations. The oooasion was the unveiling and blessing of a splendid new statue of the 8aored Heart and the solemn con seration of the parish and of all those present to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The ceremonies antecedent to the celebration of Mass were eondncted by the Most Rev. Archbishop. His Grace spoke for sometime about the pleasure which he felt in preasohing to the people of St. atriek's, and also dwelt for a more lengthy e"iro upon the special devotion to the Sacred Hert. The surroundings were suoh as added more effectiveness to the Archbishop's words. The church was densely packed, over 3000 per sons being present. The beautifully decorated altars were aglow with lights, and the whole satred edifice ornamented in the h.ghest style of art. Preceded by a few appropriate re marks, the Very Rev. P. F. Allen read the sot of solemn consecration, which was followed by the Apcestolio benediotion. The oeremo niesa were over about 12:30 p. m. Father Allen deserves the highest enoomiums for his zeal and practical works in the glorious and never-to-be-forgotten past of old St. Patrick's. Txu SBxoxm. Snavncs.-The Washington Post of May 3d, has a synopsis of the report of the sab-oommittee of the Military Committee of theHoueeofRepresentatives, which, for nearly four months, has been investigating the Signal Service. After a thorough examination the sub-oommittee reports that the Signal Servioe is both efficient and economical; that it is growing in popularity, as shown by the faot that thirteen bills have been introduced in the Honse, since the Investigation commenced, calling for as many new stations in different States ; that the evidence offered shows no rea son why the Signal Service should be consoli dated with the coast survey or life saving ser vice; and that it is very desirable, as urged by the Chief Signal Officer, that the service should be more extended in order to benefit the farm ing community more. Also that a memorial signed by all the ocean steamship and marine insurance companies has been addressed to the Hon. A. S. Hewitt, asking him to favor a lib eral appropriation. The Secretary of War has asked for $350,000 for the Signal Service. A memorial to Congress was, during the week, numerously signed at our Cotton Ex change calling for the organization of the Bignal Service upon a permanent basis so as to inoresse its effielency, and urging on Congress the necessity of being liberal in making ap. propriations for it, in order that the Chief Signal Officer may be enabled to established a signal station at the month of the Mississippi, for the better protection of the commerce of New Orleans. Apropos of this, the Chief Sig nal Oflleer has written to Mr. Simons, Chief of the Bureau at this station, expressing gratifi cation at the high state offt foienoy in which the Inspector lately found the local signal office, and notifying Mr. Cashell, the assistant signal efficer, that his name has been placed on the list for promotion. Mr. Cashcll is a graduate of Georgetown College, D. C., and a member of the bar cf the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. He is in doubt whether to wait for the promo tion or commerce practising his profession at once. ST. JOSEPH'8 MAY FSTIYVAL. - This enter tainment opened on Saturday evening, 4 th inat, in the old hall, corner of Derbigny and Com mon streets, which has been made famous in the history of fairs in New Orleans, by the great triumphs achieved in past years. We venture the assertion, without fear of success. ful contradiction, that this old wooden build ing has been tie scene of more successful entertainments of this character, during the last ten years, than any hall, however stately, in the South, and that Rithin its walls a more bountiful supply of the "sinews" has been gathered for church purposes in that time than in any two other edifices. This year, though ex perienced and zealous ladies have taken oharge of the entertainment, and have securcd the as sistance of a committee of energetio gentemen and numbers of winning young ladies, we oan not say that so far the attendance at the ball would indicate as flattering a financial soouccess as has been achieved at previous fairs. The same grand object as that which incited the people to almost herculean efforts in past years remains to be accomplished, with an addi tional stimulant in the knowledge that compa ratively few thonusands of dollars will be reqnired to place the splendid new Church in asuitable condition for nee, while the old Church edificoe is rapidly crumbling to decay. The lady managers at this Festival are as aealous and courteous as were those at past entertainments, and their young lady assist ante are as pretty and ladylike as wereany that ever bewitched the visitors at other fairs, while all the acoessories of eatables end drink ables, articles for sale, reafle and contest, com pare favorably in all respects with tho best we have seen at other festivals. liBut our community is poverty-stricken; many have abeolutsly nothing to give, even for so inport ant an enterprise, and others who could afford to be very generous three years ago are ashamed to visit a fair now and by spending only a few dollars, acknowledge that they are not as well off as they were. This is not the proper spirit-all who can should give a help ing hand. The man who has only a dollar to spare contributes mote than that amount, for his presence in the hall makes things lively and pleasant, encourages the ladies and may, perhaps, be the means of bringing other visitors. We cmanet undertake to describe the many beatifual arttolas that embjlish the ball, ** * * * ********=sd krr s~or shall we attempt to give the names of even one twentieth part of the ladies who have gen erousely consented to devote themselves by f their labors and presence in the hall to the eoceess of the Festival. Our space permits only the mention of the names of a few of the principal lady managers, and one or two of the more important articles in cases where a decision could be arrived at as to which were the most important. They I were as follows, commencing on the right hand side upon entering the hall : Fendt' Retreat-Mrs. Gee. Swarbrlck, Mrs J. R. S. Selleck. Mrs. John Powers and Mrs. J. T. Gibbons. smisted by twenty five young ladies. Cottn Plat-Mrs. WOi. Culllnan. Mrs. Ed. Keenan and Miss Annie Cull, assisted by Mrs. T. Desmond. Missees ate Booney and Maggie Donovan, end other yong ladies. Gole watch sie ehain for contest be tween Messrs. John Donahue and Aleok Ienn. 1'kiomer-Mrs. J. D Honston, Mrs. Edward Lynch, Mrs. Joe. Rice. ekrs. Ed McCormick. Mrs. John Mor rlasey and Mrs. P. Carroll. Contest for a gold watch and chain between our popular e'low otihzeo, Pat. Olenonn, Esq.. and Captain ti. O. Cain. the command lung tier at the Parish Prison. and for a locket and chain betweeq Messe Enright and Slaughter. A large and beautiful oil painting of Pope Pins IX. by sir. ambseoht, the excellenu fresco painter, is for raflle at Lj cents acarc. Ai c dnt Tabe~-Mrs. Senator W J: elly, a sssted by Mis bcelle belly, of Algiers, Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. Robert Carey and Mrs. Patrick Martin. ,L Joaeph's-Mrs. Win. Hart, Mrs. B. J. BIerkerey and Mrss. S. Munroe. amisted by Mrs.i hos. McGee and Mrs. John Healey. Contest between two of the esteemed and popular Laseisi Fathers of St. Joseph's. Rev. Peter O'eeil andBev. Joseph Doyle. for a splen did book. A vase of most beoautifu wax flowers, made by Miss Nellie Hart. is for raffle at 50 cents a ahance. This toung lady bha also contrebutad a beauti ls bouquet and several single lowers, made by her. self in wax, all finished in the most artistio style. Her skill and taste are worthy of all ptalse. Bt. Patrstk's-Mrs. Lambert and Mrs. MoEoroe, a sisted by a large number of young ladles. The Festival will continue every night dur ing the coming week. In an address delivered in New York recent ly, Congressman Waddell, of North Carollna, said that in his good old conservative State, which was so averse to the late war between the North end South, the number of soldiers exceeded the number of voters by 6000, a fact which he thought was without a parallel. Ordinary otices of aferrige and D·eathU ill, herete be ierted for iffty eent. Obituresa will be charged at the rats of ten cent a line. REQUIEM ASS : There will be Solemn Requiem Mhas for the late Mrs. LOUISA rOWn, at the Jesuits' Church, corner of haronne and Common strtete, on Monday, the 13th Inst., at 7 o'clock a. inm. DIED: McKF.AL-On Monday. May e6 108, at p. m . Miss Catherioe Mcresl. a native of Athlone, Ireland. and a resident of this city for the last 37 years. LAVINE-On Monday. May 6, 18 8b, Margret Rol line, widow of the late MitCoil Lavine, aged C8 years, a native ot Coenty Longford, Ireland, and a elsident of this clty for the past ,o years. DURABLE DENTISTRY. Dr. J. H. MALONEY. corner of Josephine and Camp streets, near Magazine Market, respectfully nforms his patients and the public in general that he is performing all operations appertatning to his profession in the most scienti.lo manner. Artificial teeth inserted, with or without extracting the roots, on a new plan. Old set of teeth remodeled, and a perfect adaptation secured. teeth extracted without pain by the use of gas or chloroform. Charges within the reach of all JSD0 7a lyIp CORRESPONDENCE. Nkw ORI.A.s, bMay 8th, 1878. Mrs. Threea Cannon Buckley : As a testimonial of their high appreclaticn of your musical talents and their adiLration of the gen erone manner In which you have ever responded to ll the appeals made to you In the name cf charity, the underelgned beg leave to tender you a Complimentary Benefit to be given at such time and place as ynu may select. In thus addressinog yo they fetl assurd that they but give expression to an almost ounversal sentl. mentI of gratitude which Panmates this emmunilty for the many Musical Entertainments freely given by you churches, asylums end charltale organiztions throughout the city have been the bereficiarhts of this activity on yeur part without your asking or accept ing, even in a slrgle caeo, teoumeratlon for your In valuable setv:oes. Very R uepe. Ifulpy, lederscn. Louis A. Wilt.e. Ches J. Ltede, Arlhibald Mitchell, Winm. C. Black, Wm, J. Cassell, Geo. W. IDupre, Iesac N. Marks, Jno. T. A. O'Mealho, Wm. H. Byrnes,. Thos Layton, H. O. Seixae. I'.O. Fzende, Ibcs. F. Bragg. Geo. W. Cable, H. Rennyson, Alf. DI)ery, P. GCesnon, J C. M. Kavaragh, John O'Sei;, L. A. Fou:nior. J. Albert, A'f. Chartcnect, Thrs. Gilmore; Gco McCloekey, Jona McGinty, PCillp Werloin, r.. Grunewald. M A. Lain , . lcrreater Ed. Dean, A. Meilleur, T. J. O'hullivan, S G Rreecer, L. Ileichelheim. A. Castanedo. T. Dacziger. James Frerse John Gltore, E. Gneenon, Chas. D. Elder, R. Lamarie, A. Dnpsunier, M. D. M. McVitie, J. Pla;sent, J. H. Welodahi, M. D. Chas. V. Withmot, M. J. Darrett, M D. Gardner, John Glynn. Jr. (Geo. W. Young, Thoee. O. Iapier. H. R. L(itney, John Geynor. Hil. OiL.As., May 11th, 1r'7. Gentlemen : Your very kind tt er cf y strrdeay's date, tendering me a complimentary bentlit, has teon received. To deserve the esteem and cood-ovllof those among whom all the 3ears of my hie have Lten spent, has ever beon my highest earthly aombtlion. Ihe -cry ilotterilo cx pression ct ysor alpreriatoen of my irtobie efforts, however much I mifit sspect your jnooernt to be Influenced in this mstter by partiality and kindnessof heart, constitutes a more than adequate reward for whatsooter assistance I eray hvae been enabled to five in the caure of charity. If convenient to yonrselves I would Lndicate St. Patrick's Bali as a deslrable place for the proponed conrcrt, end Monday evening. June 3rd, as the time. Very respectfully. TBERESA CANNON BL:CKLRY. In accordance with the abhve, the GRAND COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT will be given in ST. PATRICK'S HALL, Monday Evening, June 3d, 1878, The programme will be publ:iehed at an early slay. Tickets .i cents, vyl2 It PHOTOGRAPHY AS A FINE ART, Ii ALL O( iTS MAGNIFICENCE OF SHADE AND COLORING, W, W. WASHBURN'S, 109-...-.......-Canal Street...- lO........0 AU Pistuxe taken at thl Gallery are folly guaranteed i fe eesraoty and aruso fnish. CHARGES MO~RD kTB. mJi I785 ly OPERA HOUSE. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THB R. E. LEE MONUMENTAL FUND, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday May 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th. Four Nights' Grand Entertainment to be giren by OONTINEN AL. CUARDS, 00. A. Kindly assisted ty members of the WASiBINGTON ARTILLERY, Mrs John K. Bell. and other ladies, with the pel form. anos of CINDERELLA, The Enterpean Mus!oal Foolety In the MAY QUEEN. Miss Corinne Booligny. Miss Lena Little, Vise Ida leiman, Miss A. tartia. Miss it Delhonude, Mrs. :hbarlos W. Witham. and the Messrs Rss. 'I racy. Bremer anod ltymond, o quartet in oe'ec mnureo. Messrs. J. W. H. .kckert and J. Cartier, acitiu. panstes The Ladles' Ausdliay. P. E. LEE MONUMENT&L ASSOCIATION. President.....................Mrs. Henry Renehaw Vice President.............M.s. H. I. Spoftord tecretary.......................Mrs. W. M. Owec Treasurer...................Mrs. It. A. Wilkinson EXECUTIVE COMMITTEB Mrs. R. I. Kennedy Mrs Charles E. Feuner. Mrs. E. John Hlls Mrs. Ii. G Hodgson Mrs. Sam't Ltoppi Mre. Win. U. black Mrs. J. K. Gutueim Mrs. R. M. Walmeley The R. E. Lee Monumental Association. President...... .........Chas. E. Fenner Flrst Vies Presldent.................. . T. Beauregard Second Vice President .......................M. M. ons Seoretary; .............. ........... W. L Hodgleon Correspoudi lSe4crs.tary ................ . W. M. Owen Treasurer ...................... . . ..S..... . H. Kennedy W. B. BcLm!dt, E. D. Willett. Sm'I Boyd, A. Moulton, '. A. Adams. Areaoo. Mitchell, L. B. Coleman. Sam'i bopplin, Ja. Jackson. R. S. Morse. S. H. Snowden. W . C. Black., J.O. Morns, W. T. Vandry, B. A Pope. Jas. Buokner, B. Renshaw. Jas I. DLay, J.J. MelUon, E. A. Palfrey, . L. L3 ons. Tableaux-Subject: Days of "16, under the direetion of Mr. H. J. trowne. Ballads, Opertia ao ctions. dnuetts, quartettes, cantata and chidren's performance i to oonolode each night with a ORAND SOIREE LDANSANTE. PROGRAMME. Tuesday. May 14th. Overtore-ProL. P. H. Orsullng eand Orchestra. Tableau l-"Capture of Fort Ticonderoga" by Ethan Allen. In the name of the tireat Jehovah and the Continental Congres. Quartette-" Strike the Lyre"................ Cooks Miss Ida Belman and Messrs. Ross, Tracy and Bay mond. Tableau 2-"March to Valley Forge." Cold and dreary was the day, Ballad-"Kathleen Mavourneen"............ Crouch Miss Ida Reiman, Mr. J. W. H. Eckert. acoompanist. Tableau 3-"Waehisgton at Monmouth." Io or die. Qnartette-"The Knight's Farewell"...........Kinketl Messrs. Ross. Tracy. Raymond, and Bremer. Tableau 4--Moll Pitcher at the Battle of Monmon th." * Me the Statf." Soprano Solo--'My Mother Bids Me l3ind My Hair."................................ ...... Iiaydn Mrs. Charles W. Witham. Mr. J. W. H1. Eckert dcools panlet. Drill ..........................................Mystlo To conclude with a Soiree Danunte. Wednesday, May15. Overture..................................... Or ostra Tableau - "Battle of Bunker hid." "Death of Warren." To be followed by Storndale Bennett's Pastoral Cantata. THE MAY QUEEN Will be performed by the Etterpean Musical Society. Muneoal Director ..................Prof. F. Echaftser DISITRIBUIION OF CHARACTEHS. My Quen.....................Mrs. Chas. W. Wrltham Queen of Englanod.................... Mss i Bda telman Lover ................................. Mr. H. Keith Robin Hood .......................... Mr. Jas. Rowe Overture...................................Orchestra I. Choous-"Wakewith a smile, oh, month of May." 2. ecit.-"-Nw that the tree s dres't." Miss 8awtelle Recit.-"Why must I linger here alone." Mr. J. H. Keith Air--"Ob, meadow clad in early green." Mr. J. H Kelth 3. Chores-"Oh. melancholyplight" 4. Cbosus--With a laugh as we go'round." Solo-"WlIth the Carol in the tree." Mrs. C. W. Witham 5, Rcclt.--"Tet hear mo ire the dance begin." Mrt. C. W. Witham net.-' Can I net find thee a warrant for chang ing."---."..."" ..Ms. Wttm and Mr. Keith . Rectt.-'"But enough, my people acy, clamor." Mrs. C. W, Withser' Air-' 11" j lly to hunt in the bLr ht moonllght." Mr. James Bos . Reclit.-"MIethikks your tons !t something bold." Mrs. C. W. Witham Tsio--"lhe hawthorn in the glade." Mrs Witllam. Mr. Keith and Mr.R as Recit - 'And nowe the Grtenwood King shell c:aim." Coru-"IlI fated boy, hgone " Pageant mosc. Chorea--' lit k ! their notes the hautboy swell." SSolu--"Wihat means teo angry sounds we bear I' Miss Ida Heiman Solo and Choreu-' Oh, ty liege lady, only bheat ' ' Mrs. C. W. Witham So:o-"F(r 3 ou my m iden, all too gay." ]ties Ida Reiman i'. Finaoe-"and teo cloud ha.h paeed away." SOIREE DANSANTE. Thursday, May 16th, Cinderella. A l,'rformance in three acts, by erevnty-flve children. Under the direction of Mhrs. .loh K. Bell Iii.tribution of choractet ; rince.... .....................Charleost B. iren .......................... ere.. ore T. P. Lord iendnt ............................. ueel 1... Lord Aldaro ........................ A'.... n H W. Pedro................... ...........Charles T. L. Page. .. .....l... .................. lINDiChtELLA . .............. Lily K. " Clarlnda I Proud hio:er ... .. 'ella If. l'hisbe i ................ ...... 'Flra t. Fairy Qu er ... ....................... Lily M. Oodmotherr............................... Mmle C. lFaiel nnd Guestsa. ACr I Ecere I-h-Ieron'a Aparrtmelnt-Clrderella pleads to at tend the bail. Scene 2-lt•aron' Kitc'hen-Ctnfderela dienatin of the ]'ri c e at' ,d Y irt y 1.nl11I. Scene 3--C;nLaorlia aLd I'eirog o to the ball. Love Dance .t..... .St':alle 11, and Charles C. A .'It' II. Sccne--Thn Prrrce'a Gant Faeoiv l)rres iloll--The leoe Kliprncr--'"Jaf if rmy RingIhdli \Vto Will Fiid tLh Owner. Fancy Dance... . .................Emma H. rtoic I--llle Baron's Kiiten--'lluomi Ageic." hceen i--'I h Baron's Apartment--iteturn from the Hall. Scene :--Apartments Ii the Palce--The trial of the blipp1r--'hfbe Fairy Queen exhibits her power. Scene 4d-5il Hooni-- 'l"e Varietle." by Feinia Bi. Netiatie it[ I, aitey . lHnis S., Cha.tes e. , Hamll ten W., Attio M.. Ail'wion c. 'T'o be followred by a CHILDRENB'S GRAND BALL. The children who have psarticipated in tablesaox at other entertainments are r, qiested to attend in their fancy costunses. It it the earneo" deilre cf the Iadles and of the Committee of Arrangements that parents will permit their childrsn to partcl pate in tils ball scene. Friday, May 17. O0ertnre--Prof. P. H. Oreullng and Orchestra. I--"Storn:ing Of tny P oint " Seolic-"Etolle du Nord ............... . Meyorbeer. Miss Ileorletta Martin, Mr. J Cartier. sooiopantnt. "ahl_ aii V-- i'asshlngton asd Lafayette st Valley Forge." Doet."Crudsl Pserce Fidera"............ M. sarL Miss Lessna Little and Mr. James Row, Mr. J. W. H. eckert, anceomnpnist. Tal lean t-"Wsohiag'on Crossin the I;elawre" Operetic Eelectlon--' Orande scene do Prophete." --Meyerbeer. MT:ssH. Da!honde. Mr. S. Cattier. acoi mpanes . Tableau 4-"BSttleof iCamden." Death ef Dealb. Sris--"Ente, To" ................. .. ..Mattel. Mis Lena Llttle. Mr. J. W. II Eckert, accompnist. Selection by MIss Corinne Bouligny. Tsbleau 5--"Le's Monument ai Is to be--the work flnssbed." e SOIREE DANSAyITE. Thbe ladles of theR E LeeMonmentalU Aso·lation. who will be in charge ef the iefreshment Tables will sauply the guests with the delicacies of the sasoa at oaptOmary ei.y prier.a Caren the raions rsds wl eart till Ia. m., eh aiga.L GOMMITTEE OF ARRAONGEMENTI. Mr. O. L. Ball, Chairman. Mr. John T Pumvea. Mr. Dave Hughes, Mr. Walter B. Parker, Mr. J. Cathalengue, Mr. John Wilson. Mr. A. D. Finley. Mr. T C McQuolthy, Mr. Mark Quayle. Boe roo., eLder the supervison of Mr. J Kttrtidge, who has kindly volnnteersd his sertie, will be opel at Il o'clock a in.. Tuesday May 14. Prior to that time he will have headquarters fr the sale of tiokets at Tylera suooessor, Goo E. Strong, 5ll CanaUl street. Admission .................................. 0 ceta. Children ............................. ..9 ents. Doors ope at 7 o'clock each night. Curtain will rise at 71o'e!ok. The Reception Committee will he announced here after fr each night. FIRST GRAND MILITARY FESTIVAL AND TOURNAMENT OF TEll FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY, LOUISIANA NATIONAL GUARD, Col. ADOLPH MEYER. Commanding. TO ae IIILDt AT ItHE FAIR GROUNDS, On Saturday and Sunday, May 11 and 12. PROGRAMME-FIERST DAY. Guard Mounting, RUNB INGO RACE, one mile, open to all...pris $15 00 PONY RACE. one mile. ,pen to all horses I4 hands high end under....................... 10 00 TROTTING RACE. to rule. mile heats, open to all horses that have not beaten 4:43........... 0S s0 FOOT RACE, halt mile, open to all. ............ 10 00 NEWSBOYS' RACE, 10 yards, open to all not over 15 years of age........ Se DRESS PARADE by the First Infantry. PROORAMME-SECOND DAY. Guard Mounting RUNlNIO RACE, one mile, open to all...prise $15 )0 PONY RACE. one mlle, open to all horses14 hands high ad under TROTTING RICE. to rule, mile heats, open to all horses that have not beaten :45.......... 5S 0e MULE RACE, two mile dash-offioere of the oommand, riders .............. prise. handeome cup Capt. B.J. Goodman enters Green Ligh out of Horse Car. dam Late. Capt. M. O. Royes enters Fireeracker out of Plenio, dam Dangeroua. Major Thomeas Mcntyre enters Nancy Sykes out of Forty. dam htylih. Lient. W. I. Stansbury enters Light loot out of tumpy, dam Long Legs. Lieut. D. Rosenberg enters Balh's Eye cut of Tra. gectory, dam Goose Egg. Capt A. M. AuAoon enters Louisiana out of Trouble, dam Poropeous. Capt. Geo. H. Lord enters Red River out of Repair, dam Congress. Adjutant H. O. Caleton enters Slmth's Collector shin out of Hayes. dam Sorprise. aept Gabriel Fernandez enters Reg ister out of Mof fet onm Bother. Laut. C. D. Bullock enters Charge out of Court Martial, dam Sore. Lieut. H. Hourbeight enters Misery out cf Tight Boot, dam Corn. Lleut. d. J. Blemkley enters Necessity out of Spon. dull. dam Hard-Up. Lient. Charles A. Thomas enters Silver Dollar out of Mint. dam Slwindle. Lleut. D. P. Mahoney enters Orator out of Wind, dam Bad. Ordnance Oflicer H. Morsy enters Flirtation out of Widow, damn Nalughtv but'Nloe. Laent. Ed. Ranquetat enters Dust out of Carpets, dam Motheaten. WALKING MATC., one mile, open to all...... 10 CO FOOT RACE, 100 yards, open to all............. 5 00 COMPETITIVE DRILL, open to all uniformed Millanry Organizations tFirst Infantry e-a. oeped), and to consist of thirty men, all to be hone fl'e members of the command to which they may be attached on that day.... 50 00 A GRAND BALL will he given on the platform each avenoing and in the main buhdlng at night. The BEST LADY DANCER will be awarded a hand. some Parasol, worth $10. COUPON PRIZES to Ticket holders, $50, $10 and $5. DRESS PARADE and REVIEW by the First In. fantry. All of the above prizes will he paid In gold. Entries for the above may be made at the Fair Grounds on the day of the Festival. Ticket-50 cents ; Ladles and Children free. St NEW BUTTER. NEW BUTTER. We are now receiving and offer to the trade New May Dairy and Creamery Butter, OF THE FINEST QUALITIES. And will be regularly seupplied by daily arrivals. m)lttf Corner Msegszlneand Poydresetreels. Stewart's New Family SEWING 113 . CHINES, 2 Sand upwards Runs light. r, makes less noise, Is tne obeealpet and meet land, ini (Irltgor atyle) niachline In the ma,ket. J BOO I, (gENERAL. ArGTTr, Cl i..........Magaz'ne Street ....-1... 14 A':'" S' IV.\NTVD my127? ly NOl ;J TO TAXPAYERS (.')I 'i Soti a;. T l ' Of. i ' rT:t FlirT I) I IK:' r. 41 Caro,,de:(et rtreert. Nr w O(llrean. April I. lI:. A discount of thr.'i teor c-nt will be al;wed for awes tn real Entate and Personal P'roerty paild during Itr imonth :,I A iril. F. A. IIRiK.E, NEW ORLEYANS CATHOLIC TOTAL ABSTI NENCE ASSOCIATION.-The regular monthly meet lug of this Aosoo letion will be held THIS (Snunda)) EVENING, at 6:3G o'clock, in the Morning Star HaIll, il; Poydras street, corner Camp. Gentlemen wishing toJoin are invited to attend. THOS. G. RAPIER, President. D. H. BUCKLEY. Secretary. It ST. THERESA'8 CATHOLIO TOTAL ABSTI NENCE SOCIETY.-The regular monthly meeting of hIbla SoelIety will be held THIB (Sunday) EVENING, April 14th, at 7j o'clock, In St.Theresa's Hall, Erate street, between Magazlne and Camp. Gentlemen wishing to join are invited to attend. H. R. OIFFNEY, Presildent. 3. J. O'CONNOR. Baecretary. It BT. J.SEPHS' CATHOLIC T. A. BOCIETY. :hurch of the Holy Name of Mary. Alglier.-The semiannual Comm nlon of this Boolety will take plase at the 7 o'clock Mse In the Parish Church, on SUNDAY. May C1, 078. The mrsbers will esemble at St. Mary'sHll (adjoiplang the Church). at a qeuarter to o',lek. Members of other C. T. A. Boeleties are esjwotfally invited to attend. JOHN LEATrAM, Preldet. .THOa Mx . sleseMes. y. . -.... ..... .....--,; . , 135. ------ ........................ CANAL TREET .................................. s THE LEADING PIANO AND MUSIC DEALER OF THE SBOUTH, Ofire the est Tesed. Most Perfect and Most Durable PIANOS AND ORGANS Made either in this country or in lurope, at the lowest prioce and on the most accommodattag terms ese ofrered. His Stock consists of the unrivaled, world renowned CHICKERING, the celebrated ard elegant MATIIUSHEK, and the fine-toned and low-priced HARDMAN PIANOS. Estey, Mason & Hamlin and New England Organs. Second Hand Pianos from $40 up. Now Plano,, from $200 up. All fully Warranted. This bhose hba always been renowned for its low prices and fair deallnag and wil, contnine to empply tlu world with rood and reliable Instruments on the most rtasonable terms. TUNINGO AND RtPAItUNO A SPECIALTY. " mylo iy.I o o o Da 4 Don't outrage your Stomach with violent cathartics, but use that pleasant and salutary laxative, Tarrant's Seltzer Aperlent, blood, onues trhe dor to acar lth bolenfit the wurtle internal organism A done* i. Inotanltaneously pre. treod, and tha article I o rentlg sud portablo. rove the truth r f this b"r ,te, !t boLD BY ALL ltUI(d Gi Ss om 12 m COIU1 TNI()N ! COMMUNION ! PH. ANTONI, Co" our J, p:at and Cron.tance Stroots, lta j ur' I O. ;, a Io go n ook of Pure Wax Candles for First Communion, WIOEAlttH, ViE. i, tAMli RlltBtONS, Books, Belads, White Gloves, Fans, and all or Il.el I,' ,ranea: y for lirst CoonmnT lton Call ar,d tx i hie laoo h t bt t Ioefo:e purc ihatndg lta P:cturoe fraol . to, o:. d mh:tl ip ly A CAR SCHOOL SHOES FOR MI~SI:+ ANI) BOYS. VLet.o ,n co artunl goo d t-thooo.,l Ph,.es at rea~ornahl.e ricest for I ur rlthildrl I Where an wu m nio nt our tohil drenl to have t hri r mtntuetoo rto,. o ftor golod tur ootl lhoo. at roaonaiutloprit+ou Al, ai,- :il, .oil |to call at No 12 (Camp otre t. to rreall r:c thoL pt, it, ci lodl hote. TVit leotter pitjnt w, re I. t ',! titO. tt itutoreolgooi on tht1 tI li of IDo'r l n.t,-r. 1-77 ;T,1t nitOhosogh baving t to t Iu - slre r'ght to tlar!uot- ltoro thot, Ilot orvd l shbe ., the prices will Ito i.o hghttr th.i t| t Northerrn sbooo no have been ~! nt rsold )oor thlldlreo to have their tooaaeor,,e toaltrt frto tlxrot outaulot taiftskin i to:.,0 ihoea. witth Itrueo . utlltt sol-,ol nlt tl.,t, bro th trlolr 'rl'lh In ti," uptttotoott co. otdL. 11o1r1 iLty to lrtablh.n a factory fc- I theeoo I bos an it .nshall 'ooret d t(n h and, crOnetaontly, a lart stock in the 1?OOT avod SHOE htL.e, at most reacnarablo pr.c*se. Ti1O. DOWLING, 12..............Camp truect.............. 12 fe.Lt 3m.',p FIRST CO31MUNION! FIRST COMMUNION ! Parente, Guardiants end ;ChAldren are lovited totall ando examine my stock of PRAYER BOOKS. iBEADSR. SCAPULA RS. MEDALS. ETO. suitable for childreon makrg the!r lirst Communion. My prices, I am satisfied, are as low an anywhere ra the city, at Kirkpatrick's FOURTH DISTRICT SCIIOOL HOOK IPI'OT. 610... ....M..agazione8reet....... ...610 ao5 77 ly~p Near Josephine. HOEY, MACON & O'CONNOR, AUOTIONEERS. Ofcee, No. 11 Carondelet Street, Between Canal and Common, WIllattend to Sales of Heal Estate, Furniture, Stocks Bonds cerip, eta and to the oc21 6mop Renting of douses. ~ LINCOLN REMOVES ALL KIND8 OF BUILDINB, Ofce, 11 Rehbla street. Allsommuutestloas should ke addressed to Doe 10e, Mee u hass an Trade* seaase, auder It. Charles seelp New Cri.e. ongaryerdsi toea· 4g~. Will ya or Great Britain, Russia and Germany: DRY EXTRA QUALITY CHAMPAGNE, The Most Delicious "Dry" Wine IN THE MALRKT. FOR BALE EVERYWHERE AD1) MT RARESHIDE & MAEBR FRANK RODER, mh13mr.ap CLARK & MEADER. IRISH SHIRTINGS SIEETINGS. We have just received. direct from the beat mas toriel in Ireland, a full and complete line of the abore goods, and to which we respectfally invite the Inspts tl ooof purchasers. D. HI. HOLMES oa008 77 ly5p Noe. 155 Canal and 15 Bourbon ets ELDER'S Catholic Agency, 151............ Poydras Street - - - 54 From this central locality (Ln the same block with the CITY HALL) the community will henceforth be served with BOOKS. PERIODICALS, I'APEILS, STATION RRY a. d Aml ILnds of (ath!e lyiVOTIONJAL ARTICLES. CHARLES D. ELDER. Posteaolce Box l. 4. JaS tf T" J. BROWN, PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER, 2G:............ Camp Street........... BIt ween I)olord andi I', ea rcre, RN.W O LVAN4. Dealer in Wall Ppyper, Gold and Ve!vet Border, Window `'hari,. Cornices, rol,. G(rco and White IlHl::l;c,! I'ciur., Cold, Tarte's etc. Pernar.e who w.ll take thr trouble to ride up to at8 place, rich In orid, nitne oqluarre from Canal treet, will find that my rlri'es are from t, to 25 pereet lower than those of other dealrre. Samples of I'apcr : unt to the r:ournry, free, on aPIpl ration. mh3 5p tI SINGING, PIANO AND ORGAN LES SONS. ltrs. TIiHEIIISA CANNON BUCKLEY is prepared to £Egl F'i;ilng 'lano and Organ Leasons either at her renodrre, It I'rirl:r steet, Lo:wew n t. Philip and l'reulrne, or Itn o. r.,.s. -he has abso organized a Sir;hlr g Ci.rr on M-,.,IdaY and Thtrrreo!ao. from to r. or.. whir to aillrcdsa cr !:t alvar tailes to p rplis. WANTS-FOR RENTS-ETC. ITAN'I'EI)-A MII)IDLE-AGEKI LADY DESIRES 'V ait.oati'ro (as.ti rrio. ror wIh g{rownohlldre. She uudcr starri ar d or r Lto ih Eugliih. French and (German. Wooli tke r.harg, of the r mtnagemntof hou,rebohld ftarsr . d a:rrt, or would take a position an hourhkpeei.r. 1.I,, r, otrJe,.tion to g. iug to any pat of the ouoritr'. l a rarr grve the brt of referenes. Addresso' L,' MorgrKrrr llioe. myS36 W ANTLED-hY AN INDUtSTRIt)IHL MAN. A Ssiruat in In any :pac.ity w iere, ire cam make hinsmeif ienal;y uuefol. Having bean employed feC oIrr four ;ears in the Veterlinary departmlent of one or the CiLty aItlroad Companie. hre wonld prefer a ortuation requiring vterlinary skill. atlafactory ire. feger..uo f.r honesty, ability and eobriety can be pro duce4d. mployment oIn the city pteitnrzed. Addres "'t." Morning btar oarice. myS 31 F OR tALE. VERY LOW-- OUlt LOTS OF (I"Groned. withJlubstantl sheds, onf]ce, et"., Nos. .tj, jill. 3' 3 and' i 5 Tbeonplonlua stret, betwee (Galtnnle and Erato suitable far Dray Yard, Faster . Ilacksmlth Sbop, Warehoure and varlou other pua poses. Apply to W. E. FEKSLEW. ap7tf ItO Canal street, corner Burgndyi ST. PATRICK'S HALL FOR RENT FOB BALLS, CONCERBT8 AND PlAIBB. St. Patrick's Ball, the LARGEST AND FINES HALL IN THE CITY, will be rented, by the sigh or longer, on reasonable terms, for OOJENLTI, BALLS, LECTURES. rAXEs snd ZXzarTSOP. For CHARITABLE EN BTETANIM NUTa wmiesa distinotion of ereed, the Hall will be reted M HAL PRICE. Apply at HIaNZEIA INBsUAuO3 OOMPAM. naws V s. 89 ump sams